on all of this later on. we re separately learning that the bond order that the president had to sign in order to leave the courthouse states that he had no contact with any witnesses in this case, including walt nauta, that was indicted. the former body man for the president who was helping him move boxes around. some say that he was this co conspirator that hatched this plan to hide that from authorities. so much we don t know. this much we do. the former president went ahead and signed that bond order about a half an hour ago. let s get the latest from mark meredith in miami. he takes a look at what went down just a few minutes ago. hi, mark. neil, good afternoon to you. a historic day. these proceedings will continue long after this arraignment hearing wrapped up in the last few minutes. as we mentioned, the former president pleading not guilty. the justice department under the special counsel last charged him with that he conspired to hide these classified documents as
take-out at that particular cafe. neil: we can see him now. there s cameras in there. if we can listen for any sound that might be coming from the cafe versiversilles. i know there s camera crews inside there, guys. this is a famous cuban bakery. i ll defer to jonathan on that. can we listen to anything? let s listen in.