donald trump wasn t upset that it was now known that he wanted bun ga-bun ga party. mueller fired. donald trump was mad that it was it was like the laughing stock in the press that don mcgahn before you go to the g20, who is tried to stop him. because he had at the end going to sit next to berlusconi. of the day, his ego drives everything and that s why you see him risking making life certainly more difficult for his isn t it one of southern baptist aides by asking them about their own interview questions girl s improperly. but he also hasn t really for not communicating properly the president s legal suffered any consequence for breaking norms, for doing things issues that he really shouldn t do and let me give sarah sanders then have an unseemly some cover here. appearance. that s why everyone is nbc news also reported trump rightfully obsessed with the lawyer michael cohen tries to question of will he eventually silence stormy daniels. fire bob mueller, and that is this
so, we should hold him this case has been won, that accountable on that basis, i seemed to be satisfying and she think, that, you know, impulse said she talked to the president about this. it s not always clear to me that control or not. at some point we have to treat she talked to the president him like an adult. about tariffs or taxes. so, the fact that she talked to i can karolyi keep a straight the president about alleged sex with a porn star really grabbed face. of course, eugene is right, my attention yesterday. what she said is this case has elise jordan, but he doesn t act been won in arbitration by the like one. so, i constantly draw parallels president s personal attorney. to my 6-year-old. so, she was told that the if you get past the fact that president won. his behavior can t be checked so, what did the president win? and that s a problem for ty cobb he won her silence. and john dowd, the other tell, one of my favorite expressions the white house secretary of eli s
he s going to have his tariffs. your paper about the january 11 your paper reported in seychelles meeting is rounding out this bizarre picture, stunning piece over the weekend that will stand out for me over bizarre at best, picture of the rest of the trump covert communications between presidency, however long that the trump team and russia. is, eight months or eight years, eugene, there is not a single about what donald trump just did example that i ve unearthed of a is a tactic. back channel being set up with it s not about solving problems venezuela or mexico. in the lives of men and women he right. just stood. it s about bringing you in. or france or anyone. i think the quote was he just russia. assembles the press, chews on coincidence? no, i mean, look. policy, and whether it comes to you can think about be or not, he enjoys the tv historically, you think of back show. this seemed like one of those channel communications, you moments. think of henry kissinger s back