Imagenes y el heridos. Tenemos las imagenes y el pronostico turbulencia mortal. Turbulencia mortal. Un avion de Singapore Airlines desciende el seis en tan solo tres minutos. El incidente dejo a una persona y decenas de heridos. ¿que pasa . Dona aguilar, la soldado de 23 anos cuya muerte hoy se investiga como un homicidio y aqui pide justicia. Katia fue hallada muerta en su departamento. Madonna entiende la polemica con la publicacion de fotos suyas usando ropa y accesorios de su admirada frida kahlo durante una visita a mexico. El Museo Casa Azul que reune las pertenencias de la emblematica pintora, sale al cruce de la controversia. De la en la noche, con arantxao y admirada frida visita emblematica controversia. ¿que tal . Buenas arantxao y saga noches, gracias por a acompanarnos. Buenas acompanarnos soy Guadalupe Venegas en ausencia de arantxao y sagan. Esta noche el estado de illinois estaba con alerta de tiempo severo. Se esperan fuertes vientos y tormentas para la ciudad de chi
How COD s McAninch Arts Center landed and remade a major Frida Kahlo exhibition
Justin Witte, left, curator of the Cleve Carney Museum of Art, and Diana Martinez, director of the McAninch Arts Center, stand in one of the display areas of the upcoming Frida Kahlo exhibit on the College of DuPage campus in Glen Ellyn. Paul Valade | Staff Photographer
Artist Frida Kahlo is depicted on a mural gracing the wall of Olive n Vinnie s on North Main Street in downtown Glen Ellyn. Paul Valade | Staff Photographer
Updated 5/22/2021 5:01 PM
A blockbuster Frida Kahlo art exhibition opens next month in the last place you d expect to find it: a community college in Glen Ellyn.
Walking through the quiet cobbled streets of Mexico Cityâs San Ãngel, a neighborhood surrounded by old ash trees and sprawling colonial style buildings, thereâs one structure that doesnât quite fit in. Two square houses, one painted in blue and another one in red, are connected by a narrow bridge and fenced in by tall cacti. Most recognize it as the former studio of Frida Kahlo and Diego Riveraâor, as tapped-in travelers know it, a less-visited alternative to Kahloâs Casa Azul. But too few are familiar with the architect and painter who designed it: a young artist, who was just 26 at the time, named Juan OâGorman.