Call the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to order. We thank our witnesses for being here, and im looking forward to your testimony. As much of the world concentrates on the isis threat and instability in the middle east, the Committee Takes this opportunity to consider efforts by the United States and other partners to counter extremism in the Subsaharan African area. Longterm development has been the norm across much of africa including here tell you what. Ben, even with large letters i cant see anymore. [laughter] including here in our committee with the recent signing of the power africa legislation, which were all very proud of and appreciate the way the administration has led on that effort also, that we hope will help bring investment to a key sector for Economic Growth and opportunity. Whereas in the middle east we have been reacting to abhorrent state and terrorist violence and the uprooting of millions of people, in africa weve had the opportunity of years of influence thro
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