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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Story With Martha MacCallum 20180803 23:00:00

A look at the day's latest news and headlines. about his luggage caused alarm among hotel employees, and while he had complained to friends about feeling constantly in pain or fatigued and has doctor described him as "odd and possibly bipolar," nothing about his behavior raised any red flags. >> by all accounts, stephen paddock was an unremarkable man man's movements leading up to october 1st didn't raise any suspicion. in an interview with his doctor indicated signs of a troubled mind, but no troubling behavior that would trigger a call to law enforcement. >> paddock was a high-stakes gambler whose bank balance had dropped from $2 million in 2015 to half a million dollars by september 2017. he paid $600,000 to casinos, $170,000 to credit card companies, and had spent $95,000 on weapons and ammunition. >> harris: lisa, as we try to get answers, i'm taking notes on what you are's income too, because legal expert aren't finished yet, either. i'm about to interview one of them. it's legal to know what some of your questions are and from your perspective. i know with that many people in a crime scene, it has taken some time but there was a little bit of surprise that it hasn't even been a year yet and sometimes with shootings like this, and i know each one is individual, sometimes they will tell us, it will be years before we know. so that is one of my questions, how did they get there this quickly? god bless you and the survivors and all the families of those who are missing loved ones because one monster decided to opened fire high into the sky and rain bullets down on you. i am so sorry. >> would happen three years prior that i know about it and it was thwarted by a maid who went into the room. they were aware this could happen. why are they suing the survivors instead of maybe helping survivors? there are people that contact me to say they will never, ever use mgm hotels again. they will never have anything to do with mgm after what they have done. for humanity's sake, i don't know who suggested that they go after survivors like this. it is a tragic, tragic loss for all of us. it's like a punch to our soul again and again. >> harris: i know you are hurting. lisa fine, thank you for being with us tonight. let's bring in mark fuhrman, former l.a. homicide detective and now a fox news contributor. mark, you've heard of these questions. let me ask them again. i think they are compelling. what happened for the 51 minutes that it took, reportedly, for authorities to reach the room where this guy was firing? what are your thoughts about this? >> well, first, the report wasn't very surprising. i think everything including corroborating has mental defect was going to be pretty obvious. there was never any evidence of a second shooter. he acted and all the evidence pointed to him acting alone. that didn't seem surprising at all in the report. it was very complete, very expensive, and i think to answer your question about why so much so soon as they made it a priority and they put a task force on it and they got it done. specifically to get the information out. but when you talk about the 51 minutes, we have to say first, we keep repeating the 32nd floor. you don't know exactly where the shooting is coming from exactly. you may see an open window, you may see fire from that window but you don't know how many shooters you are dealing with and you have to tactically approach that. you have to get the right people and the right equipment to breach doors and to actually get to the location. actually 51 minutes from the time the first shot was fired is probably pretty reasonable considering the tactical situation that was there. once they knew where he was, i think we are talking about less than 20 minutes before they actually closed in the location. so i'm not surprised by that. >> harris: having you revisit that, i don't know that it will help the victims like lisa fine, the survivors, if you will, but reminding us of the task at hand, from a detectives' perspective is very helpful. here is that sheriff lombardo from earlier today, that really brought the news where we are tonight, and that is searching for why a monster would do this. let's watch together. >> was this terrorism? >> that depends on the definition. if you look at the state definition, it would fall within that aspect. if you look at the federal definition, no. i would personally call it a terrorist act. it had an influence on certain demographic of people intended to cause harm. >> harris: the sheriff today talking about they will not definitively ever know why stephen paddock did this and of course you heard them talking about terrorism there. i want to get your thoughts on this. lisa fine and other victims are very upset about how mgm could legally move, and we don't have to get into the legalities of this, but the back-and-forth about terrorism, isn't there just a definition? >> there is a definition, harris, but we seem to, if we can associate a foreign-born or a foreign immigrant to this country to a religious, radicalization and defend the same act, then it is automatically terrorism, and we don't even question the motive. but when it is an american-born, nonreligious associated person acting alone, we somehow do not see this as terrorism. this is clearly a terrorist act. as is any gang member that opens up on a crowd. that is a terrorist act. but to actually split hairs and not call this a terrorist act is kind of foolish. that is probably one of the most ultimate terrorist acts that you can actually pray on people at a concert such as this. >> harris: mark fuhrman, looking at it all. october 1st, 58 dead, hundreds injured, the worst modern era mass shooting that we have suffered. thank you for your expertise. up next, new questions in the search for missing college student. >> unfortunately, we have not yet found her but it's not yet due to a lack of efforts or resources. >> harris: maybe it's what police are not saying that may provide the real clues in this case. mollie tibbetts vanished. where is she? former homicide detective ted williams is on the ground in iowa, in fact, he was at the news conference asking questions of authorities today. he is live with me next. and a moment decades in the making as we get an exclusive look and conversation, american war artifacts found, recovered from north korea and home now. i'll talk with one of the men tasked with identifying the remains of our war heroes. stay close. >> when we see bones that look like they are european or african ancestry, that gives you a good clue that they are more likely american than anything else. ♪ point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. call one today. are you in good hands? when heartburn hits... fight back fast with tums smoothies. it neutralizes stomach acid at the source. tum tum tum tum tums... smoothies... ...and introducing new tums sugar-free. ♪ ♪ let your perfect drive come together at the lincoln summer invitation sales event. get 0% apr on select 2018 lincoln models plus $1,000 bonus cash. back pain can't win. now introducing aleve back and muscle pain. only aleve targets tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve back & muscle. all day strong. all day long. chicken! that's right, chicken?! candace-- new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch-- bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat... mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken! her remaining largely tight-lipped on the search for missing iowa student mollie tibbetts believing that gives them the best chance to sell her case. they are combing fields, looking for clues. we've been reporting this on fox news. mollie was last seen more than two weeks ago. police say they believe they have a solid timeline in her disappearance but disappearance but refusing to answer questions about any physical evidence that may have been found at this point. 30 to 40 investigators are working on mckay's daily. that is what we've learned today. meanwhile, the reward for information that brings mollie home has reached $220,000. ted williams is a former homicide detective, attorney, and fox news contributor. he was out of the news conference in iowa. tad, i've been listening to your questions last couple of days. you're very distinctive voice. i hear you and the crowd of question there is. is there anything at this point that doesn't ring true in all of your experience about this case? >> there is absolutely really nothing that is not ringing true, but i can tell you, the community itself is very engaged. every man, woman, child that i have run into in bringing mollie home. when you go to a press conference like we went to today, the community is listening and they are hoping that they would have been given more information and i talked to numerous people out here and there is that kind of frustration here on the ground that a law enforcement was not able to get more information today. >> harris: when you look at this town, the last sentence, they had fewer than 1500 people. this is the kind of town, ted, that you could say people know each other. when i ask you about certain things not ringing true, i watch these news conferences, i watch the frustration, but i also see a certain column. does that indicate that they know who they are looking for? what is the mood like on the ground? >> harris, i think you are right on the mark about what law enforcement may know. the mood on the ground here is that you have got these law-enforcement officers who who are working 24 hours a day to try to bring mollie own. what has happened is, you have the state, local, and federal agents working out here, and they have put together a psychological profile. they know a great deal more than we do, and what i am sure they are asking the public, is just to remain calm, let us do our job, we can bring mollie omar we can certainly find out what has happened to mollie. >> harris: we heard law enforcement say that they take every lead to serious. that is tough to do. it's been more than two weeks. this is not a child they are looking for, this is a grown woman, 20-year-old. what sorts of things complicate the search when you were looking at an adult that has gone missing? >> what complicates it more than anything else is the word cooperation. you have individuals who will and will not cooperate during this period they have, from what we've been told, went to a farm here, i had the opportunity to e owner of the hog farm who informed me that the authorities ask them to take a polygraph exam and that person said that he would not. those of the kinds of things that frustrating to authorities. >> harris: we hear authorities calling on the public, you called in, did not give enough information. at the news conference yesterday, i believe, call back so you can have access to the reward money. that has really bent over and over stated. can you cooperate? ted williams on the ground in iowa where mollie tibbetts is missing. thank you, ted. >> my pleasure. >> harris: coming up, and exclusive look at some of the personal items retrieved from a possible remains returned of the u.s. troops in north korea. huge story this week and groundbreaking developments on it. plus, white house press secretary sarah sanders' emotional plea to the media. in the wake of torrent of vicious personal attacks, people are wondering is it time to end the white house briefings altogether? guy benson and marie harf, studio, with me next. stay close. ♪ ♪ ♪ keep it comin' love. if you keep on eating, we'll keep it comin'. all you can eat riblets and tenders at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. mitzi: psoriatic arthritis tries to get in my way? watch me. 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>> [laughs] first of all, happy friday, harris. things were having us. i will have to disagree with her distinguished colleagues are for much virginia on this one. here's the reason why. get where chris is coming from. sometimes the white house press briefings feel like pure theater by the white house has its agenda, search and reporters have their own agenda, and we don't actually get much quality information out of it. but that is still an opportunity for the american people to see journalists putting questions to the white house on camera. i think there is something inherently valuable about that. as for these rallies, sometimes it does feel like there is not a ton of new news being broken, maybe you don't need every single journalist there. but journalists have an absolute right to be at a public event hosted by the president of the united states, and to say that we should pull them out because they are mere props, i don't agree. >> harris: marie? >> guy and i agree on the lot of that. i would actually put more of the owners at these rallies on president trump. he likes to get the crowd whipped up into a frenzy. he knows that -- >> harris: i want to go back to the press briefing if we can because we are getting downfield. the fact of the matter, it's the president of united states and i think there would be a lot of journalistic hands to go cover that. but the press briefing, marie, i'm particularly curious to get your point of view on this because you are with a former administration and you come too, you know what it's like to be in that seat. we ask questions of you when you were at state. >> absolutely. i agree with guy that there is something inherently good about people getting to ask questions of their government on camera every single day or almost every day. so i think that it is an important thing to do. i think sarah sanders should probably maybe get into a little more substance and reporters should put her on more substance in these briefings. they are not perfect. that is for sure. but they are really important. the answer is not doing away with them, just like the answer isn't pulling the press out of rallies because the president likes to attack them. i think the president, quite frankly, harris, should set a better tone. i know he's frustrated with the coverage but you can criticize the coverage without making it personal and hostile and he should do that. >> harris: one thing i would say, i don't know if he will drill down enough on this, but sarah sanders said, as jim acosta was going after her, "i share your passion on this issue," when asked whether or not she believed the media are the enemy. she said, but my job today is to end the fear and tell you the perspective from the president and the white house. we know where the president stands on it. the back and forth really was the opposite of the great journalistic appetite that we could have had the day before with all of the leaders in the intelligence community telling us how they will protect us in november. i agree with you, guy, it's necessary for us to have that access and be able to ask about these questions. i don't know how much the american public knows about what happened in chicago but i want to talk about it for a moment. they are in double digits some weekends in death and murder there. a black pastor got on the record yesterday against democrats, particularly the establishment in chicago, and how they have failed people of color. let's watch and then i want to get your response. >> these d.c. power brokers that he is an individual that can govern. he doesn't really have the political will to govern the challenge and disadvantage. that is why we have the largest mass school closing and history of america, thereby destabilizing neighborhoods and actually spiking the crime rate, and we need him to go, just like if it was a disease, cancer or something like that, or the bubonic plague. he must go. >> harris: reverend livingston talked with me yesterday afternoon as they were about to head off in march to try to make this very point. we talk about the mayor of chicago, rahm emanuel, former chief of staff for barack obama. guy, your response? >> bubonic plague is really out there in terms of describing a politician that you don't like. he says -- >> harris: he was describing, i think, the murderous conditions. go ahead. >> he was saying, "he has to go," speaking of rahm emanuel. we have elections for this. there have been really, really terrible speeds of murder and bloodshed in the streets of chicago for a very, very long t. i understand why there is additional political upheaval over this ongoing tragedy in that city. it is very clear that there is a rift in chicago politics right now between the mayor, a more establishment democrat, more sort of a national profile, as the pastor said, and people from these communities who are fed up with what is happening and want to change. >> harris: it will be interesting to see if there is any room for anybody across any political aisle to step in and write to the ship. marie, forgive me, we'll bring you in another time to get your response. guy and marie, thank you. i know you are about out of a commercial break. go back to your show. >> thank you. >> harris: still to come. >> i campaigned on hard compliments of medicare for all, tuition free public college. >> harris: rubbed despite all the buzz about the rise of socialism in the democratic party, you might be surprised at how that is actually translating with voters. plus an exclusive look at some of those personal items recovered from the fox's of the possible remains of u.s. troops sent from north korea, including the single u.s. military dog tag and i will talk exclusively with the chiefh identification of the whole process next. >> everything we saw was consistent with these remains from the korean war. consistent with these remains, good candidates to be missing americans from the korean war. carnation breakfast essentials. it has protein plus vitamins and minerals to help kids be their best. carnation breakfast essentials. your hair is so soft! did you use head and shoulders two in one? 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(burke) so we know how to cover almost anything.en almost everything even "vengeful vermin." not so cute when they're angry. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ >> harris: a powerful moment he was all live right here on "the story" this week. now we have brand-new video obtained exclusively by fox news of artifacts recovered from the 55 boxes of possible remains of american troops from the korean war. i spoke exclusively with dr. john bernard. he is the chief scientist with a defense department prisoner of war and missing in action accounting agency, which is handling the identification process. so, first on the scene, hours ago, new information, the new artifacts, and you got them laid out behind you, because we thought there was only one set of dog tags that came back with 55 remains. but there was more. what else is there? >> this was material that is typical of what we find on battlefield sites in both north and south korea. we've worked there in the past. these are military issue items, such as boots, gloves, canteens, muskets, you see behind me a steel pot helmet that was typical of what was used during. part of a mess kit, a scabbard from a bayonet, and damaged canteen and behind that is a canteen that is still and actually pretty good condition. so these are typical of the kinds of things that we find on the battlefields. >> harris: so we would call that kind of, you know, extra evidence, if you well. but what you drill down on as a forensic scientist could take months, could take years to identify the separate sets of remains. what leads you to believe, outside of what is behind you, what you've looked at so far, that this is our military personnel predominantly? >> well, when we look at the remains themselves, we, as anthropologists, we have four for forensic anthropologists, going in there to receive the remains from the north koreans,e have a dental forensic anthropologists south korea, joining us afterwards to do a forensic review of the remains, and what we look at are the size and shapes of the bones, which give us indications about ancestry. and so when we see bones that are for example larger end of separate shapes, we might recognize them as being african or american ancestry. when we see bones that look like they are european or african ancestry, that gives you a good clue that they are more likely american men anything else. >> harris: how is it they have been preserved at all? i have had people come up and say, if you get to talk to any of the forensic anthropologist, can you ask them how it is even possible short of a miracle. what is the science of that? >> the hardest tissues in the body are the bones and teeth. bone is actually pretty durable. teeth, even more so. and so if you are in an environment that is conducive to preservation, and the korean peninsula is actually not a bad environment for preservation, generally speaking, than we do expect to find bones and teeth still in existence on the battlefield sites where recovery wasn't done back during the war era. if you go to other parts of the world, say, southeast asia, vietnam, laos, cambodia, they preservation is far worse there. those conditions are more severe and really, really difficult for preservation. but the korean peninsula, particularly north korea, has actually been pretty good for preservation over the years. one of the primary reasons as they have a very cold winter air, a long, cold winter, good for preservation. >> harris: i hear the comparison with vietnam, such a wide, hot climates. we understand that, i am just curious now about what the journey ahead is for you to figure out who is who and to add closure to so many families across the country. 55 sets of remains, some 7,000 plus were hopeful to get that we know of the amazing and the prisoners of war. what is the journey ahead like it how long do you think it will take? >> well, we have really a better way to put this, we have 55 boxes that have remains in them. we are not sure how many individuals this will turn out to be. in the past, we have received large numbers of boxes of remains from north korea, stretched over many years, and what we do is we use an extensive dna sampling, where we have teeth, we have systematic ways of doing searches of all the dental records of the missing from the korean war. another approach we have is we have induction chest x-rays for many of the soldiers, about three quarters of the missing from the korean war. and we can do comparisons with the chest bones to these induction chest x-rays. do identifications that way as well. when you think of the identification process, you have to think of it as being multifaceted. one of the biggest problems is simply separating out individuals that are comingled with one another. another big problem -- >> harris: when you say 55 boxes of remains, you are saying, they might not even all be separate. i can't even imagine the emotional toll, too. you are a part of american history and a journey of closure for so many families. thank you for what you are doing. thank you for your exclusive time this evening on a big day for the pentagon as you lay out all those artifacts for us to see what you are working with and for you to explain it to us. dr. john byrd, thank you. >> thank you. >> harris: such an amazing opportunity to talk with him. up next, new report suggests socialism is on the rise across the united states. thanks to the the big primary y the woman you see here, alexandria ocasio-cortez. but will it actually affects the midterm elections? will it boost democrats? we've got numbers for you. plus, wait until you hear what the statue of liberty climber has to say about putting her life on the line to protest president trump. our friday friends are here to tackle that. hi! >> [inaudible] nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? they won't hike your ratest foover one mistake. see, liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ come hok., babe. nasty nighttime heartburn? try new alka-seltzer pm gummies. the only fast, powerful heartburn relief plus melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. ♪ oh, what a relief it is! disorderly conduct charges. she had this un-american message to share after an appearance in federal court. language! >> this administration is an abomination! america, you [bleep]! you drug addicts, you kkk! >> harris: wow. friday friends, lisa boothe, jessica tarlov, both are fox news contributors and carly shimkus, reported from fox news headlines 24/7 on sirius xm demand. >> she doesn't seem very friendly. >> harris: what do you think about her? >> a lot of things that are probably can't say on air. you doesn't seem like a very friendly person. her first mistake is following anything that michael moore said. that was her first mistake. second mistake was doing something so idiotic and personally if i was in charge i would have left her up there. she figured out how to get up there, you can figure out how to go down. what really irks me is that she put so many lives at risk for her own idiocy. obviously she came to america so she wants to be here. i just -- i really don't like this lady. >> that is what president trump said about putting the net down, let her figure it out on the on. >> i think the best way to use the freedom of speech and freedom to protest is through peaceful action, making insightful, objective points. climbing the statue of liberty, like you said, putting police officers lives on the line and then screaming that america is filled with drug addicts and kkk members -- >> harris: those are the things we could air. >> i think she really took the focus off the cause. this became the okoumou show. >> i think there were a lot of mistakes made and i also felt bad for the families that were going to visit the statue of liberty because it is such a wonderful symbol for our country and our relationship with france and what that means and how we treat immigrants in this country hopefully moving forward again. the expletives don't work for the michael moore advice, this is something that, as election season ramps up, we'll have conversations about celebrities sticking their nose in these things, not for productive in 2016. telling people to put their body in harm's way, have a conversation with somebody you disagree with, which i am fully in favor of. >> or madonna talking about blowing up the white house -- you could probably do without that way there's other ways to get your point across. >> i think majority will use other ways but i'm sure she'll show up in some attack ad, which is not ideal for democrats, that is not usually how we get our point across. >> you don't do that, jessica? >> i do on saturdays. [laughter] >> that's where you can find me come on lady liberty's foot. >> harris: we are looking at whether socialism might be on the rise. have you heard about this? >> socialism has been mentioned to me a few times actually. >> harris: alexandria ocasio-cortez, of course, putting it on the landscape, right? >> bernie started at. >> harris: she's a protege. she used to work for him. i think we have a little bit from her. the big deal here has been the fact that the numbers don't really support whether or not this adherence to socialism are democratic socialism, i saw recently she tried to teach us the difference but then couldn' couldn't, it's really still older as people vote. when you look at the statistics, under 1 out of 6, that is less than one. basically zero. >> a huge problem. >> harris: americans under the age of 30 voted in 2013, you see a bump up a few years ago with president barack obama, social media was coming online. but it's got to be tough now when you look at the actual numbers of people who vote, and then you have this as the representative of that cause. here she is, talking about winning on the trail. she's got bernie sanders right next to her. here's what she says. >> hello, everybody! so excited to be hopping on here. senator sanders' account. we are in kansas city to rally for brent wilder. we'll flip this seat read in november. >> she helped you out. she's going to flip that seat! >> we'll take the endorsement. >> harris: my point with this is -- >> my broader concern is you are seeing these different groups pop up on college campuses, clearly, some sort of fad and you and makes you question the education system, question the is students' ability to take a look at history and some of these different policies and all you have to do is look at venezuela, where there is a venezuelan president, saying that those policies are to blame for venezuela going from being the richest country in south america to now basically being on the brink of bankruptcy and financial ruin. alexandria herself was incapable and unable to explain how her policies would pan out into any sort of real terms financially. she couldn't even expand how they would be paid for. >> harris: this is supposed to be a friend section but i think jessica won't agree with that. >> i actually agree with a lot of that. i am down on the dam socialist movement because i think that they undercut the majority of the party too often, because they have such a strong social media following and because bernie sanders is now so iconic, it gets confused what the party stands for. there are only 42 democratic socialists running nationwide. that is not that many would you think about it. they are very powerful. older people to vote. i think a poll, only 19% of democrats were interested in being a socialist party, it's not at all what you would think if you watched -- >> i think that young people are passionate about certain issues, obviously more young people or democratic socialists than older people. they are passionate about gun control, abortion, but registered voters -- they registered to vote but not natural to the polls and that is why this is not going to pan out for those young people. >> harris: to stick around. up next, the great go to escape. you just have to see it. doesn't get loose and become the new kids on the block. oh, you can't make it up. 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Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - CNN - 20180914:16:58:00

hours. >> months of rain over three days. >> that's right. that's on top of this year's record setting pace. we had drenching rains. we had dry patches and maybe there is a little bit where the ground can soak this up. we have river flooding and storm surge. we are not sure there was anywhere water can go. >> this water is moving out and it's also going. >> i can't imagine this is not going to soon wash over. >> you have been here for -- is this the first -- you had been here for two years? >> years. i was here for hurricane matthew, but i never experienced anything like this. i lived in cold climates and hot climates. this is the first real months. >> i appreciate your reporting. thank you very much. i want to toss it over to wolf


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20180803:23:41:00

preservation, and the korean peninsula is actually not a bad environment for preservation, generally speaking, than we do expect to find bones and teeth still in existence on the battlefield sites where recovery wasn't done back during the war era. if you go to other parts of the world, say, southeast asia, vietnam, laos, cambodia, they preservation is far worse there. those conditions are more severe and really, really difficult for preservation. but the korean peninsula, particularly north korea, has actually been pretty good for preservation over the years. one of the primary reasons as they have a very cold winter air, a long, cold winter, good for preservation. >> harris: i hear the comparison with vietnam, such a wide, hot climates. we understand that, i am just curious now about what the journey ahead is for you to figure out who is who and to add


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