we can show the rest of the country, as we make our stand here together tonight that walls do not make us safer. walls will require us to take someone s property. their house. their farm. their ranch. to build a wall at a time of record low northbound apprehensions. let me bring in msnbc s garrett hake. he was at that o rourke rally last night. and the host of a nationally syndicated radio show. what did those at the o rourke rally tell you? reporter: the folks i ve been talking to feel like when the president talked about their city on the night of the state of the union like he was talking about some other place in some other country. the president described a city that was incredibly dangerous up until the border wall, that you can see over my shoulder, which
this white house accountable. the party regained power in the house and after dealing with the longest government shutdown in history they re moving forward with an ambitious agenda starting today on capitol hill. that s where we find msnbc s garrett hake. happy day after state of the union to you. what do democrats have lined up against this president? what s their first order of business? reporter: well, craig, democrats are going to open a host of different oversight actions here over the next week. committee meetings into every aspect of our politics. everything from the president s tax returns, to his policies like child and family separation. to issues that are broadly popular with the american public. the democrats have wanted to push forward over the last couple of years. the meeting behind me, you can see the folks lined up. this is a hearing about gun prevention. they re finally starting to do it t. a lot of these things are
committee need clear signals from the white house about how they want to proceed. a lot of these members are saying, if the white house stays out of this, if you don t have trump tweeting about this, if you don t have meddling in the negotiations, they re confident they could come up with an agreement amongst themselves. but the white house, the 18th person who won t be in the room will be the thing to watch. really quickly here, what, if anything, can we glean from the makeup of this group of 17 about how these negotiations might go? reporter: they have serious adults on this committee. these are people with appropriations backgrounds. they are people who know this stuff. so if you re going to get a serious deal, you ve got the right people in the room. you don t have a lot of firebreathers on either side. that s a hopeful sign i think. garrett hake at the capital for us, keep us posts. that meeting set to start two hours from now. nhow apple is explaining th
misleading at best. we will dig into this more, and wild the president has his eyes on prime time television, tomorrow is a key day because if there is not a deal before then, the next possible day for hundreds of thousands of federal workers would be the last week of january. the number of people in this country that don t have that extra paycheck. so where do the negotiations stand? jeff bennet and garrett hake is joining me. it may just be a political address. i think you re right about that. here is the state of play, there is no deal on the or ri zon. so the president is doing what he thinks he does best.
and less secure. in my view it would be quite uncontroversial. quite uncontroversial in a more normal political moment. one person close to the white house says that the president is melting his own administration down. it is on track for the worst year since the 08 financial crisis. we re going to speak to him in a moment, but garrett hake is joining me now. that is where the drama is for the moment, senators still voting on whether or not to proceed with debate on the continuing resolution. it includes border wall funding, what is the status and why has it been going on for so long. it is tight right now, the