THE Ministry of Agriculture has embarked on countrywide soil testing to help farmers identify which crops to grow and the type of fertiliser to use for better crop production.
Timea Chogo is a leading female figure in the Tanzanian food and beverage sector. As Commercial Director of Tanzania Distilleries Limited, we receive a first-hand account of the industry and the company’s impact on the country’s development
Farmers in central zone regions learn on modern technologies
Farmers in central zone regions learn on modern technologies
FARMERS in central zone regions have been capacitated on modern technologies and uses of the improved seed varieties for the cultivation of strategic crops that are flourishing well in the semi-arid regions.
The drought-resistant food and crop- based raw materials in question include sorghum, millet and finger –millet.
Speaking over the weekend at Ipala ward in Dodoma Region during a special training to impart the farmers with agronomic practices needed for the professional cultivation of the crops, Senior Plant Breeder at the Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), Hombolo Centre, Dr. Lameck Nyaligwa, said the crops have started to attract number of farmers in many regions.