john: let s talk about the times when ruues were removed. airlines. they used to be regulated and affairs david pay in the 70s and 80s he went to the open market and good things have happened. from the 30s through the 70s no airline could raise the price or change the route without permission. no new airlines were approved know jack lew or southwest was allowed to compete and this was changed by a ted kennedy? he was one of the madman who we saw an opportunity to be a separate set of rules to govern industry to make a name in the political career and that the fare is $196 of today s dollars but was
if they have a good reputation in they can see if i do. , stay with me. no. apparently i may not read to them legally two years ago my state passed a law that makes most apartment rental sites and what they do illegal. the founder of roomorama says she knows. jia en teo. a large part is short-term rentals are growing in popularity and that has some competition for hotels. john: the hotel business loses business if i read it and if they are a bigger business they have a lobbyist and they contacted legislators but the business goes on and they operate in many different countries and cities in the world. 5,000 cities around the world?
at the same time and pick the one that works best for you. john: if i give the renter a hard time it appears on your side of people avoid it. exactly. $30? it is not as nice but the hotel is $200 per you started this because you travel a lot. my husband and i love to travel so we founded the business together because mid-20s did not want to stay in budget hotels and we thought there must me thousands of firms and how to refine them or book them. john: you started with craig s list? we will renter on plays when we went to wave at the same time it was very unreliable, the hassles. john: because people would change their mind? they would say 10 nights then when they arrived it would be i found something else.
professional makeup artist doing make up for tv shows she has worked on bernie mac and billy crystal s make up as well as the rock and has taught other people but now nevada bureaucrats have told you that you better get a teaching license if you re going to teach people how to make up immediately or we will find yyu thousands of dollars and tim keller from the institute of justice by back. this came as a surprise? i received a phone call from the state board that they would be finding me if i kept my school open and i would be subject to several fines if i did not close down to become a cosmetology school. john: becoming a school you had a little store you had to expand it to have 5,000
title mean? academic scribblers are people who come up with new ideas think about professor somewhere those ideas do nothing until they are picked up to and me made popular intellectuals may be riders with the wall street journal or new york times or a talk show host, preachers host, preachers, teachers or television show host, a john stossel. they take ideas and spread them and those are dangerous but that is something to make popular. the madmen are politicians told leaders of political power and the mad and have every incentive of the world to give them what they want. john: they are not all madman. it is a play on words from john maynard keynes and gave is more government spending that madman authority with voices in the air are distilling their frenzy of academic scribblers.