Couple whose gender reveal party sparked 2020 California wildfire that killed a firefighter and burned more than 22,000 acres charged with involuntary manslaughter
Refugio Manuel Jimenez Jr. and Angela Renee Jimenez pleaded not guilty on Monday to charges involving the El Dorado Fire
The fire killed firefighter Charles Morton, 39, when the blaze overran a remote area where firefighters were cutting fire breaks
The Jimenez family was charged with one felony count of involuntary manslaughter, along with seven other felony counts on fire related charges
They were also charged with 22 various misdemeanor counts related to the fire
Prosecutors had requested that bail be set in the amount of $50,000 each
Experience helps patients and care partners to live in the moment
Uploaded: Sun, Jul 18, 2021, 6:36 pm
When diagnosed with dementia, people ask, Now what? said Paula Hertel, co-founder of Connected Horse, who has worked for the last 25 years to improve senior care systems.
They might decide to go down a path of despair or they might decide to take action, she explained, and this is where Connected Horse comes in. The program brings people newly diagnosed with dementia together in nature with horses, along with their care partners, benefiting all of them. The horses want to be in relationship with us; they are not concerned with diagnoses, titles or roles, Hertel said.