With roots in Uttar Pradesh, both these Delhi-based artists come from families whose values can be traced back to the Ganga Jamuni tehzeeb. Growing up during the 1990s, visual artist Taha Ahmad and theatre practitioner Wamiq Zia carry a .
Each year, the prestigious contest, which receives entries from across the globe, runs several competitions, including the professional contest and the open competition.
Captured everywhere from North Carolina to the hills of India, these pictures showcase both technical skill and an original approach to storytelling , the judges reveal.
Local residents, artists, farmers, and business owners are invited to participate in the Sheffield Photographic Portrait Project, a historical record, created by local photographer Thad Kubis in partnership with Dewey
2015 Magnum Photos Nominee Matt Black famously said, “I try to stay focused on producing something that rings true, that doesn’t pander,” a sentiment that gets to the crux of true photojournalism. In many ways, a documentary photographer becomes the mediator between his or her subject and audience, reconciling whatever tensions and differences there might be between the two without compromising an ounce of integrity.