The in. The in. Some. On. The on. The. Or or. The on. The on. Damn And there you got it why sure Hag the 78 player out home my God I mean just incredible and it s like I say about the best ones there are a world unto their own and Time Stands Still it s just unbelievable that was just magnificent it is time for the 4 am hour only here on the mind your radio station of choice. People Power listener supported freedom radio for the holidays k.-n. You dig our retail 91 point one f.m. Came you Eureka 8 point one f.m. Calea as a countervailing 90.3 f.m. In shelters over 9095 and everywhere on the Worldwide Web became Edi data r.d. So the funny thing about $78.00 is you got to be really careful because even the can be literally need to build putting in extra supports for your house or it ll fall down if you really get out of control with it because you can start collecting them in the 4 and 5 foot Dax in no time the world s cheapest intake and even tomorrow with and without a thrift store in
Weird Al and many more I m going to start this next set of music this next half hour with Christmas sweats by You Tube legends Rhett in link the concept of the video and song being that you know you wear holiday themed sweats. Which would be red in green. You might have one person wearing all red and the other person wearing all green but when you switch them out you know one person wears red and green red shirt green sweat pants and the other person where is green sweat shirt and red sweatpants those are Christmas sweats rather than boring old red sweat suits and green sweat suits and then they also do that with Hanukkah and Kwanzaa So it s a pretty fun song and video one of my favorites one of my girlfriends favorites so if you haven t heard it. Enjoy and definitely check out the video on You Tube It s pretty funny so anyway this is Christmas sweats by rottenly enjoy. We ve got. To get. Them we ve got Christmas with us. And we ve got prisoners with us you get. Them we ve got Christm
Tale of what we can expect she s here and I m warning terrible had There s only one time it s actually what we actually had a special Sunday with turbo yesterday there s a Saturday was terrible at a trying time for some of the extraordinary fall out it s interesting you know some with a covered stays and the future historians will look back at this election as the most consequential since the 2nd World War which is really really interesting to look at it so we ll be looking at it what it means for Scotland for Northern Ireland for the u.k. We ll even be joined by I am Tony commie from Ortiz going to give us the I am from Europe and beyond but there is just so much to digest and absorb particularly for Northern Ireland given that that the shift that we re seeing I think one come to this morning described as the stampede to the center for help that we re beginning to see and hear and looking at that alliance search but there s so much by my newspaper panelists are hard out of that there
Thank you also very much for that thank you. So this next song going to play for him a lot of the tunes on the record are about things that happened to me in my childhood but I did get to spend at least a little bit of time back in back in town when I was old enough to drink and. This song is kind of about that it s about going out to the bars and it was interesting to see another side of the town that I that I grew up in. Being at the age. And a great songwriter buddy of mine and. He said you know these songs are really good but you got to consider a different title because the title of the song is ding dong scrambled eggs. And a lot of people have asked me about the song you know what is that as a recipe for doing dong scrambled eggs and that with the lyric so I have to admit he s very right at this wonderful guy who I just had to listen to but it s a song about the difference between. The night at the bar. And what things feel like the next day in a variety of different ways and t
He went yeah we re really happy about it yeah it s going great I went because you know Ken Loach couldn t make a film like p.f.g. Anyway yes not Cannes more political I went No It won a real giant and it. Just stared at me and I went you can t get him. About the cool hued knew would you because you probably tried and as he walked away out the hotel lobby I just kept shouting after him we always tell just I didn t she was. The truth fish was just. The. See that s the working class to me I went to this buff the party mine and Meryl Streep was there and I m getting some champagne and they were in class I couldn t help but just go yes. That s. What I meant and what stupid idiot goes up to the would be. A So Sean Connery s well wow my He s pretty cool he s 80 now cool he s my only chance born him you kind of feature would call me he s got to be the only jest but because I don t you know James Bond for the not the not I mean might have a chance both involve time go finger love go finger bes