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Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Coronation of TM The King... 20240604 07:20:00

respects _ the prince's trust, in many respects. he wants to help others find their— respects. he wants to help others find their potential as well. he does _ find their potential as well. he does stick with it. if he comes up with an _ does stick with it. if he comes up with an idea, he comes up with an idea and _ with an idea, he comes up with an idea and will— with an idea, he comes up with an idea and will launch things to try to tackle — idea and will launch things to try to tackle things as well.- to tackle things as well. david lamm , to tackle things as well. david lammy. it's — to tackle things as well. david lammy, it's interesting, - to tackle things as well. david lammy, it's interesting, thisi to tackle things as well. david i lammy, it's interesting, this idea of the monarchy being above and beyond politics, it is not above —— it is not about politics. does it make a difference that you had somebody who came to your constituency, make connections with young and vulnerable people and wasn't another come tgo politician? the truth is sometimes in politics politicians get a tough time and a lot of criticism. i saw that during the riots. in 2009, there were floods in cumbria. again, the politicians were being criticised. the prince of wales went there. he went back there again. it is to say that somehow the king, the royal family, can represent the state above politics, roll up your


Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Coronation of TM The King... 20240604 06:46:00

history? it thoughts about being a witness to histo ? , .,, history? it is the most extraordinary - history? it is the most| extraordinary moment. history? it is the most. extraordinary moment. 17 history? it is the most - extraordinary moment. 17 years history? it is the most _ extraordinary moment. 17 years we have waited for the new coronation. it is palpable, the excitement that everybody has. and be welcome there is. there was all the sadness and the distress of her majesty, the queen, and herfuneral. and now look. the country can celebrate a new era. i think it's an amazing moment. new era. i think it's an amazing moment-— new era. i think it's an amazing moment. , , ., ., moment. david, this is meat and drink to a — moment. david, this is meat and drink to a historian, _ moment. david, this is meat and drink to a historian, to _ moment. david, this is meat and | drink to a historian, to somebody like you, to sit and watch it happen in front of our eyes. what are your thoughts this morning before everything starts to happen? weill. everything starts to happen? well, it's 70 years _ everything starts to happen? well, it's 70 years since _ everything starts to happen? well, it's 70 years since the _ everything starts to happen? well, it's 70 years since the last - it's 70 years since the last coronation. the country has changed enormously — coronation. the country has changed enormously. but this ceremony hasn't — enormously. but this ceremony hasn't the _ enormously. but this ceremony hasn't. the funeral of monarchs, royal— hasn't. the funeral of monarchs, royal weddings, jubilees, a relatively modern. what we see today is something truly ancient. a ceremony— is something truly ancient. a ceremony that is more than a thousand _ ceremony that is more than a thousand years old, that has been held consistently in the same


Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Coronation of TM The King... 20240604 06:51:00

are a family. they desperately care about each other and love each other. coming to celebrate the head of the commonwealth being crowned. it is a great moment for them. they chose his majesty the king to be the next head of the commonwealth. it is not a hereditary position. they could have chosen anyone, but they chose him because of the dedication he has had his whole life. so, it's very wonderful for all of us, as the commonwealth family, to come and celebrate the change. i am so glad, david, that you recognise that the commonwealth is not dead and has never been more vibrant. and i think we've got a great future and a great head. ~ . , , ., we've got a great future and a great head. . . , , ., ., head. well, a very vibrant day, a treat head. well, a very vibrant day, a great start- _ head. well, a very vibrant day, a great start. we _ head. well, a very vibrant day, a great start. we wish _ head. well, a very vibrant day, a great start. we wish you - head. well, a very vibrant day, a great start. we wish you a - head. well, a very vibrant day, a - great start. we wish you a wonderful day. thank you forjoining us. let mejust take you day. thank you forjoining us. let me just take you through the official sequence of events for the day. as we know, a few minutes ago the doors of the abbey were opened. the first guest begun arriving. if you would likely details of the


Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Coronation of TM The King... 20240604 07:22:00

palace _ around the corridors of st james's palace i— around the corridors of st james's palace i am — around the corridors of st james's palace. lam pretty around the corridors of st james's palace. i am pretty sure it has not disappeared now that he is installed as monarch. he will do things to still bring — as monarch. he will do things to still bring people together, to talk about— still bring people together, to talk about things, the things that matter~ _ about things, the things that matter. that is his great power. he can do— matter. that is his great power. he can do that — matter. that is his great power. he can do that as head of nation as welt _ can do that as head of nation as welt i_ can do that as head of nation as well. i mean, david mentioned the floods _ well. i mean, david mentioned the floods he — well. i mean, david mentioned the floods. he did the same at somerset levets— floods. he did the same at somerset levels in— floods. he did the same at somerset levels in 2014. he will carry on doing _ levels in 2014. he will carry on doing that _ levels in 2014. he will carry on doing that. he did it at the climate change _ doing that. he did it at the climate change conference.— doing that. he did it at the climate change conference. thank you both. guests are continuing _ change conference. thank you both. guests are continuing to _ change conference. thank you both. guests are continuing to arrive - change conference. thank you both. guests are continuing to arrive at i guests are continuing to arrive at westminster abbey. let's join westminster abbey. let'sjoin sophie. westminster abbey. let's join sophie. westminster abbey. let's 'oin sohie. ., , , let's 'oin sophie. one of the guests who let's join sophie. one of the guests who hasjust _ let's join sophie. one of the guests who hasjust arrived _ let's join sophie. one of the guests who hasjust arrived is _ let's join sophie. one of the guests who has just arrived is jay _ let's join sophie. one of the guests who hasjust arrived is jay blades, i who has just arrived is jay blades, community worker, furniture restorer, very well known for the repair shop, your role presenting that. ~ . �* . repair shop, your role presenting that. ~ . 3 ~ repair shop, your role presenting that. ~ . �*, ,, .,, repair shop, your role presenting that. ~ . �*, ,, ., , that. what's it like to be here? it's that. what's it like to be here? it's amazing — that. what's it like to be here? it's amazing to _ that. what's it like to be here? it's amazing to be _ that. what's it like to be here? it's amazing to be here. - that. what's it like to be here? it's amazing to be here. i - that. what's it like to be here? it's amazing to be here. i have| that. what's it like to be here? - it's amazing to be here. i have been here a _ it's amazing to be here. i have been here a few— it's amazing to be here. i have been here a few times. but i have never seen _ here a few times. but i have never seen the _ here a few times. but i have never seen the street as empty as this. i have _ seen the street as empty as this. i have never— seen the street as empty as this. i have never seen so many police with white _ have never seen so many police with white gloves on! it is unreal. it is speciai~ _ white gloves on! it is unreal. it is secial. . , ,, ..,


Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Coronation of TM The King... 20240604 06:32:00

people are up and out early to bag their spot. here they are in the procession. the great west door is of the abbey are, we believe, opening now. over 2000 people are invited as guests, and some of those select few have already begun arriving. so letsjoin huw select few have already begun arriving. so lets join huw edwards to find out more. kirsty, yes, very good morning. and the doors are open. the dean of westminster, doctor david hoyle, stepping out into what is still sunshine at westminster. let's hope it continues. today promises to be every bit as memorable for the dean and for everyone involved as the last time was held here at westminster 70 years ago in all its majesty and splendour. but with one huge difference. the date�*s events will be seen around the world not by


Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Coronation of TM The King... 20240604 06:58:00

of anointing, it is way older than this building behind us or the monarchy or the church of england. it does touch the past. it is a fusion of past and present, the fusion of past and present, the fusion of past and present, the fusion of constitution and faith, it is underlined, it is an overtly religious affair. an affirmation also of the values, i think, that bind us together. if monarchy sends for anything —— stands for anything its continuity. it is a very bold name for a country to say, this is what we stand for it through our leader. ~ . ., ,., ., what we stand for it through our leader. ~ . ., ., leader. what about that, david, the hereditary principle? _ leader. what about that, david, the hereditary principle? for— leader. what about that, david, the hereditary principle? for some - hereditary principle? for some people it is something they are uncomfortable with and they find it unpleasant. where do you think our levels of acceptance of it sit? that we will watch today somebody who was born to the job? i we will watch today somebody who was born to the job?— born to the “ob? i think today would be more of — born to the job? i think today would be more of a _ born to the job? i think today would be more of a test _ born to the job? i think today would be more of a test of _ born to the job? i think today would be more of a test of people's - be more of a test of people's tolerance _ be more of a test of people's tolerance that the funeral of the


Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Coronation of TM The King... 20240604 07:17:00

very interesting. i'm joined by david lammy mp and sally 0sman, former director of royal communications for the king. david lammy, i know in your role as culture minister you come into contact with the prince of wales before, but i want to move forward to 2011, in tottenham, there had been terrible summer riots, and the prince of wales, as we said, like a lot of the great and the good, came to see what was happening and show theirface. take to see what was happening and show their face. take the story up from there. it gets very interesting. look, it is set to remind everyone the writing had gone on for four days. it was desperate. there were parents holding their children's correct my children, burnt out of their homes, people had started losing their lives. it was desperate. at the time all of our leaders were on holiday. david cameron was on holiday in italy. it


Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Coronation of TM The King... 20240604 07:00:00

less interested. i don't know if that means that long—term they would be against it. if you are starting a new nation tomorrow, you wouldn't say, we must find one family and give them that in perpetuity. it is how we have evolved. but because the monarchy is in charge of the armed forces and thejudiciary monarchy is in charge of the armed forces and the judiciary and the civil service, forces and the judiciary and the civilservice, it forces and the judiciary and the civil service, it doesn't stop other people interfering in these things, so i think when people get older they begin to see the upsides. every head of state have some sort of inauguration, they do it in different ways, and other monarchies do combinations, all the scandinavian monarchies do, and in holland to the crown sits on a cushion, it is a very austere almost registry office wedding, whereas we are having the full thing with the bridesmaids and everything, this is coronation plus. find bridesmaids and everything, this is coronation plus.— coronation plus. and david, as a historian. _ coronation plus. and david, as a historian, somebody _ coronation plus. and david, as a historian, somebody with - coronation plus. and david, as a historian, somebody with a - historian, somebody with a professional interest, what are you


Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Coronation of TM The King... 20240604 07:09:00

are perhaps a piece of plastic that is totally immaterial later, but now i have something very significant, so this shows that the man then was thinking in the most forward, progressive way. and we have worked very closely with the trust now, and we are always realising that the foundations of that are about inclusivity, diversity and equality, and i think that those founding themes are what we are going to see carrying on through into his reign, so it is a very exciting time. that is fascinating _ so it is a very exciting time. that is fascinating that _ so it is a very exciting time. that is fascinating that you _ so it is a very exciting time. that is fascinating that you had somebody as a godfather who took the time to write long letters and design jewellery. how much time did directly get to spend with him? people that work with him will always say, he is a very busy man, i have worked all sorts of people, i have worked all sorts of people, i have never worked harder than i worked for the then prince of wales, now king. did you have any one—to—one time with him? now king. did you have any one-to-one time with him? growing u - , one-to-one time with him? growing u, we one-to-one time with him? growing up. we were — one-to-one time with him? growing up. we were very — one-to-one time with him? growing up, we were very lucky _ one-to-one time with him? growing up, we were very lucky to _ one-to-one time with him? growing up, we were very lucky to be - one-to-one time with him? growing up, we were very lucky to be able i one-to-one time with him? growing up, we were very lucky to be able to j up, we were very lucky to be able to holiday in the bahamas where i now


Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Coronation of TM The King... 20240604 06:56:00

daily mail writer at robert hardman. david still with us. as you were sitting down and the microphone was getting clipped on, i said, it is a special day. it is important to try to communicate to people watching on television just the sort of spangle, and there is a degree of tension in the air as well?— and there is a degree of tension in the air as well? there is. we gather here periodically _ the air as well? there is. we gather here periodically for _ the air as well? there is. we gather here periodically for these - here periodically for these wonderful events. you have to be over 80 to remember the last coronation is. it is something absolutely unique. there is a magic to it. i'vejust noticed absolutely unique. there is a magic to it. i've just noticed the crowd to it. i've just noticed the crowd to camp out. sometimes they camp out for a day or two. some of them have been there for most of the week. yes, they have. it is interesting from the point of view, you know, we don't duck constitutionally we have a monarchy in place, do thejob of a king, the importance of ritual, the importance of people gathering, where do you put that? ceremony, almost by definition, _


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