called vow chipewwowow. i don t know what it involves but it doesn t sound like you will get a job. freddi greg: you have a son, eric, three years away from college. eric: given your monologue, no comment. paying attention. i think what they were doing is after they realized the funding would be cut they went after the private donation. they got planned parenthood to put money in. honestly, it seems like we re making hay out of not much. there are things that the people do in college, a lot of things they talk about in college that everyone isn t necessarily going to agree on. this is one. greg: this is frivolous and stupid. dana: imagine being a mom and dad and saved your life the put your kids through college and what is what they come back with. they graduate and live in your
called vow chipewwowow. i don t know what it involves but it doesn t sound like you will get a job. freddi greg: you have a son, eric, three years away from college. eric: given your monologue, no comment. paying attention. i think what they were doing is after they realized the funding would be cut they went after the private donation. they got planned parenthood to put money in. honestly, it seems like we re making hay out of not much. there are things that the people do in college, a lot of things they talk about in college that everyone isn t necessarily going to agree on. this is one. greg: this is frivolous and stupid. dana: imagine being a mom and dad and saved your life the put your kids through college and what is what they come back with. they graduate and live in your
will, you said we don t even enforce the laws we have here and you mentioned 15-year-olds hanging out at bars. you have no facts or statistics to back that up. that was a different new york. greg, you said fast-food is nutritious. yes. you have no facts. actually i do. all fast-food is nutritious? all it takes is some to be nutritious. you i m ply at the least you imply to all. for a family in africa a couple of happy meals are nutritious. you said it was more nutritious than meat and potatoes and rice. mcdonalds 1 meat and potatoes. you get a burger and cheese. burger, protein, cheese, dairy, lettuce, tomato. that s the vegetables.
there is a moving scene when the band kept playing, as the ship was going down. do we have that footage? greg: quickly. c mon people. bob: they kept doing that, and people were getting off the ship. they obviously all went down with the ship and died. here is the most amazing thing about that. they have found the violin. the violin must have been picked up by somebody. there is it in priss type condition. they found it. it s been two years to authenticate it. it is the guy, the leader of the band s violin. put it on auction and it will go for lot of money. maybe the person building the titanic ought to buy it, the new titanic and the band could play with that. that is amazing to me. somebody picked it up. freddi greg: cool. well done. 11:00 p.m. red eye tomorrow we have this lady. dana perino. lauren sabon and harris
faulkner. a new show. what else would you do? that is it for the five. don t do st. patrick s day. it s evil. payingen welcome to red eye. it is like breakfast at tiffanies if by breakfast you mean soiling myself. andy, what is coming up on tonight s show? our top story, a judge validates mayor bloomburg s limits on sugar redrinks one day before they are to take affect the the shocking thing that is the greatest thing since the big gulp. and an attorney asks judge david levey to prevent jewish from serving on the jury. and finally, is internet porn forcing parents to have the birds and the bees talk with their kids at an earlier age? some say yes. others, well, i think others say yes actually. greg?