or 20 years after the fact, if you are raped, which is a felony, don't you have anve obligation to the rest of our society to put that person behind bars, to protect the rest of your neighbors? don't you? >> yeah, carroll's explanation for why she does not want to go forward if they police investigation is completelye preposterous and shows how deeply politicized of this beardsley . she's trying to bring in the trunk create a crisis on the border, so many women are getting raped at the border, is a reason for the police not to look into a rapepe investigatio. we are living, tucker, they were all the weaponized feminism. obviously, sexual assault is real, but this case simply does not stand up to any kind of credible investigation. i think reporters should be asking questions. this is a woman at 52, who by all of her own accounts in an ' '95 "esquire" 95 esquire articly of expanse with men, believe you me, and she agrees to go into a