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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20180725

crossfire by a police officer's bullet. tonight is the night. one of the biggest jack pots in history. over half a billion dollars. are you feeling lucky? this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. good evening. welcome to our viewers in the west. as we come on the air, 20% of the country is facing extreme heat or the threat of flooding. in the east, flood watches are posted from north carolina to new york, rising water, forcing evacuations and rescues, at least one person swept away, while blistering heat takes a deadly toll in the west, heat advisories and warnings from oregon to arizona taxing the power grid and fueling wildfires. we have it all covered with nbc's miguel almaguer. miguel, good evening. that fire threat stretches across several states and going to get worse. in downtown los angeles behind me, the temperature hit 94 degrees a new record. tomorrow, it is only going to get hotter, and more dangerous. >> reporter: tonight the west faces a triple threat. fires, floods, and heat. 42 million are suffering through dangerously hot temperatures. in phoenix, a record 116. with first responders scrambling to calls of heat exhaustion. >> don't go out if you don't have to. >> reporter: in southern california where the heat has already killed six, the power grid is strained. as cooling centers open. >> it was hot as heck. and in here it is wonderful. >> reporter: the record break heat is also fueling ferocious fires. with flames threatening 3,500 structures two miles from yosemite, the park is shutting down tomorrow. visitors asked to leave while they can, as crews lose ground. fire fighters need rain. but not like this. thunderstorms in colorado washing away roads. triggering mudslides, dumping nearly 2 inches of rain in just 20 minutes. >> people got out of the worst. >> reporter: tonight across the west no relief in sight as temperatures soar, and fires roar. miguel almaguer, nbc news, los angeles. >> reporter: i'm katie beck on the east coast where dangerous flooding on the east coast is affecting tens of millions. in pennsylvania, an urgent search is under way for a missing 19-year-old woman, swept into a creek near harrisburg. >> she got sucked under the current. we're searching for her in the water. >> that water is very dangerous. do not cross or attempt to cross or drive through water because you simply don't know the dangerous conditions that can occur. >> i want someone to come help save. >> reporter: the flood waters moved in so quickly, zachary got trapped on the roof of his jeep. >> it just happened out of nowhere and my car just shut off. i was like, what do i do now? >> reporter: hershey park closed monday after parts of the theme park were submerged and down the coast emergency crews responding in charlotte, north carolina, after five people got trapped in a flooded business. in baltimore, maryland, a child and two adults rescued when they got stuck on a school bus, roads so saturated there, bridges buckled. the storm has claimed at least one life, a woman hit by a tree in burke, virginia. >> the tree fell into approximately a quarter of the home. >> reporter: dangerous weather showing no signed of letting up. catie beck, elizabethtown, pennsylvania. let's bring in al roker more.r relief. >> that's right, lester, no looking like no immediate relief out west. and no relief here in the east from all of this rain. as we show you, basically we are looking at wet weather making its way up the i-95 corridor. creeks and streams remain swollen. the greatest risk for flash flooding like we saw in pennsylvania today is going to continue in pennsylvania. new york, and new jersey. and then, out west, the heat continues as well. stretching from the pacific northwest all the way into the southwest. triple digit heat, we're talking possible records tomorrow, in phoenix, and tucson. los angeles, flirting with 100 degrees. and look at how long this goes. right into the weekend. where we will see temperatures in the mid to upper 90s to the triple digits and that's going to stretch, lester all the way into the beginning of next week, with almost no relief in sight. and certainly no rain. so the fire threat is going to be a big problem out in the west now to the trade war the pain a. hours after president trump touted tariffs on social media today, his administration announced $12 billion in emergency aid for american farmers hurt by his trade policies. nbc news chief white house correspondent hallie jackson has the story. >> reporter: before doug farmed this land in eastern nebraska, his dad did and his dad before that. these days, it's tougher to turn a profit. >> we need these tariffs to end sooner rather than later. >> reporter: those tariffs put in place by president trump triggered a trade war. >> the longer this goes on it makes it that much harder for us. costs on our end seem to be going up all the time. >> reporter: farmers like this producers of soybean, cotton, dairy and more, getting an assist from the trump administration as they help people his own policies hurt. a new $12 billion program is set to launch around lay bror -- labor day set to help with the $11 billion in losses farmer the goal of the one-time aid package, to tide farmers over until the u.s. can negotiate better trade deals with other countries. the president tweeting today, tariffs are the greatest and insists any short term pain will end with long term gain. >> the farmers will be the biggest beneficiary. watch. we are opening up markets. you watch what is going to happen. just be a little patient. >> reporter: patience is running thin at the capitol where republicans from hard hit states are not happy and not hiding it. >> give me trade, not aid. we spent decades developing these markets. let us have access to them. end the trade war now. >> i've said many times the best way to win a trade war is don't fight the thing. >> when you choose a war of choice, which is what this trade war is and then you say rmers and ranchers ust solve it of america, they don't want crutches, they wanted to work. >> reporter: as for how eligible farmers reach this money the details are still being worked outside. lester. >> i know the attorney general made news. tell us about it. nservative highschoolers.nt, a f [ shouting ]. >> i heard that a long time over the last campaign. >> reporter: that is the top law enforcement official in the country appearing to be amused by that "lock her up" chant, a familiar ring from the campaign about jailing a political rival that's never been charged with a crime. >> hallie jackson from the white house, thanks. the surprise announcement from ivanka trump the first daughter and white house senior advisor shutting down her fashion brand, comes after several big stores dropped the brand and amid ongoing concerns of critics about possible conflicts of interest. trump says the move is about her shifting focus. we get details from nbc's peter alexander. >> reporter: ivanka trump tonight closing shop. the entrepreneur turned first daughter and senior adviser shutting down the brand that bears her name, after formally separating herself from management of the company. >> this is a sample of some of our collections. >> reporter: trump today saying she was uncertain whether she would ever return to retail after leaving the white house. i do know that my focus for the foreseeable future will be the work i am doing here in washington, she says. trump's moderately priced line of apparel, shoes and handbag and jewelry first enjoyed a boom during her father's campaign. >> i am head-to-toe ivanka trump. as are you. >> reporter: but soon became a target for critics of president trump's policies. including the grab your wallet campaign with shoppers boyco boycotting the line and retailers that sold it after retailers dropped the brand last year the president attacked nordstrom for treating her unfairly and others scaled back or phased out her products some citing slumping sales. trump's allies insist her privately held business was ade frustrated with restrictions she placed on new business deals to avoid the appearance of conflicts of interest. >> we have to be thinking about how not only we support the american worker and how we support the am scerican family. >> reporter: most if not all of trump's merchandise was made outside the u.s. miss trump visiting the trump tower to thank the company's 18 employees now out of a job. peter alexander, nbc news, the white house. now to that tragic twist in the hostage drama at a los angeles grocery store over the weekend playing out on live television. a gunman facing dozens of charges. but authorities today revealed that the store manager who was killed, died after being hit by a police officer's bullet. new details from>> reporter: to from the line of fire after a bombshell admission from the lapd. the shot that killed a trader joe's manager was fired by police. >> it is every officer's worst nightmare to harm an innocent bystander. >> reporter: police releasing harrowing new dash and body cam video, the suspect at high speed narrowly missing cars and taking shots at police and crashing into a trader joe's leading to a gun battle in front of the store. the bullets so close you can hear them whizzing by. police say 27-year-old store manager melyda corado was walking in front of the store when she was caught in the crossfire. >> this is a heartbreaking reminder of the split decision officers must make everyday. >> reporter: employees in mourning. >> she was an amazing person. she had an amazing soul. >> reporter: they say it started with this suspect shooting his grandmother seven times and then kidnapping a 17-year-old girl. then, the standoff, hours of tension unfolding on live television. tactical team surrounding the store, guns drawn, hostages scurrying to safety and children whisked away in the arms of police. split second decisions in the crossfire of a deadly gun battle. steve patterson, nbc news, los angeles. now to an nbc news exclusive, espionage and intrigue at america's top universities. are some chinese students coming to american universities to steal secrets. tonight, a chinese student who built a multi-billion technology empire after studying with a duke university professor. cynthia mcfadden has the story. >> reporter: what country is fbi director christopher wray worried most about? last week he told lester -- >> i think china, from a counter-intelligence perspective in many ways, represents the broadest most challenging most significant threat we face as a country. >> reporter: academic espionage is of particular concern that some chinese graduate students at the direction of the chinese government are stealing research, much of which is funded by the u.s. military. this fbi document highlights a case at duke university in the lab of dr. david smith. >> a microwave oven. >> reporter: dr. smith, famous for inventing an in visibility cloak made of a material invisible to microwave, something that captured the attention of even late night comedians and a young scientist is china, ruopeng liu, who came to study at lab some believe on a mission from the chinese government. >> we know chinese have a shopping list of intelligence and technology they target every year. we know the research he took from duke university wasm whe he was in the united states. >> reporter: liu, who was being paid by the chinese government while a student here brought his colleagues from china to dr. smith's lab. >> they came in and took pictures and measurements of all the equipment and actually sent that back to china i found and built one in ruopeng's old lab. >> reporter: is that ethical? it sounds like theft to me. i don't know. >> it sounds like theft if we were a company, you might think so. >> reporter: frank's unit at the fbi opened a case on liu in 2010 but charges were never brought. >> was he handle, approached, compromised, recruited, subsidized when he took it back to china? my theory says yes. >> reporter: ruopeng liu strongly denies any wrongdoing. >> this is ridiculous. >> reporter: lous >> ridiculous, far away from the truth. >> reporter: what's true is his tech company is now valued at $6 billion. when we visited, proudly displayed in the lobby an advanced version of dr. smith's invisibility cloak. >> the scope of the problem is real. there are open espionage cases involving china in all 50 states. duke says, in the wake of this case, it and many other universities have sharpened mechanisms for preventing potential thefts of intellectual property. lester. still ahead, demi lovato and the singer rushed to the hospital for an apparent overdose. also the new food safety warning why these popular snacks are now being recalled. we're back now with a story that broke late today, sources telling nbc news pop star demi lovato is hospitalized tonight in los angeles after an apparent drug overdose, the news prompting outpouring for fans for the star who has been public about her addiction. late details on her addiction from nbc's joe fryer. ♪ ♪ baby i'm sorry ♪ i'm sorry >> reporter: singer demi lovato has long been open about her struggles with addiction. tonight, two sources tell nbc news the 25-year-old is being treated at an l.a. hospital for an apparent overdose for an unspecified narcotic. sources say she seas she is stable after being treated with narcan, an opioid overdose. they are not returning messages seeking comments. she was celebrating six years of sobriety and last year she candidly discussed her battle on "today." >> i feel better than ever. >> reporter: lovato has been open with fans about battles with bipolar, bulima and substance abuse. >> i wasn't ready to get sober. >> i was sin sneaking it in bathrooms. sneaking it throughout the night. nobody knew. >> reporter: last month, lovato announced a new song called sober with lyrics, about a recent relapse after six years of being sober. ♪ momma i'm so sorry i'm not somebody anymore and daddy please forgive me ♪ ♪ for the drink spilled on the >> reporter: tonight, lovato's fans are sending their support to the popular singer. joe fryer, nbc n l anges. we'll take a short break here. coming up the deadly inferno in a popular tourist destination. many running into the sea to escape the flames. do you have your ticket? over $500 million up for grabs tonight. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. some simply devastating images tonight from overseas where rapidly spreading wildfires in greece killed 74 people including a 6-month-old baby and the inferno forced some to run into the sea to escape the flames. the fires are said to be under control, entire neighborhoods are gone and the search is on for the missing. a food safety warning over a popular snack in many american kitchens, pepperidge farms is regular four varieties of goldfish crackers due to salmonella contamination in whey powder used in them. there are no ill effects reported so far. for more visit our facebook page. a massive jackpot is up for grabs, the mega millions jackpot up to $522 million, the fifth largest in the game's history. you could be halfway to a billionaire overnight. the lump sum option is $300 million. not too shabby. when we come back, gone fishing. the growing number of women getting hooked on the hobby in the nightly snapshot. an east ba- kidnapped. the man police are looking for... plus, wanted for a murder on bart. now, a witness reveals what the guy did right before police showed up. the exclusive interview... next. right now at 6: caught in the act - and she kept finally tonight, summertime in the great outdoors and the hobby for nature lovers reeling in a lot of interest these days for more and more women. it's our nightly snapshot. >> reporter: this is sleepy craig, montana, where the population has just doubled. dozens of women have descended on the tiny fishing town with their waders, rods and flies, for a weekend together on the water. >> nice job, nice job, thas beauty. >> we drink beer and pee in the woods and hang out. it's awesome. >> reporter: heather, a critical fly nurse started fly fishing 10 years ago. >> how beautiful he is. >> reporter: looking for a fishing buddy, she started a group called "united women on the fly." >> women are really good fly fishers. for one, we listen. two, it's not all about the fish, more about the experience. >> reporter: when she walks into a fly shop she sometimes gets e. >> what are you buying for your husband, that kind of thing. i politely talk a little talk. >> reporter: for decades this was largely a man sport with few female stars, like joan wolfe. now 31% of americans who fly fish are women. >> it's like yoga on the water. something so zen about it. >> reporter: all it takes is a nibble to get hooked. >> i don't even need a fish. if someone else catches a fish, i'm ecstatic about it. i think that's the way it is for a lot of women. >> i think we can all use a little zen in our life from time to time. coming up at the endth broadcast tomorrow night, the unusual way nding part ne city are making that is nightly news for this of your evenwi tuesday night. i'm lester holt, for all of of at nbc news, thank you for watching. and good night. caught in the act doing it. what a state audit revealed a d-m-v em right now at 6:00, caught in the act. and she kept doing it. what a state audit reveals a state employee did for years rather than her work. i was very scared. at that point i didn't know if he could turn on me. >> she came face-to-face with a man accused of killing a teenager on a b.a.r.t. off limits. why park rangers are ordering campers and tourists in yosemite valley to go. but first, an amber alert in hayward issued for a 16-year-old girl named elizabeth epps, reportedly kidnapped. the man you see is the one who reportedly took her. the abduction appeared around 2:00 this afternoon. aguilar is reportedly driving a 2006 ridge line with california plate 7 y 51010. that information is on those electronic billboards on the freeway. we of course will continue to follow the story on our social media platforms and we'll bring you updates throughout the newscast. good evening, i'm jessica aguirre. >> i'm raj mathai. in the peak of the tourist season, the yosemite is should go down. a lot of people are forced to change their vacation plans. >> that's because of a huge wildfire just west of the park which is casting a smoky veil and threatening pan


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