mr. barr is going to ask questions, how can you certify to a fisa court on four separate occasions that you have enough evidence to get a warrant against american citizens with the evidence, the dossier, is unverified to this day? i think is going to look long and hard at the department of justice and fbi, the way they conducted the clinton investigation, the way they started up the mueller investigation. here s a long story short. mr. barr believes that politicians should not interfere in criminal investigations, but he also believes that criminal investigators should not be out to get politicians, and they were out to get trump. sean: there are a lot of forces working against him but for example, ied know if i deled emails, acid washed hard drives [laughs] are you confident hel. will o that because every other american, if you are being investigated, subpoenaed with your emails, will you erase them? is that whatt hillary has taught
recommendation that james comey be fired. he tried to recruit cabinet members to depose the president. he is the one who appointed a special counsel. so when you have the guy in charge of the fbi, which was rosenstein, in bed with his subordinates who were coming after trump, of course there could be no justice. sean: pam bondi, the first time i think we introduced to his former attorney general of florida. weird. sean: welcome to your new life. in that position, you watched the testimony today. are you confident that mr. barr will apply the law to all of these serious examples of abuse of power and corruption that we have spent a lot of time exposing on this show? sean, i read an op-ed that was published about why william barr is the best selection in the country to be our u.s. attorney general, and now i am even more convinced than ever. he said the right things today,
next up, mr. barr, you get this job you need to look into the theft and leaking of government documents. jim comey obviously committed a serious crime when he intentionally leaked his fbi memos about his conversations with the president. it s important to also look at abuse of power changes that would be comey, mccabe, strzok, all fired, lisa engage. bruce orh should have been deported twice. disagree with politically all trying to get hillary clinton elected and then having an insurance policy, and a media leak strategy if, in fact, donald trump did win. let s not forget about lying to the fbi. after all, this crime shouldn t only apply an american war hero like general flynn and trump campaign staff like george.
walls are closing in on james comey. we have, yet, another major development in our hannity watch on the deep state. former fbi general counsel james baker of the man who served as jim comey s top lawyer, he, too, like others, is under criminal investigation for leaking to the media and baker has long faced scrutiny over his ties to mother jones reporter david corn. remember, corn was the first journalist to report the existence of christopher steele s dirty dossier in the lead-up to thehi 2016 presidential election. so, let s keep trackkn of comey s leadership at the fbi. you know, mr. integrity. okay, now, of course we know comey himself was fired by president trump. his second in commandan andrew mccabe was fired for lying. andrew mccabe is now currently under a criminal investigation. comey s top investigator, peter strzok, was fired for his obvious political bias. he may soon be under criminal investigation as well as his ex-girlfriend, top fbi lawyer lisa page. she was forced
then have you comey s chief of staff, james rybicki, he has resigned and now we know comey s general comey s general counsel jim baker, now we can report under an official criminal investigation. something comey himself that he admitted to doing when heem leaked the fbi memos about president trump, remember, to his professor friend atfe columbia and then to the new york times for the very purpose of spurring a a special counsel investigation, which w coincidentally is being carried out by his close friend, robert mueller. how nice. so, what did all the people, they all wanted hillary clinton to win, one of them 100 million to zero. they all hated and continue to hate donald trump. they all worked together to rig our political system andd fix out outcome of the 2016 election by using their powerful top positions, not rank and file, the top positions at the fbi and the doj to help hillary clinton