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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160916 10:00:00

maybe. >> snl starts its new season. a lot of material for them to work with. >> have a great weekend everybody. >> happy friday everyone. "fox and friends" starts now. bye. good morning to you and your family. it is friday, it's september 16th, 2016. i'm ainsley earhardt. donald trump is on top. the gop nominee is surging as hillary stumbles. we'll break down the latest numbers. back from sick leave, hillary hits the trail and immediately throws her staff under that bus. >> my campaign has said they could have been faster. i agree with that. i should have taken time off earlier. i didn't. now i have. i'm back on the campaign trail. >> little defensive there. the blame game didn't stop there. we'll tell you where it did stop. donald trump had a hair raising experience on "the tonight show" with jimmy fallon. >> there you go. is that good or bad for donald trump's overall image? he was in new hampshire afterwards. i have good news, you woke up you're wearing something and your mornings are better because you're with friends. >> how do you know people are wearing something? >> i said by friday people are dressed early. >> it makes it seem we're monitoring what people are wearing. >> we might be if you have that little camera on your computer and don't put tape over it. >> that's a little scary. because we have a kick in our step on friday. >> i hear the music. everybody sings about the weekend, they look forward to it. it's here. there's a bounce in their steps. >>ake fun of us for counting down. no more alarm clocks. hopefully tomorrow you get to sleep in. >> indeed. we wonder whether or not hillary clinton will be sleeping in. she's back to business because of her health scare. it continues to follow her on the trail as to what happened last week. >> the democratic nominee throwing her own campaign under the bus when the questions from reporters got a little tough. >> fox news chief national correspondent in washington with the laters. hey ed. >> hillary clinton took the stage to james brown's i got you, i feel good. who could blame her for feeling good. not just from three dafs rest but some of the questions initially from reporters. a warm welcome as she got on her campaign plane. they asked which tv show she had been binging on. she said the good wife is done. i'm so sad. it's really a loss. she's excited about madam secretary coming back. but she gets a. quote, big kick out of that show. after her speech, she did take a few actual questions and reporters pressed her on why she did not disclose her pneumonia diagnosis sooner. listen carefully as she puts the onus on her staff rather than herself and she says they could have done a better job. >> my campaign has said that they could have been faster. i agree with that. i should have taken time off earlier. i didn't. now i have. i'm back on the campaign trail. >> voters may not care when the press found out about her diagnosis but why did she wait two days to tell tim kaine, who you can see faced a scary scene with a protester last night. a female protester rushing the stage, seizing the microphone and demanding that kaine formally apologize to native americans for what she called genocide. kaine moved on, though clinton when she took those questions from the press struggled to explain why she was diagnosed with pneumonia on friday but waited to tell kaine until sunday. >> my senior staff knew information was provided to a number of people. you communicated with tim, i talked to him again last night. we communicated. we've communicated. but i'm not going to interest into our personal conversations. >> we kept saying we communicated now, last night, sunday. but not on friday. a long time advisers told me there were probably only five people who found out about this diagnosis on friday. top advisers like huma abedin. but tim kaine was not one of those five people. that's interesting because the questions from the press were pressing her on if you're president and he's your vice president and you come out with a big decision, will he be the last to know? it gets at that whole question of secrecy around her, guys. >> remember on friday when hillary clinton made her statements deplorables and later would apologize, tim kaine was defendsing her. next thing she apologizes, makes him look bad. >> you're absolutely right. it seems like different messages and you mentioned the staff getting thrown under the bus. he kind of was thrown under the bus. >> ed henry, down in the nation's capitol. >> hillary came out to the song james brown's "i feel good." note to the hillary campaign, keep in mind she's coming off of having pneumonia. james brown died of pneumonia in 2006. maybe they should get a new campaign song. >> i was a dj back in the old en days when i was in college. >> she said we communicated. that doesn't mean they communicated on friday, saturday or sunday. just at some point. >> a man and woman not being able to communicate, never happens. >> when kelly ann conway was brought on the staff, i asked did you have a say in that? he said we talk every single day. it doesn't appear the clinton campaign is doing that with tim kaine. >> she's out there back on the stump. unfortunately, for her, she got some bad news in the form of a poll. 6:00 p.m. yesterday, a poll came out. head to head, look at that. it's a squeaker. but donald trump has a one-point advantage. it's within the margin of error. but keep in mind she would substantially was up a little while. people are asking, is he winning or is she simply losing. >> it's clinton by one in the margin of error. steinwith 3. things have changed. if we were sitting here on august 15th saying on september 15th this will be even or trump will be ahead, not many people would say yes >> a lot of people don't pay attention until after labor day. >> hurts our feelings. we've been talking every day. >> this week it's one person, then the next week it's another. we talked about larry sabato with a crystal ball. >> smart guy. >> he said this is why trump is leading this week. >> there are two things happening. one is hillary clinton did this to herself in a very tough week for her campaign. that was self-generated between the basket of deplorables gaffe and then the pneumonia matter. national weather service a lie of omission. no question about it. the other point that needs to be made is what's happened the polls, almost all of them have switched from registered voters where clinton still remains ahead to likely voters. when you go to likely voters, you flush a lot of people out. this early in the contest, what that does is to help the candidate in the poll showings with the most dedicated followers. >> great point. >> likely over registered. that's another reason we look at a poland say there's the number. look at the sample. is it likely or registered. >> there's other polls we can show you. how things are going in this world. how do you think things are going in the world was one of the questions. they think the world is going to hell in a hand basket. 57% said that. 38% said it's going to be all right. >> that's not good for hillary. because her -- if she were to win, her term would be an extension of the obama administration. who do you trust to do a better job with the economy? the answer is donald trump. who do you trust to do a better job when it comes to government corruption. donald trump. who do you trust with terrorism? >> they're for the most part tied at that. >> jimmy fallon had donald trump on. he leads almost every monologue of mocking donald trump. he did two segments and ended the second one before he went to new hampshire with honoring this request from jimmy fallon. >> donald, i want to ask you, because the next time i see you you could be the president of the united states. i just wanted to know if there's something not presidential really or something that we can do now that we're both civilians. >> like what? >> i'm not liking the sound of this. >> can i mess your hair up? >> go ahead. >> yes. donald trump everybody. >> how crazy is -- >> he was so fascinated with the hair. proving that it's real. >> he must have a half a can of aqua net. >> i was talking to folks and they thought that was bad because they felt it simply is not presidential. i said i think -- so many people thought it's not real. this shows he's got a sense of humor. he's a good sport. what do you think? do you think it was appropriate for him to allow that to happen? do you think he knew going in they were going to do it at the end of the second segment? e-mail us. tweet us or facebook us. >> i think it made him look like he's got a real good sense of humor. >> i have an in-bed franklin focus group in my house. most of them like it. >> they're in bed. >> here's the thing. i think that it's just so interesting, that is the moment that hillary clinton possibly should fear come debate day. if it is going to be style or substance, that person, a person who reacts with personality and humility known for his confidence and cockiness wins people over. >> i'm sure he was talking to his staff, something to make the headlines. that was a good idea. donald trump could not say no. >> he could easily say no. don't touch the hair, i'm not coming on. >> he probably didn't -- >> i think he checked with him. >> shocked. did he look like no, i don't want him to touch my hair. he's an actor too. >> we just played the clip for you. what do you think? let us know. it's 6:11 in new york city. time for news. >> nice to be with everyone this morning. we begin with a maniac with a meat cleaver. there's brand new information for you about the man who a takds police officers in midtown manhattan leaving an officer seriously hurt. he was slashed from his temple to his throat. >> police confronted the man because he was trying to smash a boot off his car with a hammer. that's when he took off. an off-duty detective saw what was happening and tackled him. then he took out a meat cleaver slashing the officer. cops fired 18 bullets at him. this morning he's in critical condition. turns out, he's been arrested 15 times, has a history of violence against the police. tragedy striking the racing world. robby gordon's parents found dead in their california home. >> i'm so sad and i can't believe it. there will be a truth will come out what went down there. >> police investigating the deaths of off-road racing legend baja bob gordon and his wife as a possible murder-suicide. a rifle was found in the home. robby gordon wants people to know that his father was a good man. a 13-year-old boy is shot dead after pulling this bb gun on police. they say it looked identical to the handgun that officers carry. >> turns out to not be a firearm in the sense that it fires real bullets. but as you can see, it looks like a firearm that could kill you. >> police responding to reports of an armed robbery when he started running away. when they tried to take him into custody, he pulled a gun from his waistband and police opened fire. he later died. the officer will be placed on leave for at least a week lyle i. while the investigation determines whether charges are, in fact, warranted. those are a look at your headlines. more coming up later. >> thank you very much. it looked like a real gun. the mayor of columbus has asked for calm. already in our country illegally, now a group of immigrant students are demanding free college tuition on your dime. are you happy? >> hillary clinton back on the campaign trail. but can she come back from this? >> you can put half of trump supporters in what i call the basket of deplorables. >> the racist, sexist, homophobic -- >> lee carter is reading the dials on that, next. you wouldn't believe what's in this kiester. a farmer's market. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. siriusxm's free listening event that's might be over,ckin'. but now you can turn us back on with packages starting at $5.99 a month, plus fees. just call 855-874-7743 to keep hearing all the things that make you love taking the long way home. ♪ so call 855-874-7743 or visit to turn us back on. and up. at safelite, we know how busy life can be. these kids were headed to their first dance recital... ...when their windshield got cracked... ...but they couldn't miss the show. so dad went to the new safelite-dot-com. and in just a few clicks, he scheduled a replacement... ...before the girls even took the stage. safelite-dot-com is the fast, easy way to schedule service anywhere in america! so you don't have to miss a thing. y'all did wonderful! that's another safelite advantage. (girls sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ (girls sing) safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ donald trump hitting the campaign trail hard this week as hillary clinton makes a comeback yesterday after being sidelined by pneumonia. so what do voters think about the latest campaign attack? pollster lee carter puts some of the sound bites to the test. joins us live now. >> good morning to you. >> good morning. >> first sound bite is the sound bite of the week, correct? >> it is. >> deplorable you. >> to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of trump's supporters into what i call the basket of deplorab s deplorables. right? the racist, sexist, homophobic, islamaphobic, you name it. and unfortunately, there are people like that. and he has lifted them up. >> that did not rate well. >> it did not rate well, not even with democrats. democrats gave it a c. independents and republicans, it was on the floor there. they gave it an f. nobody likes an attack. that's the way it goes. the question is, is it going to stick and who does it stick to? >> this one made hillary clinton look bad. the deplorables, you don't attack the supporters. you can attack the candidates, not after the people. it sort of confirmed for folks that she doesn't like people, she's an elitist, looks down on trump supporters. the interesting thing, it's galvanizing and energizing republicans against her. we've all seen -- people are actually embracing the fact that they're deplorables and it's really not -- where we saw her go on a decline. >> another one while she was on bed rest, he was out in a hot room and took a shot at her. >> in this beautiful room that's 122 degrees. it is hot and it's always hot when i perform because the designed for this kind rooms of a crowd. i don't know, folks. you think hillary would be able to stand up here for an hour and do this? >> owe you can see independents and republicans reacted similar. they gave it a c-plus. democrats a d-minus. here's the deal. it was sort of a funny way of going after hillary clinton's health. it was more of -- it wasn't a kooky crazy thing he was after. people are talking about it. he addressed it. what kind of a grade would they give the hair? >> everybody would give it an a. the thing is, he wants to show he's having fun. he seemed like he was having fun with it. >> fun segment. thank you very much. lea carter. >> great to be here. >> coming up, the phones are on fire, literally on fire. should the samsung be banned from planes and trains and automobiles. the cyber guy is next on that. safety doesn't come in a box. it's not a banner that goes on a wall. it's not something you do now and then. or when it's convenient. it's using state-of-the-art simulators to better prepare for any situation. it's giving offshore teams onshore support. and it's empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesn't seem right. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. therthat can be serious,ere. even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. glad you're up. here are some headlines. you've heard this message from black lives matter, right? that's certainly inspiring. black lives matter leader is changing his tune because he was robbed. jerry ford jr. was robbed at gunpoint at his front door and is calling for more police patrols in his neighborhood. and a smoking habit hands detectives their smoking gun. nabbing their suspect after he left a cigarette butt with his dna all over it at the scene of the crime. he's under arrest nearly a year before he allegedly -- after he allegedly broke into that home. don't smoke. good advice. thank you, brian. two weeks and 2.5 million phones later. samsung announces the largest worldwide recall in the history of smartphone industry. the reason? dozens of the galaxy note 7 phones spontaneously are bursting into flames, in cars, restaurants, even in the hands of customers. one a 6-year-old little boy. the cyber guy is here with more on this expanding recall. >> worldwide. this is the largest phone recall in world history. good morning to you. we're talking about the samsung galaxy note 7. a phone that you heard of -- remember the timeline. it started back in august. it was the first time we started to hear this. this came out in august. we learned shortly thereof, there was one little problem here, one little problem there. it started in china. remember that first event. fires started happening all around the country. really just incredible battery was called -- the battery negative and positives too close inside the phone. this is a massive quality problem that samsung has to address. not just now, but with all of the these phones. they're causing the battery to heat up, overcharge and explode in many cases if not just catch on fire. >> curt, when we started talking about this last week, i was like, you know, it's never going to happen to us. this happened once and now i look at the timeline, cars are on fire, a 6-year-old boy in new york, the device explodes in his hand. this also happened in china. another car caught on fire. not just one or o two incidents. it's happened a light. yesterday when i was flying, i flew delta, i was getting on the plane. they made an announcement, if you have a galaxy note 7, turn it off and you're not allowed to get back on the plane. >> the big massive transit association of new york city, they lead the country in saying don't bring these on buses, don't bring them on trains, don't bring them on boats. they're simply not safe at this point. now, the next question is, you own one of these, what do you do? the big pickle is, samsung had not yet figured out how they're going to dress 2 1/2 million phones to be returned all at once. they're working on that issue. temporarily, they have two things you can do. number one, download a patch that's coming. it should be perhaps today where you can download this to your phone. what it's going to do is restrict the battery from being charged beyond 60%. sure, your battery life is cut in half but the likelihood of battery catching on fire is far less. number 2, you can walk it back into the retailer where you bought it except people are having a big tough time getting that accepted. right now, there's a trade-in program available where you can trade into a different phone at their cost plus a $25 gift return as a quick patch to this. >> hopefully they'll fix the problem and give people their money back. even if they don't, it's not worth it. take your phone in. >> don't throw it away. it's still worth something. >> hopefully, you can return it and get yug money back. samsung as a company, are they able to handle this? >> there's a ton of money on this phone and their reputation. the iphone 7 go on sale today. this could not be better? >> what are people going to do? interest in the iphone 7 was gigantic. but it wasn't like bam, wow, i can't wait to have that phone. samsung owners are thinking hard about getting an iphone. apple stock up huge numbers. they're up quite a bit. >> thank you, good to see you this morning. donald trump says his economic plan will make america work again. but will it cost america trillions? here to balance the debate you won't see anywhere else. they're already in our country illegally. now a group of immigrant students are demanding free college tuition on your dime. happy birthday to nick jonas. the singer is just 23 years old today. happy birthday, nick. hold onto your forks. endless shrimp is back at red lobster. that means you get to try as much as you want... ...of whatever flavors are calling your name. seriously. like new garlic sriracha-grilled shrimp. it's a little spice... ...a little sizzle... ...and a lot just right. and try new 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once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at i just wanted to say that it's always a lot of fun when you come up and the people don't have the teleprompter working, but that's okay. lucky i brought some notes. everything that is broken today can be fixed and every failure can be turned into a truly great success. just look at the way i melded into the teleprompter that just went on. who else could have pulled that off? okay? who else? >> that was donald trump yesterday as he unveiled his big economic plan to making america great again. critics say it will cost taxpayers trillions. here for a fair and balanced dee beebt. peter navarro and the see -- owe tan din. a clinton supporter. you heard about a tax cut to the tune of $4.4 trillion and a promise of 3.5 to 4% growth equaling 25 million jobs. does the math add up? >> yes, it adds up. it's important to understand that this is an economic plan, not a tax plan. it has three other components. regulatory, energy and trade. we wha we do to go from an abysmal 2% growth rate under obama and clinton to 3.5%. in other words, we're gaining a point and a half there. we're getting rid of our trade deficit. we're getting more investment on shore and we're getting rid of the $2 trillion regulatory burden. we're going to shave that by 10%. and from that, you get increments of growth. one gdp point is worth 1.2 million additional jobs we create a year. this is a good plan. you'll hear critics talk about trickle down. that's not what this is about. this is a whole new structural comprehensive plan and those critiques are tired. >> do you agree? >> oddly, i see it a little differently. in fact, it's funny. you know, i'm 5'2", i'd like to be 6 feet tall. but i'm not going to get there. donald trump is not going to get those growth targets. i mean, in fact, the targets are actually being mocked by independent analysis. just because you say you want 4% growth doesn't mean you'll get there. this tax plan, like the -- this is a third version of the tax plan, like the first two versions of the tax plan, drives a giant hole in the deficit while doing what the two previous plans did is give tax breaks to the wealthy. the sad part of this is that donald trump has been saying for a year that he's a champion of the middle class. yet, you puts forward a tax plan that really tells you a completely different story. >> can i say something? >> the vast majority -- let me just finish. >> i knew you were going to do this. you say it's a tax plan. it's an economic plan. its revenue-neutral. the beauty of the plan -- >> it's not revenue neutral. >> it's a static level. down 2.5 trillion with a tax. we pick up 2 trillion with the energy regulatory and trade. you need to open your eyes to this world. you want to be in a world of 2% growth. >> no, i don't. >> that we've been for 15%. the progressives, liberals and democrats got nothing on this issue. the best line in the speech. let me tell you. took over 200 years for this country to go to $10 trillion in debt. obama has doubled that in eight. that's what the liberals -- >> further develop the speech for a second. he also talks about renegotia renegotiating the trade deals and about bringing some of the violators to suing them. >> amen to that. >> number two, he does talk about having some of our allies pay tore the defense that we're supplying for them to balance out the budget. go ahead. >> sure. can i just -- >> the trade issue is we're running almost $800 billion trade. what that does is takes away almost a point of growth because we're putting our factories in mexico and china rather than in michigan, ohio, illinois and indiana. we cannot keep doing that and expect good things to happen. this plan was for the lower income, middle class people to get them jobs, tax relief and it's great. i love the child care deduction as well. if you can't love that, you can't love anything. >> go ahead. final thought. >> i think we just have to recognize and we talk about ending regulations. one of the things he's ending is food safety regulations. he also cutting vet -- the reality of this -- >> cut in regulation that the agency level. >> no. >> no specifics at this point. >> check the website. check the website. yesterday it said food safety regulations would be repealed. i think you should look at the details of this and see who this is really for. not for the middle class. >> number one, if we get 3.5 to 4% growth, it's great for everybody. >> sure. but we won't with this plan. >> we have something to talk about at the debate now. >> excellent. >> they can go at it. >> jobs, that's what we want to do. >> for sure. let's do this. >> promise not to interrupt you again. goodbye to you. >> back to you. >> they listened to you. >> sort of. >> we have other headlines that we're going to follow for you. gone in 40 seconds. we begin with that. a multimillion dollar jewel heist caught on camera in the middle of the day. four men decked out in all black smashing through glass with hammers. stuffing their bags with jewels. this happening in houston. customers and employees taking cover during the terrifying ordeal. police believe they may be part of a gang pulling off heists like this all across the country. no one was seriously injured, thank goodness. new jersey became the 11th state to allow the concealed carry of a gun without a permit. it's called constitutional carry requires no training and allows hidden guns anywhere, open carry is permitted. it creates a stand your ground rule, allowing people to defend themselves with a gun if they feel threatened and somewhere that they're legally allowed to be. it goes into effect january 1st. congress one step closer to blocking president obama's plan to close guantanamo bay. the house passing a bill banning the administration from transferring any of the 61 remaining detainees for the rest of the year. nine out of the 161 prisoners released under the obama administration have returned to battle. the white house has vowed to veto the bill if it passes the senate. finally, they're living in this country illegally. now students in north carolina, they think that they deserve to use your tax dollars to pay for college. a group of high school students are protesting since they do not qualify for a local scholarship program. they can't apply because they don't have social security numbers. but the program does help the illegals connect with schools that offer financial assistance. those are a look at your headlines so far. back to you with more. thank you very much, heather. >> thanks heather. this is an epidemic killing millions of americans every day. why is heroin being prescribed by doctors now? >> heroin? >> new numbers show more and more men are skipping work for watching tv down in the basement. the with us i have indication of america and he's coming up shortly. good morning, larry. if your heartburn medication's not doing its job... the food you eat during the day... music: loud mariachi band can also haunt you at night. so try nexium 24hr. just one pill each day... shuts down your stomach's active... acid pumps to stop the burn of frequent heartburn... all day and night. have we seen them before? ♪ banish the burn with nexium 24hr. across new york state, from long island to buffalo, from rochester to the hudson valley, from albany to utica, creative business incentives, infrastructure investment, university partnerships, and the lowest taxes in decades are creating a stronger economy and the right environment in new york state for business to thrive. let us help grow your company's tomorrow- today at 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(announcer vo) all your phones can work together on one number. you can move calls between phones, so conversations can go where you go. take your time. i'm not going anywhere. (announcer vo) and when you're not available, one talk helps find the right person who is. hi, john. (announcer vo) so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. introducing one talk-- another way verizon connects your business better. learn how at siriusxm's free listening event that's might be over,ckin'. but now you can turn us back on with packages starting at $5.99 a month, plus fees. just call 855-874-7743 to keep hearing all the things that make you love taking the long way home. ♪ so call 855-874-7743 or visit to turn us back on. and up. ♪ don't just eat. ♪ mangia! bertolli. quick look at headlines for you this morning. prescription heroin available in canada. doctors are legally allowed to give heavily addicted patients that drug. a small grade of heroin helps people who are not responding to other treatments. experts claim it can lessen patient's risk of an overdose or of an infection. the white house intention intentionally bearing a southern border report. critics say it's because the department of homeland security publicly reports 80% of illegals are caught when they cross the border. but there are new unreleased report shows 50% are actually caught. it's not expected to be released until, of course, after the election. now to a fox news alert. a police officer attacked with a meat cleaver in the middle of new york city by penn station. police shooting 18 times. >> before he slashed an officer from his temple down to his throat. >> channel 5's liz doll a.m. live from new york city with a look at the rap sheet for the suspect. it all started, he discovered the cops had booted his car. >> reporter: and he was not happy about it. good morning to you, steve, brian and ainsley. that's what started all of this. it was very scary for anyone commuting near penn station last night. all of this happening during the height of the evening rush. people saw police chasing this man wielding this meat cleaver. he was trying to fight the cops off with it. this all started around 30th street last night around 5:00 when he saw that a boot was put on his car. a car that he had been living in. the suspect, 32 years old. officers confronted him and he pulled out that meat cleaver striking one officer with it. but he refused to drop the weapon and police tried to tase him to no avail. he then proceeded to run down 7th avenue, climbed on to an nypd squad car and it just so happened an off-duty detective named brian o'donnell was passing by and tackles the suspect to the ground. then the man took the meat cleaver and cut o'donnell from the temple down to his jaw. we're told that o'donnell is in serious but stable condition this morning. they were left with no option but to fire their guns. 18 shots were released and the suspect was struck. he was taken to a local hospital. nypd commissioner bratton spoke out just last night saying he was proud of the way his officers handled the situation and were able to take down this armed suspect. >> the officers fired sufficient rounds to stop the attack on the officers. i want to commend them for their bravery and performance of duty. >> reporter: nypd investigators were asked if they thought this may be some type of terrorist lone wolf attack. they're saying at this point, they're not ruling anything out. live in midtown manhattan. back to you in the studio. >> liz, thank you very much. who has a meat cleaver in their car? >> right. unbelievable. just to think the danger these guys and women are in. a lot of times around 5:30 i'm by there. if every two feet was another person, how do you get off 18 shots and not hit any bystanders. >> this guy took it personally they booted his car because he was living in his car. >> everyone say a prayer for that officer. she was trusted to protect our vets, instead, she's accused of falsifying records, evading her taxes and much more. so why was she still getting paid? >> good question. >> she seems happy. plus, more and more men are skipping work to lay around on the couch and watch tv. >> sounds great. >> we hope they watch fox news. all while you pay the tab. he wants to psyche you up. we ship everything you atcan imagine.n, and everything we ship has something in common. whether it's expedited overnight... ...or shipped around the globe,'s handled by od employees who know that delivering freight... ...means delivering promises. od. helping the world keep promises. : . . . . >> almost two terms as your president, i am here to tell you that i'm more optimistic about our future than i've ever been. we fought our way back from the worst recession in 80 years, we turned around a declining economy. our businesses created 15 million new jobs. >> well, the administration is painting a rosy picture of the economy but one thing that remains unspoken with the 7 million men ages 25 to 54 who are out of the labor force. >> what are they doing? many of these men have let go of their duties as bread winners only to pursue their own personal gratification and wussification. here to discuss is mr. larry wingate. why? >> lazy, unmotivated, end entitled. the problem is it's not they can't find a job, they are not bothering to look for a job. they are deciding to be unemployed, non-employed. >> why not, and why not in past generations has been an issue. when i was younger, if you wanted stuff, there was only one way to get stuff, you went out and worked for your stuff. your parents weren't going to give it to you and the government wasn't going to show up with a tv and money and health care and college and all that. you had to earn it. not the case anymore, you can sit back from cradle to grave and have a house full of stuff, and no one expects anything from you. >> in a bad economy, since 2007, 2008, there just aren't enough jobs. >> that's a dumb argument. >> so one guy winds up sitting on the couch and next guy sees that guy -- back in the olden days there was a lot of self-respect, i know there aren't any jobs, i'm going to keep looking until i find one. >> it's an issue of self-respect. when you believe that contributing to society will make you a better person and you've been taught that by your parents, you will go out and contribute but what you said is key. we're not holding these people responsible to the point that there's any downside and when we let people get by with this kind of behavior, there's no reason for me to say just as you did if you can get by with it, then you can get by it, we could all get by with it and pretty soon we have a lot of people not doing anything to go out and earn their money and we'll all support them. >> why men? >> because most of these guys, if you look at the study, they are not married. maybe they don't have a wife there pushing them. >> that could be it. where do you go from pride where some people say that could be a detriment to being self-assured? >> self-assured, that's taught to you by your parents. we don't have a society where parents teach their kids to feel good about who they are based on contribution. we tell kids they are special and they are not special. they are only special to you because they are your kids. when they go out in the world, they are only special if they contribute. >> right. it's all about productivity. >> what do you say to the people about -- you know, i want you to find something you are passionate about. >> don't even say "passion" really. passion is defined as a barely controllable emotion. that's not what we should have running our lives. >> you want to go to work and be happy. >> that's your business. it's not your employer's business to be happy. you decide to be happy. >> one of the worst things to tell someone is they don't have to go to work, they don't have to have an identity and be successful. you cannot have pride if you haven't done anything. >> what are the consequences for not doing anything? there's no motivation to go out and work. >> millions of people are sitting on the couch watching us, they are able-bodied. larry, we're becoming soft. >> wussification is what you call that. >> larry, hold it, we sit on the couch. >> the difference is we're getting paid. >> those guys are getting paid to do that too. they are on the dole every no. -- month. they get on the couch and get a check. >> when welfare started, you were only allowed to get one for a few weeks. it was help to you get off your feet and get a job. >> a temporary hand off. >> now people are living on it year after >> generation after . >> a crutch. larry has got a new book coming out. it's going to be? >> "what's wrong with them, they are everything." >> it's a thousand pages long. bill clinton is known among democrats as the closer but some are now saying he's losing his luster. fair-and-balanced debate are coming up. a fashion fail by a designer. why so many people are outraged by that photo right there. ♪ i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. i know more about isis then the generals do. john mccain, a war hero. he's not a war hero, he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured ok. donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. how would you answer that father? what sacrifice have you made for your country? i think i've made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. i've had tremendous success, i think... those are sacrifices? [ rear alert sounds ]," [ music stops ]on ] ♪ on the road again ♪ just can't wait to get on the road again ♪ [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ♪ on the road again ♪ like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ♪ [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just $199 a month. stage four cancer. and i was shocked. the plan at that point was to start chemo. every three weeks i would get my chemo infusion. it would work for a few months then would quit working again. my oncologist ordered the genomic testing. if they've exhausted all of our standard agents, then we offer advanced genomic testing. in lynn's case, the result of that testing showed that her cancer had two actionable mutations. an actionable mutation is a genetic abnormality in that particular patient's cancer cell for which we have a targeted therapy. i feel great, i've just basically put cancer in the back of my mind. i think it was the best decision of my life to go to cancer treatment centers of america. it feels good to get your life back. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn how advanced genomic testing is changing the way we fight cancer at appointments available now. good friday morning to you and your family. it's september is 16th, 2016. i'm ainsley earhardt. trump to the top, brand-new fox news poll shows the nominee is surging as hillary is stumbling. hillary takes to the trail after taking a few sick days and throwing her staff under the bus. >> my campaign says they could have been faster. i agree with that. i should have taken time off earlier and i have. >> she took six questions from reporters. we'll tell you what they were about. and donald trump has a hair-raising experience on the tonight show with jimmy fallon. wow, and he went off to new hampshire for an appearance. is that a good move or bad move for his image? let me remind you unless you know something new about our slogan and that's mornings are better with friends. what are you doing over there? >> have you found your folder yet? >> i have a fold -- >> we all have folders. >> that's my folder. there's your folder. >> you collapsed it into your folder. how did you lose it? >> i make fun of it, you have a stack of stuff. >> because we don't usually take a wide shot. if we take a wide shot, i look slop pirks but a narrow shot, i look neat. >> here's lauren, lauren was out here on wednesday and straightening it up. >> now you know what my wife goes through. i can't help it. >> on myside, i got a phone, some papers, and as you can see, america runs on dunkin'. >> which you have every day. >> i have it every day. it's delicious. it's very strong. >> now you know what's happening behind the scenes but let's talk about the election. >> let's do. >> hillary clinton is back to business after her health scare but the controversy is drawing some headlines and some questions from reporters. >> the democratic nominee even throwing her own campaign under the bus when she was forced to respond. >> fox news chief national correspondent ed henry made all the appearances yesterday. you worked the sources and has the latest from both campaigns. >> good morning, guys. it was wise man steve doocy who reminded us that james brown died of pneumonia. it was a little awkward for hillary clinton to pick "i feel good" as her anthem in south carolina. reporters actually asked her which tv show she had been binge watching. >> she said she's sad that the cbs "the good wife" is now down and she's excited "madam secretary" is coming back. after her speech, she took some questions. reporters asked her about the information blackout about her health scare last sunday. rather than taking responsibility herself, she says "they" as in her staff could have done a better job. >> my campaign has said they could have been faster. i agree with that. i should have taken time off earlier, i didn't, now i have. and i'm back on the campaign trail. >> the other big question is voters may not care about the inside baseball when the press found out about her diagnosis of pneumonia. why did she wait two days to tell tim kaine? he faced a scary moment with a protester in new hampshire. she rushed the stage and grabbed the microphone and demanded he formally apologize to native americans. hillary was faced with questions why she didn't tell tim kaine she had pneumonia on friday but waited until sunday. >> my staff knew. i communicated with tim. i talked to him last night. we communicated. i'm not going to go into our personal conversations. >> notice, how she kept saying we communicated in general. not answering the specific question about why at least 48 hours passed between friday and sunday to tell her vice-presidential pick. probably only a handful of people knew about that diagnosis because of secrecy around the clintons. if elected, will she let her vice president know about it? >> not hear about it on tv. ed started out with the fact that "i feel good" by james brown. who died from pneumonia. she clearly needs a new song. what songs could she use? >> she will eventually call in. she's starting to do that more and more. >> you want to have a bet. i bet you a dollar she does not? >> today? >> no, not today. she will call in before the election. 53 days. countdown to her call. >> not come in. you think a call. >> make sure we keep the lines open. i don't want her to get a busy signal. there's been a lot of things happening with this campaign, between the email revelations, the collaborations of the clinton foundation. the deplorables on friday. now you got donald trump with a new discipline to his campaign which is on policy and much of it on the prompter, combine those two events and check out these polls. >> that might be why he's up in the polls. look at this latest fox news poll showing more people prefer donald trump against hillary clinton if it's just the two of them in the race. he's up by one point. it is neck and neck, guys. >> when you ask people how they feel things are going? a majority of people feel we're in the ditch. are things in the world, are we going to hell in a handbasket. >> why did you laugh? every time you think of basket, what did you think about? >> deplorable. >> when everyone said donald trump was moving up, inside the battleground states, he's not making any progress. really, did you see the iowa poll and the fox news poll has trump up 45 to 37 on top of the fact that two separate polls that he's leading in florida and ohio. >> in arkansas, trump is ahead by 28 points. >> that's amazing. >> people are so fascinated with him and fascinated with his success and really fascinated with his hair. he was on jimmy fallon last night and asked him this question and watch this video. it's pretty funny. >> oh, boy. >> donald, i want to ask you because the next time i see you you can be the president of the united states. i just wanted to know if there's something we could do that's just not presidential really or something that we can do now that we're just both civilians like -- >> like what? i'm not liking the sound of it. go ahead. >> can i mess your hair up? [ laughter ] >> he said yes. go ahead. >> my hair. >> trump, everybody! >> it's real. he's hair is real. he's been on this couch. touch his hair in the past. >> i touched his hair, when he was talking about his hair, i said can i touch it and it was real. >> i think to show his softer side you think it was planned. if you weren't joining us for the first hour, brian said he thought this was planned and coordinated. >> steve agrees with me. i think they have to check with big names like this. >> jimmy fallon, they actually run through the show. they talk about what's going to happen and so i bet they said at the end, would it be occasion if we messed up your hair. >> but donald looked so shocked by it. he's not an actor and jimmy fall lon -- he knew if he asked him to do it, he wasn't able to say no. he had to do it on live tv. i don't think it was planned. >> we had this debate earlier. not a very presidential thing, is it, to have somebody's hair messed up like that? we asked you what your comments were and we got a lot of them. >> would jack parr have done this to jfk. >> proves he is a man with confidence and a sense of humor, even when it is directed at him. shows he has more personality than given credit for. >> messing up trump's hair made me smile in a good way. we can all use that. i didn't take it as disrespectful. >> yes, it was funny. that's what you do on fallon, be funny, shows trump is the real deal and has a sense of humor. >> remember, jimmy kimmel, you are plenty strong, open up this jar of pickles. clearly that was gone over. >> people out in the twitter verse realized that the pickle jar had been preopened because when it didn't pop, vacuum seal. >> if you open up pickles especially heard the pop and write us. >> do not eat the pickles. >> pickles don't go bad. >> someone could put something in it. when you buy pickles and you don't hear that pop, throw it away. >> talk to your family because someone could have opened it up and put it away. >> with everyone at home, we begin with the follow-up to the story it happened yesterday. listen to this. new information a maniac with a meat cleaver, brand-new info coming out about the man who attacked officers in the middle of midtown manhattan, one officer seriously injured. slashed all the way from his temple to his throat. [ gunshots ] >> police confronted him because he was trying to smash a boot off of his car with a hammer. that's when he took off. an off duty detective saw what was happening and talkds him. he pulled out this 11-inch meat cleaver and attacked the police officer. he's been arrested is 15 times before. he has a history of violence against the police. tragedy striengs the racing world. former nascar driver robbie gordon's parents found dead in an parent murder-suicide. >> i'm so sad. i can't believe it. the truth will come out what happened there. >> baja bob gordon strangled his wife sharon before shooting himself dead. robby wants people to know that his father was a good man. the first female shoulder to ever attempt green beret special forces training just washed out. she passed the physical fitness portion of the test and made it through half the 21 day course but was unable to complete the land navigation phase of training. u.s. soccer standing up against a star player taking a knee. megan rapinoe taking a knee. as part of the privilege to represent our country, we have an expectation that our players and coaches will stand and honor our plag while the national anthem is played. those are a look at your headlines. there will be a lot of response to that. >> u.s. soccer is doing something the nfl wouldn't. that's fantastic. >> good for them. straight ahead, bill clinton is known among democrats as the closer. some are now saying he's losing his luster. a fair-and-balanced debate coming your way. she's accused of falsifying records, evading taxes and much more, so why is she still getting paid? ! you wouldn't believe what's in this kiester. a farmer's market. a fire truck. even a marching band. and if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. for any sort of discomfort in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. at safelite, we know how busy life can be. these kids were headed to their first dance recital... ...when their windshield got cracked... ...but they couldn't miss the show. so dad went to the new safelite-dot-com. and in just a few clicks, he scheduled a replacement... ...before the girls even took the stage. safelite-dot-com is the fast, easy way to schedule service anywhere in america! so you don't have to miss a thing. y'all did wonderful! that's another safelite advantage. 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(announcer vo) so wherever work takes you, you can put your customers first. introducing one talk-- another way verizon connects your business better. learn how at siriusxm's free listening event that's might be over,ckin'. but now you can turn us back on with packages starting at $5.99 a month, plus fees. just call 855-874-7743 to keep hearing all the things that make you love taking the long way home. ♪ so call 855-874-7743 or visit to turn us back on. and up. parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. ♪ first i'm glad to have a chance to stand in for hillary today. she did it for me for a long time. it's about time i showed up and did it for her. >> there, bill clinton, on wednesday stepping in for his wife. many democrats think bill has lost his luster. leaving many to discuss has he lost his luster as the closer. >> we're going to to start with you, richard. item in politico, you know what, top democrats don't regard bill clinton as the closer anymore. president obama is the top tier. he's down there with joe biden. the democrats have a very deep bench, you remember the democrats are so week and look at the strength. look at barack, and joe biden and tim kaine, when they need someone to fill in for hillary clinton is bill clinton. the contrast between the last republican presidents by all accounts seem repulsed by their nominee and one who called donald trump a nativist and isolationist. that's not something you want to hear from the last republicans in the office. >> a lot of republicans are not on team trump. the problem with bringing bill clinton out. he's going to talk about what happened when richard was advising him during the clinton years. it's like i got to tell you back in the 2000s man could i do it and reminds people of the olden days and not the future. >> it's interesting because you say that because hillary is having a problem with the millennial vote. i myself is too young to vote for whrict. if you are the average college freshman, you were born in 1998. you have no recollection of what the bill clinton presidency was. it's tough to bring him back because what it does it reminds everybody of the politics of the past and he had a lot of controversial things that he did related to crime. >> he was impeached. most millennials don't realize that. >> that's right. the biggest problem this is a change election. this is an anti establishment kind of burn the house election in d.c. and whenever you bring out bill clinton it reminds everybody that she embodies the establishment. she is the establishment. >> richard when you look at the fox news poll we had a minute ago, majority of americans feel like we're going to hell in a handbasket. she would be a continuation of the hell in a handbasket administration a majority of feel. >> right. which doesn't correlate that president obama is at a 58% approval rating. the fact is that what you won't mention is that under the last clinton administration, we had 23 million jobs created. the most robust economic growth ever and obama, we had 18 months of private sector job growth, cutting taxes, government, waste, fraud, and abuse and cutting regulation. we heard from donald trump yesterday, that was george bush's platform and it led to the biggest collapse since the depression. >> morgan we're out of time for today. thank you for joining us live. are you saving enough for retirement? our next guest is saying probably not. ideas coming up next. for fastidn emily skinner, each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come. well somewhere along the way, emily went right on living. but you see, with the help of her raymond james financial advisor, she had planned for every eventuality. ...which meant she continued to have the means to live on... ...even at the ripe old age of 187. life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. your expenses and boost that savings account? here to answer your money questions, ramsey solutions finance expert and my friend and author of "retired, inspired" chris hogan. good to see you. >> good morning. >> what does the study reveal? >> it he reveals we have a crisis. we have people that aren't looking this situation and acknowledging it. one in ten are saving for retirement. you got 59% of baby boomers have nothing saved. that's alarming to me. ths one of things that if we don't change the course and path we're on, we're going to have a lot of people working longer and much harder than they ever had before. >> why aren't people saving for retirement? >> they have life getting in the way. it's a lack of focus and understanding how serious this is. when we begin to look in the study, we understand that it is living expenses day-to-day, number one, and then you have the credit cards, and then you have more mortgages and medical bills and so beginning to understand those issues, the thing that alarms me is the living expenses. that's the stuff that we all make excuses for that we need. but what where we really drag and dig into it, we have to understand the want and a need the. >> many of us live for today and not wanting to think about tomorrow. we have a question from viewers. beck ka lives in hawaii. she said my husband and i are 50 and 43. we live in hawaii where the cost of living is very high and sceeps us from being able to save. what can we do to start saving? >> you may have to relocate. you live in a very expensive area. the cost of living is going to be higher because of all the ameniti amenities, the surroundings. talk about your options. can you relocate? is there a cheaper island to move to or maybe you have to come back mainland. i'm being honest. if you don't get your cost of living under control, you will never be able to live your dreams. maybe they should move out to tennessee. my wife and i are debt-free except for our house. should we max out our roth ira at 17% of our income or work to pay off the house first? >> great job. that means you gave yourself a raise by getting out of debt. so what i would do is this, back down your investing to 50% of your annual household income and then begin to focus on saving for college if you have kids and attacking the mortgage. i don't want you to bring a mortgage into your retirement dreams. i want you to go into retirement being completely debt-free, able to use your money how you like. >> wouldn't that be wonderful. ann from ohio says my husband and i were forced into retirement before we were ready. we have no debt except a mortgage and our only income is from parttime jobs, social security and a pension. what steps should we take to retire? >> well, ann, i cannot imagine being push toward retirement, it's not a pleasurable thing. everybody wants to be wanted. here's what i want for you, i want you to get intentional and understand just because you were pushed out doesn't mean you can't work somewhere. go to my website, chris hogan go your ioq. then i want you to plug in and get a plan and be on purpose with your money. you still have time to work. you still have an opportunity to chase your dreams. >> it's so easy. i've done it. i've gone ton his website. you can answer a few questions and you can if i can -- figure out in a matter of minutes how much you need to retire. go get his book too. it's called "retire inspired." are you part of donald trump's basket of deplorables? well, now you can literally wear it on your sleeve. judge jeanine pirro is next. find out why so many people are outraged. should we put up the photo? find out why people are outraged by that picture right there. >> we have republican presidential nominee donald trump on the show tonight which means security very tight on their way in. everyone in the audience had to put their keys into a tray and their deplorables into a basket and it took forever. it took a long time. >> are you a tray person or basket person? judge jeanine poins us now. suddenly people on line are starting to sell stuff. we found some of these things onnettesy -- etsy. >> look at the t-shirts. look at the middle one. there's a basket and what does it say underneath it? >> i'm in that basket of deplorables. >> proud to be a deplorable. >> this is going wild. >> deplorable me. >> look at this one. >> i like that one. >> then there are buttons. >> i like that. >> that's a great bracelet. i'll take that. >> i admit i'm a deplorable. i'm proud to be a deplorable. >> i guess we're not getting a close-up of that. okay. >> this is odd. is this on the trump website? >> no. etsy. >> this is very donald trump to get this. >> you know what the name of his cologne is, success. >> here you go. deplorable. >> you can have the bracelet. as a lovely parting gift. >> the fact that she made this statement, it's going to stay with this campaign. remember in 47 and mitt romney and that number, there was some truth to that, hello. this is something that i believe is the turning point in her campaign where people are going to dig their heels in and say you know what, you are arrogant, condescending, you want to call us deplorable. >> they successfully parried to get him to talk about david duke. that's who they are talking about. next thing you know the vice-presidential nominee is getting questions about it. maybe that was the goal but judging by what we're seeing in the polls, it's blown up in their face. >> i can't imagine that -- i understand how they turn it and spin it to their benefit, but i can't imagine it was planned where let's go off on half of trump supporters, half of those going to vote, let's call them horrible people and when she said they are not america, i was like whoa, does that mean if she's president, she doesn't care about me? i think. >> we found out that tim kaine didn't find out she had pneumonia. he found out with all of us on monday. >> isn't it interesting how she answered the question? well, i told my senior people. she didn't tell tim kaine. he's a great vice president. when i was a judge on a witness stand, answer the question. yes or no. that's it. i don't want to hear all the other stuff. in politics, you pivot, that's what she does. he didn't know. she didn't tell him and this whole thing about her health and, you know, can't a girl just have a sick day? it's much more serious than that. we've been watching this candidate and look we've all had cold or pneumonia or an allergy. she is 68, 69 years old, 69 years old. it's a little more serious at that point, and then when we find out she's hugging a little girl when she has pneumonia, oh, it's noncontagious pneumonia. they are writing the script as we go along. >> just the fact when she collapsed, a week ago or rather this past sunday, 9/11, and threw her into the van and drove her to chelsea's apartment rather than a level i trauma unit which is the standard protocol for the secret service to do and she didn't see her doctor for another hour or two. the secrecy around it reminded people. >> as she comes out of the apartment as we see on the screen right now. >> or the body double. >> or the body double as some people are saying. they looks like a different person for me. where's secret service or -- security? >> they did have wide shot. >> how did the little girl get through it? >> that's a photo op. donald trump has to look out, the birther comment, do you think president obama is born here. i'm not going to answer that. >> they said yes. put that one away. mr. trump needs to put that one away. end of the story. let's move on. there are too many issues like what's going on right now in the country. >> he does think he was born in the united states. >> speaking of the new border patrol hammered by an august surge in illegal activity. >> normally in august, at the end of the summer, there is a reduction in the number of those coming across the border. that is not the case right now. what we are seeing is not just 10,000 syrian refugees coming into the country but we expect in 2017 that there will be 110,000 syrian refugees. but even more than that, we're still talking central america. did you know that they are still coming in from central america? these huge surges and we've got 64,000 family units. a family unit is not one person. it's like a lot of people, mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, 46 kids. cats, dogs, coyotes. >> do you want to hear that mexico is building a wall on their southern border? >> who is going to pay for that? >> mexico. >> we're talking about emotional wellness for the refugees, medicaid assistance, cash and all kinds of programs for them. $4.6 million for emotional wellness. maybe we should leave them here and give them $4.6 million for emotional wellness. >> judge, thank you for making a house call. >> i get the bracelet. >> try to sneak in some opinion. >> i will. >> it is 7:40 here in new york city. 20 before 8:00 and heather has got the news. we've got stories we've been following all morning long. a va official who was supposed to be fired, gets rewarded. the agency's inspector general and an in-house disciplinary board recommended the employee be fired. after she hired a lawyer, she promised to discipline her and gave her a letter of positive recommendation. and john boehner taking his smoking habit to the next level. >> i wish i didn't have this bad habit. it's something i choose to do. >> the former speaker of the house has a hot new gig. allah loves cleanliness, that message behind a homework assignment given to second graders. the school has apologized. they claimed that the teacher quickly downloaded sheets on line without reviewing the hand out. and marc jacobs criticized for using white models with dreads. >> was that one of the kardashian girls? >> i know gigi hadid was there. >> she's to cute. >> they are 18-year-old models. >> this is the girls night out. >> the male producers are like rap. enough of that. donald trump unveiling his plan to make the economy great again, but will it put americans back to work? stuart varney came here. and we're celebrating national pet appreciation week with a green room full of those adorable little guys. hey, buddy, come on in here. >> are they on the couch? >> we're going to tell you how to choose the perfect pet for your family depending on your personality. >> hey, stu! >> hey. music: suspenseful ♪ if your heartburn medication's not doing its job... the food you eat during the day... music: loud mariachi band can also haunt you at night. so try nexium 24hr. just one pill each day... shuts down your stomach's active... acid pumps to stop the burn of frequent heartburn... all day and night. have we seen them before? ♪ banish the burn with nexium 24hr. we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! 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"or something"? you don't just graduate from medical school, "or something." and we don't just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and hand-slice avocado. there's nothing "or something" about it. it is national pet appreciation week. we appreciate you. if you are looking to add a fury friend to your family, choosing the right pet can be quite a challenge. thankfully, there's a lot of products to make that process easier. if you want a huge dog, brian can talk to you about that. >> here to break it down is the pet expert from "animal planet." welcome back. >> thanks for having me back. >> you gave ainsley what? >> peaches. peaches is a little chihuahua mix who is up for adoption here in the humane society in new york. >> he likes you. >> don't tell me that. >> you have to pick the right dog for the right family. the active family, where do we go? >> i think the most important thing people need to consider is you need to give careful consideration to your choice. it's going to be a 15-year commitment. going to your local shelter and humane society is a great option. people have a great opportunity tomorrow at all tractor supply stores across the country. they are having an adoption event. >> if you are an active family. >> a smaller dog can actually be very high energy and suitable for hiking. i wouldn't say peaches would be. peaches is not a hiker. >> brian is asking about the active family. what if you have a lazy family that's inactive and doesn't want to do the out door stuff, like my family. >> if you are more of a sedate person that likes to hang out in the couch, people should consider adopting a senior dog. they are more mellow and house trained already. you need to choose foods for them that are formulated for senior dogs. >> the laid back family can go for a shut -- shi. zu. >> and a greyhound. >> how do you teach little kids responsibility with a dog? >> that's a great question. people say to me oftentimes how do you choose a dog that's good with kids? it goes two ways. the kids need to know how to be responsible. the big part of that is make sure they are part of training in a positive way. making sure sure they go on vet visits with you. >> cooling beds, it's a very good thing for dogs. and it's a big day on saturday. >> you can adopt a dog or a cat. you can find things you need for them, beds, toys. we've got our rough ware vest. great for hiking. >> the pet toys are fun for you. you would play in the green room with this gator. >> ths a snake. >> all right, brian and ainsley, thank you very much. there's a little squeak. another state letting gun owners pack heat without a permit. what's the catch? plus we have a big program ahead. geraldo rivera is here. we've got lots to talk about. you may approach the couch. >> thank you. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. good morning to you and your family. it's friday, september 16th, 2016. i'm anlsly earhardt. trump is on top now. brand-new fox news polls shows trump is surging as hillary stumbles. latinos comes to trump's defense. harold -- geraldo rivera coming up. >> donald trump has a hair-raising experience on the "tonight" show with jimmy fallon. is that a good move or bad move for the maybe president of the united states? let me remind you our slogan, mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jon voight is going to be with us this hour. back in the day, we were talking about this earlier this morning, we tried to find the video. once upon a time, jon voight was on this program when we were back in studio a. >> now o'reilly's studio. >> he was actually the director of our program for one hour. >> and how was that hour? >> i think we have ten seconds of it. >> guys, look, look, fellows, ina camera to come on these people, i want people to see their faces. this is television. this wide shot does us no good. >> that's right. the medium of close-up. >> should we get him to direct this morning again. >> i think we're undirectible. >> today, he is via satellite. we're remembering that. we'll have a close-up on him very shortly and geraldo. a dramatic store. a maniac with a meat cleaver. brand-new information just coming in about the man who attacked officers right here in the midtown manhattan area leaving one officer seriously injured. that officer slashed from his temple all the way to his throat. police confronted him they say that he was trying to smash a boot of 0 of his car with a hamer and that's when he took off. an off duty detective on his way home saw what was happening and tackled him. he pulled out an 11-inch meat cleaver slashing the officer. cops fired 18 bullets at him and this morning he's in critical condition. turns out he's been arrested 15 times before. he has a history of violence against police. tragedy striking the racing world, former nascar driver robbie gordon's parents found dead in their california home in an apparent murder-suicide. >> i'm so sad and i can't believe it, and there will be -- the truth will come out what went down there. >> police say off road racing legend baja bob gordon strangled his wife sharon before shooting himself dead. gone in 40 seconds, a multimillion dollar jewel heist caught on camera. four men dressed in all smashed the glass with hammers. customers and kploes taking cover as broken glass flying all around the store. no one was seriously injured. finally, donald trump lets his hair down on the tonight show with jimmy fallon. >> i'm not liking the sound of it. >> can i mess your hair up? >> go ahead. my hair is fine. >> donald trump everybody! yep, that happened. fall fallon making the request because he wanted to do one last unpresidential thing with trump just in case he makes the white house before appearing on the show again. >> it wasn't just a little bit. he went for it. >> we've been asking this question all morning long. is this a humanizing moment or is this unpresidential? geraldo rivera is here. >> you can mess up my hair any time, ainsley. >> i think that was a very humanizing moment. i think his hair is the butt of endless jokes. the theories how it's combed over and pinned and this and that, and you have camera angles. i thought -- i was very -- i was deeply impressed by the fact that it was so resilient. >> he was having a good time. why shouldn't he? brand-new polls came out yesterday where it is a horse race. he is actually -- it's within the margin of error but he is on top for a change. 46-45. he's having a really good week and she's had a really bad week. >> really bad time. i think that it goes back to august, steve, when she made the decision to do fundraising rather than campaign appearances, deescalated one and emphasized the other. disappeared basically. left the field to donald trump and he really has gone with kelly ann at the helm of his campaign, very much more presidential. issue paper after issue paper. and then the illness, the last time i was on this couch, saturday morning, everyone was looking forward to september 11th, to the commemoration of it. and what happened? she had the undisclosed pneumonia. almost passed out. rick leventhal was the few who spotted -- >> he was the only one. the first. >> to see her frail, to, you know, lethargic in many ways, contrasted to the ebullient trump, the big blustering trump is very stark and now she has to make it back. yesterday, i think her resurfacing was a step in that direction. she definitely was not filled with zest let's say and i think she really must show that she has the -- and i hate to come back to his word because i think he meant it pejoratively. the stamina. >> the mainstream media painted it to be she just stumbled. >> they were dragging her by the toes there. >> his own son said it would be interesting to see what the polls would look like if the mainstream media report it the way they should in a nonbiased way. there are a group of latino leaders are upset with how jo jose -- jorge ramos is reporting this. >> he doesn't make any bones that he wants hillary to win. >> he's their new guys. >> let me say as kindly as i can, it is not unprecedented for brafleters and news people to choose news sides, you got to make a zinks between -- distinction between fact and opinion reporters. i cut him a little bit of slack. within the hispanic community, it's not one mono lithic hispanic community. let me talk about nation groups, mexico, central america, that's the group i think represented by jorge ramos. these are people who have been the -- taken the brunt of mr. trump's wrath about the southern border and so forth. this is the group that he targeted with the rapist-drug dealer comment, in my view, ill-conceived comments and in his very announcement. so he's been the enemy of that group and their perception and then the media's character zaks za -- characterization right from the get go. there are are other latinos and the cuban americans have been embraced by the gop. they get favored status when they come into this country. unlike other immigrants, if they can touch the sand, the presumption is they are political refugees. cuban americans have voted gop. bush v. gore, a tie vote in florida, the key state,hoever won florida won the presidency of the united states. the cuban voters gave the election, i submit, to george w. bush. they were key. now, jump cut to this 2016. once again, loonts in florida -- latinos in floo will -- florida will determine who will win the presidency. it won't be the same latinos, it won't be the cubans in south. it will be the puerto ricons who have relocated between orlando, daytona beach and tampa. >> their economic strife is forcing people out. they are choosing florida for the most part but the polls don't show he's done well in florida even at his lowest point. >> the polls show he's leading in florida. >> they do and they are stunning, but the key to the latino vote and remember mitt romney got 27% of his lost. george w. bush got 47% and won. the key will be turnout. in the mid term elections in 2014, the turnout was in the mid 20s among the latino voters. if that's the turnout, no doubt trump wins. if it stays that low. that's what jorge ramos is concerned about. >> he's trying to energize his waech -- base. >> that's why univision has been trying to get out the vote. >> 32% of people of americans say they have a great deal or a fair amount of trust when it comes to the media. only 32%. the rest don't trust the media. >> i've been in the media a long time -- >> you are part of the problem, apparently. >> part of the problem for many years, but i remember this was the tone also during the nixon -- he ran in '68 and '72, of course, and the media was the enemy back in -- the in those days. it really was just the elites. there were no fox news outlets at that time. so the media through am radio became the enemy. distrust or trust of the media kind of impose -- goes up and down and the media is an easy whipping boy. now that you have opinion media, they choose sides, you are guaranteed to offend half the country with whatever side that you take. >> that's one of the reasons why people tend to watch the channels tor listen to the radio that reflects their point of view. >> they want to hear stuff that they nod along too. >> the rush limbaugh echo chamb chamber. >> that's why i love the couch. you never know where i'm going to come from. >> you never, ever know. >> i sit down here and i start a sentence, i have no idea where it's ending. >> next event in the race toward the white house will be the debate. >> right. >> that's going to be telling. when you see he and she together on the stage. >> one of the dangers to hillary clinton of having bill clinton and more importantly barack obama campaigning for her is they are so much more vivacious, energetic than she is. she has to show when she stands up at that debate forum that not only does she master the policy but she has the verve, she has the passion, the style over distance substance and she's going to bait him to looking like a bully. >> remember rick lazio and she looked down her nose. that ruined his life. hillary went on to win. that perception would be reality in terms of the debate. >> thank you very much. >> pleased to be here. >> have a great weekend. straight ahead on our show, hillary hits the trail after taking a couple of sick days, immediately throws her staff under the bus, for example. >> my campaign has said that they could have been faster, and i agree with that. i should have taken time off earlier. i didn't. now, i have, and i'm back on the campaign trail. >> you never told them i had pneumonia, how dare you? another state letting gun owners pack heat without a permit. which states is that? stay tuned. we'll tell you. energy is a complex challenge. people want power. and power plants account for more than a third of energy-related carbon emissions. the challenge is to capture the emissions before they're released into the atmosphere. exxonmobil is a leader in carbon capture. our team is working to make this technology better, more affordable so it can reduce emissions around the world. that's what we're working on right now. ♪ energy lives here. hillary clinton is back to business after her pneumonia, but the controversy continues to follow her out on the campaign trail. >> yep. >> south carolina. >> to a degree, the democratic nominee pointing her own campaign under the bus. good morning, ed. >> it was that rent sans man -- renna sans man, steve doocy to point out that james brown died of pneumonia. she had to feel good about the warm welcome she got from the press. reporters asking her initially yesterday about which tv show she had been binge watching. clinton revealing that she's sad the cbs drama "the good wife ie ie is done. she excited madam secretary is back. after her speech, she took a few questions and reporters did press her about the information blackout about her health scare on sunday. rather than taking the blame herself, she said her staff could have been better. >> my pain said -- >> my campaign should have been faster. i agree with that. >> voters do not care about the inside baseball when the press found out about her diagnosis of pneumonia, why did she wait two days to tell tim kaine. you can see yesterday he faced a scary scene, a female protester rushing the stage, and seizing the microphone and saying he should apologize to native americans. >> my senior staff knew and information was provided to a number of people. i communicated with tim. i talked to him again last night. we communicated. we've communicated, but i am, you know, not going to go into our personal conversations. >> i spoke to one of clinton's long time advisers who told me there were only a handful of people who knew friday that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia. maybe five people at the most. clearly, tim kaine not on that list and the reason reporters were pressing her about that at news conference yesterday is what will it be like if she's elected? will there be such secrecy around the clintons, even the vice president will be in the dark? >> chelsea clinton didn't know until her mom showed up at her doorstep. >> you can look at her management style. does she delegate, assign, take blame? what's coming up, wrien -- brian. he's an active member of black lives matter. >> what do we want? dead cops! what do we want? dead cops! captain keith coldburn has a new battle on his hands with president obama. why you should care live from new york city. can't see it. can't taste it. but there's so much more to it. here's how benefiber® works. inside each of us are trillions of good microflora that support good digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber® nourishes them so they can thrive. and what helps them, helps you and me every day. clear, taste-free, all natural benefiber®. nourish the goodness inside. also try benefiber® healthy shape. it's proven to keep you feeling fuller longer. fishermen, the area off the new england coast designated 5,000 square miles in this image as protected waters for an area known for crab and lobster. fishermen like the ones in the show deadliest catch worry the move could cost hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars out of their pockets. and one of the stars of the show, captain keith colburn joins us now. is this affecting your life? >> good morning. well, directly affecting my life, it's not because alaska is so far and so remote compared to the atlantic ocean, but indirectly affecting us is just the manner in which the obama administration is using the an tick witties act. >> in terms of economic value, in fishermen, are they fighting back in an organized fashion against this protected push. >> fishermen now on the eastern seaboard are a little confused. this has come about relatively quickly. usually there is a process. we go through the regional councils. it's trans parents and all participants are given a voice and a fair chance to respond. the president's authority is creating a national monument and it's a national under water monument. >> sure. that means guys like you can't fish there. you talked to one of our producers yesterday and you said your biggest concern, this is something being done to appease environmental terrorists. what do you mean? >> well, i would say environmental zel lot -- zealot would be a better term. there is a hard left faction that would be more than happy to close off every waterway, every piece of ocean, lake, and stream that we have without any real due cause. we've been harvesting things out of the water as americans for centuries, and it's part of our way of>> sure. plus you are like the first line of defense. i mean, that's your bread and butter, and you are not going to overfish it because if you do that, then there's nothing next year. >> well, yeah, and that's a misconception. fishermen, we have to be good stewards of our recess. -- resource. we're the ones witnessing firsthand what our changing oceans and increased water temperatures are doing to all of our fisheries under the united states -- around the united states. so we have a vested interesting in making sure we maintain sustainable fisheries long term not only for now but for future generations. >> why is he doing this? why do you think he's doing this? >> well, you know, i believe this isn't -- this is not unprecedented. george w. bush created a marine monument in the pacific ocean toward the end of his presidential term, and i believe president obama is doing something similar, but what concerns me is that this one is so close to the east coast. this is only 130 miles off of cape cod. >> don't you just love it when big government comes in and tells you how to run your life. it reminds me when hillary clinton said she wanted to shut down all the mines, the mine workers in west virginia. these are pictures of my kids. you are taking me out of work and i can't pay for my kids to eat now. >> well, that's the thing. people that are being directly affected, communities, and whatnot may not have been taken completely into account on this measure. >> all right. thanks so much. best of luck. >> thank you, captain. that's what politicians have to think about. these are lives that are affected. you know, men and women just trying to put food on the table and send their kids to college. >> deadliest catch is spring 2017. >> he joined us from seattle. they are already in our country illegally and now a group of immigrant student are demanding free college tuition on your time. hillary clinton is back to business after her pneumonia but can she recover from this? >> you can put half of trump's sporers into what i call the basket of deplorables. they are racist, sexist, homophobic, dozen owephobic. >> the deplorable sound bite. lee carter ran brand-new dials. hundreds of people told her what they thought about that sound bite. and lee shares that next. 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lee carter joins us with the results. you were joining us since the tonight show. >> he seems likes he's having a good time. he's enjoying what he's doing and enjoying the people he's around. >> he looks like he's getting his butt kissed. >> not at all. >> one of things he talk about is economics. didn't talk about a tax plan but first labeled hillary clinton as somebody that can't do anything for you. let's listen. >> grossly jernl -- generalistic. you can put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. right? they are racist, sexist, homophob homophobic, xenophobic, islamphobic, you name it, and unfortunately there are people like that. and he has lifted them up. >> you can see this basket of deplorables comment, it's not going away any time soon. people don't necessarily react to attacks the same way that they would in a normal message but you can see democrats didn't like it so much. they gave it a c, independents and republicans gave it an f. here's the issue, it is sticking. republicans and independents who support trump are wearing that basket of deplorables with pride. >> it's not mosting her -- motivating her base to stand up and act. for the obama coalition to reform. you are saying it's motivating the trump people. >> it made the base galvanized for donald trump. it didn't do anything for hillary. that's where you saw the beginning of her slip. >> here's donald trump talking about hillary clinton. he did not say anything about a health scare except i hope she gets better but did bring up stamina. >> in this beautiful room that's 122 degrees, it is hot and it's always hot when i perform because the crowds are so big. these rooms are not designed for this kind of a crowd. i don't know, folks. you think hillary would be able to stand up here for an hour and do this? >> look. it was a much better way of him attacking her than we've seen before. this was a c plus attack for republicans and independents. democrats gave it a d minus, but the thing about it it was a subtle nod. it wasn't offensive and it really was what a lot of people are thinking does chef the -- she have the stamina to be president? >> is stamina a sexist word or not? dr. oz asked donald trump if he had stamina. >> i'm a language expert. that's what i do. i cannot imagine that stamina would be a gender word. >> stamina is used for every sport, every gender. >> shrill can be gendered. >> not one single idea she's got will create one net american job or create one new dollar of american wealth for our workers. the only thing she can offer is a welfare check. that's about it. >> so you can see here republicans gave this a b. independents a c. democrats a d minus, but here's the thing so interesting. we're seeing a shift in what donald trump is attacking her for to now her being ineffective. the one thing she has going for her is experience. if you can say, maybe, she's got experience but it's ineffective experience, that could move some people to his side. we know right now that 10% of hillary supporters still say they might change their mind before the election. >> look at polls that say likely voters. registered voters means they are not motivated and that's maybe why the polls are chosing because the most part, most agree that the most moetd voters are the trump voters. >> 86% of republicans and trump supporters are really following this race closely as as opposed to to only 75% of hillary supporters. you see much more engagement with trump. i have to be moetd sadly to say have a great weekend. i'm continuing to be motivated to heather. we have a lot stories. take a look at this gun. it looks almost identical to what police carry. it's a bb gun. now a teenager is dead after pulling it on police. officers chasing 13-year-old tyree king after someone reported an armed robbery in columbus, ohio. >> this man just had a gun on this white dude on the street. >> there they go right there. running back to the alley. oh, he's shooting him. oh, my god. oh, my god, they shooting. >> police opening fire when king pulled a gun from his waistband. that gun had a laser scope on it. he died at the hospital. the officer who shot him is on leave. it is unclear if he will face any charges. this isn't something that you hear every day. a pastor's wife pulls out a gun and shoots a robber attacking her family. the woman forced to jump into action when the crook demanded that the passenger hand over his wallet and hit him with a rifle on the streets of philadelphia. well, she hit him right in the leg. >> she was upset that she shot him, but she knew, you know, if she didn't, she felt that one of us would be killed. >> the wife is licensed to carry a legal weapon. no one was injured and the suspect is under arrest. and they are living in this country illegally but some students in north carolina think that they deserve to use your tax dollars to pay for a college education. a group of high school students are protesting that since they do not qualify for a local scholarship program. they can't apply because they don't have social security numbers. but the program does help the illegals connect with schools that could offer financial assistance. and finally this, an incredible showing of gratitude between a first grader and police. a six-year-old writing letter to the fort worth police department thanking them for their service. >> thank you for protecting me and my family. >> on behalf of fort worth police department, we truly appreciate this letter. >> we try to make sure that police are good guys. they are the ones who run to the danger when we runaway from him. >> a dozen police cars and a helicopter showing up just to say thank you. we should take a lesson and say thank you more often. >> absolutely. sweet little boy. coming up on this friday, a majority of americans in the country is going to hell in a hand basket that hillary was talking about. so how is that affecting her on the trail? we've got a live report coming up next. >> we'll see. can't wait. [ "on the road again," by willie nelson ] ♪ on the road again [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] ♪ just can't wait to get on the road again ♪ [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ♪ on the road again ♪ like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ♪ [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just $199 a month. therthat can be serious,ere. even fatal to infants. it's whooping cough, and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough vaccination today. before we leave you on this friday, quick headlines. congress is one step closer to blocking president obama's plan to close gitmo. the house passed a bill banning the administration from transferring any of the 61 remaining detainees for the rest of the year. the white house has vowed to veto the bill if it passes the senate. and the white house burying a border report that could actually help donald trump. critics say it's because the department of homeland security publicly reports 80% of illegals can caught crossing the border but their new unreleased report shows that number at 50%. it is not expected to be the election. isn't that convenient? meanwhile, the race for the white house, the campaign trail heating up as brand-new fox news polls find hillary and donald neck and neck. >> just one point divides the nominees as donald trump is deemed to be in excellent health. >> that's where we hear peter doocy outside of the new trump hotel in washington, d.c. >> this is the first fox news poll of likely voters this season and the survey was after hillary clinton referred to half of trump supporters as deplorables and after she fell down on sunday. she's a sliver ahead. 41 to 41. with gary johnson at 8 points and jill stein at 3 points. when voters are given two choices, trump is in the lead. >> the polls are coming out. we're leading in so many polls. i can't tell you. i don't know where to begin, but that's a good feeling. we're leading nationwide with cnn. we're leading in ohio, and we're leading just, i think it just came out we're leading in -- we're leading in north carolina, florida, we're leading and we're having a lot of fun. >> trump, stes events like that one and his big rallies that he had a few hours later are how he's getting his exercise these days, since he told dr. oz that he does not work out regularly and that was during an interview where trump shared results from last week's physical exam that all looked normal and where trump said when he looks in the mirror, he sees a 35-year-old. >> tom brady is a friend of mine. a great quarterback. phenomenal guy. great athlete and i am with him and i feel the same age as him. >> so even if trump doesn't end up moving into the white house in january, he's going to be here on pennsylvania for several decades, at least his name is, because the trump organization has a 60-year lease with the federal government for this historic landmark, the old post office which is the newest trump international hotel. so he's obviously had his eyes on the capitol for several years, and he's going to be here about an hour and 15 minutes from right now for a campaign event where we expect him to take some questions from reporters, which should be good. thank you. >> peter, if he wins, does he live there or does he choose to live in the white house? >> you would think -- you would think that he might want to renovate the white house residence because some of the stories you hear from the ushers, it sounds like everybody does their own thing when they get there, so if he did, he's got a place a couple of blocks away, he could walk to work. one metro stop away. >> is it pretty inside? you went inside, right? >> yeah. it's beautiful, and it's got that new hotel smell too. >> oh, like a new car smell. >> ready for him. >> all right. peter doocy, thank you very much, live from the new trump hotel on pennsylvania avenue. hillary clinton when it comes to health, that's the story. i don't think donald trump even ha had had a sore throat for the last year and a half. yet, david pluf and company were mocking him yesterday and harry reid that he's 15 pounds overweight, that he would be the heaviest president ever. how is that not out of bounds? >> imagine if the roles were reversed. >> if hillary clinton were told she's overweight, can you imagine what they would be saying? >> unbelievable. >> double standard. >> i think so. >> you make the call. you tell me. coming up, donald trump has a hair-raising experience on the tonight show with jimmy fallon. your comments coming up next. and bill hemmer who doesn't allow anybody to touch his hair. >> come on. >> i know better. >> we are waiting two big event this morning. hillary clinton next hour will make a speech. followed by a press conference by donald trump. he told maria earlier today he will address the birther issue, so stay tuned for all of this. also republicans not letting go of hillary clinton's server. what's next. everyone is talking about the polls, you just mentioned this. what we found out about the key factors and where the race stands today, 54 days out. martha and i will see you in ten minutes. top of the hour. we'll see you then. it's not just a car... it's your daily retreat. go ahead, spoil yourself. the es and es hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. and we're partnering with cigna to help save lives. we are the tv doctors of america. by getting you to a real doctor for an annual check-up. so go, know, and take control of your health. doctor poses. learn your key health numbers, and take control today. well, a pro donald trump super pac is rolling through some of campaign 2016's most contested states, opening offices and registering voters along the line in that bus. >> great america pac invited a vip list that includes right there you see him, actor jon voight to ramp up trump's ground game. >> oscar winner, star and our good friend, jon voight joining us right now. how are they getting you on the bus? >> easy, three people, they lift you, people as old as i and they get you in there and make you comfortable. >> absolutely. they are trying to make america comfortable again. jon why is it -- you are a hollywood guy. a lot of hollywood people lean to the left. you are a righty. why do you like trump? >> i like him for a whole lot of reasons, of course. the main reason is we've got a lot to fix and a lot to do and he's used to handling even impossible tasks. he enjoys rolling up his sleeves and getting it done. he knows how to put people to work. he chooses the right people to listen to. he's been very successful because of that, and he's doing the same thing now. i've been very impressed with his speeches that he's made. i don't remember a campaign that a fellow has designated said here's the problem, here's the problem, here's the problem, and here's what i'm going to do to solve that problem and lay it right out for the american people to see it. he's done it very beautifully in these speeches and he's always kept and through it all and through all the pressure of it, he always has a positive attitude and he's a lot of fun to be with too. >> how is hollywood handling the fact that you are supporting him? >> i don't know. i haven't asked hollywood. >> getting some backlash? have you found that you are not getting as many roles because you are so outspoken? >> no, there's a lot of -- there's a lot of people in hollywood who are on the conservative side. they are not very outspoken, but, you know, i haven't had any -- and besides, you know, when i work, i don't pros will he -- prostletize or anything. i enjoy my work and i have a great time and i have a lot friends. >> we enjoy it too. jon voight, time to get back in the bus. >> ainsley, steve, and brian, you guys are the best. i tell you, i always enjoy you. when i can't sleep, i go right to television set and i'm watching you guys. >> thank you very much. >> that is so cool. >> and i can't get enough sleep because of it, because i always get caught. >> coming from you, that's great. >> what a dream come true. thank you so much for saying that. jon voight knows our names. >> he just got an extra minute. >> thank you, jon. we're a big fan of yours too. >> more "fox & friends" in two minutes. ♪ you're beautiful ♪ >> that's great. yep, his hair is real and it's all messed up. >> before we go, ainsley. >> we have jane on facebook, saying trump is such a good sport. if he had said no, he would have been attacked. bill: donald trump and hillary clinton will both hold live events in the next two hours. the presidential race in the next two hours is a dead heat. welcome to friday. i'm bill hemmer. how are you feeling? martha: i'm martha maccallum. we have brand-new polls to show you this morning. here is the head-to-head matchup. this has donald trump ahead by 1 point. these are likely voters. here is a four-way look with


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20160905 23:00:00

one we do know. that's it for "special report" tonight. good night from washington. i'm doug mckel live from washington. "on the record" coming up next. >> you know my wife and daughter say hey, dad, you are really, really smart. why don't you act more presidential. >> i think she is growing up. >> i think you did a good job. >> ivanka is good. do you love ivanka? i love ivanka. >> she has this. that is important. >> ivanka will be a great first lady. >> i called up my wife and said i have got a problem. >> donald gets things done. >> ivanka just it h. a baby by the way and i'm very proud of that. >> our father and our next president donald j. trump. >> that's sort of why i'm doing this. ♪ >> it's a trump life and it's a special "on the record." you will hear from melania and ivanka trump. donald trump's wife and older daughter. they are the two women who know trump better than anyone else. what role does each play in his historic presidential campaign? and what are their plans if they become america's first family? in just moments you will go inside trump tower and hear from supermodel melania trump and hear what it is like to live the trump life. first we start with ivanka. >> as a young girl growing up my father always told me i could do anything that i set my mind to. he meant it. >> she's a mother, a celebrity, a former runway model. tv star. best selling author and business mogul. ivanka trump is living the trump life. >> she did a good job. so i should not say ivanka, you're fired, right? >> no. >> i promise. i promise. >> born in manhattan, ivanka grew up right in the heart of it all trump tower on fifth avenue. as a teenager ivanka started modeling, walking the runway and gracing the cover of 17 magazine. after graduating from the university of pennsylvania. she entered the high stakes world of real estate and launched her own hugely successful lifestyle brand. she starred alongside her father in tv's hit show the apprentice. at the family company she is a top executive and year seen hugely successful deals like trump doral in miami and old most office motel on pennsylvania avenue. >> washington has never had a really luxury hotel. this will be it. >> she has a husband and three young children at home in new york. and if that's not enough to keep her busy, she is out hitting the trail for her father. >> i could not be more proud tonight to present to you and to all of america my father and our next president donald j. trump. [cheers and applause] >> and despite her crazy schedule, "on the record" made a visit to the build she go lives n the heart of midtown manhattan to talk to ivanka trump. >> do you read the newspapers and the paper. >> at this point it's almost impossible to read everything that's written. i read the papers always in the sense of keeping up with the news. but i try to read the papers less in terms of their editorializing on my father, the campaign, and sort of all the noise. i think i've experienced an extreme biased in terms of coverage and reporting, so i try to distance myself from that and really try to just stay on top of current events and make it a little less personal for myself and read a little less of what i read a little less from news sources about my family and my father, specifically. >> you know, i have been around politics for quite a long time. so i get to meet all the politicians over the years. i'm struck when i meet them in person they are so different than how they are portrayed on television. even secretary clinton i traveled with her eight times when she was secretary of state. it's amazing how different people are in person. i can't figure out how to correctly portray people. so the only thing i can think of is your father correctly portrayed? >> well, i think people -- is he correctly portrayed in the sense that people know he is very authentic. my father says what he means, and he means what he says. and that's very rare in politics. but, he is incorrectly portrayed, often, by the media my father is incredibly warm and compassionate and loyal and funny. anyone who knows him knows that to be true. >> that's actually -- >> -- what is not portrayed. you see the strengths. you see the determination. you see the fact that he is tireless in terms of his energy. but i don't think you see that more compassionate side of him as certainly not in the way mainstream media portrays him. i know that side of him. i am his daughter. his employees know that side of him but i don't think that's portrayed to the american people. but i think that's, you know, one of the amazing things about this election cycle is that my father has the ability to bypass that narrative and go to the people with his message and he is doing that whether it's the arenas is he filling or his use of social media as a way to communicate directly in an unhe had dieted way. that's been incredibly powerful for him. >> i have had a private conversation with him not much of one but when i have had interviews with him' we have talked a few minutes after. i always think he is different in person. so different in person than when cameras roll for anybody in this business. >> if you speak to anyone who knows him they adore him and appreciate him and know all the attributes i relayed a minute ago to be true about him. but, so i -- you know, i think that that's the side that you don't see in terms of his public portrayal. i also think -- sorry, i also think that the media to highlight and showcase his discuss as an entrepreneur, as an employer, as a business builder. maybe that's why a lot of people in the private sector don't run for public office. you know, it's easy to tear somebody down or attempt to. he has created jobs for for tens of thousands of people. we have a thriving global company and brand. we have almost no debt and own some of the most important and iconic assets anywhere in the world. so, and his career has spanned many decades and he is today stronger and our company stronger than it's ever been. that's a great accomplishment. i think it's hard for me being in the business to see the media not appreciate that fact and focus on circumstances 30 years ago during recession and highlight those examples and not illustrate the company we have today that was built on his vision, his strength and his leadership. >> your father is very active on social media. your thoughts on twitter. it's gotten him in to some hot water. >> twitter has gotten him into water once in a while. not what he writes but what he retweets. he says he is going to do that less frequently. >> who got him on twitter? has he always been on twitter? >> he has been on twitter several years now. and to see the growth of facebook channels and other social media channels has been amazing. it's also been a very valuable tool for his campaign because it allows him to bring his message unfiltered, unedited directly to the people that he is speaking to. so it's giving him a voice that isn't controlled just by the media. it allows him to communicate directly, and i think been enormously valuable. >> it's been very effective in terms of marketing and getting his word out sometimes he has made blunders. do you give him hell when osays things that you think might go a little too far? >> you know, he is on the road all the time. he is not shy about talking to the media. i is not afraid. if you ask him a question he will answer. a lot of people hide behind their campaigns and organizations and try to avoid putting themselves in positions where they are asked difficult questions. he doesn't do that. so he doesn't he wants to be honest with the american people. hens them to know who he is. he wants to communicate freely. and he does that he has done that on social media and it's been effective for them. >> what about the problems? >> that happens. but i think that people recognize that i think the authenticity of that balances out the times, you know, occasionally it goes awry. a lot of politicians campaigns they don't write their tweets; they are managed by a team 50 people who are testing and polling every word. that's not him. that's not the leader he wants to be. >> and ivanka isn't the only super star in the family. here's melania trump. >> she's an incredible woman. she's an incredible mother. she loves her son barron so much. and just really something special. >> take a look at melania trump, a former slovenian model, a success business woman and married to presidential candidate donald trump. >> when you talking, he will punch back 10 times harder. >> in 1996 melania moved to new york city an immigrant from slovenia to speaks five languages. >> in new york she launched a modeling career and before long met her future husband real estate mogul donald trump. >> we met at a fashion party. >> in new york, she launches a successful line on qvc and shows up on the cover of numerous magazines, even vogue. what's next on her resume? well, it could be first plead. >> she will make an unbelievable first lady. >> he is a fighter. and if you elect him to be your president, he will fight for you and our country. >> "on the record" got inside access to melania and donald's luxury pentagon how the on top floor of trump tower. what does melania think about the campaign levee? >> is the media fair to your husband? >> not always. not always. >> in what way? >> they're not fair to me, too. >> in what way? >> they say stuff that's not true. they don't say the truth. they write stuff that they don't want to give him credit. they don't want to say how smart he is. what he will is do, what he will accomplish. >> why? why do you think that? >> bawsms mane -- because is he outsider. he is not part of washington. he speaks his mind. he doesn't sweep under the record. he says as he thinks and what needs to be say. because he is not a politician. he is not in to just talking. he is a doer. he gets the thing done. >> you got married down in florida? >> yes. in palm beach, in the church secretary of state hillary clinton and the president was there? >> yes. they were there. >> what do you think about that? that. >> was different time. 2006. was different time. we were private citizens. he was not running for the office. as he said, he was friends and got along with many, many people so i don't see anything wrong with that. >> have you ever socialized with them besides the wedding in the clintons? >> no, no. >> you have to see, this melania trump takes you okay a grand tour of her luxury penthouse in new york city. straight ahead. a mother, a successful business woman hand she is helping her father on the campaign trail. what is the day in the life of ivanka trump? she will tell you. that's next. >> my father is -- is dedicating himself to something really bigger and more important which is the future of this country. where we explore. protecting biodiversity. everywhere we work. defeating malaria. improving energy efficiency. developing more clean burning natural gas. my job? 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>> all right. tell me your day. you are a mother, you're a wife, you're a business woman. you're in a campaign. what time do you wake up in the morning? >> early. earlier and earlier. >> so tell me? >> i have three children now all under the age of 5. and my youngest is four months old. with each child i think i wake up around 30 minutes earlier. so now i'm at like the 5:00 mark. that's it. there is a line in the sand. but so i wake up at around a chock and i also wake up numerous times beforehand because obviously my 4 month old is not sleeping from 7 p.m. until that point in time. i don't sleep very often anymore. i try to wake up and get myself fully ready for the day before my kids wake up. my oldest, my 5-year-old and 2 and a half-year-old will normally wake up between 6:30 and 7:00. i like to shower, exercise on the days that i do that during the week, read the newspapers, really shor sort of take that time for myself and be fully ready to roll, when my kids wake up can i have focused dedicated time with them before i drop them off at school or drop them off to the bus and start my day. >> what time do you walk out the door usually? >> it depends. it depends on the time of rear when school starts or camp starts. normally around 7:45, 8:00. >> what time do you walk back in the house usually at night? >> i always make it home for -- well, not always but 95% of the time i make it home for dinner. so i like to be home by 6:30. i have dinner with the kids. i bathe them. i read books to them. and i put them to bed. i try to put them to bed between 7:30 and 8:00. and then i get back to work. >> back to work with phone calls, emails? >> so basically my time in the office, because i like to be home in the evenings and because i prioritize sort of the tales of the day with my children but morning and evening. i try make my time in the office productive and i don't do things there that i can do. it's infrequent i return emails. i take meetings. i walk around the office and interact with people. so i really spend my my time in the office having more sort of interpersonal moments and then i spent my time very late at night responding to emails and dealing with logistics, obviously having three kids that's the stuff that keeps me up at night all the logistics of managing their lives as opposed to my own. >> you have a brand though, right? >> i do. >> when too you work on your brand? >> i think about how i balance my work at the trump organization and the company i have built. exph is really an amazing business and i'm deeply passionate about, so i think about the balance of those two things based on priorization and where i need to be in a given moment. sometimes when we're finishing up construction at the old post office building that requires incredible focus and attention. other times i'll have moments where i'm more focused on my brand and building that business. i think it's the same as being a parent, you know, you just try to navigate and be where you need to be when you need to be there. >> let's fold in the campaign. i mean, i assume you work on the campaign as well, right? >> i'm a daughter. i guess i'm certainly around the campaign. i have no official role within the campaign. >> get phone calls from your father? >> well, one -- from my father, of course, yeah. >> how many phone calls do you get from your father. >> quite a lot. i will call him a lot. he will call me a lot. we are in the habit of this because we worked together for 10 years plus at the trump organization and we would speak. i used to be able just walk in his office multiple times a day. now he is traveling so much for the campaign and traveling all over the country. so we end up speaking a lot more telephonically. we spend a lot of time on the weekends in new jersey. so we see each other all the time. we are incredibly close. >> and no one knows donald trump better than his wife melania and daughter ivanka. what's it like to live the trump life? ivanka and melania go "on the record" to talk about life inside trump tower. that's next. i have asthma... of many pieces wbr id "wbr13227" in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an wbr id "wbr13525" inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. /b breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at that inactive satellite radio of yours is ready to roll. because the siriusxm free listening event is on right now! just hit the sat button in your car and listen free thru sept 6. that's right, two glorious weeks of commercial-free music, plus talk, sports, comedy, news, and more. your ride has never, ever, rocked like this. oh yeah, siriusxm is on for free right now. so tune in and let's ride! [cellphone vibrating] do you want to answer that? nah, i'd never with a kid in the car. it's ok. i'm not here. [phone vibrating multiple times] i'm there. live from america's news headquarters i'm kelley wright. good evening. here's what is happening. the battle for ohio is heating up with both hillary clinton and donald trump con verging on the buckeye state. the two made competing labor day pitches just miles from each other in cleveland. no republican has won the white house without winning ohio. and trump is trying to overcome some splintering of the state party which was supportive of ohio governor john kasich during the presidential primary. tropical storm her mine lingering in the atlantic ocean bringing strong winds and rough waives along the east coast. the storm closing down beaches in new york and new jersey on labor day. visitors were allowed on the beach and try to stay out of water. coastal flood advisory in effect for early tuesday morning. i'm kelley wright. we take you now to "on the record." today, ivanka trump is a mother a business mogul, high powered executive and one of her father's closest advisors on the campaign trail. but how did she get there? here's ivanka what it is like to grow up trump. >> i'm curious. why do you think your father has five good kids? one is a child but he has got four adults. why does he have five? >> you know, i think about parenting a lot more, being a parent now myself. and i think i appreciate the job that my mother and my father did in raising my siblings and i much more today than did i 10 years ago for sure. because it takes a lot of work and it's really hard to raise children with a strong moral compass and with passion and determination and compassion and good values and so i spent a lot of time thinking about how i can instill those same things in my own children. and i don't know what the recipe is. i hope i do a good job with it. i will say my parents, they really focused on ensuring that we weren't entitled and were grateful every day for the good fortune that woe had in our lives. and maybe that's a point of differentiation. i know a lot of children who were born into very privileged circumstances and they don't seem to really appreciate just how lucky and just how fortunate they are. my parennstilled that in us very early on that to whom much is given much is expected. we have to wake up every day and be grateful for the life that we have and try to also work really hard to make life better for those around us. >> who is the disciplinarian growing up your mother or father. >> they both were in different ways. they both had different technique uniques. unique -- neck uniques. my mother grew up in chuck slovakia at the time. she was very strict for sure. my father would let me get away with a little bit more. but i knew exactly when i had gone too far. they were a hard. when they were married and as importantly when they were not. they communicated very clearly with one another. they were very consistent. annoyingly consistent because we tried to take advantage with dividing and conquering with our parents. they were great parents. i think about one of the things that was very true my whole life with my father is that he was working very hard. when i was younger he was in the early stages of building his business and building his company and it meant long hours and it meant that he wasn't home for dinner every single night but he was always available to us. that's something that i think about a lot with my own children. you know, whenever that phone rings, you know, if i'm not there at pickup i'm picking up my phone regardless of the meeting i'm in to hear my kids tell me a story about their day or a class that they just completed. and my father about d. that for me. at the time i didn't realize how special that was. looking back, i used to walk into literally a janitor closet where a pay phone was at the school i went to here in new york, the change of chapn school. i used to call collect. he would put me on the phone and put me on speaker phone and he would tell everyone in the room who would often be major titans of business, heads of state, whoever, he would tell them that his daughter was on the lion and she was calling from school and he would ask me about a project or if i was having a good day. oftentimes i would have girlfriends with me and he would ask them how i was doing in a class. he knew i wasn't doing so well. but that accessibility and that availability led me to know that regardless of circumstance, i was his priority. and my siblings were his priority. i think that's an important message. i think all children should know that about their parents. >> well, she is living the trump life and now melania trump takes you inside the trump penthouse and trump tower on fifth avenue. >> before he decided to run for president, what was your day like? what time did donald get home from work? >> normally he goes in the office in the morning, wake up very early. goes to the office. and he is back by 7:00. so we try to have a dinner together he doesn't drink, right? >> doesn't drink. >> your son will be how old. >> he will be 10 years old. >> who is the disciplinarian. >> i am. i'm raising my child. here we team all the time. i'm raising him. i'm teaching him values and morals and preparing him for adult life. because one day he will have wings as we say and he will fly on his own. i just want to raise him the right way. i don't want nanny raising him. he needs a parent at home. >> you have some pictures, actually. >> yes, yes. he was three weeks old and so, and then here he was like almost a year and we have a few pictures. >> are you tough? >> yes, i'm tough i'm fair, i'm fair. i let him be who he is. he is my child, but i don't want to change him is he who he is. i try to give him traditions and values and morals into his life. but, i don't try to change him. i like that he has his own yes and his own no. >> there is a perception by some that donald has a rough reputation with women. rough language with women. i don't know how else to say it what do you have to say to that. >> i say he treats actually everybody. if you are a woman, if you are a man. he treats everybody equally. he will tell you that is on his heart. he will tell you what he thinks. he doesn't hold back and he is real. is he a real person. >> is he funny? >> he is funny. has a great sense of humor. he likes to have a good time. and he loves to get together with family and friends. >> what annoys him? what does he get mad about what doesn't he like. >> stupidity. >> really? about what. >> me too. if something is not done the right way. especially if you tell somebody and they don't do it, he just. he likes the right things done and he doesn't like it. he doesn't like somebody who is not competent to do it. >> who is more likely to apologize first in a fight? you or donald. >> we don't have fights. >> you don't have fights? never had an argument. >> we don't have fights. >> you don't disagree on things. >> we disagree. that's okay. they very good in the relationship. i'm my own with my own brain and he is with his own brains. >> it never gets heated. >> no, no. >> you have never had an argument? >> no. i tell him my way and he accept that. and i tell him that what i think and he is the same. he thinks what he thinks. >> the rest of us argue a little bit. >> thesey your pictures. this is your son. >> this is barron. halloween three years ago. this was on our wedding night. and at home. and barron and donald going tore basic. >> this is donald's dad, fred. >> is that donald with him. >> yes. that's donald when he graduated. and his mother is right here. >> there is he on the cover of the manage screen. >> this is my parents. my mom and dad. >> are your parents still living? >> yes. they are here a lot. yes. yes. they love to spend time with my son and he loves them and now it's a perfect age. >> and it helps with traveling. >> yes, of course. of course. >> will ivanka trump follow her father's footsteps and get into politics? her answer, that's next. plus, is melania ready to be first lady? and is it even a job she wants? "on the record" takes you back to trump tower straight ahead. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, and you're talking to your doctor about your medication... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ready for a new chapter? talk to your rheumatologist. this is humira at work. millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. tena lets you be you ♪ (climbing sounds) when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts duracell quantum because it lasts longer. ♪ (duracell slamtones) always has to be who sat your desk? phone now, with one talk from verizon... hi, pete. i'm glad you called. 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[ "dreams" by beck ] hmmmmm... the turbocharged dream machine. the volkswagen golf gti. named one of car and driver's 10best, 10 years in a row. ivanka trump, are a model, a real estate mogul, a celebrity and a business woman. what does she think about politics? >> about two years ago we talked. and i asked you about whether your father would run for president. you said a number of things. but you said that the political life is a challenge. has it sort of born out what you thought it would be? >> i think that would be an under statement. it is a very hard thing to do, to run for elected office. and i think most people realize that challenge but living it and especially when you are talking about the highest level of elected office and arguably the most powerful position in the world, there is tremendous scrutiny. there is tremendous viciousness. but there is also amazing love and support, so it is these extremes that are remarkable. i think one of the most incredible things about this journey is the ability to travel to areas of this country and see my father fill these arenas with people who are so hopeful and excited and passionate about the message he has for them and about his ability to fulfill their hopes for this country. so that's the beauty. that's something i can't communicate in words how emotional and powerful that experience is for me. then there is the other side, which is the viciousness of the attacks and that is -- that's a hard thing as a daughter of a candidate to experience. but my father is strong and is he tough. and it's probably harder on me than it is on him. and but it's been an amazing journey. >> you know, you have talked to a lot of children over the years of politicians. always harder on the kids. alwayser harder on the candidate. the candidate like water off the duck's back but the kids take it hard it? >> is challenging. i can handle i think labels and accusations i know to be false that's more difficult for me. i take comfort in knowing the man and knowing my father and the fact that i know his strength through this process. and and he is a great source of reassurance to me when i get upset by what i hear. >> do you think he wants to be president? does he really want it in the pit of his stomach? >> absolutely. >> why? >> absolutely. >> >> i can't figure out why anybody wants the job quite frankly. >> it's a very difficult job. almost the understatement of a century. my father can't stand incompetence. and he has a very clear and strong vision for initially the future of his company and his business for the family he wanted to create and now in a of more mac throw chance for this country so it wouldn't have been his choice he said the country was headed in the wrong direction and he wanted to step up and do the right thing. you know, it' it's a very selfless thing to run for office and hard path and especially hard if you are an outsider who is not part of the establishment and he has done remarkable job and i think he has set forth a vision that people all over this country believe in. and he knows he will be unbelievable creator of jobs and tremendous from a security perspective those are the most important issues of the day. national security, of course, and prosperity and the people who live here. >> would you ever want to run for office now that you see what it is like. >> oh, gosh, i don't think so. it is -- woo, it's tough. i appreciate very much the platform and the ability to impact and create change at the highest level. you know, there is certain issues i'm so deeply passionate about as a woman in the workforce. you know, but no politics for you? >> running for office is not something i want to be doing, no. [ laughter ] no, my father always taught me to never say never. but the last time i said no but never say never, the headline was ivanka wants to run for office. i'm just going to give you a no. but, you know, it's been inspiring to see what he has been able to do. >> and donald trump's run for the white house means the trumps could be america's next first family. what does melania think about possibly becoming first lady? >> would you be a food first lady, do you think? >> yes, of course. >> why? >> i'm perfectionist. i like to do things perfect. i like to put myself 100 percent into it to what i do. so if the american people would select my husband to be president, i would support him and i would support united states. i would support people. i will help them. i will work with women and children. they're our future. we need to take care of them. we need to guide them. we need to be guidance to them. they need us. children need us. also i'm involved in many, many charities already. so i will pick one or two that are dear to my heart and work on them 100 percent. >> i know you do a lot of charities is there one that stands out where your heart really is, the charity? >> make-a-wish foundation. boys club of new york. american red cross. it's fantastic organization. helps all around the world and also first here in the states. >> that make a wish is >> make a wish is fantastic. >> tough on those children. >> tough. very tough. >> they deal with so much. >> yes. >> have you ever been in the white house. >> i have never been there. >> never been there. >> no. >> your husband is restoring that hotel that you and i we actually spoke before at that hotel. >> yes. beautiful place. and he is doing fantastic job. under budget it will open soon. he is doing really -- that kind of mind he wants to put in america he wants to build america better and stronger than it ever was. ivanka, donald andache jr. are all living the trump life. you will hear from all three. that's next. t make cars made plastics that make them lighter? the lubricants that improved fuel economy. even technology to make engines more efficient. what company does all this? exxonmobil, that's who. we're working on all these things to make cars better and wbr id "wbr28659" use less fuel. helping you save money and reduce emissions. and you thought we just made the gas. energy lives here. /b i'm incredibly honored to be part of this journey which which he was invited me, tiffany, don, me elle melania and my family to be such intergated gal part. >> to be able to work with him and my sister and brother on a daily basis i guess we have gotten lucky. our father has put tremendous trust in us, tremendous love. >> there is a great deal of love in the trump family. that is our bond and that is our strength. >> i really have an amazing family. ivanka is one of my best friends in the world as is don. we couldn't be more proud of our father. >> with their father running for the white house. what role are donald trump's children maying at the family company? "on the record's" interview with ivanka continues. what about your brothers in the business? you have two brothers in the business and of course your father. how do you describe the two brother's jobs and your father's job. >> woe all work collaboratively. it's a family business. it's a very large family business but it's still a family business. so, we really decided early on and this has been very core to how we operate that as a collective we could do so much more than any one of us could do individually. >> it's not like you have one project and eric has won and don has another. >> that has evolved over time where we take ownership of specific times. strength in certain areas or projects that we'll just naturally gravitate towards. the old post office in washington, d.c. is a project i'm deeply passionate about and i have been spearheading. we have areas of responsibility, of course. it is still very collaborative. i always know what eric is doing and don is doing and visa versa. we are very much a team even though obviously since the organization is so large we take on different functions and different roles depending on the project or the circumstance. but we are all very focused on building a business. we are all running it as my father is dedicating himself to something that is bigger and more important which is the future of this country. it's amazing to be able to do that and to be able to take care of the business. my father put so much energy and effort and passion into building and to make sure to keep it healthy and vibrant and strong for the thousands of incredible employees that we have working for us here in america and across the globe. >> and coming up, you will hear from donald trump and what he thinks about his family. dless shrimp is back at red lobster. that means you get to try as much as you want... ...of whatever flavors are calling your name. seriously. like new garlic sriracha-grilled shrimp. it's a little spice... ...a little sizzle... ...and a lot just right. and try new parmesan peppercorn shrimp. helloooo crispy goodness. and the classic... ...handcrafted shrimp scampi... can't get enough of? 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Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20181218 22:30:00

main news on this issue she's not seen to be announcing. changes not today's times. so on but. people have put big dreams on the big screen. t.v. and movie magazines on the w o. hello everybody here is your own max lifestyle in today's show we'll put you in the mood for christmas of course let's see what we have lined up for you. christmas hits who is going to top the u.k. single shot of the season. christmas decorations can clone a tree bolts from the german. christmas grinch it five celebrities who don't join in the fox. the u.k. christmas number one hit will be announced this week it is the most successful song in the week before christmas and the one that tops the official u.k. charts on the friday before christmas for over forty years fans of eagerly awaited the resell so let's take a look at the favorites this time around. on a grand day has topped the u.k. charts for the last six weeks with their song thank you next and the accompanying music video is appropriately christmassy so the american singer stands a good chance of landing this year's number one christmas single in the u.k. . but veteran british pop star elton john could throw a spanner in the words he's revived his old hit your song for a new t.v. commercial. it's to lose. joe sparrow knows his way around the british music business the man from manchester works as a music blogger and manages young bands is something everyone is interested in everyone is still even if any generation they still want to know they're still interested in who is number one of course there is still excitement around being number one of christmas time and it is a big cultural event and it's in all the newspapers at the moment people are speculating who's going to be number one this year. don't. just glynn also has a chance of taking the top spot the british singer song thursday has been in the u.k. charts for nine weeks the week before christmas is a lucrative time for the u.k. music industry people buy and stream more songs during this week than at any other time of year teens are particularly eager to support their favorite stars the still a quite a strong interest from young friends so fourteen fifteen year old fans particularly big bosses pts. like for example ariana grande they're really keen on making sure that their artist is it number one. last year's number one christmas hit was perfect by ed sheeran these days the winner is determined not just by cd and record sales but also by which song was downloaded and streamed the most. but things were different in this band's heyday in one nine hundred seventy three slaying recorded the number one holiday hit with their song merry christmas everybody. the u.k.'s most popular band the beatles were also very successful at christmas the fab four landed four number one holiday hits. but super groups haven't always come out on top. in one thousand nine hundred three the number one christmas single was the novelty song mr blobby. generally regarded i was the worst song as there has ever been at number one and it was chris was someone for that but i don't know i think it's a cork of british culture. british t.v. talent show the x. factor has helped restore interest in the top christmas single competition the show's winners have often landed the number one christmas hit to the. jamaican singer dalton harris this year's x. factor winner is trying to score with his cover of the power of love. but christmas isn't only about commerce so every year songs that raise money for and awareness about good causes are also in the running this year the gifted or chems acquire comprised of organ donors and recipients hopes their song tomorrow will highlight the urgent need for donor organs they want to feel like they're doing something good around christmas time that it's not just consumerism and. they want to actually have something that they like music and combine it with charity. the race for this year's christmas number one is still ongoing but music expert john sparrow sees a clear favorite already i could be wrong and you can never tell but i think are going to grow and they will get to number one this year i can't see anyone else beating it to the one and even the x. factor will even enjoy with this t.v. i think she will be able however i am totally prepared to be completely wrong about that because you never know with the christmas of thank you whether it's a superstar an artist with a home advantage a song for charity golden oldie or a new song will have to wait until december twenty first to know who topped the u.k. charts this christmas. and we stay on the topic of christmas day now express even sounds like loss has something to say but first we start off the festive celebrations on ice. the world's biggest temporary covered ice rink has opened in paris it's the fourth year that skaters can enjoy some three thousand square metres of ice under the glass roof of the growing part of the day. the rink is open to skaters from ten am to seven pm in the evening it's transformed into a frozen disco it will remain open until january the night. in revenue me finland santa claus is asking people to respect the environment to donate should he broadcast his traditional season's greeting to the world just before taking off in his sleigh the christmas village of revenue me is in laughland right on the arctic circle. thousands of people head to northern finland during the winter holidays there's lots to do in the run up to christmas the villages post office has to handle some thirty thousand. in the letters a day. the christmas song silent night is celebrating its two hundredth anniversary several events are planned especially in austria where it was composed including a musical insults board silent night with some for the first time on christmas eve eighteen nineteen in st nicholas church an open door today it's one of the world's best known christmas songs in two thousand and eleven unesco listed it as an impenetrable cultural heritage. and saying in australia if you are a fan of classical music this kind of city trip should be perfect for you and that's book was the birth town of. the famous composer died at the age of thirty five but he left behind sixty symphonies and countless other pieces all around its book there are landmarks museums and many other tract dedicated to the city's most famous son. think of salzburg and most people will think of mozart in fact there is no escaping him when you're here he is everywhere in all manner of weird and wonderful manifestations from candies and postcards to dolls. but we want to see more of the real mozart first up his cafe tomaselli the oldest coffee house in salzburg and apparently a popular haunt of mozart's. is a music professor and conductor and an expert on the composer he knows about the other side of the musical genius. despite the intense focus he dedicated to his composing mozart also had a crazy side he jumped up on tables and meola like a cat softly crazy sometimes i suppose it was to give him balance you can go to luke feel like this. mozart himself had a sweet tooth these famous chocolate covered pretty leans fair his name but were invented a century after his death they're called. another obligatory stop in south park is coffee maker of the original product they were created in one thousand nine hundred five a local confectioner powell first. unfortunately he failed to get them patented the cafe he founded still makes them by hand some three million a year. googles have a pistachio mars a prime center enveloped in new get discounts if you can also read his using off and torch to then the ball is put on the stick and dipped in chocolate talked and then left to dry in here to mop. our tour of mozart's hometowns outspoken continues to try to use the city's most famous street it's where the composer was born that was in seven hundred fifty six but the apartment building is a lot older. as are the door bells they predate electricity and still work just fine. even if the person down below can't hear them. the most art museum in the house where the composer was born is one of australia's most popular museums. it's three stories are packed with treasures connected to mozart's life among the highlights is the violin he played as of wunderkind mozart was just five when he penned his first compositions here under the supervision of his father lee. the beginning of a super early shift career. this is the room mozart is said to have been born in. the display cases contain some of his personal effects including an apparently genuine lock of his hair. a trip back in time to the late eighteenth century and to the genesis of his music. starts compositions have great emotional depth which is passed on to both performers and listeners. for anyone listening to mozart from japan to the antilles from hamburg to rome it's a special kind of joy is all you speak luke of an eagles whistle littleton's that. no mozart themed tour would be complete without a visit to southport cathedral. the infant mozart was baptized here in this very font. our guide professor van h. also has a personal connection to mozart he lives in the building where the composer's widow concerns are once lived. he sometimes gives tours and shows people around if you're lucky you might even get to go up on the terrace with its delightful views over the rooftops of zion spork. for many people the nine hundred twenty s. were not an easy decade with its widespread unemployment poverty and a lack of housing but maybe because of all that it was also a time of legendary parties and night clubs where people could forget all their problems for a while and feel free now one woman in hamburg helps found relive the rowing twenty's. mom is a time traveler she loves and lives for nine hundred twenty fashions she designs and solos the clothes herself. i think the clothing style is quite special very extravagant tough a little androgynous yet also very feminine that's what i like about that era that . around fifteen years ago she began making clothes for others to. her hamburg shop is dedicated to women's fashions from the twenty's and ever since tom to course hit t.v. series babylon berlin set in the roaring twenty's first aired in twenty seventeen she's been inundated with customers. there's been so many more since the series was broadcast on some styles are sold out also coughed of course we're happy about that but we can't keep up with the demand it's increased exponentially on feeds who can. i. the costume seen in the most costly german t.v. series ever produced are mostly originals from the one nine hundred twenty s. so. losing flapper dresses worse fashionable as they were perfect for dancing. class. the charleston was all the rage after world war one people lived like there was no tomorrow women threw off their corsets and showed their knees what was revolutionary then is now retro and enjoying a renaissance. in our customers range from seventeen to seventy and they're all really different. can they come from really different walks of life there's the bar owner from santa polly and a lawyer from blank in a.z. also all kinds of laments. has long been one of mahler's regular customers. she's come for a fitting for a new evening dress with all the trimmings. kalish soon just a few years on you discovered her love for the nineteen twenties in her childhood. seem to. have. these she literally enough i heard the song when i was four and i danced the charleston to it because of the times much which whenever my father would say dance this michonne fleisher i do the charleston and also right away i fell in love with twenty fashions to most even as a teenager i'd wear marlene dietrich style pants to school i was a bit of a freak in those clothes i wore knickerbockers too and i loved them ever since yeah . mom the fun menace cuts are inspired by the one nine hundred twenty s. but adapted to modern day life along with evening wear she also makes pant suits suitable for the working women of today is one years each wants to wear one to the office the fitting takes a while because here it's not just about fashion it's also about a feeling of being from the. client spend lots of time here sometimes two or three hours at he then you're looking for a nice relaxing time to leave the hustle and bustle of everyday life at the door. and when they walk out the door in their twenty's style outfit they take this relaxed feeling and joie de vivre along with them. what images come to mind when you think of the typical german somebody who drives like a madman on the motorway spends his sundays polishing his car well maybe our new facebook series that's so gentlemen will show you might just be right. that it's so. one two week cartoonist may go for him and this pokes fun at. typically germany idiosyncracies. would go weak the dose of german humor. i don't know but today e.w. were a max facebook page. and now it's time for this week's series home for christmas we're taking you on a tour through europe to discover the roots of some of our christmas traditions and we start of here in germany where the town in the state of chile and was founded in fifteenth ninety seven went to the last blow as sought permission from the governing jew to build a workshop it soon became a hotbed for production but it was the christmas ornaments that really put it on the map. here in the bottles are still blown by hand in the run up to christmas the fragile artworks can be seen wherever you go. the christmas baubles market takes place on the first two advent weekends visitors come from far and wide to buy the decorations. it's an old and by it's a feast for the eyes each ball because more beautiful than the last one is johan's really beautiful and. many people prefer the handmade christmas ornaments and so they're still popular. there's a lot of competition but these remain very popular many customers want reassurance that they really are made in. alongside volatiles glass birds are also extremely popular. but the gnocchi through its income puts on traditional i remember when they were put under the christmas tree when we offered to buy a. little clues like these on the nuts as well. the friends tell you i think it's great here but the snow adds to the lovely atmosphere . and your unusual items the m o g s which is. craftspeople here and i'll sure i've been working with glass for over four hundred years the phillips grew up around the glass works christmas ornaments were first made here in the middle of the nineteenth century. as museum of glass art exhibits many old treasures exports began early in the nineteenth century many went to pennsylvania and the u.s. . yes but why do people here start making christmas ornaments to begin that said legend has it that a poor has no apples or not it's not my that's what people back then used to decorate the tree. he couldn't afford to buy any so he made his own ornaments on that and now it's how glass christmas want to came about. because functional. today there are five glassblowers here now are specialized in christmas ornaments. about on this one of them he still uses molds may find his grandfather. michael's photos peter my grandfather made many birds in his life so i'm leaving my mother always said that all those birds were to wake up and fly away it would darken the sky over a large chunk. first silver and an ammonia mixer put in the glass mold then the works are dried and. michelle harmon and produces mainly birds but he has other motifs as well there's a huge variety of christmas ornaments on sale at the glass works and shop and they're available all year round. but we've already found christmas bobo's these are the ones on the short list here for i'd like to send his best time to the glass was here a special i don't cost us to get these and she wanted something from a bunch that will give us the. christmas is coming and the glass blowers of russia will help make it a season of life and good cheer. well that's got you into the festive spirit to visit our website to let us know. how you like to spend christmas and what you really need to make it perfect send us a photo and don't forget to explain why you like to celebrate this way if your entry is chosen you could win and then exclusive your own next watch well christmas isn't everyone's cup of tea in every family ok group of friends this always someone who doesn't look forward to it so time now for. five european celebrities you probably didn't know are not looking forward to christmas and. christmas season is something this musician certainly isn't excited about. he once said he'd be just fine with a bag of potato chips for christmas. and he'd be telling his young daughter the truth about santa in fifth place in our celebrity christmas grinch ranking comes no gallagher in fact it's hard to find anything the musician actually does like and so for gallagher christmas isn't a jolly time of year. but rather something to put on a. christmas presents. messy. courtyard once told an interviewer her curious aversion to christmas presents used to drive her mom crazy she simply can't get excited about them. so she's in for fun. but we'll still celebrate christmas for her son's sake she seems to like it more than she does. what do you give someone who already has everything well if it's karl lagerfeld the answer is nothing that's because he keeps to himself at this time of year. lagerfeld takes the third spot in our ranking at christmas the fashion designer stays home he doesn't have guests over he doesn't go out and he. enjoys his phone not ringing for a change. so silent night it is for karl lagerfeld. to grant plays the lead role in one of the world's best known christmas films it's bound to show up on t.v. over the holidays love actually is humorous take on christmas makes it an all time favorite most know little about. the curse. but the british actor probably won't be watching it which brought it there on our christmas grinch is hugh grant who loves travelling abroad during the festive season grant often likes to travel with his dad ideally to a country where they don't celebrate christmas. grant says his dad's aversion to christmas must have rubbed off on him. irish musician bob geldof is also a major scrooge taking the top spot in our ranking gold off penned do they know his christmas which shot to number one on the u.k. single charts in one thousand nine hundred four. i. got numerous pop stars together to raise funds for ethiopia the song is still popular at this time of year but killed off once said that hearing this song over and over in supermarkets every christmas is sheer torture. i. i i. and now it's time to say good bye for now don't forget to keep up with the show on social media but until we meet again from the entire you know max team here in berlin thanks for tuning in to let you could join us and hopefully we'll see you again tomorrow so bye bye. to your old sculptures for our french artist to rosell people to. and try to keep the morning hours static and atmospheric. in their hands pay fors transformed into poetry the madam was a lamb so they make another studio near bordeaux are sold around the world sculptures me to light up your life next time. the be. the be. the be. the be. the. law. the law. the law. the be. odd. the bullies at full speed above. the but always on the move the ball. today and to the future. like. thirty minutes till. you. drop you know this five minutes or minutes. pass and our community. has it all. he fits in the pantheon of the great tennis circuit he's one for the ages. scott turner for the ages starts december twenty second on t.w. . something types are inspired as came from jurors or dealing with any and i thought i killed many civilians. including my father says i was a student because i wanted to build a life for myself at these totally but suddenly life became how much kind of sob. providing insights global news that matters d. w. made for mines. i'm not laughing out of the gym well i guess sometimes i am but i said nothing which has happened when the germans digs deep into the german culture of looking at the stereotype the question that is going to save the country that i now play. piano needed to take it is grandmother day i don't believe it's all that good ok look i'm rachel join me to meet the germans on the w. . post. play everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression. the right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference. and to seek receive and impart information and ideas. in the media have regarded himself twenty years playing the seventieth anniversary of public view and declaration of human rights article nineteen fall on to w. . played. us judges have postponed sentencing michael flynn the highest profile culprit so far in the investigation into alleged russian election meddling the former national security adviser pleaded guilty to lying to the f.b.i. about his contacts with russia's ambassador to the u.s. in two thousand and seventeen one judge suggested flynt sold out his country.


Sweet Gnocchi!

The pasta-bilities are endless with Gnocchi, an adoptable adult male cat! He is ready to melt your heart and whisk you away to a world of love. Is your home


Transcripts for BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240604 06:12:00

up to 17 years in prison. he was released on bail, on condition that he doesn't drink, take drugs or buy firearms. three seal pups that were found injured and hungry on cornish beaches in october, have been returned to the wild after making a full recovery. the trio, called penne, spaghetti bolognese and gnocchi, were released into the sea at sidmouth, having gained more than 30 kilograms each during rehabilitation. they had spent the last two months at a wildlife centre in east sussex. sarah is taking a look at the weather. did you enjoy those names? absolutely gorgeous. love it. fusilier, maybe?— absolutely gorgeous. love it. fusilier, maybe? absolutely gorgeous. love it. fusilier, ma be? ~ ., . , ., fusilier, maybe? what recipe do you have today when _ fusilier, maybe? what recipe do you have today when it _ fusilier, maybe? what recipe do you have today when it comes _ fusilier, maybe? what recipe do you have today when it comes to - fusilier, maybe? what recipe do you have today when it comes to the - have today when it comes to the weather? it have today when it comes to the weather? , . . , have today when it comes to the weather? , ., ., , weather? it is a fairly calm picture- — weather? it is a fairly calm


Restaurant Review: Luna Fargo has become a restaurant favorite for good reason

Restaurant critic Eric Daeuber gives Luna Fargo high marks for its service. He writes, "the service is excellent, with servers who are well versed in the menu and fully aware of the favors they are bringing to your table."


Transcripts for CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240604 04:07:00

will not having allure,, we saw with carlos de oliveira. we should point out his attorney in washington base has been paid for a packed -- former president. >> also very significant which will make it very difficult for carlos de oliveira to flip. not impossible, very difficult. if you had three defendants and they are taking every opportunity a day here, a couple days here week there, that is all going to add up and make it really difficult for doj to get this child an inmate as it is currently struggle. >> andrew, if you're this new defendants, and you are now seeing the inside of a federal courtroom, are you thinking of cooperating with the doj? has that ship already sailed? >> well, the ship wasn't sailed, but they are pulling up the anchor and getting ready to go. it is not optimal to try and cooperate after he's been indicted, but it is also not impossible. what it would require is four carlos de oliveira to decide he is going to part ways with the former president, and then to the gnocchi with doj, the progress some sort of, deal which would invariably require him to plead to some lesser charge or one of the charges on the indictment.


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