are you ready for president kamala harris?y for pt kamala harris? oh, we ve got her latest word cp salad. that s coming up tonight. also tonight, new details from g the federal criminal wait untilion into the biden family syndicate. wait until you hear donald trump s brand new nickname for joe biden. well, it s a little reminiscent of hillary. we ll put it that way. tha also, karine jean-pierre was just caught lying about joe and his cheat sheet. di kad you see the cheat sheet? it even had to say, you youot i m like, you got to be kidding at me. it eve hn haadd to remind who is his own cabinet. h that s how bad it was.t i bet economic news, but we never have good economic news with him as president. gooanyway, things are getting worse. the great larry kudlow right larr. n studio but first tonight, a big day for joe biden, perhaps his tim favorite time of the year. it was bring your kid to worko o day at the white house. the but yeah, it was.nowhere to b but for once, hunt
the democrats don t care about their candidates. cay. re not candidate craz they put joe biden in the basement. we got we got fetterman in pennsylvania. the democrats are focuseder on process, are focused early on early vote , absentee ballot vote , boring stuff. like mechanics on the ground. we tend to be a little bit more candidate crazies and they do. but i ll tel have l you what, we to make sure our actn this is together to win this race in twenty , twenty four to save the country. yeah, we want to look, i m worried about the country. e i m worried on the economy. i m worried about china. russia, iran., iran, i m worried about allies leaving us . i m worried about pretty muchwou every word about our schools. i mean, the rot that s happened in our culture, int th our country to get the schools . china has nukes. chha yeah. s nukeworking men and women ints country are living paycheck to paycheck. ycheck tsuffering.. but you can t defend your country if you don t have good k
six grandchildren, and he doesn t speak to one of them at all. all i ll use his words. it s it s not a joke. i m serious. hey, joe . come on , man. it s a little child that your granddaughter, you can t acknowledge her. that is really pathetic. this four year old little girlta has done nothing wrong. and yet there is no love, no suo support, no invites to the white house, no christmas presents, no birthdaesents, y c. you don t hang up a stocking at christmas. not from joe , not from joe . nobody. that is a disgrace. that is race.they should all ber themselves. and of course, hunter biden hase been ordered hunter by the judgw to make child support payments pag a paternity test.e but now hunter s attorneys have been working overtim e to reducelimina or eliminate those payments. now they re claiming thatetey ae hunter c just doesn t have enou, money from russia, china and ukraine. to support his own daughter.o despite all of these overseas business dealings and his widely successful
with dozens of countries, including china, russia, ukraine, kazakhstan, and many others. here s the question.uest i want to knowio how mucn.h mon in business they did with these countries. i wanwit to know how muchofi. they profited. i want to know how much joe go td what ,if he got any.d he know and what did he know and when did he know it? because wew he lie know he liedi said he never talked about these issues with a song. we don t know an exact it could be tens of millions, i. up to one hundred million dollars. you re talking about thirty one million from t $31 the chinese, maybe 40 miln for the russians know russi 11 million from ukraine. but you got to factor inarmei romania, kazakhstan,a, oman, and they have one common denominator. these are all the countries that barack obama gavetrie s authoritthma gave y to vice po biden to dictate the policies itere. so i raiset raises a very serios question with all of that money flowing into what i think cande fairly be
buwitnesses but really express y today about witness intimidation. he said the team team biden is getting very close to the line, testing the line of witness intimidation. they re trying to make people afraid to cooperate. they ve got people liko makee as said , scared to death. but that s not stopping the investigation. a lot ofe focus on the bank records. they re seeing a distribution of money. thosnke two investigations are. going to collide at some point. james coing to see what james comey knew and how much the justice department may have knew and didn t pursue. for many years. i think these two things are going to collide at the right moment, john . any update on the tony blinken interference with the laptop and the fifty one and more interviews? more in we have more interviews going on . listen, i think was somethingpe really important. i reported a couple of dayoplees to go .linken n people are picking up on tony blinken. not only had that phonote calldt with mike morell th