ONTARIO — A water allotment of any size — including the current 4-acre feet set for Owyhee Irrigation District’s 2023 season — isn’t worth much if it can’t be accessed.
congressman elijah cummings, the top democrat said he agrees there s a lot of work to be done, but has seen improvement under director joe clancy s leadership. i think they re at high alert. i think they have learned from the things that have happened in the past. the report cites rampant mismanagement and critically low morale. among the scores of recommendations are better transparency about how misconduct is handled and the suggestion the next time the president chooses the director, he look outside the agency. white house press secretary josh earnest said clancy retains the president s confidence. director clancy, the secret service has worked hard to implement a series of reforms that have strengthened the organization and have enhanced confidence in it. the secret service says it s reviewing the report and that the agency remains committed to improving and addressing challenges. brett? shannon, thank you.
taken to the secret service and should director clancy step down? well, i think the question is really for the department of justice. you had 45 45 secret service agents violate federal law, according to the inspector general. what is the attorney general doing? why isn t there a special prosecutor over there? it s kind of scary. i fear that these people f. they do it to me, it s probably not the first time. i m a sitting member of congress. nobody should have to have that done. it s a violation of federal law. do you still have confidence in director clancy? i lose it every day. this is why almost two years ago we started investigating the secret service. they ve had a series of mishappens and they are entrusted with guns around the president. the most sensitive, classified information, they ve got a serious cultural problem. congressman chaffetz, thank you for coming in today. thank you. up next, we ll bring in our sunday group to discuss the
advised it was mentioned march 25th. i made a couple quick calls to confirm that and i immediately called the oig to correct the record but in terms of knowing about the data that was looked at, april 2nd is that day. jonathan is a former secret service agent and assisted for president obama s 2013 inauguration. so certainly, jonathan, you know the challenges that face the secret service. all times. certainly under crisis or scrutiny. i want to get your sense right now as we heard this new clarification as it were from the director clancy right now. obviously, the president indicated his faith in the director and great faith that the service has been improving internally. do people believe that the service is improving? no. i mean, the president came out the other day and really showed his support towards the men and women of the secret service coming off the papal visit and all of the security planning