then have you comey s chief of staff, james rybicki, he has resigned and now we know comey s general comey s general counsel jim baker, now we can report under an official criminal investigation. something comey himself that he admitted to doing when heem leaked the fbi memos about president trump, remember, to his professor friend atfe columbia and then to the new york times for the very purpose of spurring a a special counsel investigation, which w coincidentally is being carried out by his close friend, robert mueller. how nice. so, what did all the people, they all wanted hillary clinton to win, one of them 100 million to zero. they all hated and continue to hate donald trump. they all worked together to rig our political system andd fix out outcome of the 2016 election by using their powerful top positions, not rank and file, the top positions at the fbi and the doj to help hillary clinton