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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20171110

the dossier. and special counsel robert mueller's investigation reaching even deeper into the white house and closer to the top. senior adviser stephen miller becoming the highest ranking active staff to talk to the special counsel's team. we begin, though, with the president's former body man and bodyguard, keith schiller, and what he said to the house intelligence committee. cnn as manu raju has that. what have you learned about what shirley said about this apparent offer of bem in russia. >> he testified that he thought this offer from russia to send five women up to trump's hotel room back on a 2013 trip was a joke. he said it occurred around lunchtime and when he walked then private citizen trump up to his hotel room later that night and mentioned it to him he said trump laughed it off. he said he stayed there for several minutes after trump went into his hotel room and then he left. he didn't know what happened after that. now, shurl said he dunt know who the russian was who made that offer but said it was someone in a group that was at a meeting with trump. ago alar of is a russian pop star who is close to putin. he helped set up that meeting with donald trump jr. at trump tower. a lawyer told me tonight that his client had no knowledge of the offer for -- to send up these women to his hotel room but lawmakers asked this because they wanted to know if russians had any dirt on trump as alleged this that steele dossierment while some of those allegations in the dossier have been corroborated, some of some of the most salacious ones about trump's trip to moscow have not yet, anderson. >> what else did schiller have to say in testimony. >> he was pressed for hours behind closed doors about a wide range of issues, trump russia connections, about advisers meeting with russians. and he really claimed that he did not know much since he was in charge of security at the time. he was not involved with policy matters. plus he was asked repeatedly about what he knew about the firing of fbi director james comey. remember, it was him, anderson, who delivered the letter about the firing to the fbi. he said he was not involved in those deliberations. and i can tell you, anderson, some lawmakers left pretty frustrated, wishing they learned more about exactly what happened. >> appreciate that. now a cnn exclusive. another milestone in the russia investigation. robert mueller's team have reached into the president's current inner circle. pam brown joins us now with who is talking and why it may be significant. what have you learned? >> we've learned that the white house senior policy aide stephen miller has now been interviewed as part of robert mueller's special counsel probe. so this brings the probe really into president trump's inner circle at the white house because miller is the highest level aide, that we know of, who has been interviewed by mueller's team. and he's been there by trump's side from the campaign days up until now, and he really has a front row seat to trump's thinking. so, of course, mueller's team wants to talk to him. and he was also there during the firing of james comey during that decision-making. and so as we know, anderson, that specifically is part of the possible obstruction of justice probe. >> there's also, inld, investigators are also looking into the meeting where george papadopoulos said kd arrange a meeting between trump and putin. >> that's right. so there was this meeting back in march of 2016, a national security meeting with george papadopoulos, that volunteer for the campaign who recently was charged with lying to the fbi in the russia probe, said that he could set up a meeting between vladimir putin of russia and donald trump. and we're told that stephen miller was there at that meeting and that robert mueller wants to talk to anyone who was at the meeting to learn more about what happened there. so it's believed that that was also part of this interview as well, along with the comey firing. because as we know, anderson, stephen miller drafted that initial memo during a weekend in bedminster just before the announcement was made giving the explanation for firing james comey which sources tell us was actually very similar to rod rosenstein's memo which was actually cited as the reason for firing comey. that has been handed over to the special counsel's office. but all of this, there's really an array of issues that we're told that came up during this sbeer view with stephen miller, anderson. >> appreciate the details am to say there's plenty to talk about with the panel would be an understatement. the president's confident, a long time bodyguard testifying about the most slowsive allegation, the trump dossier. steve, this offer of -- alleged offer of the women to then citizen trump, would you be more surprised if the russians hadn't tried to do something like this? >> yeah, frankly, anderson, i definitely would have been more surprised. this is standard operating procedure for the russians. you have to remember in 2013 this is before obviously trump was a candidate. but nevertheless, he was what the russians i think would have considered an american oligarch, so somebody from their own world view somebody with money, somebody with power and somebody who you just never know one day what they're going to end up being. that normally triggers the very low threshold for the fsb, which is is the internal russian intelligence service for the beginning of collecting all sorts of information, anything they can get their hands on or set up that could be used in a compromising situation in the future. so this would have been done -- if it hadn't been donald trump, i don't know how many senior american millionaires, billionaires came through moscow at that time, but they all would have had this type of collection. and it's very aggressive and it's very assertive. and the fsb has been doing it since lesson in's time. they're just very good at it and they just would have done it as a routine thing. >> what do you make of keith schiller admitted to as much? >> i think to be fair this is exculpatory towards donald trump. the argument here -- i mean, the dossier said that there was this sorted sexual encounter between donald trump and people sent by russian intelligence. schiller says no, didn't happen. didn't see it. didn't see anything like it. he said that there was this offer. but based on what's publicly available, schiller is the only version we have, and his version is it didn't happen. and in the absence of proof to the contrary, i think that's what the state of the evidence is. >> and also, jeff, we should point out schiller said that he actually stood outside donald trump's door after he walked then mr. trump up to his room. he stood outside his door for a certain amount of time and then ended up going, the idea being that if somebody had come immediately afterward, he would hve known. >> that's right. and, you know, much in the schiller -- much mountain dossier has been proven true, but this is something, this very inflammatory accusation, has not been proven true. and to the extent schiller knows or is believed, it's been proven untrue and that's an important part of the story. >> what if anything do you think this says about the dossier itself? because to jeff's point, some has been proven to, the meetings but obviously the most salacious stuff, no evidence at this point. >> look at the couple of the pieces of the puds elwe have. the interview with donald junior about the reasons for his meeting with that russian lawyer and we learned that his initial explanation was incorrect. the fact that the national security adviser for the incoming president lied to the vice president about his conversations with the russians about sanctions. now contacts with the russians from the president going back to 2013. my point, anderson, is we don't know a lot about the dossier. what we do know is we have just snippets, three or four snapshots of the relationship between trump people and the russians going back four or five years. the trump -- the mueller team is going to have 50,000 more pieces, like the financial records that implicated manafort. i think we're seeing the bits and pieces that have led the mueller team to say this is a significant slefgs, but we're seeing maybe 1% of what's going on here, around son. >> so whether the allegations are true or not, you say it's connecting the dots on the relationship that were forged during this time that you would be most interested in. >> that's right. for example, one simple question you would have is the relationships developed during this exchange going back to 2013. were any of those relationships continued over the years and were any of those the kinds much people who might have contacted the trump campaign about information related to hillary clinton. the complexity here and jeffrey toobin knows this better than i but the complexity as an analyst in these cases is you're dealing with dozens of interviews, foep calls, e-mails. some of those interviews will have discrepancies. people either leave stuff out or they lie. you've got to overlay that over four, five, six, seven years. that is a really complex timeline and we're just seeing the kinds of bits that the mueller team has to places on that timeline to determine what happened. >> steve, during the days of the kr gb, the soviet union, rooms were bugged. would that still be the case for somebody like a high profile person like donald trump in moscow in 2013? >> oh,a you. absolutely. i mean, anderson, the technology has only gotten better, just like the internet and everything else technological related has and the basic skill set they have to have that is absolutely there and they train it. the resource they put towards this are incredible. but to phil's point, if i could. the points of information that we're beginning to see as we pull this whole picture together are indeed critical. and phil rightly points out that's an important piece of this. but i would hafb to add that because we still have the salacious part of the steele dossier unconfirmed, and by the way, i'm not sure how long schiller stood outside the door. we don't know what happened the rest of the evening. >> right. >> nothing may have happened. but the bottom line is that you have to remember the steele dossier is a bunch of stand alone, raw intelligence reports. it is not one tomorrow that, you know, must be read in its entirety and believed or rejected in its entirety. there's a bunch of individual reports in there, many of which have indeed started to look more and more true. so you need to look, i think, at each individual report there and weigh it on its individual merit because it all comes from individual intelligence sources that basically mr. steele managed to steel outside and get outside of russia to contribute to this report. so it's not a monolithic thing. parts of it might turn out to be true. parts of it might also not turn out to be true. you can't discount one for the other. >> to pam's reporting on stephen miller and this draft letter that he wrote. you said all along this was problematic for the white house. >> absolutely because, you know, the core of the accusation, to the extent there is an accusation, for obstruction of justice, is that the argument made public that the reason donald trump fired james comey was because he feels too mean to hillary clinton, that argument, the accusation goes, was bogus, was want true. the real reason he was fired is because he was getting too close to the president on the russia investigation. and miller is a central figure in creating the public explanation for why comey was fired. so it's extremely important to determine how that public explanation was put together and whether there is a basis to challenge that or whether it really is does seem like it was the real reason why comey was fired. but, you know, just because miller has been interviewed once doesn't mean he's not going to be interviewed again. i mean, these are complicated questions, and these are meticulous investigators. so we pay a lot of intention, as we should, when an important person is interviewed, but that doesn't mean that they are -- miller given how important he is, i would imagine will be back for further interviews. >> thank you all. appreciate it. coming up next, two other big breaking stories. u.s. senate candidate roir moore, staunch defender of the ten commandments, now allegedly a child molester. details and reaction on capitol hill in a moment. whoooo. i enjoy the fresher things in life. fresh towels. fresh soaps. and of course, tripadvisor's freshest, lowest... ...prices. so if you're anything like me...'ll want to check tripadvisor. we now instantly compare prices... ...from over 200 booking sites... find you the lowest price... ...on the hotel you want. go on, try something fresh. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn's. entyvio works by focusing right in the gi-tract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. while not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. there's breaking news tonight. repercussions on many fronts up to and including control of the united states senate. roir moore the republican candidate from alabama denying allegations that he initiated a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl that he first approached outside of a courtroom in 1979. cnn's martin savage is in gad den alabama. he joins us now. matter? >> reporter: you know, anderson, if this is true, if these allegations are true, they're truly shocking for a number of reasons. number one, because, of course, roir moore is involved in a very high profile senate rags. we're just weeks away from the ballot there. roy moore for a long time has wrapped himself strongly saying that he believes deeply in conservative and christian values which if these stories are true would call that all into question and this is the courthouse where it all allegedly began. leigh corfman says she was 14 years old when she first met roir moore. it was 179 want. he was 32 years old at the time. corfman was at the courthouse with her mother nancy for a custody hearing. even now 38 years later both women remember moore introducing himself and offering to sit with lee while nancy attended a hearing. they told their story to the "washington post." >> the momma said thank you very much for looking after my little girl and left them alone. >> corfman told the post moore made plans to see her a few days after the hearing. >> he picked her up around the corner from her house, took her to his house, which is in a very wood i, rural area about 30 minutes away. took her into the house. at least twice that occurred. and gave her alcohol and on one of the occasions, you know, undressed her, undressed himself and, you know, touched her over her bra and underwear and guided her to touch him over his underwear. >> remember, corfman was 14 years old at the time. she said she was uncomfortable after that incident and asked moore to take her home. she never reported his behavior to the police. but she's not the only one with a story about roir moore. wendy miller told the "washington post" when she was 14 moore approached her at the mall and told her she was pretty. two years later he allegedly started asking her out, but she said no. debbie gibson told the post she was 17 when she met moore. she went out for a few dates and gibson says they only kissed, nothing more. glory is she was 18 when she met moore. she says they dated on and off for a few months and that moor would buy her alcohol even though she was under aiming. she also says they only hugged and kissed. all four women tell the "washington post" they were initially flaertd by his attention, but as they grew older and moore's prominence in alabama rose, they found his behavior troubling. >> they see he's running for such a high office, u.s. senate. they also feel that it's hypocritical of him to be, you know, saying things like homosexuality should be illegal when in their experience he was, you know, looking for teenagers to date at the mall when he was in his 30s. >> moore calls the post story, quote, completely false and a desperate political attack. his campaign has called the story fake news and points the paper has endorsed moore's opponent. but the "washington post" stands by its reporting. and leigh corfman told the post she has no political agenda and has voted republican in the past three presidential elections. >> a "washington post" reporter was in alabama doing some reporting on roy moore's supporters when these rumors were emerging that he had had relationships with teenage girls. two of us spent weeks in alabama pursuing these leads that we got, and as we say in the story, none of the women were eager to go public. they were all off the record when we first spoke to them and it took multiple interviews before they agreed to speak publicly because in the end they felt like they needed to do it. >> martin, i mean, roy moore certainly is not backing down from these allegations. he has some new tweets tonight. what did he say? >> no. in fact, let me just read to you some of what he's been putting out the. the obama clinton media lab dogs have just launched the most vicious and nasty round of attacks against me identify ever faced. we have the duty to fight back against the forces of evil. then one more our children and grandchildren's futures are on the line. so rest assured, i will never give up, never give up in all caps, the fight. i covered roy moore for a long time. this is very typical from him. but when you talk to supporters, they say, look, here is a man who has espoused so much his clis an faith. if these accusations are true, they say, as a christian, he needs to admit that regardless what the political implications may be. anderson. >> the age of consent in alabama is i believe 16, is that right? >> right. yeah. what's troubling here is, of course, he's having a relationship with what appears to be a sexually tinged relationship with a 14-year-old. but then on top of that there seems to be a pattern that he was drawn at least for some time as a prominent person in the community to very young teen age girls, much longer than he was. >> appreciate it. leigh corfman has just responded. a member of her family oirk the following statement. i've learned in all my years not to get into a shouting match with someone like moore. president trump has to weigh in. the day after moore won the primary, quote, spoke to roy moore of alabama last night for the first time. sounds like a really great guy who ran a fantastic race. it's important to note when the president hit send roy moore was already a national figure. to his critics he's a purveyor of intolerance. more now from our randi kaye. >> i believe in the second amendment. >> former alabama judge roy moore, bold enough to display his gun at a political rally. just this year the former chief justice of alabama, who quotes the bible about his often as he does the constitution, suggested that the september 11th terrorist attacks may have occurred because god was upset at the united states' lack of morality. >> we distance ours from the one that asked us in his hands to -- >> beside the bible he likes to quote his own poet tri. >> oh sweet land of liberty your house is on the sand. >> a decade earlier in 2005 during an interview on c-span, moore said homosexuality should be illegal, comparing it to bestiality. >> just because it's done behind closed doors, it can still be prohibited by state law. do you know that bestiality, the relationship between man and beast, is prohibited in every state? >> years ago moore earned the nickname the ten commandments judge for yet another controversy. in 2003 during his tenure as chief justice of alabama, a federal judge ordered moore to remove a monument to the ten commandments he had installed at the supreme court of alabama. moore refused and was later removed from office. he was elected to the befrmg again in 2013, only to be suspended in 2016 for ordering judges to defy federal orders and not issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. more himself once denied a woman in a less beyon relationship custody of her three teenagers, referring to her private behavior as an inherent evil. >> now the man who promises to restore virtue and morality to this country is having both of those very things of his questioned. randi kaye, cnn new york. >> well, when we come back, how congressional republicans are responding to the bombshell allegations against roy moore. crohn's disease. you're more than just a bathroom disease. you're a life of unpredictable symptoms. crohn's, you've tried to own us. but now it's our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohn's disease. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion, and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. we're fed up with your unpredictability. remission can start with stelara®. talk to your doctor today. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. the roy moore news probing tonight. senate republicans were attempting to focus on their tax plan. here is a look at the kind of uncomfortable moment. >> leader mcconnell, on the record accusations against roy moore, sir? >> senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and other gop republicans did say that moore should step aside if the allegations are true. what else are republicans saying about these allegations? >> well, arn son, republicans up here on capitol hill really pep period with questions very quickly about roadway moore, called this deeply disturbing and horrifying and like you said the majority of republicans that we spoke to today had the same course, that he should step aside if these allegations hold up. including we're hearing that tonight from senator ted cruz, important because he is one of the very few republican senators who actually endorsed moore. senator cruz tonight said, quote, these are serious and troubling allegations. if they are true judge moore should immediately withdraw. however, we need to know the truth and judge moore has the right to respond to these allegations. john mccain said we don't need -- are deeply disturbing and disqualifying. mccain saying in a statement he should immediately step aside and allow the people of alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of. in the meantime we also heard from the number two senate republican judge john thune today and he said, look, we're basically looking into the laws, what the laws on the books allow for in alabama when it comes to replacing a candidate, but of course, this is as judge moore is digging in tonight. >> roy moore has obviously been posing difficulties for members of congress particularly since he won his primary back in september. >> he has. he certainly has not been embraced by those establishment republicans up here on the hill. they have literally been running away from questions for months about what they think about his more controversial past. and certainly these allegations do not add anything else for them. one other thing for them to have to respond to. he was up on capitol hill in the last few weeks launching something of a term offensive. meeting with senate republicans. he appeared at their republican caucus luncheon in the past few weeks and he told republicans in the room i think i can win. these are the very establishment republicans that he really has run his candidacy against. i talked with one republican out of that meeting, a senator, and he said i asked him twice what do you think of roy moore? will you be in support of him now given that he is the nominee in this race. twice the senator said i don't know him. i need to know him better. so that was a big nonanswer. >> all right. appreciate that. joining me now dana bash, david gur gon and scott jennings. what happens now? roy moore is obviously defiant saying he will absolutely not step aside. can he be replaced by republicans? >> the alabama republican party can remove him from being a candidate. he can't be removed from the ballot at this point. the absentee battle have already gone out and, you know, sort of that is set in stone. if the alabama republican party decides to remove him, then that would mean that if anybody does actually check the box for him, then it wouldn't be counted. but it's really unclear at this point if that's going to happen, particularly because, as you mentioned, roy moore is so incredibly defiant. i think you have to remember that you mentioned this and you showed that very, very awkward moment of the senate majority leader being asked about this. roy moore being told by mitch mcconnell or pretty much anybody else in washington we don't want you to come here, if this is true, means nothing, because they didn't want him to come here in the first place. and it was controversial, as someone was just talking, even after he won the republican primary. so him being defiant is just kind of par for the course no matter what the allegations. >> david, the calls for moore to step aside by a number of republicans came with the same caveat, if it's true. the allegations, they all happened 35 to 40 years allege, so this will likely end up being their word against his. are republicans playing both sides? >> absolutely. anderson, this is becoming a nightmare for republicans, especially if it drags on. there's no way he can prove his innocence. there's probably no way the "washington post" or the women can prove his guilt. and so it's a he said she said kind of situation. but it does mean that if he continues to stand, the chances of the democrats picking up that seat go up considerably. and what would that mean? this vote is december 12th. the person who wins is then sworn into the senate quickly. you could have a new democratic senator in the midst of a tax battle when the republicans need every vote they've got. they could lose a crucial vote. and if moor stays in there, it's going to really hurt the republican brand across the country. maybe not in alabama, but across the country. the best thing that could happen from a republican standpoint is for steve bannon, steve bannon of all people, to stand up and say this is important for the party. we believe you, roy, but for the good of the party -- >> it's not going to happen. >> i'm stepping aside. >> not going to happen. >> scott, do you agree with that? >> it may not, but let me tell you one other thing. there is somebody waiting in the wipgs, you know, who might be willing to run if they work it out. and that's jeff sessions. maybe he'd like to get out of the justice department and go back where he was really comfortable. >> wouldn't that be a twist? >> i totally agree with mr. gur again. i think this is a lot about steve bannon. i mean, look, he right now is making the argument to donald trump, his former boss and to the republican party that he and he alone should be able to vet and choose the republican nominees to the united states senate in 2018. this was his first project and it has tonight blown up on the republican party. so what he does tonight to me is going to tell us a lot about how the republicans are going to deal with this. i agree with mitch mcconnell. i agree with chairwoman ron that mcdaniel at the rnc that he should step aside if these alleges have even a shred of truth to them. as mr. gergen said, no one is going to be able to prove it one way r on the other. but for the republican party i would encourage everyone not to look at this true the tribalism. look at it through the question that joanna gold berg asked tonight in the national review. it worth saving a candidacy like roadway moore's over fighting an issue like this? no. is fighting it out over this candidacy worth sacrificing my agenda? we need a republican in the united states senate, someone who can win, and that's the question in this race and all the races in 2018. donald trump has to have a republican conservative senate to enact policies. roy moore puts that in jeopardy. it's not worth saving. >> isn't it very possible that, i mean, clearly roy moore is trying to rally this as this is liberal media or the obama clinton nexus trying to bring him down. democrats trying to bring him down, liberals trying to bring him down and i guess the media trying to bring him down. is it possible this will rally his supporters and make them more fervent in bringing out the vote? >> that's a really good point. the answer is maybe, but when you're talking about -- if it were the primary, again, and if we hadn't had the primary vote, then it was republican versus republican, the answer may have been yes. and although you don't really see a lot of democrats coming out of alabama in the last 20 plus years, this is a general election, and i think it could just have the opposite effect to ally democrats who don't actually vote or republicans who don't luke this fwie to vote against him. the other thing i just want to say is my signals tonight from bannon world is don't hold your breath that he is going to say, you know what? for the good of the party i think that roy moore should back down. it's slightly different but the same kind of atmosphere iks. he was the guy and the only guys in trump tower the night the "access hollywood" tape came out who said fight fight fight fight fight fight. when a lot of people people said you know what? this is terrible for the party, terrible for the country. you're going to lose. back out. >> david, i mean, you know, one thing that struck necessity is just how quickly senate republicans came out and condemned more today. what does that tell you about where their collective heads are at? >> well, that's an interesting question because i think a couple of things influenced the rapidity with which they responded. one was tuesday night and the election results and them recognizing they've got to appeal more to the middle in order to hold the house and the senate. but secondly this wave upon wave of accusations against men who have been toppled from very powerful positions i think has created a sense that all these guys do it. and so i think he starts out, roy moore starts out with people almost automatically imagine lg oh, yes, i bet he did that and that's what i think put the pressure on the republicans to move. i think they recognized that the context has changed a lot. >> yeah. >> i would just say we live as a republican party through candidate's like this in 2010 and 2012 but tonight we're well beyond someone claiming they're a witch like christine o'donnell did or even to do a ken or some of the other candidates that came along and failed. we're well beyond that. tribalism cannot prevail. if you want a majority in enacting the president's agenda, you have to have candidates that win. candidates that have these problems are not going to win and it's bad for the overall prospect of the president being able to enact an agenda. that's where republicans have to be. >> scott, appreciate it. david ger den, dana bash as well. up next sh the neighbor accused of assaulting senator rand paul and given him broken ribs goes to court. the mystery deep enz. was it really just about lawn clippings? 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>> anderson, renee bu say, senator paul's neighbor of 17 years, was arraigned. he appeared before a judge. he pled not guilty and was given a pretrial date about a month out from now. but there's no doubt he did this, that he actually attacked senator rand paul while rand paul was mowing his lawn, that he broke six of his ribs and caused all of this pain. through his attorney he says he's very remorseful out of this and said it stems from a minor dispute between two neighborhoods who have this long-standing feud over their shared lawn, as simple as that sounds. >> what is the senator saying about this? >> you know, that's what's kind of odd. the senator is not saying much. he's convalescing at home. he's tweeting about his condition. but he's also retweeting a couple of conservative news articles that raise the specter that this was some kind of a political attack by his democratic neighbor on him, and he's pushing back through his spokesman the idea that this has anything to do with a long-standing dispute between neighbors. in fact, his spokesperson put out this statement today, anderson. it says as to reports of a long-standing dispute with the attacker, the pawls have had no conversations with him in many years. the first conversation with the attacker came after senator paul's ribs were broken. that was not a fight. it was a blind side, violent attack by a disturbed person. these guys have lived next to each other for 17 years. they haven't, apparently, talked in a long time. many, many years. i read part of that statement to renee bu say's attorney, matt baker and this is what he had to say about what happened. >> this has absolutely nothing to do with any politics. they had not spoken to each other in years, but i still think that you can have a -- i'm certain that you can have a personal dispute without having spoken. >> neither side is willing to say what exactly this was about or what the dispute was. will you? will you tell us this was over a lawn care item or how lawns were taken care of? >> that's basically it. it has to do with the maintenance of each other's property and the disagreement that two neighbors -- two adjoining neighbors have had over that. >> it sounds like a simple matter, but it's a very serious situation based on the injuries. the charges could actually be elevated, anderson. >> it certainly seems like there are some still some pretty sizeable pieces of the puzzle of what actually happened missing here. >> thatere's a lot of strange things. they've lived next to each other now for suspect years. by paul's own account they haven't spoken in many many years. that seems rather odd. we know that the capitol hill police came to bowling green, kentucky. they interviewed mr. bu say about this. they are trying to determine if there was a political motivation involved. the fbi is also asking about this. so we are just waiting to see what kind of investigation will come forward from the feds. but right now this remains a local criminal misdemeanor matter in the state of kentucky. anderson. >> drew griffin. thanks. when we come back, breaking news. more allegations of sexual misconduct. this time the focus is on comedian louie ck. we'll hear from "the new york times" reporters who broke that story next. alright, off you go. casual fridays at buckingham palace? 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>> let me think about it. >> i love you. >> i love you, too. >> even in the best of times, "i love you daddy" might be controversial. the movie about a divorced man -- >> is that your girlfriend? >> no, that's my daughter. >> who's teenage daughter starts dating a much old er film director. >> isn't that weird? >> it's not that weird. he likes young girls. >> yes, he does. >> china. >> but now, the premier and a promotional appearance on "the late show" have been canceled after a new york times report that the film's star and director exposed and fondled himself in front of women in several incidents. >> you know, sexual perversion is a problem. you can't stop it. people got to do what they got to do. >> reporter: it's the kind of behavior louis c.k. frequently jokes about in his standup act. >> i'm getting kind of a rape-y vibe from this girl. do you think i'm going to rape you in the off chance that hopefulful hopefulfully you're into that [bleep]? >> reporter: indeed, the comedian has built a tv show, an army of fans and a reputation as a comedy ground breaker with his coarse talk about sensitive matters. >> china is a minor. >> reporter: but the accuser's names are saying his jokes about sexual misconduct aren't just fiction. in numerous instances, they say they were invited to private places, such as hotel rooms, where he stripped off and masturbated in front of them. then they say they felt pressured to keep quiet. and act like nothing was wrong. >> i mean, everybody's a pervert. i'm a pervert. everybody's a pervert, who cares. >> reporter: cnn has not independently confirmed any of these allegations. we have reached out to louis c.k. for any comment. we have heard nothing yet, and his publicist told "the new york times" the comedian will not answer any questions. anderson? >> tom, thanks. joining me now, the two "new york times" reporters who broke the story. along with jody canter. me lee na, the two female comedians you start off your report with, can you explain what transpired? >> these two women were in aspen for a big comedy festival. it was a big break for them. after their show, louis c.k. invited them to hang out in his hotel room. it was kind of a normal thing to do. the bars were closed, they wanted to celebrate. they joined him, they didn't think anything untoward might happen. when they got there, they still were in their coats and hats. they didn't even take any of their winter clothing off and he immediately said he asked if he could take his penis out. before they realized what could happen -- they thought it was a joke. they laughed it off. then he did that, took all his clothes off and started masturbated. >> in front of them? >> yeah. they were in shock. he did it in front of them. >> this is not, according to your reporting cara, there are other women -- this seems to be a pattern. >> certainly our reporting showed that. we talked to a number of other women who said louis either asked if he could masturbate in front of them or they were on the phone with him talk ing about -- one woman called him up to invite him to her comedy tour show and she realized he was steering the conversation into private territory and then she realized soon that he was masturbating on the phone. another woman we talked to said when she was working on "the chris rock show," and he was too, he asked if he could masturbate in front of her in the office. >> there was an apology -- he made two apologies. was it to the two comedians from aspen? >> he made a couple of apologies to women that -- >> years later? >> yeah years later that this happened. he spoke to -- he sent messages to one woman, the woman he talked to on the phone and he said to her in a facebook message that he wanted to apologize to her for that phone call, which he said ended in a sordid fashion. and to another woman he called and said he owed her a very late apology. in her case, that was ten years after he asked her, on the set of a tv pilot if he could masturbate in front of her. >> did any of these women feel this had ramifications on their careers? because lui luis c.k. has a very powerful manager or agent who represents kevin hart and others? >> he's powerful in and of himself as a performer and he has really powerful people behind him. several women we spoke to said they feared that talking about this might have repercussions for their careers. even having any interactions with him in the form of the apology, they felt uncomfortable that this might come back to haunt them. >> the case of the two women at the aspen hotel who louis masturbated in front of, they heard -- they began telling everyone that they met afterwards. they were in shock. they thought, do we go to the police? we're not sure. there has to be something we can do, can we generate outrage and shame? they began telling people. they soon heard that louis c.k.'s manager was very angry that they were doing so. and they were new to the comedy scene. they were about to move to los angeles. this was a big player there and they felt like, we've angered this person, we can't possibly you know, submit our material to his shows. for many, louis c.k.'s manager represents some very top people. >> they felt like they were arriving into a scene with a lot of enemies. >> my understanding, according to your reporting is that even some of the people they told, some of the men they told seemed to kind of have a negative reaction. >> well, louis c.k. has a real stature in the comedy world. he's a comedian that is revered by other comedians. he's ground breaking. his comedy is very funny. and when they were having that experience and sharing their story with what happened to them in that hotel room, they said that people were backing away as though it was dangerous to even hear that story. >> he's also -- i mean, uses -- has talked about this in his act, hasn't he? >> he rue routinely talks about it. some people felt he was using this comedy almost as a mask for what perhaps, you know, real life misconduct. he jokes extensively about his impulses, as we've seen. about masturbating. in his new film, there's a scene where a character mimics aggressive masturbation at length. >> in front of other people. >> in front of other people. so it does seem to be something -- it's just -- he traffics in it in his comedy. >> it's just such a -- there was the incident with harvey weinstein allegedly doing this in front of a female reporter in a restaurant in a hallway. but it's such an odd thing that he would talk about it openly in his act. one of the apologies, didn't he say something about, i was going through a difficult time? >> yeah, that was one of the women who he -- the woman who he spoke with when he was speaking with her on the phone, he said i was going through a dark time, i was going through a tough time. i apologize for it. it seems from those messages that he was saying it's behind me now. but, of course, we don't know if that's true. >> because louis decided not to comment for our story. >> cara buckley, appreciate it, and melena ryzik, thanks very much. thanks for watching 360. time now for don lemon and cnn tonight. i'm don lemon, and we begin with breaking news. the republican candidate for the u.s. senate in alabama fighting back against explosive allegations that he had a sexual encounter with a 14-year-old girl when he was in his 30s and engaged in questionable conduct with other teenagers. roy moore slamming that report in the "washington post," calling it a desperate political attack by his opponents. top gop senators on capitol hill up in arms tonight, saying if the allegations are true, moore must drop out of the senate race. and more breaking news tonight on two fronts. in the russia investigation, a cnn exclusive. top white house adviser steven


Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20171110

keith schiller and what he said to the house intelligence committee. manu raju joins us now. what about this apparent offer of women in russia? >> schiller testified this offer by russian to send five women up to trump's hotel in trip was a joke. occurred at lunchtime, walked private citizen trump up to hotel room, mentioned to him, laughed it off. stayed there several minutes after and left. didn't know what happened after that. didn't know who the russian was who made the offer but someone in a group with -- at meeting with trump. father is russian billionaire and close to vladimir putin. and set up meeting in 2015 with donald trump jr. at trump tower where the russians promised dirt on hillary clinton. told me tonight his client had no knowledge of the offer to send women up to hotel room but lawmakers asked because wanted to know if russians have dirt on trump in the steele dossier that lays out allegations. some corroborated but most salacious ones about trip to moscow have not yet. >> what else does he say? >> pressed for hours behind closed doors about a wide range of issues, trump/russia connections, advisers meeting with russian and claimed he didn't know much, in charge of security at the time, not involved with policy matters and asked repeatedly what he knew about the firing of fbi director james comey. it was him who delivered letter about the firing to the fbi. he said he was not involved in those deliberations and some lawmakers left frustrated wishing they had learned more. >> appreciate that manu. now another milestone, robert mueller's team reached into the current inner circle. pamela, what have you learned? >> white house senior policy aide steven miller has been interviewed as part of the probe. brings the probe into president trump's inner circle at white house. miller is highest level aide we know of who has been interviewed by mueller's team. been by trump's side from campaign days up to now and really has a front row seat to trump's thinking, of course wants to talk to him. also there during the firing of james comey, the decision making. as we know anderson, that specifically is part of the possible obstruction of justice probe. >> also i understand investigators are looking into the meeting where george papadopoulos said he could arrange a meeting between trump and putin. >> there was a national security meeting, george papadopoulos, charged with lying to fbi in russian probe, said he could set up a meeting between vladimir putin of russia and donald trump and told that stephen miller was there, and robert mueller wants to talk to anybody at meeting to learn more what happened there. we believe that's part of this interview as well along with the comey firing. as we know, stephen miller drafted initial memo during a weekend in bed minister a weekend before the decision was made giving decision to fire james comey. similar to rod rosenstein's memo cited as reason for firing comey. that's been handed over to the special counsel's office. there was array of issues that came up in this interview with stephen miller. >> plenty to talk about with the panel is understatement. top adviser to the president talking to special counsel team and long-time bodyguard talking about the steele dossier. phil mudd, steve hall and jeffrey toobin. tooef th steve this alleged offer of women to citizen trump, would you be more surprised if the russians didn't try something like this? >> frankly would have been more surprised. standard operating procedure for the russians. 2014, before trump was candidate but nevertheless what the russians would consider american oligarch. someone from their world view, money, power and never know one day what they'll end up being. that triggers low threshold for fsb, internal russian intelligence service, beginning of collecting all sorts of information, anything to get their hands on or set up that could be used in compromising situation in the future. if not donald trump, i don't know how many senior american billionaires came through at that time, all would have had this type of collection. very aggressive. been doing it since lenin's time. very good at it and would have been routine. >> jeff, keith schiller admitted to this much. >> i think to be fair, this is scuptory towards donald trump. argument year, the dossier said that there was this sordid sexual encounter between donald trump and people sent by russian intelligence. schiller says no, didn't happen, didn't see it. nothing like it. he said there was offer, but based on what is publicly available, schiller is only version we have, his version is it didn't happen. in the absence of proof to the contrary, i think that's what the state of the evidence is. >> and also should point out schiller actually stood outside donald trump's door after he walked him up to his room for a certain amount of time, then ended up going. idea going if somebody had come immediately afterward, he would have known. >> that's right. much in the schiller -- in the dossier has been proven true, but this is something, this very inflammatory accusation has not been. and to the extent schiller knows or is believed, it's been proven untrue. i think that's important part of the story. >> phil, what does this say about the dossier itself? to jeff's point, some proven true, but most salacious stuff, no evidence at this point. >> but we have just a bit of the picture here. couple of the pieces of the puzzle we have, interview with donald junior for meeting with the russian lawyer. original explanation, incorrect. national security adviser for incoming president lied to vice president about his conversations with the russians about sanctions. now contacts with the russians from the president going back to 2014, we don't know a lot about the dossier, just snippets, three or four snapshots of the relationship between trump people and russians going back four or five years. mueller team will have 50,000 more pieces. like the financial records that implicated manafort. think we're seeing the bits and pieces that led the mueller team to say this is significant investigation but we're seeing maybe 1% of what is going on. >> whether the allegations are true, it's connecting the dots on the relationships forged that you would be more interested in? >> yes. were any of the relationships continued over the years and were any of them the kinds of people who might have contacted trump campaign about information related to hillary clinton? complexity, jeffrey toobin knows this better than i, dozens of interviews, phone calls, e-mails, some interviews with discrepancy, leave stuff out or lie. overlay over four to seven years, really complex time line and we're just seeing the bits that mueller has to place on it to determine what happened. >> steve, obviously during the days of the kgb, rooms were bugged and hotel rooms where foreigners stayed. would that still be the case for high profile person like donald trump in moscow in 2013? >> absolutely. technology has only gotten better just like the internet and everything else has. basic skill set that fsb has is there and they train and resources they put towards this are incredible. to phil's point if i could, points of information that we're beginning to see as we pull the picture together are indeed critical and it's important piece of this. i would hasten to add, because of the salacious part of the dossier unconfirmed -- by the way, don't know how long he stood outside the door or what happened rest of the evening. nothing may have happened. bottom line, you have to remember the steele dossier is a bunch of standalone raw intelligence reports. not one tomorrow that must be read in entirety and believed or rejected in entirety. bunch of individual reports in there, many of which starting to look more true. you have to look at each report and weigh on individual merit. comes from individual intelligence sources that mr. steele managed to steal and get outside of russia to contribute to the report. not monolithic thing. parts could be true, others untrue. can't count out all of it. >> said this was problematic for the white house, the comey letter. >> the core of the accusation to the extent there is one for obstruction of justice, the argument made public that the reason donald trump fired james comey is he was too mean to hillary clinton, that accusation goes -- bogus, not true. real reason is because he was getting too close to the president on the russia investigation. and miller is a central figure in creating the public explanation for why comey was fired. so it's extremely important to determine how that public explanation was put together and whether there is a basis to challenge that or whether it really does seem like it was the real reason comey was fired. but just because miller's been interviewed once doesn't mean he's not going to be interview again. these are complicated questions and meticulous investigators. we pay attention when important person is interviewed, but that doesn't mean they're done with this person. miller i would imagine would be back for further interviews. >> thank you all. coming up next, other breaking stories, roy moore, staunch defender of the ten commandments, allegedly a child molester, saying engaged in sexual encounter with her when she was 14 years old. also broke the story of allegations against comedian louis c.k., a special town hall on sexual harassment, tipping point. . that's the height of mount everest. because each day she chooses to take the stairs. at work, at home... even on the escalator. that can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. scholl's orthotics. clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress that travel up her body with every step she takes. so keep on climbing, sarah. you're killing it. dr. scholl's. born to move. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i love hanging out. 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himself strongly, saying he believes deeply in conservative and christian values, if these stories are true, would call that into question. this is the courthouse where it allegedly began. said she was 14 years old when met roy moore, 1979, assistant district attorney in alabama. 32 at the time. was at courthouse with mother nancy for custody hearing. now 30 years later both women remember moore introducing himself and offering to sit with leigh when attended hearing. >> thank you very much for looking out for my little girl. left them alone. >> told the post moore made plans to see her a few days after the hearing. >> picked up around the corner from her house, took her to his house in rural area 30 minutes away. took her into the house. at least twice that occurred. gave her alcohol. on one of the occasions undressed her and himself and touched her over bra and underwear and guided her to touch him over his underwear. >> corkman was 14 years old at the time. said she was uncomfortable and asked moore to take her home. never reported his behavior to the police. she's not only one with story about roy moore. when she was 14 moore approached her at mall and told her she was pretty. two years later allegedly asked her out but she said no. 17 when she met moore, speaking at high school civics class. went 40out for a few dates and kissed. 18 when she met moore, dated on and off and he would buy her alcohol even though underaged. only hugged and kissed. all four women tell "washington post" they were initially flattered by his attention. but as they grew older and his prominence in alabama rose, found behavior troubling. >> running for high office in u.s. senate and feel it's hypocritical of him to be saying things like homosexuality should be illegal when in their experience he was looking for teenagers to date at the mall in his 30s. >> moore calls the paul manafos completely false and desperate political attack. -- called fake news and paper has endorsed opponent. "washington post" stands by story. corkman has voted republican in last three elections. >> alabama, doing reporting on roy moore's supporters when these rumors were emerging that he had had relationships with teenage girls. two of us spent weeks in alabama pursuing these leads that we got. and as we say in the story, none of the women were eager to go public. all off the record when we first spoke to them. took multiple interviews before they agreed to speak publicly because in the end they felt like they needed to do it. >> roy moore is certainly not backing down from the allegations. new tweets tonight. what did he say? >> reporter: no, if fact, read you what he's been putting out to supporters. obama/clinton machine's liberal media lap dogs just launched the most vicious and nasty round of against me. and all-out war. our futures are on the line. i will never give up the fight. i have covered roy moore for a long time. this is typical from him. when you talk to supporters, they say here is a man who has espoused so much his christian faith. if these accusations are true, as christian, he needs to admit it, regardless of what the political implications may be. >> age of consent in alabama is 16 i believe is that right? >> reporter: yeah. what is troubling here, having a sexually tinged relationship with a 14 yield. but also seems to be a pattern, draw for some time to very young teenage girls. much younger than he was. >> learned in all my years not to get into shouting match with someone like moore. president trump is yet to weigh in but tweeted after won the primary. spoke to roy moore after primary for first time. he will make america great again. more from randi kaye. >> i believe in the second amendment. >> reporter: former alabama judge roy moore, bold enough to display his gun at at political rally. just this year former chief justice of alabama who quotes the bible about as often as he does the constitution, suggested that september 11th terrorist attacks may have occurred because god was upset at united states's lack of morality. >> we have distanced ourselves from the one that has it in his hands to heal this land. >> reporter: also likes to quote his own poetry. >> babies piled in it dumpsters, abortion on command. >> reporter: a decade earlier, during an interview on c-span said homosexuality should be equated to bestiality. >> bestiality, relationship between man and beast is prohibited in every state. >> reporter: earned nickname ten commandments judge for another controversy. 2003 in tenure as chief justice in alabama, federal judge ordered him to remove statue of the ten commandments and refused, removed from office. elected again, suspended in 2016 for ordering judges to defy federal orders and not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. once denied a woman in lesbian relationship custody of three teenagers, referring to her private behavior as inherent evil. now the man who promises to restore virtue and morality in this country is having both of those things of his questions. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> when we come back, how congressional republicans are responding to the bombshell allegations against roy moore. lower back pain has met its match. aleve direct therapy. the only remote controlled tens device that's drug free, and wire free for deep penetrating lower back pain relief. and now get aleve direct therapy with $20 off at your local rite aid. accused of obstructing justice to theat the fbinuclear war, and of violating the constitution by taking money from foreign governments and threatening to shut down news organizations that report the truth. if that isn't a case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become? i'm tom steyer, and like you, i'm a citizen who knows it's up to us to do something. it's why i'm funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment. a republican congress once impeached a president for far less. yet today people in congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger who's mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons. and they do nothing. join us and tell your member of congress that they have a moral responsibility to stop doing what's political and start doing what's right. our country depends on it. like new savory grilled with mediterranean shrimp, topped with a blend of green onions, tomatoes, and herbs. and your favorites, like garlic shrimp scampi. now's the only time to try as much as you want, however you want 'em. so hurry in today. more news broke today, senate republicans attempting to focus on just-released tax plan. senate gop leaders remained quiet as reporters shouted questions about the allegations. look at uncomfortable moments. >> senator mcconnell, the women who made the accusations against roy moore? >> the attack -- >> leader mcconnell -- >> thank you. >> on the record allegations against roy moore? >> just for the record. mitch mcconnell and other gop republicans said moore should step aside if the allegations are true. more on the reaction from the hill. what else are republicans saying about the allegations? >> reporter: republicans on capitol hill were peppered with questions quickly about roy moore, called this deeply disturbing and horrifying and majority that we spoke to had the same course, in essence he should step aside if the allegations hold up. including senator ted cruz, he's one of the very few republican senators who endorsed moore. senator cruz saying quote, these are serious and troubling allegations. if they are true, judge moore should immediately withdraw. however we need to know the truth and judge moore has right to respond to these allegations. senator mccain said we don't need any proof, allegations are deeply disturbing and disqualifying, saying in statement he should immediately step aside and allow the people of alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of. meantime, heard from number two senate republican, john thune, today, we're looking into what the laws on the books allow for in alabama for replacing a candidate. but this is as judge moore is digging in tonight. >> roy moore has been posing difficulties for members of congress since he won the primari primaries. >> reporter: not been embraced by establishment republicans on the hill, rung away from questions for months about what they think about his controversial past and these allegations don't add anything else for them. one other thing for them to have to respond to. he was up on capitol hill launching something of a charm offensive, meeting with senate republicans, appeared at caucus luncheon and told republicans in the room, i think i can win. he's trying to woo people to get on his side. but these are very establishment republicans that he really has run his candidacy against. talked with one republican out of that meeting, a senator, said -- i asked hadim twiim twi do you think of roy moore? i don't know him. i need to know him better. big nonanswer. >> dana bash, david gergen, scott jennings. what happens now? roy moore is defiant, he won't step aside. can he be replaced by republicans? >> alabama republican party can remove him from being a candidate. can't be removed from the ballot at this point. absentee ballots have gone out and that is set in stone. if the alabama republican party decides to remove him, if anybody checks box for him, wouldn't be counted. it's really unclear if that's going to happen. particularly because roy moore is so incredibly defiant. you have to remember, you mentioned and showed that awkward moment of the senate majority leader being asked about this. roy moore told by mitch mcconnell or anybody else in washington we don't want to you come here if this is true means nothing. they didn't want him to come in the first place. controversial, as just saying, even after he won the republican primary. him being defiant is par for the course no matter what allegations. >> call came with the caveat, if it's true. allegations were 35 to 40 years ago, likely their word against his. >> absolutely. it's becoming a nightmare for republicans, especially if it drags on. no way he can prove his innocence, probably no way the "washington post" or women can prove his guilty, it's he said/she said situation. but it does mean if he continues to stand, chances of democrats picking up that seat go up considerably. and what would that mean? vote is december 12th, person who wins is sworn in quickly. could have a new democratic senator in midst of tax battle when the republicans need every vote they've got. if moore stays in, really hurt republican brand across the country. maybe not in alabama but across the country. best thing that could happen from republican standpoint is for steve bannon, of all people, to say this is important for the party. we believe you roy, but for the good of the party -- >> it's not going to happen. >> but for the good of the party i'm stepping aside. >> not going to happen. >> scott? >> may not, one other thing. somebody is waiting in the wings who might be willing to run if they work it out. jeff sessions. maybe he'd like to get out of the justice department and go back where he was comfortable. >> wouldn't that be a twist? >> i totally agree with mr. gergen. it's a lot about steve bannon. he's making the argument to donald trump, his former boss, and to the republican party that he alone should be able to vet and choose republican nominees for united states senate in 2018. his first project and tonight it's blown up on the republican party. what he does tonight to me is going to tell us a lot about how the republicans are going to deal with this. i agree with mitch mcconnell and chairwoman of the rnc he should step aside if allegations have a shred of truth to them. as said, no one is going to be able to prove it. for the republican party, don't look at it through tribalism we look at everything through now. is it worth saving candidacy like roy moores over fighting out this issue? no. if i were donald trump, look at it through this lens. if fighting it out over this candidacy worth sacrificing my agenda? we need a republican in there that can win. all the races in 2018, donald trump has to have republican conservative senate to enact policies. roy moore puts that in jeopardy, it's not worth saving. >> roy moore is trying to rally this as liberal media or obama/clinton nexus trying to bring him down, democrats and liberals and i guess the media trying to bring him down. is it possible this will rally supporters and make them more fervent in getting out vote? allegations were made against candidate trump that didn't have an impact. >> that's a really good point. answer is maybe, but talking about the primary again, if we hadn't had the primary vote then, republican versus republican, answer may have been yes. and although you don't see a lot of democrats coming out of alabama in last 20 plus years, this is a general election. it could just have the opposite effect to rally democrats who don't vote or republicans who don't like this guy to vote against him. other thing i want to say, my signals tonight from bannon world is don't hold your breath that he's going to say, for the good of the party, roy moore should back down. remember, slightly different but same kind of atmospherics, he was the guy, one of the only guys in trump tower the night the "access hollywood" tape came out who said fight fight fight. lot of others said this is terrible for the party the country, you're going to lose. back out. >> david, one thing that struck me is how quickly senate republicans came out to condemn moore today. what does that tell you where their collective heads are at? >> interesting question. couple of things influenced rapidity, one is tuesday night election results, them recognizing they've got to appeal more to the middle in order to hold the house and senate. secondly, this wave upon wave of accusations against men toppled from very powerful positions i think has created a sense that all these guys do it. so i think he starts out, roy moore starts out with people almost automatically imagining, oh, yes, i bet he did that. put pressure on the republicans to move, recognized that context has changed. >> i would just say, we live as republican party through candidacies like this in 2010 and 2012 but tonight well beyond anybody claiming to be a witch or whatever. well beyond that. tribalism can't prevail, but if you want majority to enact president's agenda, candidates with these problems are not going to win and bad for overall prospect of the president enacting agenda. >> thank you. up next, neighborhood accused of assaulting rand paul goes to court. deepening mystery. details. we35 mules,ur doors with 70 mega-watts, and an ice plant. but we brought power to the people- redefining what that meant from one era to the next. over 90 years later, we continue to build as america's 3rd largest investor in infrastructure. we don't just help power the american dream... we're part of it. anyone ever have occasional constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating? 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>> reporter: rene boucher, senator paul's neighbor of 17 years was arraigned. appeared before the judge, pled not guilty and given a pretrial date about a month out from now. there's no doubt he did this, actually attacked senator rand paul while he was mowing his lawn, broke six ribs and caused this pain. through attorney says he was remorseful and out of character and stems from minor dispute among two neighbors with long-standing feud over shared lawn as simple as that sounds. >> what is the senator saying about this? >> reporter: that's what is odd. not saying much, conflesing at home, not saying much and tweeting about conditions but also retweeting conservative news articles that raise specter this is a political attack by democratic neighbor on him. pushing back through spokesman this has anything to do with long-standing dispute between neighbors. spokesperson put out statement. as to reports of long-standing dispute with his attacker, pauls have had no conversations with him in many years. first conversation after senator paul's ribs were broken, not a fight but tack by disturbed person. lived next to each other, apparently haven't talked in long time. many years. i read part of that statement to rene boucher's attorney matt baker. this is what he had to say about what happened. >> this has absolutely nothing to do with any politics. they had not spoken to each other in years. but i'm certain you can have a personal dispute without having spoken. >> reporter: neither side is willing to say what exactly this was about. will you tell us? lawn care? how lawns wiere taken care of? >> that's basically it, the maintenance of each other's property and disagreement that two neighbors -- adjoining neighbors, have had over that. >> reporter: sounds like simple matter but very serious situation based on the injuries, charges could be elevated. >> seems like there are still sizeable pieces of the puzzle of what actually happened missing here. >> reporter: there's a lot of strange things. lived next to each other 17 years. by paul's only account through his spokesperson, haven't spoken in many years. that seems rather odd. we know that capitol hill police came to bowling green, kentucky, interviewed mr. boucher about this, trying to determine if there was political motivation involved, fbi is also asking about this. we're just waiting to see what kind of investigation will come forward from the feds. right now remains local criminal misdemeanor manner in the state of kentucky. >> drew, thanks. when we come back, more allegations of sexual misconduct, this time on comedian louis c.k., allegations from the women and "new york times" reporters who broke the story next. from the moment you decide to move your money to the instant your new retirement account is funded. because when you know where you stand, things are just clearer. -♪ a little bit o' soul, yeah because when you know where you stand, coaching means making tough choices. jim! you're in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the #1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp. ♪ ♪ you nervous? 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"i love you daddy" might be controversial. the movie about a divorced man -- >> is that your girlfriend? >> no, that's my daughter. >> she starts dating an older film director. >> isn't that weird? >> it's not that weird. he likes young girls. >> yes, he does. >> but now, the premier and a promotional appearance on "the late show" have been canceled after a new york times report that the film's star and director exposed and fondled himself in front of women in several incidents. >> you know, sexual perversion is a problem. you can't stop it. people got to do what they got to do. >>. >> reporter: it's the kind of behavior louis c.k. frequently jokes about in his act. >> i'm getting kind of a rape-y vibe from this girl. dpung i do you think i'm going to rape you in the off chance that you're into that? >> reporter: indeed, the comedian has built a tv show, an army of fans and a reputation as a comedy ground breaker with his source talk about sensitive matters. >> china is a minor. >> reporter: but the accuser's names are saying his jokes about sexual misconduct aren't just fiction. in numerous instances, they say they were invited to private places, such as hotel rooms, where he stripped off and masturbated in front of them. then sthey say they felt pressured to keep quiet. >> we're all perverts. >> reporter: cnn has not independently confirmed any of these allegations. we have reached out to louis c.k. for any comment. we have heard nothing yet, and his publicist told "the new york times" the comedian will not answer any questions. anderson? >> tom, thanks. joining me now, the two new york times reporters who broke the story. melena, can you tell us what .transpired? >> these two women were in aspen for a big comedy festival. it was a big break for them. after their show, sloous c.k. invited them to hang out in their hotel room. they joined him, they didn't think anything untoward might happen. when they got there, they still were in their coats and hats. they didn't even take any of their winter clothing off and he immediately said he asked if he could take his penis out. before they realized what could happen. they laughed it off. they thought it was a joke. then he did that, took all his clothes off and started masturbated. they were in shock. >> this is not, according to your reporting cara, there are other women -- this seems to be a pattern. >> certainly our reporting showed that. we talked to a number of other women who said louis either asked if he could masturbate in front of them or they were on the phone with them talking about -- one woman called him up to invite him to her comedy tour show and she realized he was steering the conversation into private territory and realized he was masturbating on the phone. another woman we talked to said when he was on "the chris rock show" he asked if heck masturbate in front of her in the office. >> there was an apology -- he made two apologies. was it to the two comedians from aspen? >> he made a couple of apologies to women years later that this happened. he spoke to -- he sent messages to one woman, the woman he talked to on the phone and he said to her in a facebook message that he wanted to apologize to her for that phone call, which he said ended in a sordid fashion. and to another woman he called and said he owed her a very late apology. in her case, that was ten years after he asked her on the to set of a tv pilot if he could masturbate in front of her. >> did any of these women feel this had ramifications on their careers? louis c.k. has a very powerful manager or agent who represents kevin hart and others? >> he's powerful in and of himself as a performer and he has really powerful people behind him. several women we spoke to said they feared that talking about this might have repercussions for their careers. even having any interactions with him in the form of the apology, they felt uncomfortable that this might come back to haunt them. >> the case of the two women at the aspen hotel who louis masturbated in front of, they heard -- they began telling everyone that they met afterwards. they were no shock, do we go to the police, we're not sure. there has to be something we can do, can we generate outrage and shame? they began telling people. they soon heard that louis c.k.'s manager was very angry that they were doing so. ad they were new to the comedy scene. they were about to move to los angeles. this was a big player there and they felt like, we've angered this person, we can't possibly it? our material to his shows. louis c.k.'s manager represents some very top people. >> they felt like they were arriving into a scene with a lot of enemies. >> my understanding, according to your reporting is that even some of the people they told, some of the men they told seemed to kind of have a negative reaction. >> well, louis c.k. has a real stature in the comedy world. he's a comedian that is revered by other comedians. he's ground breaking. his comedy is very funny. and when they were having that experience and sharing their story with what happened to them in that hotel room, they said that people were backing away as if it was dangerous to even hear that story. >> he's also -- i mean, uses -- has talked about this in his act, hasn't he? >> he retunely talks about it. some people felt he was using this comedy almost as a mask for what perhaps, you know, real life misconduct. he joke extensively about his impulses, as we've seen. about masturbating. in his new film, there's a scene where a character mimics aggressive masturbation at length. >> in front of other people. >> in front of other people. so it does seem to be something -- he traffics in it in his comedy. >> it's just such a -- there was the incident with harvey weinstein allegedly doing this in front of a female reporter in a restaurant in a hallway. but it's such an odd thing that he would talk about it openly in his act. one of the apologies, didn't he say something about, i was going through a difficult time? >> yeah, b that was one of the women who he -- the woman who he spoke with when he was speaking with her on the phone, he said i was going through a dark time, i was going through a tough time. i apologize for it. it seems from those messages that he was saying it's behind me now. but, of course, we don't know if that's true. >> because louis decided not to comment for our story. >> cara buckley, appreciate it, and melena ryzik, thanks very much. "tipping point -- sexual harassment in america" starts now. tonight, it's a watershed moment. what started in hollywood -- >> they said he was in his room. i was like, are you kidding me? >> as dozens of stars accuse mega producer harvey weinstein of lewd, even criminal acts. >> it was disgusting and kind of pathetic, really, to stand b there and look at this man. >> has unleashed a tidal wave of anger. >> i've been hara


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the probe by special counsel robert mueller. he is the highest level aide still working at the white house known to have talked to investigators. and keith schiller, president trump's former security chief and personal aide testifying that he rejected an offer by russians to send five women to donald trump's moscow hotel room in 2013. a lot to get to in the next few hours, so let's begin, though, with allegations against alabama senate candidate roy moore. i want to bring in now cnn's senior national correspondent. alex, good evening to you. you are down there in alabama. walk us through these allegations. >> reporter: well, don, these are explosive allegations coming just weeks before a special senate election which was already hugely contentious and very divisive. these allegations centering around a young judge roy moore when he was in his early 30s, so from 1979 to 1981, when he was an assistant district attorney here at the courthouse in gadsden. these allegations coming from four different women who spoke with the "washington post" alleging sexual contact or attempted sexual contact. the most serious allegations come from a woman who is now in her 50s. her name is leigh corfman. she was just 14 years old at the time. she met the judge, the assistant district attorney then, here at the courthouse. she was with her mother, who was here for a child custody hearing. moore offered to take care of the young corfman during the hearing. her mother accepted. they exchanged phone numbers. and we understand that moore then picked up 14-year-old corfman twice, according to her story, taking her back to his house. and on the second visit, she says, he undressed her, touched her over her underwear and then allegedly guided his hand toward her genitalia. now, there are other allegations from three other women who at the time were between 16 and 18. they say that moore either dated them or attempted to date them and that he kissed at least two of them. of course, this could be hugely problematic for a man, for a candidate who has centered his life, his candidacy on his morals and christian values. don. >> roy moore adamantly denying any wrongdoing, right? >> reporter: absolutely. coming out with a tweet storm this afternoon, slamming this "washington post" report. he put out a number of tweets. i'm going to read at least two of them. the first one reading, the obama-clinton machine's liberal media lapdogs just launched the most vicious and nasty round of attacks against me i've ever faced. we are in the midst of a spiritual battle with those who want to silence our message. he wrapped up, so rest assured, i will never give up the fight. this man, don, is not someone who backs down from a fight. he was twice removed from the state supreme court where he was chief justice. and i was speaking with a well-known gop conservative activist here today who said that his supporters will not believe this. they will see this as an attempt to smear him. this will anger them and this will backfire, she says, bringing his supporters out in bigger numbers for that election next month. >> alex, thank you very much. i want to bring in now cnn's chief political correspondent dan nabash, chris cillizza, and matt lewis. dan, i'm going to start with you. republicans are saying if the allegations are true, he needs to step aside. a few of the voices right here. >> it is awful. >> how concerning will it be for >> it's concerning for anybody. i don't care what side of the aisle you're on. that's a horrific situation. it's very concerning. >> the allegations, if true, mean he needs to step aside. >> how concerned are you going to be that this is going to hurt the republican party? >> well, i think if he does what he should do, does the right thing and steps aside, i don't think it will hurt the republican party. >> if they're true, he should step aside. >> wow. so, dana, john mccain, ted cruz, other key gop senators speaking out. but roy moore says he is going to fight. republicans are in a tough spot with this one. >> they are because roy moore has absolutely no incentive to drop out based on the comments that you're hearing and the pictures that you're seeing on this screen because the way he sees it, it's very clear from his comments, not to mention his history, is those people never wanted him in the senate in the first place. and that is true. most of them supported the republican whom he beat last month in a special election primary in alabama, and most of them are not thrilled about the idea of him coming to washington at all. having said that, you know, even though it is going to be potentially very tough for the republican party if roy moore does come through, there's not a whole lot that they can do if he ends up staying on the ballot, staying -- remaining as a candidate and winning the special election. it wouldn't be until he is seated that two-thirds of the senate would have to vote to expel him. meaning they couldn't even stop him from being seated. so that's why they're coming out publicly. because of his history, because he is such -- or ultimate anti-establishment candidate, that only emboldens him to hear those republicans. >> this reminds me of a year ago with the "access hollywood" tape, remember, when everyone said, well, this could be the end of it. but he vowed to fight and he kept fighting. i just want to get some more responses, chris, with that backdrop of what i just said. daniel dale at the "toronto star," has been contacted lawmakers. alabama gop chairman told him i know that's bad enough, but i don't know. if he withdraws, it's five weeks to the election. that would concede it to the democrat. and then alabama marion county gop chair told him, i really don't see the relevance of it. he was 32. she was supposedly 14. she's not saying that anything happened other than they kissed. so he was already controversial before these allegations, but it looks like people are going to stick with him. >> well, he was controversial in a different regard. as you mentioned, don, or alex mentioned, you know, twice he was removed as the state's supreme court justice. that tells you something. it tells us he's controversial, but it tells you he was elected the state supreme court justice after he had been removed once. roy moore has a following in the state. we learned that very clearly when luther strange with all the force of the establishment in washington, including mitch mcconnell, senate majority leader, behind him came up well short against roy moore in both the first primary and then the run-off. he has a following among people who without question will see "washington post" and assume that it's wrong and that it's fake news. now, having worked there for a decade, i can tell you, i know the reporters who did this. i would encourage people to read the story. it's meticulously reported, meticulously sourced. talking about 30 sources. talking about four women on the record talking about their experiences when they were teenagers with judge moore. he will -- if he stays on the ballot, i think there is a decent chance he could still win. you know, i don't think that we should assume that this is game over for roy moore. >> for people who are calling it fake news, listen, they're allegations, but -- >> that's right. >> -- if you read the accounts in here, i mean, it is pretty well sourced and well written. >> and you just can't -- it just frustrates me. these people are my former colleagues. i'd say this about any mainstream news organization. these people spent weeks and probably months on this. they talked to more than two dozen people. the people are on the record with these allegations. so the idea that you can just say fake news and dismiss it and then we shouldn't pay attention to it anymore, it does a disservice to what facts are and what reporting is. >> that's the danger of what's happening with this administration and its relationship with the truth and with saying that everything is fake news. and again, allegations. i've got to read these because this is stunning to me. the alabama state auditor told a local paper even if you accept the "washington post" report as being completely true, it's much ado about very little. he also told "the washington examiner" also take joseph and mary. mary was a teenager and joseph was an adult carpenter. they became parents of jesus. there's just nothing moral or illegal here. maybe it's just a little bit unusual. >> and illegal. >> yeah. and i think this speaks, though, to what we've been saying tonight, which is that roy moore could still win the election in alabama. this isn't virginia where we just had a primary a couple nights ago. he's very popular there. look, i thought that roy moore should drop out of the race before the sex allegations. >> right. >> he's not -- if you're a mainstream conservative, you don't even have to be an establishment republican. he's from a strain of the party, of the movement that you really -- has no place, i think, in the u.s. senate to begin with. and obviously we have to deal with these specific allegations, but this is also part of a larger story about people who are either unvetted or just frankly not ready for prime time who are being promoted by steve bannon and other forces and thrust now -- i think -- here is something. it's less likely -- it's more likely that other republicans will be attacked and hurt because of roy moore than it is that he would lose in alabama. >> and then it will be detrimental to the party. i just want to get this in because he mentioned steve bannon, and i'll let you respond. we just got this in from steve bannon now the former white house strategist. he is comparing the release of the "access hollywood" tape involving as i just said now trump to roy moore. watch this. >> but it's interesting the bezos amazon "washington post" that dropped that dime on donald trump is the same bezos amazon "washington post" that dropped the dime this afternoon on judge roy moore. now, is that a coincidence? that's what i mean when i say opposition party, right? it's purely part of the apparatus of the democratic party. they don't make any bones about it. >> i have to ask you, number one, breitbart did the same thing comparing bezos' amazon "washington post" saying it's basically an arm of the democratic party. but saying drop this on donald trump. number one, why is donald trump the victim when he is on tape saying what he said and admits what he says, and then gave somewhat of an apology for it. but what do you make of that? >> you know, it's funny that you played that because this is the point that i was going to make when you and chris were talking about fake news. i know that's the term that roy moore used initially, but the way that moore and his allies are coming at it is exactly as you just illustrated with steve bannon. and that is it's about the institution. it's about the big bad media or the big bad, you know, business that is related to the media going after the person who they're nervous about. and that is, they believe, clearly the most effective way to keep the people excited about roy moore because it keeps their anger focused on big institutions. and that in large part was -- or i should say in part was the story of donald trump's election. it's the anger at the institutions, the media, of course, being one of them. another was and is washington. and that is exactly the way that they're playing it now. >> yeah. they need a foil or a foe or an enemy and so they have made the media that enemy, right. >> exactly. >> look, if roy moore wins, i think the republican party and the media look more impotent, more out of touch, and that's another irony of this is that, you know, donald trump did the same thing. they're the ones breaking norms and going against things like civility and yet it will be the media and -- >> it's a whole jedi mind trick that a lot of people fall for. listen, there is no process to remove roy moore's name from the ballot. so what happens? i have another question for you, chris, but i want dana to respond to and i'll ask you something else. >> you're right. there's no way at this point to remove his name from the ballot. the special election is about a month away. so the only way for him to not officially be a candidate is if he drops out. doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon or if the alabama republican party says we don't want him as our candidate. i mean, who knows, that could happen. but regardless, what it means is that if there is another republican candidate out there, there needs to be a write-in campaign, and that's not easy to do. and so at the end of the day, if roy moore stays as a candidate or not, his name is going to be on the ballot, which will invariably confuse things. >> yeah. and if he wins, if he gets elected, chris, capitol hill, will they have to seat him? >> yes. they don't have the power -- as dana mentioned, they don't have the power to not seat him. the only power that exists is in the state republican party. if he does not choose to withdraw, and as dana said, there's certainly no indication he's planning to do that. the state republican party has the capacity to withdraw him, though we're not still entirely clear how that would happen. if that did happen, his votes would be invalidated and therefore, he couldn't win. what that almost certainly would mean is doug jones, the democrat, would get elected. he would be seated in the senate and two-thirds of senators would have to vote to get rid of him. you know, it is not -- this is always true. it's always true with politicians. it is much harder to get rid of someone if they don't want to be gotten rid of. >> yeah. >> it just is. there's lots of -- >> the important thing is -- >> a lot of that is good for democracy, don, but in situations like this if you're the republican party, it makes things very uncomfortable. >> the interesting thing is they're saying it's the liberal media, and his accuser is a republican who votes republican. thank you all. appreciate it. just ahead, breaking news on the russia investigation. special counsel robert mueller setting his sights on the president's inner circle. stephen miller just interviewed as part of the ongoing probe. we have a question about your brokerage fees. fees? what did you have in mind? i don't know. $4.95 per trade? uhhh and i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee? guarantee? where we can get our fees and commissions back if we're not happy. so can you offer me what schwab is offering? what's with all the questions? ask your broker if they're offering $4.95 online equity trades and a satisfaction guarantee. if you don't like their answer, ask again at schwab. and her new mobile wedding business.tte at first, getting paid was tough... until she got quickbooks. now she sends invoices, sees when they've been viewed 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tripadvisor now searches over... ...200 sites to find you the... ...hotel you want at the lowest price. grazi, gino! find a price that fits. tripadvisor. there's news tonight about long-time donald trump confidant keith schiller rejected a russian offer to send women to trump's hotel room. does it discredit the allegations in the russia dossier? here to discuss now, congressman mike quigley, a democrat on the house intelligence committee. good evening. thank you for joining us. president trump's long-time bodyguard told your committee that he rejected a russian offer to send five women to then private citizen trump's hotel room during their 2013 trip to moscow. does that prove anything to you? >> all i can talk about with regards to the schiller testimony is in the larger picture, much of the steele dossier seems to be accurate. i don't want to get into exactly what he said and whether i believe him or not. i think it's important to put it into a larger picture. this investigation is a lot like previous investigations. it begins at the periphery and moves to the core. we'll learn a lot more about finances and connections. it gains momentum when there's an indictment or two, especially if someone is flipped. but in the larger context, there is an inexorable path in this investigation toward learning about more russian connections, more russian communications, more players in the trump world, especially as we've heard recently at a higher level working and talking to russians. >> okay. let me ask you this because i didn't want to interrupt your train of thought there. but you said that what you could say about schiller is that the steele dossier is accurate. is that much of it according to his testimony? did he confirm some of it? >> i don't want to connect that to the dossier at all. you know, it's a hearing in which we were going to let mr. schiller speak his piece and not talk about it. so the reference was to something connected to the dossier. apart from that, i'll just say the large extent what i have learned overall, aside from the schiller testimony, is much of the dossier was accurate and extraordinarily important. >> why is your committee -- >> not the subject of the investigation, though. >> why is your committee focusing on this dossier? >> i don't think it's the exact focus. i think the focus is what did the russians do and was there cooperation and even conspiracy with trump associates to move that plan forward? the dossier presented evidence toward that end. much of it was raw data. but the fundamental aspect of the dossier, what it was stating, long before our intel community talked about it, was that the russians were responsible for the attack on our democratic process and they were favoring one candidate over another. again, it's raw data. some of it will be proved and some of it will be disproved. that is, again, not the core element of what we're investigating. obviously when people testify some of its discussion, some of its elements will come out, whether or not we believe those to be true. >> understood. so schiller's lawyer says your committee should investigate individuals leaking misleading versions of his testimony. how concerned are you by the volume of information that has been leaked? >> i've been on the committee three years. i'm always concerned that leaks take place in the intelligence community, including out of the committee. the extraordinary number of leaks that have taken place out of the white house in a short period of time of the trump administration. you don't want an investigation by leaks. one of the four elements of this investigation is what leaks took place at the beginning and how to prevent them in the future. i agree. i will say, though, i do have some colleagues i serve with who seem to be far more concerned with leaks that took place, especially at the beginning, than the actual russian attack on our process. >> yeah. i've got to ask you about the white house, because they have been dismissing george papadopoulos as a low level volunteer and just a coffee boy. but we're now learning that he represented the trump campaign at meetings with the british government, government officials and israeli settlers. what do you make of that? >> yeah. i think you hear them dismiss anyone who gets close to this investigation, mr. knicks, roger stone, peter smith, george papadopoulos, carter page. you know, at some point it becomes far more difficult when we talk about mr. kushner and trump junior. >> what about stephen miller testifying? >> sure, stephen miller, most recent one. that's reported. and i'm only reacting to the report of that. it's natural for the white house to try to dismiss these as they get closer and hotter parts of this investigation. i understand the rationale for what they're doing. it gets very difficult with the revelations about mr. miller and what we already know that don junior said, quote, if that's what it is, i love it, can we do this in august, knowing that he was getting dirt on hillary clinton. >> congressman mike quigley, thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> when we come back, more on the testimony by the president's former bodyguard and their trip back in 2013. we're going to talk to our legal and intelligence experts about how the kremlin tries to gather intel. times faster. it lets you know where your data lives, down to the very server. it keeps your insights from prying eyes, so they're used by no one else but you. it. is. the cloud. the ibm cloud. the cloud that's designed for your data. ai ready. secure to the core. the ibm cloud is the cloud for business. yours. does it look like i'm done?yet? 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here to discuss, cnn contributor john dean, a former white house counsel for president nixon. cnn national security analyst julie kim and steve hall. steve was head of russia operations for the cia. good evening to all of you. let's see. steve, i want to start with you because president trump's long-time bodyguard says that he rejected a russian offer to send five women to trump's hotel room during their 2013 trump to moscow. is this how russia usually goes about collecting or compromising material on someone? >> yeah, don. i frankly would have been shocked if such an offer hadn't been made at some point during trump's stay. i mean, yeah, this is very, very common modus operandi for the internal russian intelligence service. even though at the time donald trump was not a presidential candidate, he was -- looking at it through a russian lens, he's an american oligarch. so he's a guy with some influence, guy with a considerable amount of money, somebody that the fsb would have just almost automatically collected against. as a matter of fact, if there had been other american millionaires or billionaires coming through and staying in a high -- nice place, nice hotel in moscow, they would have collected against him too. so this is not at all uncommon in the sending of women, the photographing, the taping, the microphones, all of that is very, very standard. very different from the way western intelligence services work but very common for the russians. >> julie, president trump has repeatedly insisted that the entire dossier is fake news. i just had a congressman on that said a lot of it was confirmed and even through some of the testimony of schiller. does this new reporting corroborate more of the dossier? >> i think so. you have to remember that the administration sort of story line on russia has changed so significantly from the beginning, which is we had no contacts with russians to the seven major players in the campaign having contacts with russians to now the dossier. but i want to remind people that the dossier is not just about the prostitutes or the more salacious things. actually, the substance of the dossier is about the sharing of information between the russians and the trump campaign in the summer of 2016. and even if that's not a crime, i think what you're starting to see, at least from the public reporting from cnn and others, is that even if that collusion is not a crime, the obstruction of the investigation would be. and that's why i think the interviewing of hope hicks and steve miller is relevant. so all of these pieces, if you take a step back, they seem disjointed, they actually -- we might be starting to see a theory of the case coming out of the office of the special counsel. >> this shows that russia at least was trying to get compromising material on trump. what does that mean for the russia investigation? >> well, it certainly does show that, and there are pieces of the dossier that are being corroborated. i reread it today, as a matter of fact, just to refresh my recollection of what was in there. and with regard to the sex charges, they, of course, weren't only moscow, but they were st. petersburg involving trump. so there's a lot there. and it was an evolving document over many months. you know, i think that clearly the special counsel is going through this. he's looking at it as probably just one piece of the puzzle he's trying to put together, but a significant piece because of its impact. >> yeah. steve, keith schiller was very specific, saying that the russians offered to send five women to trump's hotel room. five women. why do you think he was so specific like that? >> you know, it's unclear as to whether he was just trying to remember it as best he could. i mean, one of the other things it's worth remembering that he was also very specific about was the fact that he stayed outside of trump's hotel room for a couple of minutes. so at least we know for that period of time there was nobody taking anybody up on any offers. past that i suppose we're not sure. we just don't know. but jumping on to what both john and julie have said with regard to the dossier, just because a piece of it -- and i'm certainly not an apologist for it, but having seen a lot of raw intelligence in my day, what you have in the dossier is a series of freestanding reports from separate sources. so this isn't something that -- if you find one piece that's wrong or one piece that's a little bit off or something is misspelled, you just dispel the whole thing and get rid of all of it and throw it out the window. that's not the case. you have a bunch of individual reports sourced back to folks, individual sources that mr. steele was essentially running as intelligence assets inside of russia. so this is not a monolithic document. these are a collection of documents, some of which might be very accurate, have turned out to be pretty accurate and others which have yet to be proven or might be entirely inaccurate. >> julie, i need to get your reaction to cnn's exclusive reporting that white house policy adviser stephen miller has been interviewed as part of mueller's investigation. he was with the president and helped draft a memo about why comey should be fired. what does that say to you about where this investigation might be going? >> it seems just from who we're seeing lining up that the obstruction of justice or the reasons for firing comey are part of what mueller is looking at, whether the president or his team is lying about the reason for why they would have fired comey in the first place. so what they're trying to do is they're getting a lot of different interviews here, a lot of different people speaking who were all in the same place, and seeing who may be telling the truth and who may be lying. that leads to them saying we think you may be lying to the special prosecutor, do you want to now tell the truth. if it turns out that what trump really was doing -- let's just be honest here. trump has essentially admitted that he fired comey to stop this investigation, then that leads to the obstruction of justice charges. but i'm of the school that trump already sort of admitted it in his tweets and elsewhere. it's not like he's hiding his reason for firing comey. >> mueller's investigation seems to be narrowing. you have schiller, miller, hope hicks. the president, he continues to insist that he is not under investigation, but does what we're learning seem to suggest otherwise? >> well, it certainly does. this is the way typically investigations work, from the outside in. and don, one of the interesting things is former white house counsel and having gone through watergate with nixon, there's been no effort to invoke any kind of privileges here. executive privilege will not hold up in front of a grand jury. but it does hold up in front of a congressional committee. yet that hasn't been attempted. i'm not a defender exactly of trump, but whoever is counseling him is being smart to get it out there because it's going to come out eventually anyway. >> all right. thank you all. i appreciate it. fascinating conversation. multiple allegations of inappropriate sexual contact with minors now threatening to up end the alabama senate race. national republican leaders call for roy moore to step aside while state leaders are standing up for him. why is that? and what does that say about the party's future? fothere's a seriousy boomers virus out there that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don't even know it. because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and it's not tested for in routine blood work. the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested. if you have hep c, it can be cured. for us it's time to get tested. ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test. it's the only way to know for sure. 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"the post" story is extremely well sourced. moore denies it. there will never be proof. but i know this, there are there are like a million republicans in the state of alabama. virtually any of them would get elected to the united states senate. can we find one that is not presently accused of molesting a 14-year-old girl? probably, we could find one. the republican party cannot stand for this, endorsing, standing by, getting on board with candidacies like this will cost the republicans the majority, just the way it did in '10 and '12. remember, we've been through this before, going down this path with candidates, with people who have no business in public service. we can't do it again. >> he may get elected, but do you think that he will ultimately hurt the party? >> yes, yes, this hurts the party. the republican party has to stand up against issues like this. again, this guy does not represent most republicans that i know. he won a primary, fine. but most republicans i know would much rather have a republican senator from any state, alabama included, that doesn't have this kind of stuff hanging over his head. we can do better. >> bakari, there were people who said that republicans had said that about candidate trump. is this the real trump effect, though, you think that accusations of any kind can be overlooked because we have a president in the office who is caught on tape admitting to grabbing women's genitals? >> well, i mean, i'm going to surprise, i think, a few people with this answer, but i don't think it's the trump effect per se. i do think that he exemplifies something that's deeply troubling and wrong in our country. look, you see hollywood being uprooted with louis ck, with kevin spacey, with so many different people who have committed acts of sexual assault and sexual harassment. i mean, you look at anthony weiner in the democratic party. now you look at roy moore. you look at the president of the united states. i mean, the list goes on and on and on -- >> can i just interject something. all of those people you mentioned, everyone in hollywood lost their jobs, you know, their endorsements, their money, they're being shunned and on and on. and even,, you know -- but the president is still in office and roy moore could win. >> and i'm not necessarily harping on that. it does seem as if the liberals do pay a price. don't get me wrong. but what i'm talking about is the actual behavior. and i think that the behavior that we're seeing in this country is not partisan at all. one party doesn't own this troubling, vile behavior. i mean, men in this country have a problem, don. i mean, we need to sit down and have a conversation about how to make sure that we're treating young ladies the proper way. i think this is not a partisan discussion, per se, but we're having a deeper discussion that the president and roy moore actually do exemplify. >> yeah. bob, i wonder what you think. because many republican voters, when they voted for trump, they said they had to hold their noses while punching the ballot. but i'm wondering if it's not necessarily that with roy moore, if he stays on the ticket and the people who are supporting him, they seem to be, you know, sort of in your face. like, yeah, we're going to support him and this is just all made up. >> yeah, that's right. without a doubt, roy moore can still win. i mean, it's been such a bad week for the republican party. and you get to see why mitch mcconnell did not want moore to win the primary and he won it fairly easily. so, you know, i think this is going to be a disaster in the coming weeks, because moore is not going anywhere. there's no way to prove it. the reporting has been very detailed, but doug jones, remember, the polls were fairly close, single digits before this, so i'm very interested to see the next poll. does jones actually pick up a point or two or maybe five -- >> could it energize him, roy moore? roy moore, i mean, energize -- >> absolutely, going after the media. it worked for trump. that helped him get elected. and i think he's using the same script by saying fake news and denying all of this. we don't know what the truth is, but without a doubt, i think this is going to be a close race, but moore can still win. >> go ahead, scott. >> i will tell you that donald trump can change everything, if he said, you know what, i'm reading these reports. i don't know what the truth is. but i think the right thing to do is for roy moore to step aside. donald trump could change everything, he could change everything by doing that. i hope he does it. i don't know what the white house is going to do. i heard what vice president pence said tonight, which was, he expressed shock, called the allegations troubling, if they're true he should step aside. so we're getting closer to the oval office here. donald trump could take control of this party tonight and call for him to step aside. it would be an amazing piece of political leadership if he did that. i've seen what steve bannon said, but bannon's not the head of the party, trump is. >> you're reading my mind. because bannon told him to stay in the race with the "access hollywood" tapes and that he could win. and you heard bannon out there tonight saying this is all jeff bezos and the liberal "washington post" and on and on and on. >> if i were donald trump, i would be outraged tonight. steve bannon, your chief strategist who used to work for you, has said i and i alone should be allowed to choose and vet candidates for the senate in 2018. this was his first project. it is blowing up in the republican party's face tonight. the president has to have a republican majority to govern. candidacies like moore's put that in jeopardy. so the president should not stand for this. >> thank you, all. straight ahead in the next hour, more of our breaking news coverage of the explosive allegations that senate candidate roy moore is facing right now. and the russia investigation getting deeper into president trump's white house inner circle. here's some advice. tripadvisor now searches more... ...than 200 booking sites - to find the hotel you want and save you up to 30%. trust this bird's words. tripadvisor. but having his parents over was enlightening. ♪ you don't like my lasagna? 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