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Transcripts For CNNW Anderson Cooper 360 20140502

one report got president obama's attention. one got action. tonight, we could report on what could and what might be early signs of accountability. it concerns the woman in the car you're about to see scurrying from her car. >> director helman, can you please talk to us, director helman? >> she is director of the phoenix v.a., and now she finally did agree to talk with our drew griffin after leaving in her vehicle. late to today at 5:58, she and two others have been placed on administrative leave. this could be a big deal. we will have more on this later in the hour. first, flight 370. malaysian authorities releasing more on the flight 370. what little there is is not flattering. the document of wasted time and opportunities to contact the boeing triple 7, to track it and investigate whether or not it was in trouble and ultimately find the remains of it. renee marsh begins our coverage. >> reporter: almost two months after flight 370 vanished, malaysian authorities finally released an initial report to the public. the five-page document doesn't explain why the plane went missing but does make clear that for hours after the plane went missing there was confusion and misinformation. moments after the flight's now famous final communication. >> malaysian 370 contact -- >> good night. >> good night. 370. >> reporter: the plane's transponder goes off causing it to disappear from radar at 1:21 a.m. local time. but the report shows it was 17 minutes before air traffic controllers in vietnam asked their counterparts in malaysia what happened to the plane. during that time, the plane unexpectedly turned left eventually recrossing the peninsula. radar tracked it but did nothing. the report shows during this time malaysia airlines may have added to the confusion sending two messages to air traffic control. both of which turned out to be false. the first at 2:03 a.m. claiming the plane was in cambodian air space, it was not. the second message at 2:35 a.m. saying the plane was tracking to beijing. again, the information was wrong. 5:30 a.m., four hours after the plane disappeared from radar search and rescue was alerted. precious time lost to confusion. the plane continued south far into the indian ocean. the last partial satellite communication coming at 8:19 a.m. the report includes maps of three possible crash sites, red indicating the most likely. also released, passenger seating assignments in the cargo manifest, which lists lithium ion batteries as some of the materials transported. the report is brief containing one recommendation saying that realtime tracking of flight should become the international standard. >> renee marsh joins us from washington. and i understand, family members of the missing also received the report? >> that is right, anderson, and to hear the families tell it the report is somewhat relevant. it doesn't tell them anything new that gets them closer to finding out what happened. now, this is the preliminary report. it is pretty short. just this paragraph. compare that to the preliminary report from air france, 128 pages. the bottom line here is that the country in charge of the investigation can tell you as little or as much as they want to. and to be fair, they really in this case don't know a lot about what happened to the plane. that said, there is still a lot of information that they could have included here that is not in here, virtually no detailed information on the plane. its maintenance history, engine or performance data. nothing about air traffic control staffing in kuala lumpur, the number of controllers or their experience level. >> all right, rene marsh, thank you, and david gallo, director of special products at woods hole oceanographic institute. and david souci, author of why planes crash. richard, you've been talking about this report for a long time, that it needs to be released. you pressure id the malaysian prime minister. it is now out there. what do you make of it? >> as you said, in terms of what they could get away with in terms of detail. it was nicely padded out with lots of graphs and pictures of air traffic control regions between brazil and all that sort of thing. and that is what we might have expected here. you might have expected a bit of a treatise on acars, about transponders, something that gives a fuller picture. >> or even basic questions from that the families wanted to know. >> it would have given a fuller picture. but as a preliminary report it is unimpeachable. it does what needs to be done. it is all of this other stuff, where the real story is today. anderson, it is all the various documents that we got that were released on the instructions i'm told of the prime minister who insisted that these were released, as well. >> documents about what was in the cargo, about lithium batteries, we'll talk more about that. the delay, though, that we see in this preliminary report not only in realizing there was a problem but even longer delay in actually starting the search. would it have made a difference? >> i don't believe it would have made much difference, the final outlook. if you look at the plot of the map, the planes and various times the plane is well and truly on its way by any reasonable time. you have got to allow air traffic control a certain leeway. i'm going to be charitable. say up to two hours before you push the big red button that says crisis. even though, right at the end, anderson, there are times when you have gaps of 37 minutes, 44 minutes. 36 minutes, all of these gaps before -- so there was plenty of opportunity for somebody to do something. a little bit sooner. >> david souci, you have been involved in the investigations like this. four hours to start the search? >> yeah, i think starting the search is not the only point. the point is that the military picked up the aircraft and knew it was there, prior to the search during that four-hour period. so why that was not communicated back, the same problem we have with 911, the military radar was tracking the planes but they had no way to connect to the civil radar. they knew something was going on. the military knew something was going on but they didn't communicate together. since that time, we do that. we have very good communication. the military radar when they send out the primary ping, they send also what aircraft is there, the transponder as it is, as it should have been there. i am questioning, why didn't acao take that rule and push the international civil authority. that is what they're there for. to make sure the citizens who travel to other countries, why did that not happen? >> you cover the disasters, how is it compared to other reactions that you have seen? >> very slow, embarrassingly slow. if there had been a simple phone call from the military radar room to the civilian or vice versa, i suspect two and two would have added up. because you had a missing civilian airliner on one side and had an unidentified blip on the other side. and presumably that would have had somebody get into a fighter aircraft to intercept. and here is where it gets tragic. if it really was a deliberate act and suddenly there was an f-18 on your wing tip could the whole chain of events have ended right there perhaps without the tragedy we're talking about. >> and terms of the size, 10 pages long. compared to air france with 128 pages long. >> you know, i'll take what we can get, anderson. i didn't expect a lot. i frankly expected less because if you look at the basic form for the preliminary report for icao, the narrative required is supposed to be 200 words or less. so that is practically a tweet. but the bottom line is we always wanted more information. we still need more information on this. for the families this is just excruciating. it has been disrespectful to them, the emotional toll on them. >> and david gallo, what is interesting in the report. it highlights a wide range of assumptions about the speed of the aircraft. and at one point it is 323 knots, and at one point they estimate it could be 350 knots. that makes a huge difference, in terms of where it ended up in the water, where it would have ended up. >> yeah, all the little speeds and changes that are heading -- plus the flight, you're talking about big differences where it impacted the ocean. and that is huge when you talk about searching the sea floor. and we have seen what the bluefin, searching a six-mile radius, imagine if it was off another ten times that. >> and miles again, you have a huge variety in terms of altitude. at one point in time it assumes the plane flew an altitude the 30,000 feet, another time, 15,000 feet. that is a huge difference. >> the map, i'm not quite sure where they derived their assumptions. one of the altitudes that leads to the red box which is supposedly more likely the red box and where the search is indicating assuming 30,000 feet. and yet 323 knots, which is much slower than you would expect at that altitude. so i'm a little confused on these numbers. on the speed and altitude that they chose to build these assumptions. you know, it doesn't take -- as we just discussed, it doesn't take much variance in speed to change the search location by literally hundreds of miles. >> right, a lot more to talk about ahead. we'll take a short break and continue the conversation, quick reminder, you can set your dvr so you never miss a program. next, more on the cargo mentioned that richard alluded to. batteries like these that are usually safe but always flammable. there are new developments on the donald sterling affair. nba owners meeting late today to decidis his fate as owner of the l.a. clippers. but how easy will it be to get him out? will he fight it? just now releasing word of what transpired in a meeting with other owners. we will talk about that ahead. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. new at&t mobile share value plans. our best value plans ever for business. grossemisconduct... ortho crime files. ...disturbing the pantry. a house, under siege. homeowner calls in the big guns. say helto home defense max. with the one-touch continuous-spray wand. kills bugs inside... ...and prevents new ones for up to a year. guaranteed. nothing to see here people. ortho home defense max. get order. get ortho®. live in the same communities that we serve. people here know that our operations have an impact locally. we're using more natural gas vehicles than ever before. the trucks are reliable, that's good for business. but they also reduce emissions, and that's good for everyone. it makes me feel very good about the future of our company. ♪ ♪ ding ♪ do you have something for pain? 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[ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. more now on the revelations on the disappearance of the flight 370. specifically, the cargo, what was traveling along with the 239 passengers and crew. it shows there was about 300 pounds of lithium batteries. initially, the amount was said to be less than a tenth as much, 200 kilos. either way, this stuff is not manufactured -- if it is not manufactured right and handled propertily, it can cause a lot of damage. >> reporter: at 30,000 feet, this laptop may be enough to bring down a jumbo jet. watch closely, it catches fire. inside is a lithium battery. when it gets too hot, it ignites just like this faa training video demonstrates. in the last two decades or so the faa reports more than 140 incidents involving batteries or cargo in baggage. in most cases, the batteries were undeclared. baggage handlers noticed luggage on fire or hot to the touch. on-board laptops or flash lights started to smoke. even though lithium batteries can cause this they are still allowed in the electronics in the passenger cabin. but in 2008, the faa banned loose batteries in checked luggage. a limited amount of batteries are still allowed to be checked if packaged properly. the concern is they could short circuit. a short circuit can happen by chance, say a loose battery in a person's checked luggage comes into contact with keys or coins or even jewelry. that can create a circuit for the path of electricity. the current flowing through that short circuit creates extreme heat leading to sparks and fire. lithium batteries burn so hot they can melt the body of a plane. >> nothing brings the fear of god to a pilot like having a fire or smoke in the airplane. you just can't pull off to the side of the road and hop out like you can in a car. >> this youtube video shows how quickly it can fuel a chain reaction. in 2006, fire forced a ups plane to make an emergency landing in philadelphia. investigators found electronics containing lithium batteries in the cargo. the pilot survived. and this was what was left of the ups plane after it crashed in dubai in 2010. the boeing 747 was containing a thousand lithium batteries. a chain reaction filled the cockpit with smoke and both pilots died. following the ups crash in 2010, the faa wanted to tighten the rules in battery shipments in cargo planes too. and even classify them as dangerous goods. industry groups and lobbyists fought that hard. the final compromise approved by congress in 2012 blocked proposed tougher federal rules on transporting lithium batteries on planes. instead, relying on international standards set by the u.n. randi kaye, cnn, new york. and we're back with miles o'brien and richard quest and david souci. as we said it is really interesting when we look at this report. we'll put it up on the screen, on the cargo manifest released today. it says the package containing lithium ion batteries, david you know when we look back on this how big a concern is it to you? >> it is not only about these flights, but the previous flight she talked about. the batteries are very volatile, they put off gasses, sulfuric acid, and it burns very hot. >> it is interesting, though, richard, malaysian airlines earlier had said this was in compliance with all international regulatory requirements. say be they were nondangerous goods. it doesn't mean they are not potentially dangerous. >> no, it doesn't mean they are potentially dangerous. the way bill makes it clear, the package must be handled with care. a flammable hazard exists. et cetera. my understanding is that these were packaged in accordance with the procedures. and they were in the back of the aircraft in the -- makes a huge amount of difference. but everything i have been told about these lithium ion batteries is that they do not believe they were a cause of anything going wrong. >> but therein lies the problem. they met those standards. well, let's look at the standards, we have higher standards here in the united states. they can't be on passenger aircraft like that. >> these amount of batteries wouldn't be on aircraft in the united states. >> that is why you put it on cargo aircraft. especially 5,000 pounds. >> i have to tell you, i burned a lithium battery in the hotel, and it practically burned down the hotel room. >> why were you doing that? >> i was charging up batteries and gear, i can tell you i don't want to fly with these batteries underneath me. that is a very good rule. just because malaysian airlines says they were packed well in the back, do we even know that? >> david souci, you talked earlier to somebody who checked on the batteries and the pingers and they were not even being stored properly in a warehouse. >> that's correct. >> obviously it is a different issue, but if one battery is not stored correctly how do we know for sure they're packaging these things correctly? >> there are two different divisions, you have the maintenance division, the guy i talked to. as you recall maybe a month ago or so we talked about how many reported incidents there were with these batteries. most of them in loading or taking off because that is when they're most vulnerable to some kind of damage is when they're being put on the aircraft by a forklift or any other kind of metal that is going on the aircraft. >> you know, miles, when you look at where the plane disappeared and there was a thing mentioned in "the wall street journal" and it was mentioned that it all may be a coincidence. but if you were choosing a moment in the flight to go dark this moment when it was getting into the vietnamese air space was the moment. if it was a technical failure it was a pretty extraordinary coincidence. to that you say what? >> well, handoffs are the opportunity for something like that to happen. because there is this period of time when one guy has said good night and the other guy is supposed to pick up the ball. and during that period of time each thinks -- each person thinks the other is talking to the aircraft. and so if you wanted to disappear that is the time to do it. there is an opportunity there. you know, you talk about this 17 minutes of time before ho chi minh city started to wonder where the plane was. that is a long period of time but not unprecedented as part of the routine course of action in handoffs on a day to day basis. so it happens, it is an opportunity time. >> miles, good to have you on, richard quest and david souci, as well. up next, director of phoenix v.a. put on leave one day after we aired this interview with her. there was a secret list that kept the reality of wait times hidden. unbelievable. drew has more details. and donald sterling, the first step taken as you know. and the owners talking today, what they decided ahead. marge: you know, there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious, and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips. that's why i got a new windows 2 in 1. it has exactly what i need for half of what i thought i'd pay. and i don't need to be online for it to work. it runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. but it's fun, too -- with touch, and tons of great apps for stuff like music, 'cause a good playlist is good for business. i need the boss's signature for this. i'm the boss. ♪ honestly ♪ i wanna see you be brave mayo? 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[ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online. we're now in the breaking news on the top of the program sparked by the exclusive investigation into vets dying. while waiting to see doctors at the feen i. veteran's hospital and two other facilities. the woman who runs the phoenix hospital and two others on her staff have been placed on leave. their boss, erik shinseki, we explaining in statement, that the these allegations, if true, are absolutely unacceptable. repeatedly asked for an interview with him. he has refused. this video shows the director scurrying away, finally she sat down with drew griffin, trying to explain the hospital keeping a secret list of veterans, each who had waited up to 21 months to see a doctor. retired doctors said the secret list was being kept so that the public and helman's bosses would not know just how many veterans were waiting for care there. up to 40 veterans died waiting to see the doctor there. >> those were the allegations we asked the inspector general to review. >> but those were allegations that i assume you two would have direct knowledge of. >> again, those allegations are the ones that the office of inspector general are reviewing right now. when we heard about this, it is the first time we have heard about the allegations and that is why we asked the office to come in and do a thorough and impartial review. >> now director helman and her staff denied the knowledge of the list. however, just two hours ago, shinseki, and a third employee of the hospital, are now on administrative leave until further notice. our reporter drew griffin has been on the story from the start and broke the story of the possible deaths and secret list. joins us now. joining us now. indication that we have had that secretary shinseki was showing any interest in this? >> reporter: yes, and the v.a. secretary has been under fire, anderson, not only from us but from many in congress for what they see is paying very little attention to cases across the country of veterans who have been dying, waiting for care in v.a. hospitals. it took this to get him to finally act. but i want to show you what may also have prompted him to act today. a couple hours ago. we have been trying to get an interview with eric shinseki since last november. last night we told you about the 54 or so employees that work in his public affairs office to handle scheduling his interviews. well, today we decided to try to reach every single one of them and asked them one more time for an on the record interview with secretary shinseki. >> i'm calling to put in a formal request for an interview with secretary shinseki. we have been asking to speak to him for six months and we really want to talk to him about delays in care at v.a. hospitals around the country. >> allegations of a secret list after a phoenix v.a. that may have contriuted to as many as 40 veterans dying because of delayed care. and who is the best person you recommend? okay, so it is drew's decision whether or not the interview will happen? this slant on this story -- no, i -- well, we don't have a slant on the story but we have been asking for the secretary's reaction to this. and his comments and for him to respond for six months. >> anderson, we called 20 different government numbers in that public affairs office. five answered. three of those people told us we needed to talk with a public affairs officer named drew brooky. and as you know, one of them even asked what our slant was. for the record, drew brooky has been exactly the person we have trying to get an interview since november of last year. and their response has always been either we'll get back to you or simply no. well today, we have yet to hear back from drew brooky, but we did get this press release tonight announcing that the v.a. director, sharon helman, is now on leave. >> it is amazing to me, again these are public officials. their job is to be transparent. their job is to present information to the american public. i mean, the fact that they're like dodging and weaving and squealing off in their cars running away from you. that their head won't do an interview with you, it just boggles my mind. this started back in november. you got questions about delays and care in several hospitals, not just phoenix. and i mean, congress has been asking questions. >> that is exactly -- exactly right. the lack of response is becoming a bit of a sick joke. we know at least 23 veterans died because there was delayed care at veteran's hospitals. that is what the v.a. has admitted to, 23. we know several veterans died in pittsburgh because of the bacteria that was running through the water system in the v.a. hospital and the v.a. officials there tried to hide that fact from patients and even staff. and now it is alleged 40 veterans died in phoenix waiting for care. it is an -- and also waiting for care, many of them on a secret list so their names would remain hidden. yet there is no one being held accountable. and all of these letters, i want to show you all of these letters, these are from members of congress and the senate asking eric shinseki exactly what and who is being held accountable for all of this mess. the house veterans affairs committee says the lack of response, anderson, is so bad. this is what they are doing in congress. they are keeping an electronic tally on its website every time a reporter or member of congress or government official on a committee does not get any response. and tonight again you can add one more to that list. our request today for an interview with v.a. secretary eric shinseki is now being ignored. >> and again, every politician, everybody in government loves to say that you know, veterans, you know they have served our country and they deserve the best care possible. they don't deserve to be waiting for months just to see a doctor. i mean, we're not even talking about you know, a course of treatment. these are people who have served our country just to see a doctor. they are waiting for, for months. that is outrageous. >> it really is. you know, the vets get political lip service every time there is an election. both parties go down to these v.a. veterans conferences. they talk a good game. they talk about improving benefits and access to health care. they also specifically in this last election talked about transparency. and even specifically talked about cutting down wait times. people in office right now. in fact, the person that is in the white house talked about that. that is why this is so disturbing. the lack of transparency and until now the lack of any action. >> it is incredible. drew, i appreciate you keeping an eye on it. we'll continue. coming up, a committee of donald sterling's colleagues talks about whether to oust the disgraced clipper's owner. what the nba said. and the italian appeals court making shocking claims, about the murder of meredith kercher. 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well, what are you waiting for? you could literally be done with the test by now. now you could have done it twice. this is awkward. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business. well, looks like the nba is wasting no time in trying to oust clipper owner donald sterling, and today they had a meeting to talk about what happens next. in statements a short time ago wbt nba said and he quote the advisory finance committee met via conference call to discuss a process of termination of donald. it sterling's ownership of the los angeles clippers. the committee agreed to move forward as quickly as possible and will reconvene next week. sterling now has five days to respond to the charges and the board of governor has ten days to vote. to talk about the legal ramifications, mark geragos and sunny hostin. mark, let me talk with you. in the "l.a. times" they said they tried to kick him back in 1982, and he basically just rode the storm out. these were over financial issues. he waited until it lost steam. this seems to be a guy who knows how to hang on for dear life. do you think he will go quietly into the night? >> no, i don't think there will be a chance at all. in fact, i'm not so sure that the nba doesn't face severe obstacles. it was reported that he holds the team in a family trust. i don't think necessarily that they can terminate him through the family trust. and if they have approved the team being held in that legal entity they have got enormous problems trying to terminate him. now, he at some point that doesn't mean there wouldn't be a negotiated surrender. but at this point i don't think it will be a situation where the nba by-laws say you can get rid of somebody if they have financial problems. this is based on the first amendment and there are a whole lot of problems for him to just summarily terminate him. >> just looking at tax ramifications, if he was forced to sell, he would be hit with capital gains taxes. whereas if he just gave it to his family members who are currently part owners he would be able to avoid all that. so his family would take a big financial hit if he sold it. >> yeah, that is absolutely correct. and that is one of the reasons they got it in a family trust, i'm sure. i think there are also significant issues. you know, adam silver took pains to talk about that this was only to mr. sterling, not to mrs. sterling. she has got all kinds of options, as well, and is basically running the team if you believe what is being reported. and i just don't think that they're going to be able to do this in a summary fashion. >> sunny, what do you think? shelly seems to indicate that she is sticking in. >> this is one of the few times mark and i agree. i have been saying all along, shelly sterling really is a player here, and a lot of people are disagreeing with it. but it is true. now that we know it is held in a family trust, she is part owner of the team. the bottom line, very difficult to hurt family trust, they're put in place -- >> the kids are also a part of this. >> mark, you would agree, it is not something summarily done. and this is a litigious guy. he sues people just for the sport of it. he sues his mistresses and fights with the justice department. this is somebody who has lawyered up at this time. with some of the fansiest lawyers. maybe you, mark, are one of his lawyers, they're figuring out all sorts of maneuvers. >> mark, i have to ask you about v. stiviano. i mean, you know l.a. better than anyone. you deal with a wide variety of celebrities and people who want to be both. what is her next move? she is walking around town in this sun visors, with one of their names on her hat. she has multiple names. >> i like that hat, i have ordered one. >> this is such to me an l.a. character. >> she is the quintessential l.a. character. i could just go on and on and on. i asked before we came on, i said do you think sunny would want her daughters to grow up like v.? not the adviser, you -- not the visor, you want your daughter to grow up like her. this is not exactly a role model. >> i always said women who sleep with other women's men's -- women who sleep with other women's men, there's a special place in hell with them. >> wait, what? women who sleep with other women's men -- >> yeah, husband. >> you absolve him of any responsibility in this? >> he is responsible, as well. but with v. stiviano, the bottom line, she is not a noble character, who knows why she is taping all these things. >> wait, can we ask one question? this gal was 27 when she hooks up with this 77-year-old guy who was then 76, really, do you think it was because of -- it was not for the hard body. >> the heart wants what it wants. >> that is right, she is not a noble character but she has done the country a service by exposing this racist. yeah. okay. sunny, thank you. mark geragos as well. the sterling case may have opened a pandora's box, if this is the new standard, then the concept of what crosses the foul line may have implications for other owners. randi kaye takes another look. >> reporter: another is suddenly back in the spotlight. it was 2009 when the owner of the orlando magic first opened up about aids patients. >> aids is a disease that people gain because of their actions. it was not like cancer. >> devos was talking with his hometown newspaper, "the grand rapids press." and he did not stop there. when asked about same-sex marriage, here is what he said. >> live your life, i will respect you, but don't keep asking for favors. don't ask for a concession on a marriage issue which is not vital to them, in my opinion. >> reporter: then he went further. >> i deal with a lot of wonderful gay people, i hire them a lot, i use them, they're terrific, i am good friends with them. >> reporter: even before that devos fuelled protests for giving $100,000 in support of an anti-guy gay marriage vote in florida which passed, controversial, to be sure. but are his controversial beliefs now considered over the line for an nba owner. >> once you start to monitor what owners say now you really open yourself up to saying well, which remarks are okay and which ones are not okay? >> reporter: espn senior writer lz granderson wonders where the league will draw the line and how will it decide who to punish? >> if you're in league with an openly gay player how then do you turn a blind eye towards owners? >> reporter: and what about players? remember in 2011 when los angeles laker kobe bryant reacted to a foul call? he was caught on television saying this. bryant was fined $100,000 and apologized on the radio days later. and what about cases of sexual harassment? hall of famer isaiah thomas was sued when coaching the new york knicks by this woman, a knicks executive. she claims he verbally abused her and tried to kiss her. she says she was fired after complaining. >> i am very innocent and i did not do the things that she accused me of in this courtroom of doing. >> reporter: in 2007, a jury found thomas and madison square garden liable for sexual harassment. the garden was asked to pay more than $11 million. isaiah thomas paid nothing. randi kaye, cnn, new york. up next, an exclusive interview with amanda knox after a new judicial report says she is the one that fatally stabbed her roommate. >> i did not kill my friend. i did not wield a knife. i had no reason to. hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection? 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she is standing by her story. >> i think her level of emotion is indicative of how surprising this result is in the motivation, in the decision of the judge. >> it is surprising to her? >> it is very surprising to her. because this judge goes farther than any judge before. the knife being the murder weapon, her being the killer, these are all things that are familiar. she's been convicted. the way the judge describes that her dna on the hilt of that knife, that is the murder weapon even though it was dismissed before. he believes all three, rudy guede, the man convicted, and amanda knoxs boyfriend, sollecito, and her, all conspired to kill meredith kercher. and it is amanda knox that delivered the final blow. >> this has been her life, from the time she was 20 years old to now. i want to play some of the exchange. she has been able to carve out a life. you talked to her about this. >> this started in 2007, it is now 2014. for you and your life, is it present day? are you able to be present day or are you still trapped in 2007? >> it is definitely a limbo. my entire adult life has been weighed down and taken over by this tremendous mess. this -- i mean, on the one hand i have my life in seattle. i get to go to school. i get to be with my family and friends. and i'm so grateful to have them. they really helped me get through this. i guess i'm just one of the lucky ones. >> how so? >> well, because i'm actually -- i'm actually supported by people. and people have looked into my case as opposed to have forgotten me. and people who know about what kinds of things happened to lead to wrongful convictions have come out and said things in support of me. and that is -- that has made a huge difference in my life. i don't feel as alone as i could. >> you talked to her, i think it was may of last year. does she seem different than she did back then? >> i think she is growing up in a way. i think she is stunted in a way. and i think there is real anxiety now. this is one step away, and she says she has people who support her. but the question is are those people on the supreme court in italy because she is suffering from two real problems. one, is one of perception, what i call a problem of first impression that they had there. the image that she didn't act right. the second, she has to deal with she is forced to make the case for her own innocence. and there is something that always makings credibility questionable in that, when somebody said i didn't do it and didn't do it and being their own attorney in effect. it is a rough spot for her. and the politics of the situation seem to dictate that the chance that the supreme court overturns this is not great, probably not a 50/50 proposition. so she is having to deal with that. she knows the stakes better than anyone. >> that is incredible, i'll look for the interview. and you can tune in to chris cuomo's exclusive interview, the trial of amanda knox. up next, anthony bourdain, where to find the best street food in the world. i sit down with him next. it runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. but it's fun, too -- with touch, and tons of great apps for stuff like music, 'cause a good playlist is good for business. i need the boss's signature for this. i'm the boss. ♪ honestly ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ding ♪ do you have something for pain? 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[ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. sunday night on cnn, a new episode of "parts unknown." anthony bourdain traveled to mexico. he tried to convince me not to be afraid of street tacos in mexico. take a look. you go to mexico city, and the place i spent time in, the day of the dead, the legendary spot where tourists go. but you see a different side of mexico. >> on the one hand, mexico is a place i deeply love, and i feel a personal connection to. i work with and relied heavily on mexican cooks for much of my career. it is a country we have a sort of tortured and deeply hypocritical relationship with. i feel both in my former business of food, culturally, our favorite foods. >> culturally how? >> we claim to not want them, we claim to want to keep them out. yet we can't live without mexican restaurant workers, our economy would collapse. >> do you like real mexican food? >> i love real mexican food, i love the subtle flavors of handmade, you know, the mole sauces. i love a simple greasy street taco made with a homemade tortilla, made by somebody who really cares. >> so you will eat a taco on the street in mexico? >> oh, yes. there is no other way to do it. >> some of our happiest moments of the day, we put our cameras down and eat the straggly little tacos in the street. >> gr why? >> they are fresh. >> i feel like if i do that i will get sick. >> these people can't afford to put it in the refrigerator, if they bring to market what they think they're going to sell they cook it right there. they make the tortillas fresh, the tacos fresh, not the sad bitter things you get in the chains. it is a beautiful thing. >> like you must have known, somebody must have told you the right stand to go there. >> no. if there's a line of mexicans there, i'm there. >> the guy has an iron stomach. you can catch parts unknown sunday on cnn, it is a great show. good evening, i'm michael smerconish. the long-awaited preliminary report from the malaysia government on the disappearance of flight 370 is now public. it not only raises a lot of new questions the report is a window among air traffic controllers. it shows that precious time was lost after this final verbal communication between the control tower and the cockpit. >> malaysian 370, ho chi minh, good night. >> good night, 370. >> that is malaysian air traffic control telling 370 tock


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