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Transcripts for BBC Radio 4 FM BBC Radio 4 FM 20200226 120000

What will happen is if we do get to the position of more widespread infection we will monitor that as it develops we will take the best scientific advice as to how we may be able to delay transmission further and if that includes our actions through our isolate move more widely than of course we will do that in the past few minutes Lloyds Banking Group has confirmed its cutting $780.00 jobs this year across its branch network among the rolls to go or customers advisers banking consultants and branch managers the bank which has been hit by 2 and a half 1000000000 pound bill for payment protection insurance reported a sharp fall in profits last year the insurance firm direct line has also announced big job cuts around 800 posts within its u.k. Business are to go the home secretary pretty Patel has told senior police officers there must be no excuses for failing to cut crime speaking at a conference in central London Ms Patel signalled the return of national targets saying outcomes in key areas would be measured our home affairs correspondent Danny Schorr reports the home secretary's message was blunt the government was investing in policing providing funding for an extra $20000.00 officers so the service had to deliver in 3 years time when the new recruits were imposed people must see a difference said Ms Patel less crime safer streets no excuses she said Success would be measured against a set of national policing outcomes priorities would be to reduce merges serious violence and neighborhood crime the troubled high street lender Metro Bank has to reduce its planned branch openings by more than half after reporting substantial losses the group announced a pretax loss of more than $130000000.00 pounds last year in the aftermath of an accounting scandal compared with profits of more than $40000000.00 pounds in 2018. After 3 days of sectarian violence in the Indian capital Delhi The Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for calm more than 20 people have died in the unrest which started with clashes between supporters and opponents of a controversial new law which is seen as anti muslim protection. Reports from Delhi In an appeal to the residents of Delhi the Prime Minister Nuri in Jammu the our citizens to maintain harmony and said that the police and other agencies were working extensively to restore normality this is the worst communal violence in the city for decades for the majority Hindu and minority Muslim mobs engaging in pitched battles with casualties on both sides there has been extensive damage to Muslim properties and businesses but authorities say there are hundreds of security forces in place and schools in the area remain shut today the measure office says more wet weather is forecast in some of the areas worst affected by floods and shops are and wish to share heavy rain overnight has caused the River Severn to breach emergency defenses with some parts of the river close to their highest level on record railway lines into shows pretty are closed because of rising water levels close to the viaduct cash handouts of more than $900.00 pounds are being handed out to Hong Kong's residents the move is an attempt by officials to boost the territories frail economy which has been affected by months of anti-government protests in the corona virus outbreak every permanent resident over 18 will receive the one off payment b.b.c. News this is b.b.c. Radio $4.00 now a novel inspired by the true story of 2 men on either side of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. And Rami who came together to work for peace after both lost a daughter a paragon by Colm a car is read by Stanley Townsend. On the clearest of days from the highest points in bad Jhala you can see all the way to the Mediterranean in one direction and to the Dead Sea in the other down below in the valley an orchard a watchtower a synagogue a minaret a military gate stay there long enough and you will notice the settlements a margin in a pattern around Jerusalem red tile red tile red tile coming together a perfect rim the rim of a tightening long there was a wreak to the prison in the canteen the shower stalls even in the tiny prison mosque mice fell dead in corners cockroaches the place was ripe with decay the days stretched out on a rack time was endless much of the Psalms time was spent in solitary confinement ritual called on him to pray on a clean prayer mat he used a blue cloth on which he drew rob the prison guard had so risked giving the cloth to him but some rolled it up meticulously without drawing attention they had fought it 1st he and I had so heard so I was raised an author talks Jew and had studied mathematics in Tel Aviv he was taken by the fact that bosoms prison number was 220 dash 284 something to do with what he called amicable numbers the 2 started talking but some learned Hebrew because he wanted to know the enemy if. You keep him close and learn how to bury him read the Torah know his file idolatry. Just about everything that surrounded by Saddam was enemy the food he ate the air he breathed even someone like Hearts on under occupation everyone was enemy but some was 6 years old when a helicopter landed in the hills outside Hebron he had never seen a machine quite like it before the soldiers when they leap day would look to him like green insects running up the hillside his mother ran down from the caves and shooed him home the caves outside Hebron were some of the most coveted places for farmers to live cool in summer warm in winter fragrant wood olives kept in ornate pots but some was one of 15 children in summer he slept outside on a straw mount under a tarpaulin side his father a privileged position it was Basam knew because of the guilt of all the children Basam was the only one who had missed the polio vaccine in a shallow cave asylum found the stashed grenades he and his friends used for the assault the army jeep crashed through the shrubs past the fence and general are shouting his right foot dragged he felt a blow to his head he crumpled while still running he tried to rise a foot landed on his neck his arms were tied behind his back a blow to the back of his neck knocked him out when he woke he was in a cell 6 feet by 3 he was 17 years old on the day he left prison but some called out his number from his prison uniform later he sent the cloth bag to Hertz on Hansel frame the badge 220 dash 284 and hung it on the wall in his office in the Department of Mathematics of the university where he had begun to work on ideas of harmonic integration. So Richard Francis Burton the Explorer translated Arabian Nights also known as The Book of a 1000 nights on a night also known as $1001.00 Nights one of sma diaries favorites was the tale of the hunchback who was assumed dead over and over again resulting in a string of confessions from all the supposed murderers only for it to turn out as revealed by the barber that the hunchback was never dead at all a few weeks after the bombing Rami went into smugglers room everything had been kept exactly as it had been the day she laughed her copy book on the table the photo of Shanae O'Connor in the corner of the mare he removed 1001 Nights from the book shelf and started to read the hunchback story you see cried the barber he's not dead as all what a psalm hated most about the prison beatings was that the guards would take away the prisoners clothes and leave them standing there in the great humiliation of their nakedness he soon discovered that it wasn't the 1st thump of the bomb that was the worst it was when he realized that it was not going to stop by the time the 7th or 8th blow landed it almost felt routine only had so would not take part in the beatings one see through it was of over Basam to protect him another guard pinned Hansel against the wall asked him if he had a polish on for camels and so replied that yes he was interested in the county his ability to spit without fear in an owner's face my name is Rami a one on I am the father of sma die I am a 7th generation Jerusalemite also what you might call a graduate of the Holocaust immediately on release from the concentration camp in a house which yet sank down on goat was given a ticket to travel on a ship to tell of Eve. On arrival you'd sack was met by underground Jewish forces and put on a bus to Jerusalem a job was arranged for him as a police officer he soon learned the language and began to fit in but he never spoke to his children about his experience during the Holocaust until decades later when he was asked by sma dar for a school genealogy project before I was fed worked as a runner for the rabbi in jar smuggling gold to the market the money was used by the rabbi for food and medicine in the evenings Yitzhak hung around the cinema and began to scalp tickets the Germans loved their cinema he bought half a dozen tickets and sold them at a little over face value one evening with a single ticket left over decided he would go in and treat himself to a sari Leander film The Great love what fascinated sma die the most about her grandfather's story was that a well dressed man had slipped yet sack a piece of seed cake at the train station in New York the cake was wrapped in a piece of newspaper on the train he owned for the newspaper and found an advertisement for the film the great love he had sag ate the cake but he kept the piece of news paper folded in his pocket but some had a small television set in his prison south black and white it received channel one in Hebrew with occasional Arabic programs on the night before Holocaust Memorial Day He switched it on to a documentary it came as no surprise but some was chewed into their propaganda. He would watch anyway he wanted to sit there to watch Jews die one after the other to see them fall starve collapse in ditches to experience them being annihilated 20 years old lying there on his bad by Saddam was waiting for the moment he could applaud had lunch time the next day as Basam walked along the metal floors to the canteen his balance was all knocked to how he lay back on the hard bed arms behind his head he had wanted 1st to cheer the falling corpses know your enemy keep them close under your feet preferably He pulled up the thin blanket to lighten the sorrow of the sorrow for he repeated his prayers he wondered why they did not fight back one after the other in their nakedness the most excellent Jihad is not for the conquest of self state your name but some hour I mean from Hebron age 42 who you traveling with my wife and children destination England where in England Bradford What's your purpose to go to university what your purpose in going to university to study how old are you 42 and you're studying Yes Did you finish school my studies were interrupted interrupted I didn't finish no why are you smiling I like to smile do you want to miss another plane Basam know then wipe that smile off your face and tell me where did you learn Hebrew after school I learned after school and then I worked for the authority 1st in sports and then in archives then I was a excepted into the program of Bradford. 25 years with that study and all of a sudden our I mean you're an intellectual I never said I'm going as a student for how long a year are you going to study the Shaw pardon me the Holocaust I heard you you're studying the Shoah you're an Arab you're a Muslim you're a terrorist 7 years in prison you attack us you throw grenades and now you're studying the Shoah is this some kind of joke by Saddam What do you think I am stupid I don't think you're stupid so you're going to England so you can tell us how the show I didn't happen know how many terrorists are you going to be meeting in Bradford. Once a terrorist can you define it for me you're asking me my wife and children are waiting we're going to miss another plane and I have to say that I'm a little terrified right now yes oh you're a real smart ass boss I want you I don't think so how many children do you have a psalm 5 I used to have 6 later he would meet English men who rolled their eyes when he mentioned Bradford nothing like Oxford unlike Cambridge. But he and sell well loved it the openness of the town the space the Green Park the low red brick houses the cafes the shops the falafel stand the Indian cop with the dreadlocks the ringing of charge balance the call of the moon was in the quiet street the kids allowed out to the park without worry the surprise of it all even out of the bowl of a grey English sky. In the library he read primo Levy and Darnel Edward Saeed he watched Schindler's List searched documentaries dog had pictures of the camps he began to work on his master's thesis the Holocaust the use and abuse of history and memory he wrote it in longhand he saw it in Arabic but wrote in English . He was the oldest in the class peace studies he sat at the back kept as quiet as possible still the word leaked out he was a Palestinian an activist he had lost his 10 year old daughter he was studying the Holocaust he was invited out to parties to dinners to symposiums he accepted the invitations one in Glasgow one in Copenhagen one in Belfast it was his curse he could never say no he didn't hate Jews he said he didn't hate Israel what he hated was being occupied try a checkpoint just for one day try a wall down the middle of your schoolyard try your food rotting in a truck at a checkpoint try it. He spoke of how he left prison not so much amount of peace but a man who wanted to pit himself against the ignorance of violence including his own . The irony then of the years that followed his marriage his children the piecework and then that rubber bullets flying through the air on an ordinary January day the smash of his daughter's forehead against the page. My name is by Samarra I mean I am the father over here. Everything else rose out of that. A Paragon was written by Colum McCann and read by Stanley Townsend It was abridged by Doreen Estelle and produced by Michael Shannon for b.b.c. Northern Ireland this is b.b.c. Radio 4 where now it's time for you and yours with Winifred Robinson Hello welcome to radio force conceive a program today the people who bought new homes built on flood plains will end up living in flood ghettos and the future may see areas where small businesses don't move into those areas people don't have flood insurance. Basically people can't sell their homes to hospitals and care homes failing to learn from avoidable deaths but not sharing the learning that comes out of investigations without that we're destined to continue the mistakes of the past and that's tragic and the online storm over teabags that started with the picture of the new chancellor brewing up and ended with this plea from the company on Friday the chancellor shared a photo of r.t. Politicians do that sometimes we weren't asked or involved lots of people got angry with us all the same. When celebrity endorsements go wrong has anyone famous ever put you off stuff e-mail us please you in yours at b.b.c. Doco to u.k. View on social media it's hard to argue and you also text us 284-8444 me it was going to and the scented candle. The world's biggest ticket resale website via gogo is allowing touts to list and sell tickets that the touts don't own Now that's important because it's breaking consumer protection law by a Go-Go has been taken to court about this before and by go go promise never to do it again but we can show that they're not keeping the word they're still doing it right now Shari Vols been investigating Sherry you're not allowed to sell tickets you don't own why not because it's fraud so if for example you go online and look for tickets for say an evening with Harry Redknapp as I did Top Of The list will be an ad for Vibe go go go go to 2nd reseller and you may not even realize that these tickets are still for sale at the theater the primary seller and the last says ticket touts using via Gogo must own those tickets 1st no one can sell you something they don't own but these people are why it's a con It's called speculative selling and once they know someone's paid through via Gogo they then go to the theater to buy the real ticket and on Monday 2 men would jailed for doing amongst other things selling tickets through via Gogo that they didn't yet. Boy go go shouldn't be allowing this though should they know and they've told you and yours that they don't allow it and more importantly they told the court they don't allow it but we have proved that they aren't doing enough to prevent it we were contacted by the lighthouse theater in Poole in Dorset because they couldn't understand how tickets that they still have in their hands up for sale for 3 times the face value own via Gogo and I mean the exact seats so you know as producer Natalie and I decided to test this we bought some of the tickets that lighthouse had for sale through via Gogo and Cyrus and George who's the head of marketing for the theater joined us on the phone as we did it what I've got at the moment it's not got the seating for anything with Harry Redknapp like and they are not screening tickets that have already been sold and I can see tickets that are still available for sale on my screen we are going to go on the Via go go website and look for tickets for Harry Redknapp at your art center the pool Art Center says it is the day we want and this is the dog's tickets Ok we'll get 2 tickets and what the Via Gogo website is producing for us is best value tickets and cheapest result so we've got a $94.00 pound ticket here sorry do you have any tickets available in row Ah yes so we do have available in the row currently Ok now it says face value per ticket of the ones that we're going to buy are 30 pounds but via gogo is charging us $94.00 pounds each for these tickets so we're going to click book now now. We are told that we have 9 minutes and 55 seconds left to complete our purchase Ok the seats we're looking to buy are row our seats $37.38 so if you click Ok they're Ok Now don't forget via gogo is a secondary site which means people sell. Via Gogo have already bought the tickets at face value and then selling them on at potentially higher value so sorry you are the primary seller so you are the sister do you have still for sale seats 37 $38.00 in row are for an evening with Harry Redknapp on Friday the 13th of October 2020 yes and 7 and also Kate a still if you know unsold tickets so I'm a little cookie how you would be able to buy tickets for those 2 seats because they are sold on our system so we're going to tap the button now Ok where watching thank you your order is now complete Are you saying anything Sarah I can't see anything for having that on Friday the 13th and those 2 things that you just mentioned going through that does that suggest that now somebody has sold you a ticket that her organization is now going to contact us by whatever means and now boycott kick you at the face value on our website. In order to then send them to you Yes Why round and does it confirm that email that you got the seat number of 37 and off she 8 that you just purchased Yes it does you still have the tickets in your hand or on your system yet you as the lighthouse they are yours to do with what you want absolute I've just given somebody 199 pounds for something that doesn't exist are you take it some valuable on Vi go go so that was last Friday night and the money came out to my account and on my credit card statement it says $198.00 quid via Gogo event tickets and guess what the tickets is still at the lighthouse are sent to no one has bought them yet so via Gogo should not have allowed that sale to me and another thing the courts told via Gogo that if tickets were from a trader by Gogo had to give customers that traders full details name address and. Details before they took any money and in consumer law you have to know who you're buying from before you pay but with the tickets I bought via Gogo only gave me the name before I paid and only gave me the address and company details after my credit card details are gone through and so when I checked I found that that trader doesn't exist so that's 2 more breaches of consumer law how divide Go-Go react well when the lighthouse told us that they delivered via Gogo nothing happened but when we got in touch with if I go there reacted within hours they pulled all the listings of the lighthouse theatre and all the sales being made by this mysterious or fictitious trader and they said it appears these traders were selling trying to sell tickets they didn't have this was an unacceptable situation and the company took swift action to remove all these listings and banned the trader in the u.k. Could it be just an unfortunate one off well Natalie and I looked for via Go Go on tickets on a number of shows at about 10 theaters across England we've spoken to the theatres and there are loads of the seats available for sale on via go go with different traders and we know those seats are still available at the theatre and it means the touts don't own the tickets they're selling and that's fraught showy Thank you all Mike under-used leads a national trading standards eek rhyme team it brought the prosecution that ended with 2 touts being jailed only this week for selling tickets they didn't own and that case gives you an idea of the money to be had from doing this those 2 people had made between them 7000000 pounds my country's Why is this week sentencing of those 2 terms 2 guys called Peter Hunter and David Smith Why is the prosecution so important. Good afternoon good afternoon. This is a in a very very important case and has actually been widely described as a landmark case and I think that's a very accurate description because this sends out a very very clear message that people like Peter Hunter and Barry Smith who engage in the activities of buying huge quantities of tickets from primary markets and then reselling them on 2nd or platforms on in doing so conceal the identities of the tickets to conceal the identities of the purchasers of the tickets or as as in the case you've described sell tickets that they don't own is fraud and that's what they've been convicted of you've heard here that we were able to buy tickets that the Tao didn't I mean that is exactly one of the charges that these people hunch and Smith were convicted of how serious is this with I go go well the sentencing and the convictions that we secured sends out a clear message that the activities of speculative selling Auspex selling as it's been coined the phrase it's been coined is illegal it's fraud and this case sets that precedent so I think that message needs to be reinforced and I think there is clearly some further work to be done in relation to the 2nd resurfacing platforms and we engage closely with the competition of markets authority in that regard and there are also further ongoing cases that we are taking and I think it would be inappropriate for me to necessarily comment on the specifics of this particular case would it be fair of me to say this until now with this case sets a precedent that people doing this of been largely getting away with it. I think it's fair to say that for some time now people like contour and Smith have been engaged in activities that until this case was brought there was not legal clarity around whether or not they were doing anything wrong but this clearly says that this is fraud armed people who are engaged in these activities should take not from this the verdict in the sentencing there's been 100 down how much damage do you think that this ticket online has done to the public we believe is done significant damage it's difficult to quantify the exact financial harm that results from this but we know that thousands tens of thousands of tickets for for many high profile events bought and sold each year by just by this activity and clearly that the ruling of the court accepted that this type of activity did to distort the ticketing market and so this sends a clear message that it must stop my countries from the national trading standards equine team thank you for coming here. Celebrity endorsements can be great for business but sometimes they backfire hash tag boycott York City has taken off on Twitter since the chancellor she tsunami posted a picture himself making a cup or over the weekend now he's a Yorkshire m.p. And he was standing alongside a giant pack of York City afterwards the tea company posted this asking people to try to be kind so it's been a rough weekend on Friday the chancellor shared a photo of r.t. Politicians do that sometimes Jeremy Cormorant did it in 2017 we weren't asked or involved and we said so the same day lots of people got angry with this all the same. We spent the last 3 days answering furious accusations and boycott calls but it's been lovely to see the others speak up for us we're so grateful to everyone who's done that in a civil way and gutted to see some use it as a reason for more nastiness but for anyone about to vent their rage online even to a company please remember there's a human on the other end of it and try to be kind. So why people getting so upset or is it just a storm in a teacup sorry I didn't write that well here's what Jonathan k.b. Say's about it he's a brown psychologist your shitty is supposed to be like the tea for every man rather than a politician who has one belief or another belief it's supposed to be ubiquitous and I think that's what annoyed people when it comes to a politician aligning themselves with it now in today's world anyone who does get annoyed they will instantly go on to Twitter and of vent their rage and so they are raging about their cup of tea it's interesting that people are suggesting that it's time now to take your spoons up in arms and actually start boycotting this brand but I think that all that magically says to do is put more attention on to the brand hence you and I are talking about it now I can think of lots of examples where you get brands tainted by politicians the one that comes to mind is sausage gate with ball is where he was promoting a brand of sausages by posing with the sausages people got annoyed because a lot of the workers came from Eastern Europe and at the time they felt that he wasn't you know supporting them sufficiently so that sausage became a bit of a bang in his hand. John Brown psychologist as you write at the start is anybody famous ever put you off buying stuff and Rich's email to say all celebrity chefs who put their names and pictures on packaging of food put him off he just says he objects to paying extra for that you're listening to you and us Radio 4 is consumer pregnant 28 minutes 2 are now people who use prepayment meters will still be able to buy top ups of only a pound British Gas has increased the minimum is how to increase this minimum spend to 5 pounds they did that in January but they backed down customers that complained and they did organize petitions and they were. Port for them from M.P.'s Rachel Gregory's from the charity Christians Against Poverty it supports people struggling to pay their bills Rachel British Gas came on you and us back in January and they told us that only 3 percent of people with card meters top them up by the minimum payment of a pound and then they only do it very occasionally in British Gus wanted to raise the minimum spend to a fiver to cut down on their own administration costs why do you think that change their mind now. I think that there's been a realisation that while it might be through numbers and the days people 5 pounds can be every unachievable amount and across the hay this is not a small problem for the people we help that Christians against poverty we find about half a day's coming through our door really really find energy costs and affordable and having to make impossible choices daily about whether they and heat their homes or Buy Theater and say and a few pounds either way can make all the difference but ingenue there are also big problems with the card me to pay points British gusted given the contract for providing these pay points and for running them to a new company some of the pay points were moved to were taken out and some of them didn't work British Gusev told us that now all of these pay points affixed and they say that if customers tell them there is a shortage of paper points where they live they will look to sorting that out is knowing where to go now to top up your gas and electricity cars is that still a problem for the people that you help. It's definitely a problem and in some areas we recently conducted some research about thousands of people that were helping and in some areas more than others at the thing and pay points and needs your house and open comedian times is a challenge and more than in other areas and I think it's an important reminder that as and the energy industry is rolling out smart me to switch more digitally enabled and can be topped up online or 3 mobile apps for many people talking up in shops remains and perhaps that preference or even their only option and so it's really important that that net is maintains an appropriate level you mention research that you have published today with a 1000 people that you have helped with that with those bills fit into that. For the research we've done is looking at and how low income families find and buying the energy that they need for the very very basics and such as cooking and lighting in their homes and we found that for many it's not anything that is just simply on the foldable and and they're struggling with things I put in the washing machine or or having a shower we and spoke to people that we've met who are relying on street lighting shining in through the window at night because they can't have the electricity on or have spent 5 years not using the heating and hot water and it's a really depressing way to live to have those very basics just simply out of your reach and we find so sometimes with the research for another charity today that says that low income families are a more likely to be paying more for their and edgy because they're on these expensive tariffs is there anything that can be done to help with those. In recent years and the government has put in place in price caps and that benefit people on prepayment metres and which make sure with their fair price compared to other deals and but we still find that affording energy is a really big challenge because there is not enough financial assistance to make sure and that the costs that someone has to pay and is in line with their ability to meet these costs to someone like you to go through the outgoings with them. Is that what you mean not enough support no we find there and this is not simply at budgeting is she. Talking about households who are rushing the ice is very very financial support I understand yes not enough not just simply not enough income. To meet their all the essential costs we have to pay and household and interestingly with Love and Theft on switching and your energy bill to the best tariff and the big game thermate from seeing that sometimes maybe up to $300.00 pounds a year in our research we found that people that had flitch were equally worried about the cost of the energy bills and the thing that they had were having Cheveley and because they couldn't afford it because it is not enough of a protective factor Rachel Gregory thank you very much hospital patients and care home residents are being put at risk because recommendations by coroners aren't being acted on you and yours has been given exclusive access to new research which says that lessons from avoidable deaths aren't being learned and mistakes are being repeated Helen used the chief executive of the charity patient safety learning once a new national body to be created to oversee the coroner's warnings and she's just written about that to the chief coroner when people are unintentionally killed by unsafe care we need to prevent that from happening it must be prevented we're not going to be able to do that as well as we need to if we're not sharing the learning that comes out of investigations or coroner's report it's so important that there is a coordinated oversight body that will be able to take that learning and to share it out more broadly without that we're destined to continue the mistakes of the past and that's tragic that's how the news from the patient safety learning charity or disability reports or Carolyn a concern to tell us about the new research that's been given to us she's in our radio car she's outside the Queens nursing institution central London Carolyn Yes well the institute has helped fund some of this academic new research into whether lessons are being learned. From what are called prevention of future deaths reports or p.f.d. They are issued by coroners after an inquest when they fear that a similar death could happen again unless action is taken to prevent it now in a moment we're going to be speaking to Dr Sarah Ryan who is warning that mistakes made when her son Connor Sparrowhawk who died in 2013 are still happening 7 years later but 1st Professor Allison Larry from London Southbank University has done this research professor Larry you've looked at a 1000 of these reports from 2016 to 29000 and you came up with a number of themes that you say repeat and repeat talk us through those the Yes We found a number of things the 1st even the most obvious thing is really around the scale of the work force so we're seeing coroners commenting on the fact that there's a deficit in skill levels so for example where care is being delivered but not by skilled people some examples of this are things like the administration of insulin people with already very low blood sugar with blood sugars been measured but the insulin still been administered or the vital signs were observations of some people call them which are. Routinely recorded in areas like care homes and hospitals and in the community but they're not acted upon So that's one of the predominant themes so it's around data being collected but not being acted on I mean you come across examples and I've been looking at the data as well for example an overnight Ward had 19 admissions and discharges and only 4 staff only 2 of whom were nurses somebody died there because their observations weren't done that's correct yes so another one of the things that we that's coming out of this is resourcing So having not just the right level of skill but the right level of staff and that's a very good example of a clinical decision you know or a an acute admissions unit where there's a very high turnover of patients and that's akin to something like air traffic control trying to land all the. Throat at the same time it's an unmanageable workload and introduced a huge amount of risk and Dr Sarah and your 18 year old son Connor Sparrowhawk he had an epileptic seizure and he drowned in a bath at an n.h.s. Assessment and treatment unit when staff reduce their observations of of him the carnot the time said his death was preventable What do you make of these findings in this research do you think any lessons of being and no I found out early shameful I think when we went into Conner's inquest 2 years after he died we were told that getting a prevention of future death report was the big That was the Holy Grail in order to give the trust a sharp rap across the knuckles to make sure that she acted and that and we found since then that these reports are just an interaction between the coroner and the trust or the place for so whatever the public sector body is no oversight of any of these findings is know much in the dots as linking the patents Alison's doing this research you know of her own but because she's she she's concerned about it and I think it's utterly shameful that these reports just sit on a website that nobody knows about nobody seems to look at and do you think that specific things that happened to Connor are still happening here we know they are listening to said this morning when we met but there was a similar death a couple of years later exactly the same pieces in place I mean. Death was so totally preventable it actually makes for quite sick thinking that is still happening but the the wider pitch that Alison is discovering in this research is utterly shameful it's over and over and over again and it's disrespectful it Shorty practice and these people have lost their lives their families have had their lives shattered and with we're just getting carelessness and dismissal we have obviously approached a lot of the organizations to whom the coroner's right and the Sikh you see in the Department of Health have not been able to come back to us so far but caring and are making the point that until staffing staff adult social care crisis is addressed and that staff a trained better and better rewarded. They they say that that is part of the reason and also n.h.s. England are saying that there is a meeting where these these reports are discussed by n.h.s. England and they also point to the fact that medical examiners are going to be introduced very shortly across across England to to look at desks and try and learn lessons so really there are other methods of making sure things improve on there as well as the coroner's reports they're absolutely other methods and I think the medical exam is particularly very welcome of course the only couple hospitals and a lot of the deaths that occur in the permittivity deaths occur in the care home sector in the community mental health settings and other settings such as railways place or 14 different categories and I think there needs to be some oversight to learn from all of these they are an amazing resource in terms of learning for patient safety the safety of people receiving care generally and I think a failure to learn from there is really you know each one of these reports as you go through them it's very obvious that this is somebody sorrow and for us not to learn from them I think it's actually not very good at all. There are a couple of exceptional ones as well and in one case the coroner actually commended a care home when a patient from the acute sector have been sent home very unwell in the care home acted very quickly unfortunately when able to save the person's life but there is skill and knowledge in the care home sector and I think that the quote from Kay u.k. Is absolutely spot on we need to probably that workforce and develop it the organizations all have the opportunity to respond and they have to respond within $56.00 days so why is that in itself not you know becoming part of the solution I think it's fine to look at the responses and we feel it's about 100 of the responses and they generally seem to have the same sort format to them there's an acknowledgement of the issue and sometimes there's an address to process so for example the introduction of a new policy but quite often when you actually look at the full coroner's report there was a policy in existence already it just wasn't implemented so what we've. I think I think it would be really good to see some actual learning from this in a in a in a much more rounded why and Dr Ryan you're calling for this body this oversight body the coroner the coroner's themselves and the chief coroner has told us that he can't change any of the actual sort of legislation at the moment the Ministry of Justice is responsible for that and they told us there is no provision in the legislation for the chief coroner to oversee or in force the implementation of any of these recommendations and they say because they're the judiciary it wouldn't be appropriate for the chief corner to actually comment on whether he thinks the law should change your in a position where you can call for change yourself and why do you think an oversight body would actually achieve any more than all the other sort of protocols and form filling that already exist that they work Alison's doing is already showing that a bit of scrutiny can actually find really important and powerful findings in these are being looked at at the moment of Qusay should be scrutinized is imo a sort of almost lost Look words having this discussion because it's so ludicrous we have a body of reports that nobody's drawing any it is doing any analysis around what is being found and they should be the findings should be known to trust other than the trust where the patient died that the learning potential is for all the trust or the care providers or the public sector bodies and somebody needs to do that work and has worked both of us academics I mean this is just this is so basic it's as basic as the failings were being reported within these reports is a circularity here that is so outrageous because it's so easily rectified Ok Dr Sarah Ryan and Professor Allison Larry thank you both very much indeed it was kind of concerned reporting live from London families who've lost loved ones to gambling addiction at Westminster today some of them arriving on foot they've walked a 100 miles to get there stopping off on the way at 6 football clubs that have gambling firms as their shirts sponsors the charity. Gambling with lives is organized this lobby of parliament it wants mandatory safety testing on gambling products and the kind of health warnings that you get on cigarettes is rich she and her husband Charles set up the charity after their son Jack took his own life he was 24 they say he died because of a failure by the authorities in the u.k. To protect people from gambling harm I spoke to Charles and his Richie this morning and this Tell me about his son he was a very very happy extroverted very popular and successful child and young man and he was very normal and he certainly didn't have any underlying traumas or or difficulties why did he take his own life was he in a lot of dead no it's not about the money he wasn't in a lot of debt you know it was a couple of 1000 pounds which of course we could have paid off for him it's about how a real addiction affects your mental health that you feel you would never be able to live your life where you will be able to control what you do you feel controlled by something else so what do you believe that happened to Jack Well we know that he started gambling going into the bookies to play on The Fix dot betting terminals with a big group of his friends while he was school they were in the 6th form so it was under-age and they were gambling with their dinner money and sometimes they had they had their sandwiches and sometimes they didn't I think the point about it was that it was extremely normalized and that when they went into the bookies they didn't know whether they were taking the equivalent of heroin or kind of it's you know that's the point and that's what gambling with lives is calling for that we need to know we need proper public health information about the different products so they're full of the different products have to be safety tested before they come onto the market you know in a child. Gambling with lives tell me what your calling for today how could what you call gambling products be tested before people use them. There's already a very substantial literature on what makes games addictive and the key things are things like speed of play frequency of betting losses disguised as when steak sizes etc The addiction rates on the fab to use those studs betting terminals indeed where they reduce the maximum bet 2 pounds a year ago that was the 1st time there was an admission by government that there was a product which was too dangerous to be on the market in its current form now you've got exactly the same products online with with no restrictions you've got sports in game betting coming along which is basically you know a continuous permanent gambling experience these are products which we know are addictive and therefore they need to be restricted and new products need to be measured against new guidelines the body set up to speak for the gambling companies the betting and Gaming Council told us that they have for example and banned advertising whistle to whistle during televised football games and they say they're drafting a new code for product game design and they say they'll make sure the safest products are designed for apps online games and gaming machines and that this code will be underpinned by testing the effect of these products on what they call consumer behavior what do you think. I'm sorry to say that at the moment this is all words if we look at what the industry has done it has only ever been prompted to do anything by pressure from either legislators like the 2 pounds or campaigners the only thing that the industry has done so far off their own bat is the whistle to whistle you know firsthand the impact the loss of your son has had on your own family what sort of reception did the families get when they called in at the football clubs it's mix to be honest some of the clubs in Gauge very fully I think Queen's Park reign. Jizz and full I'm totally welcoming and I think that they as clubs see the responsibility that they have got for for their fans young football fans or those most at risk of developing gambling disorder football. Has got a very unhealthy relationship with gambling at the moment and many clubs seem to depend on that income but there are clubs like Tranmere Rovers Luton Town who have made a very very vocal and positive stance of saying this needs to change and I think that will happen with some of the clubs that we've been visiting that was Charles and Liz Ritchie speaking to me this morning it's been a terrible winter for flooding and it's not over yet the official government forecast for the rest of this week a warning of flooding imbued leak in Worcestershire this afternoon flooding along parts of other parts of the river 7 this week and along the rivers including the use the Trent and the y. Groundwater flooding is expected over parts of the South of England for at least the next 5 days the head of the Environment Agency said James Bevan says we should resist building new homes on flood plains if at all possible we also have to accept that while we can protect most people most of the time we can't protect everyone all the time and that's why we need to think about making places more resilient to the flooding that will occur in future and part of that is making sure that as far as possible we don't build on the flood plain I think we have to be realistic most of the country is a flood plain Most of our towns and cities are built on flood plains the population is increasing and we are going to need houses for those people a new development so we're not saying and I don't think it would be realistic to say that there should be no building whatsoever on the flood plain we are saying the clue is in the name it's called a flood plain and therefore there should only be development on the flood plain when there is no realistic alternative and if there is development that is going to take place on the floodplain we need to ensure that it doesn't enhance anyone else's flood risk and we need to make sure that that development those houses those businesses are designed and built in ways that are resilient to the flooding that may well. But it was some of the people flooded out to come to get insurance they're the ones who live in homes built after 2008 now they're excluded from a scheme that's called Flood really that was set up by the government and the insurers to help the think tank bright blue says 70000 homes have been built on land at the highest risk of flooding in England after this close of Point 2008 and that includes $20000.00 homes that are not protected by flood barriers the director of the think tank Ryan Shorthouse says if flood really isn't extended to include houses built after the cut off date lots of people will suffer financially well Official figures show that one in 10 of all new properties since 2013 have been built in what the Environment Agency calls only 3 high risk flood areas the purpose of flattery and the cutoff date being 2008 was to disincentive eyes behaviors such as building or flood risk areas but obviously since one in 10 new properties have been built in flood risk areas that cutoff date hasn't really been effective in the future may see flood ghettos where we have areas which whole groups of property do not have insurance and therefore they become basically flood ghettos where small businesses don't move into those areas people don't have flood insurance. Basically people can't sell their homes run short House or the thing turned bright blue so should the flood really be extended to include people that have bought these new homes built in high risk areas that are unprotected now Omeri Dano is chief executive of the Know Your flood risk campaign her home soon flew to 3 times and she's now one of flood Reis advisory panels She's in our studio in Worcester Mary what's it like there. It's very very flooded the main city bridge has been fully closed to traffic and I have driven through what. I can only describe as surreal scenes of water worlds to get here via a very long convoluted road at the studio is is surrounded by water and the only way we can get in is by coming down a very steep path from the road behind as well thank you so much for making the effort for us we've heard that from Ryan Shorthouse with a think tank now he thinks the flood recover should just be extended to include all these properties that were built after the cutoff date you know after 2008 what do you think I couldn't disagree more really. That is somebody that has been flooded herself but flood 3 was set up and we had an agreement with the Association of British Insurers prior to flood 3 that building would not be insured that with new build that was built on the flood plain and the idea behind this was to not to incentivize development in the flood plain the flood plain as we've heard from same subject James is there for a reason it's the place a river goes when it's full it's the rivers 2nd home and building on in a flood plain is building houses to flood so I think if we give these people insurance or just encourage the builders to build more Oh absolutely without question that they have to go through a quite a difficult process to get planning application but I feel if that was eased up and people knew they could get flood insurance then that difficult process would be pardon the pun watered down somewhat so the people who might find themselves in future in these flood ghettos have both these new homes that they're not going to be able to ensure they're probably not going to be able to sell they may end up being mortgage victims is it just their bad luck. I'm very very sorry that this has happened and yes in a play I just wish that they they had their eyes open before they bought it but there are other solutions to this one of them of course is that they could shop around for I would be more in short expensive insurance but you can with a much bigger excess again which you can. Get insurance for through something to show your success ensure access but also to think about making their homes flooded resilient so if they do flood and you can do that in 2 ways one by trying to keep the water out with a cut to mop products and be adapting the homes to allow them to flood to recover more quickly Government Association why councils have allowed building in flood plain areas now they said councils only allow new homes to be billed if they have been told that flood defenses are in place now they say the money for flood defenses that is spent on them should be devolved I simply mean to councils and they say that the government should take more from the building companies for flood defenses and that they should also change building regulations so that new homes are better protected from floods Do you agree with that I couldn't agree more we have been lobbying long and hard for a long time to get the minutes at the Ministry of Housing to update the building regulations to allow housing is that are built to be flood resilient However I do feel the developers also have the ear of the government and they want to build houses at the cheap and put them up quickly and factoring in flood we see an adaptation would cost more to build to marry don't have to be there because we're running out of time and we did talk to the House Builders Federation they told us there's a shortage of land and they say they're already meeting strict rules that a supply the Environment Agency and the govern themselves say local authorities have a responsibility to assess the number of homes their communities need our planning policy is clear housing should be located in the areas of least risky. Flooding they say we're development is in a risk area and it's absolutely necessary appropriate measures must be taken to make sure that homes are safe resilient and protected from flooding that's it for today I asked you at the start for your the celebrities have put you off stuff you had loads and loads of ounces Tom tweets this Tony Blair and George Bush Bush bonding over Colgate toothpaste put me off that for life thanks for listening today . B.b.c. Radio 4 let's go to the latest on the weather with Susan power a very good afternoon tea more rain is in the forecast unfortunately particularly for the end of the week Friday into Saturday as a risk of 50 millimeters quite widely across the u.k. That's a couple of inches of rain so for those in flood affected areas unfortunately there are more challenging conditions to come but if you can cast your mind back to this time last year our Betty remember I had lunch yesterday and it was 21.2 degrees in Q gardens on the 26th of February will miss February day on record today it's much chillier and as we look at our full cost of overnight tonight and into tomorrow we're talking about a significant risk of snow for the softening it's quite a straightforward story out there it's chilly there's a lot of sunshine for the majority scattered showers across England and Wales will clear this afternoon whereas showers will become heavier I think across Northern Ireland and Scotland still some heavy showers to come to the north and west of the country with snow above around a 100 meters across the lower levels where some of the showers 10 heavier a chilly day across the board factor in the breeze and across northern Britain it feels close to freezing about 45 degrees to the south and then through this evening and overnight more snow showers to come for Scotland Northern Ireland and Northern England the risk of ice here for 1st thing on Thursday though the South a challenging forecast for us as an area of low pressure heads into the southwest of the u.k. And bumps into the cold air at the moment it looks like the m 4 is a rough cut off line where we'll see the snow north of the m 4 across the hills and mountains of Wales into the consulate and the Chiltons could be a covering of snow up to 2 inches the 1st thing on Thursday and then through the course of the day morning as that low pulls up towards the continent a difficult mixture of rain sleet and snow across the Midlands East Anglia in the Hiram counties for the morning rush hour by the time we get into Thursday afternoon things will become much clearer there wants again as that low pulls away but a chance of some disruption tomorrow morning. Susan thank you on f.m. On longwave on digital radio and on b.b.c. Sounds this is b.b.c. Radio 4. Hello and welcome to the world at one with me Sarah Montague the World Health Organization says the sudden rise in coronaviruses virus cases outside China is deeply concerning the health commissioner appeals for calm this is.


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B.b.c. News at 11 o'clock up to 200 British citizens being flown back from the Chinese province of Cuba where the corona virus outbreak began or to be put into quarantine it's understood their flight will arrive in the u.k. Tomorrow the Foreign Office has advised against all but essential travel to the Chinese mainland prompting British Airways to suspend flights the number of infected stands at nearly 6132 people have died Russia says it's working with China to develop a vaccine for the new virus one of several such efforts around the World Health Institute in Australia says it successfully grown the virus after taking a sample from a patient it could take at least a year for any vaccine to become available to the public. The Syrian army says it's recaptured a strategically important town and it led Syria's last rebel held province the fall of. After 7 years in rebel hands was announced on state television our Middle East analyst Alan Johnston reports according to the Syrian army it approached man a new man from 3 sides the military says it clashed heavily with Jihad the fighters who withdrew to the north ceding control of the town to the government it straddles a major highway that's been an objective for the army as it's pushed slowly through provinces in recent weeks ahead of the advance hundreds of thousands of civilians have fled the fighting in strikes many families are struggling to cope in camps and makeshift shelters near the Turkish border in what is a growing humanitarian crisis president of Turkey has denounced Donald Trump's plan for peace in the Middle East saying it ignores Palestinians rights he said the idea of making Jerusalem Israel's undivided capital was unacceptable because the city is sacred to Muslims Apple has posted record quarterly results driven by strong demand for its new i Phone sales in the last 3 months of $29000.00 rose by 8 percent year on year to more than $70000000000.00 pounds b.b.c. News this is b.b.c. Radio 4 now despite rumors gossip and social media frenzy a gay footballer from the top of English football has yet to reveal their sexuality but openly gay players are part of the women's game including the national team now on b.b.c. Radio 4 Beth Myers asks what the men's game should lend from its female counterparts in my name is. My name is bet Miles and last summer I was photographic Glastonbury in my England pint glass in hand celebrating England piecing Norway in the women's World Cup. If I so enviro which was wild the Lionesses lost in the semifinals but the profile of the women's game thanks to the team and American players like Meghan Robina is the highest ever. There is a dedicated women Super League games are shown on t.v. And last summer nearly 12000000 people watched the Lionesses play in the World Cup semifinal. A number of the squads and other players within the w s l openly gay bisexual quit and this just isn't focused on within media but it's totally different in the men's game. Despite rumors and what feels like almost an obsession to know who it is that hasn't yet been a male professional player who has come out publicly. And say I moved to London about 4 years ago and I was introduced to a football team for women and non-binary people could go to his f.c. We train on a Wednesday night at a school in north London and that's where we're at tonight so what I can see is around 40 or so women from different ages different abilities and that's the key to gold because there's an ethos of gold diggers is that we're creating an inclusive environment for women and non-binary people to play football it's based on accessibility rather than ability we. Were frequently 60 people that train on a Wednesday I mean it's a sense of that community of people who love football and who encourage one another you know in relation to the game and also just sort of generally really. Nice. So. Go to guess 4 years ago. Although everyone. Here is one of our senior coaches plays for Captain f.c. . I was saying to. Go to guess about a year and a half ago and it's been a wonderful experience for me in London but understand who is a go and how amazing that is yes so I saw the team basically because I was honestly just fed up being told that it was a man's game and again that was May be told that since a very young age when I was one of the best not bragging but it's. On the best in my mixed team and then as the narrative goes I was kicked out aged I think I was around 12 because they I was told it was a sport for me and I used to pass boys in the park and Phil extremely jealous of them and wish I was a boy I could play football it's a place for everyone basically to make football a place for everyone in every sense of the word so yeah it's been the community I've got the friends I made and the change I can see in people's confidence is just outstanding and makes me truly so so happy and so proud of what we've achieved as a player for the community. This is my question around why is there not a professional footballer this whereas you know at least 5 of the Linus is openly gay and they were already bus knowledge it's not explore but they're also not championed as someone I'm personally I'm a lesbian if I were a men's gain I've been made to feel like it's not a space for me if I was that my girlfriend I would never in public and that's really really sad. In a time when we should be allowed to do that but actually it feels like you 2nd. When you step backwards. As soon as someone's will take it and pay them money and. Whatever goes. As you know whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas kind of and sure they have in the state. And I think you like such on matters like Myspace where a lot of a consumer phobic as in this terminology you have with. Us you're listening you're not. Like basically a hotbed of toxic masculine So you know where like that behavior is not only like turned a blind eye and it's actually encouraged and it's actually supported and it's actually like I made a joke out of someone who coaches men and women like the new young boys and young girls is starts at such a young age like the way young boys speak to each other on the little bit just like you discussed and just makes me so angry especially in the men's game. Every strategy is seen as a weakness you know something which. Is. But it's not weakness it's so hard to come out I'm sure you guys will agree but I'm the heart of things in my life was coming out and for so long I tried to commit myself that I was right and I tried very hard and it's hard and I think that's the amount of strength it takes to be up on your board to come out and to know that. Your family will be. And to come out of strength it's going to take for a professional man to come out. Of the scrutiny that you're like This is literally an obsession of. Not. It's not a situation in which it. Is going to be championed Yes just so much pressure. On are investigating reports of homophobic chanting during Saturday's game against Chelsea in a statement the result of being fined 7 pounds and $500.00 pounds and ordered to take action after fans chanted homophobic abuse at for much they are frightened for . The mix during yesterday's match and subsequently arrested behind my back abuse and I remember. Yeah Ok so. In the school Social Sciences University my research focuses on. Broadly in Men's Christian football with a specific focus. Towards homosexuality last year Dr McGrath published the power of masculinity in sports which he concluded by saying that the majority of football fans and players would be supportive if a male footballer came out 1st glance it looks like things are getting worse yet at the same time. From a more nuanced perspective it also shows that people are becoming less tolerant of these issues happening inside stadia as well some talking about professional level certainly for reports of discrimination inside stadia in professional game shows I think that you know people are less willing now to put up with these issues another 4 more likely to report it which again is in a kind of a paradoxical way is further evidence of progress it shows that our attitudes generally have improved so much that we are willing to put up with homophobia by phobia were transferred via I think the proof will eventually be when an openly gay male play does come out of this with an obsession I suppose over he's going to be the fust. A professional player in the u.k. And I think that obviously statistically there are many. If not choose as your research suggests have shifted you know that attitude that they're accepting of it even if they partake in them if they that chanting which is something that I can't wrap my head around why really how someone could feel sesson way that still kind of engage in that kind of behavior but I think it's kind of yes and I think one of the biggest. Complexities I think that football has is in the men's game again I should stress is that there is no target as such because there are a number of any gay male players also that may well be a target because a player has been diving or has been alleged to be weak if he's pretending to be injured or whatever so often they are the target but I do wonder whether or not if a player comes out in the program at the top level whether or not language would continue on the basis that now there is a target that someone could potentially be offended by it or someone could potentially be affected by it because the reason I've been a player on the pitch because it goes away speculation so we'll never really know until it happens. And Regent's Park and there's lots of grassroots but we teams are out playing on him and would. Last year was a really brilliant of the World Cup and given the recognition. Fantastic I think one thing that we. Probably are. Going to be. And I certainly feel frustrated because we're in the women's game. At the professional level. Yet and then also champion for that that media environment is deeply unhelpful at the moment it just kind of. Kind of sensationalist kind of hyped up coverage of the topic just makes it harder for anyone who might be can mulling over their options and then the contrast in the women's game actually there's very little spotlight I think actually the kind of the lack of media focus probably does make it easier for women to be themselves and to be who they are but it also means they don't get to be role models here is big an audience as possible is a real shame you know if you think about can you make an appeal. Here and the global superstar she is so much more than any of perhaps more relatable women. She might be able to be a more realistic role model for young people kind of growing up in men's football it's a really different picture that lack of representation kind of mean that you know young young boys playing football may not see themselves sticking with the game and clearly will have impact some people kind of following through. On a continuing life I guess kind of thinking you know it's my path in football if there's no one who's taken it before Stonewall have been and continue to work with the f.a.a. And the rainbow laces. Campaign is now a regular part of the football season Robbie told me that the governing bodies are making positive strides and taking more responsibility to tackle the homophobic racist transphobia and other abuse that keeps me and other football fans away from the men's game my producer Richard manages his sons under 11. I'm very conscious of what. We say about it struck a nerve you should show those physical attributes of a muscular. Do you sense those ideas around muscular need to change and I think they are changing but nowhere near fast enough and when you think about how police organized how far away your son's under 11 team is from any of these kind of big institutions that are starting to have these conversations a lot of this relies on individuals whether an individual is kind of switched on to the idea that maybe it isn't was helpful to say man toughen up don't cry like a go all of these words that we all know are offensive I think sometimes in football we think it's an Ok environment to use that kind of language and you know sometimes it might be seen as a last pasty and of masculinity. Point was really interesting which is because there are women who are in women's game that is an issue with him figure within the women's game and actually that could be quite dangerous perhaps kind of misconception there's a positive in the sense that it seems that there are more players that have felt able to come out but that's likely because yes they're being less focus on the on the women's game which then means that jumping these players that are a fantastic role models for young people you know that there is not support and not focus on these brilliant players in these brilliant stories. Well this is an important day for Bali Not only do they face a vital local derby against fierce rivals Jews break but that Captain Keegan Hurst has become the 1st professional rugby league player to announce that he is guy. He can host came up publicly in 2015 he's a rugby league player and was captain of. The times when it came 2015. Private life a few months before it was very public newspapers and things. You know always was it was difficult obviously. My ex-wife had. A farm where the family went to almost all the kids. And it's only sex so when I grew up. In a was. Demonstrated to me buying them off my mum brought me up on a row we were bringing my sister my dad was never around. Guess I never really other a father figure role model I was read a lot of books and I guess I love the history so maybe my idea of what the money's came from from books I guess I thought that I out. And the men that were in my life whether that was play is you know a lot of dogs who I played we've all my friends dogs we're all very. Muscular very stereotypical muscular in the sense of you know if the show dog in the said they were helping our center when he compared men and women's football you got to look at the difference in the fan base not only the size but the makeup of their who's going to watch women's football who's going to watch men's football because people are going to watch men's football by and large. Men. Straight men very not as something about society and what's going on outside and so I think this is an ignorance in the family base that perpetuates a fear him play as he can now uses his experiences of playing in the much a world of rugby to speak to young people especially young footballers a professional club academies so when I go and speak to the academies I'm talking to lads who are between 16 and 2122 so there is a wide range of experiences and you know you can go talk to. Called like Sheffield and we've got lots from London and have got you know lots from abroad as well of being and sports clubs where they've got European lads in and obviously there are huge to all of us gay people and might be different in the country where they're coming from and you know you can judge the reactions of every shock all I just a decent dress and sizes but by and large the odds. Are really receptive and it's come down really really well across European football there are more owners and sponsors from countries where homosexuality is seen as wrong or worse still illegal I think that money plays a big part and then you know you look at where the money from football comes from and a lot of it I mean is coming from the Middle East and you look at. That views on homosexuality there's a lot countries where people. Kill for it in general which we in this country a lot more would probably and certainly law countries that as a as a big imparts there's just so many things affecting it we did speak to want to expand the economics of sports he spends a lot of time in the Middle East he told us he had witnessed homophobic comments while sting could tell the host of the next men's World Cup. His view is that financial influence from these countries as well as Russia and China across all sports is only going to Greg the boardings clock and Sullivan thank you for joining us here reports out this morning my apologies for the slight late running in October 26th seen the chairman of the Football Association Greg Clarke was called before the department the Culture Media and Sport select committee one question that was asked was why there weren't any male professional footballers who are out I would be nice to we haven't got a place in the Premier League and I am personally I I'm personally a shame but they don't feel safe to come out why do they feel safe to commit I think what we have in football is a cross-section of society when you get a sample size of 4000010 percent of the population but 10 to 10 in 2 or 300 general population I watched David Beckham 15 years ago running you know on the volley of The View Siegel because he was dating a pop star of the time may now say to the stomach if I was a gay man why would only expose myself to that so all chill is to identify anybody guilty of persecuting in any way members of a minority an ethnic minority a sexual maturity or age and the women get volunteers to our job is the regulators to come down like a ton of bricks and make sure that that sort of Abrahamian is driven from the guy that was Eva 3 years ago and still a male professional footballer hasn't felt able to come out. The Football Association didn't want to take part in the program but did tell us that the f.a. Is committed to tackling homophobia by fair and transfer in football at every level of the game we continue to work with partners across the game such as stonewall and l. G.b.t. Fan groups to encourage fans and players to report abuse both at a national and county f.a. Level and work with the league's campaign groups and the statutory agencies to sanction and educate perpetrators so I'm here with manual but do you know who's a sports agent who works across football and rugby and has worked with the likes of Thomas and Robbie Rogers and Keegan Hurst we've spoken to you previously in terms of them coming out I wonder if you have any female sports people who have come up I have worked with female sports women and female footballers that are openly gay yeah and it's really interesting to see how come to a feel in their environment and you can look at it and you think I wish I could feel the same female football in its current form is a very new shiny package you know the crowd has started to come now but that's quite a new thing whereas historically the men's game has been established for a long time there are historic stories of the fear of the terraces and the abuse you look at the racism in football so I think the very nature of the 2 sports and the history of the sports mean that the men in the women's sport is is very different and almost in comparable the nature of footballers and football supporters won't really change and no one be educated unless they have their force to be educated i.e. Someone comes out as gay someone maybe abuses they get kicked out the ground the chief exec and David Beckham equivalent speaks and sits us or effect and suddenly you see a movement of wow you know I can't do this anymore he told me if and when a male footballer chooses to come out there will be huge commercial support from brands who would fall over themselves to be associated with them. Given the number of female players who are out is gay it feels disheartening to me that these players are not given the same support or profile I suppose one thing feels disappointing as a gay female football player and football fan my assumption would be that any commercial benefit an upside would be much less than if it was a male footballer that's a really interesting question and I think that being gay in the women's football game I do actually think although it's there are more openly gay female footballers I still think it is a bit of a point of difference and actually commercially there are not the same sums of money in the women's game will stop however for those that are openly gay I do think it gives you an angle of something different so you can go to gratitude towards you can talk to stonewall you can do an advert that's talking about l g b t m 4 was so I do think it gives you a point of difference however probably not enough it's probably not lauded enough and actually there's probably not enough credit given to the women who do come out as gay and whether it's because the sums of money simply not there's no real variation of the sums of money as in it's not a lot of money yeah so for a tiny bit more were it doesn't really matter and they just don't see some point I don't know but it definitely is probably not enough attention given to the fact you know they are and perhaps if for example the f.a. Or whoever actually really leaned on and highlighted the gay female footballers maybe it would just open up someone's eyes and just mean that she Joe was not a bad thing do you think the industry is doing enough and what would you like to see from the industry in which it's not just and the onus on kind of carrying the torch for the o.g.t.t. Plus community is it squarely on the players shoulders I think the industries are trying to do as much as they can I think you can always say you need to do more but I think I would be lying if I said I sit around and I look at what the f.a. Are doing and I hope they can do that in the hope that they'll inspire change because I don't see. How if I say honestly any new thing they do is going to suddenly make for borax pick up the phone isn't ready to come out because I don't really think he's sitting there looking at the f.a.a. I think you're looking at the countries where as an eagle to be gay in your car all of those things around there but then you look at Qatar 2022 and I know that they've been at least making the right noises in terms of saying I think the c.e.o. Said that people who genders and sexual interactions are welcome I'm sure you're going to hope to get comfortable but the fact is they're trying to do something and you can change the human rights laws in certain countries by being a gay footballer but you can certainly help so I think unless they've got someone to hook off unless there is someone that they can use it is lit she'll theory. I worked a hive in Barnet where getting ready to watch especially West Ham women's game me talking to the 2 of my friends Hillary and Isabelle who appear lifelong spares fans to kind of care about their experiences with anything and why by the hair washing women seem to say this is the Ws cell this is the silver the pinnacle of the women's club game isn't there yet and since we're fairly healthy crowds Yes I thought looks pretty busy and it's really great as well seeing lots of young people young women in particular coming down to tell her she gave. Me roses. It's. Just time to talk look see her with some great pals from both Hillary and Isabel and that for you saying For go to guess which I've been a member of by year in office when he joined as well if you know year and a half I mean that's a nobel to you here for you for me when I think I was before you by thought laughter Isabel So did you miss that funny thing to make certain that you just be a whirlwind and say yeah it's only showing that you got a good. The Women's Day and. Men's was about coming to watch a women's game like you love and want to keep coming back for more this is completely different Phyllis and I guess I mean the big thing is the cost of it like a success will. Come to the atmosphere I just think is a lot nicer like you get loads of angry man at the men's gainst shouting really aggressively a game a quest is a sight but so much testosterone in the athame nay almost a nice guy walking in and says loads of young people particularly young girls who are coming free like those very much more not finding any kind of vibes which is a much nicer nice space what we want she recently when we went to him she looks smells and he's waiting to. Know what it is about mostly men and the top but most of us stadium and it was different because I was just like those little spurs men's there and it just felt like a really different yet said wanting to get some more like. That more piece of it more heckling and stuff but it was still about you average men is going to look well k. Is that while women a thing and that was she was about yeah. I think what. We would probably from stay within the women's game stops for example just from the Linus's as I have on the school a plea is lesbian bisexual Conversely with the men's professional game there aren't any out players I like how important is to people and what personal level for different reasons and it was important to ask and I guess from my side of things it's for young people having a role model that someone that they can relate to within a sport they love and having And I guess of like I get frustrated a little bit with the fact that the women in the game are really champions so if they were casting scab and then also seen as he's a pretty figure has been in the way that but I could be you know in the u.s. Why is everyone so obsessed with Alabama it is one of what you ask about like if you if you carry. Question male plan although it's of us just put it to sex and paycheck isn't it like the men's game is just like a massive business industry in this country and say like that's why this very little tension paid so much to such rights of women with their career not quit but yeah I mean I think it is really bad that there's no out man a think it's a product of my homophobia by favorite transfer via wider society and for young boys who are growing up enough to pull you off where like it's really hard to be what you can't see was. Was. Evidence proves the outer beauty plus hate crimes within Why decide on the rise and this is married within football with Kick It Out data showing homophobic incidents having risen 9 percent season on season. To answer the question at the start of the program about what the men's game can learn is quite complex but to clear things stand out to me firstly not enough emphasis is put on the amazing athletes and Quero models within the women's game and secondly the men's game has to work hard towards changing their environment to mirror the women's inclusive ety in order to crazy climates for a male player to come out or else the question of why they still haven't felt able to do so will be embarrassingly left unanswered. Beth miles ending my name is which was produced in soul food by Richard McElroy No here's the appealing Claudia Hirmand we would love to know what you think about touch we starved of touch these days what counts is inappropriate touch and how does touch relate to sleep working with psychologists at Goldsmiths University on a major new study we would law. Like your help to fill some gaps in the research maybe you were one of the 55000 people who took part in the b.b.c. Loneliness experiment Well the touch test is open now and I'm hoping that thousands of you would like to take part you'll get a sneak preview of some results as soon as you finish and you can find the link on the radio for website or go to touch test dot org I'm intrigued to know what you think about touch Claudia Hammond next on Radio 4 No Joanna Lumley and Roger Allen play a couple who've been together for a very long time in conversations from a long marriage. Conversations from a long marriage by Jonathan towne starring John a long way and Roger Allen. Episode to Sally is your friend. It's how you can sleep. I can. I am asleep but I don't think so I could hear your breathing change. Foster That's because I was in the middle of a rather lovely dream one had to go back to it if you don't ask about Monica Bellucci again might have been. You friends of her ever since we saw her inspector you in kept us with rage How could you sign up for a Bond film and then only use about 32nd Stone films. But I'm not sure if I was dreaming about her I seem to remember her jumpsuit So it could have been an a come right. Right 2 or $342.00 when you wake up in the night it isn't and I bet Debbie says that the trick is to lie perfectly still she says it's the touching and turning it makes you more awake if you lie. I can act I have to stay completely quiet don't move back to sleep Could you try that please. What are you doing. Yes Get off we can't have sex Sally is in the next room set so she will hear her son has been in the next room lots of times over the years on holidays you know she had a tent for a fortnight so a bad job or 4 times because she was with Peter they were a couple It's fine when it's a couple but when someone's on their own like Sally it's up setting to hear other people making love it emphasizes their loneliness it's remarkably considerate of you and I am considerate we used to be considerate in another month maybe 2 what I thought she was just going to be here for a week she's Hessle pictures finish touching up the house that won't take long because Sally said you found out yesterday he's got dapper in the basement need do you want him self and he's back and forth to Kirsty's now she's pregnant can't suddenly go back and said I can't go back and share the house when I was going to say Can she go back and hurry him up or help him out he just want to know how do you write to be in a house to someone you love who doesn't love you there are days when I. Need to. Wake Sammy. Have some noise is she sobbing. Past crying us off to sleep do you think I should go and see if she's alright no white white listen but she's not sobbing it's too regular she's snoring. That's a surprise. Everybody stores sometimes believe may. But I never heard her snore before she's taken some sleeping tablet it means she's probably in a very deep sleep is. A sudden noise would still wake her up if she's going to be here wow I can't have to have silent sex takes me back to an every state if your parents separate bedrooms I proceed citing sneak and own land. To smuggle in some w.d. 40 because all the doors creak to my mum out is like a bat. The 1st 6 the chance of being called out as a powerful for does Yak I had the same feeling to do homework after school in my bedroom with Barry doing homework a classic euphemism sadly it now my mum made me keep the bedroom door open an early form of contraception almost thank her desire but nothing happened because I knew any minute mom would come crashing through the door with a teacher in some wagon wheels and said. Ha climbed up a ladder once to get into a girl's bedroom with approximate tray now. We've been doing Romeo and Juliet she was in there and I discovered her window was painted shot from bad luck tragic . Then her dad's Ford console swung into the drive past Dr inches from the bottom rung of the lander he read the engine the ladder wobbled and I panicked and jumped off and my knees never been the same since it was Sally who gave see that. She'd moved away by then and for the 100th time she was never my girlfriend she just rugby talk of me in a game of kiss chase and I wish I'd never mentioned it was just teasing it. Something about talking in the dark Tench think you can't see each other so you can say anything like go to sleep it really 6 months since Bonds are Dr Art Yes Do you miss having a dog yes. She could a rescue dog yes. There are lots of cute puppies but so many beautiful dogs have been abandoned that owner has died and we could give one a ho ho ho perhaps to a lovely couldn't say yes and if you like a specific target like. A laboratory or Husky did you know each breed has its own rescue society yes I really like the look of the Irish red and white Sasha. Good official one of my fed up saying Look I've said yes in fact that is a collective yes to anything you ask me enough no more questions and I know what an Irish red and white sedan looks like thank you very much goodnight. But. That's not Sally it's the bloody dog which had Betty in our room she said he'd be all right in his basket in the kitchen but clearly she was wrong. I'll go and let him our Sally will hear and she'll get. I don't think so. I can still hear her snoring The minute you go to sleep it's getting light it's hardly worth going to sleep now. Christmas this. Patch obviously female now that her other half is still in the nest with his wings over his ears. You did go back to sleep amazingly Yes. Hasa don't look confused but happy I put down his breakfast but there's obviously a ritual because he just kept staring at me sit with it eat we tried it bones are dog remember I'm successfully Anyway I just said Bertie I don't know what you're waiting for so he shrugged and got stuck in you could go back to bed here and now thanks lovely day stuff today or take the dog out I've already cleaned becomes cause mines in for service I know I've cleaned mine and some is. You can sell this car yes why because under the trees on the roofs of crap all over. This very nice of you I am nice person it's slightly creepy slightly watch t.v. You know like this guys used to leap out of direct traffic lights and has done your windscreen even though you didn't want them to Sally wasn't in the car and I'm sure she'll be very happy it's clean I bet she were could you go out and come in again in a better mood where she can clear a car like I do when was the last time you clean the car I do not for my mini I keep it immaculate you never go near a sponge a bucket you get it vomited in the multistory car park and you spent an hour fixing the links on her bracelet yesterday yes I did it was very like you were bracelet I knew how to do it you're just being too nice Well that's a 1st to know yes smarmy nice look Sally is our friend or your friend and our guest she's having a rough time and I'm helping out with things I can do for her has to learn to do them herself now that she's on her own yes all things p.c. Used to do for her she'll have to do so if I left you'd be able to bleed the radiators change the tires and install patio doors would you do all those things Whew really are completely delusional when if you ever change the tire I didn't say I had I said I can I know how to do it next time one burst at night in the rain on the m 25 I'll just sit back and let you get on with a challenge p.c. You were the one who told me we had to step in and support Sally and look after his presidency you had to be parked at that may depend on it be really clean your Garmin lady walk with the. Car but I'll be out tonight good because I was about to throw you out I've got Polaski is presumably Sam is going with you no she's not why not she says you just feel so wiped out and she hasn't got the energy to really be right you and Sally together in what sense. Remember when we gave up smoking together at the same time to the minute 28th of July 986745 pm which was extremely inconvenient as Diana and out were on their way around for a barbecue I didn't want to stop because I loved smoking and I enjoyed every one of my 5 silk Ah today but I was a chain smoker you reach for a cigarette as soon as you end your eyes in the morning and I had a hacking cough you definitely needed to stop so I gave up with you because I knew you wouldn't do it on your own because I have absolutely no willpower or self-control and I'm a constant disappointment we talked about how hard it was yes it was really true and one day I phoned your work and called said he's not here but he can't be far away because his cigarettes are on that desk and you pop that into your never let him forget folder and I suffered you'll see this rot for the next 10 years he said I promise we'll have no secrets ever again I did not did well if I did I didn't mean it it's a ridiculous promise to make all couples have secrets Carly Simon who also found that song we have no secrets we tell each other everything as a joke about a claustrophobic relationship you couldn't give up smoking good you wherever you're going with this I'm not coming with you you have an addictive personality and you think I'm addicted to Sally a bit you like the fact that she's grateful and smiles at you Well it's quite a novelty but this is all rather insulting to both Sally and me she's not a simpering airhead and I'm not Serrano de Bergerac currently the only man in her life so what self who've scared just to time normally think doing things that well have to make you some supper tonight she's very good I know that our rustle up an art a lengthy red rice and Keane are some of. The 1st women like men who can cook Sami likes to eat early this year yes she said we often seem to eat a bit late for her really accept on the table if. From now on then early is good because we can eat before the football starts Sally Knox football is beginning to sound like a Ladybird Book Sunny has been sadly what she's football happy Sally I'm sure she went to March so there will be leftovers when you. Left. Show us I just have a little flash what I didn't catch she's on my way down to her creek that's how authentic hip being nice chick This teaches run your fingers through your hat on and you're not. Just stop acting like you want to be a point sorry morning I give a Bertie his breakfast and made some coffee and he's clean joke isn't he wonderful . Come on quite a lot I'm printing we're taking Betty out he work He's so I don't know what he's I want you to hurry up the panic I don't want Sally to come with us we need a good call do we yes and so just Betty Betty Sally so wiped out at the moment he's not getting proper exercise and he's crapping all over the garden but can you take him I'm just going around the block No 10000 steps a day I've got my Fitbit keep up could you just slow down a bit there's no point in walking unless you stride out you don't get the benefit when you amble it's got to cardiovascular workout doesn't stop to be anything. Can you hold his lead a little firmer give a Jackie peeing on every blade of grass tell you what why don't you take birdy out and I'll just get back to trimming the wisteria I want us to go for a walk together can we just stay in together now because it's a lovely day and we don't to be stuck indoors and also Sally is always there on this which is starting with us yes but she's very apparent don't you think not especially now we can't do normal things while she's there what do you mean we can't relax I'm quite relaxed and somebody else is in the house you don't behave normally are not aware that my behavior has changed and it's because you're not sensitive to on Beals am I not well that's and I want to add to the list of my failures we can't have our usual conversations you know arguments I don't just mean so what do you mean I can't bend you over backwards on the kitchen table. We certainly can't be spontaneous It's like we're on our best behavior I didn't know you had a best behavior I can't say I've ever seen any evidence. Are you comfortable with the way she appears at breakfast and that flée she can manage. Can't serve notice of lease All right I have noticed but it's just what she wears to sleep in exactly she gets out of bed and comes straight down real Most nothing on a bed and just thinks it's completely acceptable to sit down and tuck into the musically and fruit dressed over rather undressed like this isn't acceptable you know for sure charm put some proper clothes on. Why is that funny I was just thinking of you at the Isle of Wight Festival certainly didn't have any problem clothes on the movie Young then now we're all quite mature she's in pretty good shape. As are you and you often we're floaty things that's when it's just us but if I was staying with friends I'd be hugely aware that I should shower and dress before breakfast I think it's rather brazen. But the Dowager Lady Grantham I want you to say something to have me she listens to you if I say please don't work for a few things at breakfast so a chill think is because I mean claimed by her underpinnings you could sound stat sheet just laugh oh well should read that 1st off here well maybe it's French then . She. Did you know better she peed on the sofa. Sally laughed and said oh he's just a bit insecure and he wanted to mark out his territory. And she's had him on her bed the last few nights on my 800 thread count cotton sheets she treats that dog like a baby. We never let Bonzo Dog in the bed don't really know but he's her comforter at the moment she needs him to come I think you should tell it to be more considerate that's not going to happen this won't last forever so just calm down when. I thought you were watching him I thought you were. I can't see him. God what are we going to tell Sally. We're going to tell him that he's bunk to retrieve or look over there oh thank goodness I don't think the owner would agree with you he's not happy and he's at least 6 foot 4 going champ I'm sorry you have to deal with this I'm off to pull out is do I have to do everything yes you do but I. Just cover your back I'll let you know I'm not. Were you wearing a bathrobe because I've just had a bath for what does anyone have a bath thank you not a glass of wine the next you have a bath that night well I did tonight. There's certainly going to bed. In the office man I know but you were right she's shattered almost fell asleep in my arms to linger and you have a birth before she went to bed her course not stopped the dishwasher took Bertie out for a quick walk Sally doesn't like going out in the dark horse rubbish she always joked around the block before bedtime he's a strong dog Bertie's like trying to hide on the back of a truck really pulls on the lead so did you pull you over in a puddle know why I'm still struggling to work out why you needed a bath Why are my back was already a bit after washing the cans this morning the moving the chest of drawers just a troll so I thought a soaking barf would be a good I don't want test of drawers did you move no one in service room. Because she asked me to. Why didn't you ask me what she probably hadn't heard about your multiple handy woman skills and fell for the old cliche that heavy lifting is a man's job of heavy imo but Peter did everything for her and she is not capable i.q. Capable hard to hear you've never lost the ability to surprise me what's wrong with Who Wants to be called capable Capability Brown I want to be called censorious bucking captivate and you are all of those things and so much more I do not want to be called capable Ok got it I won't call you that again to want to ask you to move it after supper Why did you want it removed she just said she wanted it under the windows so she could do her make up in a better light she could with the mirror on the window sill there's no need to move the furniture she didn't move it I did it was not a problem and it never is this Saturday so she invited you into her bedroom strictly speaking it's our bedroom one of our bedrooms What did she say exactly can you come up and move my chest I didn't you think that was a bit funny in a carry on sense yes I suppose it was funny so was she wearing a bathrobe as well neither of us were wearing a bathrobe we were fully clothed talking over supper about getting used to the layout of unfamiliar rooms and how it's not easy sleeping in strange but she seems to be sleeping all right did you tell her we had a snoring like a water hog do you think. Up with a funny I quite like that you're jealous you think I'm jealous. It's quite obvious you're creating this soft porn scenario with me leading Sally from the supper table up the stairs stripping down of my boxer shorts while she leans back on the pillows trembling with desire as I heave the chest of drawers singlehandedly across the room sweat pouring off my half naked body she beckons me and after some swift Rumpy promptly we bathed together soaping each other down with that nice chest 90 bubble bath finish just getting started clever trick laughing off what really happened is the imaginings of a crazed woman talking of crows terms parties David's back your mental breath groupie I thought he left broken hearted your cool indifference apparently he's been a way out an assertive less training course he missed the 1st session because he didn't know which room it was in and didn't like to ask I believe you just made that up for a laugh if only did he put his money behind yours again roots I thought of fighting to put him off because everyone farts and pull out is but it seemed. Never stopped you before so I was quite tense off of the class I could see him breathing rather heavily if you want me to have a word with them he gives me rhubarb from his allotment but he might be dangerous he's not a Buddhist and they'll get really upset if the accidently Trojan an ant and also he's physically very weak I have to open his water bottle that's because you also cave. Dating and sense you're. Actually I was quite tense all through the class because of David I'm quite a he too I think I might do what. I'm going to better idea why don't I run as a bath you've already had one birthday who's counting and what about Sally only room for 2 so you're here as I said above not a bunk over might be nice which take up a glass of wine and find out who is the 2nd time today I followed the woman upstairs to spoil it I'll bring the why. Cripes you've just had a bar I think we established there early no hot water left we could switch on the immersion heater do you think the time it heats up the moment might have passed. I didn't know we were having a moment I thought we were just having a watch. Give me a great big hug What's the magic word now. Oh I'm sorry you're right watch that's a sentence I only hear on my birthday isn't my birthday I think patience has breakup is affected just both more than we realize due to us forget about them and have an early night I've got that lovely body oil you can give me a back massage it'll make the sheets all narky free to go. Wrong. Thing in the morgue 3. Me. Already if you like it when you buy more than 3 bottles of wine they always ask you at the checkout having a party. Like 12 bottles Yes it's a reasonable question I wanted to say no this is just lost as to Tuesday did you show the loyalty card forgot I'm going to put in your key ring fine but here's the good news is I've got everything on the list with no screw ups for random substitutions she's mature chatter mouthwash Meralco meant flavor they can smoke streaky. So let's eat bread salad like I said so it is not how much she got on my system I thought Elaine was initially she came home yesterday Ok so will sunny be back for lunch measurable back till she's gone she has for good and. Moved in with the line. What did you say to her I didn't say anything to have her write years ago she thought it was past. Honey you've been crying very much while something upsets you Sally told me what really happened last night. So you know about the kiss yeah right why didn't you tell me I didn't tell you because I don't want to we have no secrets we do and this was one I wanted to keep you did keep as I had reasons for their Aunt Sally and I had a long talk after you went shopping she came down with the bags packed in the lead and told me that you had cooked a wonderful dinner being so lovely and kind last night and after a few glasses of wine she talked to move just to prove she didn't really help very much and she dropped her end and he started singing right sit for it you were laughing in there. Come home and cry it was nothing to show you. Crumpled it took its right. To tell me that she kissed you has say and you didn't kiss have back she said that I said it is it true it is true and that's the main reason why I didn't tell you about it because I didn't want you to think badly of Sally and dump her as a friend when it was obvious she was just desperately lonely and. Needed some affirmation that she was still attractive you didn't give it. Not in any sense and you stepped back and said no she was crying when she told me because you said that you loved her as a friend but it would never be anything more and that United both had. Flings in the past and been on the verge of breaking up with a break up on quite a regular basis and she said that you told her you've realized over the years the terrible risk of losing everything if you played around another possibility of ever losing me wakes you up at night and. I had to exaggerate for effect and see what happened time Peter brought him back I told her what she needed to hear you said that even if Monica Bellucci over it as often you'd say no because you don't love her you love me I'm out of sight gave a state of likely sort of mind turning down on might have Monica Goodling bloody announce I might change my mind sergeant said she felt. So. And she started to cry in front of you gave her books of tissues and a big hug and major hot chocolate. Through her birth. Parents of her a bit weird and I was one of the bout you coming home I told her I would never say anything to you because you and Sally should stay friends who were good then my work here is done. Now put the cheese in the fridge you know what you are don't you oh no we go I thought of going off lightly your choices very powerful jet . Thank you but I'd rather be Monica Baluchis own country. Conversations from a long marriage was written by John Everington could start Joanna Lumley and Roger Allen it was produced by Claire Jones and was a b.b.c. Studios production. And John and Roger will be back at the same time next week for more conversations from a long marriage that's next Wednesday at Huff past 11 the news is next but 1st a word from Polaris. Moneybox live today is about holiday nightmares what to do with that relaxing week away goes horribly wrong or is canceled at the last minute of course the news this morning that the government has said don't travel to mainland China will be a worry for anyone with a trip booked to see the great wall of the terra cotta warriors but we'll also be covering the fallout from Thomas Cook going bust and more every day holiday hassles from car hire to illness tell us yours e-mail Moneybox at b.b.c. U.k. We're on air just after 3 Thank you Paul the e-mail address again is money box at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. And you can join Paul and the team here on Radio 4 at 3 o'clock.


Transcripts for BBC Radio Norfolk BBC Radio Norfolk 20200113 070000

One local school has been given a grant to celebrate So what are we going to find out more so return to tradition and the turn of the plough I'm joining excited school children who are part of reviving this centuries old tradition intil the old saints now more for more later on and plans lunch for him as well the weather comes from Elizabeth Razzi nicely dried in the daylight hours with them spell the brightness and French and tending very wet and windy later on 3 the day all the details in 5 minutes were thank you. A 701 this is b.b.c. Radio Norfolk and your Monday morning news comes from Janet Harden senior members of the royal family are gathering at the Sandringham in West Norfolk today to discuss the future of roles for the Jew conduct as a Sussex Harry and Meghan want to step back from their duties and spend more time in North America the Prince of Wales the Duke of Cambridge and the Duke of Sussex will be at the meeting which will look at a range of options these people wait outside Sandringham say they're disappointed I think it's very very sad especially for the queen. I don't think it's any way for Harry and Meghan to treat their grandmother I think it's a shame I think Harry and make them would have been a lot better off being full members of the family rather than trying to do the room thing so I hope it's soon sorted out in the interest of everyone especially the queen. One of Britain's oldest department stores bills which has stores in Great Yarmouth and is hers warned that it could collapse is a difficult time for retailers as Devon I'm starts to close 900 stores a Mothercare shops stop trading today here's our business correspondent Rob Young wheels which has $22.00 branches across the country said it may have to appoint administrators the company is negotiating with landlords over rent and is talking to 2 potential buyers another retailer and the venture capital investor Beals has been around for almost 140 years but poorer than expected Christmas trading threatens its survival even if its immediate future can be assured store closures are have been ruled out with a risk to jobs the British Retail Consortium has said last year was the high streets worst on record a charity says putting disruptive schoolchildren in isolation is damaging their mental health the practice involves removing pupils from the classroom and placing them in booths where they can't see or speak to other pupils the Center for Mental Health says this can be traumatic for some children this mother's 2 children have been in isolation at one of Norfolk secondary schools and she wants parents involved more in the process I don't think place I mean isolation at Scole you actually have that process of discussing the bad behavior which is why it's important for parents to know about it to discuss and work through it and find a solution so they don't get back there again the north south m.p. Clive Lewis finds out today if he's still in the race to become Labor leader he has until this afternoon to get the backing needed to join the 4 other candidates who've already secured a place in the contest. Police are investigating a fire in Great Yarmouth overnight it broke out at a residential property on Mill Road although people needed help with smoke inhalation it's understood no one was hurt in the fire in the Philippines a volcano has sent fountains of lava into the sky at least 15000 people have fled the area south of Manila although some are refusing to leave their homes and farms our correspondent Howard Johnson is there black smoke or started billowing out of the volcano what's happening now is love light lava flow is happening at the moment it's a level 4 out of 5 the government here say that at level 4 the risk of a hazardous explosion could be within hours or days. Alyse you any An unborn student in King's Lynn has been presented with the Queen's gold medal for his studies on Minas Barcus came top in the a level results last year the King Edward the 7th the cademy he and his family met the Queen at Sandringham House yesterday a day he says he'll always remember it was very surreal and very. Had expected me Queen of England and it was just very interesting it's a very fun time all around so I'm going to cherish this moment insanely b.b.c. Radio news now the sport his journey lever thank you very much Dan it's knowledge city have signed her the Berlin attacking midfielder on Dre dude on a 6 month loan deal the 25 year old Daniel Fargas 1st signing of the January transfer window dinner has Duda has been kept 35 times by Slovakia Meanwhile Manchester City striker Sergio Aguero scored his 12th Premier League hat trick and also became the highest overseas goalscorer in the competitions history you're in City's 61 win Aston Villa yesterday a grow past year your memory moved on to 177 goals in yesterday's win Meanwhile Kingsley in town manager in Culver houses the club haven't received any inquiries about Adam Marriott reports over the weekend suggested clubs from the Football League were interested in the prolific striker Marriott has $25.00 league goals to his name already this season and finally Kate King's Lin's Jamie Chesney gets his single campaign up and running at the World Indoor Bowl championship this afternoon he takes on Scotland's Chris Caldwell at Potters and that begins at 2 pm That's all for now Chris Turner how much of a footballer Jamie Vardy of Leicester City is how much of a football here listen well listen to this. In Hello magazine posing with Rebecca Vadi his wife who's been in the news for various reasons so this year or last year they've had a new baby and Jamie Vardy has come up with that he's managed to boil fatherhood down to sounding like a football match. Ok I'm going to give you a quote from a footballer This is the footballer Jamie Valley talking about fatherhood and I think he's going to move to Harvard could just be talking about a 11 draw with Southampton and Premier League he says he's quoted in Hello magazine this local papers today he says Fox is extremely 33 said although Becky tells me I'm a typical man and don't show much emotion deep inside the moon with my kids. There's a very focused figure say Ok well you know I don't know I might not show it but they're deep inside I'm over the moon I told him maybe he's actually played it down because I didn't lose the Southampton Yeah they did He says I love having a big family it's matured me and kept me grounded by them and has it over the moving you or your father so that was it to Mr footballers like him and make everything sound like a football match. Do you see Radio Nowhere folks whether he's over the moon with them but you know he could've been worse I suppose couldn't it let's find out what the weather's going to be like for today and here is Elizabeth what Simi Good morning and you might all be over the me with today's weather I have to say although it's mostly mostly dry during the daylight hours and they leave a little bit of brightness and some sunshine around but then the winds us that to ramp up as we had 3 often you know it's a really quite tough day I think by the time we get in the evening but until then the wind slowly strengthen and maybe one of the showers runs the morning business that mostly dry a little bit of brightness and sunshine temperatures today 9 or 10 degrees Celsius that is what will happen if those winds really strengthening through the evening with the same outbreaks of rain pushing in from the west as was a very wet very windy through the evening rush hour gusts of around 40 to 45 miles an hour I suspect for much of the evening of the 1st half of it anyway so pushing its way eastwards and then the winds will lighten and that rain will gradually self as we head into tomorrow morning if not lows of around 4 to 6 degrees Celsius tomorrow it's windiest still of very unsettled day of weather but of early morning brightness around them breaks very nice the Off to need and along with those heavy downpours a pretty big. Last 3 weather 45 to 50 mile an hour gusts I think there's a Met up with weather warning in place of the strength of the winds tomorrow Wednesday quite a day and then by the time we get theirs they start again and it's wet and when the once more they are very unsettled wake it. Let's take a look at the case doeth for today say the wind south westerly 506 increasing 7 to the vague 9 for a time this the states light a moderate becoming moderate or rough later the weather showers rain for a time and the visibility will be moderate or good but occasionally poorly is better it's the knee b.b.c. Radio Nowhere thanks very much. Christiane I had breakfast spell it with recently with you write for the program well not for you say so much the center of the world today or the it will feel like it if you watch the news programs because the Sandringham summit the centenary showdown whatever you want to call it trying to thrash out the details of Prince Harry's and Megan's decision to try to step back from frontline role duties all happening in Sandringham world we're going to be there later on in the program and we'll find out what the people of Norfolk think about that I will tell you more about one of Britain's oldest department stores possibly collapsing Chris Gore and I have breakfast in. Welcome to a busy Monday morning here on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk get the latest on most Sandra showdown talks coming up we will be live with a reporter Joel Bennett in Sandringham a little bit later on it's the dominant story on the front page of a lot of the papers today and he's happening right here in Norfolk but another thing we're looking at today is whether a school pupil should ever be removed from the classroom and put into isolation no matter how disruptive they are the charity at the Center for Mental Health says No In fact they believe putting children into isolation is damaging their mental health and they think it could in turn lead to even more challenging behavior his Auntie Bell from the charity who we spoke to earlier although it might manage the time maybe necessary for safety some instances it can actually kind of exacerbate the problem longer and so you end up with Mall. Just behavior kind of decorative cycle if you like we need to think about how we support schools to become more supportive of children's behavior and not just clicking off in schools to be different so let's look at this from the point of view of a child who has been placed in in isolation our reporter Andrew Turner has been speaking to the parents of 2 children who've experienced it and they want to remain anonymous because they're worried about the ramifications for their children but listen told me that sometimes I think you need to for find out the values of what has gone on before they're actually put into these isolation rooms because it is an Oist situation that the teachers are always right in always a situation at the child's always right I think they can be a bit mixed feelings and bit better understanding if there is discussed between the parents 1st I mention it's not supposed to be a pleasant experience being isolation is after all some kind of punishment Absolutely I mean it is some kind of punishment I do believe there should be aspects like something like this in school whether it's the right way about it or not I don't know because I hear several stories about these things in isolation freedoms children who speak. Sometimes it's the facts that they kind of cut cut come across that that they could sit in there and they don't really do much they don't actually do any lessons as such which I mean one of the main things or at school for is to. Do the lessons and learn and if they're in isolation and not learning from that then it's a bit pointless how many times would you say you children have been into isolation that's why maybe 3 times and did you see where the school had come from by placing them into isolation for a spell. Obviously if they've done something that warrants a punishment then yes there is that the right type of punishment excluding them from the rest of their Pais teaches retain general school life and this idea that it could affect their mental health that actually isolation perpetuates more bad behavior is that something that you would agree with with your children's experience. No not really it just depends how it's dealt with. And then between him and Skolem find in the balance of discussing it with him and talking at 3 that I think place I mean isolation at school you actually have that process of discussing the bad behavior who it is why it's important for parents to know about it to discuss and work through it and find a solution so they don't get back there again and that's exactly what a children's mental health charity has suggested that parents should be more involved in finding the solution so you don't repeatedly get into isolation absolutely are completely greater than a main. At the end of the day you are parents they are your children you want to bring up the right why not the wrong way so if you want to give them the best but it depends what's happening in these isolation rooms if they're not learning from it they're not going to learn to become better and go for doing their education if they go into these isolation rooms and there's nothing for me to do and I just sit there for the die then what would you want to do when you're 131415 you misbehave more so you can just sit in there and they were absolutely nothing rather than or so have you noticed anything like that because I magine. Your children aren't the only ones or school who are getting put into isolation there must be children who have different behaviors as a result of going into isolation yeah there's different things that go on I'm going to speak to several parents innocent silly things I mean. Things that be dealt with in the classroom or of them that strains Weisel ation take them out of their environment because when you take someone out their environment and put their kind of seen as being a bit different Wherever not it's from other people's or wherever it's from teachers but if they keep end up nice relation I kind of get bit of a stigma and do you think the school is a bit too trigger happy with isolation of the 1st response rather than actually the last resort yes absolutely absolutely believe I mean when I was at school. The teachers dealt with things in class more it was very much a last resort to be sent to the head teachers and then. And get your parents involved these days it just seems to be very very quick I think it's also used for the wrong reasons I know there's a lot of schools that do it for silly reasons like wearing jewelry and incorrect uniform and nail varnish and whatever if if you're not dressed appropriately they're not the rose but it doesn't automatically mean you don't have a right to learn do you agree with what you've just heard our schools are not at least as too quick to put children who are disruptive or breaking the rules or whatever way into isolation should we be worried about the longer term effects that has and maybe they come back into the classroom and are more disruptive as a result of what's happened to them but on the other side of the coin we've already heard from a teacher this morning is going touch with a program saying last but all this time in a class of 27 year one children and so on the behavior is appalling the only way that we can deal with it at the time is to remove the the worst culprits that there's not really a more effective way of doing it what do you think we're going to be talking to the chief executive of an academy trust in Norfolk who believes that in some cases. Isolation can be used in a positive way our schools in Norfolk too quick to isolate a disruptive people or actually is it the only way of dealing with them without harming the education of the other children in the class what you think 103897321 that's the phone number you can send me a text 813 double 3 Start message with the word Norfolk and it will continue to talk about this through the program this morning here on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk It's now 716. 0 as preschool on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk the headline to charity says putting disruptive school children in isolation is damaging their mental health and candidates to become the next leader of the Labor Party have until 230 this afternoon to win enough support to stay in the contest in sport city have Sunday attacking midfielder Andre dude from her to Berlin on a 6 month loan deal brought with sunny spells the chance of a few showers today turning cloudy of this afternoon with highs of 10 Celsius 50 Fahrenheit coming up at the Queen is holding talks at Sandringham later today in an attempt to map out a future path for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex following their announcement that they want to step back a senior royals will who are people waiting outside surrounding him yesterday make of all this after he for the care of his best travelling. Is Kaylee thank you very much you are looking around this morning at the moment quite slow towards the thick on the roundabout trying to get towards knowledge or to use your delay starting to form a 47 from day one towards knowledge that's heading towards the having a man to show roundabout was a fairly busy as well if you're heading towards King then a 17 starting to slow towards pullover on the whole things in the sense is not looking too bad at the moment if you can safely updates me there the number to call 803 aids 97321. On b.b.c. Radio Norfolk hire fancy t o d n all the noise the other day Emily's in later if you miss t.v. Over. Weekend Yeah Bill don't you when you think about that new song I've been playing. So I'm finding out all about the latest gadgets in a bit. Oh I see God in the concert later they go one cup it's a c n n do you break with Chrissy Jackson every weekday morning from 10 on b.b.c. Radio No 5 you're part of. And Chris is back today from 10 including the Norfolk nor use it has been going since the 23rd of October the current no noise would you believe if you think you know the answer to me and each weekday morning for details on how to enter you can see all the guesses so far on our website b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Slash radio Norfolk I think I'm allowed to give when a close am I so I won't know I'm tempted by one but it's a 23rd of October it's been going since Incredibles but maybe today today I don't know. If you think you can put everyone out of there me 3 and solve the North noise competition Sundram summit sounding showdown it depends how tabloid you want to be about it but senior members of the royal family will gather at Sandringham today the Scots future roles for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex hereon make it announced last week they want to step back from their duties and spend more time in North America so we know that Prince Charles Prince William and Prince Harry will attend the meeting which will examine a range of options and Megan is expected to chip in by phone from Canada to we've been speaking to people who were waiting to see the Queen outside the church at Sandringham yesterday our reporter Jill Bennett has been asking them how they feel about the whole affair I think it's very very sad especially for the queen. I don't think it's any way for Harry American to treat their grandmother. In a normal family let alone a royal family so I feel desperately sorry for her and the whole family I think it's. The shame I think Harry and make him would have been a lot better off being full members of the royal family rather than trying to do the wrong thing so I had peace soon sorted out in the interest of everyone especially the queen who's had quite enough to put out maybe just lately and we're all think she is wonderful and just wonderful child. Every right to follow dreams have always been born to rule family but all they ever got their own opinion I can do in life and I deserve to raise all think personally that I'm like yeah offing size about my gray bacon knew what she was song and so now she just change it and she's taken the how me away with it without a small person for what's she knew what she was getting the intake and now she's now taken how you away from this family during boil or not that that because of who they are that was going to have this whether they're in the family or at the family level going to well they're going to have to. Know because of how you'll never. Leave lead a normal life like us have lead up our lives but. Not us I just think it's a shame we really. And this is the way of going to go as well maybe. You should have gone and spoke to the fleet before my release of the statement and I think that's what. The family order for I think everyone has the right to decide what they want to do with their life I think as well I think I actually have been saying I think I just regret how it played out I think there's a lot of unanswered questions I know have been far better to advance those questions for go public with the decision because I think now it just sort of undermines the royal family and I said I mustn't miss a bit it's not nice really. How you feel you have pretty much the same believe they could have. Organized it all and I think generally the royal family like to sort things out in private before they make it public and as much as Harry Megane have said they don't want to play up to the media they kind of have created a media storm in the manner that they've they've done everything say kind of got back on how they want to do things a space I mean do you think they should be in this country or do you think you know if they want to live in Canada they should get on with it I think they should get on with their if they don't want to be in this country but I equally think they should both be over here at the moment to sort out I think they're making themselves look divided by being in separate countries when they should be in it together and really they want to go off and lead a separate life together so sort out together to allow that to happen and that is what some of people in Santee I'm waiting to see the royal family over the weekend make of the events the Sandringham showdown standing up summit depending on how you want to describe it is happening today and it's going to be live for us in Sandringham after 8 o'clock and I think should we just link for position with a number of other cameras and journalists and reporters is say it's the place to be today in terms of the spotlight it's on Norfolk and will be you're focusing on that during the program forgotten thoughts on how it's come to this and what you think should happen. By all means are 103897331 I know we talked about it last week on the program but if you if you've picked up any more information from what you've read or heard over the weekend and it's changed your opinion 13 couple 3 starting a message with the word no for now one of Britain's oldest department stores could collapse into administration it has been warned big deal switch stores in Great Yarmouth to slow stuff Beccles and with speech said a 1000 jobs are at stake if they cannot find a buyer Bale's began trading in 1901 but took over the department stores of Angler co-op in 2010 giving it a foothold in East Anglia though it shut the store in King's Lynn Then in November 28th seen Bales took over Palmer's in Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft a company that goes back over 180 years and return or spoke with the owner of bales last week and joins us from Great Yarmouth marketplace this morning and who is this a surprise I guess it's a matter of who you speak to Chris but just looking in the windows at the Palms at the moment you see the final clearance of it's winter sale and prices dropped by 5060 even 70 percent massive discounts can't quite clearly trying to shift stock but I've spoken to people who shop regularly and bomb in Palmers those who knew palm when it was family owned and then have noticed the difference since Bill's takeover people telling me that they haven't been able to buy the stock that they like to buy and I suppose really they've been a bit suspicious as to what's going on behind the scenes and only a few days ago I spoke to Tony Brown who is the man who took over but used in fact he bought it from its previous owners trying to secure an interview with him because. He's closing down its store in Great Yarmouth this week that will happen on Wednesday and I want to do find out from him about the impact that closing the closure of Devon's will have on Palmer's And also there had been reports as well about the company refinancing and so I wanted to get a word with him and he agreed to be interviewed by you over the phone. On Thursday last week saying that he couldn't be live this week because he was going to the Caribbean on Saturday and he said he well we haven't managed to me him with trying to get a hold of tiny brand by phone and by text since those days when he agreed to be interviewed by you at 10 30 in the morning and we just haven't had any contact from him since so we're not sure if he's going on this holiday with the weekend news about abuse or not yeah I suppose this this was a clue to us that that also well because I was due to speak to him last week at 1030 took a look at that but it was we're going to play the interview for you this morning but we haven't been able to go to him so we haven't gotten into the night he hasn't answered his phone responded a text message on several occasions I've tried on Thursday and on Friday he hadn't hasn't picked up the call all but when I did speak to him on Tuesday he said that Bill was in a reasonable position despite Haifa Street trading being difficult and reporting losses as a company for the 2nd consecutive year he told me that they were in the process a fairly standard process of refinancing the company's debts and he confirmed that without a couple of stories we're likely to close he wouldn't identify which he's pretty much dismissed reports of the company being up for sale as well saying that was just a formality in the process of seeking new investment he said there had been no expression of interest in the full takeover he described as a technicality where they had to be offered for sale as a going concern but he hadn't expected to bid and when he agreed to be interviewed by us. He was pretty much going to be straight with us here on those terms and explain the situation but now it's emerged over the weekend it was on the National Youth news yesterday that the group is on the verge of collapse 1000 times and jobs are at risk with new investment and the b.b.c. Has learned that there are 2 potential buyers One is a regional rival and the other one is a venture capital investor now. Stalls in Los often Great Yarmouth joint Bale's just over a year ago says the Palmer family had anything to. Well yeah not exactly I spoke with Bruce Stark who was the chairman of Palmer's and he was the 5th generation of Garwood Burton Palmer's family Bruce's children didn't want to take over the business and that's why Palmer's entered talks with be using spring 2018 for a takeover that deal collapsed then Tony Brown who was the m.d. Of bales led a management buy out and I understand he took over the retail arm while the previous owner held on to the bill's properties and became the landlord those talks resumed with Palmer's later in 2018 the takeover happened in November so just over a year ago and the Palmer still was both in Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth where refurbished but of course with Bill's already having what was the co-op department store in the north end of last off that building closed in April last year so he spoke to start to decide anything to yeah it was just a brief conversation over the phone he was abroad at the time he is still abroad and he told me that he's saddened quite clearly by Bill's heading towards administration he said when he sold the company he did so to try to secure this the future of the jobs for his staff when I asked if he now regretted selling to Bales he hinted that he had that had things been able to be done a different way it might be different now but he conceded that we are where we are regrettable is that was he said he hoped that Bale was in particular the Palmer stores would keep trading through some kind of rescue deal and of course he expressed concern for the staff that he knew personally had served for him for many years as Palmer's But as for the next moves that's something we will be watching very closely no doubt very stark will as well thanks and truly understand life Great Yarmouth Smalling with the news over the weekend Bill so well Britain's oldest department stores could collapse into ministration that would affect stores in Great Yarmouth to slow stop Beccles and with speech just before Kelly brings you the travel let's talk to Sandra who's going to school this morning about our main story and that's the rights and wrongs of putting disruptive peoples in. Classrooms into isolation now we're hearing this morning a campaign for mental health groups saying it doesn't do them any good. You want to tell us about your son Daniel Yes. Very capable as a child when he started school right until he was nearly 10 he was a nightmare always in trouble you spent a lot of time under his desk instead of doing lessons and try to deal isolation room number going back a long way and. Had a different teacher when news 10 started back in we were in Scotland so he started back in the States and by September she turned a new way to do with it she put his desk next to her and every time he finished work she gave him more work and just kept him completely occupied the whole time. School year just. Boy numbers school that approach was more effective than sending him out the classroom award or putting him in isolation Yes Very much so yeah what's it like for Sandra to debate because people often say Well obviously these 2 are knocking the right support at home but how hard is it when you're a parent and your son is getting in trouble at school a lot he must be so sad must be tearing your hair out is so frustrating we ended up going to a place which was called. And they said he was bored. Proved to be the case at school. And sometimes reacting in that way where you just send them out of the classroom and put them in isolation actually we're hearing this morning that can make them worse so you don't make them worse. Ok sometimes mine has been foster parents and we've dealt with a lot of disruptive children and we've found with new posts 80 percent is keeping them occupied so yeah and maybe that doesn't happen in classrooms but it's hard for teachers there isn't it when they've got 30 children to deal with they can't be there on everyone's desk putting more work on every time they're finished but nowadays they do have a lot of teaching assistants says you know most closers can have a teaching assistant if the school can afford it. And you know that maybe. They need more teaching assistants who could do with it but it's true because classes of got bigger as well over the years haven't made so you probably the adults to child ratio in the classroom is about the same if not worse than it was but Sandra thanks we call really appreciate. Any further thoughts of 803-897-3212 give us a call his k. With the travel news thanks Chris Well at the moment looking around sensible and you seem like a on the whole this is the usual busy patch is starting to form a 47 from a cool towards knowing starting to slay through the burning and stretch so this doesn't slow as well on the a 47 the other way from Durham towards no it's heading towards the haunting a matter show roundabouts Now if you can updates me 803897321. Of her Chris on b.b.c. Radio 732 the sports news following the news headlines with. The Queen and senior royals are gathering at Sandringham in West Norfolk today to discuss the future of the do you conduct with the Sussex that follows the couple's announcement that they want to step back from some public duties bills which took over part. His department store in Great Yarmouth last year is under threat of collapse due to poor trading at Christmas the chain has another $21.00 stores including branches and despite calls was beach and Lowestoft it's being claimed by a charity that children placed in isolation in schools can be mentally harmed the Center for Mental Health says the practice is widely used by schools in Norfolk and across the u.k. The Labor leadership hopeful and north south m.p. Clive Lewis will find out today if he's through to the next round both himself and Emily Thornberry are still to get the minimum backing needed to join the 4 other candidates and at least 15000 people have fled the area around a volcano in the Philippines which has started spewing ash and lava officials fear it could erupt imminently b.b.c. Radio news there's more to eat. B.b.c. Radio news folks forwards. Jolie has almost 14 years thank you very much Chris Morris city of completed the loan signing of Slovakian International on Dre Duda the 25 year old attacking midfielder arrives on a 6 month deal from blunders league a side head the Berlin Duda has found 1st team opportunities limited under the new coach Juergen Klinsmann this season although he scored 11 times in an impressive campaign last time out due to has been capped 35 times for survive having made his debut as a 19 year old in 2014 Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola says striker Sergio Aguero is a legend that's after he became the highest overseas overseas player to score in Premier League history of past here real memory and moved on to 177 goals with a hat trick in City's 61 win it's Aston Villa yesterday afternoon while their list says his record is unique. They were born scoring goals and they will die a scoring role so does everyone he has just won sure was simple as that. He had. Special Gift you know they were nice. And happy everything good was staying with the Premier League and Eddie how limits he's concerned about his position is borne of manager following their free near home defeat against what food bowl must remain in the relegation zone following the defeat by travel to Carrow Road on Saturday to take on the canaries in a crucial relegation battle House as the club are in a tough place right now anybody who has an answer of respect for the game or of the would be horrified that performance I think it was a lack of respect of see that's not the ball of manager Eddie out anyway moving on Kingsley is how manager in Culver houses the club haven't received any offers for talisman Adam areas there were reports that clubs in the Football League were looking at the striker after his brilliant season so far Marriott to score $25.00 times in the national north already however he couldn't help the limits from going out of the f.a. Trophy to absolute on Saturday Culverhouse understandably wants Marriot to stay but says any outcome must be good for all parties. Believe the end of been the phone call for. And that's you know this we can just carry on with their and see what happens but. Oh please stay with us. Has to be the right fit for marriage from as a writer for the focus. To the world indoor Bowl championships or Hopton in Kings Island Jamie Chesney brings his singles campaign begins his singles campaign this afternoon should I say when I'm see takes on Scotland's Chris Carswell at the Potters resort Chesney will be hoping to go further in the tournament this year having lost to the eventual winner Stuart Anderson in round 2 last time out Mervyn King returns to action on Thursday in the singles in his partner David Gourley won their own in pairs match on Saturday some darts now when Wayne Warren won this year's b.t.o. Well darts Championships after beating fellow Welshman Jim William 74 in a dramatic final roar and also become the oldest man to lift the trophy a 57 alarm from the snake world to Mark Selby and being Zhang we both suffered shock defeats in their opening matches of the Masters early cancer beat Selby by 6 frames to 4 while being was beaten 6 free by Joe Perry and finally set a horse race in and how to make it was 2nd again it had a few of those in the most recent weeks with Titus bolt Sedgefield racecourse Today's tip is off at war for Hamilton you lookin for stars Southwold he runs in the 620 race and he's the number one poss and that's all for now Chris I like your style there Joe Because said. Norris city of had wanted to 2nd place this recently as well in a 2nd place are Trafford on Saturday they did in a candidate who was race no us came 2nd in that one you know they were there about how you know when it went when we said you know they haven't finished all they've broke free and ran on to the nearby motorway then that this is it that doesn't happen often if you know once last year but we had a couple of winners last week as well so they're very very new He's a he's radar wheezed is on scope at the moment well let's hope it stays that way I think with the Canaries it was just last a difficult one because they haven't really been swept aside with that much easier than many games. Sleeze and but neither of they had very many for no hammerings like that so it did come as a bit of a blow but they suddenly plan as you've been hearing and will tell me more about the new boy Andre Duda later on in the program what about the weather for today is Elizabeth Racine accounting rather windy later on this afternoon but it should be mostly dry during the daylight hours with both of brightness and sunshine around hot temperatures of 9 or 10 degrees thousands then through the evening rush hour the winds will strengthen further got the wind of up to 40 to 45 miles an hour along with heavy downpours of rain is either very very windy through the early evening but all pushes its way eastward and it's a much karma picture by the time we get to tomorrow morning but tomorrow it could be windy I still don't have the details in half an hour let's return to our top story this morning we're calling to b.b.c. Radio which if you are just joining us say it is 739 a charity is suggesting the practice of putting school children who misbehave in isolation is damaging and traumatic the Center for Mental Health is warning the effects on youngsters who've already experienced challenging backgrounds is likely to be worst and it says rather than dealing with bad behavior it can actually lead to people's being even more disruptive we were joined earlier and the bell from the Center for Mental Health think what we're saying is not that schools are doing things wrong it's that we need to think about how we support schools to become more supportive of children's behavior and that means a whole raft of measures that include creating a safer culture in schools they create includes training teachers in child development trauma or mental health they include putting mental health on the curriculum so this is really our attempt to look at the evidence around mental health and see what we could do over time to make things safer and healthier Jim Adams is the chief executive of the Clarion trust which runs Hobart high school in Lawton and that was listening to that place going on the program Mr Adams are you where do you stand on putting people in isolation is. Sometimes that the only option is it the right thing to do. Well I think that the 1st thing to say is that it really should be the decision of the head teacher how they go about implementing their behavior policy and difference girls in different contexts might react in different ways but I think. Most secondary school certainly use sub form of isolation and it's a it's a pragmatic approach really to trying to deal with occasional disruptive behavior it is a difficult balancing act for teachers now I mean we can talk about this one idealistic point of view but when you're in the heat of the classroom and somebody is being disruptive Yes of course you don't want to make their whatever issues they've got worse but you've sometimes got 30 other people to think of as well have an Isa sometimes I suppose you would say removing a disruptive people feels like the only option Yeah absolutely and you know I mean teachers are very skilled at dealing with behavior and very well trained and 99 percent of the time classrooms are a common purpose for every now and again we're dealing with human beings as you said sometimes up to 30 in a class youngsters will make mistakes and sometimes they paint themselves into a corner and you find yourself in a situation where you have to just remove student for a period of time in order to make sure that the cost is settled and that you know that there's orderly and youngsters are allowed to flourish and learn what about the argument that maybe we should change your thinking on this and that teaches maybe could do with more training when it comes to dealing with people who have mental health problems I mean yeah I mean I don't think we'd ever be in a position where we were saying that we wouldn't want more training I guess the question is Where is that training going to come from where is the time for that training going to come from teachers are incredibly pushed at the moment we've had . All sorts of services cut over the last few years. And there really isn't the capacity within score so there once was so although Yeah absolutely I would be in favor of more training I don't see where that's going to come from or where the time is going to come from really important but you know teachers should be in the classroom the concern is is I think that while do taking a child out of the classroom who is being disruptive feels like the right thing to do at the time actually when they come back in May this is happened to 3 times to them they then actually become more disruptive so it's a bit of a false economy. Yeah I mean what I would say is that most schools where all the schools I've worked in and most schools that I mean contact with it's not a case of just removing a child sitting there for an hour or 2 or perhaps even a day and twiddling their thumbs very often and that the good practice is that those those areas are fully staffed and they usually start with highly trained and capable people who will help them to address their behavior so it's not a case of just removing a child over and over again it's a case of you may have to remove that child that child with them in addition to being taken out the classroom so the cars can can get on with their work the teacher can get on with teaching that child will also have input into managing their own behavior and it's also an opportunity for them to reflect on and have some some in top from or from a trained adult so it's not just a case they're removing and then just keep doing the same thing it's a case of actually trying to get some young person as well and people often say will blame the parents they're obviously not being. Disciplined or look after one another home but even dealt with you know thousands of children thousands of parents over the years does not necessarily follow or do you sometimes get very well meaning parents who when we've had someone call in this morning who admits that they they were tearing their hair out. What their the son was doing at school and they felt that they were doing all they could to support the school and all they could. Yet it's a very difficult question to answer to be honest I mean I've still with. Young people who've had incredibly supportive parents and the circumstances are that this young person just isn't managing to control their behavior there are some instances where parents perhaps aren't particularly supportive of the school and that maybe because of their own circumstances they might have quite a chaotic home life for example they might be really under pressure might be all sorts of other family issues going on in the background so yeah parenting is is absolutely important of course is fundamental but parents themselves are under a great deal of pressure you know it's not an easy time to bring up a family at the moment Adams Thank you Chief Executive of the Clarion trust which runs Hobart high school in La and after 8 I'll talk to Paul McCann who runs Norfolk teaching training and believes isolation should never be used even as a last resort which is a really interesting way of looking at it what do you think of 803897321 where you can take state 13 double 3 start the message with the word Norfolk is it ever right to remove a child from the classroom and what other options are there if you in a busy class refute them and things are not going to plan some as being disruptive other than removing them what else can you do maybe you've been a teacher maybe you've seen it work in other ways maybe you can think back to your school days and think about the times that you got sent out of the classroom and I wonder what effect it had on you like 103897321 we can take state 13 double 3 Start a message with the word nor for. Preschool on b.b.c. Radio nor for some main story at 745 there are warnings that the practice of putting challenging people in isolation in Norfolk schools is damaging to their wellbeing but the queen is holding talks at Sandringham later today to try to map out a future. After the Duke and Duchess of Sussex following the announcement that they want to step back as senior royals in sport Norwich City have a new signing on to do the attacking midfielder back in internationals joined on loan from her to Berlin will find out more about him later on brought with sunny spells the chance for a few showers turning cloudy of this afternoon with highs or in 10 Celsius 50 Fahrenheit coming up today is plough Monday yet Monday everybody are you celebrating one Norfolk school is going to join them or find out what it means what it is and how you should be celebrating Plowman day in a moment but. It's also new roadworks Monday for a large part of nor It wouldn't travel Chris years ago bank playing closing today for 11 weeks for upgrade work to do bear that in mind and plenty of big signs up in that I version signs are already up as well as to bear that in mind used to travelling through that way looking on the senses not looking too bad this morning starting to slow though a level heading towards nor age and I think the roundabout adding at least an extra 10 minutes there is a slow as well on the north washing road to be $1150.00 heading towards knowledge and the n.d.o. Around bound from Durham towards nor into the 847 so as usual from hawk ring it towards the haunting a matter show roundabout and the 17 very slow at the moment coming towards kings then the Pearl over roundabout before the a 47 adding at least an extra 15 minutes on top of a normal journey time that's back to past tell me at the moment so we'll keep an eye on that if you spot anything it's over 803897321. Briscoe on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk on Saturday Breakfast this week I heard about one man's bus pass adventures in memory of his late wife my journey was 1200 miles last year 1200 miles 32 buses and it cost me $8.00 pounds 50 to do our charity it's every day I think about it and it is a challenge and the special concert performances taking place in the city last performances used to be horses and friendly and it's just a kind of white. That turned out now because his ideas about how you have to behave in a theater are out the window join me testing on this Saturday Breakfast from 6 on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk your part of the b.b.c. . Steve Mumford 1 o'clock to day one foot in the groove brings you genuine hits and news headlines from 989-998-9819 extension 91 after 3 Find out what's happening across the county with Mel cook and friends including an invitation to step into the history mystery escape room war intriguing stuff the one for from 1 o'clock on b.b.c. Radio Norfolk. Messages coming to us as carvings I want to talk to you about in a moment including whether it's time that Norah chanter a new statute has been reading and opinion piece needy plea today which got me thinking I think it will do you as well so we can talk about that in just a moment but now shall we celebrate plow Monday yes happy plan Monday everybody so there's always always something to celebrate isn't there today is plow Monday what is planned when they are you ask Well the 1st Monday after 12th Night was traditionally the day that farm workers would return to work after Christmas until the All Saints the practice of taking the plow around the village with singing and dancing began back in 1443 or so we're going to but he was there at the time but what we got the next best thing is that the village could well have been the 1st in the county to Marquard Monday and now at the local school has been given a heritage from Grant to bring the celebration back to life a sort of thing that had been around in 1443 doing this job we would have sent him to cover but the good news is because of this heritage from Grant even in 2020 we can send him to be across this story good morning Wally with the dancing shoes on hopefully. Yes Yes Good morning you know there is so much all doubt about to date it might be 1453 but it's going to be bigger about a decade but we've talked about centuries it is about a century since last celebre. Plywood here we are then Laurie for me also at the school Good morning everybody I. Know you were all raring to go now also class teachers are least Williams who is behind this project. An old tradition that sort of for you to worry how did you stumble across it so we came across the how mundane through Project where doing through the heritage of truth and sharing the plough and so the children have been learning and research know about Monday and so we decided to have the service because in years gone by at least it was in the time during Christmas and the picture day the farm workers would go door to door and say which donations I've so the church offer themselves and if the residents didn't give enough that it wasn't thought it was a good enough donation or they didn't give one and they would turn up. Residence gardens with the plough we're not planning on doing that with. And we are excited about this and what do you know can anybody else tell me a little about the plow when plowing the feels. You know like you're forward to learning all today aren't you oh yes yeah right well I'm going to go outside and I will have a look at the plan. So yes the plan itself is coming from a local farmer and we have borrowed crates which we will then drag it well hopefully the children will take it for sex up to the church and as we carry it and then the power we bless and the children will be singing and dancing and yeah it's going to be great day hopefully you all know what cloud does don't you yeah what does it do. So this is for you yeah all right what you want to take me outside and we'll have a look at your plow because because because it's all just race it isn't it's all very nicely done it's wasting a trailer I think actually got to work to pull it Miss Williams Yes so we're going to. We're going to have teams of children pushing up to the church with a couple of tractors as well to come along with us with the procession that's a straw and it's got big candles last night yeah good of you ever used to play out before her no no no no plough No no but it's going to be fun pulling that isn't it you know I. Said. The only boy had longer still do so he said no but it's it's nicely decorated who can describe that for me. And tell me what's on the screen. And its atmosphere and like. Hands on me yeah that's right nice nice job and of course the cold metal in this weather between that so we've got daffodils incarnations and a nice yellow ribbon so you can excited about this yeah it's going to be a different day to tell you you know good and is everybody in the village going to turn out for you. Hope you know how you hope so well hopefully the listening to this and. Now and then we'll hear a little about it and you're going to carry on this tradition and we hope so we're looking in so that it would be good to see how this year goes it's the 1st year and then obviously if we get lots of interest in the children enjoy it then it will be something that hopefully we can carry on with a lot so that's Have a great day today yeah yeah Ok well you you promised me yeah I think I'm going to have a brilliant day yeah yeah so it's a new experience for the children so yeah well of course it all goes flat after Christmas and New Year just it's nothing to do in January so this is an added bonus is no yes I have a good day but I bought. A house for the plough Great stuff as ever want to put you on the spot here well if it is planned Monday what goes into ploughman's lunch traditionally because I'm not sure I know what would you put a plan was lunch the traditional ploughman's. Are you magic in cheese and pickle that's it. I mean there's more to the spreadsheet is simple food no no don't go don't go all exotic. Cheese and. Cheese and Charlie Thanks Wally plow Monday if anybody else is doing anything to mark play on Monday then do let us know and we think that's the only example in Norfolk today but you might know different and 803897321 or you can text 813 double 3 Start a message ship with the word Norfolk Actually I should tell you north Wald will be a procession to the church as well as a moment's play in the Kings Morris will be dancing tips us 2 examples of things that are happening north would say celebrate plough Monday Tim sparrow plan was lunch what should be in it was a spin looking up and I think this should be some bread in there as well I think sorely missed out. On the ins I usually come with butter and some sort of pickle do you it's the thing I think it's still a thing because I've not had one agency or many. At all for 20 years and I don't remember the last time I saw on a menu I'm not convinced I ever. Probably had one but I'm not I'm not picked it from them then you don't think all right does anyone still do because I. Know I never thought of it until just now I don't think I've seen it on a menu for a long time a plan was launched it does anyone still serve a plan once lunch what should be in it that it will be somewhere in the does let us know or 803897321 or you can take state 13 double 3 starting message with the word Norfolk on the subject of this you always want to provide me with a list of celebration days yes so it's not just plow Monday today is also peach melba Thanks Melba day now Peach Melba is a dessert that I've always been quite fascinated by because I think it might be unique I think you've got bad memories of it from school having Yeah they used they did a version in school dinners which it is not it wasn't anything like peach melba should be and it was absolutely horrible so I got bad memory. I think Peach Melba is the only that is named after a person. Ok You know I didn't know this and I knew this so I just checked it because I thought you know things check you know a lot of you know you know we like myth busting on this program I told you that it's named after a person then I thought I'd better check yeah and indeed it was invented in 892 or 893 by a French chef called Escoffier you know the Savoy Hotel in London and he created peach melba to honor the Australian soprano they nearly Melba they gave her the peach melba is named after somebody I cannot think of another. That is named after a particular individual is named after some no I can either but I'm sure the response we just had I think it's I think it's unique among desserts that would be a good lunch for someone can have today inspired by she could have a ploughman's lunch followed by Peach Melba. He must have a good laugh he might have to have a good afternoon nap after that so those are 2 food questions for today we're marking Plowman day by asking whether the plans lunch is going to fashion or anybody still has it and they're putting We want a peach melba because today is peach melba day as well and I'm going to see only dessert named after somebody which. Stray pavlova have named after the Russian ballerina and up. Really According to Wikipedia According to Wikipedia I think someone just texted that in as well apparently there's ice cream called to Charlotte Corday named after Charlotte called Idea sassy of the radical John Paul Maritz Ok so I got to go with your life we all know now you have. I'm not allowing that on our menu at American people because no one's ever had that they are no. No And I mean it's not as if this isn't the short ball reference for you it's not as if Angel Delight is named after the former South and United States example Charlotte named after particular Charlotte in the paper about up which Charlotte teach Lorraine No it's not. Named after somebody sings get their names from you know if it will be able to tell us I'm going to keep the rain you interested and yet I know that we've we've gone savory there very early. On this he. Did that he is named after a person well I don't know how they got out of the rain region of France. Kelly. Right now in region of France so I'm putting I was going to say as Peach Melba is unique but it's not because it's been joined by puzzle over or by city and I don't and the pub loads and it would seem crepe Suzette it was named after. The 6 years there is no help at all what I am one claim is that it was created. In your system right in a certain café he was referring to that Prince y O's that his guests included the beautiful French girl named Susan at the swellest named us extremely I'm not sure about that right but really I think we want more that So we want named actually after people and still a thing or has it gone out of fashion in Norfolk in 2020. Get their name is Caylee would you travel Thanks Chris Bowman the king around sunset winds busy in the normal places you're heading towards Norris delays in on the north towards the end yeah roundabout the a 11 towards the think the roundabout very slow towards King's then as well on the 8th 17 heading towards the pullover roundabout frontier only an extra 20 minutes I think something's going on there and I've been tree apparently there's a lorry broken down at the moment to do be careful you can't dates me over 803 eights 9731 thanks Ken it's b.b.c. Radio just coming up to 8 o'clock this is your biggest lesson at breakfast in association with many Melbourne Norfolk news broke my ankle is b.b.c. Radio Norfolk thank. You morning welcome to the program we say to clock on Monday the 13th of January your top story right now should Norfolk schoolchildren ever be put into isolation. If they behave badly in the classroom the Center for Mental Health says no but the chief executive of whatever our academy trusts in the county disagree youngsters will make mistakes and you find yourself in a situation where you have to just remove student for a period of time it ought to make sure that the cost is settled Janet hand and when you.


Transcripts for BBC Radio Guernsey BBC Radio Guernsey 20200106 220000

People who are trying to reduce that amount of money there and the eggs in the diet and British talent has enjoyed a night of celebration at the Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles with Phoebe want to bridge and Livia Coleman winning in the t.v. Categories the bank and the Crown respectively rocket month star Taryn and to $10917.00 direct Mendez also won b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 10. To show. You. Previously on late night shock when you stop doing view 5 in sight all these Pickering is supposed to be the season of goodwill to all men Apple door and says How about we play operation tonight you know the wild thing with with a little loop we have to successfully navigate around all those bends without making the boss a go off for ration the amount we will be drinking over Christmas will be a steady hand among. Never be. As Rick Astley. Was going to mention it. Just came out. He says bleeding Piper changes the last bit of revenge before they go back in the box to save the piper changed to you. I say that I'm going to court superstition by keeping my tree up for a little bit longer. You've not brave enough to have left the lights on when I came out to speak to you. As brave and then there's foolish. Hey that's fly that's a new one from Lucky Day on the b.b.c. All across the southwest of England the Channel Islands and many other places besides you will be surprised at how far we see. Mrs blue rinse of Chadli in Devon this week has barely begun Doris and. We pluck up the net of off ass redirection on this one. Evening quickly not being someone who puts meat anywhere near my mouth I'm amazed at the for all or any that's being made over these new plant based burgers or pergolas as I heard more all the same refer to them Yes Well I think she may have said too much tonight. However given the shop that sells this meat free product is a burger shop why does it surprise them that it might be cooked on the same grill as meat I mean I know I get the names confused take Boehner Babs For example I mean they don't contain real one surely and not all pizzas the made in towns that have fully erected leaning towers do well at least not now that the amount of vi Agora sold in this country these days is decline Yes thank you. It is supposed to be about notch. So may I suggest that if these plant eaters wish to enjoy their meals in the right environment they go dining in a garden center this way they can have a dandelion and had a quarter of all to wash down their plugger and enjoy a piece of mince meat Tartars a dessert and this of course is the word mints that offends them. Saying that local bookshop was known for mincing and I never knew him to make any cakes. And. They ago that. You played games. Have got to look out for me. Yes and yours and if you're over me after midnight tonight you and I are going over the velvet Pam our club and by the you like it or not Tom Jones is going to lure you in and he does things to people the name he does he makes nice not and he makes sans tremble so come along and knock on tremble at the Velvet pan Mark club after midnight Diana Ross will be there possibly not having quite such a chemical reaction but you never know. It will sing beautiful songs all at the v.p. Our sophisticated nightclub after midnight and your invited. Yes . Indestructible if you would like to be chatting away to us why not Shep b.b.c. Dot co dot U.K.'s what a puter was made for or you can drop me a text that's what the phone was by now actually you know in this part of world that's not true for phone was made for sitting there looking pretty telling you it can get a signal 81 triple 3 is the text number if you can why not just show off let us know where we're bleeding through to tonight 81 triples for a start of text with the word studio and those are all important if you would like to volunteer for the skate room after 11 o'clock of course now these are all the rage these escape rooms you pay people good money to lock you in a room and you can come out until you've solved a puzzle Well tonight. We'll do it for nothing. Just the cost of a license for. Between friends by about a 100 yes thank you. Get cracking that. I'm not doing it for. All. To produce modern that Carolyn chase water is amongst us tonight and says the talking Radio Times this is no longer required to advise you of the timings of Christmas spotlight I'm out of a job until Christmas as Carol is Carol's been keeping us abreast of the rather a regular times at which spotlight has been on during the festive period because they have so many parties that the presenters and crew. They have to come in 15 minutes long. About it she said she actually raise looking forward to getting back to normal. And we love you to come to work with that pounding head. And I thank you for your due diligence. In the recycling bag ready for collection on. Whistle Down the Wind How is yours by the by the whistle I'm a 25 to 11 it is on the b.b.c. Al silver and gold big ones will be coming your way very shortly to brilliantly selected songs from the system on that same boat find out what they. Songs we should play on the radio more often as we go you keeping your Christmas tree going to drop some needles on the cockpit. To get one that doesn't drop needles on the carpet so I'm just wondering if it does in a couple of weeks time we'll look at my money back if you can keep it going until next year says Richard I'll give you the money myself. Maybe It's immaterial. Driving away from home. Quite the opposite to what Chris Ray has been up to of the last few weeks Ken says went to a well known bug today saw oh well I said you should have been looking. Harry Styles has got the rhythm. And adore you on the b.b.c. We do we do. Normal routines restored you want to have a cup of coffee so you're out now you are here it's time we unleashed upon you shepherds big ones 2 great songs that we really should play more often on the radio little excuses need it but. Tonight silver and gold. Gold in a minute. Young Guns. Long long long. Long. Long. Long long. Often. Seeing the info you thought it's new. No I love everything he's ever done here. Andrew Gold That's why I love you for that young gun silver fox midnight in Richmond but love the velvet pen while club 2 great songs silver and gold for shepherds big ones tonight they'll be more this time tomorrow final call for volunteers to be locked in our escape for after 11 o'clock am got very much to just sit the. Ship b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. If you'd like it to be you ate one triple 3 on the text and if nobody steps forward we'll just use Doris no don't fight back also. To. The. Challenge to solve or keep the gray cells Gray after all we've been drinkin and eaten over the Christmas period now just. Working after all these weeks says Richards We finally got to take the things down. The Christmas tree lights flashing erotically until. That's supposed to do that. It's a bit like the old paper chains isn't it they spend the end times Christmas season paling themselves off and then when you actually want to take them down they take off the pint with them from the. 6 somebodies Lord I think isn't it who's is it oh. There's no need for that. Play that. If I had a harpsichord. And a decent set of fingers. Otherwise we'll leave it a Cat Stevens shall we Matthew and son on the b.b.c. And appropriately on January the 6th because my lovely friend Matthew from school turns on plan a month of about a 106 By now I should think but happy birthday son and now coming up to 11 o'clock and after 11 we're going to have a fight over who goes in the escape room because because now everybody wants to be in there after all the frenzy of Christmas we all and I sit down doing nothing for an hour yet after Werner I'm afraid also great songs to come from b.b. King in just a 2nd Basheer will have a touch of class after 11 and a long song from the police all on b.b.c. Radio across the southwest of England Channel Islands and on the b.b.c. Sounds up it's 11 o'clock. On the b.b.c. Radio. A man who drugged dozens of men in Manchester before raping them and filming the attacks on his mobile phone has been jailed for men. 30 years prosecutors have described. As the most prolific rapist in British legal history Alex they Bryce is chief executive of survivor's u.k. He says the sentencing triggered memories of his own experience I was 18 years old a student in Manchester and I was drugged and raped as well and I think people were less aware that this happened to men so I thought you know I didn't know it had happened to men so even though all my kind of logical you know sensible faculties told me that what happened to me was was right I almost didn't deal with it in that sense and didn't see it as a right new sex crime charges have been filed against the former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein in Los Angeles on the same day his trial got underway in New York and prosecutors allege he raped a woman and sexually assaulted another in 2013 he's denied the accusations and pleaded not guilty to charges of rape and sexual assault in the New York case the foreign secretary Dominic Rob has called on the u.s. To respect Iran's heritage after Donald Trump threatened to attack cultural sites in the country tensions have been rising since Iran's top military commander was killed in an American air strike last week will find out who the new Labor Party leader is at the start of April a ballot will begin in 6 weeks registered supporters will have to pay 25 pounds for the chance to vote in it and m.p. Wes treating says they want as many people as possible to take part people have got 2 weeks to join if they want to help us rebuild the Labor Party maybe their former members who want to come back maybe they're lifelong Labor voters who are feeling heartbroken that we've just taken a total beating that could have been avoided if you want to help us rebuild the Labor Party is an effective opposition and a party that can govern off the next election you've got 2 weeks to join there's no time at the present so so on up now Tottenham Hotspur Football Cup club says an investigation has failed to find any evidence of racist abuse during that Premier League game against Chelsea in December and investigation was launched after the Chelsea player Antonio Ruediger said he'd heard racist chanting a plant based version of the. King's Whopper has been slammed by vegetarians because they say they can't eat it the so a whopper will be cooked on the same grill as meat patties meaning some cross contamination but domany could be a 2nd who's from the v. Can society says it's better than nothing I think is absolutely wonderful when big chains especially chains are providing they can options is actually a sign of the changing times and during a time like now New Year's resolutions it's actually the perfect timing for people to try things like that there's really so much out there to try we are spoilt for choice British talent has been celebrated at the Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles the newly night it's the same Mendez was named Best Director. Could. You. Believe a word he said. We've all got a friend who makes up stories. Queen of England into b.b. King but. 6 minutes past 11 David Shepherd here we're going to be doing the escape from very shortly lock somebody in a room charge him lots of money make them solve a puzzle and then only that amount if they could at it and my dog woman says hello share my.


Transcripts for BBC Radio Leicester BBC Radio Leicester 20200104 160000

Alex. Cullen. The be. The Be you. Go above the best seller The email at. Alan. Kohler. The bowling. Alley. Was. Illo . Your followup back to 2013 on early kickoff this afternoon as we build up to Leicester City against Wigan Athletic in the 3rd round of the f.a. Cup so good win for the Tigers then to try for Jonny may want for George Ford really England dominated performance by the toys this afternoon a 3118 win for their 2nd premiership when all for this season it doesn't move them up the table still in 11th Targus with 11 points from their 8 games 23 points ahead of bottom of the table Saracens and I sound a bit where doesn't miss arsons after their 35 point deduction or a fine catch up with everyone else but it does mean tigers. Level on points with Wasps who are a place above them and just one point on London Irish and both of those sides play tomorrow incidentally in the Premiership scores their Saracens romping to victory at heart on over was to Warriors a 31 nil up. At the interval down in north London last a 12 by 9 but I decide what's our attention from the oval ball to the round one left the city against Wigan Athletic in the f.a. Cup will fall and find out why we got back to the 23rd saying from the city club historian John Hutchinson after a bit of Katy Perry this is a broken. Leg. Live. Perry roll on baby. The radio last of the next hour taking you back to 2013 that's head of Leicester City against Wigan Athletic success from a lower bout more about that day shall wait was only at the 3rd meeting between Leicester and we can it's been a fairly brief footballing history between the 2 sides as we'll hear from the city club historian John Hutchinson Leicester City against We're going to athletics Liam Leicester only played Wigan 4 times in their history they were the Home and Away Championship fixtures in 20042005 again in 20132014 bit of a symmetry here because in 20042005 were going were promoted to the Premier League winning 2 new at Leicester and by contrast in 201320148 was less a city's turn to win 2 nil unless it is turn to be promoted to the Premier League so the game we're looking at 14th of September 2013 Leicester to Wigan big big game missed Leicester City suffering defeat against John Elway 2 weeks ago we could with a good win themselves in the league against Forrester for my to go to defeats on the spin would be great but the pot is one of 3 points today. And the fairly good forgotten this was the year that Nigel Pearson's Lester convincingly won the championship title The game was only the 3rd time that played each other it was a 6 game of the season they have a background to the game the question fans were asking at the beginning of the season was would there be a hangover from the what for the semifinal playoff disaster the previous season where knockouts missed penalty in the 7th many of id time with the scores level was followed 20 seconds later by Troy Dany scoring the at the other end secure the winner the season started reasonably well though Dean Hammond Martin Wasilewski and Gary Taylor Fletcher were signed to add experience to the squad and they started the season with 3 wins a draw and a loss as for the game itself as we said Leicester won 2 nil Liam more local boy scored his 1st goal for. Leicester City as they secured a well deserved win over Wigan to hear left but it is now saying it was about. The. They were the f.a. Cup holders. And had just been relegated from the Premier League after 8 seasons and now your person had been suspended and so he had to watch the game from the stands Lemoore put City ahead when he headed into the net after 15 minutes he rose unchallenged at the far post to power in a header into the roof of the net from Lockhart corner we can struggle to cope with the home side pace and creativity early on Nugent short just wide fines can just keep the problem could just get cut. From 7 young body just fail to put on d. King play with a neat pass on the edge of the penalty area knock out a Nugent also weighing close to making it to nil long pass market or the body might put me to apply for the. T.v. David David. He calls them in his sleep the Leicester had to wait until late on to ensure a 4th win in 6 league games when Nugent scored from the penalty spot thought he was tripped up by your motions your Anuj and hammered home the spot cake for life the Tea Party body into the most modest. 8 minutes to go sleepless nights with David Nugent recently has become a dud in the last few days to put the focus to no luck so we're going. To. Keep. We can boss in Coyle brought on 3 substitutes in an attempt to change the size fortune after an hour after the hour and one of the substitutes for Manchester United Loney Nick Powell who had a spell at Leicester the following season one of the next well it turned out to be a really good season for Leicester. In January they signed re admirers from or we know all about him. Another January signing was Kevin Phillips who is the club's oldest debutant in the match a tail and rode when he was age 40 years 977 days in February they set 2 new club records 9 consecutive league wins and 5 consecutive away wins and in April they won promotion to the Premier League with still 6 games to play and later on in April Lloyd Dyer's goal at Bolton meant that they had actually secured the championship too and then of course in May there was the historic Football League trophy presented in front of a capacity crowd at King Power Stadium following a one new victory over dick off Doncaster Rovers It was this was the 30th when of the season which was a club record as was the final tally of 102 points so this weekend game was part of a great season and we were all delighted but at that point still unaware that there was going to be an even greater season 2 seasons later. Has Left city club historian John Hutchinson now looking back to the 14th to September 23rd Taine left the city to Wigan Athletic now and the only time that the fox is beating the Latics in the club's relatively short footballing history when he met 4 times you heard at the beginning of that flashback the incident from not die Kuspit Mark losing goal I received a lot poking Jessica fullbacks Lemole the Gulf corner who scored his 1st goal for the foxes on Monday and was Morgan in the middle Johnny Drinkwater on the king in the middle of meet failed with Lloyd Di and cannot cut on the wings 20 cannot get after on next track because he has just scored a goal for his new saw it and David Nugent ingenue holiday up front for the foxes that day 2013 was the year we're going back to is another song from that yeah imagine dragons with Damon's when the day. Cold and. Imagine Dragons and Damon's head on b.b.c. Radio Leicester not just for the trucks but. Well you scored for fallen to put them all know up ahead against Aston Villa through all of the f.a. Cups goals from today in just a couple of moments time as we continue our boat up to Leicester City vs Wigan in the f.a. Cup and in around time it's time we crossed a vacation house stadium and get some of the team news for today's game wouldn't make any changes how many will he make after a pretty hectic Christmas and New Year period for the foxes but for the moment let's just focus on fault warm of all sporting double header today Wests Tigers with 31 points 18 win over Bristol is in the Premiership for the 2nd league win of the season is here a little bit from double try scorer Johnny mayor who spoke to our commentator Chris Hedges and after the game that's when I was sort of what are you going to shout what must win but I would if you put 6 your winning side of their history it was coming from mayors from across a powerful system that stands around you know this is the 1st office buzz and again this was a place where the right can be when we give them something to cheer about I felt like I'd never felt it before how desperately these guys are just like we are this to be a great club the 1st off against extra few weeks it was unbelievable it was again there was that again today in the 1st half but just like the players and the management and everybody it lasted when we were a bit shaky at the moment with a little bit lower confidence. And we had a couple of moments that you go away and you can feel it in the ground and amongst the players. And and like had a sense of these guys I think at last all the hard work we've been put and Right This Blog. Came through in the end. And all the lessons we learned came through in the end the meeting we turned it around and I thought it was special today. I guess an England wing Jonny May that are going after the targets 31 points to 18 win over Bristol bias this afternoon to a particular. Raucousness farewell for the ride into the crowd spur them on to the 2nd premiership win of the season but from the oval bowl to the round woman will continue it all build up to Leicester City vs Wigan in the f.a. Cup 3rd round they say evening will cross detainees in the round about 8 or so minutes time speaking how stadium and find out how many changes that Brendan Rodgers has made to his starting line up. With white male. Of each day and wake me up here on b.b.c. Radio Leicester this is an early kick off with a $3.00 to 5 o'clock when we cross to the King Power stadium for build up a much common tray of Leicester City vs Wigan Athletic in the f.a. Cup Speaking of the f.a. Cup plenty of games going on today is finished these are all very early games these are all 4 times Bristol City one Shrewsbury Town one less discounters Laci in Newport County won't be doing the same mission they were beaten 3 nil at Millwall Lester's last game of course was at Newcastle on New Year's Day will know my pastor was continued they were how one will buy League One strugglers Rochdale rather than 2 whole 3 is a falling score Birmingham to Blackburn won the Premier League Burnley edged past well be comfortably actually League One Peterborough bought 4 goals to these games are all going on at the moment he's Brighton no Sheffield Wednesday one side with potential shock on the south coast at Cardiff to Carlisle to Anthony knockoffs gold for falling as we just heard they put them on the lot of a course who are well gals So it's one all down there at Craven Cottage AIs Oxford United won the pool United won the Southampton are looking to be going through at home to Huddersfield Town they lead by a goal to nail Brantford one Stoke City no Norwich for one up at Preston North End What for the all leading trauma Robeson either of those Premier League sides probably struggle it really looks to be on the end of any shocks on the other game is reading to Blackpool too but our main focus of course is it taking power stadium for Leicester City versus. Please. Please please. Please have to do well if it's just me and. The difficult start showing a team trying to to to to win the game but for me there's no change in terms of mentality in approach to the key we have to go whenever you know we have to go to the target I always say his is not just with the bowlers it's with the to You. Leicester City vs Wigan Athletic in the 3rd round of the f.a. Cup f.a. Cup 3rd round day one of the famous days in the footballing calendar city of course falling foul to last season as a shock really at Newport County hopefully fingers crossed it won't be the same today we can athletic a championship strugglers at home in round 3 as I mentioned not too many shocks going around at the minute Newcastle were held one all away at League One Rochdale and Brighton hour looking like the only Premier League side who will be going out of the competition this afternoon they are trailing sorry by a goal to nil at Brighton after a while Ross 20 minutes or so to play down on the south coast but it's Leicester City it 1st if we're going to let it and let's cross to taking power stadium now Brendan Rodgers I think promised changes plenty of changes to be made after their pretty hectic Christmas period how many has he made to the King Power stadium on match day commentator in Stringer. Thank you Liam Yes How many changes as he made good question one I'll try and hopefully I'm certain in the course of this because we're only just been handed the team news a couple of moments ago so let me read the team and then we'll work it out from there how does that sound that Danny was in goal so there is change number one the boxes then we'll have a defensive for James Justin it's right back they're changing a bit so we think it might be 10 changes you know it was Morgan at center half that's change number 3. But it bank a bitch alongside him is change number for the bench a well played against Newcastle so he has a change. That's how to Chadron the middle of the park with non-police men day and Dennis Pratt there's another 3 changes Albrighton Pons and Grace 10 it's 10 changes for the foxes but the stats come in a strike which is a bit of a shift at Dollywood the goalkeeper James Justin it was Morgan for the bank that spent chill well with Hamzah Choudhry policeman Dennis Pratt the middle. And Harvey bonds and Tamara gray are. The rest of the time does that mean one you possibly expect him to more grace to stop frontin in if so he's not a chance really to get his name off the pecking order in the list of people behind Jamie Vardy Yeah yes but I don't think Tamara Gray is a striker up of the previous manager gave that goaded me in a rather unsuccessfully but my business managers who had clearly got more about him has opted to give that a go Incidentally the bench for Leicester City out and you keep it is the goalkeeper indeed the Paradis Madison so ensuring the n.h.s. In Natchez in the squad but that opted to rest him today he has not been easy for Tamara Gray of course it is an opportunity for him to maybe stake a claim to. A jersey been an option for Jamie body part to Margrave's evolution maybe but he's not a striker so to be an interesting one certainly will be enough let's see of course at home what are we expecting from this it should really on paper the City win its course 3rd round f.a. Cup doesn't always go to plan for the big sides no it doesn't and the properties of experience that many times over the years have had their own f.a. Cup upsets that that had to deal with and we hope that this afternoon of course is not one of those layers I would expect from we get there a team who are towards the bottom of the championships have a look through their team use Windows starts formal boxes defend the subject keep starts at the center half the loney from everything Kiran Dow starts this afternoon for them as well said. Center a midfielders Yeah they look just looking at their side they've made a couple of changes but not not wholesale changes to be quite honest so it's a relatively strong side for we can but their eyes will be elsewhere they'll be on trying to maintain their Championship status Liam because of course everything that comes with that can you then mount a challenge the other end of the table the next season we all know that the format to. Plentiful So yes a couple of changes what are we expecting I'm expected and. It sounds arrogant doesn't it if you go in and say oh yes but the bigger the we're going over because they're much but same but ultimately they are now he's made 10 changes he made known at West Ham and they wanted the prime so they're capable this side of winning this game if we don't want to turn it into a scrap and they go direct That's why Hamzah charger is in there in the middle and he had. A tear up so he'll cope with that no problem that would be my one concern Windass maybe throw in his whites around to the bank of it but it was Morgan next and if one doesn't want an arm wrestle with was Morgan I know where my money's going he had definitely and you finally mentioned that weakens priority and how the f.a. Cup might not be particularly high among them but where do you think it will rank for Leicester City here I think it's very important particularly this season because it's the 1st full season said it's the tragic loss of of the former chairman of commish I So yes a challenge it's got a little more on it this season in my view and I think Brenda is very respectful of the cup competitions actually and and he knows he's got his finger on the pulse of the proctors fire. He knows how important cup competitions are poor Leicester City fans and how they crave an appearance at a Cup Parnell obviously there's a semi part of a League Cup that starts next week with 2 legs having Parnell in the f.a. Cup that don't have a brilliant history in it in recent years of course approaches so. How does a prize at the end of the season somehow for. The Thai family of course for the club for the fans and for the players but if there could be some sort of prize for can top and his family haven't lost his father last year whether that be it appears in the f.a. Cup latter stage course we all dream of a plan and dream of ultimately win in Italy in the League Cup the same that would be as it would be a and achieved. It's an impressive achievement but the f.a. Cups the water wheel of the f.a. Cup bless the city have never won the f.a. Cup but the road to Wembley starts here and cut their speed thank you very much and we'll be back at the King Power stadium in just under 25 minutes time for a full build up coverage of Leicester City versus we can authentic and the 3rd round of the f.a. Cup 10 changes that for the foxes what will this afternoon bring. You out. I. Would. Say. You. Want. You. To out. The and. All take monkeys and snap out of it b.b.c. Radio last of this is early kick off voting ups of foxes against Wigan Athletic in the f.a. Cup kick off in just under an hour's time now mention before we spoke to ensuring that it can power stadium that it would looks like Brighton we're going to be the only Premier League casualty of the day what can Aston Villa to that list as well scored for full and put them ahead dollars equalise but now. Put fallen back a head so Aston Villa could become another Premier League casualty of this afternoon on what food a living a little bit dangerously against league won't try member overs as well while food with after half an hour but tremor of pulled it back to 3 to win the guys from as we saw today really fancy in their chances going into the final 10 minutes at Vickery's road Incidentally the other half past 5 games or 431 games of course as they are today I actually bomb fans Luton Town war against Manchester United is probably the pick of the all the tallies for it would chance a comportment on his mind just a city against Port Vale but of course Iran may be right at last to our attention as the King Power stadium for Leicester City vs Wigan off let's take let's continue with our build up by from 2013 this is one republic and counting stone. One Republic and counting stars here on b.b.c. Radio last my attention has just been drawn to the television opposite the other side of the studio because what 3rd were 3 no op the Premier League side of course not your patient what for 2 or 3 nil up at home to league wants from a Rovers after half an hour and try meth just pulled it back to 3 all that could be a very tasty finish in store Vicarage Road with 3 minutes left what would have to score 97th minute try missed already scored an 87th minute penalty so very interesting goings on at the courage road and both sides will now fancy their chances of snatching up on in the dying stages now it's back to in stronger earlier we touched upon how Leicester City haven't had the greatest record in the f.a. Cup over the last few years or so well John Hutchinson of course are cop historian Leicester City who we regulate head from we have from earlier in the program looking back to 2013 but here he is touching on Lester city's f.a. Cup record and how we remember some better times in the competition when I remember less a city's last f.a. Cup final and that was 50 years ago I was a student at the time and I remember that in the last month Yes a city which is a side that we can win obviously the year we're talking about it would be great and all this is if fans would love to see Leicester City win the f.a. Cup It's the one trophy they haven't won they did have a really good reputation back in the sixty's when I was a kid growing up in the sixty's they got to 3.0 was in 9 years I think lost them all but they still got there so it would be great if they had another Cobra And just finally we obviously hope that there won't be a shock but I wonder if you could to maybe remind or give support a complete nightmare is about some of the more famous shocks the city of wrong and all the recent times gone by well I mean I always like to finish on a positive note Liam But yeah I mean to that spring instantly to mind was. Against we can Wanderers when they were defeated in the quarter final they were about 4th or 5th in the league the just one that Liverpool the week before a foreign member correctly and we can wonder. Came and they beat Lester that was a big big shot less less he should have won should have won and of course last season Newport County that was a shock as well I mean there were others as well though a nation ought to remember back in the seventy's they were playing Isthmian league Leatherhead and. They were 2 no down but they did manage to win 3 to that one that was at home to those also hollow town you have been a few over the years but let's be positively and let's less Let's go for let's go for a win against Wigan last city club historian John reflecting on slightly better times for last a city in the f.a. Cup right of recent but of recent games but who knows what this campaign will bring Wembley is potentially on the horizon in the League Cup The f.a. Cup could be decided. Do. I. Fall Out Boy songs know what you did in the dark here on b.b.c. Radio last early kick off from a lame gift for the next 10 minutes or so before we cross to the King Power stadium a full build up of elasticities a see if we can offer attic and the 3rd round of the f.a. Cup kickoff in around about 40 minutes time it's over a couple more trucks for this afternoon which is 2030 in one of the biggest ones from not yet with Bastille this is. Lol. Lol. Lol. Lol. The top of. Pay from 2030. On early kick off they saved nothing mentioned keeping you up to date with that the f.a. Cup scores from this afternoon while the only real big one casualty song fall has been brought in have Albion night been beaten 10 at home to Sheffield Wednesday but Aston Villa might be joining them in being a Premier League side knocked out in the 3rd round that a one down fall and in stoppage Tottenham what for knowledge of patients what would of course look to be just a bow surviving a lot of light light come back from league ones. From a Rovers it's $30.00 now but what would were 3 goals to the good after half an hour of brilliant fought back from trauma and the support of a few I'm sure will have a pretty happy trip back up the m 6 with a replay potentially in store for them coming up after our next track is Arcade Fire and you already know but just before we go to that coming up tomorrow Joe Bastardi is with the 6 until 9 clueless with Monica Winfield and Sarah Palmer from 9 until 12 and then Jack Rafter who looks been on the radio in almost every day this week he was on from 9 to 12 this morning tomorrow he's covering Dave Andrews for Sunday supplement so be on from 12 until 3 and then on the Pierce is back with the 3 until 7 but of course our main focus up next. After Arcade Fire. Yes I called across the lawn to the king Palace stadium after all. A Very Good afternoon welcome it's true the King Power stadium as a top flight side Leicester City haven't failed to progress from the f.a. Cup 3rd round in consecutive seasons since 1986 to 987 the club will be looking to put the not man of defeat to Newport County last season to bed today b.b.c. Radio I suppose he's proud to bring you full much coverage of the Leicester City buses we're going to take in the 3rd round of the f.a. Cup. In Fremantle. Nice to see the b.b.c. Radio last stand still it's. Now this will be the 1st I think up meeting between the foxes and Wigan Athletic and only the 5th in all competitions in history that last one coming back in 2014 of course is a break from the Premier League today but city do come into this one game winning ways that are rampant on dominance 3 no victory I've been Newcastle United last time out sorry gripe a lot of the squares it up in Davies goes up the challenger drop distance you want to go. Through everybody you're going to. Was it John Drew whatever it was John Kerry don't I didn't suggest he was is by pretty near ground 0 here comes the narrow blast of the right I was a John right now one star that might impress and almost put less the City fans minds at ease that I use that manager Brendan Rodgers has a 100 percent win rights in the f.a. Cup 3rd round winning all 6 of these games are the stage previously but the foxes boss says I'll get work in the full respect that I deserve this afternoon and the reason I want to underestimate.


Transcripts for BBC Wiltshire BBC Wiltshire 20191230 050000

She declared but for the numerous others still testing the waters it will seem be time to decide whether to take the leap a children's charity says the shortage of people adopting is a deep concern Cohen the U.K.'s making an urgent call for more people to come forward 5 lives Helen places more the organization says there's more than 4000 children waiting for a home and that the number of approved adopters is less than half that. Says these children have fallen off the agenda during a year of political turbulence and uncertainty recent figures published by the Department for Education show a 7 percent drop in adoptions this year while the number in cash has risen the charity wants people from all backgrounds to come forward to maximize the chances of finding a match for each child the coming year is the last chance to bring the worlds together to tackle climate change to projects communities according to 2 government agencies Natural England and the Environment Agency say climate change and damage to nature are already having dire consequences Here's our science correspondent. In their article Emma Howard Boyd and Tony Juniper point to the recent flooding in fish lake in South Yorkshire as an indication of the impact that environmental degradation is already having on people's lives They also cite a study of the state of nature in the u.k. Which found that the country's wildlife species are declined by 40 percent over the past 50 years with Britain set to host the un climate change conference in close go in November the onus will be on the u.k. To take the lead in coordinating international efforts to act more effectively and so the leaders of 2 key environmental bodies say that 2020 is our last chance to bring the world together and reverse the recent alarming loss of wildlife says all these top stories let's give all the support now from Andy Barr Well good morning while the video assist. A referee system proved to be controversial in the final Premier League games of 2019 the latest lower poll had a hard 4th one nil success a turn 2 balls that restored their 13 point lead at the top of the table is football correspondent John Murray Liverpool have now completed the 1st half of their Premier League season by winning all 10 of their whole matches this one swung on to our referrals just before half time study or money's goal was only given after initially being disallowed for an Adam Lallana handball wolves feeling wronged thought they'd equalized through Pedro Nacho only for the technology to correctly Rule 8 out of sight even though it was Wolves 2nd match inside 45 hours they carried the greater threat in the 2nd half but it's now 50 successive home league matches without defeat for Liverpool so 80 wins and a draw in those 19 games no defeats for Liverpool their boss. A lot of passion obviously so that's how it is starts a period of the year I said before you have to come through we came through it it would be easy to win a number of games a lot more teams would have done it so it's hard and we fight that's good. The shepherd United boss Chris Wilder says marginal v.a.r. Decisions aren't helping the game as another decision went against his team and their 2 nil defeat away at 3rd place Manchester City here can know that goal was disallowed by v.a. I think that's right and 9 very very similar ones over the weekend Surely this is not a situation such an open game and the small margins. Arsenal's 3 boss Mikhail are teta story so I can see twice in for a 2nd half and it's a losing to want to turn to 4th place Chelsea Arsenal in the bottom half of the table 11 points behind Chelsea as the 1st time of they have lost 4 games in a row at home in all competitions since 959 plenty of work ahead then for and the players if they are to turn it around they have to really don't have a choice if they can do someone over do it because their minds in the Premier League now when you play against opposition you have to be able to do it for 9496 minutes. David Moyes says he has unfinished business at West Ham United as he's now starting a 2nd spell as manager he's been given an 18 month contract Legion and it's a top of the Championship table after winning any credible game at Birmingham City 5 for West Bromwich Albion drop to 2nd on goal difference after losing 2 nil to Middlesbrough Steven Gerrard says he hopes a lot of people will take notice of his Rangers side they got their 1st win in 9 years at Celtic as they cut the gap on the Scottish Premiership leaders back to 2 points with a 21 success and that result gave Celtic boss Neil Lennon plenty to think about you have to be a lot more open all of us to be a lot more physical going forward and them you know yourself even Darley see know you have to in your own individual ball on just a little bit standoffish to get a reaction just last time unit sort of 2nd off from a pretty much in a similar vein and you know win them like you said it's a poor goal you know to give care it's a mental space it's you know really for most of the England cricket captain Gerry Rood said that illness in the squad was not an excuse for losing the 1st test to South Africa by a 107 runs a century and we showed a huge amount of character throughout the whole week has been a huge amount thrown at the group on and off the field and we've had to deal with it and you know it's been about ever got on with it that probably 10 guys out the squad face illness are out for the back or staff as well and obviously what happened with Stokes his father as well as a group had to do with the last things around the game itself but which we stirred up especially over the last 2 days and really come out and showed a lot of character. And Exeter Chiefs return to the top of rugby union permit shipped table of the 147 victory I was sorry since and sorry since breaching the sports salary cap continues to annoy Exodus director of rugby Rob Baxter their support of a club you've watched coaches go inside to players leave in all different kinds of things part of that because bizarre situation you call a car run away from you can't run away from the fact is out of other people's lives and I think that's the better sometimes it is a little frustrating I think people involved in the people who kind of a point out that started cheated almost get out to be the bad guy sometimes and Exodus Anglin center Henry Slade is almost certain to miss the sort of the 6 Nations after fracturing his ankle the Philadelphia Eagles in the Tennessee Titans completed the lineup for this season's n.f.l. Playoffs the reigning Super Bowl champions New England will have to play the wild card round for the 1st time in 10 years and the semifinal lineup is complete at the p.c. World Darts Championship Michael van Gerwen or plate Nathan Aspinall and Peter Wright will take on goal when Price Thanks Sanjay let's have a look now at the weather has Sarah Keith Lucas at the b.b.c. Weather Center good morning we've got some finance settled weather to see out the last few days of $29000.00 across much of the country it is looking dry and quite mild as well but we have got some rain in the forecast across the far northwest so today's forecast for Scotland some rain this morning across the northwest that will slowly sink its way south so some light and patchy rain reaching the Scottish Borders as we head on into the self the name brightest guys following on from the north and temperatures about 7 or 8 degrees today but all morning quite a cloudy picture this morning we will see a few light showers pushing their way south through the day mainly the softer name and highs in Belfast around about 10 degrees the England and for Wales today little bit of a murky stuff as some of us a few misty patches around quite chilly here in there too but we are looking at a dry day across England and Wales as well the township in a break from sunny spells it's often in and still pretty my. With temperatures here between about $11.00 to $12.00 degrees now into the saving add a night again remains mostly dry quite chilly tonight across parts of northern England Scotland adds Northern Ireland but cloudy and milder for the south across England Wales overnight for New Year's Eve on Cheese Day Well it is looking like a pretty decent day again most places dry just the op shop a New Year's Eve down towards the southwest of England but they should clear away late in the day clear skies across the northern half of the u.k. a Little bit cloudy at the South but if you have plans to head out and celebrate New Year's Eve see in the new year with fireworks the weather is looking generally settled nothing too problematic no rain in the forecast an easy and very light winds to just be prepared for a little bit of mist and the mistake I'm sorry Keith Lucas 5 weather and a quick look at the Smalling the front pages of the newspapers The Daily Mail reports that tens of thousands of workers have lost not to 10000000000 pounds worth of savings it what it costs the government sanction pensions scams and more positive news for pension savers millions of people are said to benefit from a 2020 stock market boom according to The Daily Express and the Daily Mirror lens leads on a plea for shoppers to buy locally in a bid to rescue the dying high streets that smaller ports on 5 life It's 515. Wake up some really pretty. Good morning it's been a decade that started with the financial crisis ending with the u.k. About to leave the e.u. And in between social media and the big tech giants have changed the way we live and the way we work we're looking back on it all with the help of a few familiar voices over the years no spoilers just yet also big news today the climate crisis in their eyes net throughout the whole decade of course and beyond but as we end the decade the governor of the Bank of England warning today that companies need to shift their priorities make a more on moaning happy middle bit between Christmas and New Year Seasons Greetings . But he listed a small business confidence is low is since the last recession has gone to a new report out to die I'll be find out why that might be. Some money firing is making. A very good morning to you well done for being up on December the 30th wherever you are wearing body if not in mulling exactly I think a lot of people probably in that situation certainly some like so many Generally we have that feeling we used to every December 30th July the 10th we've got Richard Dunbar with this is well investment director at Aberdeen standard investments joins us from morning to Richard good morning happy middle but as you say. Thank you busy time for you Richard always actually is it like when the you know the back in the day where all the factories used to shut down for a 2 way period is that whopping is in in the markets now. It's a bit more like that to be honest there's a quiet time in between the not a lot happening in markets not a lot of volume and so you can already squared up your positions for the bonuses and dividends and stuff. Yeah I mean I'm not I'm not sure we finished the work in quite the same way as we started. Well tomorrow actually a whole whole far on the decade review Richard because tomorrow we're going to be getting into what as you know actually happened with the various investments what people have done with their money as your savings account been if you've got any thoughts on what the decade has meant for you whether it's less now whether it's you a film that changed your life or a financial decision that you are the came to regret or has worked out well did you achieve your financial ambitions or if you want to get in touch with us about that the today tomorrow the days to do that to be having a bit of an in-depth review of the key themes for lots of people that we've we've spoken to have done the speaking on why could so many over the last 10 years who would be getting into and that should be the top story this morning this is not not necessarily news of the decade but in a way has been it's across a few today's papers back of this b.b.c. Interview with Mark Carney of course the outgoing governor of the Bank of England since we last spoke McKeel was going to jail to really well he's got a new job some have appointed Andrew Baillieu's boss of the Financial Conduct to authority to replace him Mark Carney is going off to have the United Nations to do with climate change and he had today is warning that unless companies change their priorities on climate change we face a rise in global warming that will be impossible to reverse. Businesses involvement in tackling this current climate crisis is obviously crucial and some of the numbers that Mark Carney mentions here he said there's been some analysis analysis from a leading Pension Fund saying if you add up all the policies of companies out there they're consistent with the global warning warming of that $3.00 degree cent centigrade Celsius which is way above the one and a half degrees of people say they want that governments are demanding and it's this it's this question isn't it between what you want and what the actual action the business is it taking Yeah I mean Richard know more about this than I do but you know you're have a balancing act here of do you continue to grow people's pensions and give them better returns over the years or do you switch completely in a movie and say anything to do with a greener environment and risk losing money in peril because if you look to the biggest dividend News in the Footsie 100 rolled out shell and b.p. Now you can ignore them and take your money switching elsewhere if that's what you want to do but that you earn considerable I mean I think $34000000000.00 You can't just caucus knew that and say on not get involved in any more is fossil fuels because it be a recipe for disaster how does that work Richard Well it's also in c. But if you look at to the biggest investors are nubile technology in the Footsie $100.00 it would be the big oil companies b.p. And Shell and I knew we were we report on what we and other our clients are doing in this area you climates a core part of why we think about the things in which we invest both in terms of fire we engage with the companies we own like the b.p. Shell others but also how we fund renewable energy how we and that's in the technology that we all hope will solve some of the problems that are in front of us or speed things going down that road isn't it Richard you know even renewables and I think both companies recognise the fact that impacts 5100 years time they won't be any money from power. People at the ground well Lootie to the biggest companies in the u.k. With the biggest self interest in investing in renewables and replacing the you know the the carbon area which has been their history are those 2 companies on others like them around the world the perhaps perhaps not doing it quickly enough but I think that begins to to sions like like our own you have to be part of the solution here not just as perceived as part of the problem to retail now where you know climate crosses will be some it will be getting into law I'm sure in the in the decade of 2021 of the stories of the Gone By he's been the change of high streets an interest in front page of The Mirror today be a local hero and shop as to buy local in a bid to rescue Dion high streets is is the tale there and the way jobs have changed on the high street reckoned is quite a few reports at the State of the high street in various jobs one for the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts Manufactures and commerce which is the organization organization run by Matthew Taylor saying almost 300000 jobs were lost on the high street in the last decade when you and they're looking at the various types of jobs have been lost have been created retail interesting for many reasons but was an 810 of those jobs were held by women in that period as well and there are some there's been some major major change in government as well Mikki which is not a big impact on the cons of jobs we're doing every day or yeah I mean if you if you look at the loses a cashier's bank clucks the classic High Street jobs the labor market shifts in 2000 and sayings look at government administrators down 190109043 percent. You can put all of that and all starts of course in cuts in government spending retail cashiers and check out all prices down 75 percent 75000 or 32 percent. And bank and postal clocks down 65043 percent sales and retail systems that's down almost 6 percent personal assistants 55000 moms 23 and I'm trying to think I can't remember a time when we lost so many famous names on the high street as we did this year in 2019 in the one single Yeah yeah and not bad news in this report as well that those industries that have seeing growth in created jobs Richard if you had to guess at a sector that has created there some of the highest number of jobs out there what would you go for in the last decade it's probably I suspect this things like the deliveries on the. Breach in the sort of job so it feels that we're replacing a lot of you know perhaps slightly lower paid jobs with very steady and long term jobs with maybe the jobs that are maybe slightly higher paid but but not a certain if you're in at number 4 van drivers 50 percent on the decade every song is not at the door you know there's a delivery so. It's not surprising it makes common sense doesn't it number one in the list computer and software programs as well and also there's got in the report where the Future Jobs booms are expected maybe you should try and find out what they said back in 2009 what they thought of the decade I had them but I reckon over the next 10 years behavioral scientists data analysts online reputation money just as well he governed as no not when you're going to have call for Mickey I don't know why does. A stand well oh I don't get pitching you're pitching your ideas to Mickey on that one interesting change of World of jobs we're going to talk more about how the world has changed over the last 10 years a little later everything from retail to own crosses banks as well. In the actual you know in the investment world right now that you've been saying it's been quiet maybe the factory shut down happens but still been a lot going on in the last one. Yeah there's a lot of information now and I'm not quite sure if you can my head notes out of it probably Richard to be able to shed a better lot and you know they're talking about a possible stock market boom in the next year which you know is a positive and then you've got the governor of the Bank of England sign you know from many years ago get their act together and diversify and buy slee look for a cleaner environment. And you've also got this story on the front page of The Financial Times this morning shot dropping r.p.o. Stirs fears for shrinking public markets basically not enough companies of incomings of the stock market to rise money as I've done in previous years that is what the stock market is forced to rise capital. For companies and provide investment fish for shareholders I mean what do you make of that Richard I'm not entirely surprised that it's dried up are you well no I think I think it's been a really strong theme over the past 10 years here the private markets getting bigger in the public markets getting smaller because not only have we not had as many I.P.O.'s new issues as we would have had in approach previous decades but also the public market getting smaller we talk about share buybacks often on this program so that the big stock markets the u.s. U.k. Are getting smaller by 2 percent a year turn in terms of the number of shares a public markets getting smaller private markets getting bigger both due to low interest rates less need for companies to to raise money from the likes of Marcellus and another system I mean the I market was mentioned in $1.00 of the pipes the other day that there'd been you know virtually dried up but what do you consider the sort of barrier is come is if I see such as you know uncertain about the future break say the political landscape is little wonder that companies are flush in the stock market Yeah but also the owners of the other side of his well with with money so cheap with interest rates so low and a lot of private companies don't feel quite the same urgency to have to come to the public markets to raise new funny money because the a banks will fund that for them or they can fund that from their existing private. Shareholder since the low interest rate says that one of the effects has been less need for companies to come to the lesser of the sites originally yeah the other story I've noticed is I Small Business confidence is lowest since the last recession as you know shortly after the banking crosses which are going about mid 2011 almost half of companies. You know signed things are going to get worse over the next 3 months is that because of this transition period for BRICs or is there a real problem reflecting more on the global economy contraction I think it's a bit of everything in a sense is there's not a lot of growth there and you know the u.k. Growth economic growth has been pretty anemic but then it's been similar in Germany France Spain so this is even through the exporting there's not a lot of economic growth around I think the survey was probably taken around the time of the election so you might we might see a little more certainty today in terms of Bracks it but certainly when that survey was struck you that that was probably peak uncertainty and in the u.k. And say Not a lot of growth around some one certainty around and some political uncertainty not just at home but also in the markets in which the small companies might wish to serve as well I mean do you see when you when you talk to come is a you saying that there is hesitancy there is nervousness about the future or do you feel that a lot of the fears about the economy dropping off a cliff once we leave the you have been misplaced So I think most companies feel will I think correctly will will muddle through you know the but the but that said they're still you know even with I practice at the still not an awful lot of growth around there's not a lot of inflation around so you for companies or the you know the the pool in which you're fishing for sales growth is a shallower pool than perhaps it's been in previous times so that makes it a little more difficult and I think companies are generally cautious about investment that's what we're seeing with the the aggregate numbers but you know there are areas where companies are keen to invest and where there is some certainty and they can see revenue growth coming from. Then you know they are putting out investment in and will you be putting your investment into this new Amazon delivery which was announced over the weekend or ended last week where it is interesting one a sense you say the competition and market authority aren't that keen on Armisen and delivery coming together think they're keen to get more competition in that market Amazon had tried to play in that market on its own previously so I suspect the competition market authority would prefer Amazon to be doing this themselves and uncreating a sort of 4th competitor in that market rather than teaming up with that delivery but certainly you know it's a very popular mark on the sort of sort of popular from consumers anyway and I'm as a novice a keen to get into in some sort of fashion Ok just before we go Richard do you have a figures you can give us for the Footsie year and 2020 that Aberdeen standard investment is going on with. In other words. I guess Nike called but. I know you try cautious nor are not our expectations for the year ahead and all global markets would be for modest returns . Low single think a return on a. Yeah yeah not so you know it's a low interest rates but low growth or Richard many thanks for that Richard Dunbar there from Aberdeen standard investments low and slow Cheers Richard just a few stories now how about this morning in The Times on earth r.b.s. Boss Angus small businesses this is Ross McKeown in the in the list of the New Year owners Mickey McKeown who left r.b.s. In October after 6 years awarded to c.b. Provoking a backlash from business owners and M.P.'s so say the times and you know the times of pretty closely followed us McHugh and very much over the 6 years or so and the now sat there that you've seen this morning good story online our colleagues at b.b.c. News bait a number of teenagers in the u.k. With their own businesses as gone up 700 percent in the last 10 years let us know if this is their new business the judges know the depth of the talent in there that you can you can go have that you know you have one sparkling wine cellars lose face in u.k. Is twice changes is the Financial Times Online 1st fully demand since the start of the present go boom more than 5 years ago didn't notice it in the published today although I want to feel of it being sold to my family just like to the party because somebody turned up with a bottle of criminal did walk which should exactly everybody it looked like phase and it tasted like fish as adults like Del Boy drink yeah I know exactly what I said but it was all right actually turns out you get it from all the major supermarkets and they trained you've latched on the beginning who knows anyway let's know if there were any new trends in your has evolved over Chris. This will catch on for them at this time of the morning we'll get in on it before everybody else does last hour you thoughts anything we're talking about hash tag wake up to money or you can see it is a text 850581 digital b.b.c. Sounds small space. This is b.b.c. Radio 5 live good morning to you it's 531 this is wake up to money and it's time for the news headlines with Simon Morgan Morgan mornings I mean morning Sean thanks very much authorities in the Australian state of Victoria have warned it's now too late for people threatened by Bush lawyers to evacuate officials are predicting extreme danger with rising temperatures combined with thunderstorms and a change of wind direction police in Texas have been praising members of a church congregation who shot dead a gun burned after he opened fire during a service 2 people were killed during the incident in Fort Worth. Police are increasing patrols in parts of north London after graffiti was sprayed on Assume a dog and shops the incidents in Belsize Park in homes that are being treated as heat crimes and Rebecca long baby has confirmed she's considering running to replace Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labor Party the shadow business secretary explained Labor's compromise solution or breaks it as well as a lack of trust among voters fruits crushing defeat at the general election earlier this month let's get was born and raised on possibly Sheffield United boss Chris Wilder says marginal v.a.r. Decisions are not helping the game just like wolves who were beaten one the at Anfield the blades had a goal ruled out for a narrow offside in a 2 nil defeat to Manchester City at the end he had city go into 2020 insert place in the Premier League 14 points behind leaders Liverpool. Says there are many things his asshole side can improve on after Chelsea beat them to one of the Emirates elsewhere West Ham have reappointed David Moyes as their manager on an 18 months deal Neil Lennon says his Celtic side won't panic after losing at home to Rangers in the Scottish Premiership for the 1st time in 9 years the champions have a 2 point lead at the top but have played a game more than that Old Firm rivals the exit chiefs boss or Rob Baxter says his team can move on from the salary cap brow after beating Saracens to return to the top of the Premiership and Michael van Gerwen will play Nathan Aspinall in the semifinals of the world championship darts Peter Wright takes on go in price. May be the next a serious. Threat. To start subsidizing including life common traits of the 1st. 70. 2 to. 3 on. The b.b.c. . For the. It's been a decade with a financial crisis and. We've got. Left. With businessmen. Much much. More. To go on. The protests from the time we've. Made some people have at least we've been influenced and influences and we've. Been some big numbers knocking around as well we had half a trillion dollar company. And the pushy $100.00. Has risen 40 percent from just over 5500. To 7500. Without this. Comparison today to talk about. One way or another. At the beginning and another. From behind the scenes as well you sort of get a real fail for the world was changing there for me to think. That $21.00 there wasn't a financial crisis or a referendum going on so some. Story or old times as felt like a decade where there's always been one huge theme going on at some point. Yeah spose for us it was it was probably bricks in this country but then again bricks it was a domestic issue for the rest of the world that was the thing but the one thing that to go right to life through you know spawn a farm web was cheap money wherever you were in the world money suddenly became very cheap because of the banking collapse that was a big fallout of the financial crisis what we have got class with this is well he's a personal finance editor of The Financial Times morning to you Clare Balding fresh is a days they have to Christmas Well let's not dwell on that it's cannot so much per 2nd we hope Oh well I did have some credible I have to say I think that trend 'd. You're trying to shown here would go in the interest of conspiracy trial. Criminal course turns out to be one of the one of the trends the. Not doing as well as as previously thought McKay But yes some of it maybe has some of them a little you know they run in there and it is indeed but. You've got to get a fresh mind back it's almost that fail a 1st day back at work even though it's not the new year yet to really have the last decade even do it is quite something particular when you try to cover in 2 sets of 25 minutes like you know it's going to try and do over the course of an hour in total was a something for you running theme for you in the world of finance is going at this very closely that you just go right there this is why we are where we are today at the end of 2019. I would say within the world upon King and also in the world of color. Bille color is absolutely the same for everyone I mean let's start with the backs of mean we have lost around a 3rd of our bank branches over the past 5 years in the u.k. It's nearly 3300 but just got that for good according to which and $300.00 more have reduced their opening hours with lots of banks expecting us to rely on the post office if we want to have an in town face to face counter service Now why is that because of the rise not just of online banking because let's face it 10 years ago most of us who were doing a linebacker were probably doing it on a home p.c. Or laptop but mobile King banking or an app has absolutely the taken off and the sameness this being I was seeing that when I can log on to the mobile banking just with my thumb print with biometric security I don't have to remember huge passwords which I had to answer on my p.c. 10 years ago and the amount of stuff that you can do just from your app you know you can pay people thousands of pounds you can pay in a check and if you've done that on your banking up more and more of them of doing it but then he to resist of a. Cleric you want to say in this way a check you know fashioned This is a thing that the banks are having to keep branches I've said it people go and pay in checks believe it or not an awful lot of companies are insurers medical people you know they will stay will still give you a payment in the form of a check property because it takes you so long to get around to paying in the way hold on to the money for long but the challenge of next 10 years ago we didn't have all of these at base banks that don't have any brooch network it's all the digital . Now they are competing with all big high street banks who are trying to save money by custom branches putting that innovation into the tech that they're offering but even they can't keep up with these companies that were born on the internet who offer you apps where you can budget you know see great analysis of your spending. Set up separate savings pots wipes to save your virtual spare change you know all of these innovations are gradually being copied I would say by the High Street majors but this is an innovation that has massively massively benefit the consumer over the past decade the kind of dark side of all of this of course is rising fraud I've written about this in the f.c. An awful lot so who authorized push payment fraud where you're paying somebody who you think maybe is your solicitor or builder elapse you have seen Ellison and it's not just a small dark side is it because oh it's now you're getting hundreds of e-mails every single day when you make any small or large financial decision if you're expecting a text message or an e-mail on the back of that then you are are ripe for a fraudster to be attempted to get you that that definitely has been a real sea change in the last 10 years about how we're we're all on tenterhooks and we all hope our parents you know aren't picking up the phone and yeah and clicking on a link somewhere that that maybe they they shouldn't be like and we trust the banks to keep one step ahead of the criminals Well I'm glad you mention that because I don't think we can trust the banks certainly they have covered themselves in glory in the past few years the important thing that the banks have to earn is that they've all got together and agreed a voluntary code of how they work together to refund and compensate no fault that seems a fraud but I think they should be doing an awful lot more nuff said in the f.t. Many times over the last 3 years they really need to hurry up with something which has a very dull name confirmation of pay but it means if you're paying somebody a line you think that it's high street sinister or Mr Builder Mrs builder whoever and it will actually do a green tick and say yes this is their account that would wipe out a lot of this force in seconds and the other thing that just surprises everyone and believe me there are lots of s.c.b. To see in court. By the sophisticated methods of resources is 1st that they can infiltrate text messages from your bank say you have a stream of text messages which you know is genuine and they can actually space the number you know people back into those that really shocks people they don't realize that that's possible and the 2nd thing is that the banks are just unable to trace the money you know if it goes from a Barclays account into an that best account then they've got to talk to each other then it doesn't stop there normally it's transferred you know between dozens of bank accounts before it leaves the financial system and the for all says no that the for a little Thorazine the banks between them it just unable so coordinate to find out where all moneys go so it just disappears and does this mean that you know you have after fight in banks is going to be undermined and that investment by banks in technology you know what we've been pushed down this technology road as banking customers is that going to come to an ignominious sane Doria are the banks going to pull up their sons and do something about it well there is some evidence that they are pulling up their socks so as this that they've got this voluntary code so they've all agreed that there should be compensation for people who cannot reasonably have know that they were being defrauded and they're trying to work out how as an industry they can get together and fund that now the challenge banks have been pushing back against it and saying well we're not paying into the central refund part because our algorithms you know all of our software are ways of detecting of usual transactions large transactions trumps in customers who have entered a new pay for the 1st time are you sure do you know who this person is except for their levels of fraud a much less than the bigger banks because they've perhaps been bored on the Internet they've made it a bigger priority so the other thing is is that some banks are seeing it as a competitive advantage so for example c.s.b. Who of course over the past decade a famous or infamous for the i.c.l. Says it's all customers looks out of their account for months they are going for. Further than the rest of the pack and say if fraud is committed on your count will refund no questions asked and that only the to your own as well about just how much they live up to that and how much that actually ends up costing them another p.p.o. Explosion. What it could or could it be that that way to be an interesting one club because it was your Wimpole past those the chief executive at the time of that crisis was you know I spoke to him on vibrate 1st at the time and and you just had a boss who wasn't fully in charge of a major technology change and a major bank with 1900000 customers being affected was that of a key moment for the industry do you think or are they still not really getting the wake up call No I think it really was shocked everybody in the banking world I don't think that t.s.b. Had any idea that that great they were running over the course of a weekend was going to have the catastrophic series of consequences that it did but it's lost in consumers' minds as the fact that internet banking. Is fallible there are you can reasonably expect some cyber on the normally on a Sunday evening I have safety or unset internet banking to have a planned out says well the banks friends at least try to clocks together all of the. Back systems of i.c. That they've inherited over the years from all the mergers and so on and so forth but I think courage read just over the last few years to have a back up bank account if you can afford it just have a couple of 100 pounds sitting in another account maybe a savings account with a challenger bank anything like that because there are times when all the banks have problems with their online banking and what happens usually is that it will get all Swiss especially if it's t.s.p. This often a few months ago and people will panic and they'll then make it worse by rushing to a local. Bank in question and that huge you know swing of. Customers who are then trying to local will kind of prevent the software engineers from being able to resolve that the problem in hand kind of like exacerbates the issue enough the banks normally manage to get things online again pretty quickly but it's alarming to me the amount of times that you see things stories coming up saying you know things people can't pay bills these people you know can pay their credit card the banks always agree said recently any monies that you left out of pocket for but it isn't all that been a c. In the system and as we lose that branch network this is a big question for the next decade frankly So if we sort of ended the decade it was 20 tain t.s.p. Then the last you really didn't think it would actually implement the t.s.p. And ended up being the bank everybody was talking about if there was a bank at the start of the decade anybody would talk about was real Bank of Scotland r.b.s. And Mickey we got our old Macau particularly or Obamacare and the verity on the phone and we asked him about the past 10 years Jim relay what he made of it all familiar voice for everybody you're like this Mickey I think you want to go read the cover of the whole that probably that it was a lost that in the sense that most people didn't have only kind of a bomb went off route that. Time it happened oddly a group out who sent 3 so I remember Mickey and I asked this question. When the crisis was in full swing in $22009.00 we going to be in for some sort of last decade and we asked again when it seemed like we're in a double dip recession about 20112012 turned out it was and it was just more like a flattening out but still people were asking the question is this going to be a lost decade and with it now just like I said in 2007 if u.s. House priced in sustainable and it was exhibited in my eyes slow down a bit but it's not going to crash. And similarly you know these have prices a $125.00 said Moses that would be sustainable this may be a bubble I want to read it and. I'm obviously calling about the fact that we pessimists would prefer every right. If feel like it is a lost decade really know until now that I don't know I think I think you know your the way you know you survive. It's always the case of the cross off empty glass half full. It depends how you look at it but yeah we've had a difficult 10 years and people have lost a great deal of value but they've survived we've got it we've got to crack on to other topics we've got into a similar topic himself saying they're all my hope is to get some interest on a savings account or the best. If there's an envoy there's a yes yes that's in a nutshell isn't it do let us know your thoughts hash tag wake up the money if you want to get in touch should we kick on to our spending in the supermarkets that feels like that's been a big change hasn't yet got the lots of guy who has a huge amount of change in this area says Adam in the supermarkets Mickeys what I've got in front of me had a problem or Lawson's was ever going to get that that should be a remember him he's a jet setting around Europe discarnate but I managed to grab him between trying to doorstep Michel Barnier in Brussels at some point attached to him for a few minutes we're going to hear more from him over the course the program but let's get some memories from the former White of the many present at a possum's I think we were lucky that we had a whole series of big themes that happened whether that was the multi state of European finances or maybe unite all King a lot about Italian bond yields and it's striking me. That the people were texting in about what was happening with Italian yields and thinking what point in British history has the public every game with bond yields in another country in quite the extent they are now but I think also remember retail the state of British Retail and it felt as if in the time I was presenting wake up to money that was. Changing before our eyes the way that we we shopped the arrival of Al d. And little. You will remember very well that Philip Clark came in as as chief executive of Tesco. You finish him off tonight. And then he exited stage left not long after doing that it is right and it was the hotel wasn't at the hotel to the huddle in the huddle term. For what it's worth Tesco tablets you will remember that we were sitting walking around a Tesco chatting to Philip Clarke and he was almost coming up with ideas on the hoof for ab biggest retailer and knock it see a couple of Tesco people around us who are almost sort of looking at each other with what is he just saying the opportunity in multi-channel retail in online retailing is what's that us to develop the hurdle tablet we sold 550000 of thing no huddle 2 is coming in September and then is going to be a little fellow by the end of the year all going to come loaded with the Tesco services so there you go That was feeling about what you're going to take on the whole of the law remember the class I mean in terms of the the rise of the discount as it were already to just imbalances sort of digging through step what people were saying back in 2011 unnamed executive at the time saying I don't see any reason why the discount market will get any bigger it's not quite what I know it has to be what we've seen in the Sea World is this the one and as you say you discount as little but also ice and it's been pushing ahead and they're all competing for higher value. You know we're little started selling lobsters a few years ago I thought quite something is really changed because it's not just you know that traditional supermarket you know it's going there but also sometimes the frankly the way trade show that is going on there because they really are offering value. I think people find those kind of consonants so groceries are quite acceptable in the price is even more accessible thank you very much don't know this at incredible but certainly selling ready mix new grainy You know they're very quick to coastal cities to these trends but the other end of the supermarket world with a higher value shopper is getting your groceries delivered a lot I mean there's now more than 10000000000 pounds spent a year in person having online groceries delivered now at the moment is just under 6 percent of the social market but it isn't just this massive says Pat it into the whole sector that Amazon and the Internet giant has come in and is now offering its own equivalent of grace or livery that's high up with Morris and amongst others the yeah and then we've also got a card I mean you talked a minute ago about this that c. 140 percent over last 10 years were 10 years ago called a shares listed all gets 201144 pm today they're trading at nearly 13 pounds because the market is can be changed into a section of a card it now valued as a software company rather than as well as an online research we will see in 2029 whether we are getting all our groceries delivered another thing of the past decade the eurozone crisis accord with Louise Cooper Well I think I'm not sure the thing is between but a Christmas shopping over the Christmas period money grabber to talk about the eurozone crisis something that we've been following closely of course the huge moment when we had Island Spain Portugal Greece or collapsing at the same time it seems and how damaging was that collapse going to be of course the great app and again in 2015 as well you'll hear some thoughts from Louisa some reports on the unfolding chaos and we don't have the wake of the money archive so we all thought it really kicked off with Greece and I remember you know the beginning of the set the beginning of the decade with literally January 2. And 10 and we suddenly began to discover that the Greek Statistical Office and the Greek government had been cooking the books to make the financial picture of Greece look significantly better so that's kind of the beginnings of it and you know we sort of slowly discovered that Greece's financial position wasn't just slightly worse or even significantly worse it was like massively massively massively worst of it all started in Greece and then the crisis spread out to other highly highly indebted countries and this is one of the emergence of a pretty pretty unpleasant acronym actually pigs remember the pigs Portugal Yeah Portugal Italy Greece and Spain so the pigs Portugal Ireland Greece and Spain although it doesn't actually include Italy you could almost call it exist if you want to include Italy that the most indebted European country of them all and and and yet you're right you know we slowly I suddenly everyone thought well it's not just America it's not just the u.k. Banks in all kinds of countries have been making really irresponsible lending decisions there's a huge amount of debt out there and we haven't really focused on it after weeks of rumor into Niall's admissions in negotiations finally Ireland has got its by a loud after 6 hours of talks yesterday in Brussels the e.u. Agreed to support a package of loans to Weiland worth 85000000000 euros providing a loan to Ireland this warranted to safeguard financial stability in the euro and in the European Union has drawn on the money isn't coming cheap stably will pay interest of nearly 6 percent on average on all the loans Gerri Lawrence is chief economist at Standard Chartered morning Jarrett I couldn't help but feel with friends like this who needs enemies basically the penalty to appease Germany is clearly evident it's also sort of message of intent to other people around Europe don't misbehave. Something I remember when member was the eye watering numbers that you struggle to get your head around in terms of employment unemployment figures and city youth unemployment you know talking sort of 50 percent or more. Of unemployment at certain ages and and the things that people were having to do in Greece to effectively get by lights from the rest of Europe people taking massive cuts on their pensions and some of the individual stories were heartbreaking and on a big scale when so I remember remember when we had Alexis Tsipras. And his new movement that was a real fight back against the e.u. And the i.m.f. And he got voted into office saying we're not going to do the what the e.u. And the i.m.f. Tell us do a we're not going to impose on the stereotype last night thousands of jubilant government supporters celebrated in Teichmann square in front of parliament waving green flags and chanting No no no. Well I did that very square is our reporter Lucy Burton Lucy Good morning to you what a day to be enough and. Absolutely and it's very bizarre Syntagma Square which last night scenes of the city jubilant protests with fireworks going off with people playing music with people eating these amazing food stand and it was hacked and that's when Yanis Varoufakis effectively left as finance minister but Mr feet press continued and essentially if you look down the barrel hard enough you will see the quite this if you cannot get debt if your country is in a dire economic state you need financial support and therefore that point you become hostage to the people providing that support and if the i.m.f. And the e.u. Tell you to jump I'm afraid what the lesson is lessons the Greeks learnt was you kind of have to do the nation's bailing you out will tell you what to do so they go Louise is. Definitely a big they make a difference between you and the bank manager when you get into a spot of bother posies sanctions on you and you have to do is just so and it's worth remembering of course that the people of Greece are still suffering from this financial crisis 10 years later more highlights I think around all of that was ended up going on to a Euro Zone trip with Dominic Laurie also formerly of wake up summoning and I was making sure we got on air every day while he was reporting from you know 5 different countries over the wake but it's a tight we you know sort of keep our resources streamlined on a lot more why this is going. To room in 5 different countries over the course of 5 days over 5 or 6 days dormitory it was it was an interesting way it was yeah the financial crisis in the eurozone crisis broadcasting live outside it to Pharo in South Portugal with grey you think Sun sea sand we were outside a at sardine manufacturers unit and we had to stand at the back because we could. Broadcast inside so it was all the chucked out sardines at the back in the 30 degree heat they get Claire you don't get out the f.t. . Well we did have a fridge this week so before Christmas all cluck cluck together in order to. Level that just shows you the cardinality of the financial So I'm suddenly memories of the last 10 years from 5 Live and looking at the last decade in music good morning it's James Thomas with you on b.b.c. World. News. This is b.b.c. World I am it is 6 o'clock time for the latest news this morning his new jury is divisors Food Bank says they've been struggling with demand this Christmas Juta the limited space available at their current base they're currently at the Community Hospital but they're having to find a new building meaning their rent could go up the charity's project manager Liz Starling's been explaining how challenging it is this festive season at Christmas time we have so many donations saying we're trying desperately to make up boxes there is limited space beneath tape or space to make up the boxes and there is simply the fallen tears to move around so they get in each other's ways we need all hands on text to make up as many pots as possible to get them out to people and also to sort all that our nation's tens of thousands of residents and holiday makers in the Australian state of Victoria have been told to evacuate as bushfire conditions get worse officials are warning the high temperatures combined with strong winds thunderstorms and a change of wind direction when the danger is particularly high there are a few a bank clocks and hairdressers around than they used to be it's one of the findings of a new report about changes to the type of jobs we're doing our business correspondent Katie Austin reports according to this report from the r s A's feature work center technology and an ageing population have shaped a great change in the labor markets over the past decade its analysis of late. The full survey data shows notable increases in the number of software program has found drivers and care workers the jobs disappearing fastest include checkout operators bank colleagues and government administrators researches said changes on the high street have affected women who are the majority of jobs that the most branch of the docs trust says people need to think can.


Transcripts for VOA [Voice of America] Global English VOA [Voice of America] Global English 20191226 160000

A season that after a North Korean foreign ministry official earlier this month critically promised a Christmas gift to the United States but there were no reported weapons tests Wednesday in North Korean state media refrain from any major criticism of the United States the quiet may not last long North Korea has imposed an end of year deadline for the United States to soften its stance on stalled nuclear talks among the more provocative options that can could announce according to analysts a suspension or terminations of negotiations with the u.s. Or through resumption of long range missile or nuclear tests Bill Gallo the only news so Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski says she is disturbed to hear Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell say there would be total coordination between the White House and the Senate over the upcoming presidential impeachment trial a piece Shelley had to report while it appears acquittal is a foregone conclusion in the Senate Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski says it's wrong to make that decision ahead of time for me to prejudge and say there's nothing there or on the other hand he should be impeached yesterday that's wrong speaking to Anchorage station Katie you you work out he adds she was bothered when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in a recent Fox News interview said that there should be total coordination with the White House on the trial I heard what Leader McConnell had said I happen to think that that has further confused the process I surely out there in the United States state and local election officials from key regions are receiving military type training to help them protect their ballots from foreign interference next November a piece Jacki Quinn reports elections leaders from California Georgia North Carolina and other regions have been told to adopt a battle staff command structure with clearly defined channels and steps to quickly react. Any attempt to disrupt their balloting while the federal government will be on high alert for any suspicious cyber activity it will be up to elections officials on the ground to identify and neutralize any hostile activity the training is part of the defending Digital Democracy Project which has created instructions and drills for elections officials to practice handling real threats on election day Jackie Quinn Washington and I'm Jim bird tell v.o.a. News. This is Africa news tonight on The Voice of America. Good evening and welcome welcome to Africa news tonight from English to Africa Service of the Voice of America your source for Pan African nose and world developments I mean he used to he in Washington coming up on Africa news tonight Ben out Ok. Governor of Cummins English speaking Southwest region says people are returning to custody of the crises that Smokey had been kinda cut importing from the town of come back in Cameroon details coming up old so Pope Francis and u.n. Secretary General Antonio would perish express sorrow over attacks this week in go to Kenya Fast Show and federal Wanda ranks high for gender inequality we'll have these stories and more ahead on Africa news tonight. Our top stories at large numbers of English speaking Kemet reunions who fled the separatist crisis that has killed more than 3000 people in 3 years have been returning to their homes to celebrate the Christmas and New Year holidays there which are and however is limited to major English speaking towns as villages had a main battle grounds for separatist fighters and the military market when can the cut of ports from the southwest an English speaking town of combat. About 300 piece chance to sing Christmas carols at the Roman Catholic Church in the English speaking southwestern town of whom by doing this he has only the it is the 1st time in 3 years that has seen such a crowd of washing pots here barely 17 tended to the Christmas Day church service here. Among the Christians who have just returned to the town is 50 year old businessman divine. Is kept to a nearby French speaking town of Darla with his wife unfortunately in December 2017 when clashes between the military and separatist fighters killed 13 people he says he has decided to return because he and his family cannot continue to lie on gifts from well wishers for survival when they can return to Cuba I'm drawn to her family jewelry shop business if it's a bit pricey. Because the right. Price. I want you to. Say is he was abducted in December 2017 by the fighters who are accused him of collaborating with the military by revealing information on the separatists hide out his family paid Iran some of Mars on 2 $1000.00 before he was released. Antonie you pastor of divine Ministries a combat based church that's also welcomed returnees on Christmas Day says he and his class g.p.s. Decided to preach under a constellation and forgiveness we need peace we need love we need forgiveness I saw Jesus Christ being the prince of peace has come we done peace with that we may experience life in abundance Cameroon's minister of transport reported that large numbers of people were travelling to the English speaking regions this December but that they were ending only in major towns like my mentor. I'm coming in and also western region and limb bad boy or cumber Mumfie more thing going to and to go in the south west region it did not give details on how many people had returned. Picton Jimmy a lawmaker from the English speaking Southwest region says most people are refusing to go to villages fight by separatists fighters he says civilians being caught in fighting between the military and the separatists. Some civilians who have been very vocal in the media advocating for separatists to drop their guns and surrender cannot return to their villages where they may be attacked by the fighters. I want to wantonly to come out on my. Bed not Ok. Governor of Commons English speaking Southwest region says people are returning because. Of the crises which just lost its closest 3 years he says the military has also made gains in restoring peace to most affected towns and villages. Cities people should not be afraid of going to any parts of the English speaking regions of the city to welcome them this should not be a free for me. To put it to. Any. Woman If you can make it easy for the police or the permission I said enough is enough most of the villages either completely raised by the fighting or abandoned and need to be rehabilitated others separatists who have fled from towns. Separatist launched attacks on government troops in 2017 stating that they wanted to create an English speaking state in the English speaking northwest and southwest of regions of the country they complained of an overbearing influence of the French speaking my Gerrity the government organized what it called a grand national dialogue from September 10th to talked about 4 to solve the crisis be like claimed they might simply turn civilians was because they were happy with the outcome of the dialogue that proposed a special status for the 2 English speaking regions with elected presidents and vice presidents and additional powers to mayors separatists rejected the proposed special status saying they want nothing but an independent state the United Nations reports the crisis has killed at least 3000 people and displaced Monson 500000 others with about 50000 as refugees in the neighboring Nigeria. Moki. For. So I was Western chemical. Pope Francis and u.n. Secretary general and good tetration have expressed sorrow over the attacks this weekend but can a fast so that killed more than 120 people the country is observing a 48 hour mourning period in response to the Christmas Eve attacks but enough us as military chief says it's alarmist and surrogates attacked a military base in the town of Ajdabiya and. China has cemented its position as most African countries biggest economic and political partner it is a complex the No one stair relationship this week we are presenting a series of reports by via ways Dad and Taylor in July and this burg Today we look at the growing number of Chinese owned companies opening factories on the continent making everything from cutlery to cars a leading authority on China's economic influence says Chinese driven manufacturing is heralding a new dawn of poverty busting industrialization in Africa but critics fear China wants to plunder the continent's assets and resources. If. Workers search machines to crush rocks at a cement factory in South Africa the owner moved from China several years ago costs have been rising in China labor costs energy and so factories are looking for locations overseas with lower costs and one of those locations that Cheney didn't get she has worked at is Africa Irene your own son is an expert in. China Africa economic relations at the Center for Global Development in Washington d.c. While working for the McKinsey international consulting company suddenly led the most definitive study yet into Chinese business in Africa and that point at a minimum very conservatively there were at least $10000.00 Chaney's businesses operating in sub-Saharan Africa about a 3rd of those are Main you factures that's the biggest group you get 15 to 20 percent chunks Chinese businesses that are in services in trade import export art and in construction. Massive blue and green computerized machines look to multi colored fabric between balloon sized balls of white polyester at a polo factory near Johannesburg Peter dad is the Chinese owner of this company 55000000 pieces need every year so it's a huge market it's only South Africa and the our target is not only South Africa also include a neighbor country Zimbabwe of course wanna now also in the future maybe after 3 years we're going to export to the European research at South Africa's Institute of Security Studies stellar quasi says China's production expansion in Africa could spark of industrialization the continent needs but at a high cost she points out that some African governments offer incentives such as subsidies to Chinese investors that's like up pretty in the entry you for the Chinese in Pasto will really have the capital and the government thinks they have access to credit she says the African administrations that's also eager to attract Chinese money too little to support a mystic entrepreneurs who struggle to get loans quasi added that even if African businesspeople get funding they called competes with a technology that allows the Chinese to produce goods on a much larger scale and thus more cheaply she also maintains that relatively few local businesses benefit from China's huge infrastructure projects in Africa China literally imports everything they get contracts to say construct already equipped meant comes from China all the cement comes from China quasi says China essentially exports its surplus steel and cement to Africa and when its factories produce. Seeing these materials shut down because of oversupply of Beijing relocate them to Africa where they're able to operate more easily than anywhere else because Africa's labor and environmental laws are weak quasi thing some African leaders know that China exploits the continent but may allow it because they stand to benefit Chinese do not just come to Africa someone get them in but our leadership but the governing elite So what kind of regulation what kind of leadership do we have and some African administrations she says see a political benefit from the backing of a great power like China. Chinese investment and whatever Chinese activity is taking place in Africa and trenchant the various forms of government or a game types that we have and Africa Chinese do not ask questions and Africa does not like to be asked questions quasi urges Africans to look beyond the solver lining of China turning back continents into the world's next factory and to continue on their government's questions while demanding answers about the costs that this involves I'm tiring Taylor for v.o.a. News in Johannesburg. The 2020 gender gap report from the World Economic Forum ranks or Wanda 9 globally in promoting equality for women recently Rwandan President Paul Kagame May said he wants to be replaced by a woman when his tenure and in 2024 to keep fostering gender parity with Gen women are as more from Kigali the report puts 100 between Spain at 8th place in the German and Italian for support in promoting women with white no other African nation is in the top 10 going as government has made steady for us to make women's voices hard. He's the country's president their fight for gender equality is common sense women are mothers sisters wives and daughters women. Everybody. Lose however many gender activists say there is still a long way to go to protect and promote women who leave America is agenda t.v. Working with the organization International we know that there are so many women while living in violence women who don't have access to the opportunities that are out there and simply because they don't have the capacities the power we. To understand that you have the voice you might it can be in again as national dialogue which concluded in last Friday. The day idea of a woman leading the country. And therefore. He wishes at the end of his tenure his position can be taken by the hopes that is what men want to. The World Economic Forum reports about in the past 50 years 85 states have had no female head of state and to say that in times of economic But station the gender gap we take 257 years to close according to the report there are 72 countries where women bared from opening bank account obtaining credit for. President of African Development Byrne This is an issue that's been tackling it was nice women the opportunities to access. Women. Life Yes. Life. According to the World Economic Forum it would take 95 years at the current rate to close the worldwide Jenna gap in the political representation the journey should not be that long for land today women hold more than half of them as ministerial positions and more than 60 percent of the seats in parliament for over 7 Supreme Court judges are women as we feel when you lose ground. The coalition effort but one opposition parties has lost its bid to have some goods out of the country's recent general election overturned the opposition coalition had argued in court that there were irregularities in the conduct of the Oktober election which the ruling on a Democratic Party won the coalition is considering an up. Heal from abroad but the one or more can the see do bear the ports the opposition Qualis in under an eye for Democratic Change u.t.c. Had asked the court to nullify results in 16 parliament adequacy trances but one at Democratic Party one Dr my 23 general Lucian making 58 of the 57 National Assembly seats why the u.t.c. Quote 15 smaller opposition parties won the remaining seats but u.t.c. Refused to accept the results citing irregularities including allegations of top avoiding by b d p support as however I district the High Court in how we really wrote the petitions challenging the results were not properly failed it was a split decision with 23 judges ruling in favor of the b.g.p. Justice Mysie I want to say that the petitions were dismissed due to a technicality if they did not comply with certain regulations where f.a.a. Is not time limited in prosecuting prosecuting acts in proceeding in the ordinary. Day there is a question in respect because of bringing back to our processes have to be completed and if you see him run the benefit of the one who believe. That the 5. Best respond back to Justice Michael liberal I due to the very detail of the opposition's claims should have been tested to through a trail. That I thought. Was going. To. U.t.c. Vice president demands I wish and I'm suggesting analyzing this it's really with a view to act in a. Piano was a seat by dismissing the party seems to technicality without going to train reporting tonight commission an opportunity to know the truth but b.p. . Welcome to drilling in cd trust key that these complaints went for any pity. This is going to see how many ports on a. Basketball originated in the u.s. But increasingly it's a game Africa and Mike of the world has come to love since 2010 the u.s. National Basketball Association has been developed developing the basketball African league on the continent its 1st pro season starts the next in the next few months 4 years they n.b.a. Has also conducted a grassroots basketball programs for young people it's a way to develop a fan base offer team sportsmanship for kids and provide some of them with the path to a future with the game both on and off the court the new African League was in New York recently to showcase some of its data and that's where via ways Adam Phillips interviewed Dawn smite the N.B.A.'s international grassroots lead in Africa Smyth began by explaining what she loves about her job. My passion around impacting people's 1st kind of few touches with the game whether it's a player or a fan and I don't see league you know pick up a ball go outside of that what we try to do to grow the game to provide opportunities for us to play but also to continue a lot of you say get them involved but how do you get them involved and thinking especially the young ones who might otherwise be drawn Foursquare into the world of football or soccer is because here in the u.s. So we've got sort of a list of programs that are designed to fit for the region as again with so much diversity in the world you want to make sure that you're bringing it to how it fits with. The people that are in the country and so in Africa got leagues throughout Africa and so it's starting to create some competition structure for the young kids under 18 under 16 under 14 for them to. Play a kid but their school their school will join into a junior n.b.a. League and play against other schools locally we often do draw the beginning sometimes depending on the region will put it like a skills competition in there where they get to try you know 5 different scales been to take some of those skills competitions and go to their own courts and practice you know competing against yourself and when they see the competition again next year it's improved and then you know it kind of finishes at the finals so it mimics a full season so it's a great fans in the n.b.a. Games but then also to get to experience the game as a player it's very interesting. Point of view on the one hand you want. Africa it's good for business purposes market development etc These kids are losers if they don't. Wear the same time you do want to identify and develop the. Belief for the real big time would you view that you know we've got a great department that does talent identification and I think the one thing about talent is it shows along a pathway so it's not like 9 year olds that it's the time that you have to be identified you can actually be identified later developers tend to get picked up a little bit later in their pathway so you know you want to make sure there's a place for everyone to play and so they're identified and when they stop playing and if they're not identify that there are so many different places and sort of ministration or the game itself like refereeing and coaching and organizers but there are so many places for people outside of the one percent that move on to like a pro career or an n.b.a. Career I know the newly created basketball Africa is a big part of all of this for the there's a place for telling some great careers off the court Yeah great question 2 things one I think with the ball league it's obviously extremely exciting I think it creates role models for their use you thing. Leagues you know where can I go what can I do you see they can see their own pathway in their own future and it's so impactful but as we're building competition it's equally important to build coaching education and referee education and we never want the athletes to get so good that the coaches don't have the technical knowledge and don't have the education to support their development and that the referees continue to grow and we support them such that they can referee the competition so there's lots of room for everybody excited tell me what's your biggest gratification almost I mean like what is you want about me I love the different cultures coming together under the wind game so I think it's like everyone's got different languages different cultures day to day however when you bring the basketball out everyone does the same job everyone does the same shooting and so it becomes like a language of basketball a culture of basketball and so it was really cool in this position as working with the globe the world speaking and communicating and being about this one culture in the one language while embracing everybody's individuality and so like for me it's got to be one of those thing. That was mine the international grassroots lead for the National Basketball Association she spoke with believes Adam Phillips in New York. And that wraps up this edition of Pfeffer canoes tonight. In Washington for all the latest developments on the continent 247 visit our website at v.o.a. Africa dot com on behalf of our producer Bill work and you're in our in the near Joel Gill thanks for the choosing the Voice of America. I my name is Larry London tune in on January 3rd and 1500 universal for an interesting program on border crossings featuring the songs with time in the title it's the new year 2020 is here and will be playing songs from Michael Jackson ariana grande a Justin Bieber all the hits with the word time in the title c.e.o. At 1500 universal on January 3rd right here on border crossings. And. Friends we can all this into the sunny side of sports great. Right here on The Voice of America. This is Dan free Delon for v.o.a. Is sunny Young in Washington welcome to the sunny side of sports it's December 26th and I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is looking forward to the final week of 2019 before we run full tilt like a sub 2 hour marathon or into 2020 here in the United States we had a big day of basketball thanks to the schedule makers in the n.b.a. The league provided us with 5 games a number of which featured likely playoff bound teams the day started with an east coast match up between the defending n.b.a. Champion Toronto Raptors and perennial Eastern Conference challengers the Boston Celtics the Celtics used to big game from jail and Brown to defeat the Raptors and win their 4th straight game moving into 2nd place in the conference 118102. The next game featured 2 of our favorite young n.b.a. Stars here on the sunny side of sports the Philadelphia 76 ers hosted the conferences number one team the Milwaukee Bucks Now of course that's a match up between Cameroon's Joelle m.b.d. And Younus onto the composer who was born in Greece to Nigerian parents for that game we're joined by Michael Longo of the Associated Press the 76 control early and hell of a late rally for a 121 when I and when a with a box full of he was down by 3 when one of the 147 run taken a 3024 lead in a paraphrase those by Joel then bade by as much as 29 early in the 4th 6 or so Malaki close with a 9 late in the 4th quarter but felt that they got Apparently point baskets by Tobias Harrison Al Horford and b. If that he won't points have a set of 22 Chris Middleton had 31 for Milwaukee Michael Longo Philadelphia. Thanks Michel. We have we also heard from Tobias Harris of the 76 ers who lend his perspective to the when I just think that's a bus we kind of fit with them with our size and we just had some great energy to us I think you know Joel had a great energy from the start defensively we did a great job in the 1st half of them incident to Fritos and from there we just we just kind of rolled and that's Tobias Harris of the 76 ers who defeated the Milwaukee Bucks on Christmas Day Harris had 22 points and Joel Embiid had 31 for the Sixers who are in 4th place in the Eastern Conference now well earlier in the year the schedule makers might have thought this game would be a big deal but they couldn't have expected it to feature what's turned out to be the last place team in the Western Conference playing against the Houston Rockets but with the Golden State Warriors suffering an injury filled season that's what we got on Wednesday however it turned out to be the upset of the day as the Warriors received balanced scoring from their starters and surprise the rockets with 811-6104 victory chambers harden and Russell Westbrook combined for 54 points but the rockets didn't get much more from their off ounce. There were 2 more games the night cap saw the New Orleans pelican still without prospect the Psion Williamson defeat the Denver Nuggets 112-2100 However the big game of the day was the 2 Los Angeles teams the Lakers and the Clippers fighting it out in front of the home crowd at the Staples Center Mark Meyers of the Associated Press has this report the Clippers beat the Lakers 111-2106 in a marquee Christmas Day match up led by 35 points from collide Leonard the Clippers came back from being down 15 in the 2nd half Montrose Harrell added a team points and Paul George scored 7 team coach Doc Rivers on the win after the game now is just another day you know because you don't get anything for this there's no trophy or anything like that is just a win and is a win against a western conference opponent which is good the clips are now to a no head to head against the Lakers this season had 25 points to top the Lakers who have now lost 4 straight games Marc Meyers Los Angeles thanks Marc the big news out of that game however is that Le Bron James aggravated a growing injury and he may miss some time heading into the new year could be another January break is on the horizon for King James whose Lakers have struggled a bit lately after starting the season so strong Paul George of the Clippers had this appreciation for a koala nerds defense on the Lakers pair of James and Anthony Davis he has some great challenges when he was only a. Body a knew him a great presence on the broad. Some big time rebounds. You know it's no acquire going to and you know he did it. That's Paul George appreciating koala Leonard's defense along with his gift of 35 points and 12 rebounds in the Clippers win over the Lakers on Christmas I'm dnd free Del and you're listening to the sunny side of sports on the Voice of America. Speaking of games and Christmas we're joined now by Gene Parker reporter for launcher The Washington Post's video game coverage science. Welcome to the sunny side of Sports Gene good morning good to be here Dan thank you so Gene considering we're now just 24 hours removed from Christmas morning here in North America. What's your what's your favorite video game related gift from this time of year in your history mine for sure I was born in 1975 was during the original Nintendo Entertainment System and I had to look that one up I'm guessing tons of kids like me in America in the mid eighty's got it for Christmas in December 1905 how about you Oh definitely I remember my Christmas when I grew up and running one day and my dad it brought home a Super Nintendo so that you know that's the generational shift. I remember you ever your 1st and they'll ever buy 1st though you know a lot of kids are growing up and they remember their 1st and that's a cue for you know like we're all entering the states and different in different areas but you know yeah that's pretty much what happens sooner or later we'll get into that yeah that's right so so Gene I was always a huge sports fan and probably my 1st favorite sports video game from back in the old days was the the n.f.l. Game known as tech mobile I remember like checking the mail every day hoping that maybe the delivery driver had arrived and dropped off that cartridge. So for me though in the current decade I got a p.s. For a while back and started playing the fifo series of games and I really got hooked How do you any of the sports games of the last decade or so clicked for you like for example. And be a 2 k. Fan or a Madden Football Fan Yes. I do enjoy the n.b.a. Series they met and I think that the Genesis days but n.b.a. Series has always had a reputation really solid. But think about you James. What he's become on so often because he come on annually and then a lot of the games have different like Mike Griffin transaction. Methods to put more money out of players after the initial purchase Yeah my little tired of buying you know packs on fifa ultimate team to try to hopefully unwrap a player who is you know going to be a star player and help my ultimate team go you know higher and higher in the upper echelons of the Ultimate Team universe but for me it it really has been an allure the ultimate team section of really getting to know the players and getting deeper into the sport of soccer. And that's been helpful hosting this show which is an international sports show where you have to know about the European players and the African players and the North American players from the smaller leagues so it's really been great for me. How do you think how valuable has has like virtual sports the video game World of major sports been to cultivate the next generation of sports fans who might not have been watching sports on t.v. Or watching sports in the stadium but they get really into it on their console. Yeah I think. You know it makes sports a lot more accessible you know. You know there's only one really great way to learn the rules and that's play the game and sometimes just playing the big the video game. Can help you learn so you know it helps you enrich your experience as a fan you know like I remember. When I was a kid I was like bulls and ball like a video game and I kept playing the Chicago Bulls those high you know because I grew up in the ninety's you know that's that's bull there right yeah that's a big theme of that era for sure exactly so you know yeah so to that I will remember that it would image makes parents you know what I don't know I never knew the whole time but soccer and the way actually the game and then suddenly I was able to finally catch up on the World Cup and understand and process everything that's going on so yeah it's it's it's educational tool it's a cultural tool right yeah you know speaking of that I was considering the games of the last 5 years or so that have become kind of a phenomenon in a way they're not specifically about sports but they have trickled into the culture so for example I remember a lot of the conversation about pokémon go when it came out in 2016 that just had people getting out and walking around more to one town characters you know there was a lot of stories about people getting into accidents but it probably made video game players a little bit more healthy because they were out walking around and also for tonight we saw some dance moves from fortnight uses goal some celebrations in the recent World Cup Games and European soccer matches what does that say about the way these games have become so present in our lives that we see them you know replicated on t.v. Screens when we're watching games on Saturdays and Sundays. Look I seen it all the time and every time I think about launcher every time I thought about monster in the Washington Post and why become a video game this is my personal life and I personally think that video games are technically the rock n roll of our era you know rock and roll back in the sixty's was something that. They don't understand the kids only knew them and they really loved that they had their own personalities and started to be wanting to latch on to and grow up to be nowadays you know video games are now like the out rock albums of today and the people they want to be the want to be sports players they want to be You Tube influencers they want to be a twitch. You know kids these days they don't get form together together and I know because I did put together a band when I was a high you know high school yeah but if the kids these days get on do that they would rather get a webcam rather get some good software divide is set up a good studio at home so they can start streaming a video game playing from their bedroom and they can earn money that way and they can they can push themselves into a sing kind of celebrity that they feel comfortable with yeah it's kind of hard to believe that you know something that I was doing for fun and in the mid eighty's now could actually become a career path for people but it is very interesting to see the evolution of sports as. A career path Yeah yeah so we're joined by we're joined by Gene park from the Washington Post he's a writer for The Post site called Monterey the cover of video games and Jeanne I started our conversation talking about how I got my 1st antenna system for Christmas in 1985 and here it is it's Christmas 2019 and we're one year away I think from the launch of the to next big consuls from Sony and Microsoft So what do you know about them and for us sports fans how do you think the new technology will influence the next generation of sports video games. Well so we are expecting the next generation of console Play Station 5 surprising them I know and the x. Box series. You know but the next x. Box what we know about the systems is basically they're going to be pretty much around the top end of P.C.'s in terms of a graphical power. And the thing with the x. Box and with Playstation you're going to see a lot of experimentation with streaming both companies are heavily invested as is Google now into streaming video games the concept of playing a video game like you would watching youtube video just off your browser but you could use this to play off your computer or your phone everything. So. That's kind of where the industry is kind of moving towards open open really excessive goals like streaming environment that requires like a heavier and net but I think a lot of people are going to have to like you know sooner or later with it we're going to have to catch up I mean what does it mean for sports is that it just it would just make things even more accessible you know look at how previous 45. A fortnight itself has become kind of a social platform it's kind of replacing Facebook for kids. So you know which would more games coming out allow why connectivity. You know people kids adults are just going to be able to live in these different Metaverse is likely anywhere to go with their phone with their computer with their consulate so it'll make it a more immersive experience overall whether we're talking about a sports game or a fantasy game or whatever you have an opportunity to engage will be even a little bit deeper than we're currently seeing today yeah I mean what's that's all to you know that's an interesting question sledge you want to pull up next on the play for tonight and I can write that with that what that would have been for so many other games Oh well that's that's cool I'm looking forward to it fast forward 12 months and we'll see how things go Gene thank you very much we're joined by Gene park from the Washington Post launcher site video game coverage site Jeanne thanks so much for taking some time out of your day during this holiday week on the sunny side of sports No problem thanks so much and Happy Holidays Thanks again Jane thank you so now we're joined by Jim Stephenson the producer of the game room pod cast who has this wrap up on what's going on with the World Anti-Doping Agency's ongoing conversations about sanctions on the Russian Olympic team and some of the other top stories of the year in World Soccer gyms 5 cast can be found every week at v.o.a. News dot com Welcome to the show Jim. Russia's Olympic Committee is to appeal a decision by the World Anti-Doping Agency to ban its athletes from competing in the Tokyo games you know this goes. On I am confirming that Russia that we should participate at the Olympic Games in Tokyo who is part of the team formed by the Russian Olympic Committee as it's written in the on the big charter we will do everything that the pains of us to let our athletes compete at the games in Tokyo and to the colors of the Russian play. Stanislaw was not caught president of the Russian Olympic executive committee claimed what a sanctions against Russia violated the Olympic charter it wouldn't in your book but English you object if you sat it decides not to agree where the water sanctions the Russian Olympic Committee will participate in this appeal process as the 3rd party because of the a live picture writers violations we've selected more years that will represent our interests and that is a. Lot of ruled in December that Russia had manipulated doping laboratory data to cover up past offenses it handed Russia a 4 year ban from all major sporting events for doping irregularities both nad called maintains Russian athletes should be able to compete under their national flag. Despite the pressure coming from the situation with water we're working hard to ensure the most comfortable conditions for our electric Adelaide story in the preparation for the Olympic Games in Tokyo and at the games themselves. Depending on the timing and outcome of the appeal process Russia's 4 year ban may cover the 2024 Paris Olympics instead of the upcoming Tokyo games. 2019 was filled with many sports memories some you may. Recall some you may have missed in football or soccer Aaron Ramsey made a move away from the English Premier League at the end of the 20192020 season the Welshman signed for your bench use in the January transfer window as a free agent and he becomes the highest earning British player ever based on base salary of more than a half $1000000.00 in their $11.00. Of the inventors from was interesting I couldn't refuse that so. Now it's. A great one of the think it's in the world. On top of the opportunity to come. To play for the. Suns and dream to come and play on the top level. But the Manchester United Club controversial manager Jose Marino was out in March succeeded by all a good are sold stare and you know when people get a new job in the face of them on the moon trying to moan or plea for money. Thoughts more and to need them to anyone this is in my. Belief all the time. Maybe a name Greene who. Always come to. My mind. When. You come up on the roof of. The Manchester City beat Watford 6 to nothing in the f.a. Cup Final at Wembley stadium and may they become the 1st men's team in England to appreciate the development has seen the steps we've made for them as well it's great. For the players knew they were very much. Why. People need to sort of most of us so maybe it's so much to us. It's the governing body for English football referee Professional Game Match Officials limited spent the early season conducting live and non live testing of technology allowing referees to double check goals penalty calls straight red cards and mistaken identity the ultimate decision on calls remains with the on field referee but decision accuracy has risen from 84 percent to 87 percent according to Mike Riley former English Premier League referee this is. Being used around the world in money to save and as we all experience more of it we also have discussions . Like t.v. News and how to embrace him for the benefit of the. Spanish football great Ferdinando Torres announced his retirement in June saying he wanted to stop off the field before he reached a point in his career when he could no longer play to the level he expects from himself. Time to live in the I think I should. On like in the time that I was going to perform live and not by the money so. Far on my bone one through our right. To the kind the bang going to be time I know this going into one. And before the Hopkins told no one in my body of music and way more than you think especially mentally. Not far and I want. To finish my career you know with way before the carbons. A statue of David Beckham was unveiled in March outside l.a. Galaxy stadium in California and with good reason the Englishman a wired up a Major League Soccer Club in 2007 and spent 6 seasons there scoring 18 goals in all competitions some rounds me when I 1st joined the galaxy and with so much about that you know so many times it's amounts to saying one day you're going and I was left on the plate and the other just Longleat you know nothing very polite about it but you know it's a pain in the night celebrating people. On burned down. And that's David Beckham talking about his impact on the l.a. Galaxy thanks for our colleague Jim Stephenson to the work that he did putting that together for this week's show before we wrap up today a show I just want to mention some news that was trickling out in the sports world here in the u.s. On Christmas Day sad news about Edward Ashoka 34 year old reporter for e.s.p.n. Who mostly covered college football passed away on Tuesday after an illness so our thoughts go out to his friends and family that wraps up the December 26th edition of the sunny side of sports thanks to Voice of America producer Bill work and your thanks also to v.o.a. Engineer Joe Gill and thank you for tuning in I'm Dan free Del in for v.o.a. Is sunny Young in Washington and that's the sunny side of sports. Hello Douglas simple the host of Below is a reporter's roundtable joining us hypnotized as we've discussed until a ton of the time talk bits and you think I have a plan Obama from John understand it but just to discuss the topic of time with people I think of time music talk that's what I want a waiver of 75 to you to see right here on v.o.a. Africa. I my name is Larry London tune in on January 3rd and 1500 universal for an interesting program on border crossing speech during the songs with time in the title it's the new year 2020 is here and will be playing songs from Michael Jackson ariana grande a Justin Bieber all the hits with the word time in the title c.e.o. At 1500 universal on January 3rd right here on board across. Sings. Hello uppercut I'm James about to close the deal with daybreak I forgot. When news breaks for guys and they have bring you the news as it copies listen to daybreak Africa Monday through Friday at 3 hole by and 6 Alice u.t.c. And went to 5 minutes newscast come to you at the top of each hour of the Africa your trust a source of information. The Voice of America's global news program international edition brings you an in-depth look at the biggest news stories of the day nobody covers the world more comprehensively than being away our correspondents gather the news and the viewers the most seasoned experts on international issues tonight Monday through Friday at 330-1705 u.t.c. On The Voice of America. This is some Internet. Research is led by Binghamton University and the New York state is reporting that they have discovered the remains of the oldest forest in earth's history the scientists say their discovery provides evidence that the transition from ancient to modern forests began earlier than thought but the research team found while going through agency oil near Cairo New York where the remnants of an extensive root system of 385000000 year old trees this discovery is said to predate the fossil forest at nearby Gill Bowen New York which formerly held the title of world's oldest forest the researchers say they found 3 different tree species within the ancient widespread root system while sea varying plants that in the merge until some 10000000 years later the trees forming the age at root system tied qualities similar to modern seed plants I need be a ways Rick pencil a. It brings you the best in African music on the African Beat African beach showcases the latest on the great discipline temporary African music from music to people from the play book to sequenced apps for free to build on Macor subsequent to the African Beat on the Wii or a Haas the door and it's happening right here Mondays through Fridays up don't mind all 5 and 25 u.t.c. And right after of the international news. Hello this is Peter Clottey host of Nightline Africa. Please join us after such a b. And Sunday at 16 and 18 hours u.t.c. . Nightline offer guys viewers off because we can show the news features and to tame an illusion about Africa and the world. And you will be glad you did I guarantee. C.l.a. Learning English is available on line and in English v.o.a. News dot com Check out our programs such as Let's learn English English in a minute every day grammar and many more. Ways in learning English your reliable source for learning English. News happens around the clock and v.o.a. Brings you the latest at the top of each hour tune in for a summary of the news. At the top of each hour around the clock on the Voice of America hourly newscasts on the radio and on the Internet at v.o.a. News dot com v.o.a. a Leader in news coverage says. This is video a News I'm Jim for telling members of Israel's ruling the coup party went to the polls Thursday to choose a new party leader despite 3 corruption indictments against him Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to defeat challenger Gideon sour Linda Gradstein reports for be away from Jerusalem 53 year old gay don't SARS a popular Likud Party member of parliament and former cabinet minister he is seen as more hardline than Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but more restrained Sar is married to one of Israel's best known t.v. News anchors recently sorry said he is challenging Tanya predicting a better chance of forming a majority government turnout was low partly because of a winter storm sweeping through Israel most analysts expect Natanya who is still popular in the party to prevail even if Natanya who prevails as expected it's not clear if he will win the 2020 general election Linda Gradstein for v.o.a. News Jerusalem disaster officials in the Philippines say a typhoon that hit the central part of the country on Christmas Day killed at least 13 people the typhoon brought sustained winds of at least 120 kilometers per hour tens of thousands of people evacuated their homes with many turning to improvise shelters and schools gyms and government buildings. Riot police stormed shopping malls for a 3rd day of Christmas protests in Hong Kong on Thursday and detained a number of people after masked protesters roamed through shops but during this holiday streets and malls and shopping districts are filled with tension after police fired tear gas rubber bullets and pepper spray at protesters and beat and arrested many of them u.s. Stock indexes are up with the Nasdaq and the s. And p. $500.00 at record highs in the day trading for more on any of today's top news please go to v.o.a. News dot com This is v.o.a. News a tragedy in Turkey today where a boat filled with migrants sank Reuters him or McCarthy has more 7 people have died and 64 had to be rescued when a boat carrying migrants from Pakistan Bangladesh and Afghanistan sank in eastern Turkey is like Dan Rather the accident happened at around 3 am on Thursday the like is near the border with Iran when migrants regularly cross into Turkey heading west towards you already it was not clear why the migrants were on the boats in like van which is completely within Turkey's borders 5 people were found dead at the same and 2 died in hospital according to the governor's office the 64 people risk youth which taken to nearby hospitals in the shelters search operations are continuing that is Reuters emo McCarthy reporting the United Nations says the war in Afghanistan has caused more than 100000 civilian casualties it is urging all sides to take genuine and concrete steps to end the 1000 year old.


Transcripts for BBC Radio 5 Live BBC Radio 5 Live 20191218 190000

Champions Manchester City in the course the final of the carabao Kopassus 745 kick off and our correspondent John Murray and for my City midfielder Michael Brown there for us tonight good evening Jed said hello I could tell you by the way whether it's close again at all because our stadium you've probably heard the weather forecast today strengthening winds. And they've arrived here so it is quite a stormy night of the Raiders swirling around the inside of the 3 stands to say that there's not a lot of shelter there is there my memory serves me correctly one is the stands behind the goal is a stand it's a car park let's look at not just down to our left on side there's no stand look at right over the the center of the car is it going to be a level of down just to be for myself and John the weather would know when that would look to. Well it doesn't get any better does it for Oxford United to try and at least have a little bit of an advantage when it comes to the weather I was thinking if Kevin deployed is in the system so it's not if he scores a goal like that 1st one at the weekend against Arsenal I don't know where it's going to end up probably landed in nearby failed if he hits it the hogs and the only listen we know a pet doesn't have any qualms about deploying big names. Opposition is a competition that it does take very very seriously by their records and so with that same Does that reflect against the Knights Yeah you're right he almost always puts out quite a strong team because they've got such a good squad and there is no coming to protest for the worry about tonight he's not involved in the 18. Changes from the tree that started last Sunday so the 3 players who remain. Rotary and still photos who will be starting a 3rd consecutive matching different competitions a ring of truth the Manchester City team 1st of all Claudio proper a goal at the back comes Garcia hall. Dallas and Angelina in midfield Rhodri with Fulton. And Maurice Sterling and cinching Cole and I would suspect that probably all is named as well of the French. And the. Burnaby and. You would think that he would believe that that would be a strong team whatever the cold visions here or whatever side that oxygen I to try to reach the semifinals yet again and just to mention Oxford as well for changes color Robinson's made the full changes he's made whole Sykes Seno and cattle all of the substitutes bench back east and. Glaum that come into the style run through the teams in full later I say that on any 3 man says he plays remain from the weight and there is 3 out. And 5 and those that come in a clearly impressive it is quite some line up isn't it Michael how do you think that is also plays against the Phalanx Well I think they'll be fairly straight away that they have got a game on their hands if I was playing for Oxford United you'd want to see some of the faces you won't want to see a complete change a team of youngsters they day of you know they look forward to destroy all the families come in and when you see the likes of him and lead in the line for the now that's what they want to say they want to test themselves call Robinson is the manager he doesn't know if he wants to see what his team can do he's made a couple of changes because he's got a league campaign he saw concentrating on but he's no stranger to the type of nights he's had successful coach runs against Premiership sides 4 times already in his career scoring fall goals you. Can picture looks the conditions a little bit difficult but it's just a fabulous occasion for Should United States to be live on t.v. Broadcast all around the world and for these players that's what you want to play a game the funny thing is though about it it's been a strange sort of buildup to the game since Rick. Here to the stadium because. Various reports that were doing the rounds over the course of the last 3 or 4 hours that that McCallum was on his way to Austin as you can imagine when the team coach pulls up. Television cameras photographers are that we would have been in the tunnel actually here at the stadium. There were 2 camera crews wait and see whether our walk took the trouble any ace here. Is here so there was no diversion off down the m 40 but also I think what's an interesting part of this is . A sense as slight change in that it clearly seems to be some irritation now and quite clear ha should provide what we're hearing from the Manchester City. Consternation about the fact that there has been no contact at the highest level and this is a this is when the teams played each other at the week a time Guardiola mentioned that yesterday did reference the fact that the you know the top people in the club the decision makers were actually. Next to each other at the Emirates Stadium but they would raise that with local time. That city have a 7 figure release close attached. To Mikel Arteta who was actually just a. Down right walking onto the page to take part in the war for the Manchester City players they had a place called a fan it must be such a strange feeling for him John you know to actually stand down that Sammy said about Sasha and watching the players will he be here tomorrow where well it. Has he had talks with asphalt I'm sure there must have been with all the snow but the most of. What's really strange you just mentioned but not between the 2 clubs any so a level and that just doesn't happen it shouldn't happen these days it looks like on the evidence that we've seen over the course of. Yes that is what we're hearing it's to get today that Manchester City at the get back you'll see yeah it certainly seems that way and as you said there's going to be sorry many eyes and cameras certainly on the man. And knights and big question marks to his future potentially Well here's what Pep Guardiola has said about the situation he's made it clear he wants him to say. We would like to continue but he's not in our and we're not going to talk to mistakes day to day if he doesn't want to stay I'm a guy who likes the people given the freedom you know who would do once because they feel that is the way they want right now in this moment of my life with my family where my position professionally and to be the person so that is with a team all the time with us with the stuff with everyone he knows he knows exactly what we think about him what the clubs that have to do with kind of of course is to be incredible because we work. I think if we do well hopefully he can sing the same training with meal with us and if you decide to move I wish. For him his family and his profession the future of the business like a former City midfielder Michael Brown is longside John Murray at the stadium the save its image failed early and also meant traffic at 4 months or so united against Coach I said Good evening. How I Am i really interested get your thoughts on this this then there's no questions he's been a number 2 safety hasn't it was still full It's all nonsense a polling away now potentially becoming a number 1. 101st. It's a big move there's no question about it whether you've been schooled by. The all still job but you'll 1st job in football is. Not only opportunity it's certainly a massive opportunity but it's a huge. Huge job you know usually you cook your teeth they're in youth team football already in the lower leagues to go in as the number one a and also as it is massive That's also going in and. Is drift in an arsenal that needs an awful lot of work doing to itself make no mistake it's a huge job and to interest a man who's hasn't got the experiences is somewhat of a gamble However you know haven't spent a number of years with McCulloch I haven't seen is the students at the game a man who loves this book bullies a very intelligent man a very good football intelligent. Well you had to teach him a thing or train without doubt my. Thing is to know. Where to see what point he said. If he moves on from Manchester City and takes that little break the 1st thing you want to know the knowledge of Manchester City and is that could happen sooner rather than later are they not going to get this role are they going to consider. To be the next manager of Manchester City no. It's a natural thing for a club like Arsenal Yes it's not a few problems. Sticking so a period of time for them they've got some ability to play is just was probably not good you know I think it's a good right opportunity for him because it becomes. An adventure but where does it go I agree I mean tell me when was the last time you saw number 2 Become a number one after manager left and just walk into the role it's especially at the big clubs the big clubs look old the next big manager the next big opportunity it's barely read a number 2 which grew into taking gold but in one pass a load of might do it but there's not many there's not many others so you know Mikhail probably looking at that and thinking he may have been thinking that is probably going to go at some point. You know any relationship says it's time with us it's works its way through and you don't show the. Position wasn't going to last forever but the numerous assistant managers that is different clubs these things happen Mackell will probably look and. He may have been thinking in the back of his mind to be does want to be a manager eventually he might have to look at a lowly club or is played for brain just people may be thinking about going up and you know going to a ball club that was not considered the very top of the champions they still expect to pay so you know it's a huge jump ball it's not one he could spend down you know the stuff the stuff with the Manchester City Council you know good words about regarding your. First and last. Presidential to detail that one should always contradict you see in concert you know constantly in the old are trying to offer advice offer an opinion and I think it's time for you know to actually take that next step and if he needs to know is it going to be with Manchester City it's not that he possibly has to go look at. Me with that we see him in the air if he was to depart now what kind of impact do you think that would have on city for the rest of the season . I think I think is if. You will become a bit of an assistant to him I think will be plenty to tell you because around the . World is not necessarily all about Mikey's up there in the old guard but. He's going to be picky apparently. Want to cover the system and the such a support network infrastructure Manchester City what they may say yes they would come back Oh I certainly believe that they will encourage it all because of the past experience that you look at the people that under it it's like a stepping stone to be a 1st team manager you know this is a guy. Going to happen to to make that to so it is helping out that is be a part of Manchester City brought a personal note it's a huge step to to cut your teeth and become a manager yourself so you've never had the opportunity to wear the pub or go a little bit regarding where asked a lot for his 1st job definitely you don't that's not even taken into account I mean I'm just maybe told Talking as as if I make a lot said to myself you know you'd be welcome it's not topical Well it's been great under the protection of happily a lot of put off a lot of training sessions on a no the sessions of on a couple every decision I've run past amounted to every decision that has been made I've gone to the manager and said This is my opinion fault it's never your ultimate responsibility will now change that will now the book will start with him and that may be a big lead in 10 Big few months whether whether you'll see cut out for it whether it is something that you enjoy doing and that's before you look at the size of the task at all so we've had you know us Mbanga said so long to the club and you know I think it's fair to say that fizzled out he lost his way towards the end of his tenure as are all still drifted away from what we all expected him to begin I am or it was Bolton said to bring back the good times and you know he's a benefit at the moment the club seem to be in a West situation defensively a lot less so you know 10 into a guy who's never managed people to come and change that all around was a huge responsibility for that say listen I know Piers Morgan is the most popular passon on Slate said it was very very difficult 6 agree with what he had to say early as its weight and asked no replacing a form of play with no experience with potentially a former player with no experience as the main manager Let's bring in an Arsenal fan now south. And from c.c. Spode. Tell you that with her. Also what's your thoughts on this and we can all sit around and you chose and have our say that you are the Arsenal fans you watch them we wait out what kind of impact do you think kids have on the squad is it the man you want to see in the dark out let me be honest with you originally I was a 100 percent. Problems long programs I said to myself you know what after seeing what he's done to sit back and I did my homework and he's for so highly by the players even when he was when and doesn't just go for anyone to be his number 2 this is one of the most experienced managers of all time with everything he's won and why is he. Why is it that we speak so highly of it because there's something special today and as the days are gone on I've actually warm to the idea that this man could actually help us in the long term he's obviously not going to cost the club a lot of money he's probably not going to have. A lot you would have and that probably is what we need at the moment sitter and where we are I guess he's on the bench would say see on the weekend that he would have seen firsthand just the sort of stay Arsenal are inflationary questions over what he's getting in South n.c.a.a. . But there are these question marks show that he only has been paps Number 2 he's never had set himself on Friday Limbaugh he's made no secret of the fact that he's not really given a proper backroom staff So are there concerns with that what his team would look like if he is he wasn't charging us now what would you like to say I'm sorry but when you have someone that's worked out of the best and they've been able to achieve. Being since you're a good one that many trophies you've got to give them a charge because you're just looking at everybody is all the praise because he is the ultimate The manager right. There is someone who's run. Today had to be someone who's improving Prez not someone who's improving I'm making sure that Kevin the brain is stays at the level and if those players respect him I'm sorry you have to be looking at. This serious serious far as I'm concerned given the chance. Why not. Think things move so fast and there for a 2nd that you forgot who Emery was we could tell. Someone about the day. Or night job a different joining us tonight we are building up to the a.f.l. Cup quarter finals we will commentary from Oxford United against Manchester City as well as Manchester United against United available on sports extra We've also got uptake from an Premier League fixture Everton facing less to say see will get us in Park shortly but for any Liverpool fans listening you can breathe a sigh of relief there has been a late winner scored in that in that game in the Club World Cup so it won't be going to extra time Liverpool are through to the final against Flamengo and it was for me you know the save the day the woman it's into extra time so lift pull through to the final of the Club World Cup and plenty of other action going on this evening as well we're going to the starting line up from the other 2 Cup quarter finals in a moment the boss lineup playing round Madrid in the league did kick off a 7 close evening John Bennett from the B.B.C.'s World Service is that John is a fiction and needs no extra hype but virtually nothing separating these 2 sides in the league at the moment and it is the last of the decade what is the latest has been an open game so far falso on. Nil Real Madrid know after 22 minutes and round trip actually have been on top in the last 5 or so minutes customarily how to head a saved off the line and they get is annoyed with a v.a.r. In Spain as we do in England we've had some controversy already there was a corner not synced right after that the header from Kasimir on it looked as though racquets it was holding on to ruff overruns sure but they are not interested for some reason so it still Barcelona nil remet Madrid nil and so interesting to me football Sloan and no Sergio Busquets he's on the bench and for a moment trades Gareth Bale starts and he's having a decent game so far all Madrid on top Yeah in person now this match I think is probably as much about the new crop of stars as the big names of Messi as we are Frankie young the boss Laina and found that if for right now you've got the experience still have you know Messi Suarez and p.k. And crows and Ramos and Benzema but you're right to pick out those 2 Dion as his 1st. But the starting to build that same around him now of course Messi is the my mom but do Young has come in and done so well he's played the most minutes apart from p.k. This season and Federico velvet as a star in the making he's playing ahead of Luke a moderate who is on the bench but this has been one of the most anticipated sicko's in years because they lost some 35 points at the top of the league that's hard in history and $72.00 wins each Messi has got 12 goals in the league abends the most got 12 goals and in La Liga so at the moment they can't be separated and that's why it's been such an exciting game to watch so far and I wanted to get a mate away for as well I think it's more like 500 yeah you should have been played in the 1st place yeah should reply 55 days ago civil unrest in Barcelona due to the protests about Catalonian independence and ahead of the game there were protests outside the grounds of the worst of fears that perhaps the kickoff would be delayed but luckily it's all gone ahead so been peaceful and see a constraint on the football at the moment. Well hopefully it is worth the wait John Bennett thank you add back to League Cup action Also at 745 the saving is evident against Lester Duncan Ferguson still in charge for the time being he has said he was going to sin to be a bear pits tonight which actually sounds a bit p.j. And for Duncan fags and Joan is there for us yeah huge night for both clubs is near as you said could be Duncan Ferguson's last game in charge of Everton a steward said to be on the way in a few seem to be seeing Cowell the role talking apologies to all Scouts is for the accent but they're all talking about color on Chelsea here he's been heavily tips of course to take over as manager I'll keep an eye on the director's ball box in front of me to see whether he shows up and if he does it along with everyone else associated with this club will be desperate but I 1st piece of silverware since 1995 less than the favorites of course of any last twice all season Brendan Rodgers returning to Merseyside haven't made a semifinal actually since 2000 and they've only made 3 changes tonight to the team that drew against Norwich at the weekend Morgan comes in for so you can wear in the captain's armband overwriting for team and he's not in the squad so he gets a rest and Perez is aimed but I'm just one in force change for ever tonight going strong to Dean is injured and pains comes in and it will be full for 2 again a big chunk going to bring back in the form Abbott's in midfield and the announcement he's out traffic for Manchester United's game against culture and as we mentioned John was saying about the sale I think very much being the number one target but there's just no denying it is that Duncan Ferguson has bought back this Phil did fact it's a good as it has been a. Absolutely you know with talking about. A group of players and there's a whole club really that was just. Adrift really not really expecting to get results always been disappointed that fair to say that the management of Balco Silverbridge. Had run its course and you know the decision was finally made don't kid was put in charge and says if you just reminded everyone it meant to be to be inevitable you know what it meant to represent the ship play and play it for Everton and you know I don't think he's done an awful lot tactically maybe you know God to walk from but other than that he's just asked them to be honest work hard and how much it's brought What's the next me thing what's your opinion do you think and when I see is the best option. The time will tell I mean you know you're talking about a man who says to see real Tropi when a so you know as it is record speaks for itself is he not you see there I see it everything that I think you know the Pedigrees there isn't it I just think there are question marks over whether the way that big downs are seen in the can he really have the same facts. But we. It's easy to say yes he's a top manager it caught way to get him in but it still manages actually come to the door you just don't know how they're going to operate Yes everybody is say and he usually only operates with the best players in the world I spoke to numerous former players of his that say he just tactically wasn't on the training ground every day just made sure that every player was playing to his ultimate potential and that is the sign of a good manager so that will always improve teams that will always make them better no matter what level of no matter what level of players you are playing with that will make improvements and you know you can't question the the ambition of the owners isn't isn't there they're trying to get the best possible man the trying to get a man who's going to stay in the club to win trophies. And that does seem to be at the forefront David Moyes his name hasn't quite gone away what's the take on that would he be a good choice said for a while I'm a fan of David Moyes haven't worked with him. For so long as a player as you know he's basically a very experienced. Comparison but what would get. Right now David Moyes would know how to get chewed out of the players he knows what. The fans expect of the players and you know that's exactly what Duncan Ferguson is doing at the moment so you know it's a little bit open the air at the moment. He's expected to be named in the next few days but hasn't quite materialized yet I am not exactly sure what's going on so you know I think with the evidence in the story it's still a bit of watch this space let's talk about the game you can be watching tonight sallied sees are at Old Trafford a recent blaring out of Christmas homes by the sounds of it as they take on Manchester United Khana McNamara will be next Connor and take us through this Manchester United side so now you have the seniors and all he has made a point he likes to take his competition serious things that is the team reflect that yeah I mean there are changes there are always going to be just united who came from behind to draw against Everton here on Sunday it is 7 changes to the ide but it's not a case of bringing in all the youngsters I mean most of those who come in are very experienced Rushford and Marcial still start up proper America goals young Nottage Pereira matter you know these are pickers who you know you would not look at a place starting in the Premier League the 2 youngsters Greenwood I too would say who have been very impressive but lately as well so it is a strong not just United team of the program to go to make reference to 2006 when I just United won the league called and it was the 1st time Wayne Rooney and Chrissie out of an elbow ever won a trophy and they were obviously to go on and win many more and he says that's the sort of springboard he wanted to be for the current crop of Manchester United players tonight coaches are probably too already tuned to Premier League scalps on their way to this quarter final to huge deal for them they never played at Old Trafford before against by just united they make 2 changes for their 22 draw at Scunthorpe on Saturday Tom Lapsley comes into the midfield Calum Harriet will commit to run by the right wing We reckon it could be a front 3 but I guess realistic. We would have to pack that midfielder could be more of a void midfield but I've been knocked out Palace have been knocked out top them you can't rule out Colchester to yeah they're certainly going to be out for on the am I train up to Manchester softening that's about May Day and it was packed how with a crowd system fans that we're looking to make a day of it and Les on as a player that what's it like getting yourself out that he's got is when you're playing in a Premier League side against opposition because you know for a fact the likes of said they are going to be sorry for the licking their lips an opportunity like this and that's the Saudis as a Premier League player really is professional pride that you get playing for but how much of a challenge can it be for at. Tonight shouldn't be a challenge at all we're talking about the quarter final of a of a competition Manchester United really want to win so you know it shouldn't be any kind of issue tonight especially with the changes always made to these players that are common in a certainly want to start to stake a claim to more in the Premier League but you know in general when you're talking about playing lower league opposition Yes it's it can be a touch difficult because you know it's it's the game of their lives their common sense to give everything leave nothing leave nothing out there on the field so you have to much them physically you have to match them with your effort and if you do that normally your quality will show through but shouldn't be any kind of problem tonight to get up for a quarter final of a Cup How do you fancy coach I said for this one can i did raise the point that I have no doubt spurs on penalties think this might be set to follow for them I think . You know I'm hoping that they put a good show and I hope it's a close game and and they come away how people ultimately you know you'd expect but yes you know it's progressing as I said it's it's a competition the only really wants to take seriously he'll have drilled this into his players made them realize how close they are to to a semifinal in this competition and you know conscious and they run them close they may have one of those nights but. I do feel it does have to be a special mark for them also when they don't judge Crystal Palace that one was a penalty says well it could be done the whole could be to be the best to the noise here the 3rd will be the game plan and thank you kind of out tomorrow and Leona those men who. Did for us and there is commentary of that game he can listen to on sports extra behavior on 5 Live you'll be able to hit the course of final between. And Manchester and Michael Brown live from the stadium with the updates from Everton against left to say see in the course of final I just remind you if you are just joining us live Did I ever come on to a late late on from a no with the winner an extra in added time in that game say Liverpool through to the final of the club wealth Cup We're also going to be jumping in to Hans against Celtic in the Scottish Premiership so let's see it's come 5 live Sport but now it's time for the news wouldn't have. Gone digital b.b.c. Said must be gone but this is b.b.c. Radio 5 the Us House of Representatives is the base in whether to impeach Donald Trump it would make him only the Served serving president of face trial Democrats accuse him of a piece of power. Political leaders are under pressure to restore devolved government of the $15000.00 nurses took strike action of a pay and safety the Northern Ireland circuitry Julian Smith is planning a health summit at Stormont tomorrow $16.00 men including a West Yorkshire Police officer been charged with historical sex offenses against children in Halifax all the allegations relate to 3 girls aged between 13 and 16 from 2006 to 2009 and a 19 year old man has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 21 years for murdering Jayden Moody in East London the 14 year old was knocked off a moped and stabbed repeatedly by a gang including much too late this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound small speak. It's pretty busy of a Stilton ice sauna in Essex only a mile of the northbound is a line closed in curing traffic for 5 miles because of a broken down vehicle from Junction a stance that 10 ducks would on the m 4 a span 2 lines are closed in the wrong long delays g.t. Recovery work after a crash that at 3 lawyers and 2 cars involved us between 5 to Langley to the entry 5 turn off travel time we're told is around 40 minutes and in Greater Manchester on the m 60 clockwise has been a crash between junction 19 a 3 arrows roundabout to junction 20 high a block like congestion to 16 Pendlebury also causing delays of 55 minutes on the m $66.00 and failed to make out. Christmas Day b.b.c. 5 Live we go whole heap of big names to get through the big day on 5 Live So let us have a who's under our tree. We go Colin Marianna's James and John Robbins who are now with some special guest Peter Crouch maybe with Liam Gallagher Christiane is a pretty common me Scott Mills and Chris dog great James Jimmy Anderson and Felix white the same industry much saw with my own of course the queen of Christmas Day with Colby and a b c 5 Live in the b.b.c. Sound just in case you didn't catch all of that but in the 5 like website the full listings. From b.b.c. Sports this is my blog. Welcome back to 5 live Sport with me as soon as tonight it is the remaining 3 League Cup quarter finals Aston Villa booking their place in the semifinals last night sweeping aside that young Liverpool but who will join them well we'll have commentary from the Kasam stadium where League One Oxford United States faced Manchester City I run sports that show you'll be I would say hey coach s. United's 1st ever visit to Manchester United States and we've also had go updates from Evanson against Left says city ready to sign that joins us now from Tynecastle diary that was Celtic can extend their late at the top of the Scottish Premiership . If they beat Hearts in the new house manager Daniel stand will get off to a losing start and Saturday with a home no home defeat by one no disenchantment tricks things off the bottom and in Landstuhl Germany shock to the model answers players have become He has to perform drastic subtly tonight he's made 5 changes in attempting to do so and hope overcoming a Celtic side bidding to go 5 points clear of Rangers and they're coming. To play on the other side of the city against Hibs on Friday night only Celtic because Ron Christie vice premier Britain's playing off option it won't and hearts are to have 2 wins from 17 league games of the to lose by 4 or more tonight they would go for to 40 thank you let's go back to our common street to get a game now shall we at because some say the monks would united against Manchester City John Murray of course is going to be lots of eyes on the dark alley night out with the situation with Mikhail said that so now he is working with Pep Guardiola as it takes us through one small the 11 that size in 48 tonight's game changes from the weekend to Manchester City but it's still a strong team and it is Claudio probable. Cause hearing how would balance the 2 young central the kind you at left back row treat Folden but not all Silva. And Sterling wear as call Rhodes of the United manager has brought in full players for the weekend but chased into the midfield is fully fit again on the right hand side to pull back the youngster and along the back. Now way from the story line we've got ways on of course the game itself we should also mention the close things the oaks that have with Jim Smith he passed away awake on and is going to be a minute supposed to hand the save an egg Yes that's right quite a tribute to him tonight his face is on the front of the match programme is going to be a big mosaic and the stand behind the call to our right and I to just had a really nice tribute from Manchester City as well like so maybe one of the Manchester City great she's very closely involved with the cliffs. Came out laid a wreath actually to remember Chip Smith behind the goal and wear the No. So it's a real night to remember Chip Smith and John on that note even speaking to the oxygen 911 center Yeah I just had a chat with him about what a challenging few days also United have got a head of themselves just to sit here tonight but then at the weekend they play Wycombe Wanderers who are clearing away at the top of League One at the moment. So these are the sort of weeks that you want this game tonight and all competitions Maybe I'm really busy being very lucky and all the competition is to compete and I win a lot of games and it's going to be the case. To them all if you wish them well a great game they've got tonight because if we with a play any one of the week and we hope you'll play months if you a little show it's a win win for the team as she puts this tonight of all people on the Show Me and people behind us and Australian I think 2038 lost a bit and I don't see with the fact that the Premier League. And the publicity around the family it seems a month cities are much United Liverpool. To Chile for kids if we got on the scene where they're actually born and go to school I hope in 1000 right we can capture the emotional of that morning make sure these kids go to school is a model that they actually safe I am proud to be also unites a fund that is going to be extremely difficult to sign achieve we all know that in the no Lucian's the most important thing is the enjoy the occasion get as much as he can you know where is your club where is your team where is your squad now compared to when you played Manchester City in this competition last season would you say I think if you came here 2 months ago it's how you get in a place for weeks and I just had a week that's had all faced squad members also spend that I've been trying to be difficult over pay it's try and put it seemed together that. We are in a bit of a different way he was a we're not told many goals of Les Paul who live in the cold you want stage all the engineers came along and the next African from there was to make sure that we don't concede so we've become a lawyer. The more defensive it is that we. Will go to China. Than 20202123. Is a human fail that's 2 very very young players and sounds about. As an average age it's relatively young Over against I think just from other. But every single one of the city's squads. If you want to play the best place. To play yesterday I said. Let's hope in in many many years to. Even in the end this is a good one you're also going to have a great tribute to. The grand old man Jim. His name and the way he conducted himself it's how I think it's how we should all remember football I think. How do you people in the game and people. The people who made the game what it was for you and for. That way of doing things . The should be so many stories around the globe of. Crazy things like what he says or drives you to drink as he. Puts his feet on the desk. Or the only thing we have in common. And I would say the most important thing now is his family his dear friends you lost a great man. Left a legacy on. The. Depression even. Half as much you want him. To be for the rest of the days of watching United I'm not sure. I can bounce me no as we approach kickoff at the San Saidee I'm just a reminder you can listen to come. To man's. I see United on sports extra I will 2nd have updates from edits in against next to say see the albacore say final it's nice calibrates or Mind you if you are just joining us even among trade fairy lights on didn't see one in the club while Scott to progress to the final against for Guy 6 and what else they can bring you up face Mackoff his prime he should be sinking South it's a hot looking to extend that if I have at the top of the Scottish Premiership and now as you can probably hit with a handy to decide on stadium and. Such an ice against Manchester City Mari and Michael Brown is a bit yes thanks and I welcome everyone back to the stadium on the south side. Of the city of St I don't want to feel like whether. It's Thank you for a cup of tea. Anybody speak here you'll build on what they do the stage is completely open Sure looking out over a car park effectively and across to the the water I collect the you could be chilling if you do a lot so just take a listen to truth there you see the craziness to the Irish Well since Drake killed the child was a fantastic set of plays Oxford United plays your bedsit of both callers as well it's wide open so the word will make it difficult wish see this right it's all about much a city how they stop this at the top of the cultural of possession we got a notion to come they put City all the people it's all. Players are gathered around . Him and I look going to have a trip to. Great him and a full kill James Smith and. I'm sure you'll get a spokesman at the age of 7900. He was a but I just expect it will be 2 spells in charge or he was a director calculus cookbook set tremendously populist. And there is. Now before we have all that applause thank you for choosing to listen to b.b.c. Radio on the internet unfortunately the current program on this station is unavailable this is either due to contractual reasons or temporary technical fault please try again later thank you for choosing to listen to b.b.c. Radio on the internet unfortunately the current programme on this station is unavailable this is either due to contractual reasons or temporary technical fault please try again later thank you for choosing to listen to b.b.c. Radio on the internet unfortunately the current programme on this station is unavailable this is either due to contractual reasons or temporary technical fault please try again later thank you for choosing to listen to b.b.c. 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Transcripts for BBC Radio Merseyside BBC Radio Merseyside 20191218 180000

The pool football club sand Field Stadium a feasibility studies to be launched by the city region in the New Year as you travel chairman Liam Robinson says there are several options for the new station but one idea could be to use a freight line which currently serves the Da if we were to bring what we call the bill call branch line which is currently affright line. Into passenger use as well we want to look at a number of stations along the line wouldn't just be something in the condom field community but also but unsure places like Club law places like she broke as well so would want to look at all those options on go on a High Court judge has found that a convicted member of the Ira was involved in the Hyde Park bombing in London in 1902 in which 4 soldiers died John Downey's fingerprints were discovered on 2 parking tickets linked to a vehicle used in the attack a criminal prosecution against Downey collapsed 5 years ago but the soldiers' families later proved a civil case the Us House of Representatives is debating whether to impeach President Trump for abusing his powers and obstructing Congress if they vote in favor tonight Mr Trump would become only the 3rd presidents in history to be impeached However Republicans in the Senate are xpect into acquits him in the New Year Congressman Joe Kennedy spoke in favor of impeachment he broke our laws it's right in our security abuse the highest most sacred office in our land I want you to know that it does not feel good I can't stop thinking about the cost to our country. Not just the impeachable offenses but the collateral damage of a president who uses power like a weapon against his own people shadow foreign secretary Emily film Bree has become the 1st person to declare her candidacy to replace Jeremy Corbyn as Labor leader Tony Blair warned that the party must undergo a radical change if it wanted to win power again M.P.'s from across the northwest to being sworn into the House of Commons every single m.p. Has to take an oath of allegiance to the Queen before they can take their seat and would Timson is returning to the Commons after losing his crew and that which constituency in 2017 he's now the conservative m.p. For at his bridge replacing the former Tory m.p. Antoinette San batched who was kicked out of the party I swear by the it. Was just such. The Eves who fled with cash and jewelry after forcing their way into a house in Ellesmere Port with one of them claiming to be a police officer while he distracted the victim his accomplices ransacked the property on Thames Dale in Whitby around half past 8 last night. The proposed redevelopment of the former Park site Colliery in Newton will I was moved a step closer after some Helens council granted outline planning permission it will still need to be considered by the government and if it passes that hurdle a multi tale plan will have to be drawn up and voted upon the company behind the project hopes ultimately the scheme will create $4000.00 jobs its chairman John Downes agreements there is local opposition because park sides on dreamboat land likely the whole psychically about not just sort of the whole site. But a large part. As well as Greenbelt So we're not talking about classic Green about it but a large part it was of all the colliery the issue really is it's about jobs really for the local authority. Creating that development for the workers of the voxel comp Lanson Ellesmere Port have been sell the jobs are secure of the Persian fit cries Lee finalized that measure today the car making giant has said that none of the company's plants will close it's been welcomed by Ellesmere Port Neston m.p. Justin Mattis who's calling on the government to ensure a good deal for carmakers under the brags that trade negotiations. The singer Kenny Lynch who became one of Britain's best known black entertainers has died at the age of 81 he'd been suffering from cancer Kenny Lynch had a big hit with the song up on the roof and was later a popular contestant on television gameshows he said he got into showbiz by accident over the make I'm going to book my sister the same thing and use him as you know when you come with and sing a song or come along whether you think I could sing because I'd be too shy to say in front of anybody anyway after being on the stage for about half a quarterly So I liked it the way the rain heavy at times tonight along with strong south easterly winds tending milder overnight though temperatures down to 7 Celsius $45.00 degrees Fahrenheit cloudy with Sherry outbreaks of rain tomorrow some heavy bursts times 2 it will be much milder the high 12. 54 degrees farenheit b.b.c. Radio news. Thank you so this is James mouth but hello there we've got for you tonight exclusive. In the lead. 745. Will begin. In full from 7 o'clock tonight before keeping a very close eye on events in. The Mexican side. In the Club World Cup semifinal. International Study. The moments. After 12 minutes. Levelling up just. Through the former Everton defender Ramiro brother we are going to keep the rights of. The seamy side of course being in it was another Liverpool side the youngest side the club has failed and for a senior game he went with an Aston Villa team in their League Cup quarter final and unfortunately much more in terms of experience and know how they won the game 5 mil but rather. Shortly from a very proud under 23. Who led the team. Since. The. Champions. And European Cup Winners' Cup winners as well. Pizza rate and Graeme shot will retell the story of the decades to coincide with a new film. Close to completing their. 1st piece of transfer business for January Red Bull Salzburg Takumi mini mano is having a medical today so who is see what's he like will charge a regular watcher of Salzburg to find out more so lots to come between now and 7 o'clock before we switch to Goodison Park is ever to bid for a place in the last 4 of the League Cup. 7 minutes past 6 now 11 at the moment in Doha and if you haven't heard early clock making 5 changes for the starting 11 out there that's after the game against what for at the weekend no Virgil van Dyke tonight got illness so we've got the unlikely scene of Jordan Henderson playing at center back alongside Joe Gomez trends Alexander Arnold drops to the bench Georgina why now the injured of course Roberto from a no on the bench and Saudia Monday on the bench as well income Andy Robertson Adam Lallana Alex Chamberlain Nabby Kater and devic a Reeky who got Milner playing at right back Henderson and Gomes at center back Robertson left back midfield 3 of Chamberlain Adam Lallana and now b.k. To an up front jet and she carried. And most Salah Alison of course in goal the Liverpool bench tonight it's Lonergan Adriaan Alexander Ronald Williams Jones for meno and Manet and just to tell you about how those goals were scored the Liverpool goal coming in the 12th minute well work goal it was most sallow with reverse pass into the line of Nabby Kater who were confidently struck home from inside the penalty area but then only 2 minutes later and it's what Gagne Oh food is Mari who's the twin of the former Everton defender Ramiro he stabbed home after Alison power at a shop which came earlier from Gallardo So a pretty evenly matched contest so far will let you know exactly if there's any more. We've played around about just over just under 40 minutes sorry of that one so what will let you know if there's any developments from 745 we've got exclusive local commentary tonights of Everton against Leicester City let's go live to Goodison Park my Q.'s is our man already in position even like if it James and I think where most Everton fans saw the straw in the hat given where they were that particular Simon under Marcos silver not many fancy their chances but wind forward a couple of weeks and Everton could well go through tonight Yes And I think the thing that makes the difference even if you cite be improvements of the last couple of games it's the fact that Everton and it's home as pitiful as their away record has been for quite some considerable time and not just in the Marco silver evidence home record generally despite those defeats this season has been pretty decent it's going to be very very interesting to see what sort of Leicester City line up that Brendan Rodgers decides to put out given that at the weekend they play a match to city Everton it tames in terms of team selection of course are still Duncan Ferguson has to deal with all kinds of injury problems illness wise we don't know yet the recovery rates of guilty Sigurdsson and Gibril city b. Hopefully they can be involved and I protest at will get a clear indication maybe round about half past 6. Yes I'm very blustery where you are market in terms of the managerial situation no significant developments in the last 24 hours. No not think significant at least officially we are hearing from different sources that it's getting closer and closer with regard to the possible appointment of Carlow actually Lotty but But nothing that Everton will say and if you look at the Everton manager's position and since the vacancy arose and since at the sacking of Marco silver the top Pereira has been I think $4.00 to $1.00 on David Moyes has been gone now of course we have that Carlo actually lottery odds on so I think Everton fans would be wiser to hold their counsel and wait to see until we get something official that have to say sources in Italy as well as as in this country are suggesting that the appointment could be made before the weekend which could Ferguson put in charge with the game for the game against Arsenal and possibly the new manager color actual Aussie being appointed to take charge after that but of course it's only conjecture Everton saying anything at all about it except that they will let us know when the time is right and you're right by the way what you mention James about the about the wind it is quite windy and just just light rain but hopefully the wind can take the rain away because that we don't the pitch getting too greasy tonight my cues there are Goodison Park or be with Mike from 7 tonight. And we get the news as well when it's around about 645 maybe a little bit earlier still 11 at the moment in Doha between Liverpool and Monterrey in the Club World Cup last night in a most that Juergen clock telephoned the dressing room at Villa Park at half time to give the youngest ever seem to represent Liverpool in a senior game some words of encouragement for their League Cup quarter final they had an average age of this team of 19 years and 6 months they exit the competition after the 5 nil the free. Dean Smith the Aston Villa manager and John Terry also went into the away dressing room to speak to the Reds place to compliment them on their work rights and although 23 critically knows that they were far from disgraced Yeah it's funny you say you know congratulations after a 5 no defeat I think considering the circumstances around the game and you look at the strength of their team and their inexperience 70. 4 we give a really good account of ourselves and I am not sure we could have done much more for 5 now was slightly harsh and as I've got to be honest. The overriding feeling I have of the players is one of immense pride and I started really well crazy to go to answer we did and that's what we spoke about from the 1st whistle that you know let's take the break of putting in 5th game let's go for it you know it's enjoy the rights and I am we did done for starts again was was fantastic when we cause in one or 2 problems and you never know where the next a goal a point you know it's so to concede like we did after Bill we could see as growing confidence we spoken about against a 15 for 25 minute in the O'Neill and we were we were on our way to doing and also when you find yourself to know down to really cruel horrible deflection for the 2nd goal and Scott you had a really odd time thinking I'm not sure we deserved to be 4 nil down here and of course 2nd off week we were there again we gave everything we ran our legs a little bit was in which is understandable we were there from the 1st minute and so last minute and we cannot do much more often without the message of halftime trying win the 2nd half we feel we've spoken previous about you know the what ifs what if we can see what we are we going to react to what we're going to do and for 2nd half again we had long periods where we had controlled possession they money's the game a little bit obviously senior players when the phone a lot they did it extremely well for the conduct of the Aston Villa players with. And I was 1st class as well the way they looked after us so. We never went in the night to end to be on the 57 percent possession you had in the game which is the Liverpool ways and yeah that's what you have been caught I'm sure pleased about have you heard from him by the way yeah that was his message he was before the game come play like Liverpool come play our way it was good bad or indifferent and. We played like a little team and I think he gave us a message time to keep doing what we're doing Be brave. I think him self in the stuff what you know games and I will be incredibly proud of those young players in the way they represent in the club and finally some people might say it's a little bit unfair that you have to play against an experienced Villa side even though they may change but those lines we have to play in a game like yeah not for us not for us of the were the beneficiaries of the success of the 1st team. To Asians and so we function for what it is we've got a very special night and say we didn't want it we didn't want that so and the players didn't want to and for us to get that level of support that we got so I from the support was just. A lot of feeling I was at the end of the game you see so many support Steyn to applaud after a 5 you know defeat that was a real real special moment and shows what a special football club this is a very proud meal Critchley they're normally in charge of the under $23.00 last night in charge of the Liverpool 1st team in quotes after their 5 nil to fate in the League Cup quarter final against Aston Villa if you watched it. And listened to it here on b.b.c. Radio Murphy site you will know that in the 1st couple of minutes Liverpool are some outstanding opportunities it could have been a different story if one of the taken some of those opportunities but in the end Aston Villa with a bit of luck has to resign. Right now to even eventual winners still won one of the moments in the club well cup half time house. Just got actually in Liverpool won a one in the liver poll in the World Cup Sorry semifinal. B.b.c. Radio travelled all of it of a tongue twister on the way going to be looking back at Everton back in the 19 eighties and full exclusive. Of Everton against Leicester City 1st of all with the latest is Simon James. Who wants to busy areas south of the Rocky Flava quite heavy on Queens drives or Germany quite busy through evidence and through what Walton certainly the Liverpool Walton side of switch on and plenty of traffic both tunnels on the move is quite busy at the Wallasey end of King's way so the approach coming from the m 53 May be a little bit heavy mostly gateway seems to be doing fine it's been busy around the goal with the road works on Northway Liverpool Road South we do have one additional problem on the world thing wall we have next in 3 vehicles and a supermarket and what Church Road place is to the scene so it's on the road not completely open yet so expect to find some delays there it's heavy just outside of Chester this is on the which road the main a 40 Wall on Crystal's and Waverton direction coming way from the bypass very busy because the road works at a roadside on the wood Church Road looking the most heavy here and there actually I'm 53 North Ellesmere Port the m 56 heading west people run cone Junction 12 of the wave of violence always a Hell's been Chester's services education for looking quite slug so also busy this side of Warrington on the m 62 combat tours Liverpool of St slaughter early problems from Croft 10 certainly up to about Burton wood road at Junction 8 most are doing fine no anything else to add just give me a cold I want 517-140-9537 James b.b.c. Readiness he saw a travel test for thoughtful b.b.c. Radio mare's he saw it. And this is Jay's mouth for good evening a little bit later on by the way Liverpool fans you may have heard of the impending arrival according to reports anyway. Mina may know he's having a medical today Red Bull Salzburg winger actually scored against Liverpool at Anfield in the Champions League game that 7 goal thriller which Liverpool won 43 back in October will talk to a regular watch of sorts but just after quarter to 7 1st of all the time to wind the clock back for Everton to the 1980s to time champions f.a. Cup winners and European Cup Winners' Cup winners as well Derek mouthfeel played a massive part for Everton success in the mid eighties he stood on the glass as straight as a found he rose through the Goodison ranks pretty quickly after he was signed from Tranmere he's been reliving those golden days as portrayed in the Everton Howard's wife film and he's been in conversation with him Kennedy it was a long time ago. But it doesn't have a sense because the consul in mind about it the founder let's forget those who are in the age of 5 languages with York which we don't mean very often books and I see the pictures around but it's it seems strange that it's there is 5 years ago and we're still getting loaded u.-r. Do and I still find that quite strange but no it's a long time ago but it's still very fundamental with some players don't really look back on their career until sort of much later in their life and others look at the D.V.D.'s and match programs where do you a new one for looking back on for you bits and pieces to be honest I'm not really no because when we did the bit for the way for the film Rob Froman spoke to me instead of the box in a law from religion and he came up and he said you've got a treasure chest of goodies and he added No had all the authors of a hat I know have said and I'll just go put the finest of the dead by go into the loft he was going oh oh what you got to put it only imagine that and it was quite strange that I read it I got more than I thought and I know there's more stuff with other people sure as well. But it's not thinking as in it's a. Wow It's just pictures it's programs it's d.v.d. On so it's could break records and and cassettes so it's hard to know how to organise a surprise but if I'm not I hope I've helped Rob show what we did get as why is that and since then I'm now moving now so I found even more stuff they did know I had so I've got more brown not I don't look back in Korea with week after week you know I look I mean people want to talk about it and I'm a people say What about not jam on Joan Oh yeah I remember now you talk about look I don't actively look back a bit as I did a much European Cup was caught on after 20 years later you know so that's how much I watch football and look back at the time but whatever to do the evidence rounds and even the general public for them that seems so well you know so you never get a chance to get about it is people want to talk to about I guess about that era what was the secret of that team obviously good players bring a lot about the team spirit let's get the ball in the ng with you last because so many games basically Cup matches you go into the closing stages while kneel down and somehow as you know in semifinals found a way to to get through it was just a case that after the initial when I confess goal aside it wasn't particularly good and we we picked up a man on but it was just a massive belief without that we were never beaten you know the stands he's the prime now the half incentives that don't have it and we have we had a not a dream bill we wanted to get better we were told in trading we went off the pitch we went out on a Saturday and like it was no just days at 3 o'clock not now not days and but how about some unique about him that was able to get the best out of people and I said to someone I swear I think one of the biggest plus points for Howard is but he broke on all the intercepts of when he she said she'd go if you go into the 1st team set up and I'm calling just columns just comes down and he got a bet everything to give people the best out of people but short an Amish genuine passion as well and once we got to that a bit of a lift their legs and John are 83 and they be what for in the reply and then we got to the local fire. We got a taste of what it's like to get there and the hardest thing to really shift as well and when we got that you know could finally just missed out on it with and pushed on about the f.a. Cup final morning and that was it it's that belief in you stop wanting it to one final and you lose it you want to get back and we want only one we got the taste for it and once you get the taste for success you don't pack you don't let it go and it just got stronger and stronger people came into the chamber to look at both our committees and 86 and then Kevin Langley come in you never go away you're a league matter but then these wonderful series of them he came in and he bought into the atmosphere and bought into the spirit of belief and it rubs off people and being a successful is here there's nothing better than you know you see i'm not been there not as great people but people celebrate finishing 17th the final even with polities end of the season will be 17 through reason you want to be out there don't you and we got that believed in that we should grow to be the best we could with a push to be the best we could and for those 3 or 4 years you know as I have to tell information it was it was just unbelievably part of it and I said before we look back and I look back with so many fond memories yeah I've got negatives about that in and we all have because injuries getting dropped they left out but you know overall it was a wonderful 6 years of my football career being here this little bit of school that I'm alive baby see right here Mary sighed a daring mouthfeel than reflecting on Everton in the 1980s half time at the moment in the Club World Cup semifinal Liverpool won Monterrey Mexico won this being played in Doha Nabby cater for Liverpool on 12 minutes and then Monterrey equalising just 2 minutes later well Everton fans love their sense of forwards the link and the ball goes way back to the days of Dixie Dane and then Tommy Lawton of course Joe Royle bubble actually Graeme sharp carried on that great tradition as Dave Andy Gray in that wonderful Evanson team of the mid 1980 s. And great features heavily on the need. Documentary film ever said Howard's way his legendary status is well deserved but unusual nevertheless he was at the club for less than 2 seasons I know and I don't get and I'm less I'm just grateful that that's the case for me because. I mean I will I mean I only have been here 18 months 21 spots. And my heart and it's still a huge part of my life ever and and that's what it's like somebody told me when I signed you know once a club get Shandy that sure has got you and they were right and I'm just so pleased that you know when when when you talk about me and I think a Graham shop and I think of the great Texas Dean and Jory or people like that and Blatche for 2 who were here for a lot longer than that I was and people sometimes talk about me in the same breath as flattering usually flattering but you're also very much part of the transformation and have it's been because how a candle maintain that these young players lots of ability would do an intern in every week but they went in on a Saturday and you and Peter Read arrived and and things didn't change immediately you know but they did change and I once they started to change a momentum is a wonderful thing isn't it it's an amazing thing you know you're right it didn't change immediately for the 1st couple weeks I was here it was it was really tough. You know I was finding my feet read it just coming into the 1st team he was funny as how about the I think as was still searching for the blamed. For mission that team that he can see right. There the best I'm going to play him and then he found out if and. You're right about I think you're right but Peter and I and respect that we had Mazen the talented young footballers Yeah you know it's travesty was Gary Stevens Kevin Rudd cliff dead it minefields of this world Adrian Heath trying to age and try to live up to a big transfer from still like feel good with it at 1st odds. And you know and I think I really do think really and I helped those guys all they had the talent and they had but they just needed on field gate and such like not sure I think they would get that from Howard and Colin and Mickey but that was just take it on your football pitch and do it regularly and I think when we Peter and I I mean I love reading because I see myself in them and the fight that you so I went to and it doesn't I get beaten not a dry eye on and I recognize that right away a piece of an imam and we were able to I think and Stella that helped instill and these guys I think once they started winning they liked it that was why I liked it then they liked it and then the then they didn't like it be after that and that's a massive thing if you don't like winning and you know we get beat don't play it well because we stay Could you send it in the dark days towards the end of $983.00 that this was still a team that if he could be ignited was going to be something special old you know even thinking anything like that because football is it's a game to game thing but when you see in talent on the training field and you see in these younger players each on it you try to drag it out of them you know I thought I thought it was definitely there I thought when at the time of the year 83 . We went above me I'm such a late December on Boxing Day or something like that run about it and I remember we haven't had a cold so we go said lesson is that I I'm sick of stuff you lot. Of back in but effort if we can't get a result today and it goes badly today then I'm going to have to start making big changes in the team in the sport. We've got Ok we went there we want to know remember. And it's funny how you're going to different people you talk to different players and they'll tell you different games and I would mention when it when she scored the equaliser gets the no income the way she stalks it in their pickup but the one that stuck to those 2 for me was my dream say because it was a. The game and it was enough and games it will be about me oh. Forget it now you think but for me that was the start for me because what followed that was still and what follows results were and it was like I was Kennelly up with the one game I remember I thought wow we'll get this right one of 2 of us will be a fellow and we did and they started to go from there and you could just tell in the cup run the f.a. Cup run that season that's what it was for me I watched a bunch of guys young kids Tom from boys to men and I can remember vividly in the build up to the Cup Final against what for a doing interviews they've never done it before but never been in a cup fight or these guys so everyone you guys are coming right it seems to be talking so what do you think that coffin or reading you know it's it's going to be a tough game of us really good players Morris Johnson jawbones really good players yes and then to go and listen to the green a shot field Trevor Steve the sheets I would be easy no problem with Reds done them twice no exist yet or should be a problem because I'm one. Cab down there was just convinced there were one and they were just convinced that I want for what was called One we get to if they got 3 we get 4 they get 5 we get 6 and I saw them go in and I think really that Israel and to footballers and then when we won that if a cup I knew there was something coming up. We all had to feel and we all had to feel and every one of us you came back pre-season go with your back quick enough and you scored the 2nd goal in the combine it was in the best code you have this week lives. From Travis even that was his coming of age game was I think he'd come of age and not run. Trevor and that's what I mean about feigning a site and when I 1st came here when I 1st arrived in. Alan ever Misto here telling me to get stoke the thing at Terry cut it was Jude bought from Sheffield Wednesday when I got another right when I saw it. Trevor had been given his head then but it was only as a set the tone that you're. Going to Johnny February when Trevor started to shores the scales I would really go from one layer and cave and she joined the other side was was definitely because he's not as quick as Trevor but differently with the balance was that magical if we could do anything with it the team started to develop and it became from oh yeah you know Kevin rock of suddenly got for my life by careers and say one of the best in the country and said that it might feel amazing partnership and you know and it started to develop that you know and then of course haven't been a somewhat good poll Bracewell to supplement it but feel part of and how what did you think when they were both oh I love that I loved it. Because we had an opportunity we'd won the f.a. Cup so we made a statement and while I love this how it was a set on the sides you know that hugely popular player like Joe Bill and you have popular beer was was it ever you know just. How it was like when he when I went I would was big enough to know I need something else at left back Israel I need an awfully if you want a different kind of player and he went go on and how the rest of upset a lot of authorities who love him. I mean it was a fantastic team was named and everybody at Everton talks about the 6970 team as being one of the best not a book but you've got just as many you say the team that won the league in 85 and won the Cup Winners' Cup What was its equal and a maybe even better I can't judge obviously that what I do know is that the team in the sixty's had some of these if it was on it of course that I mean the Holy Trinity for the stuff you know that legend this club can do Harvey and bow we know all about your serie Joe as a young audience at a forward playing up front you know great great players and if we have held up alongside them or better than them in some eyes then that's that's just a credit to what we. What we did. And I think by by doing what we did when he made European trophy becoming the only 7 say to do so. That may just elevate as a level that. It was a fabulous night in Rotterdam was there and and having you know the league title it already being won with so much room to spare it was untrue it was I mean loads how up to what we'd call no rest a lot of us and the last couple of games. Because we had won against q.p.r. Here or Goodison and we could not straw but we could one of us could rest are really limbs but we knew we had the f.a. Cup Final Coming up the Saturday of course but again you know it's funny because the Fane awards and the fight over us really wasn't because there was no person in the club so Rapid Vienna could be as no one no one by Munich I was a fatal but I don't that was a fight and we knew. That I. Never had Goodison like it was that night in one of the most famous nights in evidence history well. Over $500.00 games clubs and country. And Africa take one game to the grave with me it's not one that one had everything I mean everything I mean the drama right to travel scored the clincher thoughts go all the way through Gordon when they come in and have to have a famous statement over your shoulder they get the ball in the box and they got a street which sucked and they did only that 3 times it was just a phenomenal evening every opportunity and I speak to who was there finds it hard to find a game to beat it I don't spoil the film for you because there's a sequence in it where you talking about how a pulling up where you do in bits and pieces in the home leave not long moved into and you can actually see the tears in your eyes when you describing it but that's why I felt I never want to do reviews club Howard year. But it was a measure of the man that I talked to about you know job really were sacrificed because. We want to run and how and we got pope racial and they became enraged and lost because of that and playing with me. I don't know what it's all pretty obviously thought you want peace among say. And then or if a thought was a case of the begin the next season he was going in he didn't force me out it was going to play gammon and Gary Lineker him that I've said no no I don't I'm not ready to beat you and I just thought well I'm over for a deal and because as you've been there before I wondered if you want to go back as if the issue of your just won the Double enormous when the treble I love the school I love the boys never been happier I don't want to leave her admission want me to leave and I rent a home that had this is not lake that was a lake and I knew it was uncomfortable and at about 20 minutes later I said well what have I got anyway I said Ok I said I'll go I'll make it easy for you. B.c. Maybe I'm as he said I will. Be gray in conversation with my Q.'s talking about Everton in the 1980s of course to coincide with the film. Howard's white which has been released in the last couple of weeks or so this is James mountain here till 7 o'clock from 7 it will be live at Goodison Park building up to Everton against Leicester City in the Liko quarter final Let me just tell you that the 2nd half is underway in Doha and we're Liverpool are playing. The Mexican side and they are there by the way courtesy of winning the Champions League so that's the Champions League for teams in North and Central America and the Caribbean so it's the the European win is against that part the world's win is $11.00 is the latest score from the 1st off not be catered for Liverpool 3 goals in 3 games for him now and 6 goals in 13 in all which is a good strike. Equalising just a couple of minutes later at the moment Monterrey high. A free kick just outside Liverpool's penalty area Little Paul by the way in the 1st half winning the possession stats 74 percent no huge surprise there with Liverpool. Certainly owning the possession and Allison's just pulled off a fantastic site from a long range free kick Allison having to dive away to his right to punch it away that one was it was going in let's continue looking at Everton shall we in the 1980 s. Now and someone else who enjoyed being part of the Howard Kendall film was another of the stars of that era for the Blues Graeme shop it was nice to relive old memories but no very very good you know I think when the idea of his was 1st mooted to have been wrong I think everybody vision was on board you know with only big idea. And no enjoyed I must admit I enjoy this some some bit. You know that it came a sound bite didn't really happen but it was good to hear from the boys as well the boy speaking on and on the film about their experiences those who all and all of a really good watch was it an emotional experience for the Halle. Berry probably asking the wrong or wrong guy here to be a bit emotions but now I think I think you look towards that I went with my son you know who is it so hot and before my son. It was great for him to go along and see what it was all about last new nose allies from the team and I mean different things have been done but for him to actually set in and and watch this story is such I think is create I think our young supporters you know if you look well you don't listen to the guys of a generation will go on and watch it but I think for young ever twenty's will be good to see that you know in those years were actually challenging the top and and for all the major competitions so many great memories and great games but at the beginning of our us hey it is not as manager of course it was a different story it might have gone the other way well was when you when you look back and you know I was doing for. Gordon lease a 1000000 ellipse in the summer and everybody vision was raving that the habit of his coming back because of his he was a player and a successful player not the taint so one of the but a lot of expectation for myself personally you know obviously you know the players will bring in any you say The Magnificent 7 and really what hope for them and I believe if you take for me the book and for the 5th book of in general could results where you'd. Been slowly but surely you know we got a team together for what you can traverse even you communities Stevens can knock up a sale of their own home the players and it was tough it was really really tough training I remember here 7 to yourself a game against commentary in the company so it was a really difficult time and I think people have talked about. It was a chairman it's a minister I thought it should remarkable feat in every you could pick all nobodies and when you go away with. Probably know that so Philip's soul of faith and I have really kept faith with them on t.v. To rewards but I think the police has found it really difficult and I keep seeing this new Goodison Park is great to play in when you're winning but when things aren't going your will it takes a special day because it took 2 to you know to pull up a seat get ahead then for a crew that's what we had we had that abundance but you see the 2 lives come in and I'm moving on and we've made a massive difference to this family I suppose as most of the eighty's but in particular a sinful 5 which is the one that everyone talks about and rightly so because it was a remarkable season yeah it was in the you know we just came back off of winning the f.a. Cup and I always said that the apostrophes I was most important thing good Jaylen to gether will be repeated in the no Cup final against Liverpool one for chilled water and a replay but he won the f.a. Cup and that was massive for his cave is and the belief that the English we can challenge the big boys know he won't for them are expected to beat me so I had to do that for the next following season weekly talking over know the pre-season was going where and everybody's enjoying it every was full of hope and confidence to play top in order to get the full one and then we'll use to West Brom and you think wow you know from being here with some sink in. And the massive game against Chelsea and unafraid in a televised and Kevin Mitchell school to go them in off against school they could easily have of went the other way for this considering the. Stock we had but the players themselves side the belief and not that you see cruel and grew over the games you play then it got to stage and not being big headed about it we knew we were on the pitch would win the game we knew we were in the picture move at least in the game if you meant to go down when you get something from inside and a belief between the players was incredible but every police pushed each other you know it was a case for you hard to beat not level every single week if you win it wasn't just given look at the captain the driver who Peter read on the key everybody you could . And so it was a fantastic game to play in and it was a really really good team you cut in there in the exploits of the team and had everything you know and everything you know if they want to have a fight with a faith they wanted to please the players. Teams could come and try kick his off the pitch or really just do the same back to them so at the back everything and it was a really really really enjoy thing for it to be a few boys a great life. But to want to train on a c.c. Not every being looked forward to because you knew you would win and you were going to enjoy what he actually done so have a different great things and just finally you must miss how everyone this is how it is it's sad to think that he's not here yet of course as you have abuse of this of a guest in their own games you seem here to know who and then the Roman didn't always get it calmly everybody obviously 2nd in terms suppose he went great from the from why the members of the 1st incredible lesson that oversee I thought I had that arguments and everything else that a member won but we played. Come into I think we played and I think a school off a corner here goodness we drew 11 and then the next came in leads me to automatic Sears and and Japanese do it here come in commitments his horses scripts you know he's see how well you know any to change to school last week doesn't help or doesn't come to me this week I came from a corner and I said What do you lose a game when there were to be 2 when each of us called to go Yeah but you know I mean it doesn't really count because you came from a corner. And I walked through the office scratching my head you know change his main that was up the next day but I just could get very nimble if he had hard decisions to make you know on the you know on the go in and Brooke got a winning hand which is a massive to a massive decision attained in everybody's eyes of his if you still have it and every 3 was a great manager to play for the think the fight for he had been so successful as a player ever had and when he came in force and he joined in in training just. Manager you'd think you'd best be ingenious you know so you knew that Mr Anderson evades as a bully and beat is trying to much Graeme sharp talking to him Kennedy ever since in the 1980 s. And of course the 1980 s. Was the last time the Everton reached the final of the League Cup tonight they will try to make the semifinals Leicester City Goodison Park we got exclusive local commentary from 745 still awaiting team news from Goodison hopefully we'll have that in the next couple of minutes still 11 at the moment between Monterrey and Liverpool in the Club World Cup semi final out in Doha 13 minutes gone at the moment in the 2nd half Liverpool's 4th time they've appeared in in the tournament as such well their house so changed formats over the years it used to be known of course as the Inter Continental Cup It's now known as the Club World Cup has been known as the Club World Championship as well Liverpool 1st appearing back in 1981 when they faced Flamengo in 84 Liverpool meeting independent ente Argentina losing one nil and you might remember back in 2005 Liverpool meeting 1st of all deputies Deportivo surprise in the semifinal winning 3 nil and then they met South Paolo in the final losing one nil Nabby cases just had a good shot saved actually he scored for Liverpool in the 1st half and Joe Gomez has picked up a booking as well 11 will let you know if that changes really good football there. B.b.c. Radio traveled to get the very latest now James. About. Things of Jimmy come down after the rush to Liverpool I would say I'm $62.00 the end of the most where the rocky us quite heavy is coming in I'm $62.00 the rocket looking rather slow at the moment. Not too bad roads are coming in for me I'm 57. And a whole avenue that's busy quite heavy through Walton coming down from switch Island towards little and towards Church Row didn't speak right out say wanted to delays all cnn's all the kings were looking busy so the approach coming from the m $53.00 that went in the tunnel both of those are running Ok. Seems to be on the move on the world quite busy on Welsh roads as you approach the m 53 but the other way of the 2 miles lights Zerilli from Cape and Hurst. Towards North Wales is looking heavy as the south of Chester it's busy in the roads an area between Crystal turned and waved as some road works on the which are coming away from the Chester silly bypass because of temporary lights motorways some 56 has come down still quite heavy on the m 62 as mentioned I queued inside the rocket but it's still quite heavy coming back from Warrington so from when it. Really up to about right hell soup situation 7 still on the heavy side at least nothing new on the trains were fine for mercy anything else happening give me a call I want 5 on 7 and 4 and on James b.b.c. Radio as you sign trouble. Your voice your story. You can only. You know when I really want. You know. My position in the kitchen at the very bottom watching issues you know. Where Your And we're going to Moses also on a fully qualified sheriff because he also was not on the tombs you keep you know we can function members of society and we don't know what they're on understand phone in with the want of religious weekdays from 12 and. That the thoughtful b.b.c. Radio messy site. Exec clean al are gone and Doha Monterey one little poll one is the latest score and not be catered for Liverpool on 12 minutes a month equalizing just a couple of minutes later team news is out at Goodison Park Everton against Leicester City a.f.l. Cup quarter final tonight 745 kick off let's get the team nice from my Q's. Yeah Everton fans were hoping that possibly city b. Would be fit enough to return and also guilty sick it's in need there is in the starting line up and neither of them on the bench in fact apart from one change it pretty much as you were given the side from Sun that matches United it's Jordan picked for that goal Seamus Coleman continues at right back Jeremias and Michael Keane at Leighton Baines comes in at left back that is the want change given that he came off the bench to replace the injured Luka Dean but not Tom Davis and Alex it won't be up front it's Dominic Calvert Lewin and amongst the substitutes set for Everton at once again is Kuko Martina So that will once again indicate just how much Everton are down to the bare bones in terms of personnel we were given to understand that it was touch and go whether it's him is going to make it and that was going to go right down to the wire but unfortunately it hasn't made it but having said that the team that performed so very well in that game against match tonight at Old Trafford are given the opportunity to do that again tonight pictured in goal Coleman Meena Keane and Baines Davis It won't be Calvin Lou it and rush Allison thank you my Devika Regas just had the goal of the ball even in the back of the goal for Liverpool but it's been ruled out for offside so still one more on the moments in the Club World Cup semi final Montserrat a one Liverpool want looks like Liverpool have already done their 1st piece of business for January Kumi Mina Mino the Red Bull Salzburg winger has had a medical today ahead of an impending move in January he played and scored in Salzburg for 3 defeats at Anfield back in October also played again as Liverpool secured their place in knockout stages of the Champions League is a Japanese international 24 years of age and thought to have a release clause of 7 point. $5000000.00 pounds Incidentally he would still be eligible to play in the Champions League for Liverpool despite already playing for Salzburg Richard open doors is the sports editor at the Salzburg next written and he's seen plenty of minimum now he told me what the reaction has been like that it was a big story in Australian insults book because nobody could understand why a player from such book is possible to transfer to the best model one of the best clubs in the world and the Champions League champion of all of this year and it was for the 1st time we saw it it's not correct maybe it's a rumor like we have so many rumors in the last in the last weeks about a lot of players but at the end it's it's a good thing because you know me know it's a very lively player and the club says Ok he can go because they bought him in the year 2015 very cheap from 800000 or 800000 or a euro and so we can see that it's a bad thing for the club insults but because he used to do he's literally a game but but it's a good money for the club and they get about what I've heard 8500000 euros from Liverpool so it's a case and of course he has scored it on film already this season in the Champions League game played against Liverpool twice but from your experiences Richard what's he like as a player he's a very little player he can play on a lot of positions but he's a very offensive player it's it's not easy to play against him because he's dribbling with a lot of passion and he never gives up and he but in this season he was playing. A lot on the Chessie Marsh It was not at Marcos and. These days the poster mentioned a lot but coach and he was in his role as a joker to come in and but in this role he was feeling very well he scored a lot of goals last season and in this season on the chess a machine he was getting in he was starting from the beginning in a lot of games and that makes him very strong and very comfortable to be a part a real part of the of the team and that makes him stronger and his position is is really in the very front and the offensive part is the part he likes to play and he has genial partners with his Holland and his shaven and that was that was the key. For the success in this team this so far and which you do you think he will be able to come in and play for Liverpool straight away in the Premier League will do you think he'll need a bit of time to get used to to English football he can get in Bury fast in the in the game of the of the Premier League but I'm not sure if if you can close up Vaughan to him at the beginning that he's on the field and then there is a starting game because I think. In the front door in the offensive part vs money and. You know and and and solid everything's closed for this team I don't think so that he's getting from the start and playing from the start and the young club but Clopas was very interesting was was watching him in the training session before some minutes before them and a match was started he was standing out there on the on the field and divorce Watching mean I mean a very close. Slee and very intensive and we're talking under the Shona least what he's what this club doing going out so early and watching the opponents when they are training or going out some minutes before the match and that was the key he saw some things small things about me know me know some details and details he think that was the fixing thing to to make the contract clear and I suppose he speaks very highly of Salzburg as he said already that assault player was leaving for Liverpool and I think I speak for many Liverpool fans when I say that there's a lot of Salzburg supporters here in the sense that they were very exciting to come and watch they almost of course peg Liverpool but didn't they when they were winning 3 nil Sultana must be really disappointed not to qualify for the Champions League knockout stages they were very disappointed for some days but now the concentration is on the Europa League and and but it was disappointed for sure because they thought maybe we can kick out Liverpool but little police very clever Souths book The team has to learn a lot of sinks and some details crucial details in the Champions League you come through and against a team like Liverpool it's it's it's tough to play but they lead a lot that is a point that has come now is the concentration on the Europa League like I said and Jason Marsh has said to all the team players now we are going to make the title in the Europa League and and that's the goal and maybe they can get very far I don't think so that they can win the Europa League let me say clear but they can go very far they can go lease teams without Minami know very far but. Because a lot of players a lot of luck. Players are coming the next the next mean I mean those are the next months they're all coming and they're waiting for their chance so that's the situation that it's very positive for the team and in the same way which should Jesse March he's a very charismatic coach is now again he's won a lot of fans over here particularly after that film emerged of him talking to his team at half time as Armfield do you think his future is was Sulzberger or will he go beyond Salzburg do you think elsewhere and say year at this time Jason Marsh is is the perfect coach for this team and I have would think that he's staying inside spoke because he likes the system to have having good players young players get them to the top they sell them they make good money every step transfers and that's the consequences of its office work and I think Jason Marsh is the 1st coach who wants to stay for some years in cites book and that is the really big difference to the other coaches Richard open doors are there the sports editor at the Salzburg not correct in talking about to q.b. Mina may know who has reportedly been having a medical today Liverpool ahead of a January move finally tonight before we go over to Goodison Park Fallon Sherrick has told the b.b.c. It's only just starting to sink in that she's made history by becoming the 1st woman to win a match at the p.t.c. World us championship in London still just sinking in a little bit more now. Than the now are still facing. And talk us through what happened last night because it wasn't the easiest of matches for you was it because you had to come from behind to win loss like yeah I mean definitely I mean to have played so well last night I just had I just kept. Having gang life then a lesser guy. I'm really proud of them. And you were gone by a huge crowd some 3000 there were also in there supporting you and Ted alluded to that didn't he after your victory last night yeah I mean the crowd in Austin often carry one of them I mean the crowd gave me a bass in confidence and relax and it just made me play better so I really appreciate all of them you said author was on social media that you did it for the go is that something that you are aware of what you've done and we've spoken so much recently happily about significant moments in women's sport and this victory your victory last night is going to be up there alongside. Yeah I mean definitely I mean I'm so proud of myself to how women's dogs especially on the map now I mean there was always criticism that women couldn't play like compete against the men we want good enough so the fact that I've just proved it wrong in any school I just think women can improve themselves we can beat them and we just need more protein is of course many will hope that this isn't a one off moment I'm sure you won't of course as you prepare for your 2nd round match to come on Saturday but as we know with regards to this tournament only 2 women can qualify what needs to happen to ensure that more women can not only play darts but obviously compete at the highest level does that qualification process need to be expanded so that more women can enter the the $96.00 strong fields which are competing there this year I mean yeah definitely I mean more women like if we get the change in top more women in the early and I mean there's more women that can play to my belly if not better and we just need the recognition on the experience like the opportunity to do it well done to follow and show who has become the 1st woman to win a match at the p.c. World Darts championships you know by the White Sox in the world number 11 the men's source. On Saturday will live a good part next in the build up to evidence Leicester City Liverpool still drawing . I'm on with Monterey at the moment where the 80 minutes to go will keep you updated your stories your life. Radio messages. First of all with the time at 7 o'clock Eastern ice b.b.c. News which is read by Graham what a good evening have feasibility studies to be launched in the New Year looking at the possibility of a new railway station to serve Liverpool Football Club transport officials have identified several options including upgrading a doctrine's freight line to take passenger trains mostly travel chairman Liam Robinson says the idea is to get more people on to public transport and reduce traffic in and we'll look at the overall much Day travel experience and how we could do that has to be an extension to this project anyway under what I would choose to do with the railway potentially We've also got to think about what more can we do with boxes and all the means of sort of public transport to shift as many of the people going to the market or any other event on public transport rather than driving private. The relatives of 4 British soldiers killed in the 1902 Hyde Park bombing or welcoming a high court ruling that a convicted Ira member was involved in the attack John Downey had avoided prosecution because of a government deal under the Good Friday peace agreements the judge described that decision as a catastrophic failure and said the families could seek damages the Us House of Representatives is debating whether to make Donald Trump only the 3rd president to be impeached 2 charges have been put forward accusing him of abusing his power in obstructing Congress the Republicans have accused Democrats of using an unfair process to try to overturn their 2016 election results the Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on open the debate saying that the Republican visit by America's founders was under threat as speaker of the house I soundly and sadly opened the debate on the impeachment of the president. Of the United States if we do not act now we would be derelict in our duty it is tragic that the president's reckless actions make impeachment necessary he gave us no choice thieves who fled with cash and jewelry after forcing their way into a house in Ellesmere poorest with one of them claiming to be a police officer while he distracted the victim his accomplices ransacked the property on tames there in Whitby around half past 8 last night well Poole says it's resolved the technical problems with its website which prevented customers from checking if they had a faulty washing machine half a 1000000 indecision Hotpoint appliances being recalled because of problems with the door lock which could start a fire the world through vice presidents Jeff knoll says the website crash was unfortunate is not the way that any of us would want to start or across special something so important during the holidays we've done everything we can to resolve it and I'm proud to say that these folks that have worked so hard so hard that we are up and running we're doing everything we can to make sure that we connect with and engage with our customers rain heavy at times tonight along with strong south easterly winds turning milder overnight temperatures down to 7 Celsius $45.00 degrees Fahrenheit cloudy with Sherry outbreaks of rain heavy at times tomorrow much milder to the high 12 Celsius 54 degrees Fahrenheit b.b.c. Radio Merseyside news that the b.b.c. I my cues welcome to Goodison Park as Abbott and look to move closer to a trip to Wembley standing in their way of a place in the semifinals of the League Cup or less the city we'll have full Xclusive local radio commentary from 745 have former Everton will get Ronnie goodness alongside me you haven't seen news where it's just want change from the team that started against Manchester United on Sunday and it's at left back where like Baines replaces the injured look at d.c. So the line of pick for that goal Coleman mean they're keen and pains that it's but nod Holgate Tom.


Transcripts for BBC Tees BBC Tees 20191218 060000

Who died yesterday Ron Hogue was the forces 1st place crime in victims commissioner he died peacefully at the age of 68 after a short battle with Mota New own disease them Chief Constable Joe Pharrell says the 4th prospered under his leadership the sense of humor the directness you know it was easy easy guy to have a conversation with and you could exchange views on those issues often could be we could be differing ones but you know we we have a single mission and we know what we need to do in policing to ensure people in the room and Donington are safe and Middlesboro has the highest rate of homelessness in the Northeast according to a new report the charity Shelter estimates that there are 316 people living in temporary accommodation or sleeping rough in the town count Kenmare is from 13 Group which provides temporary accommodation when we see homeless people not a lot of them do live actually as roughly as on the streets that the point of becoming homeless that ranges from families to young people to people who've just got into their women fleeing domestic violence can become homeless because they have to leave the area that the are currently living in homeless doesn't mean that they're actually roughly can on the street with weapons they Morning sport he is rubble Ashley Fletcher's told b.b.c. t Spall the Middlesbrough's home game with Stuart This Friday is one they have to win berth 3 points ahead of the potters who are 3rd bottom of the championship elsewhere Aston Villa are the 1st side through to the semifinals of the League Cup after they beat Liverpool 5 nil at Villa Park Liverpool fielded the youngest starting 11 in their history with the team having an average age of 19 years and $182.00 days out says the senior side is in Qatar preparing for its semifinal at the Club World Cup and finally Hartlepool United captain Ryan Donaldson is won't want his team mates to step up to the challenge or risk losing their place in the side of the pools filled to defeat against Harrigan in the f.a. Trophy on Saturday this. By leading the game to nail more spalt throughout the morning you whether it's with Lisa Gallagher a cold but dry day with mist of fog languishing in places temperatures any amount for Celsius that's 39 found hundreds of Lee thanks very much I'll tell you why it feels a lot colder than the smaller i genuinely open the blind I thought we did snow overnight because the frost is so hard at the thickness of it you really really bad just a litter of whites everywhere. That's going to cross the traffic control news this morning Dave Whelan from b.b.c. To small and some of you when you are miserable Yes very much sort of very much so like a little winter wonderland just without the white stuff yet take an extra 5 or 10 so you car out this morning no major headaches or hostiles on your journey so far and 66 is good 609 is good little bit Slip Slidin more of the estates in the main roads to take it steady if you are out and about we saw the transporter bridge closed as a result of maintenance work and again called a fleet lane closed as a result of major junction improvement work from South Bank road to the 66 plenty of cones out elsewhere not them causing any bother at the moment if you don't support anything at all give us a ring on the Travel line total 301-2301 I want. B.b.c. T's breakfast with me the name of weekdays from 6 days in a very good morning to you from b.b.c. Tees breakfast it's Neil I'm a Amy Amy between now and 9 o'clock this morning what we got be a then on Wednesday the 18th of September just sealing the coffee back oh no you've got Chaka Khan's own Wow if they come from that's a Christmas bonus like you said I want to pencil Tom Hanks for all the work throughout the I got some Euros the other day and then you know the euro. Kind of pounds believe it will even come up I'm Stephanie really big Have you seen Let me see the carrots of the Brussels sprouts you've got now instead I know not all really and I was like pretty and Anyway while we're getting all chocolate it out we're going to tell you what you can look forward to after the next few songs here on b.b.c. To tell you what we're going to do we're going to be yes we're going to be. Being gored is what you're going to be Bay and actually because the mileage is faulty and . Getting. Power to stitch to because. If you've been. Faulty a faulty saw me taking to the bait with. It without some really brilliant been a lifelong ambition of mine but anywhere between now and how past 6 also going to catch up with a marathon man as we get ready for Christmas chocolates he's running a marathon a day for 12 days honestly he's amazing We'll catch up with his story and of course . We're going to be discussing homelessness it's on the rise here in the northeast and it's particularly bad for one of our towns more not to come and of course tributes are being paid this morning to run hald who sadly lost his fight against most neurons disease we're going to take a look at his amazing Korea and the real difference that he made here in the northeast on b.b.c. Breakfast this morning stick with us b.b.c. Cheese packs rest with me weekdays from 6. It Coldplay and all friends brand new music loving that song here on your b.b.c. Breakfast at quarter past 6 b.b.c. t C across sons and and Donna castle on the b.b.c. Sounds up nail grain and any old time with you will await Whedon's to morning it's the 18th of December and it's news time why we got the headlines updated for you live on the Maury morning on concerns for hundreds of jobs in the chemical industry on Tayside and tributes pouring in for one of the top men in the region's place falses who has died sports is with Ron Paul Ashley Fletcher has told b.b.c. T.v. Sport the Middlesborough is home game with Stoke this Friday as well they have to win maul at half past 6 frosty start to things this morning still been fog patches right across the region but we could see some sunshine at times and the good news is it should stay dry today quite chilly though with highs at just 5 Celsius 41 in foreign highs. Christmas Eve from straight I've got some friends testing music classics and songs that are important to me of the b.b.c. T's new voices competition Dominic Nelson I got some poetry information about a great local football team that everybody needs to get behind really Christmas classic played on the ukulele that could you ask for Dominic Nelson cut the b.b.c. To. These new voices competition Christmas Eve from 3 to 6. B.b.c. T.v. Just to give you an insight into behind the scenes the weather was merely to lead there because you had. What we had chocolate we reconstruct what kinds where when I was like suddenly when I started to speak I took a deep breath and all of a chocolate bourbon it was stuck right me just cleared now it's it's gone somewhere I don't know what. Anyway the choose their own blocked it's like the fall out before you know the traffic can travel news music on the way from the run it will play you something from Huey Lewis and the news as well in the next half an hour before all of that yesterday we played you an interview from me who got in touch with us asking for help after this happened over the weekend Take a listen we had some bits and bobs at the side of the house but it got the tape and a young boy of 10 knocked on the Don asked if their quote look for it for some but it's for their family the did look for when I came out his mom was there who has another small child in a pram and is pregnant they've only been in the area 3 weeks that come from down south and the reason that they've left there is because the house was set on fire she doesn't have a cocker she doesn't have any carpets she sleeps on a mattress on the floor upstairs with the youngest and the house egged another local by sports told her son's bike at all he had she actually told me on Saturday morning that she needed took the tree down because there's no point because she can't have children I think I've been messaging a backwards and forwards use in translation that because this lady doesn't speak reading any English lesson and usually translates but to some conversations that her son shouldn't have to be involved in at 10 I had for the London your daughter if she's been source or look at how somebody like you could be able to help how can we help the big 6 and the lady needs carpets really but obviously even if someone gave us a carpet it to fit in to the bed frame would be amazing to Mom's not sleep on the maps on the floor of the kitchen get up on Christmas Day or take a couple of new toys and to be honest some things from one but she also made clothes for the children it's a big ask but I'd like by Sunday night for that mom to be Stop looking forward to Christmas big. At the moment she's not talking about anything and I mean that is indeed isn't it well since yesterday morning you haven't disappointed Peter handed these items over to our reporter Jenny Henry got a little takes fire engine a little tykes petrol pump that makes all of our ears car noises and a $22.00 amusement park so Peter obviously you are going to be really making a difference to this this family's Christmas this year how do you feel about being able to do that would actually drive at that would it help someone who much less from a poor background yourself and they used to be 2 friends of my mother and they used to give gifts to my mother for OSs when we were kids we saw a lot in this box and are absolutely delighted after all these years and it sort of gave invisibly as it were to someone else or it's really it's really marvelous it's quite emotional is when I really even though I did believe I didn't do it for the big like now just just in life so the real the Christmas freak in our house. Has really gotten were replaced it's not just Peter as well thank you Peter Norah was listening to was on b.b.c. T.'s breakfast yesterday and was so moved by what she heard she drove all the way from the a store to help out the family has made a special trip to bring the toys tell us why I just felt this thought that I needed to do something I was moved to tears by the the interview this the Batman lair and all the little figures and joke cars and things and I've also brought a large box with quite a lot lot of small cars than a plate matters well so hopefully the 3 year old will Malenchenko them just to think like you so the family will get some some joy out of it Oh I hope so yes it is a very moving story thank you so much for coming out Thank you Merry Christmas to you b.b.c. Tees will be donating anything we managed to collect on Thursday night so any toys clothes still for more Anything you can think of that might help please drop into reception here at b b c t's in Middlesborough you can give us a ring and we will make sure that. The family has the best Christmas possible out free phone number 080859595 thank you you really are going to make such a difference to this family who've been through so much already it's 26 c. Listening to b.b.c. And it's time to check in with Dave Whelan he's going to be moving early morning Dave good morning I mean it's all fairly healthy so far traffic coping very very nicely about the only thing we've got on the on the books so far are lights out at Harrington interchange which is slightly further north of the Essex 90 might prove to be a little bit testy later on at the moment it's certainly not causing any problems we've got restrictions on the extend 46 junction of the a 178 seat and career road from temperature up in lights just up from the transporter bridge which will slow you down and again the transporter bridge that remains closed due to minutes work everything else we found in quite nicely no major headaches on public transport it's a bit on the icy side take it said if you're out about and certainly and I was often of times who are today I say when straight if you do spot anything would appreciate you call audible 301238 what I want thanks very much Dave 621 is the time b.b.c. Taste tonight from 6 o'clock b.b.c. Taste ball forward and sets with Marc Cherry The Save been taught the middle and Holly pool united with the journalists comments you want to kind of put to them absolutely fine you can text 81 trouble 3 Start your message with the word taste if your pills found if you're a boy or a fun Marjorie's with you from 6 o'clock tonight even seaside County Durham North Yorkshire on the move with travel updates every 15 minutes b.b.c. . Ah there we go I was waiting press. I was at the musicians of. The end it's that run slavery age I went to took down yesterday brought my man back for a copper then and we thought we had the fire under the log banner on and in the end of that you wouldn't join a festive berries if you're on Skid Row with that and the hate she was like oh she were that he was truly just a ringer tax cuts take a lot to roll up the car in the house anyway listening to b.b.c. Breakfast 25 past 6 hope you will and have already pointed out that ones of the lion she will be a nuisance Paul for you on the radio so for say we call a 30 nights Can you believe that the activity getting close now has been doing these since March in the building Well it was really to start with ability 40th birthday and we can tell you we've Smush that now and 7 the best to last I think last couple Yeah growing up all I ever wanted to be was a place officer right from want to be had a local. Now I think we all know if you listen to the show regularly I'm never going to pass a fitness test join the play sports when I got offered the chance to be p.c. Oakton for a couple of hours I jumped at it. Ok so here we're on the base have already walked a fair distance some cream crocodile already. And I here with my police man from North Yorkshire Police just in to. Monitor it categorises I mean why are we on the beat too with the minister but this is where Will community goes federative 99 percent of the children here from military families children come in come out some staff right through it very rarely you get children go from a ship. Children . Children. Because. Even just. Like. They cease to be controlled supervisor because we just recently were in there actually 1015 feet from the front door but she got them with the items and then we've gone to the 1st place. To. These shows can remember what time the shoplifting shop listen Next up about what. About oh. Here's. Some of the other shoplifting My concern is there were 11 years old so I want to find them because I want to make sure we're going to be able to divert them away from shoplifting and hopefully all the incidents of a specific and involved because I. Use it in your cache if somebody. Were using the signal talk to for a little bit if you're going on prostate I cannot drive a car. My little boy wants to be a police officer when he sold us so we go down to the Play Station every now again the cakes he absolutely loves them. A seizure once my little boy and I was a place officer nearby and you know a lot especially it's great how the conflict from my answer the measures he calls to dealing with the I know I know you know I spent 10 years in the Army and my son are the same so I went into panic maze and maze and. There truly are many thanks to p.c. Schoen Godfrey he was keeping crime on to check in country police station and place for arranging all they are amazing well done and you know more importantly just thank you for everything you do the stuff that they go to it's one thing woman and something else the next honestly the skills that they have a just so a wide range and they're all heroes. Because Teesside Chelsea Jr and you'll share where. The p.c. . To the failure of your color no no the interest section I don't thinks I'm a good. 95 f. And d. Years of baby Lisa on the b.b.c. Sounds like this is where it says b.b.c. Tees breakfast with Neal n n we have a 6 is the headlines this morning with Anna Marie morning hundreds of jobs in Teesside chemical industry are at risk this morning after it was revealed a plant in the area will shut Labor's m.p. For stock to North told b.b.c. The any off chemical site sale signs is to close on it's coming I'm says he's learned the site couldn't be saved because it's costing too much money. The former prime minister and said field and pay Tony Blair is expected to warn in a speech later that Labor faces an existential crisis if it tries to whitewash the scale of its general election defeat last night M.P.'s angrily confronted the outgoing leader Jeremy Corbyn who apologized to them for the party's worst defeat since 1935 Meanwhile the shadow Briggs's secretary said he has stomach says that he's seriously considering standing to succeed Jeremy Colby announced leader of the 2nd series of killing Eva has been the biggest show of the year so far on b.b.c. I Player the spy thriller notched up 40400000 requests on the streaming platform about 30000000 more than line of duty in 2nd place you have the full Whedon's day a cold start with frost and folk patches dry and bright light winds freshening took temperatures 5 Celsius that's 41 Fahrenheit thanks very much and they're straight on now to David Alan for an update on the roads morning Dave how are we looking Good morning Amy All right so far traffic will be nicely but of a frosty want to start to allow yourself an extra 5 or 10 minutes but all good and if you're traveling into and out of Middlesbrough no major hassles apart from the ongoing closure of part of cargo fleet land between the 66 and Southbank road transport a bridge that remains closed due to mend its work just over the transporter of Port Clarence you've got some champions where the 178 meets up with a 1046 and again watch out for distractions as you're traveling in and out of Darwin on the a 68 where you've got work coming in on West open road now apart from that all seems to be good at the moment no major problems on the 689 cracking run from Bishop to receive it to the a one from century or 2 we need to walk over to the world problem for exactly do spot anything we appreciate you call the travel line audible 301-2301 I want thanks very much Dave for we're hearing every just out on the beach in North Yorkshire enjoy that and yeah you kind of like fulfilled one of your career roles there it with grace I loved it when you know which is just called me p.c. Oakton feel I will tell you no problem being careful it's a good job you don't live in a loft is actually some really good news if you live in Loftus and he's played. And some good news on the policing front from the Chief Constable of Cleveland places Richard Lewis he says having listened to our communities I prioritized to return to Cleveland I'm delighted to make good on that promise with the opening of our police station and left us all part of their commitment to reenergize community policing in the area so if you live in the office after Serry are not kicked off or the time when they decided to shoot it is going to reopen now. B.b.c. . T.v. Is he's also got his chocolate kinds 12 pence in the match with these parts not a male These are I was. 10 and there's yarn and he was really nice thank you for that right sport not food actually Fletcher has told b.b.c. Sport the medals from his home game with Stuart This Friday is one that they have to win 3 points ahead of the potters who are 3rd bottom of the Championship and Fletcher says the chance to double their lead over them is too good to pass up having isn't offering it's a must win game I think that we can put some daylight between. Ours and we can open up a gap on Friday buckle there was a lot of confidence going into the game on the box and and everything got 2 wins which we haven't really done this season there's a lot of runs a cover up and now make a big difference so was and hopefully we can go into the West Brom's the prostin. Full of confidence by a hostile crowd and in the League Cup Aston Villa booked their place in the semifinals with a 5 nil win over Liverpool side that had an average age of 19 years in 182 days Liverpool fielded a young team with the senior side aware at the Club World Cup Our senior football reporter Ian Dennis was watching a Villa Park little Paul's youngest ever starting lineup acquitted themselves well and to their credit their heads never dropped an average age of just 19 with 6. Teenage years and 5 debutant starting and they had their moments they began well a nylon made to find saves in the opening 10 minutes the villa goalkeeper made about half a dozen decent stops overall but below strength and quality ultimately told as they lead for the half time and comfortably booked up 1st semifinal berth since 2013 but nevertheless a night of real pride political junks has with 3 other League Cup semifinals of take place Tonight's in manchester united face Colchester at Old Trafford that won an 8 o'clock kick off United's manager only going to socialise confirmed as well the Paul Pogba is still out because of illness elsewhere the holders Manchester City travel to League One side Oxford United was the interim manager Duncan Ferguson takes charge of Everton again for their match at home to less this city $745.00 kick off for the last 2 games now Hartley United captain Ryan Donaldson has won his teammates to step up to the challenge or risk losing their place in the side polls fell to defeat against heritage in the f.a. Trophy on Saturday despite leading the game 2 nil at one stage Donalson has called on certain members of the squad to fix up which are not many times I don't I don't know I don't know if we would see the manager from the onset you know you're ill treated. His job we've got train like that we want to be in the team actually because after that you know you could make a living tree it's only fair and so you've got you've got you've got to perform every day and you've got to take it seriously because it comes out in in a game where you are in the end of a big shit and I still read of knowledge to the darlington playing National League side silly home it was in the f.a. Trophy 1st round replay Blackwell Meadows tonight the 2 sides to all in the original tie the weekend quake his assistant manager down Holloway believes that they have every chance after a competitive 1st game yeah it was a very very tough test for us at the where. We money. And they could draw which I think was fully deserved to be to be perfectly honest they've got a style of play which they've been successful with and it's very hard to to cope with. A lot of balls into the box and need to pick up 2nd balls but I think the lads on a dare play some good football in the world in those spells where we're really good and I say I think we fully deserved the draw and gives another opportunity by the cherry and the winners will be a home to heritage town who knocked pills out of the same competition now world class but world class athletics is returning to the north east next summer after a 7 year gap get said international stadium will host the Diamond League meeting in August the 1st of 3 to be staged and they're up to 2024 Middlesbrough's Richie Kilty says it's massive for north northeast athletics yet it's going to be absolutely incredible with something of always dreamed of since I was a little kid I came here and got my 1st ever flex it's perience my dad got me some tickets for the Golden League in 2000 when I was only 10 years old or to think 20 years later. I'll be competing here a week after the Olympic Games it's absolutely incredible and I'm just upset your the moon but well plus I flex returning to the northeast because it's an iconic place for it and finally for race meetings today they go this afternoon at Lingfield in new break and even caught as well at Newcastle yesterday's tip was in the 25 past want to capture it was number 6 of a row balls Yeah yeah used to me fancied put a nice spikes on in a row. So. I'm just going to. Face and I'm not sure thing is that acceptable I'm thinking about you know how I am going to replace. What the 12 pence replacing. Now that's Ok. With the winner and. Thank you. South. Korea. Come. The goal here we were on the power of love from b.b.c. Taze breakfast 643 with Neil green and Amy Alton for you Wednesday morning let's not go down a little bit of a blast from the past it's good if you're in the zone I think doesn't it does definitely makes me feel like Marty McFly right producer Sarah say with the paper's money and I'm going to give you a little bit background I was chatting to Lee Johnson who's our reporter this morning in the book I was supposed to come through into the poll you guess when we were talking about the big news issues of the day I'm sure you were we were actually having it wasn't making the papers that Northern Echo this morning m.p. School for safety review off to full at this is the said field m.p. He says questions need to be asked after a teenager is what we had about this to me yesterday so that's making front page of the Northern Echo and front page of the Gazette trio told they're facing a long. Sentences for trafficking drugs by using helicopters that's the front page of The Except also on the front page and go back to the north america tributes are being paid to Ron Hogg has lost his battle with motor neuron disease I was really shocked to hear that yesterday he was just washed up on that walk been to see son turn everything off so I took my mom back home sat on the settee I mean you know when you read something like stop she breathed in momentary. Really not the window it was a little it was a great story as well we have to challenge him along a few times and we will all the seasons to what I think Ron knew that that was part of the job but he was always very pleasant. Whenever we have a system maybe not yet absolutely so it's such a shame we can have more about throughout the show so we have family the small and absolutely I don't express this morning Boras told to end the agony of her. Drug crisis these thousands of women lost not since and the whole mind replacement therapy shortage scoundrel that's the Express Daily Mirror this one in the talk about the well Paul called the washing machines 519000 I think that's the Mira it's voice when they talk a bit about you know just sort of the gold watch over Christmas because. It's just I mean. It's bad when it happens any time he always feels was at Christmas isn't it you know when you go there's loads of washing things to do and have a Christmas I think story on the front page of The Daily man and. Caroline Flack as lost to jump on Love Island as she's been charged with assaulting her boyfriend they've got a funny pun on the front page of them which cuts. Right I'm choosing not to yes that's not funny. I don't know and then all your expert funny opinion Ok so not had long of say most Yeah I wouldn't want one of them for Christmas Oh no. Oh I'm going to retire. Thank you when I buy a copy of the sun picture. On this ring on your behalf. $646.00 moving swiftly on b.b.c. Cost number $1.00 followed up with that would be tomorrow's exclusive I think it's it's what is it now yeah it's news time from b.b.c. Breakfast is that there is headlines with Ana Marie the former pm and said fail them pay Tony Blair warns that Labor faces a demand if it doesn't win you itself the Teesside town has more homeless people than anywhere else in the ne. A morning sport Holly poll United captain Ryan Donaldson has warned his team mates to step up to the challenge or risk losing their place in the side more at 7 thanks very much Rob we've got an update on the weather the traffic and travel news and music to come as well from the 4 Seasons something from Nick Jonas and shinai twin as well in the next 15 minutes this Christmas Eve Santa Claus will be on b b c t's with Gary Phillips and would you be all right if you came and visited your house on Christmas Eve. Busiest time of the year for him but he always likes to take time out of his busy schedule to talk to the children of Teesside County Durham North Yorkshire. Have just been wrapping up some presents for lots of girls and boys who been very helpful this year Santa Claus and Gary Phillips and Christmas Eve morning on b.b.c. Oh it's absolutely free he said now that the small I think is the same as yesterday just didn't get warm at all today we're going to find out what's in store now though because Lisa Gallagher is at the Weather Center I think any good news Morning Good Morning Call start see the day with the frost around this morning the risk of ice on treaties surfaces and mist in full patches who will face some low clouds building up from the south as we head through the morning so it may well be the best of the brightness for. Thing as a cloud it drifts its way northwards and that will be quite stubborn to lift it is good to be a dry day with temperatures as any around about 4 degrees that's just the heights this evening the clouds will increase the wind will pick up with the spells of rain spreading from the west side rail be heavy for a time but Shipley into the North Sea before the end of the night as the wind stops to ease off some tons of the pen temperatures around 2 or 3 degrees so it's more possibly some bright spells across a while before the cloud fills back in again I'll see further rain spreading up from the south or breezy day but feeling much milder temperatures around 10 or maybe 11 degrees that's 50 Taif in height proud of where we live b.b.c. . Still. Brilliant should I. Say I. All you want for Christmas is me not me yup it's a good I'll be home eating chocolates for us the song I sing to me we thought and selection to paint glass of mulled wine that was no it was lovely was not sloshing around at traffic time the small and an update on the list for your life to David a while the moment a beautiful image a baby just sat there with a big plastic bucket of chocolates. I just needed to. Actually Morocco I look at you know that them chocolates that you can get in like a pyramid shape. Is you and you and you and you and you. Never see like how do I live without you would look like you have some of the Bulletin. That I get a lot of apart from bit of frost thick frostbite so take it steady and I would have an extra 5 or 10 for your journey everything seems to be fairly fine roadworks wise said you know accidents instance nothing broken down nothing spilled Yeah it is just plan works that might slow you down and it's boring could be that I have your cargo fleet land still closer to 66 to Southbank road transporter bridge still closed due to bad news work and again you've got some disruption if you're travelling on Hayward street the a $1032.00 way but a controversial heading out from Cal and part of towards s. And Grange Road but apart from that everything seems to be fine so far if you do spot and he gives you read all the drive line it's over 301-2381 I want keep in Seaside County Durham North Yorkshire on the move with travel updates every 15 minutes b b c t. I . Clue. Clue. Or law. Allows. The plates. Of the bowl. This is Else and if nothing breaks like a hot from b.b.c. Breakfast Nailon Amy with the weekday mornings from 6 o'clock on the news at 7 from b.b.c. Taste breakfast this morning is with Ana Marie good morning the former prime minister and said failed and pay will warm today that Labor faces an existential crisis if the party doesn't revitalise itself as a serious progressive alternative to the Tories Tony Blair will against a whitewash of the devastating general election defeat and will put Jeremy Cole been on notice that his planned process of reflection be fall standing down as leader will cause him a parable damage if it buries the reasons for the party's worst result since 1985 Meanwhile the shadow secretary Sakia Stahmann has said he's seriously considering standing in the Labor leadership election and as Edge the party to return to being a broad church. The m.p. To stop the North is worried Breck's uncertainty will lead to the decline of some industries on Tayside Alec's coming I'm told b.b.c. Taes Any also has confirmed it's closing its seal son's chemical sites in the New Year the future of the site which employs 145 people has been under consultation since October Mr Cunningham has been speaking to b.b.c. To us all the uncertainty over breakfast at the possibility of a new deal breaker no longer. You know by the end of 2020 you know that really worries me if if all this uncertainty continues I don't think is going to attract the people back so the new government has to provide certainty for out industrialists sort of investors then perhaps I will see some of them come back and maybe even invest in the plants that are already there and in else has been approached for a comment a survey has found that more than a surge of g.p.s. Across the u.k. Have cut their hours in the last year with many blaming the demands of the job the findings by the General Medical Council also show that more than one intends on the doctors are taking time off due to stress. There are more people in Middlesbrough living in temporary accommodation than anywhere else in the Northeast according to a new report the charity Shelter has revealed that homelessness across the region has reached more than a 1000 current Can May is from 13 group who provide temporary accommodation income to cover those that comes in a wide range of services so their own services are offered some recombination to young single people who are young family families in general young males aside and this is quite a vast range of different types of temporary accommodation across the middle. And tributes have been pouring in for Durham places police crime and victims commissioner who died yesterday at the age of 68 the forces chief constable Joe Pharrell said the false had prospered thanks to Ron Hogg he stepped aside from the role of to been diagnosed with Milton your own disease earlier this year. Says he had a great sense of humor and the false benefited from his years of service he was able to step away from the operational and offer the advice and the support and the direction for the force without feeling the need to involve himself in operational policing directly so he set the tone the direction the objective and the force absolutely prospered under his leadership Ron Hogg who has died at the age of 68 Wednesday morning sport is with Ashley Fletcher says middles rest players must maintain their discipline without losing their competitive edge is a continue to fight for Championship survival Marcus Brown and Paddy McNair was sent off in Saturday's defeat at Swansea although the club have appealed against McManus red card everyone wants to do well for the cause and I think blockbuster troublesome is all we play with Robert. In the us that's probably what was Costas with Marcus on Saturday when he came on each a change the game a lot more much more talking and then a little bit of naivety off to get in the ball and Russian and challenge the. That's going to cost elsewhere Aston Villa the 1st sign through to the semifinals of the League Cup after they beat Liverpool $5.00 nil at Villa Park Liverpool fielded the youngest starting 11 in their history with a team having an average age of 19 years and $182.00 days and it's as the senior scientists in Qatar preparing for its semifinal of the Club World Cup and finally Hartley pole United captain Ryan Donaldson has warned his teammates to step up to the challenge or risk losing their place in the side pills fell you can't well going to push hard very hard we'll hear a little bit more of this couple stories next and we chat to shelter to see this any way we can help to ease the problems also Santa Claus is Coming. With the long.


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