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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20140521

nbc bay area's bob redell is outside of superior court in san jose. now, bob, this is where the hearing is going on right now and lots of people there are pretty upset. >> reporter: they are. good morning to you, peggy. and actually that hearing within the past few minutes adjourned. you can see the handful of speakers who were inside, they're outside of the steps of the hall of justice speaking to the media right now. they were upstairs in department 32, trying to convince judge gilbert brown and the los angeles county safety task force not to release the pillow case rapist back into southern california. speakers included the assemblyman who represent that area and the so-called ladies of lake los angeles, you can see them wearing the blue shirts, who do not want the convicted rapist, christopher hubbard, living in their neighborhood. they feel they've become a dumping ground for the sex offender. >> three minutes from an elementary school. >> this morning, cheryl hallbrook showed her the house where hubbard will live. it's not much, in a sparsely populated part of the desert, and that's what worries residents. if he were to reoffend and bring a victim back to his place, it's possible no one would know about it. what really infuriates, one of his new neighbors is a woman who was raped when she was a child. the judge has agreed to the conditional release of hubart. holbrook, who is also a victim of rape, doesn't think he will ever be cured. >> do not release him in our community or any other community, because he will re-offend again. and there will be a crime. whether it's a new victim or himself. and it's going to be a danger to any community, anywhere, including ours, and also to him. >> the d.a. office's says they'll have him under strict supervision with a ankle bracelet? >> that's a joke. we just had a report of four murders in orange county, two of them on bracelets, checking in with parole every 30 days. so don't tell me it works. >> reporter: hubbert has admitted to raping 26 women in the 1970s. he became known as the pillow case rapist because he used a pillow to silence his victims' screams. now, he has been paroled numerous times, but has always ended up back in jail because he kept reoffended. he was supposed to be released months tagg to a different address in the palmdale area, but that landlord reneged because of the public outcry. the ladies of lake los angeles, which you can see out live, they're doubtful they can convince the new landlord to pull out of this housing agreement, because they tell us that he, himself, is a convicted felon, who they believe has no interest in the public safety. incidentally, assembly man steve fox, who represents palmdale, has put forth assembly bill 1607. it hopes it will get to the floor some time this week, which would allow the local courts having a say over who gets released into theirdistrict, not a court 100 miles away, several hundred miles away here in san jose. reporting live here in san jose, bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> and bob, i think one of the key points you just made there is when he was released before, when he was paroled before, he reoffended. >> reporter: he did, numerous times. and you're probably wondering, why is this case in san jose, dealing with somebody who would be released -- why is this court in san jose dealing with somebody who would be released in southern california. well, the reason is, this case is still in this jurisdiction, because this is the last place where he was convicted. >> boy, a lot of alarmed people there. bob, thank you so much. all lanes of interstate 10 on the california/nevada border are closed right now as investigators look into a deadly bus crash. it happened around 2:15 this morning, just west of blithe in southern california. we have some video of the crash just into our newsroom. here you see apparently a tractor-trailer spilled this load of steel pipes that forced the driver of the bus there to swerve. he flipped over the bus. 32 passengers heading west from el paso, through phoenix to los angeles, four people are dead this morning. several others very seriously hurt. caltran says all lanes of the interstate will remain closed throughout the afternoon. president obama says that allegations of misconduct at v.a. hospitals are dishonorable and will not be tolerated. his first comments come on the scandal after a meeting this morning with the secretary of veterans affairs and his deputy chief of staff. >> there's allegations of v.a. staff covering up long wait times or cooking the books,ry not stand for it. not as command in chief, but also not as an american. >> now, the v.a. inspector general's office says that 26 facilities are being investigated nationwide, including a phoenix hospital where 40 veterans allegedly died, all while waiting for treatment. staff there reportedly kept a secret list of patients waiting for appointments to hide delays in their care. a warning for ebay users this morning. change your password immediately. nbc bay area's christie smith live outside ebay headquarters. this comes as this company was just hit by a massive cyberattack. >> reporter: that's exactly right. and ebay is encouraging users to go ahead and change your password. and if you use the same password on ebay you might use on other sites, you might want to go ahead and change that one too. because sometimes that's what data thieves are looking for. this after a cyberattack on a database that might include names, addresses, and phone numbers. the online auction site has nearly 1.5 million active users, but how many are affected is unclear. it says it has not found any evidence of unauthorized activity and the breach did not include financial information, but apparently one of the hackers got their hands on employee access and took the database between february and march. recently, though, it was discovered that the credentials were taken. we spoke this morning with eric chu, the founder of high trust in mountain view. they protect organizations against threats t s on the clou. he said hackers are getting more aggressive, worming their way in, from the inside. >> organizations really need to shift their thinking around, securing data from this model of outside-in. i think i can keep the bad guys out, to really a model of inside-out. let me assume that there's already a bad guy in my network. what am i going to do differently about securing critical systems and data from the inside as well as the outside. >> reporter: he says in many ways, collecting data is the new currency and attackers do want personal information, possibly for password access or for phishing, that sort of thing. and if customers ever think they're compromised, they certainly would want to use things like credit monitoring and pay attention to their account. e-mail subsidiary paypal said it was not affected by the breach. saying, in part, extensive forensic research has shown no evidence of unauthorized access or compromise to personal or financial information for paypal customers and that paypal does not share information with any of its merchants, including ae bay. reporting live in san jose, christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> all right, christie, thank you. well, students and faculty are back in class at san jose's bryman college. the vocational school was forced to shut down on monday after it fell behind on its rent. the property owner says that bryman's parent company owed about $80,000. last night the school's president announced the dispute is now settled, so students were notified to return today. many say they're glad to be back in class. >> at first it was stressful, because, you know, we're paying money and it's coming out of our pocket tuition, and we're doing our monthly payments, but, i mean, since they reassured us that we would be back wednesday, you've just got to have faith. >> this is not the first time that bryman college has faced financial issues. from 2005 two 2012, the company was hit by a series of federal state or county tax liens, however several of the liens have now been paid. the search is on for an east bay teenager wanted for sexually assaulting at least three women. police released this sketch last night. the attacker described this hispanic or asian in his early to late teens. investigators in concord say he approached victims from behind, groped them, and then ran off. the first attack happened in late march. the other two earlier this month. now, all of them happened here, between north larwin and south larwin avenues, not far from cowell. police believe the attacker may live right there in that area. petco says by the end of the year, it will no longer sell pet treats that are made in china. that announcement comes after another warning from the fda. thousands of dogs have gotten sick and some have died. the agency says that they've been warning about jerky treats, especially chicken and duck treats, made in china for years now. the agency launched an version last year and since then, nearly 5,000 more dogs have gotten sick from the treats. 1,000 dogs have died. despite the investigation, the fda says it still has not figured out exactly what ingredient it is that is making the pets sick, so it just can't issue a recall. petco's covering its bases now, pulling all pet treats made in china over the next few months, replacing them with products that have been made in the u.s., australia, new zealand, or latin america. >> to move through, you know, an entire change, and to dramatically change an assortment, it's a big job. we decided that at this point, we want to go ahead and make this move, even though the evidence isn't there. because it's the best thing for our pet parents and our pets. >> petco is the last big change to make this move. yesterday, competitor, petsmart, also announced it will no longer carry the products made in china. and pet food express pulled the same treats two years ago. now, the president of pet food express says because his company is smaller than petco and petsmart, it was easier to pull those products sooner. our investigative unit has done a series of reports on tainted pet treats. for more on what we've discovered during our investigation, go to our website and click on the investigations tab. still to come, caught on camera, a school bus catches fire on a freeway. more of this video, coming up next. plus, apple no longer the most valuable brand in the world. which silicon valley company just snapped up that three-year streak. >> that's interesting. we've got an interesting forecast for you today as well. right now, hazy sunshine, nice and clear over the south bay. take a look at your temperatures almost completely uniform. we are going to see some big separation between your microclimate, warming trend coming your way. your forecast in moments. oh, look. we have a bunch of... announcer: babies who are talked to from the time they're born are more likely to have a successful future. talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at well, amazingly, nobody hurt after a school bus caught fire in minneapolis. take a look at this video here. it's still rolling. wheels on the bus still going 'round and 'round. the bus driver smelled smoke after exiting the freeway, pulls over, gets out safely. there were no children on board. and my goodness, look at that. it started rolling towards the fire truck. the fire truck driver putting it in vehicle, getting out of the way. absolutely bizarre. the cause of this fire still under investigation. >> that was remarkable video there. this morning, same-sex couples in pennsylvania are rushing to get marriage licenses after a federal judge overturned the state's ban on gay marriage. now, here in the bay area, the domino/vicke erkers family is v happy to fill in another state on its marriage equality map. half of the states in the united states will allow same-sex marriages, but because of legal issues, there are only 19 where couples can actually tie the knot. the couple says while it embraces the victory, they know it is just the beginning of the fight for equal rights for all. >> like creating safe schools for our students, hopefully, we can use this awareness that has been raised and say, you know, i want you to think about too. >> something still to consider, there's no word yet if pennsylvania's governor, who is against same-sex marriage, will appeal that ruling. new research shows certain bacteria can linger on airplane surfaces for up to a week. researchers tested for e. coli and mrsa. they found mrsa germs lived up to seven days. e. coli lived for four days on an armrest. doctors say most of these bugs can be avoided by washing your hands often. airline officials say they do disinfect planes every night and before every departure. the transportation department expanding the passenger bill of rights to include hidden fees. these new rules would require the disclosure of fees for things like checked bags, assigned seats, and carry-on bags. yes, some airlines charge for carry-on. airlines would be required to disclose those fees on websites and on the phone and in person. the goal is to have that rule in place by next year. well, flight attendants at virgin america are reportedly seeking a vote on whether or not to unionize, according to the transport workers union. this could signal another major victory for organized labor. burlingame-based virgin america is the last nonunionized airline after last month. apple no longer the most valuable brand in the world. google now occupies that top spot with a brand value of almost $159 billion. brand z says apple slips to number two on their list three years into the top spot, its brand value, $148 billion. other local companies making the list, ibm, they certainly do a lot of business in the valley, anyway, is number three, with a brand value of $107 billion. facebook at 21st with $36 billion. meanwhile, twitter, linkedin, they get on the list for the first time at 71 and 78. well, now an exclusive investigative report. just two months to go until levi stadium opens in august, and thousands of new riders are expected to use bta trains and buses one the 49ers season gets under way. but insiders are speaking out about their safety concerns. they say that bus drivers and train operators fired for serious safety violations end up back on the job. as the investigative unit learned, one in five employees were rehired after being fired. >> some of the things that have happened are severe and it's safety issues. >> our sense is that the person should be terminated. that's why we made that move to begin with. but there is a negotiated process. >> but bta says it's not at fault, because the union contract requires the agency to re-hire anyone who wins a case in arbitration. we'll look into the department's rehiring rate and how that compares to other transit agencies. we investigate tonight at 11:00. well, the pleasant hill city clerk has resigned from her job with a scathing letter, wishing the city good luck finding, in her words, a schmuck to take over her job. kim lemco was accused of slacking off, by tweeting little missives during the city council meetings, instead of actually keeping the meetings, which is what a city clerk does. a recall effort was underway to get her fired, but she resigned with a letter that said, in part, "this has been an atrocious, incredibly depressing with, and mind-numbingly inane experience i would not wish on anyone." "i wish the city the best of luck in finding some schmuck eager to tribe every last misogynistic joke, self-indulgent anecdote, and pathetic pandering attempt by the council." now, she already has another job in washington, d.c., working with the national trade union, which may not know what it's in for. >> sounds like she really didn't like her job. >> remember, she campaigned for this job. it's something she got voted into office for. but she's no longer doing it. >> left in a blaze of glory. checking in with christina loren. a little bit of blazing, but not too bad. >> not too bad. definitely warmer than yesterday. good morning peggy, scott, everybody at home. interesting, we're just a couple of degrees away here in san jose from temperature in san francisco. 64 there. we're at 66 there. meanwhile, look at half moon bay. that's where the fog is, at 55 degrees. we'll see a nice day today. a lot of that burn off is already taking place. still overcast for the time being here in san francisco. i want to show you what it looks like here in the south bay. beautiful day shaping up for us. good air quality. although you'll likely notice a little haze out there in the atmosphere. temperatures today will look like this. just about at average. 70 for the south bay, 80 for the east bay, 66 in san francisco. just a touch below average here. we're going to keep on climbing as we get into that all-important holiday weekend, as we head through tomorrow, we're back to the 80s in san jose. we'll be back to the 70s in san francisco, as we get into your friday, and a really comfortable weekend shaping up for both cities, san jose and san francisco, not too hot this year, 84 degrees, looking really comfortable as get into that weekend. and even on memorial day, temperatures are only going to drop off a touch. good news is, the giants are going to be at home for a stretch from friday, all the way through tuesday. and if you want to get out there, comfortable conditions for a ball game. friday night, 63 degrees. 7:15 game time for saturday's game, 65 degrees, and they actually have a home game with tickets still available on sunday, 73 degrees. let's go, giants. back to you guys. >> all right. thank you much. still to come, that cat famous for saving that little boy in the video tosses out the first pitch. there he is, first pitch of the baseball game. >> don't mess with tara the cat. and we'll show you the video of tara's toss, coming up after the break. well, the house cat now famous for saving a boy from being attacked by a dog threw out the first pitch at a minor league baseball game last night. >> she needed a little help. >> here we go. >> there's tara right there, watch this. bases covered there, four home runs. tara did attempt to toss out that first pitch at the bakersfield blaze game. the ball was attached to a fishing line. didn't go too far considering tara has paws and an opposable thumb. the very boy she saved did jump in so finish that honor. tara shot to fame after this dog right here attacking this little boy, pulling him off his bicycle, the cat comes out of nowhere and scares off that dog. did a fine job there, even though she the did go hide under the car afterward, like we all would. >> i think i would too. "tonight show" host jimmy fallon is talking about a bet he made with the montreal canadiens. >> the canadiens approached him about making a bet on the eastern conference final. so they're playing the new york rangers to determine who mauves on to the stanley cup. the terms are simple. if the canadiens win, fallon has to do a monologue in a canadiens jersey. if the rangers win, the kand en's mascot has to wear a rangers jersey and post ten different pictures of himself walking around montreal. >> look forward to that. still to come this morning, mama knows best. more of this great video showing a mama bear rescue her cub stuck there on the highway. we'll show this to you after this. i'm j-a-n-e and i have copd. i'm d-a-v-e and i have copd. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. breo won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. breo may increase your risk of pneumonia, thrush, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo. ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at so a mama bear quickly becoming an internet sensation after saving her cub from a busy highway in british columbia. >> there's nothing that a mama bear won't do. take a look at this. drivers stopped in alarm after seeing this cub just helpless on the highway. you see mama bear pretty stressed out too, until, this, grabs him right up there by the top of the head, pulls him over the side of the barrier there, a second cub on the other side of that divide and pulls him to safety. you see it again, just cuteness all the way around the. look at this. >> gotcha. >> isn't that adorable? then they amble off into the woods there. a beautiful park there in british columbia, if you've never been. thank you so much for joining us everyone. our next newscast coming up at 5:00. >> that sounds great. we'll see you tomorrow. - what? - lemon, i'm gonna be late for our meeting. i had to get out of my car and walk. fifth avenue is closed for a joint pain walkathon. it's only four blocks but they are so slow. - i'm running late, too. my subway ride was the standard amazingness. no, that's not how it works. let people off first, otherwise-- - the train's going express for no reason. - [sneezes] - next stop, one millionth street and central park jogger memorial highway. - am i the last one in this city still following the rules of being a person? you know what, new york is overrated. - ♪ three bucks, two bags, one me ♪ say, where does a young prostitute get started in this town? - overrated? lemon, we live in the world capital of culture, finance and king kong attacks. new york is a testament to man's greatness. no, new york is a testament to man's selfishness.


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20130711

. this is kpix 5 news. who would snatch a little girl right out of a car with a relative sitting inside? good evening. i'm elizabeth cook. >> i'm allen martin. see, the dad told police someone kidnapped his daughter at international boulevard and 79th avenue in oakland, but tonight christin ayers shows us police have scoured two other locations. >> and one of them is the one where i am right now 12 hours after little df daphne disappear ed. you can see cops all surround the home where she and her father live. authorities are not just asking questions. we also found them searching trash cans for evidence. >> police and fbi ajents swarm oakland with search dogs and helicopters, combing the home where 21 month old daphne viola webb lived with her father asking neighbors if they had seen the man and his little girl recently. >> if they can provide that information on when the child was last seen, that will help investigators move this investigation forward. >> tonight, police are questioning the father, john webb, about how his daughter vanished from his suv around 11:00 a.m.. webb has told authorities he left daphne in the car with his mother, who suffers from dementia, while he went inside this corner store. when he came back. >> he says, "my baby just got taken and my mother's purse. ". >> joseph who lives near the store says webb seemed shaken. >> he just appeared to be somebody who was going through something pretty tragic and not really knowing what to do. >> police said witness saw an african american or hispanic woman with long, dark hair carrying a child in the area, but hours later, police seem to question webb's version of events asking neighbors like roger jones when they had seen daphne last. >> when was the last time you saw her. >> like, two weeks ago. >> jones said at the time nothing seemed amiss. >> it was a beautiful relationship. >> just like any other father/daughter relationship. >> yep. >> and you can now see a large group of officers clustered outside of the home at the moment. we actually saw flashlights searching the hills in this oak nol neighborhood. authorities tell us that they are showing the picture of the father to neighbors around here asking about him, but they are not calling him a suspect. live in oakland, christin ayers, kpix 5. >> of course, oakland police would like to hear from anyone who know anything about the case. the first 48 hours are critical. survivors of the asiana crash returned to sfo tonight. tour buses took them to the site. many were dressed all in white, a tradition gnat sign white -- traditional sign of mourning in many asian cultures. after about 20 minutes t group got back on the bus and returned to their hotel. tonight here's the latest. the pilot told he was temporarily blinded by a bright flash of light on final approach. now, this hasn't been con firnled. the ntsb also said the crew was well rested, but they initially held off evacuating the plane. we'll get to that in a moment. but first joe vasquez tells us crews just started cleaning up runway. >> we're just across the water here. ufk see the runway back there. they've just moved in this giant crane right next to the fuselage. it could take several hours, perhaps into tomorrow to clear the runway. let me rewind that is five days to saturday morning in the dramatic moments following the crash, we're now hearing ing voices of passengers calling for help. >> hello. >> hello, california patrol. >> hi, we are at the san francisco international airport and we just got in a plane crash. there are a lot of people that need help. >> are you with a lot of the ambulances that are there. >> no. they are not. we have people other here who weren't found, and they're burned really badly. >> okay. as time goes by, the passengers grow more emotional while firefighters are focussing on dousing the flames, what the collars don't know is that the ambulances have been ordered to stage quite a distance away in case the plane explodes. >> okay. we're at the airport. do you need help. >> yes. we just got in a plane crash, and there are a bunch of people who still need help and there's not enough medics out here. there is a woman out here on the street on -- on the runway who is pretty much burned very ser vooi veerly on the head, and we don't know what to do. she is severely burned. she will probably die soon. >> we are working on getting additional ambulances. >> 911 emergency. what are you reporting. >> there's been a crash at san francisco airport. there are people injured on the tarmac. >> ma'am, we have reports of it. we're aware of the situation. >> there are no ambulances here. we've been on the ground 20 minutes. critical injuries. hello. >> yes. i'm still here. >> okay. were you on the plane, ma'am. >> yes. i was on the plane. we've been on the ground, i don't know, 20 minutes to a half hour. there are people laying on the tarmac with critical injuries, head injuries. we're almost losing one here. weir trying to keep her alive. >> the fire department has not provided an official time line, but let me show you smouf the amateur have dwsh have ivideo shot. you can see they start bringing in ambulances, the whole convoy of them on to the tarmac. what we were able to add up on that amateur have video, it was at least 20 minutes. eventually they took more than 180 passengers to area hospitals. reporting live, i'm joe vasquez, kpix 5. as we mentioned earlier, the fright attendants did not immediately start evacuating passengers off the plane because the captain told them not to. >> the flight crew told the flight attendants not to initiate an evacuation. they were communicating with the tower about the emergency. the lead or the cabin manager made an announcement over the pa for people to stay in their seats. >> that order delayed evacuation by 90 seconds. passengers were only ordered out when another flight attendant saw flames. kpix 5 sharon chen tells us quite a bit of debate going on tonight about those evacuation procedures. >> i talked to the head of sfo's american airlines flight attendants. he said he would have started evacuating the plane without pilot's permission. >> standard procedure for flight attendants to ask the flight deck if it's okay to evacuate. cbs news consultant sully sullenberger. >> some number of seconds and make sure it wasn't more dangerous for them to evacuate in an unknown situation. >> flight attendants can act on their own in an emergency. >> for us, we can initiate an evacuation if we feel that the conditions warrant. >> larry is head of the association of professional flight attendants at sfo. he shas he would not have consulted the flight deck. >> a situation like that where you just crash landed, for us, that would be weir gonna get out as quickly as possible and get our passengers out there as quickly as possible. the time to call, it just delays the whole process. >> based on interviews with 6 of the 12 flight attendants, the ntsb says they asked the pilots for permission to evacuate twice, once after landing when they were denied, then again when they saw fire outside the window. they got the okay 90 seconds after the crash. sallas who flies with american airlines says the pilots may not have seen the damage in the cabin. >> i'm sure what they experienced in the front of the plane versus what was in the back of the plane was -- was a big difference. >> sallas says flight attendants practice evacuation drills on the simulator every year but only go down the slide once during their very first training unless they're in a real emergency. sallas is thankful in his 25-year career, he has never had to evacuate. sharon chen, kpix 5. >> things are starting to get back to normal for some of the chinese students who were on that plane. one of them celebrated a birthday today. one student said, "we're fine. we're smiling. don't you see it? you need to be happy, too". coming up, why would a bay area judge let a man who's raped almost 40 people go free. wait till you see the list of multicultural tips that just got target food. meet the man who played the guitar while doctors operate on his brain. coming up in weather, what do california, a 100-year-old weather record and eggs have in common? a pretty interesting story involving those eggs right there. that and your forecast coming up. denny's red white & blue plate specials are as american as apple pie. especially, the apple pie french toast. come in today for specials starting at just $4.99. we've made major advancements in reducing the incidents of broken bones in seniors. we've received recognition for getting hypertension under control for over 80% of our members. we've made significant advances in asthma, immunization and maternity care. and j.d. power and associates ranked us highest in member satisfaction among health plans in california. we're focusing on the big things so you can enjoy the little things. kaiser permanente. thrive. prison. a judg . one of the state's most notorious rapists is getting out of prison. a judge in san jose ordered his conditional release, but the judge is releasing him back to los angeles county. kiet do tells us down in southern california, they're saying no way. >> for years, convicted rapist christopher hubbert failed his annual psych evaluation and stayed in jail long past his original sentence, but now. >> evidently he's past the latest psych eval. >> so hubbert getting out. santa clara county superior court judge gilbert brown ordered his conditional release, which means he'll wear a gps ankle bracelet. the law compels the judge to listen to the experts. >> it's mental health professionals who have an expertise in this area come together and say to the court we know this person, this person is not at risk, is not a threat, even though he's had a his or her horrendous history, it's all different now. >> hubbert admitted to raping o women in southern california and the bay air y from 1971 to 1982, well before three strikes became law. >> someone like this should not be let go. >> back in the 90s, the last time hubbert was up for release, massive protests took place. judge brown ordered hubbert back to la county where he grew up. folks down there are furrous and fighting the court order. >> perhaps the judge should take him if he wants him out so badly and let him live in shan't claire in his neighborhood. >> it's important to note every single time hubbert got out of prison, he's raped or sexually assaulted another victim. the panel of mental health experts are essentially saying he's a changed man. >> these individuals have staked their reputation on their position that mr. hubbert will not reoffend. so be it. that is the law, and now this will be the test. >> kiet do, kpix 5. >> hubbert was scheduled to get out in november but will stay in custody while the l. a. county district attorney appeals the ruling. the feds and irs rated the american-indian charter schools in oakland tonight as part of the criminal investigation into possible financial wrong doings. back in march, the oakland school board ordered the schools to shut down. the school administrators are appealing that decision. maybe this sounded like a good idea, but when you see the training tips that target put out to promote diversity, you got to wonder what were they thinking. now, some northern california workers are suing for discrimination. >> only mexicans can work this hard. only a wet back can work this hard. >> reading straight from the lawsuit, racial slurs are just the beginning of what three plaintiffs are seeing happen while working at this woodland target distribution center. lawyer craig ashton analyzed the lawsuit. >> when i read this memo and the stereotypical kind of racist language that's in here, my jaw dropped. >> he says this memo is a key part of the case. >> that's the target logo on it. >> the memo is titled multicultural tips for the hispanic community. >> they don't all wear sombreros. what kind of tip is that. >> the memo also says not everyone eats tacos and burr ree toes, not everyone dances to sal sa and mexicans have a lower educational level and some may be undocumented. >> it seems to support stereotypes. >> mr. ashton says the company letterhead on this memo makes it more than a he said she said case. the plaintiffs believe they were fired out of retaliation. target claims they were fired for performance reasons. in an e-mail target says, quote, this document, which was used during conversations that one distribution was never part of any formal or company-wide training, end quote. >> it's not right for the company. >> worked for the distribution enter for 15 years and says she hasn't seen any ray schism. mr. ashton says the lawsuit isn't looking good for target. candy brown, kpex 5. >> target has apologized and says it never meant to offend. another embarrassment for the america's cup. a top sponsor wants a refund. the san francisco business times reports louis vuitton is asking for $3 million back because so few teams are reyesing. the luxury retailer's original sponsorship was based on eight teams showing up, through there are only three. the company hopes this bag will help its bottom line. a limited edition america's cup tote bag just unveiled today. price tag? about 15 hundred bucks. only available at the popup store at pierre 2729. >> they don't call it death valley for nothing. >> yeah. >> we all know death valley is hot. we've all heard the phrase it's so hot outside you could fry an. >> egg. >> egg on the sidewalk. >> here's the deal in death valley right now, park rangers are saying stop bringing eggs to death valley. you know what's happening? people are trying to fry an egg on the side of the road, at the park, then they leave all the egg shells. they leaf -- leave the egg. doesn't smell very good. and death is saying, yes, we know it's hot enough to fry an egg. stop trying to fry an egg in death valley. well, you know what, speaking of death valley, 100 years ago today, july 10th, 1913, death valley hit 134 degrees. you could fry a dozen eggs on that day. the hottest temperature ever recorded on earth happened in california death corral lee 100 years ago today. for us it's all about the chill. mainly cloudy as we look live in san francisco. tower is very foggy with low cloud cover and fog tonight. widespread temperature changes today. 13 miles separate richmond and lafayette. lafayette low 90s. richmond only the mid 60s. south bay, though, you've been very nice on the peninsula away from the water. menlo park 78 degrees. we'll push the repeat button on friday with a high of 78 degrees. very comfortable along the southern portions of the peninsula and the south bay of santa clara valley. high pressure moving out taking that heat away from inland areas as two days ago you isle hit 1401. high pressure moving out. low pressure moving closer to us. as they happen, the on shore flow gets cranking. if you live near the bay or at the coast you'll have clouds likely till early afternoon. that'll keep temperatures down, as well. so inland, sunny, just won't be as warm. more and more collude cover lasting at the coast and also near the bay. highs tomorrow, livermore 85, no longer 101. two degrees below average. campbell 82, palo alto morning clouds, afternoon sunshine 79. hayward tomorrow 74 degrees. much cooler inland. ve knee sha 80, pittsburgh 85. 65 in san francisco. oakland 71. sonoma 79. farther to the north, cloverdale 90 degrees. extended forecast, below normal tomorrow and friday. lots of afternoon sunshine. watch out for the fog and low clouds in the bay all the way into next week. summer weather has arrived. >> very normal. >> yes, it is. >> thanks, paul. >> all right. you got mc hammer at 10:00. what you got at canada. >> justin bieber is canadian? he should know better. cameo appearance in the top five. can the giants sink lower than rock bottom. and be sure to tune in for a special look at the heroes of flight 214, tomorrow 7:00, right here on kpix 5. ,,,,,,,,,, geico's defensive driver, enginegood student andke 13. multi-policy discounts could save you hundreds of dollus. engineer: uh geico's discounts could save you hundreds of "doll-ars." it sounds like you're saying "dollus." dollus. engineer: if you could accentuate the "r" sound of "dollars." are...are... arrrrr. arrrrr. arrrrrr. someone bring me an eye patch, i feel like a bloomin' pirate. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. [ rooster crows ] that's why safeway works closely with local growers. the folks whose hands are in the soil. planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered to safeway every single day. fresh from our farmers. this week, locally grown red lion nectarines are just 99 cents a pound. at safeway, ingredients for life. ♪ the day they turn it around...well, say that to yourself again . bieber till the end. >> starting with scarlet ohara. tomorrow will be another day. >> that's right. that's what the giants fans are saying. no matter where i go, what's with the giants. anyway, yeah, the fans are saying maybe tomorrow. maybe tomorrow. they keep on saying that over and over and over again like a broken record. giants lose again. these kid s, they'd rather slide down the slide and like the giants and matt cain, shortest start of his career. two-thirds of an inning before he got replaced. he gave up three runs. the other pitcher, former giants prospect zack wheeler in at&t and, man, was he dealing. seven innings, five strike outs, last place giants swept at home 72 the final. they finished a one in five home stand. they're ten games under 500 now. meantime --. >> really looking forward to it. think i told some of the guys earlier that i really wanted to do well here. i was able to do that. >> we all go through it. every team is going to go through it. you're going to get hot and cold and what you want to do is catch teams then they're cold. >> this is probably worst that i've seen in the years we've been here. this is a pretty bad skid. we got to find a way out of it mretty quick shths all right. chad charged with lewd rns ness after he alijedly groped a woman seven movants ago. his lawyers said there is exonerating information that will clear his pirates. a's and pirates delayed to 10:00 p.m. eastern due to the weather. tommy ma lean goes two and two-thirds innings. pirates got him as part of three-run third, more than enough of another one of these long-time jint farm hand. six strike outs. the pirates beat the a's for the first time ever 5 to nothing. a's have been 11 and 0 lifetime. mark jackson's contract extended by the warriors through 2015 and bring me the top five. no. 5, hey, amy campbell. watch out! taken out by wise out lane. no. 4, home run ball in your face. off the bat of anthony ren don to the dome of this fan. . no. 3, it's what we do in tweeng news casts. kidding. that's lpga star paula creamer in the office. no. 2, aaron hicks, no record for him. face full of the padded wall. yeah. . and at no. 1. got bieber fever? justin bieber chilling here. okay. canadian with stanley cup. all right. everything is fine until he stepped on the chicago black hawks logo. you don't do that. nhl logos are sacred ground. bieber should know better, but justin being justin and chicago for a show, maybe he made it right. maybe a free concert. >> uong so. >> doubt it. >> yeah. >> nothing free. >> oops. >> hey, the guy is feeling it. when you're a star, e thinks he can do anything. >> hopefully he learned his lesson. >> this is a bay bridge highlight from kpix 5. >> you may not be able to tell yet, but the new westbound and eastbound spans each have room for five lanes. that's the same number as the current bridge, but there will also be ten-foot-wide shoulders so accidents and stalled cars can be moved out of the way. the surface will be paved with a high strength polyester concrete. >> this bay bridge highlight is sponsored by at&t u verse. we think possible. in the basement. a tv i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. enough... now the guy who had brain surgery.. while awake.. and playing the gui. his story. . brain surgery sounds scary enough, but now the guy who had brain surgery while awake and playing the guitar is sharing his story. >> brad carter, a musician and actor strung the guitar for six hours in may as doctors implanted a pacemaker in his brain. his playing helped surgeons figure out where to put the device. >> i remember, you know, just trying to play it slowly and show them the tremor. it's a lot of team work involved and a lot of back and forth. >> today brad put on the mini concert at ucla medical center the show off how well his shrj worked. the hospital has performed 500 of these operations. this was the first with a guitar. unbelievable. >> be right back. ,, [ female announcer ] for the freshest produce, you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. [ rooster crows ] that's why safeway works closely with local growers. the folks whose hands are in the soil. planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered to safeway every single day. fresh from our farmers. this week, locally grown red lion nectarines are just 99 cents a pound. at safeway, ingredients for life. ♪ living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. our next newscast is tomorr -30. . david letterman is next with salma hayek. >> all right. we're going to have to warm up the fog lights before we go home. >> very foggy out there. >> windshield wipers, too. all right. see you tomorrow. have a great night. ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs and now, currently under construction, david letterman! (cheers and applause)


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20130711

no, just -- what the hell? florida. no. you could go there. craig: you could. you could go there too, i guess. geoff: but you do the manta ray. i like that. i'll do the eel because only one of my arms works. craig: all right. and i'll do the manta ray. good night, everybody. good night. i'm totally in love with the avocado on this sub. i love avocado so much i started a facebook page. oh, you should post a picture of my new earrings. those would go perfectly with this sweater i'm knitting. [ male announcer ] show your avocado love! try it on the turkey & spinach or subway club. subway. eat fresh®. it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. with simple, real ingredients, like roasted peanuts, creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark-chocolate flavor, plus 10 grams of protein, so it's energy straight from nature to you. nature valley protein bars. having necessary school supplies can mean the difference between success and failure. the day i start, i'm already behind. i never know what i'm gonna need. new school, new classes, new kids. it's hard starting over. to help, sleep train is collecting school supplies for local foster children. bring your gift to any sleep train, and help a foster child start the school year right. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. . this is kpix 5 news. who would snatch a little girl right out of a car with a relative sitting inside? good evening. i'm elizabeth cook. >> i'm allen martin. see, the dad told police someone kidnapped his daughter at international boulevard and 79th avenue in oakland, but tonight christin ayers shows us police have scoured two other locations. >> and one of them is the one where i am right now 12 hours after little df daphne disappear ed. you can see cops all surround the home where she and her father live. authorities are not just asking questions. we also found them searching trash cans for evidence. >> police and fbi ajents swarm oakland with search dogs and helicopters, combing the home where 21 month old daphne viola webb lived with her father asking neighbors if they had seen the man and his little girl recently. >> if they can provide that information on when the child was last seen, that will help investigators move this investigation forward. >> tonight, police are questioning the father, john webb, about how his daughter vanished from his suv around 11:00 a.m.. webb has told authorities he left daphne in the car with his mother, who suffers from dementia, while he went inside this corner store. when he came back. >> he says, "my baby just got taken and my mother's purse. ". >> joseph who lives near the store says webb seemed shaken. >> he just appeared to be somebody who was going through something pretty tragic and not really knowing what to do. >> police said witness saw an african american or hispanic woman with long, dark hair carrying a child in the area, but hours later, police seem to question webb's version of events asking neighbors like roger jones when they had seen daphne last. >> when was the last time you saw her. >> like, two weeks ago. >> jones said at the time nothing seemed amiss. >> it was a beautiful relationship. >> just like any other father/daughter relationship. >> yep. >> and you can now see a large group of officers clustered outside of the home at the moment. we actually saw flashlights searching the hills in this oak nol neighborhood. authorities tell us that they are showing the picture of the father to neighbors around here asking about him, but they are not calling him a suspect. live in oakland, christin ayers, kpix 5. >> of course, oakland police would like to hear from anyone who know anything about the case. the first 48 hours are critical. survivors of the asiana crash returned to sfo tonight. tour buses took them to the site. many were dressed all in white, a tradition gnat sign white -- traditional sign of mourning in many asian cultures. after about 20 minutes t group got back on the bus and returned to their hotel. tonight here's the latest. the pilot told he was temporarily blinded by a bright flash of light on final approach. now, this hasn't been con firnled. the ntsb also said the crew was well rested, but they initially held off evacuating the plane. we'll get to that in a moment. but first joe vasquez tells us crews just started cleaning up runway. >> we're just across the water here. ufk see the runway back there. they've just moved in this giant crane right next to the fuselage. it could take several hours, perhaps into tomorrow to clear the runway. let me rewind that is five days to saturday morning in the dramatic moments following the crash, we're now hearing ing voices of passengers calling for help. >> hello. >> hello, california patrol. >> hi, we are at the san francisco international airport and we just got in a plane crash. there are a lot of people that need help. >> are you with a lot of the ambulances that are there. >> no. they are not. we have people other here who weren't found, and they're burned really badly. >> okay. as time goes by, the passengers grow more emotional while firefighters are focussing on dousing the flames, what the collars don't know is that the ambulances have been ordered to stage quite a distance away in case the plane explodes. >> okay. we're at the airport. do you need help. >> yes. we just got in a plane crash, and there are a bunch of people who still need help and there's not enough medics out here. there is a woman out here on the street on -- on the runway who is pretty much burned very ser vooi veerly on the head, and we don't know what to do. she is severely burned. she will probably die soon. >> we are working on getting additional ambulances. >> 911 emergency. what are you reporting. >> there's been a crash at san francisco airport. there are people injured on the tarmac. >> ma'am, we have reports of it. we're aware of the situation. >> there are no ambulances here. we've been on the ground 20 minutes. critical injuries. hello. >> yes. i'm still here. >> okay. were you on the plane, ma'am. >> yes. i was on the plane. we've been on the ground, i don't know, 20 minutes to a half hour. there are people laying on the tarmac with critical injuries, head injuries. we're almost losing one here. weir trying to keep her alive. >> the fire department has not provided an official time line, but let me show you smouf the amateur have dwsh have ivideo shot. you can see they start bringing in ambulances, the whole convoy of them on to the tarmac. what we were able to add up on that amateur have video, it was at least 20 minutes. eventually they took more than 180 passengers to area hospitals. reporting live, i'm joe vasquez, kpix 5. as we mentioned earlier, the fright attendants did not immediately start evacuating passengers off the plane because the captain told them not to. >> the flight crew told the flight attendants not to initiate an evacuation. they were communicating with the tower about the emergency. the lead or the cabin manager made an announcement over the pa for people to stay in their seats. >> that order delayed evacuation by 90 seconds. passengers were only ordered out when another flight attendant saw flames. kpix 5 sharon chen tells us quite a bit of debate going on tonight about those evacuation procedures. >> i talked to the head of sfo's american airlines flight attendants. he said he would have started evacuating the plane without pilot's permission. >> standard procedure for flight attendants to ask the flight deck if it's okay to evacuate. cbs news consultant sully sullenberger. >> some number of seconds and make sure it wasn't more dangerous for them to evacuate in an unknown situation. >> flight attendants can act on their own in an emergency. >> for us, we can initiate an evacuation if we feel that the conditions warrant. >> larry is head of the association of professional flight attendants at sfo. he shas he would not have consulted the flight deck. >> a situation like that where you just crash landed, for us, that would be weir gonna get out as quickly as possible and get our passengers out there as quickly as possible. the time to call, it just delays the whole process. >> based on interviews with 6 of the 12 flight attendants, the ntsb says they asked the pilots for permission to evacuate twice, once after landing when they were denied, then again when they saw fire outside the window. they got the okay 90 seconds after the crash. sallas who flies with american airlines says the pilots may not have seen the damage in the cabin. >> i'm sure what they experienced in the front of the plane versus what was in the back of the plane was -- was a big difference. >> sallas says flight attendants practice evacuation drills on the simulator every year but only go down the slide once during their very first training unless they're in a real emergency. sallas is thankful in his 25-year career, he has never had to evacuate. sharon chen, kpix 5. >> things are starting to get back to normal for some of the chinese students who were on that plane. one of them celebrated a birthday today. one student said, "we're fine. we're smiling. don't you see it? you need to be happy, too". coming up, why would a bay area judge let a man who's raped almost 40 people go free. wait till you see the list of multicultural tips that just got target food. meet the man who played the guitar while doctors operate on his brain. coming up in weather, what do california, a 100-year-old weather record and eggs have in common? a pretty interesting story involving those eggs right there. there. that and,, prison. a judg . one of the state's most notorious rapists is getting out of prison. a judge in san jose ordered his conditional release, but the judge is releasing him back to los angeles county. kiet do tells us down in southern california, they're saying no way. >> for years, convicted rapist christopher hubbert failed his annual psych evaluation and stayed in jail long past his original sentence, but now. >> evidently he's past the latest psych eval. >> so hubbert getting out. santa clara county superior court judge gilbert brown ordered his conditional release, which means he'll wear a gps ankle bracelet. the law compels the judge to listen to the experts. >> it's mental health professionals who have an expertise in this area come together and say to the court we know this person, this person is not at risk, is not a threat, even though he's had a his or her horrendous history, it's all different now. >> hubbert admitted to raping o women in southern california and the bay air y from 1971 to 1982, well before three strikes became law. >> someone like this should not be let go. >> back in the 90s, the last time hubbert was up for release, massive protests took place. judge brown ordered hubbert back to la county where he grew up. folks down there are furrous and fighting the court order. >> perhaps the judge should take him if he wants him out so badly and let him live in shan't claire in his neighborhood. >> it's important to note every single time hubbert got out of prison, he's raped or sexually assaulted another victim. the panel of mental health experts are essentially saying he's a changed man. >> these individuals have staked their reputation on their position that mr. hubbert will not reoffend. so be it. that is the law, and now this will be the test. >> kiet do, kpix 5. >> hubbert was scheduled to get out in november but will stay in custody while the l. a. county district attorney appeals the ruling. the feds and irs rated the american-indian charter schools in oakland tonight as part of the criminal investigation into possible financial wrong doings. back in march, the oakland school board ordered the schools to shut down. the school administrators are appealing that decision. maybe this sounded like a good idea, but when you see the training tips that target put out to promote diversity, you got to wonder what were they thinking. now, some northern california workers are suing for discrimination. >> only mexicans can work this hard. only a wet back can work this hard. >> reading straight from the lawsuit, racial slurs are just the beginning of what three plaintiffs are seeing happen while working at this woodland target distribution center. lawyer craig ashton analyzed the lawsuit. >> when i read this memo and the stereotypical kind of racist language that's in here, my jaw dropped. >> he says this memo is a key part of the case. >> that's the target logo on it. >> the memo is titled multicultural tips for the hispanic community. >> they don't all wear sombreros. what kind of tip is that. >> the memo also says not everyone eats tacos and burr ree toes, not everyone dances to sal sa and mexicans have a lower educational level and some may be undocumented. >> it seems to support stereotypes. >> mr. ashton says the company letterhead on this memo makes it more than a he said she said case. the plaintiffs believe they were fired out of retaliation. target claims they were fired for performance reasons. in an e-mail target says, quote, this document, which was used during conversations that one distribution was never part of any formal or company-wide training, end quote. >> it's not right for the company. >> worked for the distribution enter for 15 years and says she hasn't seen any ray schism. mr. ashton says the lawsuit isn't looking good for target. candy brown, kpex 5. >> target has apologized and says it never meant to offend. another embarrassment for the america's cup. a top sponsor wants a refund. the san francisco business times reports louis vuitton is asking for $3 million back because so few teams are reyesing. the luxury retailer's original sponsorship was based on eight teams showing up, through there are only three. the company hopes this bag will help its bottom line. a limited edition america's cup tote bag just unveiled today. price tag? about 15 hundred bucks. only available at the popup store at pierre 2729. >> they don't call it death valley for nothing. >> yeah. >> we all know death valley is hot. we've all heard the phrase it's so hot outside you could fry an. >> egg. >> egg on the sidewalk. >> here's the deal in death valley right now, park rangers are saying stop bringing eggs to death valley. you know what's happening? people are trying to fry an egg on the side of the road, at the park, then they leave all the egg shells. they leaf -- leave the egg. doesn't smell very good. and death is saying, yes, we know it's hot enough to fry an egg. stop trying to fry an egg in death valley. well, you know what, speaking of death valley, 100 years ago today, july 10th, 1913, death valley hit 134 degrees. you could fry a dozen eggs on that day. the hottest temperature ever recorded on earth happened in california death corral lee 100 years ago today. for us it's all about the chill. mainly cloudy as we look live in san francisco. tower is very foggy with low cloud cover and fog tonight. widespread temperature changes today. 13 miles separate richmond and lafayette. lafayette low 90s. richmond only the mid 60s. south bay, though, you've been very nice on the peninsula away from the water. menlo park 78 degrees. we'll push the repeat button on friday with a high of 78 degrees. very comfortable along the southern portions of the peninsula and the south bay of santa clara valley. high pressure moving out taking that heat away from inland areas as two days ago you isle hit 1401. high pressure moving out. low pressure moving closer to us. as they happen, the on shore flow gets cranking. if you live near the bay or at the coast you'll have clouds likely till early afternoon. that'll keep temperatures down, as well. so inland, sunny, just won't be as warm. more and more collude cover lasting at the coast and also near the bay. highs tomorrow, livermore 85, no longer 101. two degrees below average. campbell 82, palo alto morning clouds, afternoon sunshine 79. hayward tomorrow 74 degrees. much cooler inland. ve knee sha 80, pittsburgh 85. 65 in san francisco. oakland 71. sonoma 79. farther to the north, cloverdale 90 degrees. extended forecast, below normal tomorrow and friday. lots of afternoon sunshine. watch out for the fog and low clouds in the bay all the way into next week. summer weather has arrived. >> very normal. >> yes, it is. >> thanks, paul. >> all right. you got mc hammer at 10:00. what you got at canada. >> justin bieber is canadian? he should know better. cameo appearance in the top five. can the giants sink lower than rock bottom. and be sure to tune in for a special look at the heroes of flight 214, tomorrow 7:00, right the day they turn it around...well, say that to yourself again . bieber till the end. >> starting with scarlet ohara. tomorrow will be another day. >> that's right. that's what the giants fans are saying. no matter where i go, what's with the giants. anyway, yeah, the fans are saying maybe tomorrow. maybe tomorrow. they keep on saying that over and over and over again like a broken record. giants lose again. these kid s, they'd rather slide down the slide and like the giants and matt cain, shortest start of his career. two-thirds of an inning before he got replaced. he gave up three runs. the other pitcher, former giants prospect zack wheeler in at&t and, man, was he dealing. seven innings, five strike outs, last place giants swept at home 72 the final. they finished a one in five home stand. they're ten games under 500 now. meantime --. >> really looking forward to it. think i told some of the guys earlier that i really wanted to do well here. i was able to do that. >> we all go through it. every team is going to go through it. you're going to get hot and cold and what you want to do is catch teams then they're cold. >> this is probably worst that i've seen in the years we've been here. this is a pretty bad skid. we got to find a way out of it mretty quick shths all right. chad charged with lewd rns ness after he alijedly groped a woman seven movants ago. his lawyers said there is exonerating information that will clear his pirates. a's and pirates delayed to 10:00 p.m. eastern due to the weather. tommy ma lean goes two and two-thirds innings. pirates got him as part of three-run third, more than enough of another one of these long-time jint farm hand. six strike outs. the pirates beat the a's for the first time ever 5 to nothing. a's have been 11 and 0 lifetime. mark jackson's contract extended by the warriors through 2015 and bring me the top five. no. 5, hey, amy campbell. watch out! taken out by wise out lane. no. 4, home run ball in your face. off the bat of anthony ren don to the dome of this fan. . no. 3, it's what we do in tweeng news casts. kidding. that's lpga star paula creamer in the office. no. 2, aaron hicks, no record for him. face full of the padded wall. yeah. . and at no. 1. got bieber fever? justin bieber chilling here. okay. canadian with stanley cup. all right. everything is fine until he stepped on the chicago black hawks logo. you don't do that. nhl logos are sacred ground. bieber should know better, but justin being justin and chicago for a show, maybe he made it right. maybe a free concert. >> uong so. >> doubt it. >> yeah. >> nothing free. >> oops. >> oops. >> hey, the guy is feeling it.,, so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? maybe. rich chocolate chips... i just wanted you to eat more fiber. and then the awards started coming in, and i became addicted to the fame. topped with chocolaty drizzle... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. fiber beyond recognition. try new fiber one peanut butter protein bars. enough... now the guy who had brain surgery.. while awake.. and playing the gui. his story. . brain surgery sounds scary enough, but now the guy who had brain surgery while awake and playing the guitar is sharing his story. >> brad carter, a musician and actor strung the guitar for six hours in may as doctors implanted a pacemaker in his brain. his playing helped surgeons figure out where to put the device. >> i remember, you know, just trying to play it slowly and show them the tremor. it's a lot of team work involved and a lot of back and forth. >> today brad put on the mini concert at ucla medical center the show off how well his shrj worked. the hospital has performed 500 of these operations. this was the first with a guitar. unbelievable. >> be right back. ,,,, between you and me, they're, they're strange creatures. they are. they don't think like you and i. you know it. they just, they ignore us. totally. it's like we're only here to serve them. yeah, that's what i been saying. but then they turn around and fill you up with chevron with techron. i guess we're doing something right. yeah but, come on, humans? humans are weird. [ male announcer ] your car takes care of you, care for it. chevron with techron. care for your car. and what's up with the cat? [ laughter ] [ laughter ] got my eye on him. -30. . david letterman is next with salma hayek. >> all right. we're going to have to warm up the fog lights before we go home. >> very foggy out there. >> windshield wipers, too. all right. see you tomorrow. have a great night. ,,,,,,,,,,,,


Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20130711

car seat. a neighbor said webb seemed to be shaken up. >> he just appeared to be somebody who was going through something pretty tragic and not really knowing what to do. >> witnesses say they saw a woman walking away from the suv carrying a toddler but an extensive search of the area turned up nothing. police also spent hours searching webb's home in the oakland knoll area and they searched around the oakland estuary near the airport. survivors of the asiana flight 214 returning to the crash site to honor the victims. tour buses took them to the site yesterday. many were all dressed in white a traditional sign of mourning in asian culture. clean-up crews are picking up the debris that still litters the runway. they are removing small pieces of the plane not needed for the investigation. but it's unclear when the bulk of that wreckage will be removed. 911 calls are painting a chaotic picture on 28-left as dozens of passengers called for help thinking rescuers somehow missed them. kpix 5 reporter joe vazquez with the frantic calls. >> hello? >> hello? >> hi, we are at the san francisco international airport and we just got in a plane crash. a lot of people need help. if there's any way an ambulance could be set. >> are you with a lot of the ambulances that are there? >> no they are not. we have people over here who weren't found and they're burned really badly. >> reporter: as time goes by the passengers grow more emotional while firefighters are focusing on dousing the flames, what the callers don't know is that the ambulances have been ordered to stage quite a distance away at a safe triage zone in case the plane explodes. >> reporter: the fire department has not provided an official timeline. we looked over the amateur video. it was at least 20 minutes before ambulances were waved in. they eventually took more than 180 passengers to local hospitals. i'm joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> the piloted has told the ntsb he was temporarily blinded by a bright flash of light on the final approach. but the ntsb has not confirmed that just yet. investigators have looked over the cockpit crew schedule and say they were well rested and now we're learning why passengers were not immediately evacuated. the captain told them not to. >> the flight crew told the flight attendant not to initiate an evacuation. they were communicating with the tower about the emergency. the lead or the cabin manager made an announce minute over the p.a. for -- made an announcement over the p.a. for people to stay in their seats. >> that delayed evacuation by 90 seconds. passengers were only ordered out when another flight attendant saw flames. kpix 5's sharon chin tells us there's debate going on about the evacuation procedures. >> reporter: it is standard procedure for flight attendants to ask the flight deck if it's okay to evacuate. cbs news aviation consultant sully sullenberger. >> some number of seconds would have been necessary for them to assess the situation and make sure it wasn't more dangerous for them immediately to evacuate into an unknown situation than to remain on board. >> reporter: but flight attendants can act on their own in an emergency. >> for us, we can initiate an evacuation if we feel that the conditions warrant. >> reporter: larry salas is head of the association of professional flight attendants at sfo. he says he would not have consulted the flight deck. >> a situation like that where you just crash-landed, for us, that would be -- we're going to get out as quickly as possible and get our passengers out of there as quickly as possible. did the time to call -- it just delays the process. >> reporter: based on interviews with six of the 12 flight attendants, the ntsb says they asked the pilots for permission to evacuates twice, one after landing when they were denied, then again when they saw fire outside the window. they got the okay 90 seconds after the crash. salas, who flies with american airlines, says the pilots may not have seen the damage in the cabin. >> i'm sure what they experienced in the front of the plane versus what was in the back of the plane was a big difference. >> reporter: salas says flight attendants practice evacuation drills on the simulator every year but only go down the slide once during the very first training unless they're in a real emergency. salas is thankful that in his 25-year career he himself has never had to evacuate. sharon chin, kpix 5. a dozen crash survivors still in the hospital this morning. eight are at san francisco general, two children and six adults. three of those patients are in critical condition. there are two patients at stanford hospital. one is in critical condition. kpix 5 will present a special on the heroes of flight 214. we are going to share the stories of their extraordinary actions of those who saved lives. it's all tonight at 7:00 right here on kpix 5. closing arguments start this morning in the murder trial of george zimmerman. he is the volunteer neighborhood watchman accused of shooting and killing teen trayvon martin. the trial has been filled with emotional testimony from family members and witnesses on both sides. the six-woman jury might consider a lesser charge of manslaughter when they get the case tomorrow. the surviving suspect in the boston marathon bombing faced survivors of the attack during the his first court appearance. dzhokhar tsarnaev pleaded not guilty yesterday. the 19-year-old student faces 30 federal charges of setting off bombs that killed three people and injured more than 260. he appeared with his arm in a cast and his face swollen. he smiled and blew a kiss to his family as he left. about 56,000 u.s. servicemembers could soon lose their hazard pay. the defense department wants to end the extra payments to those working in countries no longer considered dangerous. it would save about $120 million a year. a pentagon review says conditions have improved in 18 countries that once had been considered hazardous. it is 4:38 now. president obama, former president bush are calling on congress to pass immigration reform legislation but as cbs reporter tara mergener shows us, nothing can pass unless the house republicans can agree. >> reporter: immigrants from around the country rallied outside the u.s. capital to tell members of congress they want immigration reform. inside, house republicans met in the basement for 2.5 hours to discuss the topic. >> i think it's going great. >> any disagreements? >> reporter: about the only thing they do agree on is what must come first. >> unless there is border security first, there will be no bill. >> reporter: republicans say the only way immigration reform will pass the house is if they break it up into a bunch of smaller bills instead of one large bill. >> comprehensive has always been a swear word in the house of representatives. i think having a step-by-step approach that deals with the issue comprehensively i don't think that's it. >> reporter: not every member is in agreement. >> the republican party is like an orchestra. it's not a soloist. we have different points of view. >> reporter: congressmen inside last night's meeting say their colleagues are split 50/50 on the issue of citizenship. one side says it's amnesty for people who broke the law. the other side says not passing immigration reform is political suicide. >> i will not under any circumstances either reward or ratify illegal conduct with my vote. >> we realize, you know, the optics of this both policy and politically. we don't want the white house to -- to somehow back drop us to -- to hope that we fail so they can make it a campaign issue. >> reporter: the first votes on immigration reform aren't expected until september. tara mergener for cbs news, washington. >> gop members say they will only bring a bill up for vote if a majority of the party can come to an agreement. time now 4:40. you said a cool down was coming and here it is. >> more clouds around the bay area today. we are starting out with drizzle coastside. still going to be warm temperatures in the interior valleys but we have a lot of clouds out there now, monsoonal moisture sweeping through the southern part of the state. that's not going to affect us here. it's getting cut off by a diving area of low pressure that's just off the coast. still weep clouds over the bay, some drizzle approaching the coastline. you may need that windshield wiper from time to time there. temperatures mainly in the 50s at this hour. i think toward the afternoon, it will be cooler but still warm inland. 87 degrees on the high end in livermore. about 81 in san jose. 71 in oakland and about 64 degrees in san francisco. some warmer days are ahead. we'll talk about that coming up. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thanks, lawrence. and this morning, we just got a lot of overnight roadwork out there. so specifically we're seeing it in the southbound direction of 880. we have been checking in and out with caltrans to see when they are going to wrap things up. looks like 5:00 we should see lanes reopen. in the meantime, you will notice that southbound 880 approaching high street, a little more closer to marina as you make your way into san leandro, but as you can see, traffic is flowing well right now through oakland. let's go to the san mateo bridge. everything is moving well, no overnight roadwork. 14 minutes between hayward and foster city. coming up a check of mass transit. in the meantime, back to you guys. time now 4:41. the opening. new span of the bay bridge -- the opening of the new span of the bay bridge may be delayed but if you ask one engineer, it doesn't have to be that way. how a quick fix could speed things along. >> a popular retailer is at the bull's eye of a discrimination lawsuit. why former employees in northern california are taking target to court. coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,, brain surgery gave his docts an ♪[ music ] kind of unusual. but here we go. the hollywood musician who played his guitar in the middle of his brain surgery gave his doctors an encore performance. brad carter strummed his guitar for 6 hours back in may as doctors implanted a pacemaker in his break to stop tremors -- brain to stop tremors helping the surgeons figure out where to put the device. >> i remember just trying to play it slowly and show them the tremor and it's a lot of team work involved and a lot of back and forth. >> brad put on that mini concert at the ucla medical center yesterday to show off how well his surgery has worked. the hospital has performed 500 of these operations. this by the way was the first one with a guitar. [ laughter ] >> i can only imagine. >> that's amazing, though, isn't it? >> really is. wow. brain surgery and strumming the old six string. >> good morning. >> good morning, guys. good to see you today. >> a little creepy. brain surgery and -- yeah, you're wide awake? >> they need to see that it's functioning correctly. >> whoops, wrong spot. >> wrong chord! [ laughter ] today we have more low clouds and fog sweeping onshore. looks like cooler temperatures ahead for today. in fact, thick enough we're seeing some drizzle especially approaching the coastline. things pretty damp early on. mostly sunny a little cooler this afternoon still some lingering clouds at the coastline but the temperatures likely to warm up over the weekend. high pressure retrograding a lot of that monsoonal moisture sweeping into southern california being cut off by our trough of low pressure so we won't worry about that here. some rain in the area. in the northern part of the state you will see 91 in sacramento, 99 fresno. high country could see some thunderstorms in yosemite so watch out for that. we're more concerned with low clouds and fog this morning that will start to break up, still some patchy fog along the coastline. that fills in tonight, looks like more clouds for tomorrow. let's plan on 81 in san jose. 76 fremont, about 63 degrees in pacifica. east bay numbers running into the 80s for now. then looks like as you get inside the bay you will see some 60s, maybe a couple of low 70s. next couple of days, we'll keep temperatures cooler and we'll start to warm up slightly over the weekend. no major changes over the next five to seven days. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thanks, lawrence. we'll start off with a live look at some of our maps. everything is looking good in the east bay. all the approaches to the bay bridge including 24 coming through the caldecott tunnel, they should have two bores open now in the westbound direction. and everything is looking good as you continue through the macarthur maze. 880, 580 and highway 13 also moving at the limit this morning. getting a check of some road sensors out of the altamont pass. 19 minutes between the altamont pass and the dublin interchange. and bart so far off to a great start. all the trains are running on time. let's go outside and show a couple of live traffic cameras show you how things are moving. eastbound 580 let's get towards livermore. we have overnight roadwork approaching greenville. various lanes blocked until about noon. in the commute direction westbound 580 that drive looks great out towards the dublin- pleasanton area and actually continuing westbound towards castro valley out towards the bay bridge. we have some early-morning flight delays looks like in a couple of cash lanes but the rest of the lanes including all fastrak users everything is pretty good this morning getting into san francisco. back to you. the fbi and irs raided the oakland campuses of the american indian charter schools. yesterday's operations were part of a criminal investigation into alleged financial improprieties. the oakland school board ordered the schools to be closed in march but the administrators are appealing to the state. two girls accused of attacking an elderly woman on muni are now in jail. surveillance video showed the suspects punching the woman and then they stole her purse. this happened last month. an anonymous caller recognized one of the teens and gave her name last weekend. the other suspect turned herself in. defense attorneys will have a jury today to acquit the man accused in the richmond high gang-rape case. marcelles peter showed little emotion in closing arguments. prosecutors claim he raped a 16- year-old student at a school dance in 2009. then he took pictures and urged others to join in. peter claims he left before the attack. he faces a life sentence if convicted. one of the state's most notorious rapists is getting out of prison. a judge in san jose ordered his conditional release but the judge is releasing him back to los angeles county. kpix 5's kiet do tells us people in southern california are saying no way. reporter: for years, convicted rapist christopher hubbard failed his annual psych evaluation and stayed in jail long past his original sentence. but now. >> evidently he's passed the latest psych evaluation. >> reporter: so hubbard is getting out. santa clara county superior court judge gilbert brown ordered his conditional release which means he will wear a gps ankle bracelet with heavy supervision. ladoris kordell a former judge herself says the law compels the judge to listen to the experts. >> if mental health professionalss who have an expertise in this area come together and say to the court we know this person, this person is not at risk, is not a threat, even though he had a horrendous history, it's all different now. he has had treatment and he has been in for so many years. >> reporter: hubbard admitted to raping 40 women in southern california and the bay area from 1971 to 1982, well before three strikes became law. >> someone like this should not be let go. >> reporter: back in the '90s the last time hubbard was up for release, massive protests took place. judge brown has ordered hubbard back to l.a. county where he grew up. folks down there are furious! they are fighting the court order trying to get him released instead in santa clara county. >> perhaps the judge should take him if he wants him out so badly and let him live in santa clara in his neighborhood. >> reporter: it's important to note every time hubbard got out of prison, he has raped or sexually assaulted another victim. the panel of mental health experts is essentially saying, he is a changed man. >> these individuals have staked their reputation on their position that mr. hubbard will not reoffend. so be it. that is the law. and now this will be the test. >> reporter: kiet do, kpix 5. hubbard was scheduled to get out in november but will stay in custody while the l.a. county district attorney appeals the ruling. time is 4:50 now. the opening of the new bay bridge span may not have to be delayed after all at least not in the opinion of one engineer. the bridge engineer and expert told a bay area transportation panel a short-term fix could allow for an on-time opening. it's called shimming. and basically, it means installing wedges into the bearings to hold them in place until a complete fix is finished in december. >> the contractor has the designs in front of them. and as soon as we shim these pieces, we still have achieved the full seismic safety of the bridge. and we can achieve that seismic safety within a month's time. >> professor seibel says time is of the essence because the ole bridge is unsafe -- old bridge is unsafe and an earthquake could happen at any time. target is now at the center of a racial discrimination lawsuit. three former workers in northern california were fired in 2011 and 2012 from a distribution center in yolo county. the suit says they endured racial slurs and were fired because they're hispanic. the evidence includes an official looking labor relations document that supposedly points out differences among hispanics of different countries. >> they don't all wear sombreros. [ laughter ] >> what kind of tip is that? >> in a statement, target said, quote, the document which was used during conversations at one distribution center was never part of formal or companywide training. another snag for the america's cup, why they could shell out the biggest refund yet. >> and if you still own a land line phone why the once popular service could be dying out. ,,,, [ male announcer ] to all you burger aficionados... show your love. 'cause mcdonald's just topped perfection with the all-new quarter pounder burgers. three delectable choices. new quarter pounder burgers. another new way to love mcdonald's. ♪ all right. checking out your microclimate forecast for fremont today. should be mostly sunny this afternoon. slightly warmer for tomorrow. >> and it is nearly 5:00. so they should be picking up the overnight roadwork pretty soon on southbound 880. this morning it's from oakland down towards san leandro. another update on your "timesaver traffic" coming up. the america's cup top sponsor wants a prefund. the san francisco business times reports louis vuitton is asking for $3 million back because so few teams are racing. the luxury retailer's original sponsorship was based on 8 teams showing up but there are only 3. the company hopes this bag will help its bottom line. a limited edition america's cup tote bag was unveiled today. price tag, though, $1,500. it's only available at the louis vuitton pop-up store at pier 27-29. so run out and get it. >> i'll get too, by golly. probably the only two that will get sold. crazy. google's chrome book is beating expectations as the rest of the personal computer industry is shrinking. critics dismissed the bare bones laptop when it debuted two years ago. according to a trade group, chrome book, well, they have won about 25% of the u.s. market for laptops that cost less than $300. that makes google chrome book the fastest growing part of the pc industry. more signs traditional copper land line phone service may be going away. verizon doesn't want to replace washed-away lines after hurricane sandy. the phone company is offering a wireless alternative to 300 customers and dozens of businesses in one new york suburb and this week at&t said it wants to do away with its copper wire network. only one in four homes is expected to have a land line by the end of the year. good boy, good! >> after a successful launch online last year, dog tv will be going national an directv starting august 1 on directv. dog owners will get a channel program to appeal to canines stuck home alone. people can watch it too for $5 a month. dogs love it. >> i guess so. [ laughter ] >> how cute. 4:56. crews are starting to clean up the debris at the site of the asiana crash at sfo. federal investigators examined the critical moments before and after impact. i'm cate caugiran live in oakland where an amber alert is still in effect for a missing girl. we'll tell you where police have been focusing their search efforts. i'm totally in love with the avocado on this sub. i love avocado so much i started a facebook page... oh you should post a picture of my new earrings... those would go perfectly with this sweater i'm knitting. [ chain saw revs ] i'm sorry, did you say something? i was just tending to my avocado tree. ooops, i forgot to lock my [ beeping ] have you met my first-born son? avocado? [ coos ] [ male announcer ] show your avocado love. add this superfood boost to the turkey & spinach or try it on the subway club. it's avocado season at subway. subway. eat fresh®. >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald there are people laying on the tarmac with critical condition, hea injuries. passengers pleading for help on the runway at sfo. the 911 calls from crash survivors as they waited for emergency crews. another option for the bad bolts on the new bay bridge. the proposed fix that may allow the eastern span to open this labor day weekend. >> low clouds and fog even some drizzle outside this morning. a cooler day ahead. we'll talk about that coming up. >> and our delays in our cash lanes are growing now at the bay bridge toll plaza. we also have some overnight roadwork out there. we'll help you get around coming up. good morning. it's thursday, july 11. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. nearly 5:00. used the windshield wipers on the way in. >> it was a little foggy out there, lawrence. >> very trippy especially approaching the coastline. a thick deck of low clouds moved onshore and a cooler day is ahead. out there now you can see some of the monsoonal clouds sweeping through the southern part of the state bringing some showers there. it's getting cut off before it reaches the bay area so yeah, we are going to keep the temperatures down for today. we have some drizzle outside along the coastline. the temperatures now a cooler start to the day. starting out mainly into the 50s. a cool 50 degrees even in santa rosa, 58 in san jose. by the afternoon we'll see some sunshine, the temperatures cooler than last couple of days. let's check the roads with elizabeth. thanks, lawrence. even though it's drippy no problems. but from port chicago to willow pass it's sluggish through concord. but in antioch in the commute direction, everything is so far in the green. no delays there. let's go down towards milpitas and we can show you a look at the commute. 880 and 237. this traffic right here that's 237 traffic. coming up a check of mass transit and the rest of your bridges. in the meantime, back to you guys. developing news in the


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