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To back. But after there we're going to have. Which Let me see vegetables Yeah what a Christmassy theme you know I suppose yet you post these in a lab you can have you can have sprouts carrots I want I want some sprout released related music on the program tonight I know I'll be very disappointed here the Beach Boys vegetables. Yeah past nips there but there must be a song about past year. There's got to be some sort of vege related out there so have a think about vegetables while we play a couple of frost related tracks back to back starting with this one for Andy in Scots than in fact should we read a few of these frosty will introduce us to a few frosty ones Ok John reckons Rene Frosty the Snowman Hi Uncle Vic how about cold as ice by foreigner. For frosty says Chris from Hope Mn and Denise and Nathan again in the ship and Denise chained to the sink while I stand watch how about cold cold heart would that do you never know when to play 2 back to back in a minute the Maxwells want Frosty the Snowman by the Cocteau Twins love is a wonderful color by the icicle were for us and a little girl by ice house those are all good you got few have got a couple on Facebook people been very quick posting on Facebook and yeah it's a great night your Grace had never thought I'd ever request this Ice Ice Baby by the needle ice of course and he's a Pink Floyd song I've never heard of before Hugh says terminal flossed by Pink Floyd terminal Frost No went for Celtic Frost Ok pretty pretty self-explanatory really Ok We're going to go for this one Andy in Scotland because of the lyric Jack Frost nipping at your nose knocking Cole. Christmas. Chesnuts roasting on an open fire. Jack Frost nipping at your no. Yuletide can see being sung Bob. And folks dressed up like skimmer. Everybody. Is the turkey handsomeness the move will. Help to make this season the bride. Tiny Tots with a odd Zollo dog. Will find it hard to sleep in the. Room. They know that sat. Is on his wall. He's loaded lots of toys include it on. And every mother's chart. Has done a spot. To see a frame did really hot through. Although it's been. Many times many ways. This law. Says nude. Now there's a track that I have not either never heard or haven't heard in such a long time and forgotten it the great choices all everything but the girl frost and fire for near me for Neil Manley and Donald instantaneous and Nat King Cole The Christmas Song for Andy and Scott's and for our frost related Chines. We're going to go for vegetables next right here before we read out a few of those and when to play a couple of veggie tracks back to back on we can do I know if you're popular yes clean popular Ok well I'm going to I'm going to spend that tumble a more timely go and what will our post vegetable theme be. Turkey had to happen at some point is the next an artist or song I mean this there's plenty of turkeys could be going to go for a song that's a complete turkey you could do yeah we could do that we could do a song by an artist from Turkey Ok specially specialist occasionally play to Turkey artists on my show on a Monday night you get a bronze Turkey. It's a type of Turkey that you get your turkey plods Turkey Bruns Yes it's a type or to I can explain why but there's a special kind of Turkey called the turkey brown if you go and you butcher blonds Turkey is one of them you could do a crown Ok Turkey crown I was hearing or something that's beautiful or maybe not Ok So Turkey think you think of the you know a song to do with Turkey. In terms of vegetables we've got some really good ones here the damned Neat Neat Neat Ok very funny we've got John and done the same Manfred Mann Sweet Pea that you join me in the farmer that skids the house Martens lonely this Christmas by muds the Maxwells anything by prefab prefab or sprite says Donald Sterling Santander's and the result 2 is ready says John goes Jasper Carrott funky moped songs with vege the monster mash says the unnamed texter mascot the most. Even uncover it got to be cars and girls by prefab sprout even and dentist and Booker t. In the N.G.'s green onions. And Andy from air having a fish supper boo. Yeah Ok some good ones there in Texas you got a few yeah got another Pink Floyd I've got a feeling this might be more the pun title he says How about Barry's Piper at the gates of dog so it actually got Dicky my potatoes Lonnie Donegan from Kent the. Cabbage. Vegetables Ok. Chili Peppers Ok Well we're going to get our vegetable tracks back to back a couple of them after this this winter on b.b.c. Radio Scotland We'll bring you the stories that much of a week open that you guys reason would be that the latest traffic and travel news and weather of the elements time. Concentrating on the primary routes the biggest gain picture to make. Her. Words a best of I'll do the job Ok I'm sent to the seas at the white to be joined by some of the base musical town the school in ties to all for winter on b.b.c. Radio Scotland. Ok couple of age related tracks coming up but remember our next song has to have something to do with Turkey to get it in. The. Way. But you. Still. Say. With. B.b.c. Radio Scotland. But. They might. Be the new light on my monster moments last week. To my surprise. He did come out saying. It was a great. Moment he. Belongs to a local Colin Soloway. Group. Gold from the road to get a job from. The Hmong. The long long news with long long long. Long. Long. Long long journey and his. Long slow song would. Go a long long long long time. Like. The Crips long as they played along. With a brave. Young adult life that. I played a. Long way from those long legs for years it. Seems it was just one long long loop and shook me. Up and my thoughts being with me now that I. Know my mom. And the brave young as. Long as. It's no use. Being screwed right now long as. You took my long living to smash me. Too hard or tell them things you can. Come along. And do ma a crazy all. Good long long long long. Long long long. Long. Long. Long. Haul be Boris picker in the crypt. Kicker's and Monster Mash for our vegetable of the nes got an early and going for that but for that of course and I demanded it I wanted sprouts on the radio and I got them prefab Sprite the king of rock'n'roll especially for Melissa MacDonald in and Dennis and Donald pizza right in West Kilbride near me in Glasgow Hugh and Grimm in Anniesland the king of rock n roll was the track that you heard a couple of vegetable related tracks back to back it's get it's on here on b.b.c. Radio Scotland I'm Vic Gallo in for Brian Burnet nickel I'm Ian is actually doing the show tomorrow night and Brian are we back on Monday with a whole new week of themes Still to come on b.b.c. Radio Scotland tonight well if you want a double dose of your Uncle Vic stay tuned because I'm back 11 o'clock there's a repeat listen of my Monday night show I've got loads of excellent records vintage Flaming Lips and Boards of Canada and a session recorded in Maida Vale from the band cloth a trio from Glasgow a really really hot at the moment one of my favorite bands of the year so that's coming up at 11 and that's 9 o'clock after the news here on b.b.c. Radio Scott and Bruce McGregor will be here we're travelling folk celebrating the life and work of him shen or some folkloric poet songwriter and political activist travelling folk with Bruce up at 5 past 9 after the news at 9 year old b.b.c. Radio Scotland yet we're spending the Christmas Tombo I think I'm going to do it again right now for the next track. Ok Ok Ok so excited I'm still excited Richard can you tell. The word it is true that Ok so treason lyrics in Inferno Yeah Ok something about Christmas leaves leaves yakker and we've already had a few Christmas tree suggestions needles Yeah yeah pine Yeah yeah Ok trunks roots roots and culture I don't know treaty is the next. The next word that you have to think about only go about 2 and a half minutes of the next song to play yes and the next so think about it pretty quickly if you don't mind tree please yes 80295 you want to suggest a tree related track 802951 the Tx get on at b.b.c. Doco dot ukase the e-mail this Facebook and Twitter and we're going for a turkey real it track and have a couple of I'm doing this you're beautiful James Blunt says Mack t. In back killer. Would be a turkey at Christmas but besides Elton step into Christmas as Mike from Lynn let's go these are all in the text by the way to 295 an unnamed one just saying middle of the little turkey turkey cheap cheap I'm not sure that exists but will take it even Let's Turkey Trot and John Lennon cold turkey says John and dandy Turkey Sultans of Swing from Pat. What else we got get it on cold turkey by John Lennon should be played on Boxing Day says Andy Mack and one more from and in Scotland says George Benson's forgotten classic giblet gravy from the album of the same name does not exist I don't know I would think that we're going to check that out and in Scotland thanks very much one more for cold turkey on the text by John Lennon Steven in Stoney Byrne You've got some more turkey related lies to you Robert came up with a good one we mentioned the crown of the crowd by Gary and the g.b. Experience. Other Turkey suggestions we've got another one for Elton John from ho ho ho who'd be a turkey at Christmas. And lots for the song about play Ok one final Turkey one John and done deal saying Rod Stewart and Young Turks Ok Hugh Mari Puerto Monte fi Troon and various other people going for They Might Be Giants and Istanbul not Constantinople. Now how to think of that tree really to track where you help us out Go on enjoy They Might Be Giants here on b.b.c. Radio Scotland's. even the old gold was once stirred. People just liked it better that way. But. Just as. Well as one day. You'll just like did better. They Might Be Giants not Constantinople for humor a Monte in various authors thank you for getting in touch and you know why I put that cry for help they're about trees because that was only just over 2 minutes long that track I love you all I really do because we've probably had more requests for tree related tracks and anything else we've had on the show tonight so many of you get in touch with in the last 2 minutes thank you very much shall I read some of them out well I tell you what I will do after we spend that's all. You getting ready. To do you think you sleep i know i know that's a trouble well we got half an hour to sleep with us we've got half an hour still to go and we're going to be spending this tumble as many times we need to get our next scary next track come on and come on love. Is there a song about love Richard Alley be a song about love I think we're on dodgy ground for this yeah this is going to be tricky. Folks a love song please something to do with love oh perhaps just the band love I love love as superstar once said Ok let's go through some of your tree related goodness tree needles and pins trail of the Lonesome Pine who let the dogs bark bark says Ted in sterling these are all text by the way. A vague feed the tree by barely please tip top tune Dave says on the text it is indeed so barely life back in the day but no roots by Alice Martin for the subject trees says Dave. Can't read that my frayed sorry pope the trees says John Don't Leave Me This Way by the communal herdsman the the Maxwells the tree song that somewhere only we know by keen for the lyrics I came across a fallen tree felt the branches of it looking at me says Green from dumb Friess get on chestnuts roasting by being anything by Wishbone Ash says Neil from Motherwell Polwhele are trees a skull in Lenzie you've got some more there Peter says Lonesome Pine by low and hardy few that Chris and Chris movement says that as well Judy says Brenda Lee's walking around the Christmas tree another one for Barry feed the tree for Cherry We've got baby I love you I can run it from. Wildwood a suggestion that Adele are so magic number because tree is the magic number Thanks David Campbell Ok if you're Irish tree Yeah and again. The magic number in Eric tree coins in the fountain Ok market around half way up the m 6 going for Laurel and Hardy ash go from mind says Helen in an ember Kip Ash get it. Timber by Pit Bull Forever Autumn by Justin Hayward say the Maxwells again I like this one bark at the moon Ozzy Osborne poor head says Jamie in bowler no Norwegian Wood says Moss Well we're going for this one Billy McCune suggesting simply a forest. What's the next one again oh yeah love love please you've got to just under 5 minutes to think you want so plenty of time enjoy the cure. You. Great to play that on b.b.c. Radio Scotland the Cure a forest for Billy McCune they played out of course in amongst whole load of other classics a goth pop classics at Bellahouston Park in Glasgow over the summer I was there was a great thrill Mogwai Twilight Sad and the cure all in a row brilliant stuff and I never actually seen the cure or been listening to them since is about 101112 years old that kind of time and never had a chance to see it and saw them in Glasgow in the summer they looked and sounded as good as ever they really did it was wonderful thank you believe for suggesting that for trees let's win the Dom boat. We're going to play a couple of love songs back to back but let me think about our next lean thank you so much for getting involved in this Ok the next word postman Yes postman busy man at this time of year indeed yes me about deliveries Yeah yeah letters it must be songs about the postman Yeah letters parcels boxes you know I kind of thing yeah what what does how does a man yes exactly Yeah Ok Yes So postman I have a think about that we're going to play 2 tracks back to back to love related songs you're going to read a few suggestions that we try to to suggest give me all your love in the top rabbit So everybody's got to live by love or l.-o. V.-e. Love by Al Green or the fantastic always discover of course we've got George you say Love to my mind it has to be Sugar Baby Love by the bets I mean come on it's the best pop song ever Ok and Jordy Max's Love to Love You by Donna Summer right well Norma antiviolence All You Need Is Love a fine Christmas message Norma you're not wrong there thanks for that lobby Sifry must be love love love says. Ellen on the text 80295 and I've got my love to keep me warm Frank Sinatra says Judy on the text Hi guys. Malin Inverness wanting a bit of Spinal Tap there which I'm not going to redux a little bit rude not Kinko When I Fall In Love evening veg. From James embarrassed Beatles All You Need Is Love to look like my love or wings my love John into Aunty Vic how about level tears apart Joy Division Steven in fooled in another one for love all tears apart to calm go for Joy Division also it's a love related songs as you might imagine going to play 2 back to back have a think about postmen related Stracke and we'll get to in a few minutes time Ok Ruth hang festive stuff in Fife and says This one was a Christmas hit I think such a strong song it certainly was brilliant to play Frankie Goes To Hollywood the power of love. And. Dreams of. Key. Was. Just. Lead. Lead. To tell you with Galileo on b.b.c. . Still an absolute Chewton Simple Minds love song for Neil Sinclair in Inverary probably in fact the best track I ever danced to he says you know Satie's just been in touch as well saying Jim care esque dancing at college discos guy liner and ponytails back then fantastic track it was indeed Simple Minds love song and before that Frankie Goes To Hollywood the power of love for Ruth. Yes Ok I think we can fit into more themes I throw in there is track Yeah so strolling the tombola let's go again running out of bits of paper actually Ok shopping Miss b. If you're listening this is your theme I would imagine yes shopping also presents gifts. Could be specific shops yet he could be the act of shopping the art of shopping the artist shopping if there is such a thing I think there is yeah I'm not mastered it let's not get ours in records you could have markets you could do your shopping online sick Ok your. Bags so shopping and the next track is 2 minutes long so start thinking about getting in touch with their shopping related tew nage please 80295 is the text there's a Facebook page Twitter is at b.b.c. Get on and the email gets on at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Now before we get to shopping we're going to our postman related tracks so a few of your text for postman How about Postman Pat Pat Kane hue and cry labor of love would also be a good link from the previous word love says Alan Wilson in Clarkson Thank you Alan good choice postmen message in a bottle says Neil from Motherwell a couple of Postman suggesting we could send letters as to camera letter from America the Proclaimers says keris from Kilmarnock evening again for postman. Stand and Deliver Adam an eon It's late to the show tonight so try a suggestion for each topic until the end says James in bear's den Thank you James Proclaimers letter from America says John in done the Denise and Nathan say rip it up for the postman song The Maxwells one Please Mr Postman by the Carpenters or love letters by Alison Moyet all sorts of good ones in a you've got some more on faded couple quick ones Terry Cooper Stevie b. The post man song and a good one here signed sealed delivered I'm yours Stevie Wonder Ok lots of you going for the letter by the buck stops including jail on the text. From done the Says message in a bottle as well so good choices remember the next one shopping get them in I'll get them on we can probably fit into more tunes after this for postman related shenanigans Elvis Presley return to send. To the man. And his. Son on my needs. As an especial. And came back to. That. And. The barrier to. Invent. Elvis Presley return to send here on b.b.c. Radio Scotland for might contain Catherine Renfrew joining down the in Josephine Lindsay Ok Do you know what it's the final spin of the top because after the next track it's basically the end of the show did the end of the show so we're going to choose the very last track on. The site and almost killed me tonight. Where we see. A good a good one to finish. Something we all know and love I certainly do cake please so you've got about 3 minutes 30 Give us your cake suggestions. And yeah go what's the next one shopping that's right let's go through a few of the shopping suggestions John and done these window shopping are doing tailor Adam Faith lonely pop in the Christmas shop How about the fabulous lost in the supermarket by The Clash says Alan McKenzie from Tilak Yewtree That's a great track Stephen and stony Byrne wants shoppers paradise by. Carter the unstoppable Sex Machine a tangential shopping song might be stupid you can buy a King Creole and the coconuts says. Kenny from Paisley and more coming in you go a few more quick one for supermarket flowers by 8 Ok. Let's just keep going. We're going for this one Jillian Glasgow Billy and Gino Saturday. Shopping. I was. Showing how the the the I want the out the the I was the the out the the a. Koan was the the I was the the a koan. Was. You a thank you I was thankful that the hour. Was the hour go a few hours ago the Cohen thank the a out. Was. The that was. Which. Was. Ok spin a crazy show tonight doing the Christmas tombola and having a different thing for absolutely every song I really enjoyed it thank you so much for sticking with us right to the end of the show Richard and I bought a ball a nickel a mian is here tomorrow and pantomime is that the Prince Charming Puss in Boots that kind of thing coming up after the show after the news at 9 Bruce McGregor will be here with travelling folk and celebrating the life and work of Anderson and then 11 o'clock I'm back with all sorts of music for you including a session from cloth when a finish with a track by credit for Greg marks and Terry MacDonald thanks for listening here's credit cake. All in the digital radio. Medium Wave. B.b.c. Radio. The the. It's 9 o'clock b.b.c. Radio Scotland News I'm Duncan Kerr cope good evening the leaders of the political parties have been travelling the country making their final plea for votes ahead of tomorrow's general election a series of closing day rallies are being held tonight Jeremy Corbin has been focusing on improving public services while the Liberal Democrats have been campaigning to stop Rex it as leader Nicholas surgeon arj voters to lock out Boris Johnson who says the country will be part of life unless we get brakes a done the Lib Dems leader to Swinson has been campaigning in Guilford and sorry I'm excited about these final hours of the campaign because they can make a crucial difference whether or not Boris Johnson will gain a majority or whether we have the real chance to stop. A man who raped a teenager after she became separated from friends on her 1st night out in Aberdeen City Center has been jailed for 6 years a judge branded Daniel take a loss of violent predator at the High Court in Glasgow David Shanks reports 20 year old tag last phone the intoxicated 18 year old on her own then dragged her to a secluded spot in the roof area of the ball a court center he raped her then abandoned her in a flower bed where she was found by passers by in July this year police later traced tag less who had arrived in the u.k. From Romania only weeks earlier using c.c.t.v. He admitted the rape at the High Court in Glasgow George Gordon little told the father of 2 he hoped that the victim and the other residents of Aberdeen would sleep a little easier knowing he was off the streets Tegel a smiled as he was led down to the cells aren't his victim who was in court shouted at him Don't smile at me a 2nd boy has been charged in relation to the fire at people's high school the school has been closed since the blaze at the end of last month which damaged around a 3rd of the building no one was injured senior pupils are being taught 20 miles away in Galashiels and Junior pupils at other locations in peoples a statement from the Scotland set a report will be sent to the Children's Reporter The naturalist and broadcaster David Bellamy has died at the age of $86.00 the Conservation Foundation which he co-founded described him as a larger than.


This is arrogance star and you're listening to undercurrents sometimes or Native American music on here to a. Our . 2 Hurry 2. Keep food close to. The speed. Kind of rediscovered that one Ray Davies and Bruce Springsteen with better things from 2011 it was music from that fabulous movie echo in the Canyon before that that's an interpretation of Brian Wilson and Tony Asher's I Just Wasn't Made for These Times featuring Jacob Dylan and Neil Young leading up to that we heard Eric and Starr with my heart is on the ground and Jenelle Monet with Americans you're listening to undercurrents has it gone hope it's going good for you is going great for us and we really appreciate your support here is Grady champion. All. Cars world is plain to see. It Domi me can. Suffer. An interview with. My big. Money Tree. I can honestly believe. I can hear the. Beginning of the houses prams singing in the policy. Of the tree news company. And I'm. Their living thing. Is really the big Lehrer. Well they're listening. To listen to. The listener live. Live. In. to . The to. The to. The to the to. The be. The better. Some world music there from my too tall that was gonna It was Nick Cave and the bad seeds with bright horses and gravy champion with way to the world you're listening to undercurrents I'm gonna do ya stay tuned because Foster the People is up next in just a minute. Ok Ok. Ok. Ok. Ok. Go. Go go. Go. Go go. It's undercurrents coming to you with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the friends of undercurrents We really appreciate your ongoing support and we'll try to keep up our end of the bargain by bringing you great music all the time like this one from Foster the People. You an. Area thank. leg strong Seacat lead. Lives. To. Lead . Lead Led Zeppelin lead . The a. Lead. Lead. Lead. On the. Lead Live. Live . Live. Live. Live. Live. Live. Even. The. Cut. Johnny land just as a way of putting things that stronger together see hoss and ahead of that with a similar message in strong together it was all scared with youth and foster the people with don't stop color on the walls you're listening to undercurrents I'm cavity and if you're just joining us welcome and stick around here's the silver lake chorus through. Her. You. Get our. Lol. Mum. Mum. cluck cluck cluck. Cluck. Cluck. Cluck. Cluck cluck. Cluck. Cluck. Cluck. Cluck. Cluck. Cluck. Cluck cluck. Live. Long the peace is threatening. To. Come all in this thread and. Oh come. Come. Come come. It's not. Been. Thinking about the good things to come and believe it could be some day it's going to come. Been smiling lately dreaming about the world. And believing good league someday it's going to come. Sunday it's long it's a clear Come see me again. Thing good thing the district. Song is. Coming this has. Nothing. To me among the good. Old he's suffering long long. Long string. Come along Mr. Slick. Suits sit through. The Edge of Darkness it's the peace treaty. Peace Train take this country come take me home again. I've been smilingly. I think going to the bathroom with this one. Believe it could be someday. Someday it's going to come completely wrong again. Coming. long piece to leave things. To come a long long string that. Someday is long come come to me again. Good long. Live it's long long long truly. To me come to me home looking. For the good. Come to me on the big. Sunday is the come to me. Come long trip. Some of the good things that come to come. Come along this side. Something. Truthful. This. Is an. East. Mystery to this country come to me home. Come take me home. Do. You. Think. The Earth. Is. Think. Think think. Think. Think think. Think. Think. Think think. The nurse in the. The. Big. Thing. For. The girl. In. The north from. The. Time. Of. The. Little. Girl. There. Are. Some nice reggae from Ernest wrangle in below the baseline use of Islam aka Cat Stevens on to currents with peace train and the Silver Lake chorus gave us wreckage you've been this name to undercurrents Thanks for taking us with you this last hour I'm gonna. Undercurrents is produced at Radio camp with support from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting the friends of undercurrents and stations like k I d e in Hoopa California and k s u t in Ignacio Colorado when you search for undercurrents radio you'll find the playlist streaming and more this is show number 5186. K.s. J.d. Is supported by the Region 9 economic development district of Southwest Colorado working to improve economic prosperity throughout Montezuma Dolores. And San Juan counties find out more about Region one programs at scan dot org. Say out twaddle Candace Bennett. College. Together and radio. It's undercurrents give you like us to line here with you got some courageous music coming up this next hour which I picked up for you including Bruce Coburn cold meat seek Neil Young some great stuff so I hope you'll stick around let's begin with one of my favorites from the sixty's made popular by the association Never My Love Here it is a new version featuring Jacob Dylan and Norah Jones. A Play.


Molen. Let's bring in that. Boink Stevie Wonder Duke kicking off the program in stylish manner I think and he said stylish style that would have been we had sought to put the word man in right at the last minute and that didn't feel right either. We've got the program off to a dynamic start tonight of annoy kicking off the program in style though we got that works I think good. Most of the approval of Mitch is chewing in and says what a bit of belting mother of that means it's dead good I do like a bit Stevie Wonder how we played Stevie Wonder's Secret Life of Plants on the program on Monday night when we challenge a condor in the studio talking about show about plants plant fetish a few of you out there were unaware of Stevie Wonder's 1970 s. Concept album about plants but it's dead good right b.b.c. To Bob Fisher here on 95 f.m. Be free view 7 to 2 b.b.c. Sounds as well. Be on the program tonight we are actually back on d.a.b. That's good hello to John in Skelton green tuning in wonder which record Bob will play to all which that one he says yes it was that one to you John we have also got Jason who is a year and tuning in the thing or over on the Twitter and anybody else out there feel free to drop us a line or you can find us with a text it's a you want trouble 3 to start your message with the word tease you can find us on the Facebook at Bob and shack on b.b.c. T.v. You can look for us. With a phone call however. Alex has gone to the kitchen to get a brew on but everybody's gone to the kitchen I think is only me in the building tonight in the kitchen we have to do the program from the kitchen one night. Give us a call when he's back I mean give him 2 takes 080859595 we have got busy old program tonight Robert Nichols will be here at some point looking ahead to the week's live music you know how McCue real Robert Nichols. We got live music in the studio as well from the. Storm chorus we're playing live. David and Rebecca. I think they in the kitchen as well everybody's in the kitchen Alex has come back now but yeah we have got a storm chorus performing live on the program we're going to be looking ahead to an evening at Darlington library tomorrow night as well it's called Hark the sound of stories and it's a combination of well music and literature music inspired by literature. Storm chorus are performing at that as well so it all ties in together neatly We have got organizers from Harvey and Rob Irish coming in for a chat about all the smell of water on the program tonight as well our resident folklorist Gavin Perry back with the smell of water this is brand new from Dana give and it's called Catch. Struggle a let's to get. Very nice that I think that is Dana gov ski and it's called Catch this is b.b.c. Tees it's Bob Fisher here on 95 after him d.a.p. Freeview 722 and b.b.c. Sounds well let's see who else we've got we've certainly got Mikey boy who is tuning in normally got stellar with them but she's gone to Darby not in the East Midlands this is roller Darby she DAWs so I can after things my way he says which is loud because I'm half deaf parred heard I heard that. Low to Roger who is New York listener chiming in from both of the Botanical Gardens in New York it's a flat looks out over them so you know our flats in New York to have apartments his apartment looks out over the botanical gardens of New York. Everybody's in the kitchen tonight is Joe Louis in there as well he's always in the kitchen a party is a party in here tonight Alex. He's not entirely convinced. Hello to Bob and to Alex and to the Whitby ites Alex is waving back frantically here David and Rebecca. Storm chorus they're still in the kitchen they're off in a copper in the kitchen. Thank you Roger my story from you we have smoggy day you've over in. Washington let me let me let me scroll down we Facebook e things here I'm sure he posted yes he did smoggy Dave in Washington I would be tuning in tomorrow he's down the wormhole tomorrow. It's Friday he says like time travel I forgot to say so smokey Dave how good challenge a condor was on Monday night's show she was she was brilliant with her show plant fetish which she's joshing she might be about 20 minutes she'll be on stage are doing her show about the healing properties of plants. Some of the women in Mexico of married trees that played a big part in it as well as she had a fantastic laugh says Smokey Dave she did brilliantly raucous an infectious laugh really funny and joy does well thank you Smokey Dave or the bar up Mr Nichols so smoggy Dave Well there's a thorny issue any sign of Mr Nichols here Alex the sign of a look around so no sign of Mr Nichols anywhere. Want trouble for a start your message with the word to use. The same content from somewhere. Began as a coherent sentence didn't it Roberts not here yeah we need some contact as he just turned up yes the lights just flicked on the little robot Nichols but signal was shown into the Teesside sky. I was going to say Drop us a line that Alex is on the blower suppose he's not going to let Robert in I'm going to give the number out anyway 080859595 Facebook is a. Shack on b.b.c. . It's. The scarf with the c. In the middle of Fisher and you can find it with a text as well I don't the text I think I did the text didn't do it and I want trouble 3 started with the word tease they're all in there somewhere to Kimberley who is texted in and says cut it's always a party when you're on the radio Bob day I was a particularly rubbish party I think limp tweak Let's. Cue hoops of she is a pileup along cocktail Stastny the more I'm talking about this the more I like the sound of it and he wrote 2 songs about different types of soldiers. Oh. Cool. Call Middlesborough Christmas with the b.b.c. Tease B.C.'s light switch on will be hosted by our very honored Gary Phillips and I'll be in center square Middlesboro on the 20th of November I'll be joined by some V.I.P.'s from. Around the spot traumas I'll be there from 630 but if you super super keen thank you soap down for about half by the will of the Nepal orange plate market you can get more info at little Middlesborough told Cole sunshine gallery Phillips and incentives clam Middlesbrough on Thursday the 28th of November after lighting up chief. Fuel ship this Christmas b.b.c. T.v. . Is not a well known but well he's just well it's called b.b.c. Call thought it was a bit left on that that was one of those songs where everybody tries to finish it at a different time where they're like the guitarist in a bi owing and then they get a bit of the drama from everybody wants the last word in a song don't they Robert Nichols do they do they don't know any bands like that yes yes yes. Definitely. For 2 and a half minutes but it finishes that out of the 4 minutes after the hour yeah everyone's going to. Have. To. Bar you says yeah I love those small faces Led Zeppelin nicked everything from the radio or Blimey. Thank you Jason says I like to pause during a hectic shift and cheer you on playing Tin Soldier The Best Small Faces track ever and it is a great single I think we have to pee pee on old on it as well as a cracking video on the huge Chub of other small faces performing that with p.p. Arnold backing vocals. 960. 8. And he wrote right b.b.c. . We are on 95. A free view 7 to. The b.b.c. Sounds that Robert Nicholas is here here you know doing Ok Thank you good all of that for this committee as well good that's what everybody's been though you can find it is a bit parky out yeah it is definitely yes it's turned around and. We were just talking about Middlesbrough play whole city on Sunday and Sunday noon high noon. Yeah I know. There was of course a. A much when Middlesbrough played whole city in 2010 yes that realistically shouldn't really have gone ahead not really. It was played in a blizzard Yeah that was blowing some considerable time before the much actually kicked off was quite lost snow on the approach as well. On the way into the Riverside Stadium and everybody clearly thought the questions get it over with yeah it was a ridiculous match it was too although you know it was it was entertaining it was I was one of those much is where I don't think we could really see what was going on at the other end of the church not really I don't think most of the players on the pitch could see what was going on at the other end of the page I think most people were more like concerned about whether they could actually get home that was that was part the way that that was definitely a pressing concern yes it was good fun yeah a little bit but we go it might have a bit more of that on Sunday you reckon your yes our sweeping snowstorms across Teesside on Sunday morning I say this is a momentous occasion isn't it. I did you react as Yes Ok yes 3 things that were saying that I was going to build you up to going to your self aggrandizing Yes. What is the momentous but all landmark that happened on Sunday Robert Nickell is that the fanzine line market at 6 under the addition of Fly Me To The Moon was like a lot of county cricket applause. Fly Me To The Moon Issue 600 Yeah congratulation a lot of issues for shoes yeah no good go in that is if a footballer is make 600 payments he's made a lot of singing. 6 I'm not many races David Armstrong possibly footballer was 350 but he didn't he didn't get injured. They were consecutive serious thing yeah yeah any footballer ever made 600 appearances for one club yeah yeah yeah I mean Middlesbrough as highest as him Williamson is now and he made he made less than 600 in the 1st well what was in the Middle East Korea so what would you have made. Interruption of the dates and get out yeah yeah so what scene Issue 604 I mean to the moon you literally just pressed. A copy of it into my hand and it seems no it's not quite hot off the notes out it cool down up from the you know this I think Stephen Koepp Yeah right I was inside yes well because it's a sick because I'm a contrarian is 6 in addition yap thought we'd interview one of the militias youngest player Stephen Walker. And I would say I think it's a very good reaction when I asked him what I told him that was some young fans who write for the fans and we've got some young kids yeah and that one of their favorite players was him and he thought oh no and he was that was a real honor and then I said What would you do if you score in front of them and he was. A get very excited. That he would be down on his knees and screaming and I said and point into that. I will the Stephen Walt is a teenager you say yeah right I think points out there's a few players in the in the England age group that he plays for that now play for 1st team for Chelsea and I know also a 1st team well England player in the England fold side so give him a chance is what he's saying mighty get all direction on Sunday let's hope so let's hope we get on and score Scholes I've also got a thing so features were about some of the writers to write about that 1st match. And I was stunned in memory and not so it was good because that because everyone's got well if you like go around the crowd and ask people the 1st match is not going to be many to go on the same 1st match so it's something we've all got it's kind of almost like unique in your experiences and I know it's interesting to see the difference between somebody who's turned up on the 263. Dylan thought road to go to Aston pocket and somebody who's parked outside the Riverside Stadium and going in with Diane sick as a kid you know it's well it is isn't it I don't know that ball you're the front cover made me laugh as well because it's. Say any more about relief that hung in there about you know it's there is a bit about how can there actually when I look at it oh. Issue 600 yes of Fly Me To The Moon out on out on Sunday available on a street corner before the match. Wonderful. Really thrilled for you that Smush and I'm going to a history with Fly Me To The Moon myself of course you have got a bit of history Oh you didn't ask me for my 1st much I wouldn't tell you if you had I know exactly. Save it for his autobiography I don't like to say I'd like to see Stephen Walker who is yeah 18 something like. Playing up front alongside Robbie Keane Oh you have to be Father I'm good with that but only if that not the press conference that went today but the one before one of the reporters are stumped and would get and said Is there any chance that Robbie Keane might actually play and he was laughing about because he always says that he. Gets his boots on in the training you do things that he could he could he possibly play no. Well he's only 39 or something like that but a child absolute child yes. Right sure we do our b.b.c. Introducing try to get away is a decent idea at this juncture thinking is that the wonderful avalanche party. Deb You album comes out what date it. Stands out tomorrow. Yeah 24 carat diamond trysts 15 we went with in the end but we weren't sure if it should be true well there's a medieval tool you should know about these things you're an archaeologist is it true for you know is it true find hope then you know. Fill file always in last night you have an opinion he said trophy. Thank you nothing oh you don't know but I do you why it's called how old I was brilliant. Is all b.b.c. Introducing track of the Wake am not is how old by avalanche party is from their debut album 24 carat diamond. Archer a 5. Let's call the whole thing off yes. Thank you the show and the good heart we have an idea God He even has a been a while. But he'll know what it is I just mention. Is it true for you know is it true fine they won't travel 3 star You bet it would work well to send us your own age as I once did Malta themed disco for a children's party right the small facings so I need to raise his game a dozen. Yeah. Have you seen that documentary about how they make tomato sauce. I'm watching a cop show up. Says Sure that's easy on the gardener causing him president to have a better standard than this I think oh it's cold outside though isn't it yeah yeah nice to hear from you. He's probably suffering a bit yes but I was as we come in he put his feet up in front of the fire but he got chilblains it could be people get chilblains any more he's willing to win for Christmas to get some new socks and things like that again and you know. Right Mitch right so the Fly Me To The Moon Issue $600.00. Been modeling for the front cover that. Many of miles off of. Roger our New York listener so 600 issues that is incredible when did you start was it b c. It was before I think of a bottom other Jewish name begins with c. You know yeah before calling Todd it was basically it's a basically yes sandwich that's clever that one did I 90 no state to. Fall into. And I am about 9192 was not yeah. Little has a doing in as well listen to as much as I could in the car and now he's gone in. You tell Mikey boy to turn it down yet you do what he likes she's got to roll the Darby. You know so he's chewing in preferred volume which is louder than she likes to hear. I said it before sometimes I feel like like the child of divorcing parents on this program the 1st thing well you know you tell your father No you tell your mother the ghost of divorce the comb. A trip fine. Roger just check the talking Oxford English Dictionary and pronounces it both ways . But also the bit more definite than that if you have more of a lunch party than them about it I don't like to ask I've got I thought. The day before the release of they had to have your help though one of the biggest ne to. You know one of the hottest To me live bands in the country today with a whole lot of. Yeah I'd like to pass to them really but I know your basic course right Mikey boy a trip 5. Meaning an instrument for boring. You come to the right place it's a surgical instrument with a cylindrical blade it can be one of several dimensions and designs depending on what it's meant to be used for. I don't know what avalanche party you're intending to you will. Like to speculate. Feel free to keep. Keep this stuff rolling in if you. Want trouble 3 years the tax number you started with the word to use we have got Alex on the blower is tonight cheeky salute from Alex that was like your kind of sloppy American So the good ole 10859595 Facebook it shock on b.b.c. To use. Twitter look for us on the Twitter as well we have got live music in the studio we've got Rebecca David to our storm chorus here in the studio. Ok pair of yeah. Good thanks for thanks for coming in again you know if it's pronounced trophy you know so far and how I think it might be used for track panning I don't know how he suggested that as one of the Monday night yeah I take you know taking a bit of the back of your head off. Kind of even the. Artist can you do it at the front as well Russell release predators. It was thought of as being very beneficial to the health force in that. Was it really like to release humors in a sense that he. Released. They found nearly think people where that leadership and to. Know that survived they 1st. Start to. Help them. Try parts when these things numbness. Yeah yeah because you know to go to a camping ceremony Yeah but Will and Henry run away you know they met beanpole and they went to France and they headed for the White Mountains. Yes. My friend Bill fellows of the tripod series. Is going to look back on it very fondly Teesside don't bill fellow it was a nice beers World in 80 days or good period where a bit of those it's really him on the front of Fly Me To The Moon Issue 600 is not you in here. I suspect I'll be more than a as I suspect. You want to be what it is don't tell them no don't tell them Robert. I'm going to play a truckie and then she would do a live one after this goes we're going to look ahead to an evening darling to the library tomorrow night it's called Hark and it's a sort of ration of music and literature so you're playing there along with the shining level so we had in the studio it's a few months ago isn't it you were Yeah yeah. They're excellent. Edwardes play in there as well oh good as well. We're going to have we've got Fran and Rob who balkanized this coming into the studio very shortly as well so we go into the mix together I'm going to play this 1st this is tribes of Europe with Barbara stretch this is a cover of an Irving Berlin song I think it's called it's a lovely day tomorrow. To. It's truly lovely I think tribes of Europe with Barbara stretch. It Out to scroll back up my list of songs here and stuff it's going to get complicated it isn't that . I think it's out now and I think it is a song I saw a lovely day tomorrow I can definitely tell you this is b.b.c. t S. We are all 95 the i.b.a. Freeview 722 and b.b.c. Sounds as well I do know I thought when I. Suggested it was like a party in a Kimberley. Not like a party where I've thrown parties before but have been attended by few of. Those nice days. So you got from Robert now turned up as well you both all right yes good I mentioned yet David Saunders is in the corner of the studio you're trying to keep Incognito. The magic of the radio is no one exactly when I have a chance later. That I say Robert Nichols was there that I do that you did say I was there I Ok you're Ok with that. We have got storm chorus in the studio as well David Boies Absolutely yeah you good to play live for us do you reckon. I'm going to but you've got to you've got a cold since the end of September a back. Country of Western Yeah I've had a cold open bracket since the. Cold and. Ok well done by the end of the program we'll do a full live rendition of I've had a cold by but you know me right I think pretty much good to go what you going to do for us 1st. Ok. All right. A rose in one moon. The sun in the sky. I went to see. The trees do grown high. When. We laid him. But studies son. Would go insane. Not to dive and drink these fall the want to make. Beauty. How good is that. She's. House and eat his. Ranch it isn't Babbitt. Wrong. Dog. Has in the morning. But of all. That it is better let every. True we hope that. He would cease to. Season. Fall over the. I have with us thank you very much chorus performing live on b.b.c. 2 we are 95 f.m. D.a.b. Freeview 722 and b.b.c. Sounds while I like you xylophone Hicks picks a phone is different too as I live for a while it's a glockenspiel rarely the right time to help thanks Pixie phone on it. As I live phones made our ward saw the difference Ok like desire to live. Well and had pics I was a bit of a pixie really wasn't. That would make sense I didn't get from what because. You never know you know even though. It's absolutely thank you right we are going to talk about Hark which is the night you're playing out Darlington library tomorrow night we got from Rob who put this together sitting over to the side of the studio. If you can go into the kitchen and get some Twiglet some peanuts and stuff but that would be great. He wanted as well he went to do it. I'm going to play this because we had these a it was it went well but we had in the basic badges It was about 3 yes 3 weeks ago . So I didn't I that's you just walking past what you're going to call in the day and yeah it's a by the way that while you're there you can you carry all the. Stuff into the studio right this is from the current album which is called folds Paul rage it's the British caucus and succulent society. The above. Should a song cute little. Shit. Song cute. Blue. Wire. Her the current. Aura. b c c is. RINGBACK RINGBACK RINGBACK All. All. The Arabs when. 'd All right so 1st of all we played Biscuit had the biscuit badgers the British cactus and succulents society from their current album for porridge most of the approval of quite a few of you are going to read it was that Greg from He'd think it was. Yeah. I was Mikey boy as well you know really what's in the biscuit badge is life at some point that you heard. The legendary Kate Ross speak that's from her new Christmas album Holyhead which comes out next week where we got Kate Rose be on the program on Monday night quite a long. Time in an interview with Kate Rose but I tend to speak to Kate Rose b. Every Christmas I don't know whether time of the year just at Christmas but it's become a little bit of a tradition for both of us I think so yeah Kate wrote the area was so tough that they basically ran if you happened to wondering they could they could kill you and I would find you because they knew the ground and no one else did so yeah it's a great book it's great history as well I think as officially a walk around the area now as well it's based on reality all that kind of place that same sort of a literary historical I to book that's become a multimedia experience Yes Yeah wonderful Why did you see them in Durham brought it was in the old cinema launderette if anyone's been there I was just on the outskirts of Durham just next to Dragon but I think the actual area. For dragging those sticks out to me I'll often driven past the sign to Dragon veils known in my head like a corner of Middle earth but then I ask my mystical Yeah. I had all kinds of fantastical images as to what dragon veil would be like but I asked my friend who lives in Durham to describe dragon veil for me and he said it's basically an industrial estate.


That expression which frequently doesn't mean what it seems to present a trump held 3 rallies in Louisiana for responding who came up short the president had virtually triggering some buzz in Washington Saturday by visiting the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for a couple of hours so I'm wondering if there's a health issue White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham says no it was just a head start on his annual physical exam he is healthy as can be I put a statement out about that he's got more energy than anybody in the White House that man works from 6 am until you know very very late at night he's doing just fine appearing on justice with Jeanine Pirro on the Fox News Channel trade negotiators from the u.s. And China burning up the phone lines Saturday China's vice premier says there were talked of talks on the phone with us trade representative Robert light hisor and Treasury Secretary Stephen Minucci and working on the 1st phase of a trade deal between the 2 countries the n.f.l. Workout for free agent quarterback Cullen capper to go on Saturday it didn't the league says Kaepernick was a no show he decided not to attend the official sanction to work out but held his own at Official came in They've been wanting to try to hear from some of these o.m.b. Officials notably Russ Holt The acting on the director and Mick Mulvaney of the used to be the o.m.b. Director is now the al Acting White House chief of staff to talk about why the aid was withheld He testified for about 5 and a half hours today and Republicans continue to say you know that these witnesses don't have any relevance to the chad program on Capitol Hill reports the committee has also released transcripts from previous secret depositions of an eye for an n.s.a. Staffer Timothy Morrison and Jennifer Williams An aide to Vice President Mike Pence both of whom heard the president's call with the cranes president's Olinsky Congressman Adam Schiff who chairs the impeachment inquiry told the Democrat convention in California Saturday there is nothing more dangerous than an ethical president who believes that he is above the law or public testimony is scheduled next week a new study has been released Quest. Getting some of the treatments for heart disease heads up if you're one of the about 70000000 Americans with clogged arteries and that's even if you already have a stand or of had bypass surgery a large federal study finds that people with severe but stable heart disease from clogged arteries may have less chest pain if they get a procedure to improve blood flow rather than just taking medicine but it won't cut the risk of having a heart attack or done over the next few years it suggests that tens of thousands of costly procedures each year are unnecessary or premature for people with stable disease it's different from a heart attack when a procedure is needed right away to restore blood flow sound and Brasso Fox News they fired tear gas at protesters holding out of Hong Kong Polytechnic University as clashes resumed early Sunday Chinese soldiers have put in their 1st appearance there helping to remove debris from the streets of John Callahan This is Fox News. 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Welcome to the daily diet weekend edition I'm Oscar Ramiro and every week I expose the top stories making waves in the news and some that are just plain interesting connecting with the journalists and the people who know the story and bring you news without the noise so you can make an informed decision you can catch a new episode of the daily diet every Monday through Friday it's ready when you wake up. On the weekend edition I'll be bringing you some of the best stories from the week. The top political story of the week has to be the public impeachment hearings that got underway on Wednesday the day we heard testimony from top State Department official George Kent and the top u.s. Diplomat to Ukraine Bill Taylor one of the new things that we learned was that one of Taylor's staff members said that they overheard President Trump on a phone call with the e.u. Ambassador Gordon Sunland asking about the investigations bringing the president closer to the Ukraine pressure campaign for more on the story we spoke to Alex Gansa Tano She's a reporter at The Hill for what we learned during that impeachment testimony so we heard from Bill Taylor at that his number of staff what is a company in court and saw and he met with as a link to Pfizer excuse me bhalo in that meeting and well his staff was present at the restaurant Sol and called President Trump and told him about the meeting and according to Taylor the member of a staff could overhear Trump asking about the investigations over the phone so that's something that clearly kind of alliance scored and so and in Trump Trump has said in the past he barely knows Gordon Sue and that they weren't working together and this plan but Bill Taylor according to his aide who he seems to trust here that this is a phone call that happened I think someone even asked was the president speaking loudly on the phone enough for your aide to definitely be able to hear him directly and he said yes so following the call with the member of a staff asked what Sue and I thought that the president. About Ukraine and basically Sue and said that trump cares more about the investigations of Biden and things that Giuliani was pressing for Rudy Giuliani obviously figures into a lot of these things here it's a crazy thing because the Democrats are trying to connect the dots on this quid pro quo between the president and this military aide and even the visit to the White House for President Selenski from Ukraine and while they can't get the president on the exact wording there's never the direct connection between the president and all of this this really points to kind of the pressure campaign by all of the aides Rudy Giuliani Gordon Sunland all these other people in this is where William Taylor was testifying to basically hearing all of this stuff play out these are all the players that were involved that were making this pressure campaign Democrats say it was at the direction of the president thanks Ackley and Democrats are really having him repeat if this is a normal occurrence if this is something that his years of public service that he has seen happen at this kind of pressure campaign that Giuliani is pushing and again he said no this is not something that is normal in the g.o.p. Oir kind of use interesting wording and he acknowledged that it was maybe an irregular channel to work with the Ukraine and right there this pressure campaign but it's not outlandish and so even just like knowledge in that yeah this might be a little out of the ordinary but is it an impeachable offense here the Democratic side and the Republican side both got 45 minutes to question William Taylor and George Kent What did you make of their styles and the substance that they got out of that on the Democratic side they basically laid out their whole plan and try to connect as many dots as possible on the Republican side they tried to focus on Hunter Biden and Bri smile and why I was even there they spend a majority of the time trying to delve into that and I kind of felt like it wasn't very effective because William Taylor they're not involved in any of that stuff so the answers were. Very much I don't know you know I don't know if he is qualified I don't know if that had anything to do with it William Taylor and George can have distanced themselves from the buy and sense they're just saying I don't know I don't you know we were involved with under Biden's business operations but the Ukraine where as Reiki member newness is continuing to push that into question what's the full extent of Hunter Biden's involvement with this Ukrainian natural gas company of course also the Republicans won Hunter Biden and the whistle blower to testify and so the Democrats are continuing to shut that down and of course Nunez who is considered a trump ally is also pushing and what Democrats call these conspiracy theories out of the White House that have to do with how to Biden and Ukraine so I think President Chavez probably pretty pleased so far with what he's seen out of newness and Jim Jordan who is another big player here on the panel joining specifically was making the argument over and over again that there is no wrongdoing in all of this for 2 reasons one the military aid that is at question here was eventually released and the other thing was that there was no investigation done by the Ukrainian So therefore since the aide was released the investigation didn't happen there is no there there because these things didn't happen which are at the center of the Democrats' argument it's impossible for the president to have done a quid pro quo in all of this and Jordan who definitely important to note isn't actually on the panel he was placed on by minority leader Kevin McCarthy He's kind of the Republicans attack dog somebody who Trump trusts to question here so he went on to note that Taylor had met with Zelinsky during the period of time that the aide was to lay and tried to make a connection between it and the investigation and Taylor said that it was his clear understanding that these 2 things were a linked and then Jordan and in kind of his attack dog nature said that his understanding must. Wrong way also sod Jordan and accuse I guess tonight about how Taylor took from it being a star witness Mrs you and George can are the 1st people that Democrats have brought out here so you must be the star witness you must be against Trump and pushing for impeachment and it's on there that Taylor has been really strong about saying I'm not pushing either side here I'm just trying to tell people what I've heard what I've seen and let you all make that decision right after all this testimony it does seem like the next quote unquote star witness could be the bastard or Gordon son went to kind of help clarify what things were said and obviously that new revelation now that supposedly he was on a call with President Trump talking about the investigation so I believe he might be coming up next week so this is all going to be very fast moving we'll have to keep following it just to see how the public face of the impeachment inquiry is going Alex got time no reporter at The Hill thank you very much for joining us thanks for having me appreciate it. Let's next we have an interesting story coming out of Florida that might be affecting all that orange juice that you drink the Florida citrus industry is in danger because of a disease that affects the tree roots and prevents a raw green fruit from ripening also known as citrus greening the disease came from China and is called Long being which means yellow dragon sickness The problem is so bad that 90 percent of the state citrus growers are infected by the disease and the industry might only survive 10 to 15 more years it's leaving what are called Ghost grows all around the state for more on this story we spoke to Darryl fears reporter for The Washington Post about the most feared citrus disease in the world well that started in 2005 at least it was 1st detected in 2005 and the name is called walking along being to Chinese name meaning yellow dragon is a nice hat I believe and it made its way through Florida through tree could. This is the suspect area is spread through a small insect that feeds on the leaves of these trees and when it feeds on these trees it in t.x. This bacteria into trees and that goes to their root systems and begin destroying their root systems and the trees cannot get nutrients and so it's a horrible problem and what it causes is this thing that I lot of people might have heard this before citrus greening so since the fruit itself can't get the nutrients from the roots the fruit either never ripens fully and it stays green or what happens is that the tree might drop the fruit early before they have a chance to pick it and why that's a particularly bad problem is that in Florida under Florida law citrus that falls from a tree to the ground cannot be sold so that's just a huge problem right there as well that's all very correct the tree yes it's likely you and me if we can't get the nutrients we need and there's nothing on our body that relies on the nutrients something that we definitely just can't get rid of we'll get rid of it right and I don't know if that analogy really applies to humans but trees if they can't get the nutrients they need in the tree itself we'll hoard the warder and whatever grabs from the earth and whatever the fruit is reliant on those nutrients to treat able to let it go one of the scientists explain that that sort of the tree saying I'm not saying that the tree is thinking but trying to relate that to the trees man has the fruit can grow again next year when I'm stronger and the alarms are sounding now I mean this is a $9000000000.00 citrus industry in Florida there it's their 2nd biggest industry behind tourism and they're creating all these things that people are calling ghost Groves basically the trees are dying out they're not producing the fruit anymore and it's just becoming a huge issue you got a chance to travel to one of these groves cbs citrus tell us about your experience there may be like a lot of the girls the owners are looking at the trees looking at the damage to trees and seeing that they really can't. Go forward with this damage more than a quarter of their grove is gone because of this disease of some trees or did some trees are dying some trees are sick and often what happens is with citrus Greening and that means that everyone knows that when oranges or raw they're green so if they don't ripen to orange and in no one's going to buy them and then if they are dropped from the tree as you said they can't be sold and the effect of this is that farmers have no revenue or they have very little revenue or they just can't make it up and so they have to consider taking a loss and this last is year after year at the here the farmers rely on these oranges to sell to major companies like Florida natural that we all know the Tropicana and Minute Maid and they just can't kill this produce and so some farmers have had to abandon their farms and that results in what you talk about these poll scrolls is full of dead trees these petrified forest where this Phillips are to be eating on trees and then flying to the farm across the street to feed on those trees there are some solutions I mean I don't want to be too gram with this story there are possibilities here. You're listening to the daily dive Weekend Edition time Oscar mare's and we'll be right back. The technology credit union our mobile app is physically made to keep up with a modern family. I love my credit card that might be a good thing. To work for or. A tall how just went for cell can we afford it. Or. Maybe your Rolodex the use Davy's reward promotion and earn up to $1000.00 go to Tech the you dot com slash save more. 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Welcome back to the weekend edition people that have been looking into this and researching it they say that the citrus industry in Florida could be out of business within 10 to 15 years that's still a bit of time but it's so fast when you have to basically wait every year for the new harvest to come out so what are some of these other solutions that they're looking into it can are basically create a new orange a new tangerine they're trying to create a new stock for the street or to the street tolerate bacteria and to thrive so that they can produce oranges they are also trying to make oranges and laboratories a day or 2 kinetically a nice aren't the type of Frankenstein kinetic engineering Argentines and natural genetic change and oranges to make them sweeter and so what they do is they take over roots that is more resistant at this bacteria and from that they crashed it into another tree so that they can develop an entire root system that is resistant to disease and in addition to that they're taking on oranges that are naturally sweeter and also developing more or less from No So what you get is a more disease tolerant tree that produces a sweeter orange or a sweeter tangerine they think that over time. It will be a celebration of the Florida senator Senator history right now 2 of the most popular orange riot is are the Hamelin and the Valencia and everybody knows the valencia orange but soon we could have different oranges that kind of replace those that where as you mentioned those roots would be more tolerant to this type of disease and hopefully will get the same sweetness and all of that the same production out of those it's such a problem and obviously for the big people like Tropicana in Minot made in the growers that they grow it they might have huge huge acreage dedicated to this it's more of a problem for smaller producers where some people have proposed the unthinkable to them take out all your trees and start all over yet new telling stone to take out all their trees and start over telling others to just plant more trees so that they can get more oranges from their growth people and some die at least they'll have more orange trees to rely on and so they are planning more trees and more acres and it's creating this bunch of 3 and some farmers have had a lot of oranges so they have more oranges and they can sell and some farmers have catastrophic losses so right now Florida is a big mixed bag but as you can see from the story a number of farmers have left the place to produce oranges better edible to people as a whole fruit have to drop and the amount of Hughs that Florida oranges produce has dropped and so you know it's sort of cures industry has a very much in flux right now Terrell fears reporter at The Washington Post thank you very much for joining us thank you. That's an interesting military and tech sorry that came to light this week soldiers in intelligence unit with top secret clearances were ordered by their commander to download an app they say could endanger them the soldiers were concerned that the apps permissions allowed to collect substantial amounts of personal data which caused concern that a hack could put individuals and missions at risk for more on the story we spoke to . Washington Post reporter Alex Horton these are soldiers stat they have jobs in interrogation they collect human intelligence from sources spies and prisoners and then they also have counterintelligence missions so they're already sort of hardwired to know how information is collected and how information can be used or leverage so that's always in the back of their mind even when their own ears in their own personal smartphones one state started noticing that this app that was mandated by their commander had a host of permission stat could identify them and identify their work in the unit a lot of them are very caught off guard and worried that it could spiral out of their control and at some point land in an adversary's hands so when it came to you know where the information is the company that developed the app with the unit they're based in Tulsa Oklahoma but they do have subsidiaries in India they told us that there is no overseas data stored from this app in India but that didn't really swayed the concerns of the soldiers in this unit who feared that it could just spiral out of control no matter what the Army or this company says some of the app permissions that were a little troubling were a lot of different things so your calendar it could add or modify calendar events your contacts it could read your contacts find accounts on a device modify your contacts because obviously access your g.p.s. Location and then it could even do things to your storage a commodity fire or delete s.d. Card contents or read the contents of u.s.b. Storage so these are all the things that were troublesome to these soldiers there in this field they know how intelligence is gathered you know any nefarious actor would love to target these types of soldiers specifically for what they know and data that they might have for people who study this cyber security experts data breaches are a growing national security concern because of the way information could be used now and information that could be used later an expert at the best and security center told me that there was a worry that this could be triangulated with other data for instance the big o.p.m. Data breach review. Called a ton of people that had security clearances and then there was a separate breach with medical information so if you were to pair those together you can find someone who knows a lot of secrets and might have a lot of medical debt and that would be someone for you know a spy from China or Russia to approach and say we can help you out if you give us some secrets so that's a big concern here you know it's not always apparent what sensitive or classified data can be used today but tomorrow is another question the expert also said that if they work in the Army now and another intelligence agency knows that if they were to work for the CIA one day and facial recognition software catches them somewhere in the field they would know exactly who they are so that's another point of concern with these folks the commander didn't say down though this one specific that this was a contract that was done with this company Strax it was in conjunction with the army as well right I mean this wasn't just kind of out of nowhere that they wanted people to download zat this is something that they've worked with this company on these types of things before that's absolutely true and I was in the army so I know how this works when they say Go download an app and when that comes from a Colonel it's like stamp your foot I think you should go down this app turns into an order and soldiers in the unit told me that staff sergeants and lieutenants were going around and checking their subordinates phones to make sure that the app was installed and they said at one point in the motor pool they lined them up and they couldn't leave unless station owed directly to a leader they had the app installed and then they were assigned and that's where a lot of the soldiers separately had concerns not just from the security aspect and how it could compromise or did any other work but also it raised a lot of questions about this blurring of the line of what commanders can and can tell you to do they can absolutely tell you you can't use your phone on the job you can't use your phone information put the phone away on the range or to safety hazard but when they start to tell you what you can put on your phone and what you must put on your phone it starts to become this discussion that sort of collides with the 4th Amendment What do you have the right to tell me I can do with my own phone so that was another point of contention of was the brigade. Able to do this and should she have mandated her soldiers to do so what's been the word from military officials on this now that the story has gone out it's been interesting because they released a statement after soldiers internally were worried about it and it was discussed on a number of online forums like Reddit and a popular army page called army w.t.f. Moments so once the commanders all that discussion she came back and said it wasn't minatory and a statement put out by the unit said the same thing after that they said in a statement to me that it was in fact mandatory but now it is only highly encouraged for them to develop this app which at the moment has been taken off the Apple store in the Google Play Store unit said that they would be back after quote pre-planned maintenance but they were pulled immediately after the outcry began online so the timing is a little coincidental when you talk about the fallout and the app disappearing from the store. Reporter at The Washington Post thank you very much for joining us you're welcome thanks for having me ask you. Don't forget to join us on social media. On Twitter. On Facebook leave us a comment. And tell us the story is a true interest in. Radio or subscriber every cast. This is the daily. A little preparation will make you and your family safer and then emergency a week's worth of food and water radio flashlight batteries and a 1st aid kit are a good start to learn more visit Safety Action Center dot com. Technology credit union our mobile app is available everywhere your family needs us . You will be calling notify them. Did you make your car payment on line or right now do you. If you find. There is a block away from the hotel. To $1000.00 go to Texas. We believe everyone should have a bathroom that's why we do it all. Excess ability solutions complete bathroom remodel. The process includes the design products. Complimentary and home design consultation now. 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Structures has inspired a cutting edge design for bandages that sticks better to large bendable moving parts of the body such as knees and elbows engineers at mit demonstrated their cure me inspired patches that could also possibly be used as heat pads or for wearable electronic instead of paper the researchers used a robbery flexible foam and cut offset rows of slits in the material this design makes the material more stretchy but the team found it also helps you to stay here using affinities of coding catch the film to a volunteers neat it held solid for over $100.00 need to end while another film about the slits came unglued after the 1st event kind of like Meet Jim Klein I'm over it but there's a real science behind the art the team identified 3 main parameters to give a film into Tunisia by understanding each design possibilities are endless The researchers findings become a blueprint for determining the best pattern of cuts for a given up location teams filed for a patent on this technology and is beginning to experiment with Keurig on the cuts on other materials. Should I put a curagh gummy bandage on a paper cut. Pass up. My cool Berry met the game continue to game never give the merry go round keep swirling you can just choose to get off now you view. As Hubble Constant you kids in the walk away free to show up alone because almost nothing dude in between casting your vote matter how you convince yourself. Of a fun job title page proof. Cheerleader to draw all Nazis. In lucrative paid in the same silly did you convince a guy nobody showed politics is not a hobby but politics he's played for people today as if he knew because people love to get more Michael Michael Berry weeknights at 5 on w.b. H.p. Listen on your h.d. Radio at 102 point one h.d. To. Know your official w.b. H.p. Weather Center forecast and the agencies 19 year old as Christie that were explicitly clear in Chile overnight and Sunday morning extracted 730 below 40. 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This is the daily dive weekend edition I'm Oscar Ramiro is and I'm running down some of the top stories of the week don't forget to check out the daily dive Monday through Friday for more news without the noise and medical news this week we learned another update on the ongoing outbreak of a ping related illnesses last month a 17 year old boy whose lungs were damaged so badly by babying received a double lung transplant the patient's lungs were scarred stiff and and had various spots of dead tissue for more on this double lung transplant we spoke to Denise Grady She's a reporter at The New York Times this all began when he was 16 is when he got sick and he passed his 17th birthday in the middle of it so this is a young teenage boy nobody knows what he was facing at least the doctors didn't disclose it but he got sick in September and went up in the hospital and the 1st thought was look like he had pneumonia and he got sicker and sicker and was put on a ventilator album breve and that was not working well enough he was transferred to another hospital where they took a pretty desperate measure of hooking him up to another machine that bypasses your lungs and puts oxygen right into your bloodstream and they use out for people with lung failure and they tried that for a while and even that was some work even with that they could not get enough oxygen into him to keep him alive and meanwhile he just was not improving anything is getting worse so then he was transferred again to Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit which has c ability to do a lung transplant and they realize said he didn't have very much time left and they put him on the list for a transplant and this is something that's not decided whether you are qualify or whether you get to the top of the list as an up to the hospital it's a national organization that sets criteria for this and. Because he was so young and he had so little time left and as long as we're just pretty much destroyed he went to the top of the list and somebody else's bad luck was his good fortune and he got a pair of lungs from a deceased donor and he had that surgery on her 15th they didn't really start talking about it until this week and apparently he's doing well researchers are describing the lung damage from this being illnesses that they have seen as like chemical burns similar to people who have inhaled toxic fumes from like industrial accidents things like that what did this patients lungs look like that doctors said he'd never seen anything like it he said there were dead spots and and they were scarred and stiff it was hard to even get them out of his chest and the doctor said this is an evil that I've never seen and 20 years of doing lung transplants he said he'd never seen anything like it we don't know exactly the name of this patient but the family did want to get the word out about this obviously now that he's doing a little bit better but they wanted to get the word out as a cautionary tale to anybody who is vague being or even the people that might be going through this right now that are ill as well just that this is bad news they said that they hope that you know if it would save somebody else it would be were said and they point of saying that before this happened he was perfectly healthy kid they said he was an athlete and doing well in school had lots of friends and then he gets sick and the next thing you know he wakes up in the hospital with a tube down his throat and new set of lungs and his chest you did mention that the doctors didn't say whether he was using regular nicotine products or t.h.c. Beeping products from what we know about this illness so far the majority of people that have come down with this illness are related to t.h.c. Being products that's why they use that vitamin e. Acetates a kind. If they can help be agents so that they can make more profits so that's kind of an important distinction to know exactly what this patient was using because we're trying to figure out where the source of all this illness is coming from I guess the family didn't want that talked about I didn't want to talk about it maybe they weren't even sure themselves I don't know but that question came up with the doctors when they were talking to reporters about it and they just said we can't really go there we can't talk about that and the c.d.c. Is that most of the cases really are from people who are they being kitschy but they're not ready to rule nicotine yet because they said that there are some cases where people swear that they have baked only nicotine and you know you might think maybe they're not telling the truth but apparently in some of these cases the state health departments have investigated that and they say that some of these stories really do stand up and they are credible and so it doesn't seem like an eighty's of a thing products are off the hook yet Denise Grady reporter at The New York Times thank you very much for joining us thank you. Still on the medical front we learned that Google had partnered with one of the largest health care systems in the u.s. On an initiative called Project Nightingale this project was to collect detailed personal health information of millions of people in 21 states the problem is that neither Google nor the health care partner notified patients or doctors that they were collecting this data for more on the story that has now triggered a federal inquiry we spoke to Sarah Needleman a reporter for The Wall Street Journal who 1st broke this story. Is basically a partnership between Google and attention and this partnership mentioned without notifying patients or doctors as you said has begun sharing with Google personally identifiable information on why in the patients that we're talking about name him Birth Date Lab tests doctor diagnosis is another clinical record and. The idea is for legal to move that data into its cloud computing system and be able to use technology to make suggestions on things that patients may or may not want to do for example artificial intelligence would maybe suggest a certain treatment plan or it may automatically predict a match the outcome of certain procedures or medications or a particular patient for the problem is that Google wants to help free these next systems that the hospitals and everybody can use you know obviously they're doing this with Ascension right now but the thought process is that they could sell this to other hospitals the health care systems and you need all this information to train the eyes to create the system and while a lot of people would say hey this is would be a great thing when you're getting the data of a bunch of people without their permission that is the big problem but Google themselves say that this is all perfectly legal it is under HIPAA which it refers to the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 that generally last hospitals share data with business partners without killing patients as long as the information is used to help and covered entity carry out its health care functions so right now times the experts are saying that it does appear permissible under federal law but nevertheless the government is looking into just exactly how this data will be handled who's going to be handling it what are the potential uses for it and Google has said that he not plan to use it to sell advertisement but there are many other potential uses that are being question and scrutinized right now because it's unclear there to be wishers possibilities and that's something to not commented on the Wall Street Journal 1st reported this on Monday and since then everybody was up in arms as lawmakers that were not happy with this the optics of this are really bad because patients and doctors themselves really didn't know that this information was being shared so now there is a federal inquiry lawmakers want to know more about what's going on here because they're scared that there's not being in the. Done to adequately protect patient data in this bear in mind the HIPAA laws passed decades ago all before we were thinking and terms of this kind of technology just it's something we were able to fathom at the time and so now the question is Jim just because it is legal to not disclose information maybe that no longer makes sense maybe now in 2100 that law no longer applies or perhaps it's because of the scope of this particular such a large out of data that lawmakers didn't foresee back in 1996 and so just in an era now when we're so concerned about privacy and we see how technology catches on and also much personal data and how it's out there and the risks that come with that data are being exposed to potential bad actors you have to stop for a moment and pause and think and say well whether I was legal doesn't actually mean it's the best thing for everybody involved so there could be potential positive outcomes some doctors say that they are looking forward to the opportunity for records to be more easily attainable perhaps across state lines for quicker when someone's life is on the line and there's a very short period of time to build access information quickly is important to there are many different moving parts here to take into consideration people always think oh this is always a big business dealing and while the experts do say that Google could get tens of millions of dollars if they repeat this work that they doing for other health care clients and what not google for their part is said that they're not making any money on this right now are not they're not charging ascension anything for this right now oodles not being paid for their work but attention is incurring clash as it treats its staff to use Google's technology so they did not disclose the financials of the deal but you have to imagine that at some point there will be financial benefits just to be believed by any company that performs a service especially the shy and like you to point out once this technology is done to the Taschen and it's been established it is something that could potentially be repeatable with other health care concerns besides ascension and then that's where Google could potentially. Make lots of money down the road south listen to that business the shareholders and that's how the world works so certainly we can expect some sort of monetary outcome they have a little for this Sarah Needleman tech reporter at The Wall Street Journal thank you very much for joining us. You're listening to the daily dive weekend edition I'm Oscar winners and we'll be right back the black jacket said that he is known for their incredible note for note sound for sound recreate of classic albums and their 2 January 11th performances will be no different what is different is the show itself joined the blackjack at $7012.00 shows January 11th for a surprise Led Zeppelin album performance where you choose the album they performed either Led Zeppelin 2 Led Zeppelin 3 let someone form 4 houses of the whole day or buy a full set of Led Zeppelin Hicks Here's how to vote for your favorite Led Zeppelin album click on the calendar tab a w b h b 1025 dot com and look for the black jacket symphony link then vote the winner will be revealed at the show January 11th inside the Marcy Smith Concert Hall at the b.b.c. 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Bring through a small part of the estimated 75000000000 square feet of glass surface area in the us now imagine turning that surface area and virtually invisible solar cells on your home or an entire skyscraper even on car windows and cell phones today this new technology can produce only about a 3rd the energy of conventional solar panels its efficiency could conceivably be tripled the team says to equal better rooftop units with the many more surfaces where you can install these inexpensive panels the potential for see through solar is something you can see through and something to daydream about the next time a ray of sunlight streams through your window I'm Bob Carr's discover more at n.s.f. Dot gov. Michael Berry that I am in. Cartographer in the air or book or photography now in the era of computers everything changed but even in the era of photography at least you can get a sense of but can you imagine drawing a map of a sizable lead based on walking touring it on horseback when I would You can't imagine I can't imagine the block our living trying to draw it in scale because I've seen aerial photos that even make it easy to even imagine trying to draw the coastline or anything else without the a. Photographer or did anything mechanisms in the way you start to get more Michael Michael Barry weeknights at 5 on w.b. H.p.t. Listen on your h.d. Radio at 102 point one h.d. To. Play for today's It is if you really want to go. Just listen. To what a 6 pack. If you heard the only prescription to smoke out that. Look out to classic rock on 061 of w.t.f. a K c But enough said the company's p.h.p. Morning show wanted Alabama's best talk show by the Alabama law casters Association this is Monday morning a w b b on f.m. In Huntsville 12.5. Welcome back to the daily dive Weekend Edition Finally for this week a 1000000 Americans are arrested every year for drunken driving and in many cases the breathalyzer test is what seals the deal but a recent New York Times best a geisha has found that these devices can give skewed results because of human error or because the devices haven't been properly calibrated. There have been so many errors that judges in Massachusetts and New Jersey have there are now more than 30000 breath test in the past 12 months alone for more on why we can always trust the breathalyzer test we spoke to Stacy Cowley She's a reporter for The New York Times in 2 states in particular in New Jersey and Massachusetts we've seen tens of thousands of protests in each of the states to be invalidated because of legal rulings and challenges to them so we started taking a closer look about what exactly is going on and what we found in those 2 states in particular is that a lot of times when you see large numbers of tests get thrown out it's human error someone somewhere along the line made a mistake in how the machines were set up and used and when that happens the results can be pretty catastrophic Massachusetts just had to throw out every single breath test done in the state for 8 years which is a pretty sweeping result so I was a little bit of background on how these breathalyzers work so the basic way the breathalyzer works it's based on a scientific principle known as Henry's Law and basically there is this bill is a shame that you could use breath to make an approximation of someone's blood alcohol level and when it's done correctly it works pretty well the scientific principle is correct judges and scientists taking a close look at this for decades and scientifically it holds up the challenge of course though is that a breath test machine is a piece of technology and no computer is perfect there can be mistakes so for years lawyers have been trying to take a closer look and say Ok how did these machines the police officers used actually work and part of the challenge around that is been that the manufacturers treat this is proprietary they don't want people to take a closer look at this so it typically requires a whole lot of litigation to even get a hold of one of these machines if you're not a police officer and a whole lot of litigation to get a closer look at the software and in general when that's happened and there's been large court cases over these things generally what experts find is they find a few errors they generally don't find catastrophic errors pretty much every time this has gone to a state Supreme Court the Supreme Court has decided hey the machines are generally in the liable but in every case there's been some little errors that come to light where things more often go wrong. You know it's at the machines are scientific instruments they have to be maintained correctly programs correctly used correctly and quite often when lawyers look under the hood and they find that something's gone wrong in that process part of the other thing is that there's about 2 dozen companies making these testing machines so standards and regulations are different from obviously state to state and company to company with these things and calibrations are different for each machine so it can really kind of become a big web of confusion there some of these types of machines go for about $10000.00 or more big contracts with state police crime labs or could be worth millions of dollars and one of the biggest questions that kind of arises from all of this is so a lot of these machines can be miscalibrated So there's a lot of mis you know a lot of people who were. Charged with drunken driving that maybe shouldn't have and in the case of as you said Massachusetts in New Jersey where some of these cases are being thrown out because of these false readings there could be a bunch of people that are getting off the hook that are actually dangerous people who are repeat offenders of drunk driving one of the real challenges or one of these things blows up in a big way like happened in Massachusetts is it really end up with a double edged sword there and that in Massachusetts because he says until now they've got 28000 people who were convicted based on tests that the court now acknowledges are unreliable and leaves you with people trapped on both sides you've got potentially innocent drivers who are now using punishment for things that they made a gun but you also have a huge number of drivers in the 20000 conviction to probably got a drug who probably did do it now potentially going to be able to have their cases reopened and potentially overturned because of this problem with the technology the article that you wrote about this is very extensive very good and one example that you gave with kind of the difficulties of all this was in the state of Washington and they chose to use this product it's called the Alka test 9510 and this goes through with how things are calibrated and I guess there they didn't even bother to have anybody evaluate the software one of this state. Toxicologists in some of these documents that you were able to find they said well we just threw caution to the wind proceed without paying up front for an independent evaluation in this kind of what happens with it I think that was one of the things that we were a little surprised by in doing I investigate in it we kept coming across what seemed like lax oversight of these things and the reality is you know states are we so is constrained they're strapped they don't have endless time and money and expertise to throw at these problems so we found that quite a lot of understood sort of instinct to just trust the machines going to work to not want to look too closely because that's an expensive and hard thing to do so yeah Washington State was one example where they chose not to spend what would have been about $80000.00 to hire independent experts to independently refute the devices software and what happened after that because a local judge did grant requests from a defense lawyer to review some of the software and the people that ended up making a report about this they wrote a 9 page draft report called defective design equals reasonable doubt and they kind of took this thing apart and realize that there was problems from the beginning they did what they started down an evaluation they took a very close look at the software source code and compile a report saying hey here are some potential problems with this and then they made a legal mistake they went and took that report to a convention of defense lawyers and the company came back to them and said hey we only gave it to software under a protective order under a seal Eli it's supposed to use for any commercial purposes what you've learned and we think going and talking to defense lawyers and trying to market yourself as potentially an expert witness for hire Hey that's a commercial purpose you can't do that and facing the prospect of getting and basically sued into oblivion 'd by a company that had a lot more money than they did they basically are attracted to report and shut down their company but that was a good example of how there is a lot of secrecy around these things and efforts to get a closer look at exactly what the machines are doing a really complicated and often heavily opposed by the companies in Colorado one of the people that were running the labs and running these machines were feeding false information into these I think this was the one that was giving false readings or something like that this caused this whole thing for Colorado to have to go back to the drawing board with their one of the challenge. Just with these things is that they almost never come to light unless you have a motivated whistleblower or a lot of very expensive litigation so 2 of the examples you cite an article in Colorado there was a lab employee who said that hey the process by which we calibrated and rolled out our fleet of new machines when we switched devices was really chaotic and potentially really problematic He said that a bunch of people calibrated machines using his signature that he never touched the lab director signature was appearing on certifications that she didn't know her signature is appearing on sort of a lot of issues there in Washington d.c. Was a similar situation where they brought in an outside contractor who tested their devices and found that every machine was getting results 20 to 40 percent too high that's something that probably would never have come to light had he not really prominently gone around internally and said Oh my God this is a huge problem you have to announce this and disclose this I think that's one of the concerns we hear about these things is that it really relies on someone internally speaking up and doing the right thing or you just never find out about it so what do we do with all this information now for anybody who has gone through this and maybe has gotten caught drunk driving and the breathalyzer nailed them there probably really pissed off here to some of the staff for other people who are just kind of worried in general that they might get caught up they might be cautious of this but as you said in the article between 2 states Massachusetts the New Jersey alone at least 42000 convictions are at risk because of some of the stuff of some of these faulty readings or missed calibrations things like that so what do we make of all this part of why this is a challenging story for us is that there's no easy answer here this is a really complicated technology the more we delved into it the more we're like wow there's a whole bunch of very specialized issues that this brings out legally forensically scientifically So the takeaway as we kind of came away from it were 1st of all the easiest way to avoid getting caught for junk driving don't get in the car and drive 100 drink Yeah that's the simplest thing if you do have a breath test that you think a something could be off here consulting a local lawyer is definitely the best way to go I mean this is something that requires a lot of specialized legal and scientific knowledge and really finding a local expert who has those skills is very useful. We're also hoping that the article will potentially enjoy our judges and policymakers and lawmakers to take a closer look at the oversight because really to deal with this problem systemically these sort of things don't start to get fixed without closer oversight and that's what I think we want to see happen here is that these are sensitive forensic instruments and they need to be maintained correctly labs need to have the resources in terms of finances and manpower to be able to do that so we really hope that policymakers and lawmakers will keep that in mind Stacy Cowley reporter for The New York Times thank you very much for joining us thank you for your interest. That's it for this weekend be sure to check out the daily diet every Monday through Friday join us on social media. On Twitter the day we die our cats on Facebook leave us a comment give us a rating and tell us a story that you're interested in all of the daily diet and i Heart Radio or subscribe where ever you get your podcast this episode of the daily diet has been engineered by Tony sorry your home is important that's why Geico helps make it easy to save on homeowners insurance because home is more than just a place home is where you curl up on the couch in a fetal position and cry it movies even though you've seen them a 1000 times and have all the lines memorized. And also you would see if you knew. The guy co-insurance agency could help protect the tear film comfort sound of your car. And see how easy it is to switch and save on. Ordinary bar soaps major good job of cleansing easy done and done that was done to get a whole lot more because every bar is maybe one quarter moisturizing cream so you get a gentle clean at least skin feeling soft and nourished upgrade to the bar that gives you more expenses and cares Plus it's number one recommended by dermatologists Now that is money well spent. Get more from the Beauty Bar. Coast to coast am follows Fox News on w b h. Bill w. H. O. S. Decatur and w d r a n f m h d 2 Decatur and Heart Radio station. We see as governor reelected Jack Callahan Fox News surviving a challenge from Republican Eddie respond to a Democrat incumbent governor John Bell Edwards celebrating away on the previous day they've been with me every day that I have the honor to serve as your governor because every day I get to meet my grandma wheezy an unseen remind me how blessed we want to call this great state home. Respond to you have the backing of President Trump who held 3 around his for him he asked his supporters can we give President Trump around me. That man loves America and he loves Louisiana unofficial results show Governor Edwards with a margin of about 40000 votes out of more than one and a half 1000000 cast President Trump had the 1st phase of his annual physical dawn of Saturday at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center the fact that it wasn't publicized ahead of time triggering some health rumors boxes Jeanine Pirro asked White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham anything to them the rumors are always flying absolutely not president tweeting that everything turned out very good the House committee is probing the president held a closed doors.


Shop on Wednesday Nov 13th that's coming up this next week the workshop will be held from 5 to 7 pm and the servant is and Alaska is a conference room on the 3rd floor of the bay tree building on the u.c.s.c. Campus entrance located at 1156 high street in Santa Cruz more info on accessibility means are available online at women and e.c.s. Edu or by phone at 831-459-2072. He Tim happy we are here in Santa Cruz the line up collective improved by well this morning thank you for giving it thanks for having me so nice for doing it now having you do the work back there that last that we are k.c. Se Santa Cruz were located had top the University of California at Santa Cruz and we broadcast at $88.00 f.m. All around this Monterey Bay up and down the sleekness Valley Santa Cruz Mountains sunless the islands who look at you and wherever your signal gets you at 88 point one f.m. Where ever a smart device is tuned to Casey a cd or g. Cuts there too so we have Matty this little casual It's not even a contest it's just people can check in and say where they're listening from how they found us and they can do that by calling or texting 831-459-4036 all due to Mattie tomorrow Saturday we've got it's all good from 9 until noon and Bruce plays anything he likes and it's all good but it noon what the fun we're going to have with you and jazz Kitty Absolutely it's a d.j. Bluejay returned I guess you know what we hope for d.j. Bluejays good health in return and noon until 2 during our school year is all the lovely women of jazz and jazz could be tomorrow Saturday right after it's all good from 9 to noon you just got just getting from 2 noon to 2 and it too oh well we just go on and on don't we well so nice to have you queuing up Irma Thomas the story of my life and we've got more from Jamaican The Breakfast Club brewed in New Orleans it's pop rock steady so pop rock and we welcome your calls and text 283-145-9403 extension 6. lead. Bold. Some girls they do get. That Who are ready it Stagger Lee back to John's nolens dis that data here it is on your land yap we are the lead up collective the whole area got some surprises queued up for you we heard she make a Copeland her new America's child needed this Arum on Alligator Records the wrong idea Ernie Cade mother in law from New Orleans home of the blues it's Volume one and volume 2 we have we got a lot of records up in here Katie Webster's Try a Little Tenderness the swamp Boogie queen and that we have that on LP and cd and here we have primo you recognize bon a set of Send Your enough from just a gigolo import backbiter record and Jamaican me breakfast club don't don't you want me for the pop rock steady sounds of the eighty's well Irma Thomas and her Dr Feelgood from Story Of My Life and Terry's. Swinging on a vine we can be swinging on a vine Saturday at the park hall where Andre teary will be singing and you can be dancing Well it's time to Mattie we've got some surprises queued up for our listeners thanks so much everybody for checking in with some awesome requests and questions nice to hear from everybody where you're listening from are you streaming by listening at 88 point one f.m. Superduper to hear for you yeah we have 48 listeners right now as you well under 4 too nice to hear you that we can count how many uncounted others in the Monterey Santa Cruz San Benito and Santa Clara County parts of salmon. Yes well hear what's going on on Wednesdays but Dr t. He recommends taking that weekly dive deep deep into the creates a vinyl with soul soundtracks jazz international with beats and miscellaneous oddities are all spun by a host j.t. You can book that appointment with Dr t. At the vinyl or e m every Wednesday at 9 to noon right after we can make you Wednesday from 6 to 9 only on K.C.'s see Santa Cruz and meanwhile every Sunday the city of Watsonville hosts weekly nature walks through the local wetlands the wetland system of slews and their uplands offer a breeding in a year round habitat for over $220.00 species of birds Watsonville trails also provide public access to the fresh water wetland one hour guided nature walks are open to the public there every Sunday at 1 30 pm and start at the Watsonville Nature Center at 30 hot hearkens saloon road that's 30 Harken slee road more information is available online at city of Watsonville dot org You had banger so we promise surprises we have surprises trombones Yes Boehner Rama. Was. a. Heaven knows what he's crazy closely I. Think she's. Going. So that was Kevin Gordon with St on the chain preceded by the Stevens with pink shoe laces which was recommended by Bill from Monterey Thank you Bill. And then we had Marsha Ball with I'm coming down with the blues and then. Boehner with Misty Mountain pop that was a trombone cover of Led Zeppelin pretty pretty wild stuff. You gotta k.c. I see thanks to the United States Census Bureau for supporting student run community radio the Census Bureau is now hiring for part time positions in communities in Santa Cruz and surrounding counties more information at k c s e dot f m slash census jobs that's cazy s c dot slash census jobs all one word and up next we have Linda Ronstadt with don't know much featuring Aaron Neville. I shall not be moved from step to more 3 Linda Ronstadt area never altogether. When something is wrong with my baby from. Oh that beautiful vinyl record cried like a rainstorm can you read that from their. Credit careens to howl like the wind this is k.c.s. You Santa Cruz we leave you as we do with some fun your mind do you know that Carol's got your test of time up next after a concert calendar d.j. Magic Good to have you up I got home I have to get you some so nerdy I get you some heard like Ice Cube slim used to say this is been the land Yeah program here in k.c. a C. Santa Cruz bone around the trombones plays uplands never been a rocket head banging heads like a log and stay tuned for Carol and just a time d.j. Many will see on the air tomorrow Sunday Sunday Sunday we'll get your breakfast in bed and get back road Salafia see on the flipside sounds. That way. Well Whoever would've thought. Great version of Led Zeppelin's tune and. It looks like while the whole album Bon Rama plays lead up on I'm going to check this out and sounded kind of like AC d.c. Me to brass band I don't know. Paul Joyce we don't have the concert calendar for this week. So if I find any information along the way I'll let you know you're listening to k.c. S.c. Santa Cruz this is the test of time going to jump right in with seals and crops Don't go away got plenty to play. One to 3.


As I don't weld last night I missed all the fireworks before the dancing on the handbags to Disco Inferno from Trump's and Katy Perry with fireworks started all of just 3 sort of vague Bonfire Night types and song so over to you to come up with an absolute buying or 80295 in the text tweet me b b c r s afternoons listen to the afternoon show's Facebook page. Suggesting been buying a bang by Lulu or bang bang by be a Robertson lots of bangs there we have who do we have here let me just do a little bit a click and Mike import laws go sing would colors fly and Catherine will buy a simple minds for new Goldring fit the bill for an appropriate end to show song I don't have ever had to own the radio thank you very much in deed and we also have a rocket from a bottle by extend see suggests Moscow thank you very much some really interesting ones coming and lets us meet or to stage a few years because they might have some suggestions for song we tell you they've been very busy because they have been reading in Rankin's latest offering it's an old book 1st published in 1900 print for decades waste and the been listening to former Scottish on the Year Award winner on a matter of this new album Phipps and the beat off to Dundee to the v.n.a. For the new exhibition Hello bought so it's hello all in Glasgow to boot Patterson Hello welcome back to you Do you have a bang out of a song to suggest well I just had bang bang Nancy Sinatra your stuff roast your fairy geared sort of road will be delighted to hear that Neil Cooper and Gail Anderson are together in Edinburgh welcome both you know lovely to have it here Gail anything that you would suggest I. Like boom had a bang bang by Nancy Sinatra cause I like this idea of low noise for the paints I'm going with Silence is Golden Vanity and in fact you should listen to get on tonight with Brian Barnett I was he's exploring the whole idea of thinking of our pay simply peaceful music tonight on the program on The Lovely. New Cooper what you well I struggle to this once be honest it's 1st of all could come up with and it's a lovely song as a kind of bittersweet song by Elvis Costello indoor fire. But then just while you were talking and I just thought of a bottle rocket by the go team there you go so many Once you start thinking about it and if people don't know you guys I'm going to describe you to them about why you are cracking critics. Sort of you for the head of them free lance writer and there again the Patterson journalist illustrator. And activists line there are some things. To look and to Gail Anderson comedy critic and writer and also very good in social media she gets up to all sorts of stuff though I do thank you all very much indeed for being here Sue 1st of all we're going to go off to the v.a. In a big exhibition hello a rowboat is just opened so it's looking fancy isn't artificial intelligence technology and making an impact on our lives through all sorts of things everything from architecture to fashion and ask questions of visitors such as Do you want a robot to take care of you how do you feel about objects having feelings and will a robot steal your job that's the one everyone is worried about isn't it so new 1st impressions Well I mean the whole the whole environment that it creates it feels like a film set feel world feels like in 1970 s. Film sets idea of the future you know with these kind of big big white walls and everything containing both a show of retro imagery for from the fifty's a. Earlier right up to like you know some of the real life technology was like you know making bio nicks you know like. An actual actual thing so you know. But the interesting thing about about all that was that you know despite all the technology around is that it was a very interactive thing because you know the whole thing about robots and the fascination with robots or you know creating monsters from you know from Mary Shelley to doing Frankenstein food to science fiction by Kassam often more recent stuff actually like the t.v. Show humans is about the kind of humanity that robots can or can't have so this was a very human touch in interactive it yes it was full of screens but it was very it was very interactive as well and the presumed booth for you this is you actually it was an Instagram atrocity actually puts a really beautiful of almost painterly images that room in your house and if you describe a lovely picture by Lawrence when. Well is my home Ok And it's me and my house and we were doing a different photo shoot for for him he's an art photography and he saw my chair of group and said Would it be great if you were creeping up on them with a handgun as though he's made the rules on this chair in the foreground so they look terrified and they're kind of looking like they're looking behind them themselves me holding the gun it's just. Just on Monday all of which is to see that you are you have these are little beautiful. Little boy and of collect them since I was a kid and I think I never collect the ones with human faces I really hate those there's something about I just like mechanical things and I like the fact that you can kind of project human qualities onto them but the idea of. And becoming more. Teligent and humans. It terrifies me and this exhibition Actually it was great but it was also terrifying the further you go into it the more worried I became so there's. Goes to great lengths to point tends to be programmed by young white males who make entirely gender decisions about how robust react. Examines why for instance most voice assistants are primarily female and the answer is that the men who program them think that women are subservient so. The report states there's a report done by UNESCO called I blush if I could and it's named after the phrase that city says when it sexually harassed really by its owners which happens quite a lot of Currently what does she say I blush if I could Ok so this you know school report. Yeah. Well no they do this kind of. The at UNESCO says they reinforce stereotypes of an assertive subservient women in service positions and intensify rape culture by presenting this kind of catch me if you can kind of flirtation when they're sexually harassed so. Yeah it got really scary you know and then I listen to Radio 4 this morning on the like scientific and there was Dennis has a base the c.e.o. Of deep mind. Which creates Ai and this is a guy who sounds like be careful in the Muppets talking about the pirate he feels when something he creates wins over a human and I think that's just the problem in a nutshell you know the idea that these guys who grew up with her because they were geeks suddenly have power isn't it good that this is being addressed in the sex of all of the plates which are of getting something can be done about that Well absolutely and the thing is I. I want to go back I was there for 2 hours and it was long enough because every robot that you get to interact with you know you could spend an hour with it and there was one there's a seal a kind of a seal that that's for dementia patients that vibrates if you stroke it and it gets alarmed if you are nasty and things and it's really disturbing to hold but apparently it's really effective so you don't want to even though I'm disturbed by you don't want to take it away from those people however there are just other things like there are sex toys for men and women let's not do that they. Can meet bought Ok there's just a lot of things that are that make you think this is not how I want my life to turn out Ok so this is coming Gayle Anderson this is coming from this you know a fan of robots so she's clearly been distorted by some of the elements in this for you presumably is another more entertaining site to how it was for you as you entered the exhibition What was your feeling did you feel disturbed or do you feel more at home well there's a real soft launch for no one take is like me I absolutely love the exhibition I didn't take anything I took a lot of thoughts away from it but but mainly they were positives the 1st section I loved with. Sarin more than you know in popular culture and I was immediately eased by a gorgeous poster for Fritz Lang's Metropolis and it just eased me in you know that section itself is so such a stylish feast for the Iraqis I mean who knew an exhibition on machines could be sourced there tickly pleasing you know when you've got a r 2 d 2 photo we selfie you've got chairmen the or the Jetsons Knight right or you know they're all there and there's it's not style just central But moving on what to be saying that was. Positive female things too I mean there was the traffic rule bought some which were made by a Congolese engineering association of women women take and they'd been developed to control the traffic in Kinshasa or human traffic controllers are known to take bribes So these robots have been in and they say in the video was a futile. Misstate you know car problems direct to the police station for citations and trucks so come on the women you know I thought I loved that and I just thought the whole exhibition gave you so much to think about and I love the anarchy if it to you you know you've got all the C.D.'s stuff and then they stick in a shack tatty film or Inspector Gadget or a b. York sign track I just thought it was really entertaining and for all the family do you think that hung together because clearly you know there are a lot of themes being explored here yeah yeah I mean well I mean the the thing is that you know it's an exhibition that will never ever be finished in a way because technology is keeping on moving all the time so yes it did it did hang together I mean I loved the retro stuff you know and I had a little. Images of craftwork you know and you know when they you know the who did we all the robots and stuff like that in the in the film stop yesterday the more serious stuff was it was absolutely fascinating in it taking totally on board some of the stuff that we were saying and also the way it's being used in art as well yes the aesthetics of it I mean the press coming in is video Bjork's are all full of love and there were there were other films kind of taken from short stories from the very splendid book the that comes with it which is quite a hefty price but it's also been put together by robots which is slightly scary as well and the whole idea of something like this being something. For all ages maybe and interest. Is there stuff there for younger children for example yeah yes because you can interact with things I mean there's a there's a report called Kipp which is an empathy robot and it looks a bit like the one Pixar one you know that was before Toy Story of the lamp it looks a bit later but it's at the top of it it's made of paper so when the metal bit chic the paper really vibrates and you've got to speak to see thing Lee to make it come and then if you're if you have a harsh voice of you know it takes and terror and I said hello to it just like that and it shook in terror. Like tweak. In the programming needed there. But there's also the tremendous We didn't sculpture when you 1st go in which is made by Rob and it kind of twists from one room to another it's called up sticks which is named after the methods that the crofters used to deconstruct and reconstruct their houses when they were thrown a whole lot and after that phrase comes up sticks and you know because he owned the physical host but you know the land is I mean his politics the air and sociology but actually the idea of machines making something to be natural would just kill the well so to resolutely beautiful you think it's been made by art as I guess there's a little model sculpture of it so you can see it better but it goes literally from one room to another and you can wander inside and look up it's like I think after the expression it should be moved to a bar or something and be really good to be drunk and excellent basically saying recommending this absolutely yes definitely definitely Oh absolutely a 100 percent fantastic I'm going to go thank you very much Hello Robel it's on a need indeed until the 9th of February supply of opportunities to do that might be a nice thing to do for Christmas New Year more Tuesday if you think so. Are staler to you single the week from Glasgow band the bass boys this is good girls do bad things. That's our new single of the week listen you started yesterday so we're halfway through week have a do you like it love clearly or wouldn't choose it didn't like it at least see it in the bass boys in good girls do bad things and Lucy herself joined me on yesterday's show so you want to hear a little bit chat from her about the band to I do recommend you have a look at the video that goes along with it is a nice old fashioned order video that is there it's online and it's hard enough power stuck in the stuff in the East End of Glasgow certainly worth looking up. Get it on with Brian Barnett the soles of your pants tonight's. Save the animals in your house are nervous of fireworks soon and for some calming say. What rock helps quiet in your dog and some. Classical keep the cat from going crazy. For you. On tonight's playing the songs a you want to hear from $630.00 on b.b.c. Radio Scotland another wonder whether Edinburgh guests enjoyed the trail as much as . Some of it's an album and yeah well you know yes songs for your Pet Sounds could be a good one tonight Gail you presumably you'll be chiming in if I say I'm so on trained you are. In every you live in la thank you write animal. New album faves soon before we hear of yours made of it here is the most recent single inhale exhale. They go the inhale and exhale t. Breath and. Meditates It's been 3 and a half years since her Scottish on the year award winning debut album varmints the new album is called fibs described as pressure release wait for us all to get an AK 45 minutes of Technicolor mock symbolism almost perpetual rhythmic reinvention and boasts a visceral richness and unpaired a paddle out accessibility they gold is that description of fibs true. On a marriage with Amy this summer which is quite something for not just before the even released their 2nd album and she was I was thinking a lot recently and thinking we should even have the album Bus think because we reviewed the new Netflix poll Rudd C.D.'s living with yourself in the show Ask them music for this is fantastic this is a really innovative interesting sign shot and I didn't realize it was on the man of death and I haven't looked into in detail I think there might be some original music but music from varmints and I think possibly music from fibs also on the Sunshine was a lightless. Into this album the new your big music fan what do you make of this well I I loved it and you know that in talking about it today if you're looking looking for music with fire fireworks I mean this is just one big firework I mean it's sort of I mean like so you kind of try to try and be as good as the hyperbole from the press release I mean it whooshes and it fizzes and it kind of kind of spins and hits just like I mean it does it leaves you out of breath and you know fusing that sort of kind of technology and synthesizers but you know it's still what we just heard there you know it was insistent that Philip Glass but with the vocal they ended up sounding like by churches I mean it's not Poppy it's great and you have previous Because you like to frost on the also sword Yeah I saw her. At the festival before last the thing is part of the national festival and you know that's were on record it's great but live in a big room I mean that's really were it comes you know there's it's it's big and it's loud and you know the album needs to be heard in the club half of it you know of the 1st track on it it to you know it's all about bangers it really really is a banger and you know I mean and an American you know she wore can't put on a silvery cape and things like that you know and there's this tremendous. Amount it is a serious musician classically trained and all the rest it but this is wonderful sense of fun about it which kind of undercut some of the more post face stuff that you know faced attitudes that can come across from they haven't got sometimes so it's it it's yeah it's exhausting but it's great Ok exhausting that's a good that's an interesting word Gail I mean you can never fall face but that I'm not picking up on what Neal said there but you know you should really listen to this in a club that's not very helpful if you're listening to home or in your headphones or wherever did you find it where you inhaling exhaling did you find. So stinger was exhilarating I don't know about fireworks it was a bit more of a damp squib for me. There's no doubting the album's innovation and creativity or indeed as musical knowledge and muscle but for me there's just not enough could he Jand the old I join Robin then it just became a bit jarring I was listening to all my favorite signed both which is the train between Ed Rendell indeed and some of the tried phones I hope you can understand. Some of the tracks were paraffin accompaniments for that gorgeous east coast journey yet but others had me literally spilling my coffee all over myself and the made that the 1st track that Neal was talking about Saul bones I mean it starts off all $0.80 and it suddenly goes through Hammer House a horror it was a real be all man and then we have a little blast of it and be killed off and here we go except Eagle Globe sawbones and that's taking me back to playing it for the 1st time home and thinking oh I'm really looking forward to the sob Let's go on and let's go on the funny trying. You know what mentioning that because I've since listen to that a few times and I have to say it's a good or bad imagining for me but I know merging people listening to this in the car I'm just stop it or else loving it and sitting opposite me is always radiant. No serious no because I'm saying even when you're kind of annoyed when you can't help it you just get that face and that smile and even though you're not a troll happy with any of this record are you the hottest new. New. You know with an absolute a friend's place a sense badly and is convinced all his songs are amazing it's that but for an entire album and I can't believe I had to listen to this and I was in the dark. I was in the bath because I thought well that's something to review while I'm in the bath I'm in such earth I just thought I had to you know we obviously where there are pressure to get out of my lovely hot bath and turn. Are just and curator and I thought well at least I've got the whole water to take my mind off but you know the awful I mean insolvency for example I love that big stream squelchy Chubais and signed I think it's funny and also most unusual and it's the Emperor's new crowd that I could imagine it in the Jewel cut of that track and I had that so it made me more annoyed than a score reel consolations I was but I did like track like limp and I loved Ike I was poor going around almost on the train that I could you know a lot was you know the the. Wasn't a signed voice hybrid imagine fave fight for the developer you know given the law it was really kind of punk and I quite like thought one and new I mean there are also. There is a lot of. Them much more much calmer you know I mean you've got this sort of kind of crisscrossing chaos going on be it may be behind them but it was it was such a gentle voice and it's the more pastoral I think I think it's lovely and the doc kind of pick and mix sort of big bag of sugar thing I think it really works let's just hear a little bit Welcome back to do let's hear a little bit one of the folks. At. At. At. At. a little flavor defining. This new album. Feel any better with the vocal tracks Patterson know me know I spent 17 years clipping in a b. Ther and I'm a former music monitor so it's not like I'm a to beat where but it sounds like a kid to keep slapping the same keys on a piano until you want to slap the head. Of the her voice is fair I'm a bit over the kind of breath the kind of singing in some songs she's singing right at the top of her range so you're waiting for her to tip into strangulation which is no Again something you want to hear in the. I don't really want to criticize her she's doing her thing it's just not for my demographic and or any demographic I've heard of so. Yeah. I can understand how I knew you could go not patronize me we been very clear about what you're seeing but I can imagine how one can go off the wrong foot with this because I almost dead. And then I have gone back and I see I'm enjoying it and I'm also finding some of it funny because I'm sitting opposite you talk about hitting the one thing I hadn't thought of into you sitting job in the day. And I've got that in my head I'm going to get rid of the new one. I think this is going to be a kind of Marmite record yes I mean it's not going to be for everyone but that's Ok You know what I mean no no record is good is going to be for everyone but you know who knows it might you know it's already I mean on America it is already crossed over in a certain way when a Scottish of the Year award or lat stuff but you know it's like listening to the track then it's also started thinking of Laurie Anderson doing only Superman and taking not a not quite the top of the charts in 1901 yeah she's what about the idea if it was good use of investigate that solved she's saying that each of the I mean we've been taught that the music's that's what we do in the ears. Of the being little stories about sin and lies and so worn I mean did you explore that theme yourself flip it Clee or you know able to actually investigate that because you're being assailed by the music and to be honest I did read that beforehand and I couldn't make out many of the lyrics. Or maybe I switched off from them track some of the tracks like Kill Joy I mean they then went into so a musical theater I thought I was listening to Hamilton or the book Marman and I didn't like that much either I have to say so I couldn't really make the lyrics or I couldn't make much sense I did like the line in sailor by Dancing In The Deep End To me it looks like driving that was about the only lyrics I took out the whole thing to be honest she's done a heck of a lot Gail hasn't she you know film school opera I mean she yes she's written a film score for bull Barnum's 8th grade she's done an opera score dad's campaigns for pride pole judged Young Musician of the year mentored Goldie for a t.v. Show and done collaboration's with a beat box our She's even written music for the lifts in the yarn deal shopping center in Manchester and music for park benches and home. I mean this is she breaks by trees and rules and she definitely walks are on path and she's divisive and I'm all for that you know I like that about her for sure yeah for me certainly and to sing if any of you have access to Netflix is definitely worth watching the Paul Rudd a living with yourself because for me that music I think we're entering a new era of so much and Sting drama on the small screen but I think we're seeing interesting new composers come through and do something quite innovative also just finally new to impart the secret is to you know if you can see or do or life think she will be tuning in February yes definitely I mean you know that's were I mean it will be a lot better than listening to in the buff. Who wouldn't be beating a path to Glasgow are the date for your diety is the 8th of February I thought if I were sure to Cameron because really I'm just sorry to put you through this you musically kill pigs to traumatize us and thank you know all animals we're making of this review thank you very much indeed animated a 2nd album 3rd this is. North of a live audience should be along with news Dr 4 o'clock to 630 she's here to tell us what's on your headlines are a clue Hi Janice Yes a new European arrest warrant has been issued today for us and Tundras University professor over her rule in the 27000 push for independence in Catalonia so caught up on city no faces the possibility of extradition to Spain where other Catalan leaders as we know have actually been jailed we'll be hearing from her Also today 2 pretty big medical breakthroughs one d.i.y. Test which could replace the dreaded cervical smear plus another one developed in Glasgow could revolutionize they how you decide what treatment you give a specific cancer and get patients access to the latest targeted medications plus knows apparently the perfect time to sport a plums and custard dog's vomit. Giant puffballs or orange peel do we know what they are in the new on a minute. No but they'd be good names apparently our wet weather recently means it is a bumper year for all sorts of unusual mushrooms. As you pick them thank you very much indeed they did I says Don't look at these dry 4 o'clock until 630 I made part of some. Very good right we are moving with our cheese review team new Cooper Gail understand Paterson to new from one of Scotland's base love most internationally successful crime writers it is West Wind by Ian Rankin thing isn't actually new is written in the eighty's published in 1900 forgotten about print for almost 30 years originally published in hardback in a run of just a 1000 copies it was his 4th nor 4th So he's now been back East he's kind of tinkered with it in a tiny wee and. By an audio on the 14th of November we have to see new you've managed to avoid reading any Ian Rankin picks up until Yes yes I have yes so it was like it. Before me reviewing one of the radio radio plays of. But yes no I really liked it it was like you know it's a brilliant fast moving through which you know reading it. You start thinking this is a mini series this is a mini series and I mean I'll go with what I would you start with someone's going to give us a nutshell then well it's. Already aspect of it I'm just trying to trying to think of it as I only I only finished it this morning but it's about a space station which which is being observed and it disappears from view or another space station crashes and it disappears and the other one disappears from view but the people. Watching it to someone who suspicious that something is happening there but then they something happens to them trying to also do is try to avoid spoilers. Something happens to them and then there's a guy who was in space suit was the British person in in the space shuttle and there's a guy who was observing the other space shuttle down here and then they'd go off on separate adventures to try and sort this out and all sorts of conspiracy and bad things to say. This is doctrine and well you see it's nature not that science fiction the book I mean you know it's a great great great yawn or all about and I thought I've thought you enjoyed it and I've kind of avoided revealing. Like well I'm just trying to avoid saying the ending Yeah you know that's a good fat Scrooge I gave you what you I mean if you're ready in Rankin's books I haven't either one thing up as well I mean I drink in the same bar as I'm sometimes but that's as close as it gets. I thought it was a mazing I mean a story where it's an espionage thriller same thing on the growing tensions between Britain Europe and America sound familiar and I think it should as these hipsters would say it's so matter. And each of the 4 parts of the book starts with a newspaper clipping about espionage and political tension from papers like The Guardian and Observer from $87.00 it's a tale of spies and satellites and sinister is going on this surveillance center. And the you know. Americans pulling out a few to open this sort of you isolationism I wouldn't be surprised if there are a few walls too so it's quite interesting that the brought this back and I think it is because it's you know it's kind of. Very relevant but like Neal I think the real reason they have brought is because it's a mini cds waiting to happen really really really is I've already started casting some of the part you know. Because Ian Rankin does a little introduction so he's talking about you know remembering writing diary entries and stuff like that which is quite nice to can text allies or yes because you can see it stated that at least 2 descriptions of the wonders of central locking. Crystal display Cellnet foreign Sierra's and Cavaliers. However it's quite nice wallowing in the old text because I remember it for those who do and I mean I think they'll be pretty powerful but. I find it incredibly sexist The men are all daring do you and they are the instigators and the doers but the women are described in threat terms of their attractiveness or lack of it in many times and women on the cheap is extraordinarily pretty and a woman on the street is mid leads to eating too much makeup I mean what Rankin's women all need rescued or are there to be looked up a fair Ripley both I wonder if you know if you looked through it and thought you know I could change this so this is rather embarrassing if you know it's true but I don't think he did I don't think he would have because I think there's some very dodgy ideology you know in passing he describes the secretary as black but no other characters ethnicity is described and because we're to assume that the norm in the world is wait it's like he threw in black to show her very own he was in the ninety's and I really like what the dismissed does she reels against this kind of behavior by only describing her character skin color if they're white and to make this exact point yeah you know what I was wondering was whether he would have looked and thought you knew that maybe that is a bit of a cringe reflecting what I did today and so I'm not going to change although I think he did do you think I don't know I think it was an error then because it makes it makes him seem sexist rather than him just seem you know like he's living in the ninety's the like I see all the kind of the central locking stuff is the thing that sets in the time he doesn't need to be. You know. Backward thinking is well what did you think of that you know and the idea of him actually doing the introduction but he's he is giving it a bit of context I think I felt that was a bit odd I felt like he was trying to explain away like kids you know his fixation with central locking and I also think what she did and I also picked up on the rubbing shoulders with an extraordinary pretty girl to Westminster on the tube which I find a bit strange I also find some of the dialogue strange I mean the River Thames is described as smelling like a sick old pet and people who are fleeing a fire are said that they've been disturbed it looks like they've been to stop in the act of Cletus I mean 16th century is calling it once it's dialogue. And I think you know things like that I find a bit strange I don't argue you can fan you know no I haven't but I do think this would make up a wonderful mini series as I see you know I've got Martin consciousness as the heat or Judy corner as the crazy he'll be a listen Bill Nighy is all very sleek got to be in there and I've got Richard Martin Madden as the astronaut Mike Dreyfus So you know in Jeddah Curel get him on board to direct it and it's going to be a hit new Are you the most enthusiastic of the 3 about this that sounds like it you know but you know such a Pollyanna Neil I know I know I know but you know I mean it's interesting hearing gales Kasten all I could think was of that of a young Ian Hendry. You know because you know it all recently is it is steeped in the kind of culture of pulled thrillers than the other and sixty's movies like like the Chris file and that and things like that but then you know the time and the lack of technology changes we've been talking about robots and the technology on America's record but here because the complete lack of technology they have to drive from London to Lincolnshire to get a video. Well there are these little you know for the little ranking searchers obviously he's a music fan and he's a Brit book fan as a one character has read an Albert Camus book before him one point another character that what's it like needs of stage I don't know nothing's happened yet Yeah there's a bit where they go. To goes into a record shop and plants a Jesus and Mary Chain all them all black kitchens into someone's pocket and he's taken them so he gets done for shoplifting others if it was a system of insight into almost like an Enron can die I don't mean autobiographical into that that is the fight here. Is somebody who's recently graduated. As a writer and this is saying so none of you even rank as novels I mean I would say that and I say I mean. This is the thing though because we're seeing a very very airily novel not in the genre The continues and yes I was interested to know if you will Neal or anyone might know what this. Has later picks different to this you know is why is he is he 6 through all of the no no no no it's all and until he just write about privileged white men constantly because this is all privileged white men like it you know on the phone could. I do think it's interesting this feels like very much like it wasn't written by a contemporary writer looking back on the ninety's and choosing not to research very very very much feels like it was written in the ninety's you know you know that it's a p.t. a Piece yeah you know it is feel it upon this is the thing that people of you know come up to I think he says that in the introduction to you know die hard fans going to war and it's not as bad as you thought it was and I mean his introduction opens with a terrible review from the guard. And so there you go you think if anything it could save a life on screen absolutely it's to be the thing great Ok well let's leave it there thank you very much indeed that's Ian Rankin's Westwind site on the 14th or and then for that so we can. Thursday and there is an exclusive crime fiction event for pick week Scotland with Ian discussing the book with another bestselling author student bright that's happening Saturday the 23rd author of a member. At the apexes tail and the more info about that and indeed all the items we're talking about on the afternoon show Web page and let's have a little bit of music before we have some final recommendations and the small season release of 40 the best of 79221000 compilation album off 7 full mains I also use of in 2 strikes and this new one a couple of kinks suits for one night only. Bigelow flavor of simple minds from that new 40 years based off compilation album their cover of kings he is so it's for one night only and that record is I know you you have a hard cling to words News drive on air and b.b.c. Radio 4 o'clock but not before we give our reviewers a chance to give us one final recommendation of the years to you lovely listeners what do you have and I have the podcast orbiting human circus of the air and it's a fairy tale for adults and I think it's like a way of Sanderson film for the ears sounds terrific thank you very much indeed Neal cares a theater are using the right to push not up sation of Barry Hines's novel filmed wonderfully by Ken Loach written by Robert Alan Evans thank you very much we previewed on the show and it sounded to reflect what do you have for us Gail I have the $21900.00 Comedy Award Best Newcomer nominee Daryn how do you get at the standard. Saturday the 9th and it's at 4 pm to reflect you're covering all the bases that everybody thank you all very much indeed and I feel as if I have to say to you to be fattest I'm sorry to slightly traumatized your ears so this week but will you come back another time give me the rest of that chocolate Ok that's Ok I can read and write bodies that will give us an hour before you leave Thank you Neal cook for. Everything particularly on a matter of the so that's the view and Gail thank you very much indeed you're welcome to send much more grant will be hearing about still new ideas a comedy skit sure plea my shop shines a light in all the ways that are still no excess about everyone All that plus comedian Romish Ranganathan close a show you're banging blazing sparkling choice of born fire night. Shouldn't we have this. From Lulu suggested by Patrick and also and here we go. On digital radio f.m. Medium wave and p.b.c. Sounds b.b.c. Radio Scotland. Good afternoon it's 4 o'clock and this is news Dr with very Stuart tonight a European arrest warrant is issued for the Scottish based former Catalan minister cloud up on city fear very intense feeling of outrage and injustice in all our Fendel is not occurring new Scottish research suggests foodbank users have just 7 pounds a day to live on well right down to the pencil mark ass and I think I've got about 1010 of them have an accent back you know and they say from all that I save I'll try to provide for our kids and skiers could be turned away from one of Scotland's most popular Monckton's this winter because of a cap on numbers. First the news from all over towards a European arrest warrant has been issued for a St Andrews University professor accused of sedition for her part in the 27000 push for independence in Catalonia Clark on Sassy 62 could face a lengthy jail term if she's returned to Spain our correspondent Neil O'Gallagher has the story Clara Ponce a t was education minister in the Catalan government oversaw a referendum on independence without Spanish consent and 2017 after fleeing to Belgium she had turned to Santander who's where she's professor of economics Spanish authorities tried to bring her back last year but with to the warden for extradition following the guilty verdict for the Catalan leader still in Spain a new ardent Snow been issued speaking to me at her home and 5 Professor Ponce a t. Said she was ready to fight extradition the scraping the jail terms for former colleagues as an outreach a cold soda child rapist photographed his abuse of a 2 year old girl in memory and shared the images Matthew Sinclair who. $28.00 in from Al Green was caught after he left his mobile phone on to charge and a woman looked at its contents and found messages on an app Sinclair admitted raping the 2 year old and distributing or showing indecent photos a judge said Sinclair had committed acts of breathtaking wickedness and depravity sentencing at the High Court in Edinburgh was deferred for reports a nursery in Devon has been closed after a member of staff was arrested on suspicion of sex offenses.


Our earth. With the. With the. With the with the. 91.5 k. C. And the Friday evening music mix started things off with the requests for Pink Floyd from the piper at the gates of Don and Interstellar Overdrive Radiohead following with packed like sardines in a crushed tin box and wrapping up the set with wire and red bar trees. Let 91.5 k. Or sissy provide your musical soundtrack every 7 to me. And thank you for doing just that right now as we speak this is Southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station k r c c k r c c h d Colorado Springs k e c c law into k. C.C.'s Starkville and k w c c f am Woodland Park streaming ahead k r c c dot org 2 minutes after 9 o'clock indeed the 3rd hour of the Friday evening music mix with another request this for Buzzcocks. Started things off in this set of music with the requests for Buzzcocks taken from singles going steady and ever fallen in love artichoke after that little 3 piece band I do believe at that time doing a song by song cover of never mind the bollix here comes the Sex Pistols Here are the Sex Pistols here is the Sex Pistols no feelings rockin tours following with board and a raised from the new one help us stranger new as well from Sandy Alix g. Hope from House of sugar and Angel Olson's the latest release all mirrors and new love Kiss set wrapping up at set of music. I'm calling lion and I am the owner of sweet william from the 1st day we started underwriting our regular customers rushed over and said We heard you on the radio we are joined. And we have consistently had new people come in and say her join in p.r. So I thought I'd check you out to learn more about underwriting at Care c.c. Called in at 473-4801 it's highly worthwhile are you looking for extra credit to make your questions about government were sitting to me the teacher Anton submit them online at k r c c dot r g sit it's class every Wednesday at 630 in 11 am and 2 pm on k. Or c.c. . That would be in a vintage voltage and there happens on Saturdays starting at 7 pm with the blues and then rolling into that deep cuddle the stuff that she does so while Saturday evenings I hear a 91.5 k. r C. Say clever lad he is back into the music I had a request for Greg Brown let's play something from 44 and 66. I. a. From . In science lab. Bench and. On some of my own sons some a. Missing from the by. 7 Legoland Legoland Good there is a river that was on the move. To go see live only. Hold it no. Stay no. Doubt there's a town don't come to a bomb don't be the 1st to. Know tile. Many 1.5 k. Are seeing c. In the Friday evening news he makes Florida here and just then. From Lonesome Dreams and ends of the earth Stephen milkmen and the folks that became the jacks and Trojan curfew just ahead of the Lord Huron Twin Peaks brand new record called Lookout lower requests for laid in gold some elephant revival as a while willing enable just ahead of Twin Peaks and starting it off with a request for some Greg Brown you heard ring around the moon. To leverage your host for the Sunday evening just show our 91.5 k. R.c.c. Join me for a journey from the street people of Boston over vocal West Coast Guard recovered all Sunday evenings 7 a term for $91.00 fierce East. This week on your check copper's Angeles seal sits in on the musical roundtable and Colorado's guitar swinging songwriting Joe Johnson drops in to sing a few songs airchecks Saturday at 6 pm on k r c c u. Just about 40 minutes after 9 o'clock coming up at one minute after 10 and p.r. Hourly news and Friday late night music with Bob Slade that will get all kinds of clocks move in front word and backward keep it tune to 91.5 k. Or c c and get yourself to the midnight hour no doubt what time it is you can expect some cloudy skies giving way to clear conditions in Colorado Springs actually throughout our listening area 28 degrees right now their problem Canyon City the one to 2 it 30 cloudy and 17 in Woodland Park look for temperatures this evening to be in the teens mid to upper on Saturday sunshine throughout the day and warm right up into the forty's and fifty's want to start this last set of music with Dead Weather. Can. See. To. Me. That you thought. That you. Have a. Clue. The Started things off at the top of the set we did meadow from feathers and such hogs such hands ride following with the weather diaries all I want the verb from the storm in heaven slide away Tycho with Coast still breaking and. Wrapping up a set of music from their brand new one and my. An American Son Kendra fears the worst after her son doesn't come home one night it's set in Miami police station but the feeling extends to Hollywood soundless as a mom who parents black kids I do understand conversation with Kerry Washington and all the latest on impeachment Saturday on Weekend Edition from n.p.r. News. Saturday mornings at 6 on 91.52 your c.c. So then Colorado's n.p.r. Station 91.5 k. Or c c can be with you wherever you go all you need is your smartphone download the free 91.5 to your c.c. Mobile app a Google Play or the i Tunes App Store This is southern Colorado's n.p.r. Station k r c c k r c c h d Colorado Springs k e c c. K C.C.'s Starkville and k w c c f m Woodland Park streaming at k. Or c.c. Dot org Coming up n.p.r. News and following that Bob Slade and the late night music live from n.p.r. News in Washington and she's Steven's President Trump touted his administration's record on the economy tonight at a rally in Tupelo Mississippi Trump also slammed his critics and the impeachment process against him now corrupt politicians Nancy Pelosi heard shifting Adam Shift shift. And the media are continuing with their rare. Impeachment which I Trump says the impeachment inquiry has bolstered support for his policies the president was in Tupelo to campaign on behalf of Tate Reeves the state's Republican candidate for governor Reeves is in a tight race against Democrat Jim Hood. Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren has released details on how she would pay for her Medicare for all plan Joe Biden's campaign calls the proposal on realistic and P.R.'s OS McCall it has more reaction for months that Warren has faced questions about Medicare for all specifically whether it would entail a tax increase on the middle class now she's out with a plan and notably she insists there will be no new taxes for the middle class instead she intends to pay for Medicare for all through a series of other revenue streams including new taxes on billionaires and employers but in campaign called her proposal mathematical gymnastics but Warren defended the idea to reporters Democrats are not going to win by repeating Republican talking points her critics say her plan dramatically understates costs and in plaits revenues but she insists it's backed up by President Obama's chief labor economist . N.p.r. News but all Rick has dropped his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination he told supporters in Iowa Friday doesn't have the means to go forward. The State Department describes Iran as the quote world's worst say sponsor of terrorism that's a line included in this year's congressionally mandated report on terrorist activity around the world details from N.P.R.'s Michele Kelemen the State Department's counterterrorism coordinator Nathan sales highlights a few key trends the u.s. Has made major progress against ISIS Iran though retains its place on the state sponsors of terrorism list the regime often through its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or I or g c has spent nearly a $1000000000.00 a year to support terrorist groups that serve as its proxies and promote its malign influence around the region Iran's main regional rival Saudi Arabia is commended in the report for taking tangible steps to strengthen its counterterrorism capabilities Michele Kelemen n.p.r. News Washington on Wall Street stocks closed at record highs slid by technology and industrial shares the Dow Jones Industrial Average roast 300 in one points the Nasdaq composite index gained 94 this is n.p.r. News. The u.s. Supreme Court has agreed to review the Securities and Exchange Commission's authority to recover ill gotten gains in fraud cases a California couple is appealing a court judgment to pay almost $27000000.00 they raise from investors to build a cancer treatment center that was never completed the investors took part in a federal program that grants visas to foreigners who spend at least a half $1000000.00 on certain development projects a 15 month old Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo is showing no sign of letting up but the number of new infections has stabilised N.P.R.'s Nell Reed Eisenman has this update from the World Health Organization for more than a month now the number of new Ebola infections has hovered around 20 per week and this latest report from the World Health Organization suggests that's the new normal for this outbreak the good news is that's a much lower case count compared to last spring when the epidemic was at its peak also the cases have been mostly limited to a small rural zone but this week 2 people infected there shut up in a nearby city that had been Ebola free for weeks and the deadly Cho says that's a reminder that until this outbreak is brought to a close the risk of it spreading again.


And Joseph and did his fine shows there with a stranger from Cody Jenks lifers replayed some great rock n roll rock roll country poets this afternoon I think I would really like that James McMurtry and St Dominic's preview It's always great to hear Van the Man hath on the air so thank you Joseph for that great show as always it's been wonderful having the regular Saturday line up so far with him and this morning unburden Joseph then and now me Mr Bones Good afternoon I will be taking you up to 3 o'clock and I will be taking you up to 355 when volleyball takes over so. In the mean time I having just picked the my show was some cut short last week so I didn't get to do my planned pre Helloween. Celtic folk rock extravaganza I always up for how every Halloween I play Tamlyn from Fairport Convention and I thought not only play it but go down that whole Celtic. Folk rock influence of the late sixty's early seventy's for a bit and. The 1st one will start out with just Hamlin it's a Scottish ballad put to music by many artists it's amazing the number of versions of Hamlin we have here in in the studio now my favorite is saw Fairport Convention you know with the power of Sandy Denning's just wonderful voice and I think they just hit it dead on between. Keeping a classical sound and rocking it up there with Richard Thompson's guitar so yeah and in addition we'll be exploring the likes of Pentangle steel lied span Led Zeppelin of course are battle of ever more which is. Influenced by Jr Tolkien and the only recording they ever did with a guest artist that being Sandy Dunning so that's enough for me. Oh let me tell you a little bit about the Tim Lynn story yeah and it's basically a a maiden goes into the the realm of Tam land who has Carter haw sounds like call in the in the record in the lyrics but Carter ha ha u.-g. H. And you know there are she becomes pregnant by an elf Yeah but she also just to escape Tamlyn who are who has this propensity for capturing maidens who wander into his into his land but she escapes but only to return to save her beloved and she's told that she has to pull pull him down from the White Horse and that. The the witches will turn him into all sorts of horrific beasts but she must still hold them to him and so they can make it through if you want a much more eloquent explanation of Tam land are you just go over to Wikipedia and they'll explain all the variants of this classic Scottish tale but. But let's give that a try Tamlyn Fairport Convention with Sandy turning out front. Oh And to we a went out there with the very authentic broke of Dick and got. At and go bra his. Name of the track and that's from the troubadours of British folk Volume 3 we also heard from some a woman who you would think is over from that side of the pond lore Loreena McKennitt doing murmurs dance off of the visit but she hails from Canada and was a little surprised to read her bio and quite popular by there. The notations come out under her name. Another band that had some renown back in the sixty's and seventy's with Steve Winwood and Jim Capaldi John Barleycorn off of the album John Barleycorn Must Die a reference to. Whatever alcohol is made and well made out of barley and the. Tribulations of those who are addicted to it something like the cobbler can't do his job without a little John Barleycorn and we started off there with the instigator of all this Tamlyn from Fairport Convention off of their leisure and leaf Elam with Sandy Denning out front there and. Interesting little aside convention Fairport Convention was founded in 1967 by. Oh who Simon the coal Chris Leslie Rick Sanders. And Richard Thompson. Not included in the founding list just Sandy Denning and they originally were covering American folk music for their 1st few years and when tending joined in I believe that $69.00 or somewhere there abouts she kind of pulled them over into to their own folk music with its great heritage and very much influenced the band so with that yes I mentioned earlier work out of uni Celtic folk sound inspired by Helloween and some some very autumnal feel to the to the music and will be staying with.


Smaller few. Weeks. Raji writes like. Michael. And part of the Fab 5 was think twice by Celine Dion and Alan said Think Twice It's virtually safety advice of microwaves isn't it and he said on that subject microwave the Vienna he said it makes a lovely drink. That's creativity talking of drinks talking of drinks there was a bottle of whiskey option Sotheby's yes that if you had about this is a bottle of Macallan whiskey and it sold for one and a half 1000000 pounds one bottle of whisky one and a half 1000000 pounds that's that's about 54 grand a shot. I mean I like a whisky bit. 54 grand for Shell. Oil. Just off the ice. Microwave. Somebody to show me the. Door and father Bill has e-mailed me said I'm laying on my bed the windows are open the candles a flickering in the wind I wouldn't mind hearing a bit of ghost time by the specials Well I've put you on the list our. Way. a Friday evening. I got the latest travel updates Cullen. I neg Well starting in Essex this evening on the Eastern Ave and thought it that's been closed by police between Motherwell way and Weiss than Ave although traffic doesn't seem to be checking out fine on our speed sensors now staying in Essex the a 120 is close the westbound of that's all for overnight road works tonight from Ramsey to Harley cross and again no delays to report on approach now an update on the m 25 clockwise in Hartford church all lanes have now been a reopened from the junction 24 Potters Bar to 25 at Enfield after a broken down vehicle was recovered from the motorway into Cambridge sure there's a couple of closures on the a 14 tonight all 4 overnight road works westbound it's closed from Junction 36 the 112315 the am 11 the eastbound side is also closed from the m 11 to junction thought to be 3 the Milton interchange staying on a 14 eastbound from Junction 23 the spittles interchange to 24 and Godman chest are Lane one has been closed all following an accident to do take care in lane 2 other why. A 4 to 8 eastbound right before the m 11 that's also closed for roadworks and the a 45 is closed westbound again. From junction 1614 that's the latest. That is focus would suit so 24 questions on the gallery laced insect question number one since 936 Ipswich time football club have had 20 captains can you name 3 of them. More that question number 2 yes to be funny what is one of the things you can use to prevent tooth decay. You think out of the box don't go in with toothpaste on this one stewpot said Question number 3 a chap called Mr chicken that was the last private resident of which famous house in England and finally Fred's question who once said rather controversially the reason women don't play football is because 11 women will never wear the same outfit in public. You said that. Double Double Double got one of the questions I would say most of the week and the same question on there that's how the d.i.y. Quiz works and here's the song that Darren requested from a wish list is Callas a flickering in the wood. A just answer the big. Guy. Us. Welcome to the Friday night late show cross a. B.b.c. Local radio station around the world on the b.b.c. Sounds up very good evening to join in in south. I think it even knew how things were. You know good thank you anything special planned for the weekend. No not really I mean I do not regard the guy in there in a bit better writing member good making all spick and span good men yes now you're going to have a go at the 2nd question one of the things you can use to prevent tooth decay. Well I'm trying to think a bit hard the book that you wanted years ago people used the years. So yes I think they did it's not what motel does though John I try I wouldn't fancy I wouldn't fancy is it now would you know. Since it's on your tooth brush that you know that's worth having I go there John I hope they at the wind doesn't blow around you good work in the garden too much. So have got me looking at why and I pick it up a little bit is that they have a good weekend and thank you for coming on Cheers right. There moderates chela village moderates Here's the song evolves to play for you going to bring Missing chairman. Johnny Mathis to trump the man I'm not around so I dedicate that particular song to and that yes you are nuts this is an email I had from Glynn he said and that's in me to since you every night from 11 Jules wealth would miss it think we've been around for 15 years well thank you for your loyalty Anyway it's and that's wonderful birthday today I know of the wonderful and that's the day today and it would make or even if you could play something I can have you got a lovely birthday and that's lots of love from Glen and of every thought it good good to have celebrations. Hello mercy. How are you and I thank you. I think I'll have a look. Meghan's they didn't say no. No not for me let me know you're all right trust me. So anything planned for the weekend mercy already. Fairly quiet one then. Yeah yeah yeah. Extra hour in bed on Saturday night yeah yeah. Go back to. The lovely So which question again for the folks. That would like former captains plays right to Machu Yeah. Tommy Paul Yeah and Jason. You've got one mercy. Just the one but it's coming on taking part that matters Ok Ok but he got. Things I think I think it was a 2 last night oh yeah beliefs. Might be wrong I've slept since then. I have a lovely weekend. Take a. Good eating plenty green vegetables help prevent to stick a good but it's not what mortal was Nigel in Woodland Park said outside the box have all your teeth out that prevent decay. We've had to get the random number generator out for question number 3 a lot of people got this right Mr Chicken was the last private resident of which famous house in England Tony Northampton's come out of the number generator can't come on he's at work so number 5 from the bank if I'm right please where you are right 10 Downing Street. Mr Chicken was the last person to live there before it became home of the prime minister 10 Downing Street so number 5 from the bank. It is said to me by Brian when Phil The Power Taylor 1st appeared on bull's eye he did the 3 a one or more challenge how much did he win for charity. That's the new question How much did fill the power when on bull's eye doing the free one challenge for charity. That's a tricky one but again we have a guess. Numbers that for you we find it. Bad with. Here it is. Double double 5. Now 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Sweet you. Carry me. Sweet Yeah me. Me get me me. Sweet. Sweet. That. Me. Sweet. Sweet. As we wish the best of luck. To England tomorrow morning when they take up what has been described as the best sports team in the world so. Much of a challenge than boys. Make out and taking on the All Blacks. Good luck. For the said teeth whitening thing will run things to prevent a. Sentiment of my gran talking about it if that's right could I have number 2. No sadly Hello race Marie. How you signed thank you could what you've been up to anything you've been behaving yourself up in plan bridges out 'd Oh have you had only been a bridge player. 40 years now you get nothing of it and well not quite. So which course you would like to answer I think it's number 2 but yeah what's one thing you can use to prevent tooth decay. Well yes you know so when I was little if you're right I have to face did you. Buy that wasn't pleasant Well you know. It's not so rosy I'm afraid not oh. Never mind I'll have a good weekend oh yes I'm going to listen to that well when I watch the rugby in the morning yeah but I guess you know what you think the chances are. I wouldn't put money on it oh it's going to be a tough one isn't it. Let's do the best they Well absolutely they well yeah yeah me enjoy and fine you for coming on tonight so take my Bible guy that's out right now the one from the wish list I promised some Harry Connick Jr. This. Had to be you. Have to. Wonder. And finally if the song. Could make me. Make me. Very big just say. Some of those I have seen. Might never be me. But they wouldn't. Well. Obviously it had to be you one of you it had to be. That. Much but. Ron. Was. Glad. To. Have the. That he did a yeah at the end I think so I put on. Junior and it had to be you job has been on the phone just say peroxide that prevents tooth decay I. Recommend that you may anyway it's not what mold told us about right Hello Alan good morning how things with you tonight. Just had to be her early. Oh I don't want to see yeah. Laying down in my conservatory at the moment right. I'll go running to him then so hold on the roof is spending. Far out so yeah it's unbelievable with a room and it's not particularly pleasant at the moment now now and even feel really good in the morning what was that then I could almost level roof back on. We keep our fingers crossed for you Alan you know. Who once said the reason women don't play football is because 11 women will never wear the same outfit in public well on no much to football fan Ok so I'm going to this is an educated guess right I'm going to we will Ok what is yeah is there used to be football a rule was 'd kept to the British team thing going to be saying yeah but we will yeah and our think he was speaking about the wife who was one of the Beverly sisters and they were 2 twin sisters obviously twins Yeah and. He was referring to well that's odds very well educated guess Alan. Is Wrong Yeah. If you watch that roof. It's all about me I go. Maybe catch you next week maybe you know who that is. So people think it was the I wasn't scripted it sold out. Travel news this Friday evening hello Cullen. Neck Well starting with a big thank you to normal for getting in touch with us tonight and letting us know that the a 127 The Southend arterial road closed as southbound heading towards South End from Progress road to really road now it's all for overnight roadblocks it is looking slow on our sensors but there is a diversion in place no staying in Essex Easton Avenue remains closed by police and east and west thought of rather between Motherwell way and west than Avenue now traveling along on to the 14 in Cambridge or eastbound lanes have been reopened from Junction 23 the spittles interchange to 24 at Goldman Chester following an alley or accident there and while staying on the a 14 there are a couple of closures tonight for road works the westbound side is closed from Junction 36 the a 11 to junction thought he won the am 11 with the eastbound side closed from the m 11 to junction 33 the Milton interchange with a further closure of the a 4 to 8 right before the m 11 itself so do take extra care otherwise if you're travelling along the a one southbound that's closed from Brampton hunt tonight for overnight road works and they 45 westbound just outside of Wellingborough that's been closed from Junction 16 to junction 14 again it's all because of the overnight road works there and we've just had an actually a little bit further afield the m one northbound lanes 2 and 3 are closed a junction 23 left that's all because of an accident that's the. Just call Mason Thank you Colin for your help tonight have a good weekend I'm all that look forward to company on Monday. Like let's just sort of few things out 1st and foremost Tony thank you I said Tony was a he Tony is a she so I do apologize now. This is. Guess for the tooth decay. Are I've heard that to prevent tooth decay rinsing one's mouth regularly with sesame or coconut oil will do the job well it may well do but sadly. That's not what we're looking for that's from Robbie and to an e-mail from Kathy you see could it be mashed strawberries to help prevent tooth decay I know I knew also said would you wish Wiles good luck in the semifinal place I will Wells playing on Sunday morning at 9 o'clock at all goes well wouldn't it be great to see an England Wales final. And everything. They were wrong. But. Thanks. B.b.c. News at midnight Good morning I might Powell several Vietnamese families have told the b.b.c. They fear their relatives could be among the 39 people found dead in a lorry in Essex earlier police arrested a 4th person Debbie Beadle is from the charity every child protected against trafficking and the author of a recent report about trafficking from Vietnam to year of Often what's happening is they are being exploited through in a working in now. In cannabis called evasion for instance so you know they're coming on these horrendous journeys often being exploited along the way and then once in the u.k. They're them being exploited again and often having to pay off a huge debts you know up to 40000 pounds we're seeing a lot of money a 2nd man has been charged over the deaths of 2 teenagers stabbed to death at a house party in Milton Keynes Earl Bevan's who's 22 is due to appear before magistrates in the morning charged with 2 counts of murder and 2 counts of attempted murder. The money and pensions service has advised quick customers to keep up with their repayments despite uncertainty about the payday loan company's future people in the money have been told they credit ratings could be hit otherwise thousands of complaints about its lending are still unresolved Helen Barnard is from the Joseph Roundtree Foundation a social change organization she says we have to do more to tackle poverty what you find is that any unexpected expense. And suddenly your beyond what you can afford or a couple of shifts canceled a lot of people in the economy and suddenly you can't make it to payday and you're left with no alternative but to go into this kind of very high cost credit that actually. So that's the problem we need to solve Leicester City create is a little bit of Premier League history this evening at Southampton James Madison pro Lester a nearly headed say Mary's and saw them record the biggest ever away win in Premier League history then Jamie values penalty gave him a hat trick and the 9 nail final score equals the biggest ever win in the Premier League the manager Brendan Rodgers says the win is a credit to his players you see in so many games where teams cannot break their team down but I thought performance over the course of the game for and against 11 played against him was was a stand in and 2 in any Premier League you know no as it was phenomenal So we're it's a great credit to the players and testament to the hard they worked all night and talking of working all night figures out this morning show that almost a 1000000000 people over the age of 50 m. Now working night shifts but new study from the t.v. You see says around 3200000 of us work overnight that's more than one in 9 people it's the highest level since official records began 14 years ago and there's an extra hour to work Saturday night of course as the clocks go back at the end of British Summer Time b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past midnight. Across 8 counties in effect on you all b.b.c. Local radio station means t.v. Crispy Now there's a yellow warning for heavy rain it's going to stay in place until 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon or this afternoon as it is now in the Northamptonshire piece about errors here we could see between 25 and 40 millimeters of rain through the day the rain will steadily sink South eastwards turning heavy at times and eventually dried conditions will start following from the northwest there is going to be a brisk south westerly wind old day Saturday a good gust between 30 and 40 miles an hour at times and after a very mild Friday night temperatures overnight tonight will be between 13 and 17 and the forecast 5 the Saturday is between 13 and 17 deci do very few light and someday should be mainly dry with plenty of October sunshine but feeling a little bit chilly and then high pressure is likely to keep us fine and dry through most of next week gets fed up with the right right so we're all together on Saturday morning with the results of the Facebook favorite battle status quo responsible for knocking off the top so we've put them up against the Rolling Stones that made light work a vent up against the who and they beat them so we put them up against the Small Faces and they've beaten that music is very bad to make music and you find me grizzly on the b.b.c. .


26 the whiskey was bought in 1986 after 60 years in its cask the bottle is one of only 40 that McCarron produced from cast number 263 described as the holy grail of whisky the latest in sport now here's John Barnes and all that Rangers are already in action no way to port on the 3rd much of group g. In New York Police believe the score was just over 10 minutes play this Porto no Rangers No there's live coverage of the match over in sports and on b.b.c. Radio Scotland it when we do meet with it will have Celtic against a lot Suan the Celtic manager Neil Lennon says his team will come up against a good side of quality players tonight when they meet in the 3rd match in group e. Of It'll probably Celtic currently set top of that group one point ahead of clues and Lance you'll be on in an hearts of reacted angrily after the s.p.l. Fail reduced their ticket allocation for the respective league cup semi finals against Celtic and Rangers at hand and boss any clubs are upset that their number of concession tickets have been cut and on d. Of St goalkeeper corner hazard on an emergency loan from Celtic for the dance park keeper Jack Hamilton having surgery to remove his appendix. St and to the squad for Friday's championship match are we to make it well as a sport. We just travel with Shannon Oakley thank you Joe No we've got a lame block to do here broken down car on the 1900 pounds at the a 92 stone Haven junction to east and the m 77 North Van is partially blocked as a lorry on fire and smoke is blowing across the road from Junction 7 Fenech north to junction 6 at King's Well southbound traffic on the m some 7 is also being affected his car slowed down to view the opposite carriage way millions right in our county it is close for the repair of a collapsed telegraph pole that's from Tom Finn to the 8 to a bare class and traffic on the westbound it junction 20 is sorry junction for which then travel time is around 30 minutes b.b.c. Radio School. And travel the ceiling in tonight clear spells for most blustery showers in northern and western areas although the east looks to remain dry on a cold night with some snow showers possible on the high ground in the north were looking at overnight lows of 0 to 5 degrees Celsius it could even get down to minus one Sarah Cruickshank has 2 eyes out directivity is forecast thank you a low pressure to the north of Scotland will move east bringing unsettled weather and strong winds to many areas her ever a weather front me preaching to the south of the country into the afternoon with Claudette and perhaps some heavy rain so the start of the details for hillwalkers and claim there will be sunny spells across Scotland with some showers and these could be went on the highest good day and as the day progresses Kloden rain push into southern Scotland the Galloway Hills 1st and then the border Hills However other areas will become Clady with a few showers at times through the day temperatures at Mineral level will be around minus 30 Celsius to plus one Celsius and in the grains temperatures will be around 68 Celsius the freezing level will be again 700 meters 2300 feet but this will rise as high as the phase in meters 3300 feet into the afternoon when that mineral level will generally be south westerly 25 to 35 miles per hour gusting $50.00 to $55.00 mph for the North Highlands or at all the winds will ease through the d. From the saith and cloud bases will typically be at range $800.00 to $1.00 phase in meters 2600 to 3300 feet and these will rise above the summits that he goes on however some low clouds as low as 200 meters 660 feet will age into the North Highlands at times Juden the visibility will generally be good but it could be more than that in places particularly for some western areas and though the forecast for the insurer waters are in Scotland the middle of Kelo it's the Milliken tired including the furthest Claydon the north channel south westerly winds for 3 or 4 becoming westerly with slight seas the middle of can tire to our Dominican point faith westerly winds 45 because. Thing with Tilly and moderate or rough seas are dramatic and point to keep rough including the meant safe westerly winds becoming westerly and for the saith west of the Western Isles when the force of 6 or 7 but for the north east it will be eat and very rough seas all rain and keep ref to rugby head including Orkney for the west of the Northern Isles faith westerly winds force 8 or 9 with very rough seas but for the East Thanks Wesley for 7 with rough seas and rattly head to bed upon Tweed south westerly winds 45 or 6 with moderate that's b.b.c. Radio Scotland weather turned 6 and this is news to have on Bill White for the POTUS Johnson has offered to give parliament more time to scrutinize the brakes that deal he agreed with the e.u. But only if M.P.'s agree to a general election on the 2nd floor as the in December the Commons back their withdrawal agreement on choose the but immediately voted against the Prime Minister's 3 day timetable to examine it accusing him of trying to rush through parliament the prime minister's latest gambit appears designed to increase the pressure on opposition parties at Westminster but was that he used till to indicate her long an extension to the brakes a deadline will be much for means uncertain Here's her assistant political editor enormous mirth Boris Johnson today you sought to break the brakes a deadlock by offering parliament what she called a reasonable deal give me an election and I will give you the time you want to debate my brakes it Bill Mr Johnson said his offer would ensure parliament was able to avoid No Deal secure an extension and pass a Brics agreement under the Prime Minister's proposals M.P.'s would have until November the 6th to scrutinize the brakes of Bill at which point parliament would be dissolved paving the way for an election on December the 12th Mr Johnson's move may go some way to quell the unease among Tory M.P.'s wary of a winter in. Election as under his plan the conservatives would go into such a contest having delivered on breaks it it was an offer said the prime minister that provided a way forward the way to get this done the way to get brakes it done is I think to be reasonable with parliament and say if they genuinely want more time to study this excellent deal they can have it but they have to agree to a general election on December the 12th the difficulty for Mr Johnson is that Labor may simply choose not to take up his offer not only did they oppose crucial elements of his breaks a deal they've also suggested they would like up to 4 weeks to scrutinise the legislation and many Labor M.P.'s remain deeply wary of an early election indeed the prime minister is dependent on labor support to even hold an election on his timetable as it would have to be triggered under the fixed term Parliament Act which requires the support of 2 thirds of M.P.'s and Mr Johnson was asked what he would do if Labor withheld their support they could but I think it would be absolutely morally incredible if they were to do so after all this is a party that has the Labor Party don't recall with a body called repeatedly endlessly for a general election they've called for. An election to be delayed until there's a deal on bricks it until there's a an extension or breaks it where they've got their heart's desire now is the time to be reasonable Mr Johnson suggested of labor we're not prepared to support his deal then he would keep read tabling election motions in the Commons the clear hope of Downing Street is that public pressure and bricks it fatigue may yet force Jeremy Corbyn into accepting his election offer the Labor leader however may conclude that. He has little interest in helping Boris Johnson escape his bricks at limbo as Norman's with the assistant political editor of the b.b.c. No people living near a homeless unit in south London see having the center on their doorstep as are living like mere police have been called out to Lindsay hosts and is called Bright almost $700.00 times in 2 years a reporter Khana Gillis has the story so it's been a car what's going on well Lindsay house is located in our fairly quiet part of East called braids close to many bars restaurants and big makers as well and it's used to how used people with addictions and mental health needs and is owned by satellites or cane so operating by the charity why people but locals see that it's had its fair share of problems over the years at the police and fire to been called a 679 times in the space of 2 years a man was arrested recently following a claim that a woman was raped at the facility earlier on this month how to share of court recently heard as well that a man admitted scarring a police officer for life after biting her choosing a disturbance and other officers have also come under attack so locals have blamed constant violence and antisocial behavior in the area or in this unit specifically they've also told the b.b.c. That the fear it's operators why people have lost control one woman told me today that it's a living nightmare she's up to 5 and 6 in the morning it's affecting her family her husband drives a lorry and almost fell asleep at the wheel so that is the impact locally I also lives there and she's been telling me how to experience I think it's a terrible impact and everybody let's listen in this facility. Can't use 2 minds whether to get there in the night the cat path across from the back of the empty house you can't go into because they're all certainly you haven't drugs drinking surely except that these people go out of stand and I feel sympathy for the people that are homeless and need help. I don't think there's enough control over what happened someone to help us I think is have a lot of control of what's happening and that's why the police have to come so often and there's a wider conversation happening locally or in this corner you know it's not just the residents who've been hearing from they are some local businesses see they're constantly dealing with their places getting trashed and there's a bombardment of antisocial behavior or on the streets there clearly every single day across Scotland has its problems but folk invests in us seem to be thinking that issues are stemming from Lenzie House in particular and quite a few people I've spoken to want the police closed down entirely but the m.s.p. The local m.s.p. Linda Fabiani doesn't think that's such a good idea here's what she's got to see you know Lindsay House has been there for decades. And is you know been a village at all this time so I don't believe that it's an option I think they have to look very very carefully at more intensive management because people are perceiving there's a big issue there but this is not a solution because it all has an obligation to make sure that the terror in the homelessness to make sure that they are dealing with people who have particular this is a new target for the whole so you can't just shut something and what the operator saying well the organization as I mentioned is called Why you people and they have insisted that they do have a grip on this situation locally down earlier on today to speak to the chief executive Joe Connolly we're pro-life that we taking steps to some of those are owned we recognise you know some of the pressures that we've increased stuff in we've reduced for a period the number of people who are actually in the service and with the police we've looked at. What involved of the pieces within the village in terms of patrolling and things like what would you see today to someone who we've just here seeing that video up until 4 o'clock in the morning the police are there every single day there's. Screaming shouting Sweeting fights yeah I know it of kids are no no and I would believe no one should should have to love play for they feel and that the pressure of us them to come and speak to is. I am not aware of that being the keys to every single day. There are incidents with that within this Elvis So that's the story pretty much in a nutshell I'm going forward there are going to be ongoing meetings between most of the folk that you've heard there the residents the businesses the politicians and of course the union units management to try and resolve this issue and try to make sure that everyone in the area is happy Cargill is thanks. An international investigation spanning 5 countries is underway after police said they believe $39.00 people phoned dead in a lottery in Essex yesterday were Chinese nationals $31.00 more men or women that if legislated continue they were travelling in from the Belgian port of sea blogger to par fleet on the River Thames it was picked up and Jevon turn industrial estate in grades a company based in Dublin confirmed that it on the trailer and said it was shell shocked that it had been used in such a way the driver a 25 year old man from Northern Ireland remains in custody are home affairs correspondent Daniel Sanford reports from Greece this investigation now has lines of inquiry in Essex Northern Ireland the Republic of Ireland Belgium bug area and China Essex Police says it's the largest murder investigation in the force's history especially spent the day carefully removing the 1st bodies from the lorry trailer so they can be transferred to the mortuary Let's bring field hospital in chum's for it there they'll be examined by a forensic pathologist to establish the cause of death police hope to removed all the bodies by the weekend and working with your forages in China detectives will then try to identify each of the 8 women and $31.00 men Robinson the 25 year old man from Northern Ireland who is thought to have picked up the refrigerated trailer from Purfleet container terminal in the early hours of Wednesday morning is still in custody and police have been given 24 more hours to question him on suspicion of murder but crucial to this investigation is who dropped the rented trailer off in on Tuesday afternoon before it was loaded onto a cargo ship and taken across the channel. The last time people being smuggled from China died in large numbers was in 2000 when 58 bodies were found in a lorry in Dover Jack Straw was the home secretary at the time and remembers that the victims had all their documents taken away by the traffickers making identification very hard extraordinary the police who were investigating this spotted that there was a leather belt and the stitching looked and when they examined this further they discovered that cell into the stitching was the identification details of one of the poor souls who died and that gave the police a good lead in the end turned out that it was a snake head gang in China the numbers being smuggled from China and used as cheap labor in Britain had dropped in the intervening years but they've recently risen sharply again the Salvation Army helps people who were freed from modern slavery in the u.k. Major Kathy Betteridge is the director of anti trafficking and modern slavery and says the numbers they're seeing from China are worrying the men are coming to you call forced labor and for the really Tolson So they are. Coming to this country to. Get a good pilot for it and then when they come in that's not the case at all this tragedy will mean the u.k. Border force and their counterparts in France Belgium Holland and Spain will need to look again at how they search and scan refrigerated trailers and at the security of smaller ports like Purfleet that are away from the busy and heavily policed cross-channel routes a stone your son foot in Greece. Now 16 people have been sentenced to death in Bangladesh for the murder of a student who was set on fire John Raffi who was 19 was attacked in a small town outside the capital Dhaka in April should accused her head teacher sexual harassment he's among those to be convicted of her death which sparked large protests in the country if you're speaking to the b.b.c. Has been Gali Service correspondent Akbar Hussein the 19 year old news for John Rafi such a fire and burned alive she did used to show. Sexual harassment cases against him. Is moderates really shocked the whole nation there was a widespread protest and just it's so expansive which actually all just a couple and the police department to reinvestigate a model case investigation a bill that the head teacher he was all. Planning up the model. To local politicians who belong to the ruling our belief you know and also and that's that thing is that 2 of her classmates are also in the killing and today the court judge said that he was a courageous lady who fought for her dignity and the court also say that after the cases that mystic Asian all they killed where so arrogant they actually tried to hurt the cases the other way. Or the allegation brought against. You wanted it out exactly what the courts that. But these martyr trials usually took a long time how come this has been so quick relatively Yeah you're right in there is the judicial process is very slow and this part of this is a one on the weakest trial happened the other is judicial history 8 happened it only within 6 months just because of public pressure. They wanted to see just. The Martyr happened in such a gruesome way that many people they expressed their anger. Fear and many people are asking how come it is possible that a girl she wanted justice against sexual harassment but she had to give her life that actually shocked the whole nation which actually for what the government to send the child to the. Speedy trial. That's why it happened so quick generally in Bangladesh whenever any body takes place. From the ruling politicians it takes a long long time to finish the trial but this. Case is exception of that strong supporter not per Hussein in Bangladesh. No after this program there is on f.m. Brian but with get on of course on Medium Wave and digital you won't need me to tell you Sports one is on with our live coverage of Seaport 2 vs Rangers and then Celtic versus lights but brightness it's Tell us what's on the n.f.l. How can we compete I think we've got the onset a couple weeks ago we did a theme about the game bend that the ones you really grateful to see you know did you get the chance to see in the White House at the academy in Glasgow just before she became my assets maybe it's venues that are no longer here where you saw some of the big names or perhaps you saw Elton John and before that cost like 250 quid attack it or something like that so the strawbs at the Music Hall and Aberdeen in the late 7474 that was at the peak. Saw and probably. Let's have us please 80215 we're going to start with something classic from fanless advice for most Brian and here's John Barnes with the sports news thanks bro Yeah Rangers as you were saying via an action against poor to unearth 3rd much of a group g. The police and lead a score with just over 32 minutes played as poor to no Rangers No remember all 4 teams in the group were locked on 3 points prior to kick off this evening in the other match in the group the latest theories young boys of Baron are leading fine or by a goal to No Well it a cork Celtic take on lots your in their 3rd match in group of their awful eager to sell their mind a new Lennon aware of the quality of Italian saidan if you are with the players I'm sure it's a bit like a Champions League fixture Celtic currently set top of the group one point ahead of clues and lads York but Lennon has done his homework on lights here this is the quality of the legal school move in is the. Clear case isn't it. Very. In his. Profile of this mysterious year of so the pact going forward is in lots of call the. Does live coverage of the chair from Celtic Park on sport sound abusively just cotton it will no medium wave later and group will at the moment as part somber great no Manchester United No well you will decide in the next 24 hours were to Charles Liverpool for an offensive by depicting the striker develop it was displayed in the away end of their Champions League match in gang Liverpool condemned it as racist here in our hearts have reacted angrily after the s.p.l. Reduced their ticket allocation for the respectively Cup semi finals have to take on Celtic on the 2nd of November and then with Hearts facing Rangers the next day at the National Stadium both are upset that their number of concession tickets have been cut after a lengthy talks with the s.p.l. Have been in described the league's response as disappointing and frustrating the idea of saying the goalkeeper Kora hasn't on an emergency loan from Celtic it follows that then spark keeper Jack Hamilton having surgery to remove his appendix go straight into the squad for Friday's championship much wheate United were just as warned we just progress he will be getting chinned teams to turn their world super lightweight title boat into a scrap Scotland's i.b.s. Champion will meet the American there will be a belt holder in the world boxing supersedeas final on Saturday will be tell us 1st defense of his title and the end of fighter says he has the power to not progress spark out at London's o 2 Arena I'm going to narrow the elements are there really believe I can limit Guten so are the. Others who want to get in there and get it done I'm going to New York I'm in a place if. It's gone on or is a good player is a world champion so all these belts on the line. Is going to bring the best of me still. Is going is going to get you George Tiller very confident there and cricketers are in action against Bermuda and Dubai in their latest qualifier for the rains t 20 World Cup Scotland were 204 for 4 from their 20 overs Bermuda have yet to start the innings and the leader scored from Portugal where 33 minutes played as Porto no rangers no thanks on. The near 7 no clue the travel news Thank you Bill the Admiralty bypass entry slip road is partially blocked in that city to a broken down lorry at Westinghouse right just to the bottom junction and 77 northbound is partially blocked going to lorry fire there and smoke blowing across the road from Junction 7 Fenech north to junction 6 a king's Well southbound traffic is also being affected as car slowed down to view the opposite carriageway and on the trains rail services are at a standstill between Glasgow Queen Street and open and between Glasgow Centrum on Lake as g.t. a Load speed derailment and target b.b.c. Radio Scotland travel and forgo are some of today's top stories leader of the hosts Jacob Reese morgue so the government will table a motion in the Commons calling for the general election on Monday an international investigation spawning 5 countries is underway after police said they believed 49 people found dead and a lot in Essex yesterday were Chinese nationals and Audit Scotland has raised concerns about the financial sustainability of the n.h.s. Alas the health service has reformed and that's it for news Dr so for get on with Bryan Barlow it's like you very much on b.b.c. Radio Scotland from 11 late night radio with Natasha Raskin sorry I. During sex crime 1008. 1984 when she saw them at the Playhouse in a brothel sat on a line explored. Only off stage for 5 minutes. And I was to change caution and stride straight back out thank you very much for the tons of stuff coming and tonight thank you very much to my auntie he said it's a difficult one upon the so many great cakes but the one I ate had never seen folk would have been prime Wilson a musical genius of my seem a concert a few times he's past his base but the music remains for me at least he said among the greatest ever read that you've suggested from Smile come ahead a 9 after a few days working and for the last looking forward to going home to my wife and daughter Katie the spawn you must them all. Figure out a spine say it is a. You say your idea you view touch by the father they put the dog and the messages Well I'm about higher up in the. Lens is producing 10 I have you got for my. Face So in theory in a blockade in Edinburgh they would in 1999 and the be spacious later to 2 in 2 or in $1080.00 and then she's showing off shows on the Pogues at Birmingham powerhouse in 1985 and New Mon also in Facebook says My 1st ever gig was AC d.c. At the Caird hole in the main 1978 with bones go singing says it was fantastic he's the lead tells this is a game I would kill to be at yes absolutely already 2 or 3. Tom Waits live on Broadway on a Saturday night playing car Saturday night Paul as excellent as a 2nd all of. My favorite Tom Waits songs as well so that could be create a. Lemon Jelly it's a market genie in Glasgow it was jumping that the sayings of visuals were phenomenal they had to they had a break to play bingo we all had to join in the goodie bags given to us as we entered at the door all had a bangle carton it was genius it's a great idea more gag should have bangle more bang go for it's the never mind the support just to Bengal how can we do Bengal instead of the temple and next thing we're going to do it. There was a Scotland because we made the programme up at the start of it your scope and blast you think it was Scott and star at they had things like Led by go on the air it was amazing. Thank you very much a good choice to try some lemon jelly would be good on the programme Claire's got a cracking memory she's got a cracking tune and a cracking down are as well tonight prone m.p. Result with a crest white followed by my pals apples. And I crumble now I was going to do with a cross why when I went home tonight as a Thursday I was thinking just now the place put me in the mood I'm going to. Have both why not come but at this is for you. Just saw a simple minds. A glass. He talks about simple minds. Simple Minds. Are in price I cannot promise we will be able to find live recordings from your gags for everything no no no we can get like AC d.c. At the Apollo at the polo and then after that were may be scuppered takes is that the that which has been mentioned in the text as well. On Saturday night b.b.c. Radio Scott and a bit of a punk special on his show on Saturday barely has managed to and there are a photograph of heaven and Johnny Rotten from 1977 really which would be worth seeing. So that's a belly and tonight after 11 at the time sure Rascon Tropp who has gotten a really fascinating guy called or peg he's maybe unfair just to call him a country singer so he crosses over crosses over let's just characterize. Openly gay in the world of country music is as incredibly rare as well. And it's a bit like a really cool Roy Orbison. And also on the yacht and everything else he's never seen mother a mask had in a way looks like it is new is God weird old leather mask on so if it sounds a bit muffled what Natasha is and if you. Say exactly the people that you're glad you saw That's our theme to my 8 to 5 face pic is get on with bribe partner ludes a really brilliant things coming and also you can email get a b b c dot co dot u.k. a New statement said AC d.c. Born score a Glasgow Polo when they recorded if you want blood I've no idea of the significance of this at the time yeah that's come up a lot of people seeing these cakes but not realizing just how important they would be usually a chance to be grateful a chance to share the memories of those great gigs you saw the ones you really grateful for 8 to 5 Alan Herbertson saw Fred Gunderson action wonderful venue the venue an opera dinner on the very night they hit number one with this song. Home. Care. Places to get. A promise my say. Alone do. You. Knew. They. Would be. So foolish. They made Saltsman say oh you. Live there. When. It's getting on the b.b.c. Radio Scotland. Is. Quick to try to bring it on b.b.c. Radio Scotland and if you just joined us tonight it's the. Fault of Seen live to 95.


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