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Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20100826

should two children born out of wedlock get $500,000 a month, from one of america's richest men? it's now in the hands of the jury. we go inside the court fight for a billionaire's fortune. and good morning, everyone. george is off, still on vacation. happy to have david muir back with us this morning. >> happy to be back. we've been tracking the protest just downtown from here. but when it turns to this, it's really troubling. >> and there was concern that something like this could happen. the alleged hate crime comes amidst the very intense debate over the pro posed muslim center near ground zero. police say he got in the cab, asked if he was muslim and stabbed him repeatedly. what made him do it? we have an interview with the cab driver this morning. we're following this dramatic election, still playing out in alaska, two mornings later. the senior senator in a tight race with a tea party candidate. she's saying it's not over until it's over. senator lisa murkowski banking on absentee ballots. in what could be the biggest upset in the republican battle. this morning, the math. how many of the ballots have to be hers to pull this out. >> something like 60% to do that. we begin with the two storms growing in the atlantic. one expected to become a category 3 hurricane later today. you know sam is tracking it. >> good morning, robin and david. the first is the strong system, danielle, a category 2 hurricane. looks like now -- we've had 24 hours to watch it. 24 hours more. 80% of the forecast models will steer this away from the u.s. close to bermuda. a few models are allowing it to weaken and make the turn. we feel like it will stay strong at this point and curve away from the u.s. but the most interesting thing in the morning is, it's been a quiet hurricane season. when we put the circle of suspicion on danielle, earl, and we have another one coming off the african coastline, there's three systems. we could have three tropical systems before we're done with this weekend to watch. and it looks like the path on earl would take it a little further south. by some time next week, we'll be watching it carefully. for now, very,vere. we'll be tracking t wit d ew michael bloomberg will meet with the cab driver who police say was stabbed by a knife-wielding passenger out of hatred for muslims. the mayor is concerned keeping tensions under control here, given the controversy over the planned mosque at ground zero. jeremy hubbard is in lower manhattan with the latest. good morning >> reporter: good morning, david. this is where the meeting will take place. the cabbie, by the way, has driven a cab for 15 years. he says he loves it in this city. ramadan and islam and screamed and pulled o kni from the backseat of the cab, cab driver ahmed sharif was slashed five times. >> he started yelling. this is checkpoint. this is checkpoint [ bleep ]. i have to put you down. >> reporter: the brutal attack, apparently the result of him answering yes to one question. >> are you muslim? i said, yes. then he said something. >> reporter: and he said a greeting that means peace. but the passenger had no peaceful intent. >> please, do not kill me. i'm very hard worker. i work very hard. >> reporter: this morning, his alleged attacker, 21-year-old michael enright, is facing a charge of attempted murder. his arrest, for of all things a hate crime, stuns everyone who knows him. >> i don't think he has hatred or animosity towards islam or muslims in general. >> reporter: an amateur filmmaker and honor student, and recently returned from afghanistan, where he was embedded with marines, on a volunteer trip, filming a documentary about front line troops for his senior thesis. he also volunteers for a collegiate church-affiliated group, dedicated to promoting peace and understanding. now, a city and nation are left wondering if this was, as police say, an alcohol-fueled organization or has the rhetoric around the mosque at ground zero created a heightened fear and prejudice against muslims. tensions ran high last week over proposed rallies of the center. in california, this mosque was hit by a brick. in gainesville, florida, a church is planning on marking september 11th by burning the koran. and in tennessee, neighbors have been overly hostile about construction that's just begun on a 52,000-square-foot megamosque. as for the incident with the cabbie, we're learning more about the suspect. police say enright had a personal diary with him, filled with pretty strong anti-muslim comments. and also, an empty bottle of scotch in his bag. this morning, new york mayor michael bloomberg says he's convinced it does not have any direct relation to the building of the mosque. >> later today, the mayor will meet with the cabbie and his family. now, to politics. they're still counting votes in alaska this morning, in that too-close-to-call primary for senate. senator lisa murkowski was expected to win easily on tuesday. but sarah palin's tea party candidate surged out of nowhere. and now, murkowski is counting on absentee ballots to prevent what could be the biggest upset so far this political year. jonathan karl has more from washington. >> reporter: good morning, robin. sarah palin is calling it a miracle on ice. but it is not over yet in alaska. could we be witnessing a tea party takeover of the republican party? joe miller appears to be on the verge of becoming the latest tea party candidate to topple an incumbent senator. but the votesg counted. and the gop establishment is digin i >> it a ye there are thousands of absentees that have yet to come in. >> reporter: senator lisa murkowski is a republican power player. part of the gop leadership in washington. and the daughter of a former senator and governor of alaska. she is trailing miller by about 1,700 votes. and there are still 7,000 absentee ballots to be counted. murkowski would have to win about 60% of them to retake the lead. the stakes are high for republicans nationally. tea party candidates have already emerged as the republicans of choice in senate races from florida and kentucky, to nevada and colorado and elsewhere. most of them defeating candidates favored by the republican establishment. >> voters may be more open to an unconventional candidate in a year where they truly dislike the status quo. >> reporter: the democratic nominee in alaska is so obscure, that on abc's "topline" yesterday, the national democratic party spokesman did not know his name. >> are you going to do something to help your candidate in alaska? he has $4,000 in the bank right now. >> what's his name, by the way? >> well, our candidate in alaska. >> what's his name? >> well, his name -- >> wow. wow. >> reporter: for the record, david, his name is scott mcadams. he is the mayor of sitka, alaska, population a little less than 9,000. all right. tracking it all, jon karl. on capitol hill, thanks. we're going to continue with politics and another major headline this morning for republicans. the former head of the republican national committee, former campaign manager for george bush's successl jake, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, david. manaasn't just the campaign political director committee for george w. bush, who pushed opposition for gay rights. but ken mehlman, today, is the nation's most prominent, openly-gay republican. ken mehlman was running the bush campaign, when the president was pushing a constitutional amendment againssame marriag >> the president believes that marriage in this country ought to be between a man and a woman. >> reporter: some of the campaign strateg wasd in boosting turnout though anti-gay marriage referenda in key sta with flyers such as this, in which the republican national committee suggested democrats wanted to allow men to mar now, mehlman says he's gay. and supports same-sex marriage. it has obviously been a long, occasionally awkward journey for the former rnc chair. >> do you believe homosexuality is a choice? >> i don't know the answer to that question. >> reporter: in a ph interview, mehlman told me i was at the rnc,i haome interview, mehlman told me i was at the rnc,i haome i hadn't accepted it. my family and my friends found out about this in the last several months. in 2005, i wrote a story about mike rogers, a gay activist who outed closeted gay republicans. who had targeted mehlman, who denied being gay. rogers, today, says mehlman has a lot of apologizing to do. >> the architecture of the homophobia we saw in 2004, in the bush re-election campaign, which he was the general manager of. >> reporter: mehlman told me, my own view is that's not what decided the 2004 election. i understand where people are coming from. does he regret being part of that campaign in any way? no, mehlman said. what i regret is the fact i had not come to terms with this part of my life. therefore, i was not able to do what i was able to do in other areas, and work for a more inclusive, and broader party. david, mehlman is now supportive of same-sex marriage. but he cautioned activists saying, quote, it's a mistake to assume that those who disagree on the right to marry issue, are motivated by bigoted feelings. a lot of friends i have who feel differently on that issue, are motivated by heartfelt belief. i look forward to trying to persuade them on my own views. but i think it's a mistake to question their motives. >> we appreciate it. we want to bring in ed gillespie, the former head of the republican national committee. he joins us from long island, new jersey, this morning. good morning. >> thanks for having me on, david. >> i know you're good friends with ken. you go way back in your work with the republican party with him. and he shared this with you a couple of week back. i'm curious what you said back to him. >> ken was my friend ten years ago. he's my friend today. and if i'm lucky, he'll be my friend ten years from now. and i accepted his decision. and we agreed to disagree on the issue of same-sex marriage. but, you know, proponents of same-sex marriage in the republican party have gained an effective advocate. i don't think the party should abandon its position that marriage remain between one man and one woman. but ken and i can respectfully disagree on that. >> you'll be one of the friends who agrees to disagree, as he alluded to there. but i wanted to point out a quote here. one thing he says he regrets is, i can't change the fact that i wasn't in this place personally when i was in politics. and i genuinely regret that. i could have worked agai constitutional amenshed we did check the republican par. let's put this up on thescre it says, we call for a constitutional amendment that fully protects marriage as a union of a man and a woman, so that judges cannot make other arrangements equivalent to it. when you take the statements from ken mehlman, and even vice president cheney, who changed his view in recent weeks, saying he believes it should still be up to the states but that gays should have a shot at marriage. do you think the republican party should take a second look at this? >> i believe it's a tenet of my faith. and i believe we're best suited to have in our society, marriage being one man and one woman. there's advocates inside the party. you mentioned vice president cheney, now, ken, and others who will advocate that it be reconsidered. there's democrats, like president obama, who share my perspective on this issue. there is a debate going on in the country, and states, where states are sanctioning gay marriage. you know, inside the party, as well. that debate's ongoing. and people have views. i think ken's point is a good one. i accept ken. he's my friend. i accept his point of view on this very heartfelt issue in a lot of ways. and he accepts mine. and i think that civil discourse is very important. >> and you know the inner workings better than anyone. i'm curious, had ken come to terms with this, as he puts it, at an earlier time, when he was influential in the white house with the president. do you think he could have influenced the president, in looking back? >> there's no doubt, that ken's an influential person and effective advocate for policies and positions that he believes. but i don't believe that, at that time, or this time, the republican party platform would change on the issue. we've had courts injecting themselves into this decisionmaking process, into the political process, in a way i think is generally unhealthy for unelected judges to make decisions about whether or not government should sanction gay marriage or not. i think it's best left to the political and policy debate. and i think the president, in 2004, in response to the massachusetts supreme court decision, made the right decision, to call for constitutional amendment because of the full faith and credit clause of the constitution. a same-sex couple married in massachusetts and moves to my home state of virginia, could conceivably, virginians could be compelled to recognize that. i think there is a constitutional issue here. and i think president bush was right to adopt that position. i think the republican party is right to keep it as part of the platform. >> ken mehlman's friend, ed gillespie, who plans to continue to be his friend, obviously. thanks for weighing in. honestly on the debate this morning. we sure do appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. we're going to turn to juju chang who is following late developments out of iraq this morning. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with another deadly attack by insurgents in iraq. six members of a government allied militia were killed in an ambush north of baghdad today. it follows coordinated attacks wednesday across 13 iraqi cities, leaving dozens dead. this is the bloodiest month in iraq for police and soldiers there in two years. another devastating blow to the people in pakistan. floodwaters broke through a levee overnight, threatening three towns that were previously untouched by the month-long floods. 800,000 people are still completely cut off by the high water. the pentagon says foreign spies pulled off the most serious breach of its computer networks. investigators believe hackers put a flash drive in a military laptop in 2008. that unleashed a malicious code that spread, undetected, on to the central command network. . and a hopeful economic sign this morning. a key report just released shows a sharp decrease in first-time jobless claims for the first time in weeks. the number remains much higher than it would in a healthy economy. now, wrong place, wrong time, far sports reporter. during a live broadcast in a pregame warmup -- see? a soccer ball flies across the field. you can see, clocks her in the back of the head. that ball was going 100 miles an hour, thank you very much. but it's okay. she's fine. and the player came over and apologized. >> i hope so. >> exactly. >> this is live television when that happened. >> and she recovered her dignity. i think they should come up with a penalty for hitting a sideline reporter. >> do they work that into the sports contract when you're on the sidelines like that? >> i used to worry about that all the time. >> that's like hazard duty. >> what are the chances? >> i've got your back here this morning. >> thank you. what's up with the glas i like that. good look. >> someone forgot her contacts this morning. ju> can you see the sun is out, can you see that with the glasses on? >> i wore my sunny dress for the occasion. >> absolutely. it's about time. >> if everybody you know breaks out in song in the northeast out in song in the northeast hre'sgoin that impulse of lowssur tha jus ther a while, is pullig wad it's dragging in high pesst it's not on but gorgeous temperatures. 75 in burlington. 82 in new york. 88 in washington, d.c. 82 in boston. this setsup fe weekend. and we'll take a quick look at the heavy rain. the only bad weather on the map, in the southeast, where in some cases you get two to three inches of rain. >> it is the nicest weather map we've had in months now, robin. >> it certainly is. thank you, sam. tiger woods is speaking out about his divorce on the same day that his now-ex-wife broke her silence. woods, whose golf game has crumbled along with their marriage, said the split was a lot more difficult than he let on. and john berman tells us. >> reporter: the day after declaring, i've been through hell in "people" magazine, elin nordegren was seen in this radaronline video near her home. 1,000 miles away in new jersey, her now-ex-husband declared -- >> i wish her the best in everything. you know, it's a sad time in our lives. >> reporter: their divorce was just finalized monday. but tiger admitted, it has been weighing on him all summer. >> it was a lot more difficult than i was letting on. >> reporter: difficult on his mind and golf. >> this is going to come up well short. >> reporter: woods has never gone a full year without winning a tournament. that is where he is headed now. his drives have been crooked. his putts, off course. and his heart, just not in it. >> if you watched tiger woods over the course of the season, there's certainly times when he looks like he wants no part of being on the golf course at all. >> a few tournaments like that, yeah. most of the summer was like that. >> reporter: woods said it was the pressure of all the questions, the paperwork of the divorce. but now that it's all behind him, the question is, is there a sense of relief? >> i don't think that's the word. i think it's more sadness. i don't think you ever go into a marriage looking to get divorced. >> i think he needs a win. he needs a win pretty soon. and he doesn't have many chances the rest of the season. >> reporter: maybe the finality of it all will be just what it takes to turn this season around. at least on the course. for "good morning america," john berman, abc news, new york. >> and we'll find out shortly if he's able to turn it around. in fact, he just teed off about ten minutes ago, at the tournament in jersey. >> right across the river. coming up here, the billionaire dad accused of being a deadbeat. but his children have already received $9 million. are they being greedy? you decide. stain groups targets all the majr like proteins, carbohydrates and oils. its enzymes and cleaning agents tackle a full range of stains. you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a more powerful clean, try new wisk. fight stains with science. it's laughs over a coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad. catching up over wood-grilled shrimp and chicken. and with lunches starting at just $6.99... it's an hour you wouldn't trade for anything. they're oven-baked flatbread crisps. ♪ with the tastes of sea salt and olive oil. ♪ or sprinkled with italian herbs. ♪ townhouse flatbread crisps. they're perfect for snack time, party time, any time. ♪ new townhouse flatbread crisps. the everyday cracker with the specially-crafted taste. we continue to follow a developing news story in san jose where fire crews say a gas line has ruptured at the scene of a large house fire. it destroyed a home on del monte place. this was the scene from sky 7. the woman to lives there told abc 7 she was walking a dog when she heard an explosion at her house. her other two dogs were killed in the fire. no people were hurt. two adjacent homes were damaged. another fire about two miles away also gutted a home on rockdale drive. firefighters say recent staff cuts added to the delay in getting from rockdale to del monte. let's get an update on the commute. megan, you could see those fires from 280. >> absolutely. you can see the smoke from 280 and it's causing a delay heading northbound through the downtown san jose area. here's a live camera shot of the three-alarm fire burning at del monte place and lynn oaks drive. let's go to maps and see how it's affecting traffic. we have speeds below 40 mph as you approach the scene of the fire, and that is because of the smoke blowing on to the freeway. elsewhere at the bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights are on. a backup right to the west grand overcrososososososososososososos >> a live look at sfo and no flight arrival delays. let's talk about the temperatures and how much cooler than yesterday. all of us in the mmmm. you don't love me anymore do you billy? 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[ whimper ] [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and its whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy. 2 coffees for my brother and me please. thanks. got it. ["dueling banjos" up and under] hold this. getting cash back on your debit card changes everything. got it. introducing the chase realcash debit card. got it. up to 3% cash back on things you buy every day, automatically. got it! [cell phone rings] excuse me. got it. the new chase realcash debit card. this isn't over. chase what matters. ♪ there you're alone i promise you ♪ ♪ somebody's missing you needing you ♪ ♪ thinking that you hug the moon ♪ that's country star, julie roberts, singing a song of hope for the people of nashville, tennessee. it's part of our "road to recovery" journey this week. and this morning, we're going to be in nashville, four months after the massive blooding there. at her home, in beliveau, outside of nashville, was partially destroyed. we're going to broadcast from my home in pass christian. and bob woodruff will be in new orleans for us. a special broadcast tomorrow. nashville, today, on this friday eve. good morning, america. i'm robin roberts. and julie roberts sang our theme song. >> "good to go," right? >> "good to go," a few years back. >> and george has a couple of days off. we'll see him next week. also ahead this half hour, the new battle in the bedroom. >> what are you talking about, willis? >> this is what i'm talking about. one in four couples actually sleep in separate beds. i thought it was lucy and desi that did that. it can help in several ways. we'll tell you why. we're going to begin with one of the biggest and most controversial in recent weeks child support cases. the jury out this morning, with $100 million hanging in the balance. the suit of donald bren, who is being sued by his children for nearly $100 million in child support. mike von fremd is outside the courthouse where it will be decided. mike? >> reporter: good morning, david. when the jury hears closing arguments this morning, they may have trouble keeping track of all the zeros. this case involves big money and two children who claim they're entitled to their biological father's millions. donald bren is number 16 on "forbes" exclusive list of richest people. to give you perspective, oprah is all the way down at 141. the real estate tycoon lives on a private island off new port beach. and though he keeps company with powerful friends, 78-year-old bren is a deeply private man. but he's been thrust into the spotlight by two out of wedlock children he fathered in the 1980s. >> the issue is whether the jury perceives these kids as greedy, little snots. or kids entitled to live a lifestyle consistent of that of their father. >> reporter: bren was the father of former girlfriend jennifer gold's children, he agreed to child support, estimated to be worth $9 million. but the children want more than $130 million. saying they deserve $400,000 a month, retroactive to their birth. >> under california law, these kids have a right to live a life commensurate to that of their father. >> reporter: gold says bren promised to take care of their children forever. and produced what she called love notes as evidence of their relationship. but they're hardly sentimental. jennifer, the enclosed check is for you to pick out your birthday suit. love and kisses. happy valentine's day. you see, i really do care in my own way. love, donald. in court, bren said, we weren't married. we weren't a family. i never told her i loved her. >> to sit in a courtroom, face his children, and say, i don't love your mother. and frankly, i didn't really want to have you. so, that's the tension that's created in that courtroom. >> reporter: when donald bren took the stand again later, he said, i feel for the two children. but i believe i have provided for them. the jury is scheduled to begin deliberations later today, to determine if those two children are entitled to millions more. david? >> all right, mike. thanks so much. we're going to be joined now by former prosecutor, robin sax. she's in los angeles to talk more about the case. good morning to you. >> good morning, david. >> you heard the legal analysts say, are these greedy, little snots? or do they deserve some $130 million? i'm curious what your take is on this. >> that's the big question. that's the question that the jury will have to answer. we're here in orange county dealing with this case. and what may feel -- what may feel like huge amounts of money in one part of the country, may not be a lot of money here. although, looking at this, you would think they had ample amount of support to live the lifestyle. they've been to college. they had all of their needs and wants taken care of. it's not like they're living in destitute. >> if you need $130 million to survive in any county in this country, that's a lot of money. i'm curious, in addition to the $9 billion they've received, do they have a case here? >> the question -- we have to take away the money and the amounts of money. in the state of california, it is really a formula that goes into a computer that determines what child support is or should be. but the key to this case is there was a prior agreement that was held up to be a valid agreement. so, you would think that because that agreement was entered into by the mother of these children, that that would remain valid. so, the question of greed really seems apparent because now they're coming back after the fact, after they're adults, wanting more cash. we saw donald bren in court, writing notes. he claims he never loved her. but as tina turner said, what's love got to do with it? >> not only does it have nothing to do with it legally. but it has nothing to do with the contractual area. this isn't a spousal support case. the key that these letters were likely allowed to be used in court, is he seemed not to be credible. and they probably were able to use it as impeachment. when he made the comments in court, i never loved her, we never had a family. you know, there was no relationship there. then, the letters came in, as a source of impeachment saying, you cannot be trusted. you can't be believed. but love has nothing to do with it. and that was probably the limiting instruction that the judge gave. >> i guess lastly, robin, as we go. 16th richest man in america. we see how much higher he is than oprah, to put it in perspective. are you surprised he didn't settle out of court? >> you would think so. there's so many different motivations that go into a case. you would think that given not only the amount of wealth, his age, and the publicity he doesn't like that he would have run from any sort of trial. but there are probably a lot of issues at play. including the fact that he is now married. he has a 7-year-old now. and he may be motivated by saving face with his current wife. >> all right. i know a lot of people at home will want to weigh in on this debate. they can, online. robin, we appreciate your insight. >> thank you. robin, you and i have always loved sammie. but we don't have $130 million for you. >> sorry. >> so much to comment on that story. like, really? there's that many rich people in orange county? i had no idea. and secondly, if you have kids -- i'm weighing in now. and secondly, if you have kids -- i'm weighing in now. they're your kids. who else -- i'm sorry. let's get to the boards. one or two things going on that we have to talk about. that's the west coast. we're back at the west coast. look at the waves over the last couple of days. this is a powerful system in the southern hemisphere that these waves have traveled the pacific and have been pounding california for a couple of days now. one more day, the high wave warning should end by midnight. l.a. drops down into the 70s. seattle, in the 60s. san francisco, in the 60s, as well. all of that brutal heat kind of backs off. we get beautiful temperatures in the northeast, as well. into the 80s. 88 in washington. 82 in new york. 82 in boston, as well. and it is nice in the middle of the country. there's some widely-scatt and all that weather was brought the to you by the amazon kindle. david? >> sammy, tell us how you really feel. coming up here on "gma," robin continues her series, "the rod to recovery" this morning. this morning, she heads to nashville. it might looks good on the outside. 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[ female announcer ] and save up to $15 off your refills. go to for details, terms and conditions. no, it's just for new people. hey ! chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry ? chocolate ! chocolate it is ! yeah but i'm new too. umm... he's new... er... than you. even kids know it's wrong to treat new friends better than old friends. at ally bank we treat all our customers fairly. with no teaser rates... ... and no minimum deposits. it's just the right thing to do. this week, we have been traveling "the road to recovery," with people who have been displaced by disasters. tomorrow, we'll report live from the gulf coast, looking at where things stand five years after hurricane katrina. but today, we look at what might be called the forgotten disaster, the deadly nashville floods. the city was drowning in may. but other news, the bp oil spill, the times square bomb square, dominated the headlines. four months later, tennesseans are still rebuilding their homes and their lives. so, i went to music city to see how they're doing. ♪ you better be careful what you do ♪ >> reporter: sweet sounds can still be heard in downtown nashville. >> debris is littered all over the streets. >> reporter: but on may 1st, the music skipped a beat. >> we have to pray people are out of those cars. >> reporter: sudden floodwaters rushed into the streets, destroying everything in its path. the raging water claimed the lives of 24 people statewide. >> it's all right. >> reporter: and left thousands with nowhere to call home. >> are you okay? >> yeah. >> grab your clothes. >> reporter: after staying with friends right after the flood, the chatman family moved into this hotel room four weeks ago. the cumberland river surrounds their subdivision. it left them trapped in a flood facement. they had to get to safety. >> pictures and important stuff we have to use every day. when they started screaming, we knew for sure. >> it rushed this way first because it found the weak spot. and so, the rush of water hit our houses first. >> reporter: do you see that? they're saying, you couldn't even see the back board from here. can you imagine all of this being rushing water. now, four months later, the chapmans are moving back in their home. excited, but with the reality they are starting from scratch. >> the financial strain of having to rebuy everything again. that's the hard part. and when you don't have insurance for the contents, that's a big burden, you know, on a young family, struggling, as it is. >> this is where we come in. >> reporter: on the other side of town, a similar story of flood survival. from one of nashville's treasured voices. ♪ god help me keep me moving somehow ♪ >> reporter: country star, julie roberts, is restoring her home after the may flood wiped out her entire first floor. the rising waters were so high, she, her family and four dogs, had to be rescued by boat from the front door. >> when we realized we couldn't get out, we walked up the stairs. and you can see where the water kind of came to the stairs. >> reporter: yeah. >> right there. >> reporter: that had to be frightening. >> it was scary. we could look down and see the chaos down here. the living room. and the lights were flashing on and off. so, we knew that -- here's where the rescue boat came. >> reporter: julie did not have flood insurance. she had been told she was no longer in a flood plain and didn't need it. she, too, is on the road to recovery, thanks to neighbors and the help of strangers. >> i had so many people in here i had never met before in my life. just cleaning out debris. and going through things that could maybe be saved. and it was a true blessing. >> reporter: sounds of recovery are also playing at the historic grand ole opry, at gaylord opryland resort. at one point, the water was ten feet deep in some parts of the hotel. the damage so bad, the company laid off more than 1,700 hotel employees. >> it's been bad for a lot of the businesses that rely on our business. it's because of the buses we bring in every weekend, to see the grand ole opry, are no longer coming in. >> reporter: company officials hope the reopening of the openry changes all of that. and you can feel the excitement of the hotel workers who are getting their jobs back. >> it feels good. i've been waiting for this moment, since the flood. >> i'm back home. i'm back home. everything is all coming together. >> reporter: and so, just like lyrics to a good country song, the people of nashville have pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, determined to stand on two feet again, with a few helping hands. ♪ think you're alone i promise you ♪ ♪ somebody's missing you needing you ♪ ♪ thinking that you have the blues ♪ ♪ i know right now you're feeling like no one loves you ♪ ♪ somebody does >> and we love you, nashville. and our thanks to our great abc station there, wkrn, to help us with a lot with the story. and also, united way. they have something called the dream centers. and they helped connect us with the chapman family. you know what? when i turned into their subdivision, there was a salvation army truck that was there. and it was the same truck in a was down in mississippi after hurricane katrina. so, salvation army, united way. that truck right there. >> the same faces. >> and they remember you? >> and i remembered them. it's amazing. >> one of the things we're talking about this morning is the image of the wood at the grand ole opry. it was under inches of water. and now, it's back. you think of the artists that were on that stage, they would be smiling now. >> including brad paisley who was there yesterday. that's fantastic. tomorrow, we'll be live on the mississippi gulf coast. bob will be in new orleans. five years after hurricane katrina. going home. we'll be back. stay twice... earn a free night! two separate stays at comfort inn or any of these choice hotels can earn you a free night -- only when you book at so i couldn't always do what i wanted to do. but five minutes ago, i took symbicort, and symbicort is already helping significantly improve my lung function. so, today, i've noticed a significant difference in my breathing. and i'm doing more of what i want to do. so we're clear -- it doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. my doctor said symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. my copd often meant i had to wait to do what i wanted to do. now i take symbicort, and it's significantly improves my lung function, starting within five minutes. symbicort has made a significant difference in my breathing. now more of my want-tos are can-dos. as your doctor about symbicort today. i got my first prescription free. call or go online to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you cannot afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. equals chili's $20 dinner for two. share an app, like our texas cheese fries. then choose two entrees from 14 chili's favorites, like our new sweet & smoky chicken crispers. the $20 dinner for two, only at chili's. got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. we were cracking up trying to remember how far back this went. "i love lucy," they were the first couple that slept in separate beds. you couldn't at that time on television. >> heavens, no. >> rob and laura didn't sleep together. the munsters, we're told, they started the trend. >> they were humans. "the brady bunch," they slept in the same bed. >> but turns out, we're going back to lucy and desi. what was the secret all along? it could be the secret to saving a good night's sleep. >> and marriage, for that matter. more youthful skin from day 1. a dramatic transformation by day 14. anew regimen starter kits... from avon. find the one for your age. it's a limited time offer. so call 1-800-for-avon now to find a representative today. to finish what you started today. for the aches and sleeplessness in between, there's new motrin pm. no other medicine, not even advil pm, is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. new motrin pm. is more effective for pain and sleeplessness. have you tried honey bunches of oats yet? every spoonful is a little different. mmm. they got three kinds of flakes. this is delicious. it's the perfect combination of sweet and crispy. i love it. this is so good. this is great. the magic's in the mix. when i really liked to be outside, i did not like suffering from nasal allergy symptoms like congestion. but nasonex relief may i say... bee-utiful! prescription nasonex is proven to help relieve indoor and outdoor nasal allergy symptoms like congestion, runny and itchy nose and sneezing. 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[ male announcer ] hurry in to your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for 1.99% financing during our certified pre-owned sales event through august 31st. ♪ residents of redwood shores are warned not to come in contact with the lagoon after a sewage spill last night. a 14 inch main failed sending sewage flooding into the garages at the lighthouse cove community. officials are opening up the ground over the sewer line to determine if the main ruptured or if the valve failed. water quality samples are being tested and the lagoon will be analyzed until deemed to be safe again. definitely cooling down. check with mike. >> dramatic. the free air conditioning is back. the sea breeze is here and it's going to stay through the weekend. check out temperatures from 10 degrees cooler in san francisco from 64 to 23 degrees cooler in santa rosa and 80. mid to upper 70s around the bay, low 80s south bay and mid to upper 80s the east bay valleys. comfortable tonight with temperatures in the 50s most areas and 10 to 15 degrees cooler by saturday. megan. >> we have a live look at a three-alarm structure fire burning in san jose at that del monte place and lynn oaks drive. the smoke from this fire is visible from 280. let's go to maps so we can take a look how it's affecting traffic. 280 heading northbound between 101 and 85. traffic is jammed. the drive time there is 25 minutes. kristen. >> megan, thanks a lot. the news >> ...berber carpet. it was a whole bowl of stew. nooo. why? i could have saved this one. i could have saved this one. ♪ call 1-800-steemer ♪ i couldn't sleep at all last night ♪ we do say good morning, america. here with david because george is having a little vacation time. and as we told people yesterday, it is air force week. they're back out in force in times square. and an f-16? >> an f-16 command alpha. it's a recruiting asset. we have the monster trucks. and we have an orange county chopper here on the streets, as well. >> robin and i came out and said, we need to straighten our tie. and stand a little -- >> yeah. >> you guys look good. >> thank you for all that you do. >> we salute you all. we were playing "tossing and turning." >> that's right. >> we're finding out that there's more and more couples that are tossing and turning. but they're not in the same bed when they do it. one in four couples sleep in separate rooms. >> separate rooms. >> yes. in fact, we have a couple we will show you with three master bedrooms. one for him. one for her. >> who gets the third? >> i do share one. i do believe they have children. they do share one. so, we're going to talk about what is behind this phenomenon. is it actually keeping couples together? also, we're talking about pets and the mythbusting we need to do. chocolate for your pets. not supposed to give your dog chocolate. is that true or is it not? >> i have always thought that it was not the truth. but america's favorite vet, dr. marty becker, is here, with little mythbusting. look at that little fella. you can see it shaking a little bit. juju chang is upstairs with the latest news. >> no puppy dogs, though. good morning, everyone. we begin with the brutal attack of a muslim cab driver in new york, as tensions smolder over plans to build an islamic center near ground zero. the cabby, ahmed sharif was slashed five times after the passenger asked him if he was a muslim and he answered yes. 21-year-old college student, michael enright, has been charged with attempted murder. kyron horman's stepmother has made a rare public appearance. attending her divorce hearing at the county courthouse. terri horman has been the focus of an investigation into kyron's disappearance. he was last seen in early june. chilean officials say they will soon be dispensing antidepressants to the 33 men trapped in an underground mine. that's because the miners are just learning how long the rescue operation will take. jeffrey kofman is at the mine in chile. >> reporter: now, they know, the 33 miners trapped underground here, have now been told that rescue may not come quickly. they may have to wait 90 days or more to be brought to the surface. that was confirmed to abc news by chile's minister of health, who says a natural leadership structure has emerged underground, with a spiritual leader, medical leader and group leader. those are encouraging signs for psychologists, who say this has become an unintended massive psychologist experiment in group survival and group dynamics. rescue efforts are moving ahead. the giant drill that's meant to bore a hole down to free the miners is in place. it will begin work on saturday. they don't know how long it will take because the ground here is so fragile. for "good morning america," jeffrey kofman, abc news, copiapo, chile. in other news, "crocodile dundee" star paul hogan e is stuck in australia this morning. banned from leaving until he pays a disputed tax bill. he just arrived in sydney last week, to attend his mother's funeral, when he was served with an order. the australian government says, hogan owes taxes on $37 million on undeclared income, a claim he denies. eggs from farms affected by the nationwide salmonella recall could still end up on a table near you. eggs laid by the potentially infected chickens are being pasturized to kill bacteria. then, they will be put in products like mayonnaise and ice cream. let's check in with diane sawyer. she has a fascinating interview on tap tonight for "world news." diane? >> a good thursday morning to you, juju. tonight on "world news," she is so amazing. truly, one of the most astonishing spirits i've ever encountered. the first american to undergo a face transplant. we sat down with her a year ago. she has completed her final surgery. how does she look now? see her tonight on "world news." >> we're all riveted. and finally, a new way to knock back a few cold ones, or should we say hot ones? the menu at this year's texas state fair includes deep-fried beer. i said beer. it looks like ravioli. it's pretzel-filled pockets of beer. and we're told the beer doesn't lose its potency because it's not fried long enough. so, if you want to try it, you will be carded. sam, you would be carded, right? >> i want to try it. i want to try the fried beer. would you try it with me? >> no. not even close. but there is a nonalcoholic version, with fried lemonade. >> eww. >> eww? >> come on, juju. no way. everybody say good morning to juju. even though fried lemonade -- i don't know. you know the air force has taken over times square. and folks whose birthday is it? >> our little nephew, conner michael phagan. in charlotte, north carolina. >> he's sound asleep. >> he is not sound asleep. >> really? he's not asleep? >> he's up. the tivo is running. ready. >> and the big "ns." i first put them all together. but it's just one "n" for nebraska. one "n" each. let's get to the boards. and we start with a live shot out of d.c. d.c. is part of the gorgeous weather pattern that's all up and down the east coast. we deserve it after four days of a massive impact of low pressure there, as it pulls away. look at the numbers that come in after it. even through the weekend. friday, 79 degrees. cool. saturday's at 85. gorgeous in new york city. gorgeous in washington. boston, you're in for it, as well. most of if the country is dry and beautiful. just a few showers in the dese this is hanging out. out. is the proper -- i'm sorry, --s is the proper at rest. right? this is t rest.right? >> yes, sir. >> all right. am i right? yes, ma'am. i'm just learning that. david? >> we'll have to retailor, the uit, though, if you stand like that. >> that's true. >> sammy, thanks. simple question for you. how did you sleep last night? it turns out, it's not as simple as it seems. this week, "the wall street journal" collin bonds explores what a couple's sleeping habits reveals about the state of their relationship. bianna golodryga with what everybody will talk about. >> reporter: you've heard your erybody willer about their sleeping arrangement. a partner who is a light sleeper. americ a partner who snores or steals the covers. it's no wonder, one in four american couples have separate bedrooms. but the answer you want to know for all of your relationships, is this somet is its something you should do? rse?s it making it worse? while relationships may start out like a bed of roses, what out like a hat ens on that bed, can quickly turn a relationship into a war of them. bad relationships can be the same in the bedroom as they are same everywhere else. the cover and pillow hog. >> you have somebody who hogs all the pillows, they probably all they probablygs, as well. g other ter: that's just one of ter: that's just bedroom habits, edroomhe snorer. t> the snoring at first was a ag problem. >> reporter: or the battle >> reporter: between the night owl and the early riser. early used tod to go to bed around 9:00 and wake up at 4:30. > reporter: and, of course, that feeling of too hot versus s o cold. >> bev likes a warm bed, a soft bed. >> bev likes a t like to be nice and cool at night. >> reporter: artist pablo salmon and his wife, beverly, have been married for 35 years. beverly, havtexas home is recorated with his work and has an unusual feature you won't work. mnd in most master bedrooms. two beds, one for him, and one one for and plus, another bed, for those special moments. and >> the times here is so much spec herer. it's improved our marriage so it's our marriag >> reporter: of course, there mu s a timeme when having two beds seemed typical, at least on tv's "i love lucy," and "dick van "dic." >> well, there were people who everybo twin beds. on television, everybody slept n't tin beds. it wasn't that way across america. >> reporter: family therapist, >> reporter: amily real, says separating aould only be a last resort. night.ind macy, the warmth, ending your day together every tght. these are important things that shouldn't be sacrificed unless you have to. >> reporter: onal sleep : according to the national sleep foundation, one in four american couples sleep couples sle separate beds the answer? think you you really do lose a lot of intimacy, a lot of intimacy, amfort. ort.if there's any way to make a compromise, my vote is to make ake compromise. >> even if it's just putting your foot over to touch the ur foot over. i think the contact is important. her husban >> reporter: valorie scherr's a night owl. her husband, greg, is an early are retired both are retired in southern california. california they'll be married 25 years next month. and the scherrs say, to get in bed,, valorie joins him in bed, even if it's just until he falls asleep. >> i think you have to give a ittle bit more sometimes. i think we're all about ourselves in this society. this society.o think that u're a a couple. and remember that you're a couple. an maybe re remember what brought you together to begin with. >> reporter: one thing she couldn't stand, greg's snoring. ring.finally had to tape him, >> i alking from the farthest point in the house, eventually to the bedroom, to convince him that he onvince himy snoring. > i was floored that that's thatshe had to deal with every night. >> reporter: >> reporter: greg and valorie valleya sleep apnea machine to probe his problem. no solutioreceived a number of year s from couples who say they have no solution other than to sleep apart. i this one from michigan. my wife and i haven't slept in the same bed for about a year and a half. i can't help but feel that sleeping separately has distanced our relationship. real says to replace that lost intimacy, try a good night ritual. inti >> i think you should try to end i think youther, even though ther, ein separate bedrooms. separate bedroom cuddling before you go off to bed is probably a ereat idea. to bedove the woman. he said she recorded from the woman.side of the house. d from the : you could hear on house.her side of the house. ter: you could >> the people on shoutout boards have been weighing in. >> >> reporter: oh, they have been weighing in. we want to read some of the e-mails sent in. hedst, cindy in texas. she wrote, two months ago, i had enough and banished my husband to the guest bedroom. now, i can finally get a good ight's sleep. my eightight dogs are easier to sleep with than him. th thanwanted to go to tammy in tammy in she said, please tell me how to she said, pl stop my husband from snoring because that battle has lasted lr our married life. it's taken to the point where i have actually contemplated plugging his nose so he wakes up and quickly act like i'm asleep. and qui so, you don't want to resort to that. we spoke to an expert who gave who ge tips. and she said one of the one of the things to remember is apart.ep facing apart. you're not facing each other. one person does actually kick, you're not going to injure yourself. going to injurur bed is a place to sleep. an it's not a place to watch tv and to sleep. pad and have magazines and other clutter around. other clutt you want it as neat as simple as assible. >> what is this to your left here? >> reporter: i'm actually not a reporter. i'm i'm also somebody who suffered this problem, as well. we have different sleeping patterns at home. pa to be to stay up late. peter likes to go to sleep early. th the way to work it out, we bought this wireless headset. headke to watch television. watch on. turn it on. i can watch my show. he can sleep. and we can stay in the same bed. >> and you look great with those on. se reporter: 50 bucks, too. much cheaper than another bed. >> i like the wife that says, i contemplated plugging his nose. i'll bet a lot of people have actually tried that. ably othersery much. it's a fun and hot debate, too. appreciate it. thank you it'sou want to weigh in, go to apprecia tell us about your situation. you'll find expert advice on our gma.ite. ation. next, america's frustration index. how do they really feel about next, esident? a's a's frustration index. how do they really feel about the president? i'm your genie. you're wishing for a deliciously, nutritious fiber cereal. i am. well, you don't want that one. new kellogg's fiber plus cereal®. the delicious taste of berries, plus yogurty clusters, plus 40% of your daily fiber... plus wait for it... antioxidants! so, two more wishes. mmmm. maybe later, then. [ female announcer ] new kellogg's fiber plus cereal®. positively delicious. stay twice... earn a free night! two separate stays at comfort inn or any of these choice hotels can earn you a free night -- only when you book at can earn you a free night -- no oil has flowed into the gulf for weeks, but it's just the beginning of our work. i'm iris cross. bp has taken full responsibility for the clean up in the gulf and that includes keeping you informed. my job is to listen to the shrimpers and fishermen, hotel and restaurant workers and find ways to help. that means working with communities. we have 19 centers in 4 states. we've made over 120,000 claims payments, more than $375 million. we've committed $20 billion to an independent claims fund to cover lost income until people impacted can get back to work. we'll keep looking for oil, cleaning it up if we find it and restoring the gulf coast. i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. bp is gonna be here until the oil is gone and the people and businesses are back to normal... until we make this right. hebrew national hot dogs are made with butcher quality cuts of 100 percent pure kosher beef. people say they're so good maybe it's time they were called something new. they are the royalty of hot dogs, i call them queen elizabeefs! hebrew national. the better than a hot dog hot dog. your frizz revolution stars now. new frizz-ease smooth start. the only shampoo and conditioner with frizz mending complex. transforms frizz by repairing it. to restore hair's natural defense gainst frizz. for 100% flawless, frizz-free style frizz-ease smooth start. and now, to the latest in our series on america's frustration index, where we take the temperature of america's voters, heading into the midterm election. the index stands at 67, higher than in 1994, when republicans took back control of congress. political contributor, matthew dowd, who is also a columnist for "the national journal" has been digging around the country. you know what's going on in the minds of voters. >> a whole lot of frustration going on. this time, i visited my home state of michigan, where i grew up with ten brothers and sister. and we focused on how people feel about president obama. and what he's doing or not doing feeds their frustration. last month in detroit, president obama tried to regain his momentum. >> we are back on our feet. we are on the move. >> reporter: but in nearby, brighton, michigan, where i grew up, that's a tough sell. just ask julia, who manages prosecute properties like this. >> i had it on the market last fall. >> reporter: it's been on the market -- >> 12 months now. >> reporter: they voted for president obama in 2008. but what do the neighbors think of him now? i want a show of hands. >> my hope was he was smart enough. he would surround himself with the people that would work with him to make a better country. >> reporter: has he met your expectations? >> i think he has met my expectations. i think what bothers me more now is the fact that he's been in office a year, and he can do no right. we've had several tea party rallies. and i see the signs saying, we want to take back our country. and i'm thinking, take it back from whom? take it back from what? >> i was hopeful, as terri said, that he would surround himself with good people. but it's not coming quick enough. we have the stimulus money out there. and yet, you still -- you don't see it being spent the right way or how you would want to see it spent. >> i voted for him, probably, the last president. the last president i really voted for was president reagan. >> reporter: like you marked it harder then? >> that's right. i wanted change. >> reporter: how do you feel today? >> i'm ready for a third party. >> yes. >> reporter: what about the president's efforts to win back support for himself and democrats? like appearing on "the view," a first for a president? >> i wish he would not have gone on "the view." i think barack obama is so concerned with making everybody happy, that sometimes he loses sight of just push it through, get it through, forget everybody else. just do it. >> i couldn't have said it better. he tries to appease. and momentum stops. >> reporter: the grades they give the president? >> at. >> b minus. >> c. >> c minus. >> reporter: not great. but you hear from a political pro. >> i want to see more town hall environments. when he does go out and touch a community, i want to see the action plan after that visit. >> stay focused. >> maybe don't try to fix everything. maybe fix a couple things, so we can feel some pride in ourselves and the good things that are happening. >> and the good things that are happening. matthew, you grew up in that area of michigan. 1 of 11. >> 1 of 11. >> do you think that's a true indication of a reflection of what the rest of the country is thinking? >> i think their faces may not look like everywhere else in the country. but their frustration is pretty reflective of what's going on in the country when you wander around and go to different places. >> the president's approval rating nearing an all-time low for him. and people are eager to see what's going to happen in the midterm election, if one has to do with the other and the results we'll see in november. >> if you look back at 2006, president bush's approval rating was terrible. and democrats took back the house of representatives. you look back in 2002, president bush's approval rating was sty skooi-high, and the republicans gained eight seats. look at 1994, president clinton's rating, not good. republicans take back the house of representatives. approval rating of a president is very predictive of what's going to happen in a midterm. >> is it realistic to think that things could have turned around the way that everybody wants them to. >> i don't think it's realistic that we have a trillion-dollar economy that things will be developed over time. but people want something. they want to see the light at the end of the tunnel. but they don't see it yet. the end of the tunnel. but they don't see it yet. >> want some benchmarks. >> exactly. >> exactly. >> matthew, we'll keep you on the road. >> matthew, we'll keep you on i saw a gap in the market for a fresh culinary brand for food. and launched we create and broadcast content and then distribute it across tv, the web and via mobile. i even use the web to get paid. with acceptpay from american express open, we now invoice advertisers and receive payments digitally. and i get paid on average three weeks faster. booming is never looking for a check in the mail. because it's already in my email. time to face the pollen that used to make me sneeze... my eyes water. but now zyrtec®, the fastest 24-hour allergy relief, comes in a liquid gel. zyrtec® liquid gels work fast, so i can love the air®. a fantastic opportunity to get 0% apr financing on every new 2010 cadillac model. like the cts sport sedan. the most acclaimed vehicle in its class and a "car and driver" 10 best, three years in a row. or the all new cadillac srx luxury crossover. and even the most acclaimed luxury suv ever, the cadillac escalade. summer brings out the best in all of us. hurry in to get 0% apr financing on every new 2010 cadillac during cadillac's "summer's best" sales event, going on now at your cadillac dealer. ♪ it's laughs over a coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad. catching up over wood-grilled shrimp and chicken. and with lunches starting at just $6.99... it's an hour you wouldn't trade for anything. ♪ [ female announcer ] we've got stains, down to a science. new wisk, with our breakthrough stain spectrum technology targets all the major stain groups like proteins, carbohydrates and oils. its enzymes and cleaning agents tackle a full range of stains. you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a more powerful clean, try new wisk. fight stains with science. for a more powerful clean, try new wisk. clear . > we'll continue to follow a developing news story in san jose where fire crews say a gas line has ruptured at the scene of a large house fire. it destroyed a home on del monte place. the woman who lives there told abc 7 she was walking a dog when she heard an explosion at her house. her other two dogs died in the fire. no people were hurt. two adjacent homes were damaged. now, another fire about two miles away also gutted a home on rockdale drive. firefighters say recent staff cuts added to the delay in getting from rockdale to del monte. all right. let's check with megan now for the latest on traffic. >> good morning. we have a few slow spots. the first one in san rafael, 101 heading southbound. the dive time from 37 to 580 about 20 minutes. more than double the normal drive time there. walnut creek it's slow as you make your way southbound on 680. expect delays all the way into the ceremony valley. along the east shore freeway, interstate 80 westbound, it's crowded. the dive time from the yard necessary bridge to the maze, 30 [ female announcer ] mission presents well-rounded family meals for $10. all it takes is a few ingredients and delicious mission flour tortillas. for budget-friendly recipes go to mission. tasty tortillas. fresh ideas. oprah: tv's big stars go back to their first jobs. miss paula deen is rolling in a different kind of dough. >> do you trust me with your money? oprarararararararararararararara ♪ it's a wild, wild whisper blowing in the wind ♪ they are so hot right now. it's the group, lady antebellum. if you haven't heard of them, you must be under a rock or something. come on down to central park tomorrow. we'll have quite a show. we're expecting a huge crowd and some beautiful weather for it. we say good morning, america. and i'm david muir, along with robin roberts, in for george. he'll be back first thing next week. you were asking the folks of the air force, can you show emotion? >> they're so -- >> very. >> what was your response when i said that? >> absolutely. >> you said something else. he so said something else. that was the clean version of it. >> great to have you in the studio with us. coming up this morning, the hospitals of the future, robots roaming the halls. i don't know if i want a robot. >> your delivery has arrived. >> hmm. very smooth. >> and 3d technology that will change the face of the hospital. we'll get to the bottom. do you hear the whimpering over there? we have some health tips for your four-legged friends. is chocolate really bad for your little doggy? america's vet, dr. marty becker -- i don't know why i'm talking like this -- is here to do mythbusting on pet dangers. all that ahead. is that the soundtrack? or is that the little one? what's the little one's name, marty? >> romeo. >> romeo. >> romeo and pringle. >> can they be adopted? >> they can. humane society of new york. >> they get along. first, sam champion has "just one thing." >> "just one thing." hey, robin and david, and marty, romeo. biochar, has been in "rolling stone." tim callahan, v.p. of rechar, a company that makes it. it is something you can mix with your soil at the time you fertilize. fall is a good time to do it. it will hold the nutrients and hold the water in the soil, right? >> exactly right. >> biochar is a big deal. >> biochar is a win-win situation. you take a waste product, like the woodchips here. andbiochar. you lock in carbon that would be emitted through the process of rotting. >> and carbon is one of those things that we hear about that contributes to global warming. and we blame it on what we make. but sometimes it happens naturally. in something like woodchips, you can curb the amount of carbon released there, by turning it into biochar. >> exactly right. >> and when you mix it in, it holds the soil. and nutrients? >> exactly. it holds nutrients, water better than ordinary soil. and it's a great host for microbial activity, essential for plant growth. >> i've read about it. it is everywhere, sir. and if you want to know more on what biochar is, you can sprinkle it on your lawn. 200% more? >> up to 200% improvement in your plant growth. >> that's amazing that something this simple can do it. we'll link you to it on our website. all of our "just one things" are in one, convenient location. go to "gma" or my head. it will bobble. and you find all of our "just one things." tim, thank you for bringing us b biochar. let's get to the boards. want to show you one or two things on this thursday. most of the nation is gorgeous. there's some showers that will pop up in the southwest today. and some temperatures that are warm. look at this. san antonio at 94 degrees. memphis at 87. there's some heat in there. not the triple-digit heat. even new england, who has been locked in bad weather all week long, gets into a better patt n and all that weather was brought to you by adt security systems. robin? >> okay, there, sam. thank you. in this morning's "america's health," we take you to the cutting edge in medicine, technology that's pushing hospitals head-long into the future of medical care, from hand scans to robots in the operating room. and juju is back with that. >> i grew up loving "star trek." it's a guilty secret on my part. but i'm amazed how much sci-fi readers dreamed up decades ago is becoming standard today. we had robots, computers and scanning equipment, to make diagnosis better and faster and life-saving surgery more accurate. there are few things more traumatic than being hospitalized. but from coast-to-coast, medical centers are upgrading to the latest technology. and the future might be here sooner than you think. in california, el camino hospital calls itself the first smart hospital. the newest technology meets you almost at the front door. a biometric registration system, using palm scan, capturing a patient's unique vein pattern, which is linked to their medical file. extra security that helps prevent dangerous medical errors or identity theft. >> my coffee's an eye-opener. >> reporter: the hospital's robots aren't quite as sophisticated as "the jetsons'." >> your delivery has arrived. >> reporter: they're like hard-working file cabinets on wheels, delivering supplies and lab specimens. doing the work of four people. >> enterprise here. >> reporter: the hospital is also boldly using their version of "star trek"-like communicators. >> this is kate. can i help you. >> reporter: no more jarring announcements or beepers. it provides a direct connection to doctors and nurses. >> hi. >> reporter: critical care rooms come with advanced beds with built-in translation of 22 different languages. >> for example, if we had a russian-speaking patient here, i could ask them, where do you feel pain? and i can hit the button here. >> reporter: across the country, new york's presbyterian hospital is the first in the country to get 3d images of a patient inside the operating room, during an operation, with this. a state-of-the-art imaging system called zigo. >> combining the way we hang the table and the way we angle the machine itself we can almost get -- >> reporter: any angle of the brain. what kinds of surgery can this be used for? >> right now, we're using it for vascular neurosurgery. we're looking at using it for tumor surgery. and looking at spine surgery. >> reporter: for the first time, neurosurgeons performing brain surgery, can find out almost instai instantaneously if their operation was a success. wow. that's cool. this is a game-changer. before, if the surgeon needed imaging, the patient may stay under anesthesia, move to radiology, and then back to the o.r. if more needed to be done. this is a seismic shift in bringing into the o.r. >> exactly. it's safer. it's less time under anesthesia. this allows us to get a three-dimensional images of the vascul vascularcure of the brain. >> reporter: you seem excite by the technology. >> it's cool. to have the equipment that allows us to study the brain while we work on the brain and not injure people is incredible. >> reporter: high-tech advancements we all hope never to need. but can make a world of difference if we do. it's true, i look like the lunch lady. the california hospital, el camino hospital, is smack in the middle of silicon valley. my mother had heart surgery there last year. they have great people there, not just robots. besides that, they have infection-resistant bedside computers. and new beds with built-in translators with 22 languages. it speaks russian. it speaks korean. >> and your mom is doing well? >> she's great. thanks for asking. >> live long and prosper. next, pet myths. @ú@ú@ú@úatatatat we're headed up to oregon to visit my parents. the riveras are taking their first family vacation. [ dad ] hey, do you guys want to see the largest artichoke ever grown? [ kids ] artichoke! artichoke! they needed some tools to help them keep track of their spending along the way. wells fargo checking with mobile banking lets them check their balance wherever they happen to be. the widest one or the tallest one? the closest. the closest. well, if you got the 4-wheel drive, you could go down this road here. [ mom ] i think we're lost. [ dad ] it's ok. we'll find some other big vegetable. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when life is mobile. ♪ romeo, oh, romeo. that's his name. and he wears it well. have you ever opened up your e-mail, found a message screaming, this is not a myth? it's a story about a scam or a dangerous product. pet owners get loads of them. horror stories that can befall your pet and be dangerous around the house. a lot of it is not true. america's favorite veterinarian and our favorite, dr. marty becker is back to do mythbusting. we were talking about chocolate. the notion, don't give chocolate to your pet. >> i'm a licensed veterinarian. last week, a patient had a chocolate shchip cookie. a ten-pound dog has to eat three ounces, that's a large chocolate bar. a 100-pound dog could have to eat two pounds. the darker the chocolate, the smaller the dog, the worse the problem. but not the risk people think it is. >> all right. next, they are all over the place. the myths about the wetjet and what it can do. >> febreze and wetjet. get it on their paws. they lick it off, it could cause kissny problems. some people said there was antifreeze-like substances in this product. the aspca tested it. no problem on either product. >> no problem whatsoever? >> no problem whatsoever. >> he just yawned. he's just a little over it. the next thing, this is something i heard since i was a kid. poinsettia's at christmastime. >> every year it comes out. they cause nothing more than a little stomach irritation at the worst. they're kept on the list. and we're going to talk about something that's a big danger. it's not poinsettias. >> and certain foods. a lot of rounds on the internet about certain products to stay away from. but you say you can't believe everything you read. >> pet foods, there was a pet food recall. there was a supplier that had melamine that was toxic. they are perfectly safe. what you need to do, though -- when you feed your pet, wash your hands. after you're done playing with the pet, wash your hands. don't mix human bowls and pet bowls together. don't wash them in the same sink. >> okay. here's where we make the transition. if you haven't heard about this, you should. this is where you have to listen up. this is really where you see danger. >> first of all, people think frying pans. how is this going to do anything? nonstick pans, at a certain temperature, they release a chemical. you don't know what temperature it is. it's not a problem for dogs or cats. it's a problem for birds. if you have birds, don't have them in the kitchen or near the kitchen. and don't have nonstick pans in your house, period. >> not to dogs or cats? >> not to dogs or cats. but lethal to birds. >> and lilies. who knew? >> don't they smell good? for cats especially. we have a saying, lilies are lethal. the easter lilies and the lilies outside. the cats are attracted to the smell. they'll eat a little of the leaves. causes kidney failure. don't have them around if you have kids. >> lilies are lethal. easy enough. next up, what do you have? >> it looks like i've taken the contents out of my aunt theresa's purse. she loves sugar-free gum. xylitol is lethal. one stick of gum for a cat or dog is lethal. it causes a drop in blood sugar. dogs like this can smell out termites and mold and bugs. they have a great sniffer. don't have anything with xylitol around pets. >> and lastly? >> lastly, flea and tick control products. the number two category after human medications for animal poison control, these are safe as directed. people will take a dog product and use it on a cat. they'll take a large dog product and split it up. talk to your veterinarian about what product is best for your pet and you will be fine. >> all right. and the real stars of the segment, romeo and pringle. they're both up for adoption. we want to thank the humane society of new york for bringing them both. and romeo won't get much bigger. and pringle? >> they will get bigger. >> you can adopt them. coming up next on "good morning america," got sportsmanship. them.eis no ♪ today's edition of "america's family," i love that music. we look at sportsmanship. a new survey of young athletes show disturbing attitudes toward fair play. 79% surveyed do not think sportsmanship is important. 81% say they would rather win than play fairly. skip bayless, host of espn's "first take," is looking at the athlete's creed, something to instill sportsmanship. he joins us from the headquarters of espn, in bristol, connecticut. a lot of the figures disturbed you. what is this about trash-talking, skip? >> champion athleticwear helped me to write this athletes creed, which is a belief system, designed to help us reclaim what we used to cherish about playing sports. and in so doing, i became aware of the statistics you just mentioned. 86% surveyed. 1,500 athletes, aged 18 to 30. 86% said trash talk is now on the rise. and all these stats astonish me and made me very sad, robin. this is very dear to my heart. i feel a little complicit. i feel a little guiltier. every day on my sports debate show, we talk about and mostly criticize, taunting, trash-talking, cheating in sports. but in so doing, do we glorify it by paying so much attention to it? i think the answer to that is a big yes. >> we have to look at ourselves. you're right. you're being honest about that, skip. 73% believe it's only cheating if you get caught. >> just astonishing to me. and we've gone through this era of steroids in baseball. and i don't know whether roger clemens is guilty or not. i know that a whole lot of people assume that he is guilty. and i guess we're going to find that out in a court of law. but we have a whole generation of parents, i'm assuming, who put roger clemens on the highest mountain, the highest pedestal, a john wayne of that generation sports fans. now, the kids look to their parents. and this burden falls foremost on them. and the kids say, mommy and daddy love roger clemens. but even he resorted to using performance-enhancing drug, or we believe. that's where it starts. as kids go back to school, now, robin, it seems incumbent upon the parents to establish first of this. how can they establish a new theme here? how can you teach kids to compete with all your heart and soul, but to respect the game? to respect your opponent? to respect the coaches, and certainly the officials, the referees, the umpires who govern your game? >> that's a good way of defining what sportsmanship should be for our game. the little league world series. i love seeing this. they're high-fiving each other. congratulating one another. there are bright spots we're seeing, skip. >> there are, robin. i'm with you. i love to watch the little league world series, if for nothing else, to watch them shake hands after the game. it looks genuine. it looks like they played their hearts out, but they still respected their opponents because it was their opponent that gave them the chance to succeed on this international stage. good for them. and i hope that sets a resounding, positive example for today's kids. >> and you think drew brees is another fine example for our young kids, too. >> i do. a guy who obviously plays his heart out, as sort of an overachiever, if you will. a guy knocked around, dumped by san diego. and barely landed a job with new orleans. but drew has always respected the game. respects his opponents. i think derek jeter does that. i think tim duncan in the nba has won four rings and three finals mvps and two regular season mvps, robin. but he always respected the game and his opponents to the point that we dismiss him as kind of a boring superstar. he's not a lebron, who, by the way, has been known to chest beat and pose after shots and sort of rub it in and taunt his opponents. >> you bring up so many excellent points. and a lot of things for us to think about, especially as children are heading back to school. always good to spend a little time with you, skip. >> thank you, robin. >> give my best to everybody there, on the mothership, back there at espn. and you can read the athletes' creed. go to our website, and we'll be right back. hands touch some germy stuff. and those germs can end up on your soap pump. fact: your soap pump can harbor hundreds of bacteria. introducing the new lysol no-touch hand soap system. it senses hands and dispenses soap that kills 99.9% of bacteria to help stop the spread of germs. plus, it's enriched with moisturizing ingredients. all to help keep your hands healthy. the lysol no-touch hand soap system. never touch a germy soap pump again. juju, the menfolk, they are -- >> getting a little nurturing. >> they really are. pringle. >> that's pringle. i think the message board and the phone calls are going to start right after this show. >> they can be adopted. >> they say the cat and the dog aren't going to get much bigger. >> i love it. it's the chihuahua. >> sam's made a love connection over there. >> tomorrow morning we'll be on the gulf coast, and in new orleans. and lady antebellum. have a great day, everyone. advantage topical solution treats dogs... ( barking ) but destroys fleas. so ask your veterinarian for advantage, the flea specialist for gentle, but effective, flea control. just a few simple ingredients and great-tasting mission flour tortillas make fabulous chicken fajitas, warm and yummy breakfast burritos and seriously tasty tacos. you'll find these budget-minded recipes and more ways to save at great meals start with delicious mission flour tortillas. mission. tasty tortillas. fresh ideas. ♪ this morning oakland police are investigating the shooting death of a 13-year-old boy who was about to start high school. it happened last night around 9:30 at bancroft and 67 avenue. our media partner the oakland tribune reports the victim has been identified as jamar clark. he was a champion sprinter and relay team runner. the shooter killed clark then ran off with his wallet but investigators have not confirmed that. police have not released descriptions. this is the 56th homicide of the year. >> big-time cooling trend. free a.c. back. 10 degrees cooler in after on the low end 64. santa rosa 23 degrees cooler, around 80. oakland at 70. mid to upper 70s throughout the bay, low 80s the south bay and mid to upper 80s in the east bay valleys. comfortable tonight with temperatures 50s and 60s and another 10 to 15 degrees cooler by the time saturday rolls around. megan. >> good morning. expect delays commuting on southbound 680 through contra costa county this morning. traffic is heavy as you make your way into the san ramon valley. head 101 heading southbound. drive time from 37 to 580 about 20 minutes. we have a crash northbound 101. the left la i


Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20100827

coast is reborn. battered but unbound. wreckage cleared. communities restored. the long journey back to the home almost lost in the storm. good morning, david. we all remember what it was like, almost five years ago and i certainly remember being here the morning after and just the destruction, but today is a new day and with bob woodruff reporting live from new orleans, we're going to talk about the renewal and the rebuilding of this beautiful region and then a little bit later, my conversation with former first lady laura bush, her attachment to the children of this region as well. david? and i know i speak for everyone here on the floor, it is so great to see robin there, back in her hometown. and she has the story of an extraordinary comeback this morning. aswe say good morning, america, from new york, as well. george is off this morning. he'll be back on monday. but there's breaking news to get to off the top. stunning new video of those trapped miners in chile. authorities dropped a small camera below. they were reportedly able to shoot about 45 minutes of video of themselves. you can see them singing the national anthem, arm in arm. one of the men giving a sort of guided tour of their new underground home. our jeffrey kofman is in chile. he has the very latest on the new video this morning. jeffrey, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, david. this is incredible, unforgettable footage that we're seeing for the first time this morning. i suspect anyone who has heard about these men has conjured up images of what it might look like down there. take a look and see. these miners might surprise you. this is what being trapped 2,200 feet underground looks like. incredible images, taken with a small video camera sent down the mine through a bore hole. the men sent greetings to their families. they should know that we are calm, he says, despite the bad conditions we know we're going to get out of here. it is far from the portrait of misery many on the surface imagined. the men even cheer and sing the national anthem. [ singing ] >> reporter: the camera takes us on a tour of the very dark, damp mine tunnels, where the men are living. there's the refuge where they took shelter during the collapse. that thermometer reached 29 degrees celsius, 89 degrees fahrenheit. the video reveals a curious, new daily life under ground. over there, a table, dominos sent down to distract the men. and to the area where they pray. there, the medical kit. one man points to the little cup used to brush their teeth. get him outside, so he can take a shower, he says. and the others laugh. the men look surprisingly fit, given that they almost starved for 17 days. some are sleeping. some of those, awake. some surprisingly cheerful. they've now been told that it may take until christmas to drill a hole large enough to get them out. we are super and extremely happy, he says. and we're sure that with smart people and technology, they will get us out. if these conditions are a test of the human spirit, these resilient men get very high marks. here in chile this morning, all eyes are on the surface above where those men are trapped, where the drill rig that is going to drill the rescue hole to lift those men up is now being assembled. that should finish today. the process of drilling that half-mile-deep rescue hole should begin tomorrow. david? >> jeffrey, thank you. the extraordinary images of the spirit still alive and well down below. we're going to move, now, to another major story developing today. what will he say? federal reserve chairman ben bernanke will speak later this morning about the new economy amid numbers that show a worse worsening picture. joining us now, jake tapper from martha's vineyard, where the president will soon wrap up his vacation. and financial correspondent, bianna golodryga, who's at the new york stock exchange, this morning. good morning. i wanted to start with you, bianna. with americans' battered 401(k)s so dependent on the market, what does wall street have to hear today? >> that's right, david. it feels like we're working with a bipolar stock market here. one day it's up. the next minute, it's down. yesterday the dow and the nasdaq opened up higher, only to close below. on the side of big business, things seem to be somewhat more optimistic. mergers and acquisitions are up. earnings reports have been up. but on the side of the consumer, things are downright ugly. we had dismal housing numbers out earlier this week. consumer spending, consumer confidence are down. and later this morning, we're expected to find that the economy grew at a slower pace than previously thought last quarter. the consumer's very important here. all eyes will be on ben bernanke to hear what he has to say. >> jake, most people believe that the fed chairman will say the economy continues to recover, albeit more slowly than anyone hoped. jake, i know you saw this. he says, fortunately, that's not true. this isn't a recovery in any sense that matters. and policymakers should be doing everything they can to change that fact. but, jake, with historic interest rates at all-time lows and that massive stimulus package, what does the white house believe it can do at this point? >> reporter: well, they do believe, david, that what they can do is limit it. there's a $30 billion small business lending initiative that they've been pushing in congress. but there's really only so many days on the congressional schedule, before the end of the year. and so much appetite for new spending programs on congress. they will continue to work for programs such as the small business lending initiative, to get it passed. also, reducing capital gains. eliminating capital gains for alles. and there are people in the white house who are hoping that bernanke's speech today will b blesuresand do what so far the white house has not been able to do. and that is re-instill confidence in the market and the >> all right. jake tapper from martha's vineyard, where the pre and bi york stock exchange. thanks to you both this morning. we're going to turn to "the road of recovery," and robin roberts who continues that look this week. she visited haiti. she visited nashe. and this morning, she's in her hometown back in mississippi, to on this, t >> david, we have walked the road to recovery this week on "good morning america." we're here on the gulf coast. sometimes it's lost how huge this storm was. states from louisiana to florida were affected. we know here in mississippi, that the eye of the storm came across not far from here, in hancock county, we want to take a look back right now and remember what it was like. >> the death toll is climbing. the floodwaters are rising. >> reporter: 6:10 a.m., august 29th, 2005. the gulf coast's darkest hour. the eye of the category 5 storm makes landfall. nearly 2,000 people die. >> we're in desperate need. we are americans. >> reporter: an entire region of the country devastated. recovery seemingly impossible. this is the epicenter, the gulf coast ground zero. hancock county, mississippi. not one home or business remained intact. all that was left after the $130 billion in damage, was the resilient and determination of the people of the mississippi gulf coast. hancock county was allocated over $100 billion in aid, key to its economic recovery and renewal. in five years the gulf coast region has undergone a major transformation. from this, to this. from this, to this. >> here's the ones from the house. >> reporter: like so many gulf coast families, nora and ed wikoff, decided to stay and rebuild. >> this is a great opportunity, i think for our community to make some significant improvements. and you can see some of that happening. >> reporter: bay st. louis was one of the many cities battered by katrina. mayor les fillingame said he has seen the recovery at work. >> the investments that will show returns in this area. and for the next generations. >> reporter: but this coastal community, so dependent on the gulf's waters for its livelihood, is once again being tested. this time, by the bp oil spill. >> even though there is no oil on the surface now and they stopped the well, we still aren't completely convinced of what our long-term expectation should be. >> reporter: despite the uncertainty, the people of the gulf coast are certain about one thing. >> this is our home. we couldn't imagine going and moving to another location. there just wasn't an option for us. >> as she said, this is our home. this is our home. this is where we want to be. bob woodruff is live in new orleans right now and has the situation there. good morning, bob. >> i know you're familiar with the sights here in new orleans. this has been a very big week here in new orleans. we needed so many reminders and memorials about what happened five years ago and the major devastation. it will actually culminate here on sunday when president obama will be here to give a speech, right here at xavier university. largely about the city's resilience and rebuilding. >> this is the master bedroom. >> reporter: after five, long years, kenneth and jori dorsey are finally coming home. >> i'm happy right now. very happy right now. >> how are we doing, dave? >> reporter: like so many here, the dorseys were forced to flee, as floodwaters overtook the city. >> we lost everything. we lost our home. all our possessions. >> reporter: this week, a team of volunteers is coming together to help rebuild their home. >> it will be wonderful to sleep in our home, here in new orleans once again. >> reporter: the searing images of this disaster will not soon fade from memory. the misery, the desperation. >> this is the system that's going on here is wrong. >> reporter: and the inadequate response from all levels of government. ♪ but the big easy, knocked to its knees by katrina, is slowly making its way back. the population has rebounded to nearly 80% of its prestorm levels. wages are up, too, by 14%. >> how are you? you good? >> reporter: the police force, with a reputation badly damaged after katrina, by corruption, lying, even accusations of murder, now has a new chief, vowing big changes. >> i know we can reduce crimes. and i know we can increase people's quality of life. >> reporter: $15 billion has been spent to rebuild and improve the flood protection system, that failed miserably in 2005. yet, despite all the progress, the emotions and memories still linger. wanda lay rebuilt her home, right beside a brand-new flood wall. you're okay that this is now built enough to be safe? >> well, i have flood insurance now. >> reporter: as you can see, there is some humor down here, in addition to the president's appearance on sunday, exactly five years now after katrina, the city will be holding a candlelight vigil right down in the city, in addition in the french quarter, the cathedral will toll its bells. this town, this city, is really bouncing back. robin? >> all right bob, thank you very much. much more from the gulf coast when we come back, including my conversation with former first lady laura bush. good morning, everyone. we're going to turn, now, to the he's flying back to boston this morning, a free man. former president jimmy carter negotiated a pardon for aijalon gomes. he was facing eight years of hard labor there, after entering north korea illegally. investigators may have found the source of the salmonella that led to that massive egg recall. tests confirm that the bacteria was found in chicken feed used by two iowa farms. and fda officials say it's the same strain that's sickened 1,500 people across the country. toyota has launched yet another major recall. this time for computer glitches on a million cars. this involves corolla sedans and matrix hatchbacks model years from 2005 to 2008. the automaker wants to fix the defects that may cause the cars to stall in traffic. new york city officials are calling the attack on the muslim cab driver an isolated incident. mayor bloomberg met with the victim thursday, playing down any links between the slashing and the proposed mosque near ground zero. he also sat down for his first interview about the controversy, appearing on the jon stewart "daily show." >> whether you like the mosque or don't like the mosque, you don't have to go. there's already another mosque down there within four blocks of the world trade center. there's porno places. there's fast-food places. it's a vibrant community. it's new york. >> mayor bloomberg said the debate is being fueled by politicians trying to polarize people to get votes. police have arrested three men in canada on terrorism charges. among the suspects a 28-year-old doctor who appeared on "canadian idol." in 2008. he sang an avril lavigne song and even did the moonwalk before being rejected. police in canada said the terror plot involved bombing sites overseas. and a rare bit of good news for tiger woods. he's entering today's second round of the barclays tournament tied with the lead. he opened with 6 under par, his best showing so far this season. and his best by far since just before his personal life started to unravel with that car crash last november, which we all heard about. that's the news at 7:14. >> you have to wonder with the big development this week, the divorce finalized, if it was almost a sigh of relief, and both tiger and elin able to move forward. >> and you knew his competitive nature would come back. >> juju, thanks very much. in addition to track the massive rainstorm that robin's dealing with in the south, sam is tracking danielle now, a category 4 hurricane. sam, what's the latest? >> david, we're reminded that this weekend is the anniversary, the fifth anniversary of katrina, a category 5 hurricane. we're reminded that very few storms ever reach the high categories. a 5, the highest we mark. a 4, now looking at danielle, is a 4, out in the atlantic. now we have two storms to look at here. we actually could have three before we get through the end of the weekend. we'll show you the groups. look at this. it looks like a crowded highway. danielle, earl and is that possibly going to be fiona before we get to the end of the weekend? it is possible. now let's show you the paths of the two storms we're following. that strong category 4, danielle, expected to curve back into the atlantic. and earl will take a path that's farther to the south, a category 3 storm. all interest on the east coast should be watching that. we'll show you a quick l >> and we are live in central park. all of america's weather in the next half hour. david? >> and lady antebellum later in the program. see you soon. in the meantime, conservative talk show host glenn beck stirring up controversy, with a rally now planned for tomorrow at the lincoln memorial in washington. some are angry the rally is taking place on the anniversary of another event there, the martin luther king i have a dream speech. claire shipman is there. good to see you. >> reporter: david, there's a lot of emotion swirling over this issue. it wasn't so long ago, that glenn beck called president obama a racist. so, his choice of timing to hold his rally here tomorrow, a surprise, to say the least. >> i have a dream. >> reporter: immortal words of unity. but the 47th anniversary of dr. king's speech is producing just the opposite. >> blacks don't own martin luther king. >> glenn beck is no martin luther king. >> reporter: even angry words comparing the tea party to the kkk. >> the klu klux -- i meant to say that the tea party. you have to forgive me. you have to use them interchangeably. >> reporter: all this because of an unlikely rally planned by conservative tv and radio host, glenn beck, for the day of the anniversary on the steps of the memorial. >> we're doing something absolutely amazing. >> reporter: beck says his rally, which will feature sarah palin and many tea party supporters, is meant to honor america's troops. and he insists he picked the day, not realizing it was the anniversary of the i have a dream speech. but not everyone is buying that. >> finally, someone is bringing martin luther king's movement back to its conservative white roots. >> reporter: some like the reverend al sharpton who's organizing his own rally, has more serious concerns. >> hard to be disciplined and not make this about those that have, in my opinion, hijacked the location. but they can never hijack the dream. >> reporter: beck insists he plans to honor king. >> i have heard it over and over again in the media that because of this event, on the date of this event, i'm somehow or other hijacking dr. martin luther king's speech. i'm not big enough to do that. no one is. >> reporter: and martin luther king jr.'s son has weighed in on this, saying his father would never limit voices. but that he urges that everybody use the right rhetoric, david. >> we'll be watching this weekend. >> diane sawyer and how a simple treat to the mall with her tells us so much. morning america." g ] day after day allergy season drags on. oh how many days are you going to suffer? nasonex is the only prescription that's proven to help prevent most seasonal nasal allergy symptoms including congestion so you can have more symptom-free days. [ female announcer ] side effects were generally mild and included headache viral infection, sore throat, nosebleeds and coughing. it does not come in generic form so ask your doctor about nasonex. [ female announcer ] and save up to $15 off your refills. go to for details terms and conditions. [ female announcer ] lunch at red lobster... it's laughs over a coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad. catching up over wood-grilled shrimp and chicken. and with lunches starting at just $6.99... it's an hour you wouldn't trade for anything. nighttime nasal congestion meant, i couldn't breathe right. i couldn't sleep right. next day it took forever to get going. night after night, i sat up. sprayed up. took a shower... or took a pill. then i tried drug-free breathe right. and instantly, i breathed better! i slept better. i felt...better. thank you, breathe right! [ male announcer ] breathe better, sleep better feel better. now try breathe right for free... at [ woman ] it's my right to breathe right. isn't it your right, too? crafted to be exceptionally smooth... decadently rich... delightful... chocolate... bliss. hershey's bliss chocolate. crafted for bliss. your frizz revolution stars now. new frizz-ease smooth start. the only shampoo and conditioner with frizz mending complex. transforms frizz by repairing it. to restore hair's natural defense gainst frizz. for 100% flawless, frizz-free style frizz-ease smooth start. ♪ we have developing news in san francisco where a hazardous material team is trying to identify a substance that made some workers ill at the recycling center at hunters point. 16 people are being treated there for some sort of chemical irritant. a 48 hour strike by trash collectors in san mateo county ends this morning. garbage is piled up at thousands of homes in san mateo hillsborough and burlingame. trash collectors with allied waste walked off the job wednesday. trash haulers warn some people won't get their garbage picked up until sunday. a look at the freeways this morning. >> good morning. it's been quiet all morning but we just got word of a stalled bus anyways blocking the left lane on the bay bridge 80 heading westbound right at treasury island. take a look at the incline. this is definitely gonna back up at the toll plaza and back up your bay bridge commute into san francisco. our other slow spot this morning westbound 4 making your way out of antioch into concord, a 25 minute drive time and bart delay from castro valley toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo look at you. body rested. stress gone. mind sharp. because unisom gave you deep restful sleep all night. morning early birds. unisom. good night. good morning. welcome back. a look at sfo this morning where we have some sunshine and no flight arrival delays. let's move to our temperatures where they're cool with some fog up around santa rosa 49, novato 45 60 oakland, 62 los gatos, the rest of us mid to upper 50s. >> ...berber carpet. it was a whole bowl of stew. nooo. why? i could have saved this one. i could have saved this one. ♪ call 1-800-steemer ♪ to visit my old high school in the days after the storm. >> science over there. math over there. it withstood hurricane camille. but katrina got it. ♪ walk on walk on ♪ >> that was then. and this is now. it opened in the fall of '09. it now houses the pass christian middle school on one side. the elementary school -- hello. i didn't know you were right behind me. the elementary school on the other side. it is wonderful how it has come back. once upon a time, this used to be where my old high school was, back in the day. now, we have the elementary school and the boys and girls club here as well. in the back. coming up, we have my conversation with former first lady laura bush and her commitment to the beautiful children all up and down the gulf coast. as we say good morning, america, on this rainy, friday morning, from my hometown of pass christian. david, we're not going to let a little rain or a lot of rain slow us down here. so much more ahead. >> you can't get the gulf down. robin -- >> look at this crowd. >> these are the folks that robin, so connected to. there's a look at that rain. that is what they're up against with the smiles on their faces and umbrellas in hand this morning. robin, we'll check back with you shortly. george off this morning. he'll be back on monday. also this half hour more stories of brazilians. we talked to the family. they were hold their daughter was dead after the hospital mixed her up with a victim of a terrible accident. they mourned her for days even planned her funeral, before they learned that the woman in the hospital bed was their daughter. we're going to check in with that family. we're going to begin this half hour, with something that most of us take for granted. the simple pleasure of being able to smile, being able to smell. connie culp. it was right here on "good morning america," diane sawyer introduced her to us last year. diane is here this morning. when you came back from cleveland and walked into the newsroom, i could read your face. you were so moved by her. >> we talked about the people that change our year and our lives. she's in my hall of fame. connie culp. she had already undergone almost 30 surgeries before the famous face transplant. and she said one of the first things she wanted to do with her new face smile. this is connie culp as she used to be. a mom with a husband, who pulled out a gun, and shot her in the face. she was 40 years old. and for four years, she would live with no jaw. no nose. practically blind. and then, the surgery that made history. 22 hours, a 40-person medical team including 8 surgeons performing the nation's first face transplant. and this was how she looked when her transplanted face was still new. it had no feeling. she didn't know there was a tear on her cheek. but flash-forward one year later. connie culp is truly going home. what's the first thing, you think? >> what a great day it is. yee-haw. >> reporter: when you look in the mirror what do you see? >> i can finally see my lips. i never dreamed i would have a nose or a mouth. i mean, i had nothing. >> reporter: how well are you seeing now? >> i can see your hair today. but i can't clarify your face. >> reporter: and that may get better? >> i hope so. they say it might. they don't know why i have the eyesight right now like i do. so, i'm lucky that way. >> reporter: she had to take 20 pills a day to fend off rejection. >> the medical community has learned from connie one important lesson. that you have to be a very strong person. >> reporter: there is still swelling around her jaw, which will go down. and the nerve endings are regrowing, an inch a month. >> "a," "e." >> reporter: and she does muscle exercises, to make sure she has a kiss and a smile. everybody has wondered and you had wondered too. would you be yourself? would you be someone different? what do you see of your own expressions? >> i think they make me look somewhat like i did before. >> reporter: your smile. what do you love to smell now? >> i like to smell the flowers. i like to smell the baby's hair after he gets a shower. doesn't that smell great? >> reporter: the best. >> yeah. >> reporter: and what about the man who did this to her? the first time we met, she startled us by saying -- >> i still love my husband. i can't talk about what happened. >> reporter: do you still love him? >> i always will. i mean, i have two kids to him. but you know what? i cannot -- you have to be outside to look in to see what's happening. >> reporter: his sentence just seven years. he's eligible for release in 2011. you're not in contact at all anymore? >> no. he called me on our anniversary. but he did the talking. and i just -- that's it. >> reporter: what would you say today to abused women? >> pay attention to what your man's saying. if he says he's going to do something, he will do it. it does not get better. it does not get better. >> reporter: when you look back now, as you're heading home when you look back over it all, what was the highest point for you? >> it is so great, what the doctors can do today. it is. it's amazing. i'm so thankful. i think god loves me. i don't care who religion anybody is. we all have a god and he's great. >> reporter: and we remember something she told us the first time we met. a heartbreaking story how children would cower and call her a monster. the other day, we took her to the mall. and no one looked. when we last saw you, you said the tim mcgraw song was your favorite. >> oh yeah. ♪ i hope you get the chance to live like you were dying ♪ >> reporter: "live like you were dying." >> she says god loves me. >> god loves me. she is indomitable. and the surgeons say that is part of what has made this possible. she's also so funny. and she said that one of the first things she did with her new nose was sneeze. but it had been so long she said she didn't know where to put her hand because she had forgotten that's what a sneeze was. >> what a remarkable difference. you were wiping away the tears because she couldn't feel them. and now, she talks about her cheekbones. >> that's right. and she still has swelling in her face. that's going to go down too, in the months ahead. it will be another stage to her life. >> and on the trip to the mall no one looked. >> nope. it was great. she got one of the tender little blessings that we don't think about every day. just being able to walk down the street as ourselves. >> we'll follow connie. way to go with her progress. i know you have to get back uptown to get ready for "world news." but you get ready better than i do. >> i would love to go to the concert over there. is sam there? >> can you talk to him. >> sam champion? lady antebellum? good morning. look, everybody. it's diane. good morning diane. you look right at home on the set. you look fantastic. by the way, that story, everybody just kind of glued to the tv set here. it is that moment of triumph and hope. it is the bright spot of the friday here in the park. ladies and gentlemen, diane sawyer. look at that. >> my pal. >> it's nice to see you. let's start this morning with a little look at what's going on in the northeast. likely, if you were worried about the rain all week, you're glad to see the morning. it's a cool morning. don't think you're going to keep that. these numbers are going up in the northeast. they're going back into the 90s. in case you're like me and like a little heat. let's show you the boards and one or two things going on. out goes the pleasant air. in comes the hotter air. new york city 95 on sunday. today, is a 85-degree high. there's heavy rain in the deep south. robin's been under it this morning. it continues from new orleans all the way to mobile and the pass area. that could be some of the heaviest rain of the day today. that's just soaking rain that all that weather was brought to you by the amazon kindle. oh, david? >> thanks sam. see you shortly. when we come back here this morning, robin and former first lady laura bush, and the perseverance in the south. 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[ marcia ] new motts medleys. looks and tastes just like the motts juice kids already love. but has two total fruit and veggie servings in every glass. new motts medleys. invisible vegetables maical taste. back here on the mississippi gulf coast. "the road to recovery," five years after hurricane katrina. and former first lady laura bush, has really played a part with her effort on the gulf coast, with her foundation. it's the largest foundation benefiting american libraries. she has made dozens of trips down here. and she joins us now from new orleans, louisiana. thanks for being with us this morning. >> thanks, robin. >> i lost count of the amount of times you've been in the region. on the first anniversary of katrina, i was with you at a school along the mississippi gulf coast. you spend a lot of time here. what's the biggest difference you have seen the last five years? >> the differences are huge now, five years later. i mean, each time i came there was a little bit of improvement. but really now, i think after five years, things are starting to look great. and i'm going to go today, to a school that was the very first school i visited right after hurricane katrina, in st. bernard parish. st. bernard parish lost every, single school. almost every home and business, as well. it was like some of those other mississippi -- some of the mississippi gulf coast towns that lost almost everything. but they've got a really great story of rebuilding their school district. >> it's called a reflection breakfast. that's where you're speaking today. what will you tell the people from? there? >> i'll tell them congratulations on their very very hard work. their school superintendent doris borchez. the first few months after the school reopened the students went to school on the second floor. now, there's more than 6,000 kids back in the st. bernard parish school. it's been picked as one of the best high schools in the united states. they really have a great story to tell. >> that has been so important for you to be a part of that. when you come up on an anniversary, mrs. bush it's a time that many people want to reflect. and in your book which you were very honest writing on different subjects. including your husband. and the criticism he's faced when he flew over new orleans after hurricane katrina. and you wrote that there was a purpose behind that. what were his intentions that day? >> well, if he had landed if air force one had landed in new orleans that day, all the assets that were actually being used to help people the first-responders, many of the first-responders would be required to go to the airport, even if just from air force landing. and he knew that. and he didn't want to use any of the assets that were being used in other ways to rescue people. but -- and he writes about this in his book as well. he realizes that that was a mistake. that it looked like he didn't care. >> and we're looking forward to reading his book as we have yours. and want to read one more section of your book. you say, day in and day out, the criticism of george from all sides was withering. i survived it because george did. but what he endured was a meanness of spirit a viciousness, and cruelty that i hope no political family will ever be subjected to again. do you feel that the obama family is now experiencing some of what you and your husband did? >> well, sadly, i think it's just a part of life for the president and the president's family. and it's too bad, really. it comes from every direction. from your friends and your foes. and i think that's too bad. but i am really proud of the way george handled it. i think he handled it in a very presidential way really. knowing that that's part of it. and we did know that that was part of it because, of course we'd been the children of a president ourselves. and we'd seen president bush, george's dad criticized in a way that we knew was unfair. so, i wish i hope that americans would just take a step back and a deep breath and realize that people who are serving in public office are truly that servants. >> as always eloquent and well-put. thank you, mrs. bush. have a good day there in new orleans. we send our best to you from the mississippi gulf coast. take care. >> thank you very much. give everyone my best there. >> mrs. bush gives everyone her best. we'll have much more from the gulf coast in just a moment. come on back. 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[ sneezing ] day after day allergy season drags on. oh how many days are you going to suffer? nasonex is the only prescription that's proven to help prevent most seasonal nasal allergy symptoms including congestion so you can have more symptom-free days. [ female announcer ] side effects were generally mild and included headache viral infection, sore throat, nosebleeds and coughing. it does not come in generic form so ask your doctor about nasonex. [ female announcer ] and save up to $15 off your refills. go to for details terms and conditions. ♪ walk on walk on ♪ ♪ you got to keep it ♪ "the road to recovery," katrina, five years later. i'm live here in my hometown of pass christian, mississippi. i'm going to brave out into the masses. it finally stopped raining just a little bit here. you can see all of the people. all of them have come here five years later. and wait until you see this group. hello. [ cheers and applause ] americorps. this group right here -- and we want to thank all the volunteers, who have come here to the gulf coast, and louisiana, to help five years later. much more. i have to get back under. it's starting to rain again. look at that. more youthful skin from day 1. a dramatic transformation by day 14. anew regimen starter kits... from avon. find the one for your age. it's a limited time offer. so call 1-800-for-avon now to find a representative today. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] we've got stains, down to a science. new wisk, with our breakthrough stain spectrum technology targets all the major stain groups like proteins, carbohydrates and oils. its enzymes and cleaning agents tackle a full range of stains. you'll never look at stains the same way again. for a more powerful clean try new wisk. fight stains with science. good job, keep going ! you took my eggs ! it's an "egg management fee." what does that even mean ? egg management fee. even kids know it's wrong to take other people's stuff. that's why at ally bank we offer rates among the most competitive in the country that won't get eaten away by fees. it's just the right thing to do. [ female announcer ] lunch at red lobster... it's laughs over a coastal soup and grilled shrimp salad. catching up over wood-grilled shrimp and chicken. and with lunches starting at just $6.99... it's an hour you wouldn't trade for anything. don't have to worry about this inside your dishwasher. that's because finish quantum has three chamber technology that releases agents to breakdown food residues so they wash away. leaving nothing behind but the shine. quantum. only from finish. the diamond standard. 3q ♪ that breaking news is from san francisco where fire crews, ambulances and a hazardous materials team has been called to a recycling temperature at pier 96 at the bayview hunters point area. pictures live from sky 7 hd from the scene a chemical substance has been released. no word how serious the health issues are. we'll continue to follow the story across the course of the morning. let's check the forecast now, mike. >> eric, thank you very much. starting to see a little sunshine break through the clouds. look for more as the afternoon wears on. but it's because cooler air's moving in. the only place warmer the coast, low 60s there. mid to upper 60s from san francisco, oakland, richmond low to mid to upper 70s through the south bay. cool fall-like and breezy tomorrow megan. >> at the bay bridge toll plaza metering lights recently turned on after a stall bus started to slow things down on the incline. it's since cleared. other slow spot westbound highway 4 making your way out of antioch towards concord. that's a 25 minute drive time. eric. >> t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t 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park this morning. you're listening to "need you now." but you probably don't need to know that. they're so hot right now. on the billboard charts. they have three songs on the country billboard charts. this morning they're going to perform and heat things up right here in central park. as we say good morning, america, on this friday. i'm david muir, in for george this morning. he's back on monday. and robin roberts is back in her hometown, in pass christian, mississippi, marking five years since katrina. robin, they have a shout-out here in central park for everyone who has come back from katrina, five years later. >> yeah? [ cheers and applause ] that's for us. that's for us. oh. isn't that nice? oh, thank you, david. that means a lot. and tell them that we've got a big screen here in the pass. and we're going to be watching you there in central park. you know what? i got all i need now -- that was pretty good. transition from lady antebellum, to say i got all i need now. but i truly do. because the people of pass christian, the people of the gulf coast, five years later, the resiliency of the people here. and the thankfulness they have for all of the people who have come from all over the world, really, to help them rebuild five years later. and a little bit later this morning, it's bit of an emotional journey for a lot of us, as we remember those first few days after katrina. and how we got our lives back together. so, a personal journey for us all, that we'll share in just a little bit, david. >> can't wait for that, robin. to show us how they've recovered five years later. and also ahead in this half hour, you'll remember this story. an extraordinary story from a family in arizona. they'd been told that they'd lost their daughter in a horrific car accident. they even planned her funeral. then, they were told that the young woman in the hospital bed was actually their daughter. and john quinones is standing by. he'll bring us up to date on that stark. what a remarkable comeback there as well. first, back to the studio and juju chang for a check of the latest news headlines. good morning, juju. >> good morning, david. so good to see robin in the gulf, as well. good morning, again, everyone. we begin with incredible, new images of those 33 chilean miners trapped nearly half a mile under ground. they made this amazing video, using a camera sent to them through a tiny bore hole. rather than appearing miserable and depressed, the miners seem to be making the most of the situation. singing, laughing, playing dominos. even showing off their surroundings. and they say they're calm and confident, even though it may be christmas before they're back with their families. in pakistan, a new sign of the growing disaster. the u.n. says that since wednesday, 1 million more people have been displaced by the rising floodwaters. now, 8 million people total are in need of assistance. the taliban, meanwhile, has threatened to disrupt the work of foreign aid workers. one of the nation's richest men is off the hook for $134 million in back child support. multibillionaire donald bren's two adult children had gone to court, demanding the retroactive payments. but a jury in los angeles rejected their claims. the children had been receiving an average of $10,000 a month in support. and finally, a new york man is going cold turkey to fight his addiction to the internet. comedian mark malkoff has barricaded himself in his tiny, pink bathroom for five days to free himself from his obsession of the internet. he said his obsession was so bad, he would neglect his wife just to check his facebook. that's not good. he has tried stunts like this before. he lived once on an airline for a month. i wish him luck. time, now, for the weather with sam champion who is standing by in the park. it's a beautiful day for a concert with lady antebellum. >> it's gorgeous, juju. i know you're on your way. zip in the car and be here as quick as you can. i'm getting ready to break your heart, though. look right here. >> what? >> it's somebody's birthday. >> max and chase. >> i'm sorry? >> that's chase and this is max. >> now, as soon as i get the microphone anywhere near them, look what happens. now, you're looking at me like i don't want it, sam. and where did you ladies get these fine, fine shirts? >> you. >> well, okay. that's true. let's get to the boards. one or two things going on this morning we want you to know about as you step out of the door on this friday. tgif friday, by the way. the heat does come back in a lot of places. it's been a cool dip. that's good because it helps >> and we are live in central park this morning. i guess it's back to robin? >> david. >> david. >> i'll take it, sam. thanks. can't wait for the concert. a beautiful day in the park. but we're going to turn now to that arizona family, mistakenly told they had lost their daughter in a horrific accident. it was two days before the funeral, they were actually told that their daughter was alive. she was actually in the hospital, in one of the beds. now, we get an update on the 19-year-old, after that horrible mixup and the extraordinary recovery. john quinones is in arizona this morning. john, great to see you. >> reporter: good morning, david, this is an amazing story. for almost a week, sergio and maria guerra, were led to believe that their teenage -- were told their daughter was dead, killed in a car accident in phoenix. this morning, abby is very much alive, in the hospital here behind me. st. joseph's. and her family is calling it a miracle. when she arrived at this hospital six weeks ago, abby guerra was in a coma. and given only a 5% chance of survival. >> the first outfit i saw, he say, she's not going to leave. she might die soon. >> reporter: today, after five brain surgeries, abby is in therapy. she can move most of her body. even force a smile. she can scribble her name. and a few days ago, she started talking again. when you heard her voice for the first time when she said hi -- >> the greatest thing that ever happened to my life. >> reporter: his daughter's painstaking recovery, is all the more miraculous, when you consider what abby and her family have been through. july 18th, the star college soccer player is traveling with her friends down interstate 10, coming home to phoenix after a trip to disneyland. suddenly, a tire blows out on their suv. and it flips over several times. two passengers are killed, three injured. police report that among the survivors rushed to the hospital, is abby's best friend, marlena cantu. and then, officers gently break the news to maria. >> do you know the vehicle rolled over like five to six times? i say, no. well, two persons were ejected. and one of the persons was your daughter. unfortunately, she didn't make it. >> reporter: the family starts planning abby's funeral. maria has to choose a dress for her daughter. >> it will be different if i chose her wedding dress. i chose the dress that she was going to be -- it's hard. and that's what i don't think i can -- i don't wish this for anybody in the world. >> reporter: abby's father has to sign the papers for her funeral. >> that was -- that was horrible because it's hard to sign a paper to let go part of your life. and that is -- that is my life. it's not part of my life. it is my life. >> reporter: the cantu family, meanwhile, holds a vigil at the hospital, praying for the critically injured patient they're told is their daughter, marlena. her injuries so horrific, she's unrecognizable. but then, almost a week later, on july 24th, just before abby's funeral, stunning news. the police, the hospital and the medical examiner's office, have made a terrible mistake. on closer examination, they discover it was marlena who died in the accident. the teenage girl in that hospital bed is abby guerra. >> i said, finally, we found you. we can see you. and you're alive. >> reporter: no doubt, this was her? immediately? >> immediately. >> reporter: joyous news for the guerras. but the ultimate pain and cruelty for the family of marlena cantu. >> it's comforting to know that she's not suffering. she didn't suffer. >> i think how marlena gave up her life. >> reporter: last night, we listened to those first words spoken by abby, recorded by her mother on her cell phone. >> mom. >> reporter: precious words. and a special sign language, from a daughter who is slowly coming back to life. >> first, she is dead. and then, she's -- i'm okay. >> reporter: what's the first thing you're going to do when she gets out? >> i'm going to take her to church. that's the first thing that i'm going to do with her. >> reporter: the guerra family says they're now determined to push for new legislation that would mandate positive identification of the deceased as quickly as possible. they don't want any family in america to go through the nightmare that they've had to endure. david? >> extraordinary bravery, john, for those parents to come forward and share the story of their daughter with you, after being given a 5% chance of survival. and look how she is doing now. thanks, john. and when we come back here this morning, we're going to go back down to robin roberts in the gulf, as she tells her own family's story of recovery after katrina. ♪ ♪ with the tastes of sea salt and olive oil. ♪ ♪ or sprinkled with italian herbs. ♪ ♪ townhouse flatbread crisps. they're perfect for snack time, party time, any time. ♪ ♪ new townhouse flatbread crisps. the everyday cracker with the specially-crafted taste. with copd, i was short of breath, so i couldn't always do what i wanted to do.ttpúje(l or high blood pressure before taking it. my copd often meant i had to wait to do what i wanted to do.ttnwhun+qsñd1acn4h5c(w?5pz:6 may be able to help. one appetizer plus two entrees equals chili's $20 dinner for two. share one of five appetizers like our famous texas cheese fries. then choose two freshly prepared entrees from 14 chili's favorites, like our chicken crispers with new sweet & smoky sauce, our new slow-smoked honey chipotle baby back ribs, or grilled all-white meat chicken fajitas served over a bed of sizzling peppers and onions. grab a friend and get one appetizer plus two entrees with chili's $20 dinner for two. ♪ come on up for the rising ♪ back here "the road to recovery," five years after hurricane katrina. if you've been with us this morning, you'll know how much it was raining here how hard it was. then, look at this. a beautiful rainbow. and that is often the case after a storm. and that's what we're talking about this morning. yes, we remember what happened five years ago today. even here. it was all rubble. but now, it's a new building that houses the elementary and middle schools here in pass christian, mississippi. but we want to take a little bit of a look back to think of the people and places, such a big part of this story. >> it's almost like the world would end. >> reporter: we remember the shocking drama. >> i don't want to cry like this. >> we have regular -- >> who was at your house with you? >> my wife. >> and where is she now? >> she's gone. >> reporter: i had driven all night with our crew to a part of the country where i had spent my youth. when i banged on my mom's door about 4:30 in the morning, my mom yelled out from the back of the house, robin's home. we knew she'd get here in some kind of way. i barely made it on the air. >> robin, i know when you left here last night, you hadn't been able to make contact with your own family yet. were you able to do so? >> reporter: they're okay. it was personal when i walked through the door and i saw my mom. the destruction, staggering. the first floor, completely gone. and for me it was an emotional, personal journey. the most difficult thing for me this week being so grateful that your family and loved ones survived. but places i loved as a child were gone, erased in one, fierce stroke. one of my favorite restaurants, chimney's. my old high school gone. science over there. math over there. relatives and childhood friends lost everything. dear friends of my parents were swept away by the waters. so many thousands of stories those days of loss fear and hope and humanity. perhaps nothing symbolizes hope as much as a new life. a very pregnant chavonte hilton was about to give birth, in the most dramatic way imaginable. in the floodwaters of new orleans. >> she was on the overpass. she was in labor. she didn't know what she was going to do. >> i was screaming. i was scared. >> reporter: larry thomas was part of a volunteer rescue team. >> the helicopter was coming down to get her. but so many people were rushing the helicopter. >> reporter: larry put her on a row boat. and in waist-high waters with no oars walked her to land to a pickup truck. >> she was crying and screaming. she was in pain. >> i thought i was going to die. >> reporter: larry thomas helped deliver the baby. and with help, got her to ochner hospital. >> if those guys hadn't been there, she could have bled to death. she could have been in a tremendous amount of dangers. >> reporter: like so many others, chavonte and larry moved away from new orleans. they never saw each other again. as little colby grew, new orleans and the gulf coast did some growing of its own. slowly but surely coming back to life. even on that first day of my reporting, i saw and felt the glimmer of hope. the day after hurricane katrina. a beautiful sunrise here on the gulf coast. go figure. volunteers came from as far away as australia. we all learned the true mean of giving. we at "gma" helped out. $1 million. look at the progress we saw on my hometown of pass christian just a couple of blocks from my family home which has also slowly come back to life. look at the home on the beach which i broadcast from. and look at it now. and remember that mangled gas station behind me on my first morning of reporting? i'll tell you where the roof is. it's across the street. also rebuild. i want you to meet the police officer who drove me to my mother's house that morning. you would not believe what the roads looked like. ryan fraser. you got me back here just in the nick of time to be on the air. and you're now a detective. >> it is. >> reporter: it's amazing how life goes on and how life changes. you don't know how many times i have thought of you. >> oh. >> reporter: lots of hugs these last five years. five years of healing. lots of shiny, new buildings and homes. but there's still a lot of work to do. and remember chavonte and larry. >> he saved me. >> reporter: they were strangers on the night they met. and couldn't find each other for five years. well, we found and reunited them. >> hey. doing good. >> reporter: and the man who drove the pickup truck that night. >> i don't know if you remember me. >> reporter: they all have returned to new orleans. you are a miracle. colby. how are you doing, little man? and just look at baby colby now. almost 5 years old. and ready to play football he tells me. let me see your arm. woo. that was really good. all up and down the beautiful gulf coast, life does go on. and yes, it does. my sister dorothy, is now a grandmother. my niece, lauren has a baby boy, ryan. and principle bane of the elementary cool behind us a lot of help to get where we are now. >> absolutely. it's an opportunity for us to say thank you. a heartfelt note of appreciation to everyone who helped us across the world to coming back and be where we are today. we're a resilient community. thank goodness there were others to reach out. >> we'll be back. well said. your frizz revolution stars now. new frizz-ease smooth start. the only shampoo and conditioner with frizz mending complex. transforms frizz by repairing it. to restore hair's natural defense gainst frizz. for 100% flawless, frizz-free style frizz-ease smooth start. have you tried honey bunches of oats yet? every spoonful is a little different. mmm. they got three kinds of flakes. this is delicious. it's the perfect combination of sweet and crispy. i love it. this is so good. this is great. the magic's in the mix. one size fits all makeup? 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(announcer) side effects were generally mild and included headache. viral infection, sore throat, nosebleeds and coughing. ask your doctor about symptom relief with nasonex. and save up to $15 off your refills. go to for details, terms and conditions. more breaking news this san leandro where a gas leak forced evacuation of a chocolate factory on 139th avenue. a live look at the scene from sky 7. again, san leandro over the ghirardelli chocolate factory where there's a gas leak. no word on any injuries. fire crews are waiting on pg&e to get to the scene and figure out what they need to do next there. the meantime let's check with megan and find out about the traffic situation. >> thanks kristen. we're starting with a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza where it is friday light. no delays making your way through the totals and heading into san francisco. we have a little bit of sluggish traffic in the north bay a live look at 101 heading through the san rafael area. these headlights are moving southbound. right now the drive time from 37 to 580 about 16 minutes. our other slow spot is going to be westbound 4 heading out of antioch towards concord. speeds of 20 when i melt to sleep with unisom sleep melts i get to sleep faster stay asleep and wake refreshed. melt to sleep fast. unisom sleep melts. ññññññññ7y7y7y@b'b'b'b' e about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. i care about youfiber too. i have for while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber? hey carl. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes. not that long ago, many families were priced out of an overheated housing market. but the times have changed. get the facts at it's a great place to see all the listings in thousands of cities and towns. with lots of houses to chose from and down-to-earth prices the dream of owning a home seems more attainable than ever. find out what an experienced re/max agent can do for you. nobody sells more real estate than re/max. visit today. oprah: held captive for 140 days in north korea. reporter laura ling breaks her silence. what do you say to the people who criticize what you did, and welcome back. a look at downsoun san francisco. the clouds starting to break nay lot of neighborhoods. temperatures responding. low 50s santa rosa and novato. 60s antioch los gatos and oakland. it will be sunny everywhere today but cooler by about 2 to 4 degrees except the coast where it will be warmer 61 half moon bay, mid to upper 60s san francisco and richmond. low to mid-80s in the north bay and east bay valleys. ♪ it's a quarter after 1:00 i'm all alone ♪ ♪ and i need you now ♪ maybe i wouldn't come i lost all control ♪ ♪ and i need you now i don't know how ♪ ♪ do it without you i just need you now ♪ the song is "need you now." the group, lady antebellum here in central park on a great friday morning. thank you. great to have you. >> a huge crowd is meeting lady antebellum. >> we say good morning, america. david muir, along with juju and sam. and robin is in her hometown of pass christian mississippi, this morning. a huge shoutout to robin and her family and fans in mississippi. >> robin is such a big fan of lady antebellum that she wanted to make sure that everyone in pass christian could see you perform this morning. also here in the park you can probably smell a little grilling. that's award winning superstar chef, marcus anderson. he's going to serve up some ribeyes and salads. and guess what for dessert? chocolate fried pies. sam's going to check on the forecast. a beautiful day here in central park, sammy. >> oh, it's going to be. and it will stay that way all weekend long. conveniently located near the food. can i just do this for just a second? we're having steak, on the grill. let's get to the boards. one or two things going on this morning that we want to talk about as you walk out the door for your what? weekend. there is an active road here for the tropics. we're looking at the storms following the path. there's possibly three by the end of the week. you can see the lower one on the right-hand side of your screen. that could be fiona. but earl is the storm we're most concerned about. by the time we're in the middle of the week, it's settled somewhere between the bermuda and the bahamas. for your weekend, not much changes. the stationary front all along the gulf coast will stay there, delivering bouts of heavy rain. there will be dry moments. but very heavy rain in that all that weather was brought to you by macy's. and by the way, give a little cheer out here. [ cheers and applause ] as juju said we can't have a party in the park without food. and who is going to do this better than now? "america's recipe." national flavors with an international twist. and chef marcus samuelson will show us how to do it. how are you, sir? >> how are you? >> this smells unbelievable. >> i heard you like cooking on the grill. uh you're a fish guy. >> i think you should be grilling red meat. you're the first chef to do the first steak dinner in the new administration. >> i did. >> how was all of that? you're in the white house. >> it was fantastic. we were not cooking steak. we were cooking for the indian prime minister. it was indian and american food inspired by both countries. >> the deep secret in the white house, did they have a nice setup? the kitchen? or did you have to bring your own stuff? >> what a question. we love that kitchen. >> i watched your "top chef" series. you were on season two, i think? >> how did i do? >> i think you did pretty good. i heard you were doing awesome. take us in with this meat on the grill. the spice you use is kind of phenomenal. >> look at the spice rub here. first of all, start by picking a great steak. this is a great ribeye. put a nice ribeye on. and then the spaces here. salt. there's been paprika. garlic powder. black pepper. a little rosemary. and put it straight on the grill, like this. the key when you put them on you want to have the grill on. you want to have the cold side and the hot side. grilling over here. and resting the meat over there. >> oh. you're the first person to say that, by the way. years and years of talking grilling. you're the first to tell me hot spice, cold spice and let the meat rest. >> we're going to have a fresh salad. you want to cook seasonal in the summertime. watermelon and tomatoes. >> everybody has them near them. fresh watermelon, fresh tomatoes. it's summertime. >> watermelon and tomato. these taste wonderful. we're going to put in parsley and mint. toss that for me. >> i can do that. >> you can do that. >> yeah. you know when i get near food it's problematic. i can eat it. >> sam, you have a nice shirt on. get in there. get in there. >> really work it around. don't be afraid of it. >> exactly. >> all right. add in feta cheese. >> any reason you picked feta? >> a little sweetness with the watermelon and tomato the feta will go well with that. and with all of that mixed together, it is easy. we have our tomato watermelon salad. grilled staex and some corn. >> you can do the corn on the grill, as well. >> i love doing the corn on the grill. just like on the cob. >> i know people keep the husk on it. but i do it just like that. >> next time you're going to grill -- whoa. we have people over here. >> you're not kidding. they came to the party. >> good morning, guys. >> as a matter of fact juju, some of them look a little familiar. >> some of them may be related to me. >> yeah. all right. so, now, juju gave away the dessert. and i can't -- this is something i couldn't even believe. i wanted to grab that first. what is the deal with the dessert? >> this is the start with a little chocolate. we're going to fry that up and serve with a mango sauce. >> oh my. >> you're going to get to try it. >> tell me a little bit about -- is this like really difficult? >> no. it's not. it's super simple. you melt the chocolate. you butt the skin out. and you stuff them and fry them or bake them in the oven. >> all of these recipes are on our website, we'll have everything done up for you. okay. everybody tend to all that. all of it right there. lady antebellum coming up right here on our party in the park. are we serving the folks? >> i'm serving the folks. 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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ here we go ♪ ♪ you wear your smile like a summer sky ♪ ♪ just shining down on me and you ♪ ♪ i swear your heart is a free bird ♪ ♪ on a lazy sunday afternoon ♪ ♪ i love the way that you were up for anything ♪ ♪ never worried 'bout what people say ♪ ♪ that's right oh, that's right ♪ ♪ what we got is just like driving ♪ ♪ on an open highway never knowing what ♪ ♪ we're gonna find just like two kids, baby ♪ ♪ always trying to live it up whoa, yeah ♪ ♪ that's our kind of love mm, that's our kind of love ♪ ♪ skipping rocks and leaving footprints ♪ ♪ down along the riverbank always holding hands ♪ ♪ never making plans just living ♪ ♪ in the moment, babe ♪ ♪ you give me life and with those funny faces ♪ ♪ you somehow always know just what to say ♪ ♪ that's right oh, that's right ♪ ♪ what we got is just like driving ♪ ♪ on an open highway never knowing what ♪ ♪ we're gonna find just like two kids, baby ♪ ♪ always trying to live it up whoa, yeah ♪ ♪ that's our kind of love that's our kind of love ♪ ♪ oh, that's right baby, you and i ♪ ♪ what we got is just like driving ♪ ♪ on an open highway never knowing ♪ ♪ what we're gonna find just like two kids, baby ♪ ♪ always trying to live it up whoa, oh ♪ ♪ just like driving on an open highway ♪ ♪ never knowing what we're gonna find ♪ ♪ just like two kids, baby always trying to live it up ♪ ♪ whoa, yeah that's our kind of love ♪ [ cheers and applause ] look at you. body rested. stress gone. mind sharp. because unisom gave you deep restful sleep all night. morning early birds. unisom. good night. good morning. advantage topical solution is soft on cats. but deadly on fleas. so ask your veterinarian for advantage, the flea specialist, for effective, but gentle flea control. ♪ lady antebellum closing out the week here on "good morning america." it's been an incredible year for the three of you. charles, hillary, dave. you have three albums on the billboard charts right now. count them three. this album debuted at number one. how do you wrap your head around it all? >> i don't know if you really can. we are trying to soak it up and enjoy every moment. it's great we have each other. we're traveling and doing this together. it's great. it's always more fun when you have someone to celebrate with. we're having a great time. the fans. i mean this whole year. our life has been changed forever this year. >> you mentioned the travel. you're going out on tour in september. you're just back from london, though. it shows your crossover appeal. one reporter said you had an apologetic lustyness. what exactly are you going for? >> for us, it's all about song writing. we pour our hearts into the music. and the fact that people have responded to that across the world has been exciting to watch. like hillary said, a fun ride to us. we're just holding on. >> you talk about writing your music. i read that you consider it a group therapy. can we get in on some of this therapy? >> they always try to take advantage of my personal life. that's what happens. >> another breakup. another song. >> another song. another hit. >> what do you look for in inspiration when you're song writing? >> everything. we've all experienced a lot of different things over our lives and stuff. yeah. like hillary said, right now, she's the youngest. i feel like she's going through a lot of these things for the first time. and so, we like to pull from her personal life. >> fresh material. fresh material. >> now, we know where it's coming from. but you have a special concert coming up on september 10th stand up to cancer. that's a telethon on abc, nbc and cbs. it must be close to your heart. >> absolutely. i have many family members who have suffered from it. >> my father-in-law just you know, was diagnosed with it. but he's fighting it off good. it's great to be a part of that. >> and hopefully, you know every day is one step closer to a cure. and that's the goal. for people to not suffer anymore. >> absolutely. >> one last quick thing. you're from the south. the guys are from georgia. they must feed you well. how tall are you? >> corn-fed. >> 6'6". >> that's why hillary can wear those heels. >> it's a blessing and a curse. >> i could never dunk a basketball. >> the song is "i run to you." go get them. >> lady anti-bet m. ♪ i run from hate yeah i run from prejudice ♪ ♪ i rub from pessimists but i run too late ♪ ♪ i run my life or is it running me ♪ ♪ run from my past i run too fast ♪ ♪ or too slow it seems when lies become the truth ♪ ♪ well that's when i run to you ♪ ♪ this world keeps spinning faster ♪ ♪ into a new disaster so i run to you ♪ ♪ i run to you, baby when it all starts ♪ ♪ coming undone baby, you're the only one ♪ ♪ i run to i run to you ♪ ♪ we run on fumes your life and mine ♪ ♪ like the sands of time slipping right on through ♪ ♪ and our love's the only truth ♪ ♪ that's why i run to you ♪ ♪ this world keeps spinning faster ♪ ♪ into a new disaster so i run to you ♪ ♪ i run to you, baby and when it all ♪ ♪ starts coming undone baby, you're the only one ♪ ♪ i run to i run to you ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa i run to you ♪ ♪ this world keeps spinning faster ♪ ♪ into a new disaster so, i run to you ♪ ♪ i run to you, baby and when it all ♪ ♪ starts coming undone baby, you're the only ♪ ♪ one i run to i run to you ♪ ♪ i run to you, yeah ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa i run to you ♪ ♪ i run to you oh, whoa ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ female announcer ] mission presents well-rounded family meals for $10. just a few simple ingredients and great-tasting mission flour tortillas make fabulous chicken fajitas, warm and yummy breakfast burritos and seriously tasty tacos. you'll find these budget-minded recipes and more ways to save at great meals start with delicious mission flour tortillas. mission. tasty tortillas. fresh ideas. you can see we are all thinking of robin roberts and the people of the gulf on this fifth anniversary. and so for that we thought we would ask them to sing her song. >> there's nothing like a three-part a cappella harmony. thanks, lady antebellum for being here. >> absolutely. ♪ it's a quarter after 1:00 i'm all alone ♪ ♪ and i need you now ♪ >> y'all sing it with us. come on. ♪ i said i wouldn't call but i lost all control ♪ ♪ and i need you now ♪ >> you all ready for it? ♪ and i don't know how i can do without ♪ ♪ i just need you now ♪ >> there's nothing better than that. [ male announcer ] try sizzler renegade's ultimate value menu! choose malibu chicken, flame grilled steak, or two grilled shrimp skewers. each includes our 50 item endless salad bar and start at just $9.99. now atat t the sizzler. ♪ we're following breaking news in san leandro where a gas leak has forced the evacuation of parts of the ghirardelli chocolate factory on 139th avenue. this is the scene 30 minutes ago. fire crews are waiting on pg&e. san francisco fire crews ambulances and a hazard materials team were called to pier 96. a powder was released while workers were going through recycled materials. 12 people complained of eye irritation. no word what that powder was. i'll check with mike and find out about the gray skies. >> sunshine this afternoon and cooler weather everywhere except the coast. warmest weather low to mid-80ss east bay valleys. upper 70s north bay. low to mid-70s. breezy even cooler tomorrow with drizzle in the morning. megan. >> good morning. as you're commuting through the north bay, a live look at san rafael, 101 heading southbound. the drive time from 37 to 580 about ten minutes. the east shore freeway headlights move westbound on interstate 80. it's crowded as you make your way from the carquinez bridge to the maze.


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