at msnbc of what do you do, robot carl? hello, greg. you left your underwear on the radiator. please don t let it happen again. anyway, i am glad you asked. i am currently working at keith halberman s assistant. doing his math, changing the parrot and flossing the hobo teeth he keeps under his pillow. the week ends are the worts. worst. then have i to feed him wafers, mouth to mouth like a baby bird. i would cry, but then he beats me. somebody please shot me in the face and put me out of my robot misery. also, rachel has coffee breath. didn t need to know about that last part. robots love to chat. neil from florida neil from florida.
robot carl? hello, greg. you left your underwear on the radiator. please don t let it happen again. anyway, i am glad you asked. i am currently working at keith halberman s assistant. doing his math, changing the parrot and flossing the hobo teeth he keeps under his pillow. the week ends are the worts. worst. then have i to feed him wafers, mouth to mouth like a baby bird. i would cry, but then he beats me. somebody please shot me in the face and put me out of my robot misery. also, rachel has coffee breath. didn t need to know about that last part. robots love to chat. neil from florida neil from florida. neil, that is a terrific idea to add recorded laughter.