The Kirksville Kiwanis Club welcomed Julia Jack-Scott to speak at their Jan. 18 meeting. Jack-Scott is with the Bear Creek Community Land Trust, which is an intentional community situated on 184 acres of land outside of La Plata. She presented on the community and its mission to uplift the health of people and the earth by weaving their lives together in an inclusive, interdependent community. Pictured, from left, are Kirksville Kiwanis Club President Dan McGurk, Jack-Scott, and Kirksville Kiwanis Club President Elect Ted Frushour.
The Kirksville Kiwanis Club welcomed Dr. Brenda Higgins and Abby Oberman to speak at their Jan. 4 meeting. Higgins is the assistant director of Interprofessional Education and Collaboration, and Oberman is a clinical education coordinator, both at A.T. Still University in Kirksville. They presented on the Interprofessional Health Partners Program between ATSU and @Truman State University. Pictured, from left, are Dr. Higgins, Oberman, and Kirksville Kiwanis Club President Elect Ted Frushour.