arrangement at the hotel. christopher didn t use his name, rocancourt, or rockefeller. he used pia s last name, he was christopher reyes. pia didn t seem to mind. just registered under reyes. did he also introduce himself as christopher reyes to some people? well, it s not a big deal to me. but using fake names would turn out to be a big deal to others, especially when that name was rockefeller. it s almost like completely ridiculous to use the name rockefeller. i mean, how can you believe someone has a french accent with an american historical name? next, christopher plays tag. this time with the cops. that was the last we saw of him. to power our lives. while energy developement comes with some risk, north america s natural gas producers are committed to safely and responsibly
actor, christopher rocancourt, having served his time in an american prison, is back on french soil. some of his victims were compensated for their losses, a few. others were either unsuccessful or too embarrassed to claim against him. you paid? no, i paid. five years ago, everything is take away. where you just become a slave. i pay my bill for the first time. he said he always counted on his victims, thinking they were taking advantage of him, counting on their greed. you think for that time, you can profit better with me. so you think those people should be punished? no, no. you ve been dumb, you ve been stupid. just like i did prison time, i take my time. just accept it for fact. you re not that bright, you ve
but he says that from the beginning, something didn t seem quite right. why is this rockefeller coming across with this french accent? mccrary s suspicions led him to the internet to check out christopher rockefeller. there was a website that has the whole family tree of rockefellers. there they were. three generations of john d. rockefellers, nelson and david, and one name from the rockefeller family past that mccrary seized on. yes, there was a christopher rockefeller, but there was one slight discrepancy. that rockefeller, christopher rockefeller, died in 1790. so who was this christopher rockefeller who was making his mark? his given name was christopher, but his family name certainly wasn t rockefeller, not by a long shot. his real name was christopher rocancourt. as it turns out, he s a swindler
the abbreviation is con man. he prefers another word to describe his skills. actor. i ve been a great actor. i don t think you can be a good con man, you know, without having some acting lessons. rocancourt said he started honing his acting skills at a very early age to conceal his less-than-glamorous upbringing. this is where we found your birth certificate. my birth certificate, yeah. after his parents abandoned him, he ended up here. i used to live on the top floor. for the first time in 25 years, rocancourt went back to the orphanage in normandy. he d ran away from this place when he was just 13. i used to play marbles here. i used to dig a hole and play marbles. i always cheated. you always cheated? yeah. for christopher, the visit to the orphanage forced him to confront a painful memory and to reveal a secret he d kept from everyone. i remember, my father bring me to this orphanage.
been stupid. just accept it. oh, you ve been ripped off. but what you have done is criminal, you admit that? no question. but you don t feel any sympathy for the people who lost money because they were greedy and lost money, you don t feel sorry for them? no. i keep it real. you want honesty? you have it. i keep it real. what do you want me to tell you? i have a feeling i don t have? i don t. given the french appetite for his story, he was about to pull off the ultimate con. while laws in some parts of the united states make it illegal for christopher to profit from his crimes, in france he was free to turn his celebrity as a criminal into a legitimate money-making venture. rocancourt had a team of handlers selling the rights to his story to the french media. they were the first photos of the phony rockefeller for sale. the first print interview.