Meetings of the Greater Johnstown Water Authority have become frustratingly predictable for the authority s directors when it comes time for routine updates on the North Fork Dam project.
The Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail winds its way for 70 miles between the Conemaugh Gap and the Youghiogheny River Gorge, taking backpackers on a journey through four counties, across streams,
The Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail winds its way for 70 miles between the Conemaugh Gap and the Youghiogheny River Gorge, taking backpackers on a journey through four counties, across streams,
Westmont Borough residents John and Anne McGrath addressed the Greater Johnstown Water Authority on Thursday after a blocked sewer main owned by the authority s
The Johnstown area is fast approaching a deadline to rehab their sanitary sewer system or face fines. It’s a project that has cost the city and surrounding area