blue, and my wife had forced me to be on face wook, so facebook, so i knew what it was. so i went out to work with this guy, and it was eduardo who andrew garfield play inside the movie, and he was angry. he was really angry. um, and a little drunk. and he wanted to tell me a story, and that s how i got into it. host: why did he send an e-mail to you? guest: well, i ve become kind of the go-to guy for every college kid who does something ridiculous or crazy because of my books. i guess they have a big college audience, and these kids want to tell their story. and so i ve kind of become that guy that when someone, you know, knocks over a lottery, you know, scam or whatever it is, they ll call me. so i get 30 or 40 of these a week. this was just one of them. and usually they re lame, they re not something i would want to do, but this was one that really caught my eye. host: so you went out, had drinks with eduardo. guest: and his buddy will, will was the one who sent
and usually they re lame, they re not something i would want to do, but this was one that really caught my eye. host: so you went out, had drinks with eduardo. guest: and his buddy will, will was the one who sent me the e-mail. and eduardo started to tell me this story. and i knew nothing about how facebook had been founded. he started to tell me that he and his best friend had met in an underground fraternity. it was mark zuckerberg, and they were all kind of geek can key guys geeky guys. eduardo wanted to be one of the finals clubs, all-male institutions like the skull and bones at yale. and he wanted to be a member. mark didn t really have a shot at being a member, and eduardo got into one of the finals clubs, and mark went on a really bad date, got dumped and when he got home, he hacked into all the computers at harvard and pulled up pictures of every girl on campus and made a web site. it was like a hot or not web site, it was called face mash. and, you know, you c
notorious on campus for that. and that was kind of the beginning in a lot of ways of facebook. and that s when he caught the anticipation of the winklevoss twins who you could not invent if you wanted to. they are right out of a hollywood playbook. when i met those guys, they re 6-5 identical twin olympic rowers. really good looking, i remember meeting them at a hotel in new york for the first time, and it was cameron it might have been tyler. i don t know, you really can t tell. [laughter] and he was like, you look at us, and you think we must be the bad guys because if this were an 80s movie, we d be dressed up in skeleton costumes chasing the karate can kid around the gym. and when the movie came out, i got a call from host: the movie, of course, is the social network. guest: ralph macchio called me and said he loved that line was back envogue. but they saw mark in the newspaper after this prank, and they tried to hire him as their geek. um, because they were wo
been it gets all mixed up because of the social network movie. i guess about two years before the movie came out, so 2008 or so? it was right before the movie 21 came out. the e-mail was right out of the blue, and my wife had forced me to be on face wook, so facebook, so i knew what it was. so i went out to work with this guy, and it was eduardo who andrew garfield play inside the movie, and he was angry. he was really angry. um, and a little drunk. and he wanted to tell me a story, and that s how i got into it. host: why did he send an e-mail to you? guest: well, i ve become kind of the go-to guy for every college kid who does something ridiculous or crazy because of my books. i guess they have a big college audience, and these kids want to tell their story. and so i ve kind of become that guy that when someone, you know, knocks over a lottery, you know, scam or whatever it is, they ll call me. so i get 30 or 40 of these a week. this was just one of them. and usu