militants have foreign country backing. laura: joining us from portland, oregon, the national spokesman for the muslim community u.s.a. the oldest muslim organization in the united states. harris, it s great to see you. look, this hearing has been controversial. and other points it seems like maybe people are learning something. but it was pretty interesting to see that sheila jackson lee angle on all of this. i will see you one islamic terrorist and i will raise you a christian radical. what was your take on this? well, first and foremost, as muslims who believe in the messiah we are absolutely in favor of rooting out radicalism and terrorism. we don t think a hearing can do that. congressman congresswoman lee brought up interesting fact that she is not warning the world of a christian threat but, if anything, sitting on the subcommittee for international law, terrorism, and global counter terrorism she is grounded in the realities of true terrorism.
militants have foreign country backing. laura: joining us from portland, oregon, the national spokesman for the muslim community u.s.a. the oldest muslim organization in the united states. harris, it s great to see you. look, this hearing has been controversial. and other points it seems like maybe people are learning something. but it was pretty interesting to see that sheila jackson lee angle on all of this. i will see you one islamic terrorist and i will raise you a christian radical. what was your take on this? well, first and foremost, as muslims who believe in the messiah we are absolutely in favor of rooting out radicalism and terrorism. we don t think a hearing can do that. congressman congresswoman lee brought up interesting fact that she is not warning the world of a christian threat but, if anything, sitting on the subcommittee for international law, terrorism, and global counter terrorism she is grounded in the realities of true terrorism. and she brought up an