Yesterday (10/18/23) we spoke with your opponent Roberto Alves and there are a few things he said I'd like to ask you about. He said that you and the Republican leaders have been up to funny business and I'm paraphrasing well the funny business is a quote.
The lawsuit was brought by Danbury Democrats led by Mayoral candidate Roberto Alves, against Danbury Mayor Dean Esposito, Town Clerk Jan Giegler and other Republican leaders. On Friday (10/13/23) CT News Junkie published an article that read:
We knew this would be an exceedingly interesting interview as it came on the heels of a discussion we had with his opponent Roberto Alves the day prior. We played the Mayor some clips of the Alves discussion and asked him for reaction. The first clip we played was about a lawsuit filed against the Mayor and others.
We also spent a fair amount of time on the issue of debates between Danbury Mayor Dean Esposito and rival candidate Roberto Alves. The two sides are at odds over how many debates are appropriate and what constitutes a debate. We'll have to go back a bit to explain how this began.