TE-FOOD (TONE) traded 1.6% higher against the dollar during the 1 day period ending at 9:00 AM ET on April 10th. One TE-FOOD coin can now be bought for about $0.0255 or 0.00000060 BTC on cryptocurrency exchanges. TE-FOOD has a market capitalization of $14.51 million and approximately $120,742.00 worth of TE-FOOD was traded on exchanges […]
TE-FOOD (TONE) traded 0.8% lower against the US dollar during the 1-day period ending at 10:00 AM ET on March 20th. TE-FOOD has a total market capitalization of $13.71 million and $97,247.00 worth of TE-FOOD was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours. During the last seven days, TE-FOOD has traded up 18.6% against […]
Monday Morning ‘MUG’ing: The benefits of fermentation
This week’s Monday Morning ‘MUG’ing takes a look at Narrow Gate Foods, a local fermented beverage and food company.
Feb 22, 2021 8:11 AM By: Ayano Hodouchi-Dempsey
Founder and owner of Narrow Gate Foods, Nadia Kukkee started her business in 2018.Ayano Hodouchi-Dempsey
THUNDER BAY Founder and owner of Narrow Gate Foods, Nadia Kukkee embraced fermentation into her lifestyle many years ago.
“When I was 19, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. And I started researching anti-inflammatory diets, then my daughter got diagnosed as well. Arthritis is an inflammation. That’s when I came across fermentation and I started learning so much more about it,” she explains.
intended to be part of a contextual classroom instruction, whatever that means. i don t know what that is. i don t know what that is either. again, they said it was on abstinans and tried to justify it a number of times. mark, thank you very much for joining us. thanks for having me. coming up, the video we can t stop watching. what s our political panel think of richard simmons performance in the obamacare marathon? they ll be here to tell you next. te food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums. eartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact and goes to work in seconds. tum, tum tum tum tums!