or 20 years after the fact, if you are raped, which is a felony, don t you have anve obligation to the rest of our society to put that person behind bars, to protect the rest of your neighbors? don t you? yeah, carroll s explanation for why she does not want to go forward if they police investigation is completelye preposterous and shows how deeply politicized of this beardsley . she s trying to bring in the trunk create a crisis on the border, so many women are getting raped at the border, is a reason for the police not to look into a rapepe investigatio. we are living, tucker, they were all the weaponized feminism. obviously, sexual assault is real, but this case simply does not stand up to any kind of credible investigation. i think reporters should be asking questions. this is a woman at 52, who by all of her own accounts in an 95 esquire 95 esquire articly of expanse with men, believe you me, and she agrees to go into a
joins us tonight. h what do you make of that, dave, when you hear that? tucker, i guess you didn t know when you came to my house to do my show, my little garage studio, and you played with my dog and saw my backyard chickens, you didn t know what a crazed, right-wing radical i was. i m glad to have gotten that out there. ofcr course, this is complete nonsense appeared we ve discussed this many times. i am an old school liberal, so this is not like i m some far lefty or some far righty appeared i m trying to build bridges here, and even that now is becoming too extreme for what google and youtube are allowing to happen. one of the things that i ve done that i m most proud of, actually, is i ve had conservatives on my show, like you, like o dennis prager, ben shapiro, et cetera. and i ve treated you with respect and decency, and that really is with the mainstream media, the new york times, cnn crew doesn t want people to see. they just want to create a character of all of you guys p
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that they call themselves, because they put all the money in. this goes to the other national conversation. a lot of these players want black owners and there should be, but you got to put in the work. i think there s a lot of rich black folk that are willing to buy these teams. i want to be an owner of an nba s.team one day, and i think that is where the conversation needs to go. not this stupid conversation to suggest that just because you own a brand, which is what they are saying, they own the copyright of the logos, the franchise, and they pay players to go out there because of their talent and ability. these players exercise great judgment by hiring ages to negotiate hefty contracts, as they should. this is not a play term, this is term.c business tucker: well, of course, they own a company with employees. that s not the same as slavery in which people aren t paid and
tucker: seeing this videotape, reading the quotes from this google executive, does this confirm what you have said in the past? are you surprised by this? what is your response? i m not surprised in the least, it confirms in glowing terms, or in very ugly terms, if you want to look at it that way, that google has the power to shift opinion and votes on a massive scale, but they exercise this power. this is what i measure in my research. i can tell you precisely how many votes they canth shift. i can tell you fairly precisely how many votes they shifted in 2018. tucker: so why is that not hacking an election? well, did not hacking an election rightt now because of google and similar companies like facebook are completely unregulated in the