With the worrying news of pollinators facing decline in 2023, is it time for the beauty industry to look at how it is influencing their dwindling numbers?
This recent achievement supports the company's ambition to see World Bee Day (20 May) become a key annual event to raise public awareness of the valuable role that bees play in biodiversity
May 20, 2021
When it comes to biodiversity and how our ecosystem functions, bees are the buzzword (pun totally intended). Without bees, plant pollination can’t happen. No pollination means no fruit and its resulting seeds. And that means the plant can’t reproduce. Now imagine this happening everywhere on the planet.
Cecile Lochard, Guerlain’s chief sustainability officer, says close to 75 per cent of cultivated plants and 90 per cent of wild flowering plants depend on pollinators, which are mostly bees. “By pollinating flowering plants, bees guarantee the reproduction of numerous plant species and no less than one third of the world’s food supply,” she says.