Marine county. Weve got mount tam and all those Higher Elevation peaks around that area and then finally our last stop the north bay where once again the Higher Elevations for both napa and sonoma counties really being impacted by these Public Safety power shutoff kron fours will tran is in the east bay looking at the strong winds in the outages there Sarah Stinson doing the same in the north bay and john trouble. Is in the Weather Center where its all starting because it originates with the winds whats going to happen today. John yeah we are going to gradually see wind speeds coming down guys but what a windy overnight into morning that we are in the midst of. Winds substantial all across the bay area, not just in those areas that we usually see herb are easiest of conditions looking outside right now conditions are pretty clear over San Francisco as these are dry offshore winds that are pushing the lot of that marine layer out to sea. So even though it is cool and dry with these dry