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Transcripts For WPVI Nightline 20140924

♪ i think it's gone that na be y day ♪ ♪ my lucky day ♪ now's my chance ♪ now's my time ♪ it's looking up ♪ and it will be fine >> fill their bowl with the meaty taestes they're looking fr with friskies grillers. delicious chicken, beef, turkey and garden veggie flavors. friskies grillers. >> number one in just 60 seconds. good evening and thanks for joining us. tonight, the new miss america barely had that crown on her head before it was tarnished by a scandal involved allegations of some deeply unattractive behavior during her time in a college sorority. her story now shedding light on the controversial aspects of greek life that have cost some students their lives. here's abc's mara schiavocampo. >> miss new york! >> reporter: newly crowned miss america kira kazantsev wowed the judges with her brains -- >> every single woman that fights in our military deserves the right to be safe and be happy and respected by those she serves with. >> reporter: her activist spirit -- >> my platform's called love shouldn't hurt. ♪ clap along if you feel >> reporter: and her quirky talent. but tonight, she's anything but happy. >> i'm incredibly hurt that someone has said these things. >> reporter: a new report on the website alleging kazantsev was expelled from her sorority at of star university for exceptionally harsh hazing. >> she was playing a direct role in the hazing. >> reporter: erin ryan citing an unnamed source claims under kir a's supervision, pledges in the incoming class were called names and made to perform physical tasks to the point of bruising and exhaustion. >> it was pretty standard hazing type behavior. it's things that a lot of sorority girls have participated in. it's something that she for one reason or another is not full little copping to. >> reporter: the report stating kazantsev, along with another sorority sister, were forced to leave the alpha phi sorority in april 2013 after an investigation into the alleged abuse. >> these allegations, first of all, are just not true. >> reporter: but today, miss america was quick to defend herself. speaking to lara spencer on "good morning america." >> under the broad definition of hazing, yes, i was involved with some ofities while i was at hofstra. and i was hazed. >> reporter: while she admits hazing was part of the culture, she denied it was as serious as jezebel's report claims. >> it included something like you would stand in a line and basically recite information or sleepless night crafting. things that were menial tasks. and you were told that, you know, if you could learn the information and participate in the traditional things, you would be a member. >> reporter: her sorority, alpha phi, confirmed to abc that kazantsev is no longer a member. but wouldn't discuss the circumstances of her expulsion, saying in a statement, they have no tolerance for hazing in any form. but kazantsev says she wasn't kicked out for hazing, but because of a simple misunderstanding. >> i basically made a joke and that was taken out of context and forwarded to the national office. >> what was the joke that you made? >> that we would make the evening scary for the pledges. when that event never came to fruition when none of those things that i've been accused of ever happened or were ever intended to happen. >> the impression i got when i was working on this piece is that it's bigger than she's let on. and that she had a bigger role than she's admitting to. >> reporter: at hofstra today, administrators declining interviews. and the campus, buttoned up. we tried to talk to students about hazing on campus, but nobody would talk to us. we later learned that some sororities have sending e-mails to their members, specifically telling them not to talk to the media. extreme hazing and greek life often go hand in hand. more than half of college students involved in clubs and teams say they've experienced hazing. andrew knows this first-hand. as described in his memoir. "confessions of an ivy league frat boy." about his time at dartmouth college. >> there was about a seven to eight-week hazing term, called the pledge term. where the pledges were constantly psychologically toyed with and demeaned. had to go through a series of initiation rituals. chugging vinegar to vomit, competitive eating challenges. lots of kind of disgusting stunts we had to do. >> reporter: he claims that as a pledge, for sig ma alpha epsilon in 2009, he and fellow students were also subjected to a baptism of sorts. marking them as official pledges. >> we were told to remove our clothes and then swim in this foul-smelli ining mixture, we w told contained bodily fluids and when i became a brother, i realized that bodily fluids did go into that pool. >> reporter: it was a tradition that he admits he per pech waited as an upper classman. >> seeing that as a brother was really traumatizing. really weird. so, it was not long after that that i left. >> reporter: susan lipkins says this cycle is the blueprint of hazing. >> you come in and you just want to join the group, so, you're a victim of hazing. the next year, you're a bystander. eventually, you get senior status and now you're the perpetrator and you do onto others what was done to you. usually kids like to add their own mark, so, they increase the hazing. >> reporter: dartmouth is often cited as the inspiration for the classic movie on greek life, "animal house." ♪ dartmouth college today tells us hazing is strictly prohibited and that the fraternity andrew belonged to was investigated and charged with violating the hazing policy. we called sig ma alpha epsilon and said they could not validate the account but have since removed the pledge process altogether. and now, tonight, clemson university taking action. suspending the new member initiations of 24 fraternities, following the death of a student who went missing and died after a fraternity event. so far, there is no indication of hazing, though the investigation is ongoing. >> i think that we don't even know how many hazings there are, because nobody will tell you, because it's, you know, you're protected by that code of silence. >> reporter: as for kira kazantsev, the miss america organization says they were aware of her tomorrow nation from her sorority and are standing by their newly crowned miss america. >> i hope i'm exactly what had happened and i never wanted anything to be a surprise. i wanted to be honest. this is something that i can use on my college tour when i go into schools and really use it to help inspire women. if anything, i'm going to take this negative and turn it into a positive. >> reporter: for "nightline," mara schiavocampo in new york. next, meet the moms getting down with lighting up. but are they putting their kids at risk? in a race, it's about getting to the finish line. in life, it's how you get there that matters most. like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. my doctor said that it could 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it's now not only legal, it's big business. the weed-friendly entrepreneurs you're about to meet choose marijuana, not merlot, to relax. so, are they the coolest parents on the planet, or is their habit putting their kids at risk? >> can you guys work on this together, please? >> reporter: by day, she's a busy mom chasing her two sons. >> take turns, okay? >> reporter: but by night, this is how jane west likes to let loose. >> let's do it! >> reporter: lighting up a joint of artis nall marijuana. that's right, like jane, a 38-year-old entrepreneur, these young moms are unapologetic about getting high. i guess the question is, you know, if you get so high that you can't respond to your kid or you overdose on a brownie and so, then you miss some cue with your kid, i wouldn't want my babysitting smoking pot and watching my kid. >> absolutely. i wouldn't want her drinking wine and watching my kids, either. and i really think once we start to understand that this substance is no more dangerous than alcohol -- consumers of cannabis shouldn't be criticized anymore than consumers of alcohol. >> reporter: forget glasses of wine. this is now mommy's little helper. in the nine months since pot became legal here in denver, colorado, moms like jane have been navigating unchartered territory. it's not against the law to get high. but that doesn't mean taking it is socially acceptable. some are adamant that pot and pearnhood simply don't mix. how would you feel about your kid smoking pot? >> the same way i would feel if they started drinking alcohol? they need to be responsible. and i truly hope they don't start using substances until they are adults. >> reporter: jane keeps her pot stash locked up tight. >> i always keep it in my office closet. it's in this container. >> reporter: jane's well aware of the science that says cannabis can harm developing brains. so, she says, she would never smoke marijuana anywhere near her children. but she doesn't draw a firm line about being high in front of them. >> i don't think my kids should watch me smoke a joint. >> reporter: you're not opposed to being a little bit high in front of your kids. >> i am -- i am hoping that people don't have to answer this question anymore. because no one gets asked this question about alcohol. >> reporter: despite the controversy, jane is making it her mission to bring pot out of the shad doles and into the spotlight. >> if other people were willing to talk about it instead of saying, oh, my god, i was to drunk last night, to be comfortable saying, i was so stoned last night, then more people would be talking about it just as open lip. >> reporter: in fact, jane's actually leading the charge to turn pot posh. she's not only convinced this is the beginning of the end of pot prohibition nationwide, she wants to spread the word as a founder of edible events. a company that throws elegant, upscale, weed-friendly parties. it's almost as if pot use is coming out of the closet. >> i would like for it to come out in a dress and heels. >> reporter: but worki ining ins brand new industry presents some unique challenges for jane, when it comes to her 4 and 6-year-old sons. they said it on npr the other day, they said a story about marijuana and fisher said, marijuana? that's where my mom works! >> reporter: jane is not alone when it comes to moms who get high. and as brittany driver discovered, the risk comes with higher stakes than just being judged on the playground. brittany gets high regularly. >> oh, elliott. >> reporter: and she's mom to a 2-year-old boy. she's also a local columnist who wrote recently about the very real risk that child protective services can take your kids away if they think you're an irresponsible pot smoker. when you call cps, what you discovered was, even though it's legal, if a parent smokes pot -- >> they can take my kids. based on just the fact that it's in my home, which is crazy. >> reporter: colorado child protective services says a parents marijuana use is held to the same standard any alcohol or prescription pills. but critics believe parents that smoke pot are putting their kids at risk. and accusation these moms believe is based on old stereotypes. people in this country think it's not right for a mom to spoke pot. >> i have gotten backlash from people who identify as stoners saying that moms should not partake. i think a lot of that is based on bad experiences that people have had with people growing up and that's not how it is. everybody's different. >> reporter: but dr. margaret hinney at columbia university has been studying the effects of pot for 20 years. she says the fact that people react differently is precisely the problem. can a parent efficiently parent while high? >> oh, that's really hard to say, because it depends on how tolerant you are, how much you've smoked, heavy smokers can operate fairly well while they're high, because they become tolerant to all the disruptive effects. but you really want to think through what your kids are witnessing, and how your behavior might be changing after you smoke. >> reporter: of course, reck yagsal pot use is still against the law in nearly all of the country. the only exceptions, washington and colorado. here in denver, legalization has turned the city into a mecca for a new type of drag queen. >> $85 for a quarter ounce? >> reporter: jane is something of a pot aficionado. she says different var ryals help her to be creative and focused or to relax and sleep. >> busy mind when you are thinking about, i think tomorrow's wacky water tuesday, did i pack a swim suit, did i do this, did i leave the keys in the thing and what not -- >> reporter: we're having the same conversation at night. >> it kind of turns it down. >> reporter: jane brought me to the farm. her favorite dispensary, for a crash course in cannabis. here, she spends about $40 every two weeks, loading up on locally grown organic weed. but you're like the upscale u r user. >> i think, i mean -- i am who i am, but that's -- yes. >> reporter: that's kind of the demo breakdown. >> yeah. >> reporter: whether or not you think pot should be legal, even critics believe it's only a matter of time before other states legalize pot, as well. economists predict in five years, the business of legal marijuana will exceed $10 billion. which is why jane founded a ladies networking group called women grow, to encourage others to get in on the ground floor. >> the end of prohibition is inevitable in this country. there is so much potential for this industry and i'm very concerned that outdated, uneducated stereotypes about cannabis users is going to prevent women from entering this market at exactly the time they should. >> hay, gey, guys. >> reporter: jane is preparing for the highest profile event of her career. a fund-raiser for the colorado symphony orchestra here at red rock. >> this has been five months in the making and there's over 4,000 tickets sold and the seats are filling up. the performance will start in 30 minutes. and i'm -- i couldn't be more excited. i can't believe it's all really happening. ♪ >> reporter: class call music, brought to you by weed. >> without further ado, we would like to thank national cannabis industry association. jane west and edible events. >> reporter: the air is thick with the smell of pot. nothing new at a concert, yet, no one is smoking openly, because it's still elillegal, en in colorado, to light up in public. >> this is so amazing. it's over 4,000 people. and the weather is amazing. >> reporter: jane's hoping that what's happening here will help make smoking dope seem elegant, even refined. and eventually, change the tune of the debate. next, late-breaking developments in the search for missing college student hanna graham. why authorities have now charged the man they believe with the last person seen with her. ♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪ ♪ 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home. thank you for watching abc news. tune into "good morning america" tomorrow and, of course, we're online at good night, america. [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ >> yeah! yeah! [laughs] hey! [cheers and applause] hello. i'm terry crews. welcome to millionaire-- including all of you who watch my other show brooklyn nine-nine. [cheers and applause] today's returning contestant is a 28-year-old philosophy professor who's about to leave his mark in the millionaire books. from brooklyn, new york, please welcome back james rowe! [cheers and applause] james, give me a hug! ah! wow! wow! >> well... >> james, you're doing so good. listen, you being a philosophy professor--you have a poem... >> yep. >> that you'd like to read. >> i'm also a poet, and here's my poem "who wants to be a millionaire?" who wants to be a millionaire? i do! i'm as poor as beans. well, beans are rich in protein, not so much in cash or other liquid assets. well... asides from bean juice, but that's liquid but not an asset. who wants to be a millionaire? i said i do. can't you hear me? but you want to final answer, don't you? well, here's mine. i want to be... [foot stomps] a millionaire! >> yeah! [cheers and applause] listen, i like that.


Transcripts For WPVI Action News At 4pm 20140924

and the persistent easterly wind and a departing high, piling up at the shore and the worst affects at the shore with winds of 35 to 45 miles per hour. wave heights, 6 to 9 feet and a high surf advisory and minor tidal flooding for high tide for thursday morning. when we come back we'll talk about future tracker and the timing coming up in the full accuweather forecast. >> thank you adam. you can stay on top of the coming storm with the all new, go to for storm tracker radar and the latest video and the weather pictures and videos. breaking right now, police are on the scene of a deadly shooting in north philadelphia and it happened right outside of a charter school. david henry is live at the scene right now. david what are people saying? >> no! >> reporter: the mother of one of the victim ran for blocks when the news spread, police say that the man driving in the car got into a shootout with another man on the sidewalk, the driver was killed and another man hit by the car as it veered out of control is hospitalized in stable condition. parents came running to the school to retrieve their children. >> i almost had a heart attack and i rushed to pick him up. >> what did you think? >> i didn't know the teacher sounded pretty worried and that nobody was allowed in or out of the school. >> were you frightened in there? >> yes, we were planning to go on a trip to an opera, and we were in lockdown. the police say they don't know what sparked the shootout but glad it happened before the kids were dismissed for the day. the police say they managed to keep the drug activity away to the east and gun violence can break out anywhere. >> they don't care what is going on they have no concern for the safety of the public or environment. it's about their lifestyle and their criminal lifestyle. >> that was david henry reporting. and philadelphia police are investigating the overnight shoot that killed a pregnant woman and her unborn child. the expectant woman and her fiance were shot in this white car, the woman was 8 months along, with a baby girl both died at the hop. her 26-year-old fiance survived. police sources tell "action news" that he was wanted for questioning in a homicide at broad and hunting park. police don't know what sparked the gun fire three buck county natives are waiting to be arraigned on assault charges in the beating of a gay couple in center city. phillip williams surrendered this morning along with two of his friends. katherine knott ken enhan began, they claim it's a fight not motivated bisexual or yenation. david henry will have more in a live report at 5:00. pennsylvania police gave us an update on the manhunt for the suspected cop killer, eric frein, now walter perez is live with more. what can you tell us about this? >> as you mentioned some very interesting insights offered up by state police, they believe that frein is in the perimeter they set up in the poconos. this is showing the reason why, these are photographs they offered up to the media that he left behind. for example they found his trump in a swampy area, cigarette butts and empty packets of serban cigarettes, they even found soiled diapers, the contents of which are being dna tested. that is some type of commando technique to allow someone to remain in a wild state for a long period. and there are multiple sightings of who they believe is frein by the public and police and many reports of gunshots fired in the woods in that area. all the area in and around barrett and price township remain on lockdown and some schools are still closed because of this. and they are urging everyone in the area to sit tight and be patient. >> it changes the way people live and we are trying to be as accommodating and non-disruptive as we can so they can come and go from their residences. >> we are back live, the crew and on i drove up from price, the police presence is awesome there. the houses are a quart toward half mile apart. every house we saw had a state police car in front of it holding a rifle. and it was impressive. they held the news conference to tell the public to keep calling with the tips. it's important that anything that anyone sees in this area to please call them immediately. reporting live from the poconos, walter perez, channel 6 "action news." >> such a frightening way for those residents to live thank you. police in fishtown are looking for the driver that took off from a crash on a motorcycle. chopper 6 hd was over the scene at columbia and girard as medics loaded the person into an ambulance, we are waiting to hear the victims name. witnesses told police that an suv slammed into the motorcycle and sped away. here at the big board, today the united nations, president obama declaring the world in a cross roads between war and peace and vowed to lead a coalition against groups like isis. >> groups like isol must be degraded and detroyed. >> as president obama presided over a security counsel session, they aimed to stop the flow of fighters from joining isis. >> no reasoning or negotiating with this brand of evil. the only language understood is the language of force. so the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. >> they are asking that they share airline passenger data to find possible fighters to stop those that travel or attempt to for training. >> we are accountable when we fall short. >> the world gathering comes after the united states and an arab coalition launched more air strikes overnight against terrorist targets inside of syria and iraq. >> we will not tolerate terrorist safe havens or acting as a-okay bying power. >> and as this goes on today, police in australia shot a terrorist suspect dead after he stabbed two agents outside of an airport. experted suggest that the attack was inspired by isis. >> all right alicia. tens of millions of dollars will start throwing to the philadelphia school system because of a cigarette tax. >> they are charging a spernl $2 a pack tax on cigarettes. it's expected to generate $83 million a year each year for city schools. this was passed after months of debate. >> still ahead, a slew of problems with apple's newest gadget. clients are pouring in over the new iphone 6. and police take a major step forward in this nicing college student ca police in virginia issued an arrest warrant in virginia for what they say was behind a disappearance of a student of the university of west virginia, matthew is officially charged with abducting hannah graham. police are searching his home and car but have not said if they found anything that led to these charges. one of the biggest countries on earth is celebrating a major milestone that is out of this world. mission controllers in india, cheered as the country put a spacecraft in orbit around mars. they hope it shows the world that india is open for business when it comes to space exploring a. half of the missions to mars so far have failed. it will circle the planet for at least six months with solar power instruments studying martian weather. and now apple iphone 6 is having trouble with their operating system. they rolled out a fix but pulled it when it had other problems. people have been venting online that the phone will not connect to their cars through blue tooth and the connection keeps dropping out. there is also scattered reports that the iphone 6 plus has actually bent while people were carrying it in their pockets. apple has not yet commented on these reports. >> work out all the bugs and then get the phone. it's time now for the "action news" traffic report. matt, anything will be better than yesterday. >> less bugs in the traffic situation on this second day of fall. just a couple of bugs. this is bugging us a little bit, the slowing on 95, southbound side headed through the work zone on girard avenue, a little worse with the afternoon volume coming out of city in northeast philadelphia. the slow speeds on 95 and the police activity at american and cambria. the normal being 51 miles per hour. we are picking up the pace there. an earlier crash on the eastbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike approaching valley forge involving a motorcycle. they got that cleared out of the way and all lanes are reopen and in the 60s and the normal southbound delays on 202, but so far not so bad. here in the concord area, between people road and concord road. and people coming down from new jersey to our neck of the woods, big problems on the new jersey turnpike use 130 or 1 as alternates. >> lets grab the ipad on this hump day afternoon. it was an awful drive today on the pennsylvania turnpike, but it's looking better, but on the ramp to the northeast exfence, look for an object on the ramp giving some cars flat tires, which is never a pleasant way to spend your hump day. >> got to be reminded at least we are halfway there. >> thank you matt. >> we want to remind you of our brand new toy that gives you control over the video you see from chopper 6, we call it chopper 6-360, can you use your tablet, phone or computer to take control of the 360 camera and zoom it in or out and to make it work go to 6 for instructions, and chopper 6-360 is in the air now, check out this fun new tool for yourself. there say popular new ban on a popular new toy. monica malpass is here with more. >> they are called bucky balls and they are high powered magnets, but this are responsible for thousands of emergency room visits and now they are cracking down on this, they are not kidding around anymore. they have small easily ingested magnets, they are forcing manufacturers to make them larger and less powerful as well. and iphone and ipad owners have that downloaded the ios 8 operating system are dealing with bugs. now apple was forced to offer fixes then he have issues too. we'll have the stories and more coming up at 5:00. looking forward to it. still ahead here adam is back with the storm coming our way tonight. plus, it was a golfer gone wild at a local country club, find out what caused a man to break almost every single club in his bag and what he did with them when he was done. >> don't forget you can take the new with you wherever you go, it's new smart design fits any device, your tablet or smart phone, visit ♪ we have a saying... mi coffee es su coffee. our way of inviting you to share what's ours. so between september 16th and the 29th, we want to treat you to a rich, smooth mccafé coffee for free. why would we do that? when you have something this delicious, you just have to share it. ...on the casa. ♪ she is a veteran broadcaster, diana williams came by philadelphia high school to speak to students as part of thetive and annual back to school with the history makers event this is part of a nationwide event to bring black leaders into school to inspire today's youth. now a look at the forecast and the wet and wild weather coming our way. adam joseph is at the big board. >> it depends on the location, far southern sussex county and delaware. some showers approaching the tip of cape may and the majority of region it will be a few hours before the rain moves in and it will be slow before double scan live shows from milford to lewes. it's not moving to the north all that much, it will be a slow progression from the south to the north and the heaviest rain occurs very late tonight into the wee hours of tomorrow morning. as we look at the temperatures, 70 in dover and 71 in wilmington and 72 in philadelphia, and at the shore the winds are picking up at the immediate shore. when you get the winds coming in off the water there is no friction of land and it's stronger there and it slows the wind speeds down, that is the case as we go through tomorrow as well. satellite and radar the storm is far to the south off the coast of carolina as well. you can see the bulk of the rain over the virginias and carolinas. it has oversoaked the region now and they continue to thicken up and moisten up so to speak. at midnight ton, the far western suburbs, still yet to see a drop of rain with light showers from philadelphia to millville. and then the heaviest rain, the brilter colors here on future tracker, arrive for tomorrow's commute, it's a slow go and then the heavy rain lifts to the north at 11:00 and lessens, and by the afternoon it's cloudy and cool and windy and lingering showers for the rush hour, not as bad as this morning. as we look at the keys this morning, the heaviest is 1:00 a.m. until 4:00 a.m. in the morning, generally 1 to 2 inches of rain and 3 inches closer to the shore. 41 miles per hour wind speeds at 3:30 in the morning in atlantic city. and 25 for philadelphia, and you see the easterly wind, we progress this and there is the center of the low, where you see these particular wind features wrapling around the low as it goes northeast, gusting at 30 miles per hour. and as we get into the afternoon at 5:00, we won't worry about the tidal flooding down the shore then, notice the winds more northerly and not piling up the water but winds in the afternoon still in the teens and 20s. as we look at the coastal flood advisory, the high tide in southern areas, between 9:00 p.m. and midnight. from ocean city to the north, the high tide of concern, is from 9:00 a.m. until noon tomorrow. it was a windy, cool day at 66 degrees, a very raw feeling and then saturday and sunday low 80s for highs and we are not even painting much in the way of clouds both days, we'll make up both days in the coming week and weekend.oth days, we'll make up >> thanks adam. children are just beginning their education in norristown, the center is renovated to become a school for kindergarteners. it was revealed on sandy hill road. many hours went into this makeover and this new school like this it is time now for the buzz, and the latest "people" magazine cover showing a bald, beautiful, and beaming joan london battling an aggressive case of breast cancer. she just underwent surgery and chemo to remove a tumor. she decided to bare it all for women going through the same ordeal. >> former jersey shore reality star, mike the situation sorentino and his brother, for not paying taxes on millions of dollars over the past few years. and they claimed millions in bogus amounts of money in bogus purchases. the lineup tonight, an all new show, "blackish," stars annie edwards and lawrence fishburn, they play a family showing what it's like to be black in america today. and the goldbergs, you know based here in jenkintown and created by adam goldberg. >> thank you very much. still ahead here from free apps to free self defendant apps. the new way to keep females safe on college campuses, and flea market fabulous, we talk to laura spencer about the details of making a gorgeous room for pennies and the dollar. >> and one woman claims that frozen is ripped off from her actual life story. and she is suing now. oh "action news" continues with adam joseph, alicia vitarelli, shirleen allicot and brian taff. >> hello again, 4:30 and "action news" continues with shocking new developments involving a nascar super star that hit and killed another race car drive, why a grand jury decided that tony stewart was not at fault. >> and now parents are not sure about a certain shot that their newborns need. how moms and dads may be putting their babies at risk without realizing it and it's a fantasy golfers can relate to. he clubs his clubs to death. the man-trum now going viral. >> and now a look at a coastal storm slowing moving our way. lets get over quickly to adam joseph with how much rain to expect and when. >> we are not upset like the guy with the golf clubs, this is much needed rain, good news we are getting a soaking overnight after a dry spell late this summer. double scan showing the rain moving into southern delaware but the heavy rain is in southern parts of virginia and northern north carolina. as we close in closer to the delmarva region, we put on the buoy data, this is weather stations situations out over the waters over the atlantic frmg . we look at the ones over lewes delaware, gusting to 37 miles per hour. so with the rain, will come some very strong winds right over the open waters of the atlantic. future tracker showing by 11:00 tonight, we are still waiting for the rain in the northern half of our viewing area. this is slow moving up to the south and after midnight and the wee hours of the morning and it will be a nightmare in the morning for the commute and take extra time to get from point a to point b. as we look at future tracker rainfalls, how much to expect tonight into thursday afternoon. a general 1 to 2 inches of rain and pockets of 3 inches of rain especially along the shore closer to the center of the low. and we'll talk more in depth about the timing of this system and when the rain bands pull through your community. a remaineder you can get access to the conditions on your smart phone or tablet with our app. it's available for your apple or android device. >> revel was set to be sold for pennies on the dollar but instead the sale hit another snag. nora muchanic explains. >> revel's auction was suppose to take place at 9:00 this morning in new york but is delayed by the appearance of last minute bidders, that upseted glen straub who offered a $90 million bid for the shuttered casino. >> whatever which way they decide, it will create definitely jobs. that is my concern an attorney for glen straub says the auction is tainted, and the attorneys for revel -- he would turn it into an elite university where the best and brightest would tackle the pressing issue of today. >> i don't think it's smart. >> because? >> well, how much smart people have you got in this world. >> i don't think it's good. >> how come? >> they should do more for families down here. >> you want it to be a tourist attraction. >> right, real gamblingers are going elsewhere. something new and different may be a better idea. bidders are expected to negotiate for revel next week. i'm nora muchanic, channel 6 "action news." a 21-year-old upper darby man sts first to be charged under pennsylvania's new human trafficking law. he is accused of assaulting two young girls he met on a website called "meet me" that he drove the two girls to his mom's house in delaware county and ordered them to have sex with him and his friend. the girls said they complied because he threatens ed to throw them out. >> philadelphia police want your help in finding a man that robbed a deli at gun point while a small child was just feet away. here you see the man pull out and point his gun while other shoppers include that child were standing right next to him. if you know anything about this crime, call southwest detectives, and north of reading a young man holding up two gas stations using a replica sword. police released these photos on sunday night. you see the sword there. the same man used the same decorative weapon used in costume role playing games to rob a gas station overnight. if you recognize this isn't call pennsylvania state police. nascar champion, tony stewart will not face charges in the crash that killed driver, kevin ward. toxicology results showed that ward was under the influence of marijuana when he was struck back in august, according to the grand jury, the levels were high enough to impair his judgment. the 20-year-old was hit when he got out of his wrecked car and walked towards stewart's car. as we told you in the last half hour, the man charged with abducting a missing college student remains on the run. police are searching for jesse leroy matthew. her disappearance has students nationwide taking precautions amid a conversation about violence against women on campus. women at rutgers university arm themselves with an extra line of defense including several new smart phone apps. circle of 6, lets you choose six friends and it lets you choose a text message and another one is be safe. it turns your phone into an audio and video device and gets the sounds and sight of what is happening. >> it sends you to all of your emergency contacts and it says that you are in danger. a local martial arts studio is helping women to protect themselves and alicia is at the big board with details on that. >> brazen boxing and mma has started to protect women with self-defense moves. the ladies only classes are held every sunday and they are completely free. >> it's like grappling 101, it's free sunday grappling class. there are some simple tricks, you are learning self-defense and jiu-jitsu. when someone grabs you like this, they have a strong grip, people tend to want to pull back. it pulls the availant assailants into you. >> i'm going to bring my elbow to your elbow and hip to hip. >> and circling towards the thumb, you can always go towards my thumb. >> this way? >> and loosen the grip. >> if an attacker grabs both of your wrist, he recommends a hand switch. once you learn the moves, practice, practice, practice. grab, poke, not bad. again. >> brazen boxing trains everyone from lawyers to doctors and kids. you get the add the bonus of a fantastic workout, are you moving five, six minute rounds. >> a lot of calories burn? >> yes, a lot of calories and once you are trained you are less likely to be a target. >> don't mess with me. >> leave me alone. >> by the way jason vargus chained with mma star jason couture and they say that every woman should know how to defend herself. >> thanks so much. some visitor to the philadelphia zoo had a unique encounter with some of its residents today. students at the malvern school got to meet birds and various mammals and reptiles of all sizes, this is part of the retirement home celebration of acting, aging week. when they discover new places, people and things. >> very cool. >> still ahead, flea markets are a great place to find deals, expert bargain hunter, lara hunter gives her tips. plus, is frozen an auto biography. one author says yes and she is ready to sue disney for using her life story. >> so many questions about that. adam joseph returns with the full accuweather forecast. (postal worker) hey! millers! you two day-dreaming? (millers, in unison) yes. (postal worker) about your victorian dream home? (mrs. miller) uh huh. (postal worker) or maybe a colonial home? (mr. miller) how did you... (postal worker) you have the new game from the pennsylvania lottery. (mr. miller) yeah, the new $1,000,000 instant jackpot! (mrs. miller) with 5 top prizes of $1,000,000. (postal worker) welcome to the neighborhood! (voice over) want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning today. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. new video shows one driver's brush with death when his truck was engulfed in flames in georgia. well, that truck tripped and exploded as you saw, pinning mark godfrey in his seat while the fire spread through the cab, he still managed to climb through a window to the top of the truck, 10 feet off is the ground he was forced to jump and muster the strength to hit the pavement. >> i ran 10 or 15 feet and i collapsed. i had no energy left. some people that witnessed the blast noticed godfrey laying helplessly on the ground and they carried him away from the flames, the cause remains under investigation. in health check at 4:00, doctors are trying to head off a dangerous new trend, parents skipping the vitamin k shot for their newborns, babies have low levels of vitamin k, for 50 years newborns got injections to stop internal bleeding and now a surge in bleeding cases largely among parentses that refuse vaccinations. dr. richard besser addressed the problem on "good morning america." >> these bleeds are so rare why do we do it? the reason they are so rare is because we do it. here at the big board with the big talkers, you know the story, a princess and her sister, and it's an eternal winter. sounds like disney's frozen and one woman says it's her life story and she is suing for $250 million. she can't let it go. the movie is not based on the chance christian anderson tale, the snow queen. she claims that disney plagiarized her book, and turned it into frozen the highest grossing book of all time. >> does she know a singing snowman and can she turns things to ice. she wants you to read the book. >> talk about a bad day, chris was having a crummy may of golf and takes it out on nine of his golf clubs in a post tournament tantrum. >> aaah! >> done with that one. a local guy was rolling as he channels hi fury to his clubs and even his bag takes a beating. a total 100% melt down. they got what they deserved. >> yeah, it's the clubs fault. luckily nobody was hurt and about $1,000 worth of clubs were gone. he put all the carnage in the bag and threw the bag in the pond. so he is normally a 10 handicapper, i'm not a golfer, this is a pretty good game, maybe he was having a bad one. >> a really bad one. >> i have two words for him, anger management. >> those are the words. those clubs are toast. lets get a check of the roads. matt pellman is in the traffic center. >> times are on par and we want to forewarn drivers, the travel times are not quite in the green in the expressway in king of prussia, just past 202, there is an accidents and the ramp is so congested coming off of 422, getting on the eastbound side of the schuylkill expressway in king of prussia and not nearly as bad as this morning on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound, but a crash approaching the mid county toll plaza causing slowing and slowing as well on the northbound side of the blue route heading towards the same toll plaza, a broken down vehicle on 95 and that is out of the way and slow speeds coming down from academy and watch for the police activity that continues to be out there at american and cambria. and a crash at bethel road and concord road, in voorhees, red oak drive but a better ride for our friends from new jersey, the turnpike is reopen. >> we'll check it again brian and shirleen in the 5:00 hour. >> thank you. meteorologist, adam joseph, is here with the we have breaking news now in chalfont, buck county, chopper 6 hd is over the scene of the wells fargo bank, police officers are standing in front of the building, they continue their investigation into a bank robbery that happened two hours ago and one shot was fired in the incident and there are no reports of injuries and new britain police are investigating this bank robbery today. in the meantime we continue to watch the radar today. >> the rain is slowly creeping up from the south and we have quite a soaking coming in, as we look at double scan live, some of the green south of dover and just to the south of cape may, it's going to take its precious time moving up to the south, as we go through the evening hours, over the last hour, it is barely moved north of milford, lewes, delaware and showers and dry in cape may now. as this creeps up to the north, the rain line will probably not hit philadelphia until closer to the midnight hour, allentown 72 and 71 in wilmington and 67 in millville and right around 70 at the shore with the ocean, 69 degrees, the ocean will become a washing machine over the next 12 hours. 20 in philadelphia, for wilmington and millville, you can see the tragedy trajectory right now. the storm is weak, but it's counter acting this high to the north and east and winds around a high always funnel into a low and between the two you can see the wind continuing to push towards the eastern shores of not only new jersey but delaware wraps in around the low and it stays windy tomorrow morning and that low kicks away and the winds ease tomorrow afternoon. rights now the rain over the virginias and it's carolinas, and again this is moving up from the south and future tracker showing with the timing it's around midnight that it starts to rain in philadelphia, turning steadier and heavier in southern delaware, new jersey and dry to the north of town and for the rush hour, it will be a nightmare, because of the torrential rain and ponding on the roadways, allow time tomorrow morning, that lingers until at least 1:00 and by 3:00 in the afternoon just some lingering showers for the evening rush. the main impacts with this coastal low, the rain totals 1 to 2 inches, this is welcomed, closer to the shore inland wind gusts, 30 to 35 miles per hour, and at the shore 30 to 40 miles per hour, with the piling easterly wind with the winds coming off the atlantic there is minor tidal flooding and southern parts of the shore tonight and early tomorrow morning north of ocean city. tonight rain developments and the heaviest comes in after midnight. 56 to 60 for the overnight low and the exclusive accuweather forecast, rainy and windy and cool tomorrow, and minor tidal flooding at the shore and nothing major, the sun quickly returns on friday, up to 75 and then a beautiful weekend is in store for saturday and sunday. sunny and warm and low 80s for highs, well above average, and sticking with 80 degrees on monday before it turns cooler with a couple of showers on tuesday. mostly cloudy on wednesday and we go back into the lower 70s, so we have a couple of good things here in the 70s. >> perfect. >> win win. i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live in delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families. it's time to save with channel 6 "action news" and fall brings with it an abundance of plea markets. lara spencer just released her second book, called flea market fabulous and i got a chance to pick her brain to fine the best deals. >> we buy low and fix and make more. >> lara says she has a skill of dumpster diving. my little girl loves it and i used to go along with my mom. in this book, flea market fabulous, she walks you through the step by step process of rebudgeting find, you can rescue, recycle and pain just about anything. >> you can find pieces that are pretty ready at flea markets, they are not all as frightening as the ones i choose. >> to get the best bargains go prepared, bring a measuring tape and text pictures of the room you want to do. >> so that you know the spaces that you have. >> and bring her book or magazines, and don't forget the sun block and dress in layers. >> i bring wipes because it gets down and dirty. >> your climbing around and pack some cash. because you'll get some much better prices negotiating with cash rather than check. >> and be nice. >> like to say please take the hag out of haggling, say look i love this piece, what is your best price? >> good tip. >> be nice, good advice in all walks of life. that does did for "action news" at 4:00, for shirleen allicot, alicia vitarelli and adam joseph i'm brian ♪ we have a saying... mi coffee es su coffee. our way of inviting you to share what's ours. so between september 16th and the 29th, we want to treat you to a rich, smooth mccafé coffee for free. why would we do that? when you have something this delicious, you just have to share it. ...on the casa. ♪ "action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody, meteorologist, cecily tynan, rick williams and monica malpass. the skies are overcast above center city, it's clouds are gathering and heavy rains are expected to move in in the coming hours, breaking a streak of sunny days, it's wednesday night and the big story is a big change in the weather, cecily tynan has the story on accuweather tracking it all. >> up until now fall is beautiful but i'm tracking the first storm, a coastal storm of the fall season and stormtracker 6 live double scan showing that most of our region is rain free right now, we are beginning to see just the leading edge of the rain moving over sussex and kent county, delaware and in the tip of cape may, but the actual low pressure is way down to the south, off the coast of carolinas and what this will be doing is hugging the sea line, but the high pressure is up to the north and that high pressure is slowing that low down, so it will take a while for this rain to be advancing up to the north. this is the updated timeline for the rain, southern new jersey between now and 9:00, that rain is spreading up from the south. philadelphia metro area, it's rain is moving in between 9:00 and midnight. most of the area is rain free and the rain is moving in between midnight and 3:00 in the morning, the problem with the slower timetable is that the bulk of the rain is in the morning commute. this is the raw data, we look at to determine how much rain,


Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20140924

alive. oh, just five weeks old and looking for a mommy. the baby gorilla being raised by humans right now, going on a one of a kind air lift on a private plane. and we're there every step of the way. is this the gorilla who's about to say, "we are family"? and we do say good morning, america. and, yes, i am going, oh, it's a sweet little face. a face only a mama could love. but the mama rejected kamina. that's her name. she's on a journey to find a new family, and we will share that ahead. a lot of news to get to. new air strikes against i.s.i.s. overnight. warning that everyone needs to be on alert for retaliation from isis sympathizers. >> with the air strikes overnight, u.s. officials are warning of possible retaliation here at home. a bulletin from the fbi and security said they may embolden home grown terrorists to strike in the u.s. this morning, the u.s. is studying the after math footage to assess the damage, which shows precise hits with little collateral damage. on the ground, a video from the a jihadist from the netherlands said -- >> many brothers died, many wounded. >> reporter: but it's difficult to determine if any senior leaders were killed. >> you can't determine that from 10,000 or 30,000 feet. this is the command and control network. >> reporter: u.s. authorities are expressing confidence that it disrupted an imminent plot to blow up american passenger gets by a small elite group, the khorasan group. >> they had people and explosives to do it. >> reporter: they were developing a series of explosives that could not be detected by current airport screening machines. and led to enhanced security steps involving cell phones and appliances at u.s. and european airports. >> i can say that the enhanced security measures that we took in the aviation sector was based on concerns about the khorasan group. >> reporter: with authorities on higher alert around the world, police in australia shot and killed a suspected isis militant after he attacked two police officers with a knife. saying his passport had been canceled for national security reasons. they must be vigilant, because, quote, there are people capable of extreme acts. >> it is just a global alert. thanks very much. and from our chief white house correspondent, jon karl. president obama announced the air strikes against iraq and syria. but the strikes against khorasan weren't planned. >> it was fascinating, september 10th, primetime address to the nation. the president was expanding air strikes into syria. khorasan was not on the list. the reason they decided to add them, there had been reporting about this group and u.s. officials were concerned about it. they were concerned it was going to drive the group underground, miss their opportunity to hit them. they were concerned once want bombs started dropping on isis, they would run to ground and miss the opportunity. >> the president coming to the united nations again today to make the case. >> he has the speech before the general assembly. but he's chairing a meeting of the u.n. security council and passing a resolution calling on nations to stop the flow of foreign fighters. that's the big concern. >> the president doesn't think he needs u.n. authorization. >> with the president in town, nice to have you here. >> great to be here. now to the latest on missing uva hannah graham. officially charging jesse matthew with abducting her. a wide man shunt under way. steve osunsami is tracking it auto. >> reporter: what looks like a big break in the mysterious disappearance of 18-year-old hannah graham. police charging 32-year-old jesse matthew with her abduction, accusing him of a sex cause. >> we felt the commonwealth had sufficient proximate cause. >> reporter: and now a new charge, and accused of abducting her early last saturday morning. police believe the hospital operating assistant is the last person to see graham. meeting her at a downtown mall near the university. and then buying her drinks at this restaurant and bar. investigators say they're not sure where matthew went when he walked into police quarters this weekend and sped away with police following him. >> there are state and federal resources that have been released and deployed to help accomplish that task. >> reporter: police are waiting for a complete set of test results from matthew's car and clothes they removed from his apartment. his friends and neighbors arguing his innocence, but begging him to turn himself in. >> come back to the police station, tell what you know and get it over with. >> reporter: his alleged victim, still missing. police say they're still searching. >> we absolutely are continuing our search for hannah as we speak, and we will continue our search for hannah. >> reporter: there has to be some evidence that police aren't sharing that has come to light. they have had plenty of chances to file this kind of charge, but haven't done so until now. >> thanks. and now more from dan abrams. what could this be? >> dna evidence they found in the context of a new search, or a new surveillance video that they hadn't had before. that makes the most sense. additional surveillance video showing him doing something. this is a very specific crime. just the fact that he's on the lam, yes, that could be evidence against him, eventually. but not quite enough evidence to say he is -- we believe guilty of this very specific sexual crime. >> and now they're officially saying he is the suspect -- >> game-changer. before you were talking about reckless driving charge. you can't send out the state and federal authorities looking for someone on a reckless driving charge. on this kind of crime and felony, you have mass i haive resources that can be sent out. >> and to amy with the other top stories. good morning. breaking news overnight, a journalist from los angeles kidnapped by pirates in somalia has been freed after three years in captivity. michael scott was researching a book on piracy when he was abducted on his way to the airport in january of 2012. moore is reported to be in good condition. and tensions flaring in ferguson, missouri. violence breaking out after a memorial for michael brown, the black teen shot by police, was set on fire. gunfire heard in the streets, police arresting several people throwing rocks. no word on what caused the fire at the memorial. a new warning for home depot customers. the first fraudulent charges are showing up this morning. crooks charging everything from electronics to groceries. they are small to see if the card works. don't wait for the end of the month to check your bank statement for unusual charges, do it now. hundreds of texas lottery players who thought they had won big money on a scratch ticket are fighting mad. they said a new game, fun five, was printed with misleading instructions. they are demanding the prize money. hiring a lawyer with plans to sue the lottery commission. they want their money. an unusual high speed chase near disneyland, the driver of this uhaul refusing to stop. using a pit maneuver, forcing him to spin out. first tried to pull him over for failing to yield. turns out, it was stolen. and responding to a car crash the other day, it was the pizza hut delivery man, he had to go to the hospital, and officers went above and beyond the call of duty. they completed the delivery. the people who ordered it were shocked to see the police at the front door. everyone had a good laugh and a good slice. >> did it get there in 30 minutes? >> exactly. >> i'm sure they put the tip up a little higher once they heard the story. >> thank you, officer. >> thank you, amy. now to the growing questions about the secret service and the president's safety. a new fence at the white house built after last week's breach. and a second incident where a seemingly disturbed man was admitted to a restricted parking lot. pierre thomas is in washington with the details. >> reporter: good morning. the secret service remains under fire from congress, there's word of another disturbing encounter at the white house, saying that's white house is a chronic target for the mentally ill. just one day after a man climbed over a fence and got into the white house with a knife, another breach by another apparently mentally unstable men. kevin carr walked up and said he had an appointment with president obama. he told agents he was the prince of peace who often communicated with the president telepathically. carr, of course, was turned away. but minutes later, he was at this white house entrance, driving his chevy cruz. he was directed to a restricted parking lot inside the complex for additional screening. but according to court records, instead of parking, he kept driving 25 feet in the direction of the white house and immediately arrested. this morning, the secret service is saying the officer acted appropriately. but this demonstrates that the white house is a magnet for the mentally unstable. >> we see people across the country. they leave and come to washington because they're on saysed with the forecast. >> most are not dangerous, but some are. like this man firing into the white house in 1994. or this woman killed by police last year after she smashed her car into a white house gate. and this stunning statistic, every week they encounter two to three people struggling with psychotic fixations on the first family or congress. >> that is something to keep in mind. >> just a constant threat. and now to bill clinton in new york, the clinton global initiative conference. and the former president weighed in on today's politics, the white house security breach and america's latest salvo in a decades-long war on terror. we saw president obama order air strikes into syria. what do you say to americans who say this war is a condition of modern life? >> first of all, by and large, we were not going to war against nations. we were going to war against non-state actors. the world has made most borders more porous. technology has made the means of destruction at hand for more and more groups. >> it's the dark side of globalization. >> yeah. isis and the gates foundation have one thing in common, they're both non-governmental organizations. one does good and brings us together, the other drives us apart and kills people. it's a fact of modern life that power is more diffuse. >> and another one, presidential skru skrurt. how surprised he got into the white house? >> not surprised he jumped the fence, still surprised he got in. >> president obama's situation, seems like he's in a box. even on foreign policy, on the specifics the country seems to agree with what he's doing. yet has the lowest approval rating on foreign policy in his entire presidency. how does he get out of that box are more secure and -- so i think they do support what he's decided to do. >> i wonder, is there something to this, you know, second term curse. you look at modern presidents. hit the sixth year, it's almost impossible for a president of either party to have much support that late in the game. >> i think his challenges are rooted in the fact that first of all, he had certain elements of the media and the republican party who were always against him. it's almost impossible for the average american to understand how totally political washington is today. >> take us out ten years. we were here ten years ago. the first cgi conference. and i asked you where did you want to be, and you said -- >> if we do this together for ten years, i think there will be a measurable impact on some of the world's most severe problems. >> promise kept? >> i think so. we can document improvements in the lives of 430 million people in many countries. and many alive because of the aids medicine in contracts we negotiated. in terms of the sheer impact, it's bigger than i thought. >> set the bar ten years from now. >> i'm trying to work myself out of a job. i'd like it if the world developed a preference for this model of problem solving. so in every country in every region there was support from government and nobody did things alone. the best practice is to get as many partners as you can around a complex problem and then basically have a network of cooperation. that's the best practice. >> and a lot more on the initiative later, and a clue about his grand baby to be. >> very exciting. you two looked the same ten years ago. >> haven't aged a day. now to the dramatic rescue of a rock climber in idaho. the mother trapped in a remote area under a 1.5 ton granite would their dislodged while she was hiking. rescuers saying it was the most difficult they had come cross across. >> reporter: this morning, amy is battered and bruised, but alive. after this rescue, capping off the ordeal straight out of 2127 hours. they were navigating this rocky slope when a 2500-pound granite boulder gives way, hitting her in the head, then landing right on her foot. trapping her. >> and i tried to scramble out of the way. i was a little bit delirious from the first impact. >> reporter: a trained paramedic, they call for help. >> nearly impossible -- >> reporter: laying face down under the boulder for nine hours, a volunteer search and rescue team arrives. >> that was a relief. >> reporter: using ropes and pulleys, they're able to lift the rock, but with midstock in no condition to hike out on her own, they are stuck for seven more hours, waiting for daylight and that air force rescue chopper. when the helicopter finally arrives, the terrain is too treacherous for it to land. the pilot must hover above as midstock is lifted off the mountain. foot broken, face bruised, spirits high. >> she was smiling and thankful and cheery as she always is. >> reporter: for "good morning america," clayton sandell, abc news, denver. >> couldn't imagine. so glad everyone is all right. >> what a miracle. heavy rain, flooding in florida. >> this is central florida. the last 24 hours or so. daytona beach picking up close to 7 inches since midnight. but the pictures out of orlando. check that out. it's like the car is pushing through. that's not very smart as many of us know. now, that's with the stationary front that was associated with the low. the low going to track up, and the mid-atlantic into the northeast. get ready because we are about to get heavy rain. philadelphia to d.c. early tomorrow morning. new york city, let me warn you, tomorrow morning's commute is windy and super wet. your local forecast in just 30 seconds. but first this morning's rainy cities brought to you by walgree walgreens. >> going, gm dave murphy with an update from accuweather. nothing showing on storm tracker 6 live double scan and as we look outside we have sunshine early with clouds marching in from the south. temperature in the 50's. your exclusive accuweather forecast shows a high of 75 today. clouds will increase during the day. and late in the day down south we'll see some rain overnight some steady to heavy rain across the region and tomorrow morning some more rain starting to taper off to showers in the afternoon. tomorrow's high >> so from wilmington to washington, d.c. and baltimore, flash flood watch tonight through early tomorrow. >> keep an eye on that. all right, thank you. coming up on "gma," dramatic new cell phone video revealed in the high stakes medical love triangle, and what the victim's girlfriend revealed on the stand. and two teens held captive for 19 mourps their dramatic 911 call after they escaped. not just your computer at risk, the new risk in your driveway. what you need to know. and take a look at this, a five-week old baby gorilla looking for a family. she has an incredible journey on a private plane, and the mom who could be coming to her rescue. and tavis smiley, out of the ballroom. we're going to hear from him later. tions. ask your doctor if once-a-day latuda, lurasidone hcl, may help you. in clinical studies, latuda has been shown to be effective for many people struggling with bipolar depression. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles and confusion, as these may be signs of a life-threatening reaction or if you have uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. high blood sugar has been seen with latuda and medicines like it, and in extreme cases can lead to coma or death. other risks include decreased white blood cells, which can be fatal, dizziness on standing, seizures, increased cholesterol, weight, or prolactin, trouble swallowing, and impaired judgment. avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice. use caution before driving or operating machinery. there are paths to treat bipolar depression. ask your doctor if once-a-day latuda for bipolar depression is right for you. for savings options, visit introducing the leggings studio. more looks than you can imagine. only at white house black market. "give a minute. helpireless at make-a-wish" event, and help children with life-threatening medical conditions. stop by walmart this saturday, take a minute to learn about straight talk wireless, and we'll donate up to one million dollars. straight talk wireless. same phones. same networks. half the cost. available only at walmart. ♪ [music] defiance is in our bones. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep. lots of them, right? but when you try to get one by using your travel rewards card miles... those seats mysteriously vanish. why? all the flights you want are blacked out. or they hit you up for some outrageous number of miles. switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase you'll earn unlimited double miles. now we're getting somewhere. what's in your wallet? now we're getting somewhere. ♪ oh, there's an energy crisis happening alright. a human one. ♪ and it's time to fight it. quaker's good energy is just what you want. ♪ it's how we help keep go-getters like you... going... and getting. one bite at a time. try quaker warm & crunchy granola for the crunchy side of oatmeal. quaker up. >> ♪ >> "action news" is brought to you by avalon flooring. >> "action news" is brought to group. >> ♪ >> good morning, 7:26 on this wednesday, september 24th. i'm tamala edwards. let's head over to karen rogers. she's starting in conshohocken. good morning. wow. >> good morning, this accident here on the blue route southbound still causing problems. this is just as you approach the schuylkill. we can see it blocking the right lane. penndot has got the a are row board out. looks like they're backing up a tow truck into the scene. blue route jammed from mid county approaching the schuylkill. accident off to the shoulder on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound past fort washington but look at these speeds. 14 miles an hour near the accident scene. you're really jammed approaching willow grove to past fort washington with that accident. in hatfield 309 at villa road, an accident here and on i-95 it's a jam-up. that's your southbound traffic as you try to head towards center city, really jammed past academy to girard a.m. disabled vehicle blocks the center lane southbound at the betsy ross bridge. >> thank you karen. let's take a live look across center city. that's a beautiful picture david but you say it will get cloudy soon. >> you can see the clouds in that shot beginning to roll in from the south. over on the terrace we have them. it's also cool, 56 in philadelphia, upper 40's in the northern suburbs. your exclusive accuweather 7-day shows a high of 75 so it gets mild later but clouds continue to grow thicker through today. tonight we'll see rain arriving from south to north. cloudy tomorrow with rain steady at times especially before dawn. and then showers winding down during the later morning and early afternoon hours. 66 is tomorrow's cooler high. back to 74 on friday. and we're still looking at low 80's for saturday and sunday and close to that on monday. so a nice weekend but we have to get through this rain first, tam. that's it for us. we'll send you to "gma" and see you back here in 30. >> ♪ ♪ wow, look at julian houg go. stepped out from behind the judges table right on to the dance floor. stopped the show last night on "dancing with the stars." >> i'll say she did. >> wow. >> her dress off -- >> that's a dress? >> where is it? >> that's it. >> oh, she looks awesome. she has such stage presence. >> uh-huh. >> and a new hair style every night as pewell. we say "good morning america." >> when i was a guest judge last year, i thought about doing that. but, no, robin you're a judge. >> you could have done it. >> right here in my mind. also ahead, turn to the shocking new cell phone video revealed in the medical love triangle case. he's sitting in a hospital waiting room, and his girlfriend delivering powerful testimony yesterday. hackers have a new target. it's your car. what you need to know to stay safe on the road. and an important new warning for pregnant moms. vitamin shots you may be skipping that could be putting your newborn at risk. now the latest on the sensational poisoning trial in texas. a prominent cancer researcher accused of almost killing her lover by spiking his coffee. the other woman was on the stand tuesday. ryan owens has the story. >> i've been progressively discoordinated. >> reporter: you're watching cell phone video of dr. george blumenschein in a hospital waiting room as the poison in his body starts to take its toll. just offscreen, the woman on trial accused of poisoning him, dr. anna gonzalez. the video was shot in january of 2013 by his girlfriend of more than a decade, yvette tony. >> i actually thought he's dying in front of me. >> reporter: tony spent much of tuesday on the stand, testifying about how she found out her p f boyfriend was having an affair with dr. gonzalez. >> i felt stupid. it was three weeks, i felt like an idiot. >> reporter: prosecutors say she spike the coffee with a sweet-tasting poison found in anti-freeze and claimed it was splenda, all because he chose to stay with his girlfriend and not her. >> she had a special colombian coffee. >> reporter: he has permanent kidney damage, and dr. gonzalez is charged with aggravated assault. she's pleaded not guilty. but if convicted, the world-renowned cancer doc may spend the rest of her life in prison. >> are you still with dr. george blumenschein? >> yes. >> i'll ask what everyone wants to know, why? >> because i know the affair with the defendant is not the sum of who he really is. >> reporter: ryan owens, abc news, houston. and dan abrams is back with more on this. so the jury seeing the video of the possible effects of the poison. >> yeah, very powerful stuff. when you're watching that video, seeing it literally coursing through his veins. the question becomes, of course, how does it relate to the issue of guilty or innocence? look, the most important question in this case, in addition to the medical evidence, is do you believe the doc? because if you believe his account, she says i have a special colombian coffee to try. he tries it, immediately says, wow. this tastes incredibly sweet. she says i put in splenda, et cetera. very shortly thereafter he's in the hospital. they say he's poisoned. wow. if you believe all of that, it's very hard to think of how the defense is going to be able to overcome that. they're saying medical evidence. he could have been poisoned at all sorts of different times. but that whole try my special colombian brew followed by this tastes really sweet isn't helpful to the defendant. >> do you think the defendant will testify? >> i think probably not. in addition to the fact the defendants rarely testify in a case like this, in this case, you have six hours of audiotape. 14 different calls reported between him and her, she's denying it. she's saying, hey, move on with your life. et cetera. i don't know why i would do this, check with your girlfriend. so i think that allows the defense to say we have put on our case in effect through these audiotapes. don't need to testify. >> this has been an odd one. >> and it's a tough case for the defendant. >> it is. thank you. >> thank you. now to the terrifying case of two utah teens. abducted while walking in the middle of the night, and escaped after 19 harrowing hours. and they have released the 911 tape to remind people that the suspects have not been caught. neal karlinsky has the story. >> reporter: at first the two teenage girls were so hysterical, the 911 operator didn't understand. saying they had just escaped a terrifying kidnapping. >> they took us in their car. >> someone took you in his car? >> yes. >> reporter: this morning, bountiful, utah, police, are trying to track down who kidnapped the 16 and 16-17-year-old girls early this morning. >> are you in the car? >> no. we got out. >> reporter: they tried to have some fun, sneaking out at 2:00 a.m. during a sleep over. but they were approached by a red suv, offering them a ride. the girls declined, but suddenly they were forced in at knife point. >> i could tell she had been traumatized. >> reporter: the mother of one of the victims describes her daughter's experience as nothing short of horrific. >> when they would move or whimper, they would punch them. and my daughter was cut in multiple places. >> reporter: police say it went on like that for 19 mourps the girls hands duct taped until one point when the car was stopped they broke free and made a run for. >> one girl was able to escape, free the other girl while two men exited the vehicle. >> reporter: tammy morrison was sitting in her car when the girls ran up to the window. they used her phone to call 911. >> they were hysterical, the one had duct tape that had been in her mouth around her neck. >> reporter: they are lucky to have made it out. neal karlinsky, abc news, seattle. >> thanks goodness. and the weather. >> and a major pattern change on the west coast. counter clockwise rotating low. the associated cold front dropping rain in washington state and oregon. for the most part, northern california looking toward forward to this. and when rain falls quickly, you could see flash flooding, mudslides, debris flow. all something to watch and warn for. with red flag warnings next to flash flood watches. and it's warm in billings, montana. 90 there. and denver, just a picture-perfect day, sunshi >> thanks, ginger, dave murphy on the terrace. clouds continuing to increase over the area, temp in the 50. your exclusive accuweather 7-day, we'll wand up with lots of clouds later. 75 is the high and there will be ran at night. >> all that weather is brought toy but chic o's. >> the crew -- tell you something. you're fine. okay. coming up, the new ways to keep students safe on college campuses starting now. when students and their parents needs to know this morning. and a troubling new consumer alert. how hackers are targeting your car. what you need to know before gettiget ing behind the wheel. fabulous. captivating. glamorous. fun-loving. wild. mysterious. one-of-a-kind. because you have stories to tell. chico's jackets. what's your cover story? 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[ male announcer ] get 10% off asphalt shingles and vinyl siding when installed through lowe's. how do commercials work? 10% off asphalt shingles you need a team, working together, doing all kinds of jobs. see these people? they're not acting. they're real professionals. and we hired them all on the site where more people get jobs than anywhere else. indeed. the world's #1 job site. we are back at 7:42 with a consumer alert about hacking. it's not just your credit card or home computer at risk, now it's your car too. investigative reporter chuck from our abc station in chicago has that story for us. >> reporter: thousands of pounds of steel and plastic. experts say the modern cars that fill our highways are really just computers on wheels. now there's new concern that those computers are easy marks. >> there is inherent failures, inherent security risks, if you will, that are available on all modern vehicles. >> reporter: the abc 7 iteam got behind the wheel with a security researcher who helps the car industry secure systems. all cars sold in the u.s. have a port that hooks right into their computer systems designed for diagnostics at a repair shop. but hackers can take control ofalmost any car. can i start it? >> i don't know, can you? >> reporter: oh, sorry, go ahead, you can start it now. you did that? >> yeah. >> reporter: in an empty, unused parking lot, the attack begins. going 20 miles an hour. >> the engine is shut off. >> reporter: you were able to do that with one mouse click? >> yes. >> reporter: he turns on want windshield wipers and repeatedly invade ths the engine. try to start it now. and it won't start. >> reporter: but you it will. would it be possible to take over the car and steer into an oncoming vehicle. >> on this car, no, but with park assist, make it think it's marking. and it will turn the wheels for you. >> reporter: experts warn that if software sign vulnerabilities are not addressed up front, once hackers attack the hardware system, it's not as simple as a recall. it would take a total overhaul of a computer design. >> there's no solution. it will cost billions of dollars to fix. and that could potentially end a company. >> reporter: for "good morning america," chuck gouty, abc news your chicago. >> and hackers could potentially use wireless and blue tooth connections to infect the operating computers. and thanks to the abc station in chicago. you know them well. >> i do. >> and chuck. >> i do. >> great work. coming up, an important new warning for expectant parents, the shot you may be skipping putting your baby at risk. and the 5-month-old baby gorilla looking for a mama. how humans are helping her find a new family right now. this is a woman hesitating on a life-changing decision. at university of phoenix, we know going back to school is a big decision. that's why we offer students new to college a risk-free period, so you can commit to your education with confidence. get started at coube a breakthrough wayrip to 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rejected her, and humans are stepping in to help. this morning, two zoos are joining forces. working to find this adorable gorilla a new mom. the 5-week-old baby girl, kamina, was rejected immediately after being born, leaving her life at risk. the staff of the oklahoma city zoo jumping into action, caring for kamina around the clock. holding her hand, and wearing shirts made of felt for the newborn to clutch. but realizing it wouldn't be enough, they turned to another zoo for help. >> we don't have a surrogate gorilla to take her. we contacted cincinnati zoo. >> the cincinnati zoo recently found a surrogate for another gorilla and happily helped to agree helping kamina find one too. flying her on monday, in faux fur for a flight across the midwest to her new home in cincinnati. >> welcome to cincinnati. >> it's a great example of how zoos cooperate and want what's best. >> she will be introduced to others. >> put your head through that hole. >> reporter: something our own matt gutman experienced last year, with a fragile baby girl who was also rejected by her mother. >> feels like having a little baby on me. >> reporter: she was adopted by a 31-year-old surrogate named lindsey. they are hoping she will adopt her too, making them sisters. we hope so too. they say it's a bittersweet moment, so happy to see kamina get a family of her own, but sad to see her go. >> look at that. >> yeah. and coming up, everybody, it was a big night of drama on the dance floor. tavis, sharna, booted from the ballroom. we're going to hear from them ahead. don't go anywhere, "good morning america" will be right back. i'm k-a-t-e and i have copd, but i don't want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. that's why i asked my doctor about b-r-e-o. once-daily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. and breo helps reduce symptom flare-ups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. breo is not for asthma. 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the at video from earlier this morning where the king of prussia mall they had a kiosk catch fire. you see fire crews on the scene trying to get that contained and deal with the smoke so that it will be ready to be to be opened. let's go over to karen rogers where the blue route meets schuylkill. >> it would have been a crisis if the mall wouldn't have opened. that the good news. this accident on the blue route causing a mess. this is conshohocken. blue route southbound approaching the schuylkill the accident has been blocking the right lane. looks like it will clear shortly but jaming from mid county to approaching the schuylkill and delays are spilling out onto the turnpike. we've got a 19-mile backup on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound. we also have this accident past fort washington on the shoulder seeing speeds of about 15 miles an hour throughout. jammed from approaching bensalem to mid county. so, really a mess right there. i-95 southbound here approaching cottman, no big problems. southbound jammed approaching cottman to girard. at the betsy ross bridge we do have that disabled vehicle still blocking the center lane, tam. >> okay, thank you karen. now let's find out what we can expect as that rain gets ready to come in and go over to dave murphy. good morning. >> well, clouds are already get, thicker but to rain over any parts of the region right now, tam. 58 degrees, cool in philadelphia. 48 in allentown. 67 down in sea isle city. your exclusive accuweather 7-day shows a mild high of 75 with clouds continuing to increase during the day and then tonight we start to see some rain. tomorrow cloudy and rainy, especially before dawn. there will be some showers through the morning and in through parts of the afternoon, a high of just 66 tomorrow, tam, before things >> okay, thank you for that, david. now we'll sen you back to "gma." we'll see because, here in 30 minutes. >> ♪ could your baby be at risk and you don't even know it? new research now on the surprising vitamin you shouldn't skip to keep your newborn safe. lena bares all. america's favorite girl unleashes a flood of advice going viral. how you should weed through the bad boys and love how you look. and the new ways to stay safe and sound on college campuses. alerting all your emergency contacts if you're in danger. big ballroom drama. julianne hough trending high for her sizzling dance, but no more tan goes for tavis smiley as we say -- >> good morning, america. >> good morning, america! now if that doesn't wake you up, i don't know what. terry crews there. brand new host of "who wants to be a millionaire." there it is. on the jumbotron. >> that's a skill. >> in the house. >> yeah, we're in the house. and we're going to play our own game. lucky person on the hot seat. and all of us are going to be the lifelines this morning. >> i'll have what he's having. oh, my goodness, he's always a good time. also ahead, big night of drama on "dancing with the stars." tavis smiley and his dance partner, sharna, are asked to exit the ballroom in the second week. and we're going to hear from them, just ahead. >> and then our "gma" morning upgrade team is gearing up to surprise one city in america. upgrading their morning in a huge live event. it's part of an all-week long extravagan extravaganza, we're challenging all of you to go the extra mile. share how you're upgrading someone else's morning, #"gma" upgrade. we begin with new air strikes in the middle east overnight. six in syria and iraq, camming on the same day president obama is making his case to the united nations. hoping to build support for his expanded support on the attack on isis militants in syria. and now assessing the damage in syria to determine if the leader of the khorasan terror group was killed. they are confident that the plot to blow up american passenger planes has been disrupted. they are warning of possible retaliation at home. a bulletin from the fbi and homeland security raises the concern that the air strikes could embolden home grown terrorists. and 2,000 additional fire fighters going to battle this mass i have wildfire that's engulfed 140 square miles. bringing the total crew to 7400. police released new surveillance video after a series of attacks in gainesville, florida at the university of florida. showing a man walking down a sidewalk and throwing a traffic cone. one of the three women he's believed to have attacked reported he is six feet tall, short brown hair and a beard. a new battle in america's painkiller abuse epidemic. more than a dozen groups are calling for the removal of dr. margaret hamburg. the continued approval of powerful new painkillers is fueling the epidemic. a spokesperson said that federal agencies are focused on the problem. a new real estate record right here in new york city. a new building on park avenue will have a condo listed for $130 million. for that price you get three floors and 12,000 square feet. and finally, one day after we showed you the peewee football players who couldn't run through the banner making the grans on the field, show you a lucky play. this from south dakota, the kicker trying to get the ball through the goal post. terrible kick. but it goes in. and here's why, the ball bounces off the head of a player on the other team. and then goes right through the goal. he meant to do that. all in the plan. >> it counts. >> the bank shot. >> we call that winning ugly. >> better to be lucky than good. >> exactly. and medical news now. and a warning to new parents who may be putting their babies at risk without knowing it. many skipping the vitamin k shot. doctors prescribe it for a reason. >> vitamins are essential, but we don't make enough of them, so get them through diet or other ways. vitamin k is essential to blood clotting. newborns have low levels of vitamin k. we give them a shot, and that protects them. before we did that, 1 in 100 babies would have a serious bleed. some parents are saying, hold off, we don't want to give the shot. >> your they rejecting it? is the shot safe? >> we have been giving this for more than 50 years. the bleeds are so rare, why do we do it? it's because we do. they're totally safe. no health effects seen. in countries without the shots, the bleeds are common. but there's so much misinformation. it's the same parents who don't want to vaccinate their children. no medical care to the child, not this shot. >> spell it out for our viewers, please. bottom line. >> there are so many things regarding health where you have to think hard about it. this is not one of them. this is a slam dunk thing. you need to do this. because the consequences of not doing it are just so severe. and no downside. ignore the misinformation and get the shot. >> you're a pediatrician. you know best. >> and dr. besser is taking your questions. right now, "pop news" coming up, but you have the morning menu. >> i do. head over to the social square and talk about "pop news" first. here's what's up on the "gma morning menu." why leo dicaprio is picture perfect for a good cause. and the new apps for college campuses. what parents and students need to know. and outside, a very energetic terry crews is with us. host of "who wants to be a millionaire." he has a question at home. >> which nfl player was a contestant on "dancing with the stars" but didn't take home the mirror ball trophy. >> we're not going to tell you yet. we're going to reveal it. go ahead, do your thing. >> oh, oh, oh! physical activity. but keeping that mix balanced, isn't always easy. so coke, dr. pepper, and pepsi are joining your efforts to find balance with the new initative called mixify. coming together for the first time to talk to teens about balancing what they eat and drink with what they do. and helping them think about when they've had too much, or maybe when it's time for a treat. supporting your efforts, with our message. balance what you eat and drink with what you do. that's how you mixify. ♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] even more impressive than the research this man has at his disposal is how he puts it to work for his clients. morning. morning. thanks for meeting so early. come on in. [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones (it's alive... it's alive!) make your halloween come to life. twizzlerize your tricks and treats with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. you hear the music, "who wants to be a millionaire" host terry crews is here life. which former nfl player was a contestant on "dancing with the stars" but din take home the trophy? >> emmitt smith, donald driver, lawrence taylor or d, hines ward? >> the answer is next. join straight talk wireless at our "give a minute. help make-a-wish" event, and help make more wishes come true for children with life-threatening medical conditions. this saturday from 10 to 4 at your local walmart, take a minute to learn more about straight talk wireless and great phones like the samsung galaxy ace style, and we'll donate a dollar toward our goal of $1 million to make-a-wish. straight talk wireless. same phones. same networks. half the cost. available only at walmart. [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a newly redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. ♪ the all-new c-class. at the very touch point of performance and innovation. ♪ ♪ back to "gma." and terry crews. he's here live, at the social square. left us with bated breath. trying to stump us this morning. what is the answer? >> which former nfl players wasa contestant on "dancing with the stars" but didn't take home the mirror ball trophy? emmitt smith, donald driver, lawrence taylor, or d, hines ward? >> c! >> the correct answer is lawrence taylor. >> and robin got it. >> and jerry rice also was a contestant. >> she knows her "dancing with the stars." >> get that weak stuff out of here, terry. we're going to have more questions, terry coming up. we cannot wait to spend a little more time with him. >> the good things is, none of us are competitive. >> not at all. >> when we play later, it's not going violent at all. and "pop news," shall we? begin with leo delawaicaprio. not to post selfies. but to advance a cause he's committed to. the first post with the u.n. secretary general at the climate summit, he spoke on tuesday. advocating bold changes to tackle climate change. and a picture with al gore. and he's not just talking the talk, people. he launched a non-profit organization focusing on the environment, and named a u.n. messenger of peace for promoting the cause. >> he's serious about this. >> yeah. keep up the good work. and a few selfies wouldn't hurt. and legion of fans, immortalized by the late, great actor. the red space suit from "ma"mor& mindy"" is being sold next month. this is the original costume from the first episode, and presale between 15 and $20,000, but going for much more given the recent passing. and the egg that he used to travel to earth on the show. that's estimated at 4 to 6,000, not as sentimental, but cool. and from mort to morniq. that's the lemur on the left. how much licks does it take to get to the tootsy roll center of a tootsy pop? we may never know. well, that was my impression of the narrator. >> it's safe for them to eat those. >> they're only allowed a few licks because of the sugar in it. thank you for asking. i can handle that. and they're a preservation for exotic animals taken from where they shouldn't be. thank you. followup welcome. >> heat index coming up, ginger has a check of the weather. and i have a kindred spirit from california. this is so great. what's your favorite type of extreme weather. >> snowstorms. >> you have to stay here, we will get them here. not so much in california. we have something up the coast, it's all rain. already happening in ra league this morning. and the gusts up to 20 miles an hour. that low is going to slide along the coast. and you can see the flood watches in place right now for washington, d.c. and baltimore. that'll come in tonight. and look at the heaviest rain, some areas pick up more than 3 inches. a lot of the urban areas don't do well when it comes that quickly. the next 36 hours, anywhere covered in color, watch out for the heavy rains and raw conditions. and summer returning after that, from the mid 60s on wednesday >> thanks, ginger, dave murphy here on the terrace. under mainly cloudy skies some of you seeing a couple pokes of sunshine here or there. temperatures in the vests right now. your exclusive accuweather 7-day, clouds will be on the march today, increasing from south to north through morning and then 75 in the afternoon with rain arriving mainly at night. those you well to the south in cape pay county and southern delaware could see it during the late afternoon. then it's cloudy tomorrow with rain, the steadiest before dawn, 66 is the high but we get >> so this is linda from indiana. and your husband's name -- >> is steve. >> steve, and it says she's celebrating her anniversary here with george. >> my gain, sorry, steve. >> she was out bright and early this morning, before we went on the air. and trending big on the website overnight, billionaire business mogul richard branson saying everyone should have, are you ready for this? unlimited vacation time. >> i love you, richard. >> what's not to love? the policy assumes that employees will only take breaks when they're comfortable. their absence will not damage business or their team or their careers. he already started the non-policy in the virgin offices in the u.s. and the uk. and if all goes according to plan, he'll encourage other branches to stop counting vacation time. we were digging a little bit more, paid vacation time. >> paid your salary and take as much vacation as you want. >> as you need, that's what he's hoping. >> that's right. >> but his daughter had a friend at netflix, they saw morale go up. >> the honor code. >> you know you need a break, and not going to damage your career. good work. >> you don't to want lose your job. ultimately -- >> don't to want lose that stock. >> see if that catches on. next up in the heat index, rethinking the time-out. we have done it at some time or another. new research is suggesting it may not be the best way to teach a lesson. a psych professor crunching the data, and saying the primary experience of a time-out offices isolation instead of reflecting on bad behavior, making them more angry and upset. he suggested time-in. sitting with your kid reflecting and talking. you're right. it's not always possible. >> i remember when my kids were 2 and 3, and they needed to be in isolation for a little while. >> 2 and 3? >> right -- >> ours went beyond 2 and 3. >> full-blown an trums. >> but he's saying no. you might to want figure out a way. >> i think there's something to that. >> talk it out. >> because they are little minds. we love a time-out. when necessary, sometimes you have to do it. i understand the philosophy behind this. >> would you use time-outs to discipline your kids or not? tweet using #socialsquare. and li na lun ham, answering questions from fan, being comfortable with your body, weeding through the bad boys and revealing what makes her feel great. >> feeling like i read a book, ate good food, and slept enough and know that i am the best version of myself that i can be. that doesn't mean losing 30 pounds, it's treating myself like precious cargo. and i have been a bunch of different weights, and being -- >> precious cargo. i love that phrase. >> that's a really nice way to think about your body. and len a's going to be here next week with all the details on her new book. so many reaching out to her. >> notice she said sleep. it is true. >> it is true. >> sleep deprivation, your mind starts running. >> and then you need unlimited vacation. >> nice try, nice try. next up in the heat index, new app to protect students on campus. highlighted by the disappearance of hannah graham. how a smartphone can save your child. good morning, lindsey. >> there's an app for just about anything these days. that's also true of safety on campus and beyond. while it shouldn't be your own form of self-defense, there are several measures of protection at your fingertips. the search for hannah graham has become a wakeup call for women across america. one in four college woman report surviving sexual assault or attempted assault. which is why students at rutgers say they take precautions. >> always walk with a friend. >> reporter: but students have more options to stay safe using their cell phone, they're holding it anyway. >> circle of six, free app -- >> reporter: six friends, and with one touch of the screen, sends a text message along with your current location. another option is called be safe. >> it turns your phone into an audio/visual recording device, gets the sound of what's happening. >> reporter: it sends to your contacts saying you're in danger and sounds an alarm. watch over me sounds an alarm by briskly shaking the phone. >> it will send an alert if you don't check in. >> reporter: but kia arnold worries young women need more than just an app. do you feel that too few females know how to defend themselves? >> i do. it's insane. >> reporter: last year she started learning martial arts. she had to put the elbow to a face when she was assaulted in a bar. >> i broke his nose. >> reporter: for somebody not taking the places, the as a rule neshlg places? >> eyes, nose, throat, groin. >> reporter: her safety recommendations for anyone by themselves, take your heads out, be alert and make eye contact. but bottom line, don't think it could never happen to you. police say in the case of hannah graham, she was highly intoxicated and texts friends. one of these apps could have helped her, it could have embedded her gps location. the main thing, security experts say be alert. >> and don't be alone. >> exactly. and don't think it can happen to you. >> we are thinking that have young woman, her family. >> i went to uva. it really is very personal. >> thank you for bringing that to us. we appreciate it. switch gears. next on the heat index, the second couple to waltz off the dance floor, tavis smily and sharna were sent home. here's the drama. it was a dazzling night on the dance floor. julianne hough briefly stepping away from the panel to make a magnificent return to the ballro ballroom. pretty little liars janel parrish and partner rocking the room, and saying it was the crowd favorite. ♪ hey i just met you and this is crazy ♪ >> the couple leaving right now. >> reporter: and after the votes were counted -- >> tavis and sharna. >> reporter: tavis smiley and his stylish '70s wig were sent home for good. >> this is so much harder than it looks. >> reporter: the talk show host says in the middle of his other obligations he just didn't have the time he needed to master the mambo. >> and our competitors had 35 to 40 hours a week to rehearse. but the most we could do was eight to ten hours a week. you cannot perfect the cha cha in eight or ten hours. i don't care who you are. >> reporter: trying to make it work, fox trotting all over the globe just to finesse his fancy footwork. >> sharna was wonderful to work with. nobody had to pick up their bags and travel five to six cities every week trying to feature me the fox trot and the cha cha. >> reporter: but the man who wanted to let loose before he turned 50 says he has no regrets. >> tavis wanted to do something for himself. glad i did it. no regrets, don't live a life of regrets. and i'm glad the audience got enjoyment. >> reporter: leaving the world with a new vision of the man mind the desk. >> wonderful meeting him and getting to note other side of tavis smiley. he's just to wonderful and fine and free. >> out of my box. >> reporter: with a dip, tavis is walking away with a smile. i'm glad it was a good experience. >> that way for him. >> i guess we'll find out next week. good season. you can catch all the dancing action. monday the 8:00/7:00 central on abc ne abc. and terry crews is here. i hope we get that move again. >> oh, it will. >> ♪ >> "action news" is brought to you by md anderson cancer center at cooper and by you by md anderson cancer >> good morning. early this morning a kill are gunned down a woman on an olney street. the victim was eight months pregnant the she died at the opt hospital. efforts to save her baby's life failed. shooting left a man critically wounded. the killer remains on the loose. we'll have a live update on the investigation on "action news" at noon. 8:27 on this wednesday september 24th i'm tamala edwards. let's head over to karen rogers its been a busy traffic morning. >> it really has and we're dry out there. nonetheless problems. we have that you say accident on the blue route southbound approach the schuylkill. thankfully it cleared but the damage done. the blue route southbound heavy from mid county to approaching the schuylkill and those delays are spilling out on the pennsylvania turnpike. now a 20-mile delay on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound. also a new accident westbound a and projecting bensalem blocking the right lane. on the boulevard northbound atwood ward street watch for a disabled vehicle in the inner drive. accident in bucks county on new falls road tam. >> dave murphy it looks a little gray out there right now. >> yeah, it is. clouds getting thicker. we're starting out cool again 58 degrees in philadelphia, 48 in allentown. not a whole lot of wind right now although it will bet breezier later today. here's the call from accuweather. increasing clouds today, a mild high of 75. the winds picking up and then tonight rain arrives and overnight et cetera gets real steady at times and we could have some drenching downpours especially before dawn tomorrow but during the rush even if the rain dies down there will be pond and puddling on roads and slow going. few showers on thursday, 66 is the high. tam by friday things are getting milder and better. >> thank you david. new information on a kiosk fire at the king of prussia mall. but the lower level food court will be closed until health inspectors are able to examine it. i'm tamala >> think, baby. >> go pink. >> go pink. >> that's right, on october 1st, "gma" goes pink. >> last year i took the challenge, and i'm doing great. >> you saved your life, and you could make a difference. let's do it together. >> let's pledge to learn the facts about breast cancer. >> go pink. >> it. >> we took the pink pledge at abc >> will you? >> jennifer lopez did it. >> i took the pink pledge, so should you. >> make it pink, baby. we are excited to launch our second annual abc news goes pink campaign on october 1st. right behind us, amy -- >> i love it. >> pink on, spread the hope. >> it was during this campaign that i agreed to my first ever mammogram, led to a breast cancer diagnosis. and i am feeling great now. and take the pink pledge and assess your risk. abc news goes >> what a year? >> yes. >> what a year. >> the first one -- yeah. >> true. >> you are doing great. >> thank you. upwards and onwards, right? >> and lara, you're heading west? >> i am. >> jimmy kimmel tonight. >> kimmel, i'm coming. >> catch that plane. >> i have to say this, george. take a look, hilarious, anthony anderson and his co-star, traciy ellis. they're starring in the new comedy, "blackish" on abc. >> you're going to have fun as always. it's hysterical. >> bye, everybody. >> the green room was there. did you know she's written a book? >> it's fabulous. >> it is fabulous. it is always fun when terry crews joins us. he's already had a busy year with four movies out, another one on the way. plus his book, "manhood," just released i relea releaseed in may. and now living the dream as host of "who wants to be a millionaire." >> i do. >> you have taken the pink pledge. >> i have. >> instead of "blackish," pinkish. debuted last month. what's surprised you the most being the host? >> i was more surprised how invested i became. when someone loses, i'm crushed. i can't take it. but when they win, i go through the roof. this is an emotional roller coaster, i told my wife. i can't take it. but i'm having the time of my life. this is me, it's like an old spice commercial. me on a game show. >> and so great, you didn't want to do this in the beginning. >> no, no. >> i talked you to into it. >> it's funny, because you have to challenge yourself. you have to do things that you never thought you could do. i never thought i could do this, and then i turn around and here i am doing it. you always have to challenge yourself. do something you're scared of every day. >> you're doing it. and we're going to do it here, ashley, audience member is going to come in. come over closer. "gma" version of "who wants to be a millionaire." >> let's play "millionaire." >> oh, sorry. >> here is your first question. here it is. in addition to being the hometown of a certain "gma" anchor, pass christian, mississippi, is home to some of the world's finest what? all right. cattle ranches, salmon farms, oyster reeves, kangaroo preserves. >> we're allowed to be the lifelines here. >> you are going to be her plus one anchor. >> do you think you know what it is? >> i'm not sure. >> it could be the one that's highlighted right now. >> yeah, probably. >> oyster reeves. you are correct! thank you, robin! and george, you are going to come in. new this season, we have the plus one lifeline. robin, you are now her plus one anchor. you can help her. here is your next question. >> kansit's coming. >> it's coming. your next question for george and ashley. a town called hope, arkansas, is geographically closest to which of the following presidential l libraries? >> george w. bush, john f. kennedy, richard nixon, ronald reagan? >> i'm pretty sure it's george w. bush. >> i don't know. george w. bush? >> your final answer? >> yes. >> is it george w. bush? yes. you are correct. george, stay here for her last question. you are still her plus one anchor. here is your last question. are you ready? here we go. >> all right. >> under notable people for garden city, new york, wikipedia lists lara spencer and what actress who lost 18 times before winning her first emmy? betty white, mary tyler moore, susan lucci, julia luis dreyfus. >> susan lucci. >> susan lucci. >> is it susan lucci? it is. you win. you are correct. i wish i had some money to give you. but i'm so sorry. i think there's something else. thank you so much. >> okay. and thanks, terry. what a unique version of "who wants to be a millionaire." we have a prize for you, terry has invited you to join the studio audience. >> thank you. >> and of course, see "who wants to be a millionaire" on weekdays. and now to ginger. >> you can be over here. i was behind george. i would not know the answers. could you say good morning to everybody, abbey, you are too cute. >> good morning, everybody. >> she's from san diego. we have folks from all over the place. joining us, our party right here in times square. and share photos from coast to coast. and do beautiful things. we have talked about the horrible things across the nation, you have the nice one in the east. but look in medford, oregon, the clouds ahead of the system with the red flag warnings in place. and the flash flood watches. and moving into northern california. hoping the cloud cover and cooler >> thanks a lot ginger, dave murphy standing on the terrace. we have a fair amount of clouds with some sunshine to poke through. temperatures in the 50's in most neighborhoods. 75 is today's high with increasing clouds. rain heavy at times overnight and into tomorrow >> and all that weather brought to you by mercedes-benz. happy 50th anniversary. >> thank you. great to have melissa leah with us this morning. starring in "the equalizer" with denzel washington. familiar material, in 1985 she starred in an episode of the tv show that inspired the film. this is such a good movie. i saw it yesterday. this is where you and denzel, we see you first flash on the screen. and we're wondering, what's between them? take a look. >> basically, he he's a sociopath with a business card. you know these two? >> boston's pd on the payroll. >> three years. only now they're dead. found them yesterday. classic russian mob hit. teddy's work. i don't have to tell you what happens next. he won't stop until he kills you and anyone you care about. >> such a thriller. his character is something of a myste mystery. comes to you for advice and help. it's a mystery. i was left wanting to know so much more about this past that you two share. what was your interpretation? >> well, as much as i'll say here on the national television, because i really want people to come see the movie and answer these questions themselves. but we've known each other a long, long time. >> you worked at the agency together. >> perhaps. >> but that was it. i heard that and, and it's left to the viewer's imagination as to what went on. but there's an unspoken language as we watch you interact. >> and a delight to play the scenes with mr. washington that i had a chance to work with before. that then establishes some sort of relationship between us. and actors can take that two-day relationship, spin it into a 25-year relationship. and it deepens the history between us. >> i wanted more of you. it's interesting, you're known for taking on smaller parts in terms of how much screen time you have and making them mem robl. how do you do that as an actress? >> it's what i understand acting to be. there is myself and there is the character. and what we struggle to do is make them one. and very often i'm asked to play characters that are quite a distance from me. and that's the joy in it. because you can really then create a character. >> yep. >> and so i answer a lot of questions for myself about the character that aren't necessarily pertaining to the script. but if i know them, you'll believe her even more. makes sense? >> absolutely. and you had me from the very beginning. i saw you chuckle when i mentioned the tv show, 30 years ago. could you go back and imagine you could be doing this film today? >> no, never crossed my mind. i was so young when i did the episode. played a little russian ballerina. and they had an actual dancer do part of swan lake, and cut close to me, looked like i was dancing like a professional ballet dancer. and there's a couple of scenes i didn't think i was good in because i didn't know what was going on. i saw it recently after i did "equalizer" with him, oh. look at that. >> an incredible performance once against. melissa leo, thank you once again. and "the equalizer" is in theaters friday. don't miss it. and maybe let a big secret slip about his new grandch i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live in delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families. . my conversation now with former president bill clinton. his clinton global initiative is happening right now in new york, bringing together business leaders, hollywood stars, signing up for projects. we spoke about the difference they are making, and watch for the possible clue about his grandchild to come. >> welcome to the tenth meeting of the clinton global initiative. >> it's where the world's most powerful meet. >> i think my husband has invented an extraordinary initiative. >> it bringing together world leaders -- >> many of the problems are solvable, but people walk by them. >> reporter: and celebrities. >> like so many of you here tonight, i am an activist. >> climate change is compromising the very livability of our planet. >> reporter: re-imagining the world and taking action. something important for the soon to be grandfather-in-chief who seemed to give away a little secret. you're on grandfather watch, getting close. what's the biggest thing you want to teach your new grandchild? >> i want my grandson or granddaughter -- >> i thought we got some news there for a second. >> no, we don't have -- i'm proud of any son-in-law, my daughter for not wanting to know. i want them to get up and look the at world with wonder and reverence. i want them to respect everyone th they meet. whatever their background. i want them to really love being alive. and when they grow up, i want them to believe they have certain obligations. to people who don't have all the opportunities they'll have. >> reporter: that feeling fuels his initiative. which has improved the lives of more than 430 million people so far. >> 43 million children plus have access to better education. >> reporter: over 2900 projects and programs in more than 180 countries. cgi has a simple mission, turn ideas into action. and we're seeing the results right here at home. there's the billion oyster project at the new york hasher school. >> there's no place in america that better gem my if is the world i want to leave than this school and their partners. >> reporter: the project is educated students on the environment and equipping them with vital tools for the future. >> i would never have learned this at another high school, and opening up opportunities. >> reporter: and helping students discover their passion. >> it changed my life. >> i found out i enjoyed agricultural, and i want to be an agriculturalist. >> reporter: and inspiring the next-generation. >> mine is -- >> reporter: dedicated to helping students explore their creativity, improve their writing skills. with a strong emphasis in science. >> what did you try? help solve the mystery. >> reporter: working to inspire students to pursue science-driven career paths. >> a biologist, study live things. >> reporter: and ted girls rock, another program. inspiring young girls to go to technology. >> being an engineer is kind of fun, maybe go into it. >> reporter: a field often uncharted by females. and women veteran entrepreneur corp. working to strengthen and help women vets grow their small businesses. women like angela. after serving in the u.s. air force for 18 years, she wanted to focus on being a mom. >> when i became a stay at home mom, i got to meet other civilian moms, and what i noticed when i would go to their home, is that their homes and lives are a little bit chaotic, a little bit disorganized. >> reporter: so angela solved the problem with major mom, a professional organizing company. >> right when i was like, i don't know how long this is going to take, the women veteran entrepreneur corp. came online. >> reporter: and major mom is on track to become a national brand. >> they were the wind beneath my wings. you can do this and don't let anybody tell you differently. >> reporter: love that brand, major mom. coming up, the stars of "blackish" are guess what? the money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet. that's right. down in the ground, pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas. but because of governor corbett, we're the only state in the country that doesn't make oil and gas companies pay an extraction tax. as governor, i'll make the gas companies pay up to help fund our schools for a change. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania. the new abc sitcom "blackish" premiers tonight. it's about an up middle class black family grappling with issues. and we have them here this morning. anthony, the show is closely based on your life, correct? how success can impact kids and how you struggle with identity. >> it is. not only my life, but our creator and partner in the venture, kenya. our lives and our children. so, yeah, that's what it is. >> the hilarity ensues. >> and then the hilarity ensues. >> i'm going to be very serious in the interview. >> you play his wife, rainbow. and you're a successful doctor with a liberal perspective. you're the voice of reason? >> no. >> more that i balance out the point of view. he sees things black and white, old school, pulled into the pops, lawrence fishburne character. my character, rainbow, sees a colorful world. her name being rainbow. color is a good thing, all different kinds. not important to see -- >> you talk with your hands so much. >> and my hands are on right now. >> it's the accessories. look, i had a manture last night. look at the shiny thing on my fingertips. >> the show is about -- it's getting people talking and getting high ratings. "blackish" is ringed by barbed wire and ringed by land mines. was it scary to talk about race and the realities of living in today's world. >> that sounds like guantanamo bay. >> we shot the show at disney. it's a comedy. >> i was waterboarding somebody. one time, and they want to get rid of me already. >> okay. oh, my gosh. it's actually not scary. because this is stuff -- you see what happens here. >> doesn't look scary at all. >> it's funny. these are issues and things we are dealing with. s it about culture and identity, and race falls into that. how are we as a family, people, human beings, raising our children, sorting through the issues that all of us are talking about. it's new for television, but not really for television. it's definitely not new for human beings. >> we can't wait to watch. >> i can't wait for you to watch. >> when is it? >> it premiers tonight at 9:30/8:30 central on abc. celebrate blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale. buy one get 50% off one. because you know what they say: 60 is the new 50. they also say your're only as young as you feel. we feel great. how about those blinds of yours? blinds to go blinds for life. pumpkin coffee for the morning, and i've got my pumpkin k-cup packs for at home. now i can have my pumpkin coffee any time i want it. pumpkin's perfect. it's dunkin' with a press of a button. bring home pumpkin or any other k-cup packs for $9.99. america runs on dunkin'. okay. >> hey! tomorrow on "gma," viola davis and deals and steals. >> this guy has a future -- >> ♪ >> good morning. governor tom corbett is expected to sign a bill today that will allow philadelphia to add a two dollars per pack tax to cigarettes sold in the city. officials predict that this tax will raise $83 million in revenue aimed for the city's public schools. 8:56 on this wednesday, september 24th. i'm tamala edwards. let's wrap up your morning with a look at traffic with karen rogers. good morning. >> good morning, tam. jammed on the ben franklin bridge like every other day because we have construction blocking the right lane. jammed from the mid span to eighth and vine. it's a slow go trying to come into the city. speaking of a slow go a big 20-mile delay still out here on the pennsylvania turnpike. westbound approaching bensalem we have an accident now on the shoulder but this is all because of earlier delays with problems on the blue route kind of meeting up to this but we're looking at 31 or 11 miles an hour as you travel here on the turnpike. in levittown bucks county we've got an accident here as well. new falls road and bristol oxford valley road. it's been a very busy traffic morning, tam and it continues. >> indeed it hasp thank you karen. we've got rain coming our way. let's go over to dave murphy. good morning. >> right now a little sunshine poking through the clouds. in general looking at clouds getting thicker today tam. temperatures right now above 60 if philadelphia, 62 degrees. 52 if in allentown, 68 in sea isle city. this afternoon we'll get a mild high of 75 but the clouds will continue to increase and then tonight rain will push up from the south and overtake the region and overnight it's going to get steady, too. we could see 1 to 2 inches, maybe more than that in some spots. by tomorrow morning it's still pretty wet for the morning commute with rain tapering off during the day tomorrow, a high of only 66 tomorrow, tam. after that we warm up for the weekend. >> thank you david. coming up today at noon the three suspects in the center city gay couple beating case are supposed to turn themselves in today. we'll bring you a live report surrender to police. live with kelly and michael next up here on 6abc. i'm tamala edwards. have a great wednesday. >> ♪ announcer: it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, academy award winning actress denzel washington. and from the highly anticipated film, "gone girl," roast roast. plus the co-hosts open up the "inbox" and respond to your comments and questions. ll next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


Transcripts For WPVI ABC World News Now 20141104

some consumer news this morning. those wafer thin lithium batteries have long been a child safety hazard. engineers have produced a special coating that stops them from activating if they are swallowed. the coating conducts electricity only when it's squeezed inside a spring loaded compartment. some mixed news for apple customers anticipating the new iwatch. apple struggling to meet demand for the iphone 6 and the revamp of the ipad. they are pushing back the release of the iwatch to mid-2015. possibly have to wait until some time midsummer before you see that thing. one of the biggest movies of last year is back in the news with a lawsuit stemming from one of the scenes. "american hustle's" producers are catching heat for something jennifer larns said about microwave ovens. abc's cecilia vega with the story. >> reporter: who can forget this explosive scene in "american hustle." >> i read it takes all of the nutrition out offer food. i read it in an article. >> reporter: well, paul brodeur, a real life science journalist is blaming that scene for scorching his reputation. >> bring something into this house that's going to take all the nutrition out of our food and light our house on fire. >> reporter: he's slamming a suit against the production companies, including columbia pictures saying the film attributes his name to a scientifically unsupportable statement. those companies did not respond to a request for comment. >> he believes the viewer could come away from that thinking he doesn't know much about microwave radiation because the character in the film cites him as saying something that is not backed up by science. >> reporter: brodeur has written about the dangers of microwaves but in the suit says he never declared that a microwave oven takes all of the nutrition out of food. in fact, he has publicly stated the opposite. the oscar-nominated film loosely based an real events says some of this actually happened. but not all, and that is the point of contention in this lawsuit. >> thank god for me. >> reporter: cecilia vega, abc news, new york. >> i always wonder when they put at that the beginning of a movie. >> it means some of this is bs. >> part of the reason they put it in. >> dan abrams was great about this. >> i would never sue you, especially in the 1980s when you were a spokesperson for super microwaves. >> i still have the sweater. >> because you were 3 in the 1980s. glad the sweater still fits. >> it's a great story. the only scene i can say i remember from that movie. it was hilarious. he's suing -- dan abrams is the one covering this yesterday. he said the guy probably just needs to lighten up, but the only reason he might have a little bit of a case is because they name him in particular. that's the issue. >> we'll be right back. >> announcer: "world news now" ♪ of course, we know there's a lot of stuff out there for you to see on tv. when you hear the phrase, "as seen an tv," you prepare yourself. you know you're about to see something really cool and usually say, why didn't i think of that. our giz wizz dick debartolo here with some of his favorite items. these are your favorite items? >> these are things depending an the price do work. and a couple of warnings. >> we've seen this a few times. >> if you haven't seen pocket hose. pocket hose, you hook it up to the spout. the hose will start expanding very quickly. it can go to 50 feet. they make a 25, 50-foot and 75-foot version. suddenly it's a 50 foot. when you shut the water off it will start shrinking again. you'll never get it back in this package. it does take up very little space. i got one season out of mine and one of the ends broke. walking through cvs, i see this new pocket hose, three times stronger and it shows a different fitting. >> so they've improved. it gets smaller for storage. not that small but it's good. >> about 20 bucks. >> this is cool. the go-go pillow. take it on the airplane. put this on your snack tray. it can hold up your tablet. about a 10.1-inch is the most. this is a samsung tablet. it converts to a travel pillow. there were no instructions, but i figured it out. you open the zipper and take out the rabbit ears. turn this upside down. there are little beads in here that go don. then you roll the bag up. then you stick the bag into the top and you zip it closed. i don't bother zipping it, but literally -- >> okay. >> why didn't i think of that? >> is this one worth it? >> i found it at staples for $10. >> and that will work? >> go-go pillow. >> this looks simple enough. >> the magic tap. >> magic, really? >> two batteries go in here. i was disaponted when it said do not use with soda. but big bottles of juice or milk. you leave the bottle in the refrigerator and then a kid or someone who might have arthritis holds a glass up to it to fill it. don't hold the glass like this. it will shoot the juice straight over the top. >> do the instructions tell you that or you just found it out? >> no, i found it out. not bad. this i got an amazon. i think i paid 12 bucks. >> that's worth it? >> that one is worth it. >> the last one here? >> the all brooklyn lantern. they advertise it as lighting the entire room. it did not light the entire room but for a camping trip, this is not bad. uses l.e.d.s. it runs on two d batteries. but again, bed, bath and beyond had it for $9.99. not bad. >> this will last you for a little while? >> because they're l.e.d.s. in an emergency, it's certainly better than nothing but you'll not light a city with it. unless it's a tiny city. >> but you do at least recommend all of these. >> these four are, to my mind, the best of "as seen an tv." >> you have a favorite? >> i guess i like pocket hose. and as seen an tv, all of these are in stores. you don't have to order them on tv. >> a lot of people will see this n need gift ideas for the holidays. dick, you're the man. find more detalss at dick's website at go to our facebook fan page, you're watching "world news now." [ male announcer ] meet mary. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop the damage. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you helping protect you before damage can be done to your identity. lifelock has the most comprehensive identify theft protection available, helping guard your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime, in today's world that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free! use promo code: notme. order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands... a $29 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. use promo code: notme. call the number on your screen now. sometimes come out with spots? well, those spots are actually leftover food or detergent residue. can we help prevent this? yes, use finish jet dry. it goes in your dishwasher's dispenser to help eliminate spots and residues. wow, what a difference! i'm telling you i heard someoh!ng... (awkwardly laughs) get out. enough's enough! d-con baits are fomulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. lbut once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it.ress. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together. ♪ you know, t.j., i've often considered if it doesn't work out here an "world news now," my plan b would be a hollywood double. >> thank goodness things are working out for you here. no, it's risky work. i just don't want you to get hurt. >> you know someone who doesn't need a body double. tom cruise. >> he's been seen pulling out some stunts for the next "mission impossible." abc's lara spencer with the story. >> reporter: watch as tom cruise soars 5,000 feet in the air clinging to the side of a plane. the a-lister thought to be worth more than $400 million is stunning us with his own stnt from the set of "mission impossible 5." look at him an the side of this plane well above the english countryside. n handsomely dressed in a tailored suit. the 52-year-old said he loves doing his own stunts. skillfully running down the tallest building in the world. and impressively mastering a bit of free climbing. not to forget the death-defying motorcycle tricks in night & day. he made those look easy. >> we trained a long time to be able to do that. >> reporter: and after all that, the worst injury cruise has ever suffered, he hurt his foot in this jack reacher scene after repeatedly kick a fellow actor. as he returns to the air at a mere 340 miles an hour, we'll have to wait until next year to see what else cruise has up his sleeve. >> i could take that. >> still? do you have that in you? >> yeah. >> that streak? daredevil? would you jump out of a plane? skydiving, b.a.s.e. jumping? >> yeah, absolutely. >> well, all right. >> i am not going with you. >> you're not going to join me? >> it's going to be me and h.w. bush alone. ( bell rings ) they remind me so much of my grandkids. wish i saw mine more often, but they live so far away. i've been thinking about moving in with my daughter and her family. it's been pretty tough since jack passed away. it's a good thing you had life insurance through the colonial penn program. you're right. it was affordable, and we were guaranteed acceptance. guaranteed acceptance? it means you can't be turned down because of your health. you don't have to take a physical or answer any health questions. they don't care about your aches and pains. well, how do you know? did you speak to alex trebek? because i have a policy myself. it costs just $9.95 a month per unit. it's perfect for my budget. my rate will never go up. and my coverage will never go down because of my age. affordable coverage and guaranteed acceptance? we should give them a call. do you want to help protect your loved ones from the burden of final expenses? if you're between 50 and 85, you can get quality insurance that does not require any health questions or a medical exam. your rate of $9.95 a month per unit will never increase, and your coverage will never decrease -- that's guaranteed. so join the six million people who have already called about this insurance. whether you're getting new insurance or supplementing what you already have, call now and ask one of their representatives about a plan that meets your needs. so, what are you waiting for? go call now! we'll finish up here. this morning on "world news now" -- your voice,ior vote. millions of americans heading to the polls today. the down to the wire campaigning as the country faces a potential political shift. safety first in the nation's tallest skyscraper. the new world trade center opens to tenantses. >> this is the safest class "a" office place anywhere in the world. >> a milestone 13 years after 9/11. the disturbing discovery in your bedroom. your pillow may look clean but scientists are finding some disgusting germs. >> they are associated with fecal material, for example. >> the hidden risk and what you should do to get a healthy night's rest. it's tuesday, november 4th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> look who is back. i hate to admit it, i miss it when i don't see you. >> you do? >> that's a big admission. >> i was debating all night whether or not i was going to say that. >> just seconds before we witness on he's giving me fashion advice about whether to roll the sleeves up or down. >> good to have you back. >> good to be back. big day today. >> this is the day, election day. are you going to get out there? we hope so. sometimes turnout rates on midterms aren't so great. >> we're going to begin this decision day for millions of americans kaf s casting their b in critical races across the cannot. >> the most expensive midterm election we could ever see. it could be worth it for republicans if they gain control of the senate. we get a preview from karen travers an capitol hill. >> reporter: good morning. democrats were trying to put a positive spin on things. you even heard vice president biden say yesterday he thought the democrats could keep control of the senate, but everything would have to go exactly right for that to happen. republicans are sounding more and more confident they'll have a very big night. across the nation, candidates wrapped up their final day on the campaign trail. and republicans could be in for a very big night. >> you look at the map. they simply have multiple paths to getting to their goal of 51 senators and taking back control of the senate. >> reporter: republicans need to pick up six seats to do that. and their chances look solid. kentucky republican senator much mcconnell is in a tight re-election battle, but if he wins, and republicans pick up six, he's the new senate majority leader. >> the american people want to go in a different direction. they know the only thing they can do in 2014 is change the senate. >> reporter: republicans are expected to expand their margity but there is one potential bright spot for democrats on what could be a bleak day. republican governors in florida, wisconsin and pennsylvania who swept into office in 2010 an the tea party waves -- >> satisfactorily of them are in danger this year because there's such an anti-incumbent sentiment. >> reporter: both parties may misread tuesday's results. >> republicans think it's a vote for them when it's not. they're still viewed negatively by the american public and democrats will try to isolate it to it's only about this election when they still have brand problems. >> reporter: several key races may not be decided tonight. that's because of run-off elections in some states and slow vote counting in places like alaska. republicans may not need those states to take the majority in the senate. but if they do, the balance of power here in washington may not be known for several weeks. t.j., reena, don't hold your breath. >> thank you, karen. our coverage of the midterm vote begins online at 7:00 eastern tonight with a one-hour abc news special. starting at 10:00 p.m. and look for a complete wrap-up here tomorrow morning an "world news now." two top officers have been fired in the air force's nuclear missile command. dismissals involve the number two commander of the missile winning base in wyoming, carl jones. he's accused of being verbally abusive to subordinates. another commander was also fired. he created the impression that pregnancy would harm an officer's career. also new information about the man who attacked nork city police officers with an ax. he was consumed by jihadi philosophy and a desire to attack u.s. government and authority figures. that's according to documents obtained by abc news. also appears the man had been stalking the cops for a time waiti ining pash ining patientl. he was shot dead. they are considering a military pact to take on isis. they are all in talks. u.s. strategy in the region has suffered a maurge setback. here's abc's martha raddatz. >> reporter: there are credible reports coming out of syria that al nusra, an al qaeda-backed affiliate has taken over the headquarters of the syrian rebels that america backs and america had given those rebels missiles, anti-tank weapons. it's inn clear what has happened to those weapons but there are fears that al nusra has seized them. martha raddatz, abc news, new york. students have returned to class for the first time since a deadly high school shooting north of seattle. hundreds of parents and other members of the marysville community were there as school reopened. the school has been closed since october 24th when a freshman opened fire an his friends in the cafeteria. two others are still in the hospital. 30 miles away, another school scare. a plastic soda bottle exploded in the parking lot of a school in remond sending a bus driver to the hospital. no students were injured. it was an acid bomb commonly made out of household chemicals. classes do resume there today. a powerful moment of symbolism here in new york city as the rebuilt world trade center opens for business 13 years after the terror attack. abc's dan harris takes us inside. >> reporter: it is the culmination of years of effort and emotion. one world trade center open for business. here it is. the tallest building in the western hemisphere. let's go inside. those first office workers swiped their i.d. cards. they work for the publishing giant conde nast and they are not afraid to be pioneers. >> my philosophy is don't live in fear. >> reporter: joining them soon, anna winter of "vogue" fictionalized in "the devil wears prada." her new home an architectural model. >> this is the safest place, not online in the nation but in the world. >> reporter: it was built with a massive concrete core to withstand an attack as i saw when i visited the construction in 2011. and now three years later, i got to be back on top of this completed tower. not only can you see straight up the magnificent island of manhattan but just a few feet this way you can cross the hudson and see not only new jersey but the state of pennsylvania. the most important view may be from the outside. this towering building, proof of a city's resilience. dan harris, abc news, new york. we could find out today who is going to be fined and how much for that wild nascar brawl on sunday. driver jeff gordon confronted rival brad keselowski in the pits after the race. that followed an incident dearing the race in which keselowski's car spun into gordon the causing him to spin out. it's the second time this month keselowski and his crew are involved in a fight. >> what you are witnessing is authenting. the drivers have never been under more pressure. >> keselowski and gordon suffered minor injuries while the fists were flying. keselowski was fined 50 grand for his role in an incident last month. there 24 raare two races left i nascar season. sam turner caught a pass, ran into the end zone and caught a touchdown last friday night. then kneeled down and said a prayer that drew a penalty for what was called excessive celebration. the refs can make the call if they believe a player is drawing attention to himself. his pastor says the player was justice celebrating his faith. turning to the pros and a blowout on monday night football. the colts visiting the giants. indianapolis was in control all night. quarterback andrew luck threw four touchdowns for the colts. the seventh straight game in which colt threw for over 300 yards. that's a team record. the colts win 40-24. a highlight of the whole night was for giants fans. the halftime celebration honoring michael strahan. the former giant and our abc news colleague was presented with his hall of fame ring. he was inducted into the hall of fame over the summer. he said he would have preferred to suit up one last night. the giants could have used him. >> hall of fame strahan. don't know if he could have even helped them last night. i thought this was over, the spice pumpkin everything. halloween is over, right? >> it's only november. >> we're still in the grips of this obsession with pumpkin spice everything. >> yeah. if you thought pumpkin lattes and latte candles and bathroom cleaners weren't enough, now pumpkin spice burger. upscale chain mami burger is offering the culinary delight. garlic aoili. cobaca. i can't even pronounce it. >> what is aioli? >> it's like a -- there's squash. marscapone. if the anchor has difficulty pronounce it it's too difficult to eat. >> they promise you'll be obsessed after the first bite. i love burgers. don't know about it. i'm willing to try some stuff. coming up "the mx." what would you change about your body. wait until you hear how grown-ups answer the question and how kids answer the same question. >> the unusual looking robot disguised as a penguin. the pros and cons of such a device. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. [ male announcer ] meet mary. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop the damage. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you helping protect you before damage can be done to your identity. lifelock has the most comprehensive identify theft protection available, helping guard your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime, in today's world that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free! use promo code: notme. order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands... a $29 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. use promo code: notme. call the number on your screen now. ♪ many of you might be wishing you were sleeping right now. we're glad you're not. this next story will definitely make you want to stay up, or at least sit up in bed. >> this story is kind of nasty. it turns out the pillow in that bed offiors may have nasty stuff lurking inside. abc's mara schiavocampo tells us why you may want to invest in a new pillow. >> reporter: most of us don't lose much sleep over where we rest our heads. but your aging pillow could be home to some uninvited guests like bacteria, fungus, fold, even muc roscopic dust mites which can cause serious allergies in some. >> sweat and other types of organic matter get into the pillows and creates a forum for them to survive and grow. >> reporter: what's lurking in your pillow? making house calls in one unsuspecting new jersey naushd. >> can we talk to you about your pillow? >> to collect pillows for microscopic testing. >> can we have this? >> reporter: to see just how filthy they can get. we got one. >> my son has pillows that i don't want to know what's in them. >> reporter: some looking and smelling worse than others. teaming up with university of arizona microbiologist charles gerba to test the pillows for bacteria and mold. and the results stunned even him. >> yeah, surprised in some of them how it varied. >> reporter: the third dirtiest pillow belongs to this guy, dominik. the bacteria count is about as bad as the average unwashed countertop. we shared the news with human and his mom. >> does this surprise you that even in a house this clean the pillows still get dirty? >> yes. but i think probably because he sweats during the night. >> inez's pillow was the second dirtiest and the only one with traces of mold. gerba believes a moist closet is to blame. >> i'm very surprised. very surprised. >> reporter: in another home, we found one pillow with coliform bacteria. >> associated with fecal material, for example. >> reporter: and the dirtiest of them all had almost 65 times more bacteria than the cleanest pillow we tested. as bad as a dirty kitchen sink. how can you rest easy? some experts recommend replacing your pillow roughly every two years. >> there's a tendanency for pimo find a pillow they love and keep using it forever until it falls apart. >> reporter: mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> told you it was nasty. >> did we run the story an purpose so people would stay and watch us. >> this is good information for the consumer to have. we're doing a service here. >> i had guests, a family over this weekend. i went out three days before they came and ordered new pillows. i feel so good i was an a telepathic wavelength with mara. >> when is the last time you replaced the pillows at your house. >> when i was in college. >> seriously? you had one you loved and hung on to it? >> i had lots of friends come from out of town. >> you are sleeping on a dirty sink. >> yuck. oh, my gosh. i hope none of my relatives staying with me realize the pillow situation. >> makes perfect sense. coming up, spying an penguins. the technique scientists are using to study these incredible birds. in our next half hour, online shopping secrets. how many companies are spying on you to get you to pay more. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" we all remember the "march of the penguins." epic bjorney. to study these fascinating creatures it takes some real creativity. >> involved the creation of what we can call a robochick. abc's clayton sandell gives us a closer look. >> reporter: any scientist preoccupied with penguins knows sometimes you have to get this close to unlock their secrets. but getting too close causes penguins to stress out. their heart rates soar. which is why researchers working in antarctica came up with a fury gate crasher. a furry robo chick. camera hidden in fur it let them get close enough to collect data from rnd their skin. some even sang to it. this early version brought chaos against a colony of king penguins. birds guarding their eggs pecking furiously at the intruder. but when it stops, notice everybody chills out, behaving more normally than when a human shows up. the chick cam was invented by the same filmmakers who pioneered using fake penguins to give us unprecedented access to the lives of these flightless birds. this faker's most successful moment, though, may have been this one when fellow chicks huddled against the cold with their newfond friend. no questions asked. clayton sandell, abc news, denver. >> very cute. >> we get a good animal story in there. >> i'm happy. makes my day. king penguins are serially monogamous. they have one mate a year and stick with that mate. yeah. i know that because -- >> because what? oh, my goodness. >> i was there for one season with the red jacket. >> didn't know where you were going with that sentence. >> they also take turns incubating the eggs. they must all be females if they are taking turns. so you want it to be the cleanest. that's why you need lysol. because when you use bleach, some stains are left behind. as this dye reveals. lysol toilet bowl cleaner does more. it removes the tough stains that bleach doesn't, and it also disinfects. so why just bleach? with lysol you can do more. that's healthing. and get max cleaning and freshness with every flush. try lysol no mess max. and they're not home right now. k-y yours and mine. i love the way this one feels. and this one does wonders for me. and when they combine... ♪ [ door closes ] [ kid ] mom! [ female announcer ] k-y brand yours and mine. [ door closes ] [ kid ] mom! she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop the damage. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you helping protect you before damage can be done to your identity. lifelock has the most comprehensive identify theft protection available, helping guard your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime, in today's world that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free! use promo code: notme. order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands... a $29 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. use promo code: notme. call the number on your screen now. i'm telling you i heard someoh!ng... (awkwardly laughs) get out. enough's enough! d-con baits are fomulated to kill in one feeding. guaranteed. ♪ okay. let's get to "the mix." kids, we could probably learn a lot from children about body image in particular. we're kind of critical of ourselves. so there was this campaign, #i am comfortable because. and they asked adults what they'd want to change there b body type. what would they do differently. some said they'd have their foreheads redone. they'd get new eyes. the kids had a different take. >> if you could change one thing about your body, what would you change? >> probably like a shark's mouth. >> i could have wings that i could fly. >> i don't think there's anything to change. i like my body actually. >> my favorite was, i'd like to have wings. >> and what is the adult saying? >> the adults said they'd like their skn fixed, forehead done. highlighted their insecurities. the kids -- it's like the show "kids say the darnedest things." smartest. >> here's another twitter account that popped up. it's at two fairies. nobody knows who they are but people are tweeting at this twitter handle and things they want or need and their wishes are coming true just out of the blue. they've sent gift baskets to people, flowers and whatnot. take a look at the screen. this is another dream they made come true. this is in the uk. kids at this school don't get snow here. and so the fairies left a note. whoever these folks are from at two fairies, created this winter wonderland for the kids. it's not just a couple of small things. they do major dreams, if you will. so i love it. they are making dreams come true. this is fantastic. >> that looks like real snow. >> send in a wish. >> okay. can we send in wishes? >> yes. >> we'll try that and see if it comes true. i'm going to ask for christmas cookies. >> easy. some people you can overhear their conversations. one guy who likes to be a prankster, greg benson, he's had an interesting spin on how to deal with these calls. >> oh, man. i haven't had it in years. probably better if you come get me than if i pick you up. >> do you want to meet up? >> yeah, i'll meet up with you. i'm over at the escalators right now. >> where are you? >> i'm here. i'm standing right next to you. >> no, i'm not in my car. >> just >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, i have an important message about security. write down the number on your screen, so you can call when i finish. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. this is a lock for your life insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase, guaranteed. this is lifelong coverage that can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, guaranteed. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and read about this rate lock for yourself. you'll also get a free gift with great information if you're retired or will be soon. both are free, with no obligation, so don't miss out. call for information, then decide. read about the 30 day, 100 percent money back guarantee. don't wait, call this number now. ♪ this morning on "world news now" -- election day. the potential power shift after today's midterm vote. the issues that matter most to americans ready to cast their ballots. violent abduction. the nurse kidnapped right off the streets. the crime captured on camera. the all-out search and who is joining the investigation. secrets revealed. uncovering the sneaky pricing habits of online retailers. what an expert has discovered before the busy shopping season. later, "the skinny" post-halloween prank. parents telling their kids they ate all of their candy. the videos from jimmy kimmel you have to see. it's tuesday, election day, november 4th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning to you all. i'm t.j. holmes. >> very big day. i'm reena ninan. >> we have to start. it's your voice, your vote. please, get out there. we don't have the best sometimes results when it comes to turning out for midterms, but this is a big deal. every election is a big deal. >> and months of campaigning coming to an end as americans head to the polls. >> 16 competitive senate races today. the outcome could shift control of the senate from democrats to republicans. >> republicans need to pick up six seats to take over the senate. most political experts expect them to achieve that goal. >> some of the key senate races are not expected to be settled by tonight. we may have to wait weeks for the final results. one of the most watched races, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is in a tight contest with his democratic challenger in kentucky. the outcome could make him the senate majority leader or could leave him out of a job. he's taking an optimistic view. >> we could have for the second time in our history, the senate majority leader taking us in a new direction. >> every time that you have a midterm or presidential election, the consequences are significant. >> when it comes to governors, several republicans who swept into office on the tea party wave are now in danger of losing. >> as millions of americans head to the polls, let's turn to our deputy political director for some insight. >> abc's shushannah walshe here. is there a number one issue? >> the number one issue we've seen in our polls over and over is still the economy. it's still jobs. we're technically in a recovery. we have been since 2009, but there's so much disappointment across this country. and voters will take that disappointment and sentiment to the polls. >> so much buzz over whether the senate will be taken over by republicans. if that does happen, is that game over for the white house? >> it's likely we'll see even more gridlock, which is almost impossible to imagine after what we've seen. there's the optimistic chance that both side compromise and that we do get somewhere. but again, i think it's a positive, optimistic outlook. >> yeah, compromise in washington? we appreciate your optimism at this time of day. what else is pushing or going to get voters out to the polls? >> there are a number of other issues people are going to go to the polls. we've also been seeing on the campaign trail, health care, women's issues and another couple of issues, really october surprises. and that's the fear around ebola and containment of ebola virus and the threat and fear around isis. something we didn't know about, didn't hear about six months ago have really taken over the campaign trails and will be in a lot of voters' minds on tuesday. >> do you think the day after elections that republicans or democrats will have a come to jesus moment and suddenly say we'll make it work, and what would those issues be? >> that takes a lot of maybes, should we, possible, because there are so many people in washington that do want to make things work, but then there are a lot of people that don't want to make things work. there are issues like immigration. the president has said he wants to make immigration work. he's going to have some executive action. we know that's really going to inflame republicans. some democrats have also said they don't want to see executive action. that's possible. but we'll see. >> we will see. abc's deputy political director shushannah walshe. we'll see you again soon. our coverage of the midterm vote begins online at 7:00 eastern tonight with a one-hour abc news special at 10:00 p.m. and look for our complete wrap-up here tomorrow morning on "world news now." boston's longest serving mayor was remembered in his funeral yesterday as a man of the people. thomas menino died last week after a battle with cancer. among those paying respects were former president bill clinton and vice president joe biden. earlier, thousands lined the streets as menino's casket was brought to the church. two top officers have been fired in the air force nuclear missile command. it involves the number two commander of the missile wing base. the commander in north dakota also fired for harassing subordinates. the fbi has joined in the search for a philadelphia nurse who was violently kidnapped off the street as she walked home. abc's mara schiavocampo has the details. >> reporter: police releasing this chilling surveillance video of what they say is a woman being kidnapped by a complete stranger. watch as the suspect's car parks on the street sunday evening. less than a minute later, this man walks up the street. police saying he spots his target and begins stalking her. 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither who reportedly lives just blocks away. the suspect described as a black male about 5'10" then crosses the street and strikes, grabbing her, forcibly dragging her down the street. the video is silent, but witnesses said they heard her screaming for help. >> i want her to come back home safe. i don't care what anybody has to do. just let my daughter come home. >> reporter: philadelphia police have embraced using social media to help solve cases. this man convicted of trying to snatch a little girl off the street. he turned himself in just six hours after the tape was released online. officials hoping for a similar outcome in this case. mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. nasa is reporting hundreds of meteor sightings across several states in the eastern united states. at least two events happened last night. the first caught on police dash cam video in benwood, west virginia, coming down from the upper right-hand corner of the screen. what appears to be a fast moving meteor. in chicago, a very slow moving object above that tree that nasa says could be, get this, a piece of space junk. well, we do know what was coming out of the sky in maine. it's causing some major headaches. thousands of people digging out from heavy wet snow from the powerful nor'easter. more than 100,000 homes and businesses have no power right now. crews in maine called in reinforcements from canada to try to help restore power. >> here's a look at today's weather. a storm system threatens texas before moving through the ohio valley and great lakes. rainfall in some areas could top two inches. showers over south florida and more rain for the pacific northwest. >> warmer in the east. 56 in boston. 70s in the south. chilly across the midwest and intermountain west. warming up in the southwest as well with 81 degrees for phoenix. voters in oregon, alaska and washington, d.c., will decide today whether to legalize recreational marijuana. that has the stocks of marijuana companies on something of a high. get that? you like that? >> yeah, took me a second. >> shares of several companies specializing in pot products jumped 2% to 13% yesterday. we're talking about penny stocks here. these aren't traded on the usual stock exchanges. >> today is like my monday. get it together in time for the elections. and a health headline. another good reason to cut down on your cola intake. a new study concludes reducing the amount of soda you drink may be a good way to prevent kidney stones. 1 in 8 men get them in their lifetime. for women, that's 1 in 15. doctors point out simply eating better will help reduce your chances as well. we have another diet story. a guy in north carolina to introduce you to. alan martin is getting the most out of what he has from olive garden. i didn't know this existed. it's called a never ending pasta pass. >> he was one of the thousand people nationwide to get one of those passes. it cost him 100 bucks. since then, martin has been eating at his local olive garden twice a day every day. that's more than 95 meals so far. >> he's keeping the receipts. he's eaten more than $1,500 worth of food. >> oh, my gosh. >> he plans to continue that streak until the promotion ends this coming sunday. >> the thing is, it's not like the subway diet guy who lost weight. >> he's going the other direction. >> yeah. >> i mean, he's a hefty fellow already, if you will. not a skinny guy, maybe i should say. >> there you go. >> putting on the pasta. we've got "the skinny." we'll go from that to "the skinny." >> skinny is on your mind. >> yes. >> a bonus round today. you won't see it in "fifty shades of grey." i don't know if you were looking forward to this, but we've got something to tell you that won't be in there. also "dancing with the stars" contestant shown the door. habits of online retailers exposed. how to make sure you're getting the best deal when you point, click and buy. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. ñññññññññññññññññññññññññññññññj right now? 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[ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. all right. halloween is over. holiday shopping season has unofficially started now. many of you looking for those good deals online. >> if you are looking to book travel for the holidays, be careful. companies can be profiling you and your spending habits causing you to overpay. abc's rebecca jarvis explains. >> reporter: these days, it's hard to beat the convenience of online shopping. but now, a newly released study by northeastern university claims that some of the most popular e-commerce websites don't always offer the same products and prices to everyone. that's right. depending on how you're shopping online, researchers say you could be spending even more and not even know it. >> different companies are deciding based on what computer you're using, what device you're using. they really want to learn what your preferences are. as they learn from you and learn from your purchase history, they can try to show you those specifically. >> reporter: the researchers call it price steering where two shoppers searching the same website receive different product results. >> many of us will only look at that first page. >> exactly. with price steering they'd put the more expensive products at the top because they know most users will not go all the way down to see if there are cheaper prices. >> reporter: and that's not all. the study also found two shoppers can be offered different prices for the same product on the same website. the study's authors call that price discrimination, though they point out in general, this is not illegal. so how do you make sure you're getting the best deal? well, that depends. experts say to do your research before you buy. always shop on both a computer and a mobile device. try your search logged into an account versus as a guest. use different browsers. clear your cookies. if all else fails, ask a friend to check for you on his or her computer. rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> those were great tips. >> who knew? we've got jimmy kimmel's annual youtube challenge. parents telling their kids they ate all the candy. >> so mean. and who got tossed from the ballroom last night. "the skinny" and a bonus round up next. >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ jimmy kimmel's annual halloween challenge to parents. tell your kids you ate all the candy from halloween and film it. >> it started with kimmel sharing his own experience pranking his 4-month-old daughter. didn't work for obvious reasons. too little. here's kid that didn't take kindly to the news that their hard-earned halloween candy is now gone. >> you ruined my life. >> all of it? >> all of it. >> every single bite? >> daddy and i ate all of your candy. >> those aren't real drawers, buddy. >> get out. >> they worked hard for that candy. >> that one kid is wrecking the kitchen. >> i don't blame her. it wasn't all that bad. one kid surprised us with a mature reaction. >> the whole entire bag? >> yeah. sorry. >> it's okay. >> that's fine. >> that's fine? there's none left. >> it's fine. >> and hugs. is he 6, 7? >> it's okay. i don't know. >> very mature response. >> that's my reaction to you. "it's okay." >> i appreciate that. you usually toss chairs around the room. >> exactly, between commercial breaks. macklemore, the rapper had a good time on halloween. he was in the dog house with his fiance. she said if he dressed up like a grandmother, he'd be let out of the doghouse. >> that's what he did. she helped him with his wig and makeup. and it was time for trick-or-treating. macklemore joining the kids. collecting candy and having some fun. >> he stopped for pictures with trick-or-treaters. unclear if any of them or their guardians knew it was the rapper macklemore in that get-up. >> i couldn't tell it was him actually. pretty good. >> what he did to get in the doghouse with his fiance. >> i think he made it up. >> i'm sure there was more to it. >> oh, gosh. a struggling "dancing" star has now been driven from the ball room. >> a lot of people saw this coming. dancer -- not dancer, nascar driver michael waltrip and his partner. they dressed like tarzan and jane, but couldn't make it another week. their foxtrot only got them 25 out of 40 points. >> "pretty little liars" janel parrish shot to the top of the leaderboard. your favorite dancers may be hitting a stage near you. "dancing with the stars" live is kicking off a 33-city tour after christmas. ariana grande is making some news this morning. the 21-year-old pop star is having a breakout year. >> he's just pretending he doesn't know this name. who is not in love with this girl? one of those fans has received a warning from police. why? apparently he's been sending her some stuff, care packages that include candles, dog and cat calendars, a $200 anklet from kay jewelers and a three-piece mirror set from kmart. >> according to tmz, grande's record label notified the authorities who in turn warned the fan, a guy from massachusetts to cut it out. time for celebrity birthdays. >> comedienne kathy griffin. she's 54. >> "karate kid" ralph macchio turns 52. >> diddy, is it diddy? sean combs, 45. >> and academy award winning actor matthew mcconaughey also turns 45. all right, all right, all right! happy birthday, everyone. you didn't think i could pull that one off. did i pull it off? >> exactly what i expected. double dose of "the skinny," folks. stay with us. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop the damage. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you helping protect you before damage can be done to your identity. lifelock has the most comprehensive identify theft protection available, helping guard your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime, in today's world that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free! use promo code: notme. order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands... a $29 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. use promo code: notme. call the number on your screen now. we'll fight back at the this cfirst sign of sick. no more feeling coughy, mucusy...just...yucky. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. is this about me? ♪ the heavy lifters.ers. just for men does more than get rid of gray, your facial hair looks fuller, thicker, the best beard ever. after all, you're not just a champion of saturday afternoons.... you're a champion of facial hair. just for men mustache and beard. tis the one you want to be thee cleanest. but using bleach leaves some stains behind. as this dye reveals. lysol toilet bowl cleaner does more. it removes the tough stains that bleach doesn't and it also disinfects. that's healthing. therei need to keep an eye on my health. that's why i take metabiotic, a daily probiotic. >>new multi-health metabiotic with bio-active 12 is proven to help support a healthy immune system. experience the meta effect with our new multi-health wellness line. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ there it is. all right. it's time for a bonus round of "the skinny." we start with celebrities raking in the dough. forbes has ranked the highest earning personalities. people who aren't actors or musicians. >> we've got it. topping the list, howard stern and simon cowell, $95 million just in the past 12 months. variety show, satellite radio, sure. paying off. >> next on the list, former fox news host glenn beck brought in $90 million. >> wow. >> for any list where oprah is fourth is a heck of a list. disappointment maybe. only had $82 million last year. >> what's going on? and rounding out the top five, dr. phil mcgraw with $77 million. speaking of tales of really rich people, we're learning a new detail about the latest movie about steve jobs. >> as if we needed another movie. how many have there been? keep counting. christian bale is bailing out of the latest jobs biopic. sources tell the "hollywood reporter" that bale after much deliberation and conflicting feelings feelings feels he's not the right guy for the part. >> meantime, seth rogan is in discussions to play steve wozniack, but no official offer has been made. more disappointment for movie fans. at least for those hoping to see all of actor jamie dornan in "fifty shades of grey." >> the hunky star of the movie based on the graphic novel won't be showing off all his assets. he tells the newspaper in the uk that viewers won't be seeing his tonger? is that -- or togger. it's british slang for, you know, the thing. you know. >> okay. oh, people couldn't see you while you were doing this. >> you need the sound effect. >> i wish people could have seen you while trying to figure out where you were going to go. he said no full frontal nudity. he also found the spanking scenes were a bit of a turn-off with a dozen hairy men standing around moving lighting equipment. yes, that might be odd. he said that's not sexy unless you're into being watched, which he says he is not. >> okay. big downer. makes me -- >> you should stop, reena. >> there's not a good way to talk about this. he doesn't seem to be like into the parts that everyone is raving about. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. making news in america this morning, decision day. in just hours voters head to the polls in mid-terms with huge consequences. a last-minute push for votes. we're live on capitol hill. violent abduction. a woman viciously pulled from the street and still nowhere to be found. what investigators are saying about this kidnapping caught on camera. fireball. something lighting up the night sky in several states. nasa confirming overnight. what in the world is this? and jimmy kimmel's halloween candy prank is back and better than ever. >> you ruined my life!


Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20141104

going to shake it off. why the biggest pop tar in the world says she's taking a stand and pulling all her songs this morning from spotify. what this could mean for how all of us buy our music. ♪ and good morning, america. lots to get to this election morning and, robin, you are back from a big night for our friend, michael. there's the towel. a gift you brought back for me. check this out, guys. >> hall of fame ring he got last night. >> i could fit it around my whole hand. right here. look at that thing. >> michael, great to see you last night running out between all those former teammates of yours. >> thank you, thank you. >> your parents were there. i mean, that was a great moment there at halftime. >> you know what, first of all, thank you, you guys, for coming. really awesome to have you there and be a part of it. just to see all my teammates and the fans, then you play for, play with, it was the highlight of my life and, you know, everybody gets this. every other weekend we'll rotate the ring. >> all right. >> your speech was spot-on. we'll share a bit of that later. >> thank you. >> can't wait for that. we are going to begin with this big national election. your voice, your vote. a live look at the white house right now. president obama is going to stay home today as millions head to the polls. he is not on the ballot but this election with so much at stake is very much about him and his policies. abc's jon karl is here. it could shake up the president's final two years in office. >> george, this will go a long way towards defining president obama's last two years in office and while he hasn't been on the ballot this election has seemed one all about the president. this morning, president obama is playing a starring role in elections across the country. >> obama's senator, not yours. >> pryor, o-b-a-m-h. >> reporter: they have painted this election as a referendum on obama prompting even some democrats to run their own ads criticizing the president. >> i'm not barack obama. >> the administration's policies are simply wrong. >> reporter: michelle nunn in georgia aired this ad to show a photo of her with president obama is not what it seems. >> but what he doesn't tell you is that it was taken at an event honoring president bush. >> reporter: the president recently played right into the republican game plan. >> i'm not on the ballot this fall but make no mistake, these policies are on the ballot. every single one of them. >> reporter: in race after race republican candidates have made sure everybody saw that. >> these policies are on the ballot. >> reporter: the president is n unpopular nationally, but even more unpopular in states with competitive senate races. >> you don't agree that the president's been considered politically toxic to many of those democrats running? >> it won't surprise you to hear that i do not agree with that assessment. >> reporter: i think you'd expect him to say that. i don't know what else he could say of the you're over at the map. what are the key races you'll be looking at tonight when we think about this control of the senate which hangs in the balance. >> reporter: you have 16 states where you could see party control change. 13 are held by democrats but if you want to see if republicans get control, here are three states to watch most closely, first of all, colorado. this is a state that went twice for barack obama. it's where he accepted the democratic nomination in 2008 but as you can see the republican cory gardner has a slight edge and a slight edge in the early vote and could win there. iowa, this is the state that really gave birth to the obama candidacy in 2008 when he beat hillary clinton. it's neck and neck. if anything you've seen some momentum on the republican side with joni ernst. if republicans win both of those states they will win control of the senate. but there is a wild card here. kansas. this is a state that is about as republican as they get. they haven't defeated a republican senator here since 1932 but look at this. an independent, orman, greg orman who could win this race and then there's an all-out bidding war because he hasn't said whether or not he would caucus with democrats or republicans. he could hold the balance of power on election night. >> and on top of that could be runoffs in louisiana and georgia in december and january, which means we may not know who will control the senate for awhile. >> reporter: i think there is a very good chance we will have no idea at the end of the night would will control the senate. >> let me bring in matt dowd. you saw how disillusioned americans are with president obama and how much a factor this was. this is a broader rejection election. >> i think it's an election about how sour the country is and about both parties. neither party in the aftermath of this election is going to be embraced by the country. the president for the second midterm in a row for him can win a presidential election usually going away for the second midterm. this is a rejection of him and his leadership because he is the democratic party and the democratic party is likely to lose seats. >> that's what it's looking like. ahead to 2016. a new poll out this morning which shows hillary clinton far more popular than her potential republican opponents right now and in many ways, today's midterm is the starting time for 2016. >> it will begin before the polls close tonight. all these candidates will be in their rooms, potential candidates and i think the biggest question mark in this whole thing is hillary clinton. democrats will pivot off her and republicans will. she is the candidate most popular and i think at that point is that decision she has to make is everything else falls from there. the dominos fall based on hillary clinton. >> okay, matt dowd. thanks very much. you'll be here and jon karl will be here. we'll have our special election hour. seven hours of breaking news across all our platforms. pri primetime special at 10:00 p.m. we're covering it more deeply than ever before. >> and you'll be back with the latest. a scandal rocking the air force. two commanders in charge of our nuclear missiles have been fired. the military calling it a loss of confidence in their leadership. this is the latest setback for this group of elite officers and abc's martha raddatz is here, has the latest. good morning, martha. >> i think people forget that there are 450 nuclear tipped missiles across america's plains. i was there last year visiting one of those nuclear facilities. they had real leadership problems then. they have real leadership problems now. apparently these two commanders relieved of duty one for saying to a pregnant air force worker that her career would be negatively affected by pregnancy and also some verbal abuse and have had real problems with gambling, drugs, alcohol and cheating. they're trying to clean that up right now. >> people want to know, are the missiles secure when you have this behavior? >> one of the things they told me is absolutely this will not affect the security and we're thankful for that. >> yeah, that's a small thing to be thankful for -- a big thing to be thankful for. you'll be part of our election coverage. you know it's election day when we're all here. >> all excited about the evening. >> we might take a little nap this afternoon. >> maybe a little one. we'll turn now to that desperate search for a young woman violently abducted off a philadelphia street. you see her forced into a car. the whole scene caught on camera. abc's reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: kidnapping on camera. police say you're watching the chilling moment an unidentified man snatches 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither, off a quiet street in germantown, pennsylvania, just before 10:00 sunday night and then drags her kicking and screaming to his car. keep watching as the struggle ensues. carlesha nearly breaks free but then just off camera, her kidnapper manages to shove her into the vehicle. you can see the trunk shaking as police say carlesha struggles even busting out one of the car's windows but it's not enough. the video ends as the car takes off. both carlesha and her kidnapper gone without a trace. >> you can see she's putting up a fight and putting up a heck of a struggle. but he's able to get her into the vehicle. >> reporter: this morning both police and the fbi are pouring over the video and say the abductant appears to be video. >> you'll see him parking, exiting then walking back up the block and waiting on this young lady as she approaches the intersection there and crosses over, the male, he then follows her and then he grabbed her. >> reporter: at the scene carlesha's glasses and cell phone. we're learned she moved into the neighborhood just two months ago and was walking home from a party for her godson. the street quiet, but not deserted. you can see one driver pulls up just as carlesha and her kidnapper disappears off frame. a person on foot shows up too. and police say witnesses have come forward saying they heard carlesha screaming for help. >> this is a joint effort doing everything that we possibly can to find her. >> reporter: carlesha's devastated father also hanging up flyers and he has a message for that mysterious man. >> i just want her to come back home safe. i don't care what anybody have to do, just come home. that's all i'm asking. >> reporter: philadelphia police are now offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest or conviction. police say they are looking for a ford taurus silver or gray with two busted out windows on the driver and passenger side, george. >> thanks very much. to amy with today's other top stories. good morning, everyone. we begin with some unusual sightings lighting up the night sky. police dash cam in west virginia caught this bright light, look at that. more than 200 sightings reported across 13 states. nasa says it was likely a meteor. a similar fireball was seen streaking across the sky over japan monday night setting social media ablaze with witness accounts. in chicago, however, this light moved slowly across the sky. that is says that may have just been a piece of space junk. all right. lots of different explanations there. you be the judge. just as millions of americans plan their travel for the holiday, the government is suing southwest airlines this morning claiming the airline failed to properly make important safety repairs. southwest is fighting back. abc's david kerley joins us now with the details. good morning. >> reporter: amy, as you mentioned it involves 737s which the faa says are improperly repaired. it warns southwest about this but the airline put the planes back in service anyway. this morning, the government is suing southwest for $12 million, that's the second biggest fine ever against an airline. it was announced this summer but southwest disputes the faa findings and has refused to pay. now, started back in 2006 a contractor in evert, washington, was replacing the aluminum skin on 44 jets but the faa says when the workers put in a sealant and adhesive in the joint they didn't put these rivets in fast enough to ensure a good seal so that moisture wouldn't get in there. southwest says it is looking forward to defending its record in court against the government. amy. >> all right, david kerley, thanks so much. and from planes to cars, the government is investigating whether honda failed to report deaths and injuries resulting from defective air bags made by the japanese company takata. 5 million hondas have been recalled. north carolina, a group of good samaritans jumped into action after a pickup truck dashed into a gas station. surveillance video capturing the moment the truck sped into the station slammed into a pump and burst into flames. bystanders rushed in saving the father and son inside. the father had suffered a seizure behind the wheel but is now recovering, thanks to the help of those good samaritans. president obama has declared a disaster on hawaii's big island where lava flowing from the kilauea volcano is threatening a small town. the lava is now taking over a swamp boiling the water. the disaster declaration frees up federal money to protect the town. and finally, a violent felon who escaped from a florida prison has been recaptured. ronald mccoy was serving life for armed robbery but lucky for authorities mccoy proved worthy of our ever-growing dumb criminal file. after three days on the lam police easily spotted him at a gas station, why, you ask, because he was still wearing his prison uniform. >> oh. >> three days later after escaping. forgot that small detail. he low. i just escaped it prison, everyone. >> okay is the new black. >> really? >> wasn't it like halloween around that time. maybe they thought it was a costume. >> we had some smart police officers thank god, capturing that dumb criminal. >> love the file. >> all right. let's move on now to a big battle brewing in the music twist. taylor swift abruptly pulling health care workers all of her bups from the streaming service spotify days after the release of her hot new album "1989." well, now spotify is working hard to try to win her back and rebecca jarvis has our story. ♪ never ever >> reporter: it looks like taylor swift is never ever getting back together with spotify. the number one streaming service in the world. after swift and her music label abruptly pulled her entire catalog from the service which has 40 million subscribers. swift has never seemed a big fan of streaming services writing in "the wall street journal" last year piracy, file sharing and streaming have shrunk the numbers of paid album sales drastically and every artist has handled this differently" it sets up a showdown with apple where swift's music is still available on itunes. for her new album "1989" the singer had an exclusive agreement for a track by track release on itunes. and on beats, a streaming service which apple acquired last january, "1989" has had an incredible opening week run with 1.3 million copies sold. but swift didn't release "1989" on the service. insiders speculate swift has always been weary of spotify, initially refusing to release her 2012 album "red" to the service. spotify says they hope swift will change her mind and join us in building a new music economy that works for everyone. and from what i'm hearing this morning taylor swift isn't the only artist planning to go this exclusive route. rumor has it beyonce's new album will drop november 14th, also exclusively on itunes and the thing is this changes how we listen to music and also can change how we pay for music. what we pay for music most importantly. >> stay tuned. that's for sure, rebecca, thanks very much. to that special night for our guy, michael strahan. number 92 in your program, number 1 in your heart, that man right there. he is a hall of famer, got the ring last night to prove it, it was a beautiful ceremony. [ cheers and applause ] >> our very own superhero, michael strahan. >> it was a powerful homecoming fit for a giant. pro football's newest hall of famer receiving a hero's welcome during halftime at monday night's giants/colts game. a gaunt let of pro football icons and former teammates leading the way, michael humbly bowing to his loyal fans all leading up to this moment. >> it is my great privilege to present you with this ring of excellence as was the great players in the history of the game, michael strahan. >> michael receiving that coveted hall of fame ring. [ cheers and applause ] >> with these guys who are up here with me to lead the way to inspire me to be the absolute best i could be and the reason we did it is because we did it for the most important people who come in the stadium every sunday and that is you, the fans! so, i know you have your rally towels. i know you want to wave it for me and my number but that means nothing, wave those towels for every player who's ever put on this uniform for every fan who's ever rooted for this team, because we are the new york giants! >> there for michael, his proud parents and his 19-year-old son, michael jr. >> steps up under pressure and he'sing haved by michael strahan. >> through 15 bone-crushing seasons, michael didn't just play the game, he dominated it. >> intercepted by michael strahan. >> now our guy takes his spot in history. >> you come out here and play for them and i couldn't ask for anything better so it was awesome. [ cheers and applause ] >> it was quite a scene. it was. [ applause ] >> let me say this, you have made a seamless transition to this next phase of your life but it was so great to be on your turf last night. ginger and i felt to be on your turf literally last night and see your family and it was just -- i hope that you were able to embrace that moment too. >> yeah, i was able to enjoy it. i'm glad you both came. i really am. only thing i wish i could have done thought about too late, put on my uniform and ran out there, yeah. but then i probably would have been tempted to play and i wouldn't be here this morning because i wouldn't be able to move. >> they would have wanted you to play after that game last night. >> possibly would have made me play. >> thursday if you want. >> no, george. halloween is over, no reason to wear the uniform. i don't want to be that dumb criminal. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> congratulations. >> i appreciate it. thank you very much. ginger, you're paying special attention to texas. >> yes, going close to your hometown of houston. a little more michael but certainly the flash flood watches what we are watching in the plains through the midwest, we have this line of heavy rain and storms coming flew and the flash flood watch includes san antonio and austin. some could top 7 inches, a lot of that moisture coming from hurricane vance that will make landfall in mexico early tomorrow morning. >> hi, dave murphy with an update from accuweather. we're high and dry on storm tracker 6 live double scan. as we head outside plenty of sunshine over the horizon. may see clouds mixing sometime today. mild with temperatures over 50 by a couple ticks in a lot of areas. philadelphia recently slipped to 49. these aren't bad numbers for this time of year. this afternoon relatively mild with a high of 67. tomorrow still nice 68. then rain on >> and something you didn't get to see, not only did they introduce michael as a superhero but they had a comic strip up. that was so cool. you became a real superhero. >> she was so cute at the game. she kept going, am i here? >> it was my first giants game. >> it was great. >> yes. >> coming up here on "gma," the grandmother charged with a hit man to kill her daughter's ex. why prosecutors say she wanted him gone. more on that wild nascar brawl. jeff gordon right in the middle of it. that disease is for older people. not me. i take good care of myself. i'm active. i never saw it hit me like a ton of bricks. pneumococcal pneumonia was horrible... the fatigue... the chest pains, difficulty breathing. it put me in the hospital. you don't want to go through what i did. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor. you may be able to prevent it. but the stainmaster petprotect carpet and cushion system helps prevent pet stains, reduce pet odor and easily release pet hair. so get petprotect and let your pets be pets. but do you really? 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steak & eggs. boom. dunkin's angus steak and egg sandwich is oven-toasted and made with angus beef. make today a steak & egg day. america runs on dunkin'. ♪ come, come, come chameleon ♪ you come and go >> the control room is trying to get us to sing again. that is the culture club with "karma chameleon." okay. you took the bait. you took the bait, lara. it's on a brand-new list of catchiest songs of all time. we'll tell you the number one tune. what's your guess, the number one tune? >> oh, no. what do you think? >> i just love the culture club. i remember the album. i have it on vinyl still. >> i felix prince george -- >> sadly those were my real dance moves. >> well, everybody can put in their guesses right now. >> focus, people. also ahead, trying to hire a hit man. was she really trying to have her daughter's ex killed? plus, more fallout from that wild brawl at the racetrack involving jeff gordon and other drivers, nascar is now getting ready to crack down on brawls like this. >> the new study revealing the benefits of exercise and why it's good for more than just your body. what just 20 minutes a day can do for you. >> we will tell you. but we'll begin this half hour with the new york grandmother accused of trying to hit a hit man to kill her daughter's ex-boyfriend, the father of her grandchild. police say she put down a partial payment on the job. abc's mara schiavocampo has that story for us. >> reporter: new york psychotherapist melissa shown shield may seem like your average grandmother but this morning police say she is also a criminal. the 57-year-old was arrested for, quote, paying another person to commit murder. allegedly trying to hire an undercover officer posing as a hit man to kill her daughter's ex-boyfriend, ernesto negrio, the father of her grandchild. >> i believe this was a serious attempt to find somebody to murder an individual. >> shonefield who pleaded not guilty invited our crew into her home but wouldn't comment on the case but her daughter alexis tells abc news exclusively that her mom is concerned about keeping her safe from negrio who alex says says mistreated her. >> she kept telling me it wasn't her fault and loves me. >> reporter: in court documents the undercover officer she allegedly tried to hire says she drove her mini cooper to a walmart parking lot friday morning because she wanted to have negrillo killed. we came to an agreement that the job would be done for $11,000. the officer also claims she made a $5500 down payment in cash. >> there was exchange of money. final plans were made. >> reporter: shonefield is married to a prominent den cyst. now alexis says they are picture perfect family is being torn apart by these allegations. >> my mom is the glue in our family, you know. she's -- she's the one who makes sure everything is okay. it's hard watching my mom fall apart. she was made to be a monster. >> reporter: these out on bail and alexis' father denies he knew anything about the alleged plot. we reached out to negrillo for comment but did not hear back. >> we'll turn now to a headline making case out of nashville where four former football players from vanderbilt are accused of sexually assaulting a female student when she was drunk and unconscious. a jury trial begins in two of the men. >> reporter: this morning a jury is expected to be seated for this high-profile trial. two of four former vanderbilt football players accused in the alleged sexual assault of a young woman in a school dorm. >> when did you first learn that your athletic scholarship was potentially at risk? >> when i spoke with coach franklin. >> reporter: brandon vanden berg and cory beatty, the first to stand trial and facing multiple counts of aggravated rape and sexual battery, both pleading not guilty. >> i don't see a major problem here. >> reporter: police say the vic was vandage berg's former girfriend and the most explosive evidence the jury is expected to see, some of what happened was caught on the dorm surveillance videos and police say vanden berg took pictures of the sexual assault on his cell phone and sent around to friends. >> i found images of the victim being brutally raped off of your defendant's cell phone. >> reporter: in june of 201 police say vanden berg just 20 years old and his then girlfriend were coming back to gillette hall after a night of heavy drinking. police say the surveillance video shows the young man carrying her limp body to vapiden berg's second floor room where three of the men are accused of raping her but vapiden berg's defense attorney says that video doesn't tell the full story. >> we're missing some angles that we've been told we were missing so we want to see where those cameras are and see what people viewed. >> reporter: defense lawyers for the player say the young men were too drunk to remember what happened that night. if convicted they could spend decades in jail. for "good morning america," steve osunsami. >> dan abrams joins us now. we saw there the two men on trial. can't remember what happened that night. apparently the alleged victim can't remember what happened either so how does that impact the case. >> you'll have different kinds of defenses for these two defendants. but let's start with the fact that the alleged victim here says she doesn't remember anything. ordinarily that would be a huge hurdle to overcome in a case like this. except it seeps that in this case they have photographs, they have video. they have testimony of someone who may allege that he helped cover up after the fact and that's going to be the key is going to be their text messages, et cetera, after the fact that are going to be crucial pieces of evidence in this case so you may not even need her testimony. >> but you say two different defenses? that's right, because there are two people of four on trial right now. one of them is not even accused of a forcible sexual act. he's the one who actually had some relationship with this woman and it seeps he's more accused of helping organizing, et cetera, in this but still charged with exactly the same crime. his defense, it seems is going to be i didn't have the intent, i was too drunk, i didn't know what was happening, et cetera. one of the other defendants who is charged with a forcible sexual act, we don't know exactly what the defense is going to be. i would expect it's going to be some version of consent. expect that all the defense attorneys are going to be putting the police and prosecutors on trial. you already heard it in that sound bite there where they're questioning why they didn't get certain evidence, where other evidence is or isn't. but they're going to have to do more here than just challenge the police and prosecutors. >> vanderbilt's role could be an issue, as well. >> the defense is actually saying that when these students were questioned by the vanderbilt authorities that they were coerced into saying things that they wouldn't have ordinarily said so it's the reverse here. the defendants saying the university was too tough on us. >> a lot at play here. dan abrams, thanks very much. to ginger with the weather. >> let's talk freeze, yes, freeze in the southeast. how about we look at places like south carolina and georgia. south georgia even in that frost advisory this morning but things, they are about to cook and warm up. you know, last weekend columbia, south carolina, had their first and earliest ever trace of snow. today into the 70s. louisville, 67. all ahead of the front this mild air pushes up into the northeast and even parts of new england. but behind it, it is far from mild. look at the numbers. these are windchills and thought we'd put them on, 24, denver, feels like 28 in billings. salt lake city, 23. test test. >> hello, ginger, dave murphy on the terrace right now with an update from accuweather. lots of sun up over the horizon, a few clouds here and there. temperatures aren't bad around 50 right now and 67 is your high for election day, clouds mixing with sun. still >> all that weather brought to you by target and i am headed to nashville right after the show because we're doing a big cma show tomorrow morning and looks like we're just going to beat the rain. >> big concert in the morning. >> yes, we do. enjoy. coming up, important information for parents, i don't know how to say this. how your children can make you sick. the common childhood illness that is could lead to scary symptoms. nascar is getting ready to crack down after that wild bruehl with jeff gordon right there in the center of it all and why tensions are so high at the racetrack. we're going to find out. ♪ ♪ when the snow comes to cover the ground ♪ ♪ it's a time for play, ♪ it's a whipped cream day ♪ i wait for it all year round ♪ in winter it's a marshmallow world! ♪ ok who woh, i do!t rolls? 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(together) it's got grains, which i like. i like the little bunches of oats. what i like is actually the flakes. it's got crunch, which i love. mmm. it's really good. honey bunches of oats. yay! we're back now at 7:42 with the latest on that massive brawl including nascar's biggest stars following a collision on the track. the drivers facing possible punishment this morning and abc's ryan smith is here with the details. good morning, ryan. >> good morning, lara. that massive all-out nascar brawl and recent rise in fights has so many wondering what's going on. nascar is responding loud and clear. the penalties may be coming. this morning, nascar could decide as early as today if they will issue any penalties on the drivers involved in sunday's bloody brawl seen around the world. crew members and drivers were numerous teams involved in the free-for-all pushing, punching and shoving. according to "the charlotte observer" this nascar official saying the scuffle was over the line. vowing to take further action. >> important thing is to, you know, make the right decision at the end of the day. >> reporter: this crash at the texas 500 making race day look more like fight night. [ bleep ]. >> reporter: with 43-year-old superstar jeff gordon chasing down rival brad keselowski after keselowski's car crashed into him on the race's last lap ending his chance for victory lane. check out keselowski's reaction >> that's just racing. >> like something out of wwe other drivers getting into the mix. that's nascar star kevin harvick. >> after the race, it all broke loose. i told brad you need to get in there and fight his own fight. >> seemingly on the rise, this is the third major fight since april. some saying the new playoff style format for the sprint cup championship with three rounds of elimination ending in a final four-type showdown between drivers is changing the culture of the sport making racers drive harder. >> the drivers in my opinion have never been under more pressure. i think the format is responsible for that. >> reporter: but more drama on the track could mean an improvement to nascar's sagging ratings. as of july according to sports media watch, 15 of 16 sprint cup telecasts saw declining ratings over last year. and for nascar fights like these perhaps adding the drama and also the violence. none of the drivers involved in the fight were speaking on monday about the fight but keselowski's team owner roger penske is firmly in his corner saying while it was unfortunate brad has my 100% support, lara. >> all right, ryan, thanks so much. coming up, everybody, what angelini jolie is revealing about life with brad and possibly a career change. we'll explain. and bang-bang is one of the hottest songs right now, but does it make the list of catchiest ever? the new research about tunes we can't get out of our head. >> it's science, michael. it's science. we have a serious hairball issue. we clean it up, turn around, and there it is again. it's scary. little bit in my eye. 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[but the more you learn abouty insurancyour coverage,bout it. the more gaps you might find. like how you thought you were covered for this. [boy] check it out,mom! [prof. burke]when you're really only covered for this. or how you figured you were covered for this. when you're actually paying for this. you might be surprised at what's hiding in your coverage. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ [announcer] call 1-800-farmers and see how much you could save. ♪ a lil bit of monica in my life ♪ >> everybody, you hear that song, the huge hit "mambo no. 5" very catchy. that's very catchy. >> i got you two over there just grooving. >> is this the catchiest song of all time? there's a new survey revealing the tunes we can't get out of our heads and no matter how hard we try, we just can't let them go. abc's t.j. holmes is in the social square square with that. t.j., take it away. >> you might not think it's the right choice for me but britney spears, if you see me walking down the hallway singing "hit me baby one more time" it might seem strange but there is scientific research that explains why i can't get this song out of my head. ♪ because you know all i'm all about that bass no treble ♪ >> reporter: they are the songs you just can't get out of your head. ♪ just dance ♪ shake it off >> reporter: those pesky earworms that repeat in your mind over and over even when you aren't listening. ♪ under my embrael la ella ella ♪ >> reporter: now a pop song earning the distinction of being the catchiest of all time. ♪ if you want to be my lover you got to get with my friends ♪ >> reporter: the spice girls' "wanna be". ♪ friendship never ends." >> reporter: they collected data from 12,000 who listened to hit songs over the past 70 years, the top 20 by how quickly recognize them. people recognize "wanna be" in 2.29 seconds. ♪ mama bow 5 >> reporter: number two. ma' mambo number 5 ♪ >> reporter: third, "eye of the tiger." 2.26 seconds. ♪ the eye of the tiger >> reporter: others included in the top ten. ♪ pretty woman walking down the street ♪ ♪ beat it >> reporter: and rounding out the list at number 20 -- ♪ like a candle in the wind >> reporter: now there is something to this study. they want to try to understand music memory, what makes a song so catchy to help them better understand and treat dementia. >> i tell you what, "eye of the tiger," i know that right now. everybody stay right there. all the drama from "dancing with the stars" is coming up and also matthew mcconaughey will be here live. when change is in the air you see things in a whole new way. it's in this spirit that ing u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you think differently about what's ahead, and what's possible when you get things organized. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement. bananas... rice cakes... raspberries... toast! [ kelly ] jif hazelnut spread makes anything your new favorite thing. spoons! which is why this choosy mom chooses jif. toasty or frosty? exactly the way you want it ... until boom, it's bedtime! your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. right now, you can save $400 on the c4 mattress set. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. silent night not so silent? elk bellow sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. give the gift of amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. where you'll find our lowest price ever on the c4 queen mattress -just $1499.98. know better sleep with sleep number. campbell's® fiesta chicken sausage and pepper rigatoni. southwest style bean & barley. tuscany style chicken and pasta. if you think campbell's® 33 new soups sound good... imagine how they taste! m'm m'm good!® smooth intro man. and yes that is the 5.7 inch note 4. is that the new galaxy note 4? with the best screen we've ever put in a phone. it's big enough for multi-tasking so you can get to all the important stuff. do you guys think i should start mccoy? yeah you start mccoy! look at the detail. it has about twice the resolution of full hd. and, a super wide lens so you can selfie, with like everyone. do you think you could send that to me? yeah, you gotta give me your number though. the best big screen phone, just got even better. introducing the samsung galaxy note 4. the next big thing is here. womaand the way it made me chronic feel,ipation, the discomfort, the bloating, the straining. i'd just felt this way for too long. so i finally talked to my doctor about my symptoms. i'd tried laxatives before. he prescribed amitiza (lubiprostone) for my chronic constipation. it works differently than laxatives. man: amitiza is clinically shown to help relieve common symptoms like bloating, abdominal discomfort, hard stools, and straining and help people with chronic constipation go more often. don't take amitiza, if you have a bowel blockage or severe diarrhea. tell your doctor, if your nausea or diarrhea, becomes severe, or if you experience chest tightness or shortness of breath. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. woman: amitiza helped me find relief from my chronic constipation. ask your doctor if amitiza is right for you. "good morning america" is brought to you by massage envy spa. unplug more often and recharge every month with a membership to massage envy spa. >> ♪ >> good morning. the philadelphia fraternal order of police has added $5,000 in reward money in the search for 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither and her kidnapper. the surveillance camera caught her kidnapping on sunday night in germantown. the city of philadelphia has also offered a $10,000 reward. 7:56 on this tuesday november 4th. i'm tamala edwards. let's head over to karen rogers. she's got the latest on an overturned school bus. >> hard to look at a scene like this and see the school bus on its side. but there were no children on the bus. it is creating a backup. this is lawrence township mercer county chopper 6 was overhead, i-95 northbound near federal city road. we've got an accident there and we're seeing northbound a good 15 to 20 minutes delays. you can see how those cars just stretch on for miles here off of the ramp from federal city to i-95 northbound blocked. stick to route 1 northbound instead. this is an accident here causing problems, 309 northbound you see it right here between easton road and paper mill road. this accident an lot of police and emergency crews blocking the left lane. you could see how traffic has slowed through this area, just jamming on 309 northbound so two messy accidents right there, tam. >> good to know. thank you karen. let's head over to meteorologist, david murphy. he's standing in the sunshine. good morning. >> yeah, early sunshine across most of the region right now, tam. take a look at temperatures. we're at 49 degrees in philadelphia. up to 54 in allentown and 50 in wilmington so the numbers are improving a bit and this afternoon looks like a great day to vote or do anything else you need to do outdoors. a mix of clouds and sun through the day. 67 is your relatively mild high. and with light winds and no rain, again, decent weather today for all of your outdoor activities. wednesday still nice, up to 68. thursday is when things change. we get a front bringing clouds and rain through the morning. the rain could be steady at times in the afternoon and evening perhaps steady enough to provide us with street flooding later on thursday, tam. >> thank you david. polls are opened over the delaware and lehigh valleys. stay ♪ we have more than 160 majors 20 campuses hands on learning internships across the country... and around the world i went to india you can join a team 1,2,3... go team! or join a club. you can make a difference we have thon in the world so come visit us penn state philadelphia tom wolf, he'd be a different kind of governor. he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a business man he gives between 20 and 30% of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue... he turned down the perks. and donated his government salary to charity. he refused to take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that. tom wolf, he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania. party on people! blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale continues celebrating with 20% off the entire store. you heard right, 20% off the entire store. we're talking employee pricing baby! hey, you need 'em, you want 'em, and now there's no better time to get 'em. blinds to go. blinds for life. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. could your own kids be making you sick? what parents need to know to stay healthy this morning ♪ i'm all about that bass new overnight all about angelina. what she's revealing about life with brad and why it feels different being married. and an exclusive first look at the brand-new fitbit. could this really be what finally revolutionizes your workout and your sleep for good. ♪ and matthew mcconaughey is here live, why he's out of this world this morning only on "gma" right here as we say -- >> all: good morning, america! >> good morning, america. >> oh, there's michael and emma. boy, they went out on a high note on "dancing with the stars." flew all night and they're here with us -- i love the spin in the social square. great to have michael in here with us. >> a little more dancing. also i got a chance to sit down with george r.,martin, the man behind "game of thrones" and talked about the twists and opened up about that and gave some -- revealed something about how the whole thing is going to end. >> ooh. >> oh, i don't want to know, i don't think. does it have anything to do with john snow? >> dragon babies too. >> and how does 20 minutes of exercise could make you better at everything and i mean everything. the important new studies linking heart health to so many exciting benefits. >> general ashton here to weigh in on that. >> we begin with your voice, you vote. a critical election day that could shift the balance of power on capitol hill. millions of americans heading to the polls right now after the most expensive midterm campaign in history and it could pay off for republicans trying to pick up the six seats they feed to win control of the senate. competitive senate battles are under way in 16 states. but all eyes are watching the especially tight races in iowa, colorado and kansas with sagging approval ratings president obama has steered clear of the campaign trail. the gop calling the election a referendum on his policies. abc's news election coverage begins online at 7:00 p.m. eastern. our primetime special gets under way at 10:00. well, the air force has fired two nuclear missile commanders citing a loss of confidence in their leadership. an investigation found one of the top officers engaged in abusive behavior, the other is accused of harassment and discrimination. the dismissals follow a string of negative incidents involving missile commanders including a major cheating scandal. well, pro football star adrian peteson heading to court amid reports he may be ready to strike a plea deal set 8ing child abuse charges. he faces two years in prison for allegedly beating his son with a tree branch. he's been suspended from his team. it's unclear if he would be allowed back on the field if a plea deal is reached. firefighters in louisville say this massive inferno at a tire recycling facility could burn for days with smoke rising hundreds of feet into the air. residents in a one-mile radius told to stay inside. there is only one fire hydrant at that site. and new indications overnight that gas prices are about to drop even lower. one station in texas now selling gas for, get this, $2.25 a gallon. and overnight the cost of oil plummeting after saudi arabia lowered its prices to stay competitive in the u.s. market. and finally, a young man from toronto was planning the trip of a lifetime. jordan bought round the world airline ticks for himself and his girlfriend but you know what they say about best laid plan, the couple sadly split up. the airline will not refund the ticket so jordan has turned to the internet hoping to find a woman with the exact same name. so listen up, lady, elizabeth gallagher, you have to have a canadian passport. he wrote "i am not look for anything in return. the only thing i ask for is that you enjoy this trip and that it brings you happiness." he leaves december 21st so i know this is "good morning america," but wake up, canada. wake up, ladies. if your name is elizabeth gallagher, december 21st. there's a deadline. >> we have a lot of canadians who watch us every morning. they come into the studio every day. what was the name again? >> elizabeth gallagher. you have to have a canadian passport. >> all right there, amy. thank you. but we'll switch to health news and we all know that exercise is good for you but new studies are showing not only builds muscle power but brain power and our senior medical contributor dr. jennifer ashton is here with more. what's the new revelation here. >> well, we've known for a long time that exercise is good for our entire body and our heart and our waistline but we're learning more and more about how it benefits the brain on all levels. the obvious way is that it increases blood flow. whenever you're doing exercise, your heart is working, it's getting more blood to the brain. the muscles also produce a substance that combat depression so helps your mood. it makes that signaling that goes on different parts of the brain more efficient and there are substances produced that help prevent cellular damage and delay the effects -- >> what do you have to do to get the benefits. >> you don't have to lose way pound much that's the best news about this and actually have to do much less than we think as little as 20 minutes of moving around. even walking can help but we used to think it was really cardio. stretching, flexibility, weight training, all of that helps the brain balance tasks. >> pilates. >> all of that. >> good, good. >> anything for 20 minute, sounds like it's a great idea for adults. what about kids. >> a lot of data show kids who do 20 minutes of exercise perform better on tests good for teens for us at work. actually i'd like you to stand up and jog in place and good for older people and delays aging. get up and move around. >> great news. all right, jen. "pop news" and weather so you can now run in place because you're going over to the social square. >> you are very persuasive. here i go. here i go. i'm getting my first of 20 minutes. all right, the rest later. this is important. here's what's coming up on our "gma morning menu." angelina jolie is being quite revealing in "vanity fair" and marriage and a possible career change. how your kids could be making you sick much the common illnesses they bring home that can lead to scary sips in adults. and then a big night on "dancing with the stars," we do have the latest booted couple from the ballroom, michael and emma are here live. thank you for being with us. >> yeah, thank you. >> and matthew mcconaughey coming up on "good morning america" here in times square. hi, everybody. see you. am hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds. how did edward jones get so big? let me just put this away. ♪ could you teach our kids that trick? [ male announcer ] by not acting that way. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. it's how edward jones (mac) (surface) so...whatit's my surface pro 3. it's a tablet and a laptop. but it couldn't have the power of my mac ? this has an intel core i5. this does too. runs office. full adobe photoshop. and it's got a touchscreen. i have a touchscreen too. hm.. well, this my favorite thing, i can write with a pen. well, so can i. wow, i've got a lot of stuff to carry. you are more powerful than you think. ♪ so it seemed like a gwell, we make it pretty easy. in fact, your appraisal should be ready, let's pull it up. now, how long do i have to decide on this offer? seven days, and we'll buy your car even if you don't buy ours. but if i decide to buy a convertible? the offer is exactly the same either way. nice! aaanndd... here it is! we'll take it! terrific. sell your car the fast and easy way, with no strings attached, at carmax. start here. ♪ i'm on the edge welcome back. this is new zealand's kelly mcgarry doing a backflip over a 72-foot canyon. you might remember this incredible video from 2013, the red bull rampage. just one of the many amazing moments captured by gopro cameras, it's now been watched more than 22 million times on youtube. make sure you tune in this friday for "gma's" gopro show. best videos just like this one from around the world. we'd love to hear what you say is the top one. >> yeah. >> i know. >> of loy it. >> feel like i was will. >> every time. all right, "pop news," everybody. happy tuesday to you and we begin with angelina jolie. she is awesome. so says the new cover of "vanity fair," the actress now directing a movie she wrote and is starring her husband is very open in the new issue about being the boss and how surprised she was that, yeah, marriage does feel different. those two have been together for a very long time but she says it just feels so good to be married. the actress also keeps open the door to a future in politics saying that her work as a humanitarian makes her conscious that politics has to be considered and this isn't the first time that we have heard this. our george got angelina to open up about the same topic back in may when she said that she thought she would run, but only if she could be effective. >> but i was surprised she even opened the door. seems like she's reinforcing it. >> keeping that door open. everything she does, she does well so nothing would surprise me. the new issue hits newsstands on november 11th. a really good article. then if you're worried about how you'll pay for college for your kids, a writer in kansas city found some information that isn't just for the brightest and the best athletes. we're talking about stuff that you don't really even need to practice like being tall. he found a scholarship from the tall club international foundation. some don't need to apply. it offers a thousand dollar description to tall students, girls must be 5'10", guy, 6'2" and the american fire sprinkler organization to pay $2,000 to each of the ten best essay, george, you could totally nail that. cling-on, star fleet academy is offering one up to $12,000 for showing your loyalty to spock and captain kirk. steve rosen found many more unusual scholarships. point out to my kids for sleeping in, so get up! >> practicing. >> a new foundation. start a new foundation. >> there's many scholarships and the thing that was interesting, the reason i wanted to share it, it is that time of year where kids are starting to apply and a lot of these foundations are begging kids to simply apply. they're out there waiting. >> yeah. >> you don't need to be a pro football player. you just need to be really into fire safety. >> exactly. or you got to be tall. >> yes. >> fire safety. that's where you go. >> and as you're eating breakfast this morning, be thankful you don't are to share your bowl with this baby. >> oh. >> this is a brave baby. >> oh, no. >> this video is massively viral on youtube. you can see why. >> undeterred by the fact this is a giant german shepherd. >> kibbles. just thought i'd make you smile and what's "pop news" on this tuesday morning? a very polite dog. >> with food. >> a very brave baby. >> the baby doesn't eat any of the food, right? >> no. >> that's what i was waiting for. i was waiting for a hand full of kibbles and bits. >> just tempting fate. >> thanks, lara. "heat index" coming up next. to ginger. >> you got to be careful with that kibble. a very big best wishes. just got married when? >> september 26th. >> on your honeymoon now. >> yeah. >> that's a long honeymoon but you skipped a time. >> yeah, unfortunately. >> we have this young lady from texas and that's where we start this morning. is dallas, texas, because heavy rain moving through, something to note. i know everybody is concerned about the voter turnout. one of the places especially in south texas where that moisture from vance is pooling up along that low pressure system converging with that thing in austin down to san antonio, actually in a flash flood watch, little rock seeing a bull's-eye in that 3 to 4-inch range, a flood watch in place, seattle's in it. right around the cascades there, some of the red could see 2 to 3 inches but even locally more than 3. that's a look >> thanks a lot ginger, dave murphy on the terrace. off to a bright start four election day. looks like the weather will be pretty good today overall. right now temperatures around 50 degrees. your exclusive seven day shows a mix of sun and clouds with a-67 degrees and light winds. tomorrow still nice getting up to 68. then thursday cloudy skies, rain arriving during the morning and getting steady later in the day and at night. 64 is the high. street flooding possible thursday. and a morning leftover shower on friday. >> so did you see this earlier? we saw michael strahan receive his hall of fame ring. it was such a special night, robin and i very lucky to be there in person for it and that ring is fit for a hall of famer. our sponsor kay jewelers made the hall of fame rings and gave us an exclusive look, 14 karat gold. 65-point diamond surrounded by eight smaller diamonds, meticulous process and each ring is custom-made. wow is right. i saw it in person. it looks very heavy. congrats again, michael. let's head inside. >> start with gold the size of a baseball. >> great to see how everybody was taking a picture with michael and the ring in the studio. it was a moment. it truly is -- it's an honor to be his team345i9s now. >> you could see him feel it too. time for our "heat index" and start with something they're calling morning morality. research and psychological science breaking down how we're more likely to get that as the day wears on. that would suggest -- >> we laugh knowingly. >> a laugh of recognition. >> it is, indeed. >> amy and robin can tell you that our ability to decide between good and bad is worn down by repeated tasks over the course of the day. everything from deciding between what to wear and what to eat and it's called cognitive tiredness that affects decision-making, moral judgment meaning you're more likely to cheat or lie later -- >> i wouldn't go that far. >> i eat a cupcake. >> really but it's -- >> how many times -- i find myself and i'm irritable, don't make any decisions when you're tired. don't make any major -- >> by the way, your kids know when you're like that and ask you for the moon on those days. the kids, they can spot you a mile away. >> interesting. >> but amy and i concur with all you just said. next up in the "heat index," one of the top stories on yahoo! right now, miranda lambert, it's all about the bass, the bass. uh-huh, the country music megastar will perform that song with megan treanor at the country music awards which is tomorrow night on abc. we're already listening to the hit single about a thousand times raving about the song's message saying, it's, quote, about positive body image and kind of rocking what you got. that sounds like miranda. she loves that kind of stuff. >> they really are. >> i cannot wait to see this. lambert leads the cma award nominees, with, oh, gosh, nine nomination, epic night for her. they kick off tomorrow night right here on abc and actually starts tomorrow morning, ginger is going to, she said -- yeah, she's going to be there with keith urban in concert. >> already tapping my shoes last night. thank you for aawesome special. >> thank you. lara, we're about to thank you, because finally in our "heat index," a world exclusive first look at a new animated short that's part of disney's "plane, fires and rescue" called "blade ranger" and lara makes a cameo as a news reporter. >> we're here at piston peak national park where a huge wildfire has been raging for days and expecting an update any minute from the battalion chief, oh, there he is right will. >> the fire is 80% contained. >> what car are you? i can't tell. >> i don't know. >> cute sporty red thing. >> a little sporty number. >> ooh. >> that sounds about right. >> minivan and i was like, no. no. >> i want a red sports car. find the movie and this short at disney manufactures anywhere. the app launches on google play today and enjoy it on android and ios devices, lara spencer reporting. >> i'm getting my speech ready, academy. >> now you're huge with kate. kate is like, oh, my gosh, finally. really cute. next up on the "heat index," "dancing with the stars" dynamic duo taking center stage. each of the seven remaining cups took on the role of an iconic twosome like romeo and juliet, tarzan and jane but one of then, well, they had to say good-bye. take a look. >> on this eighth week of competition, the couple leaving right now is -- michael and emma. ♪ >> such a gentleman, such a gentleman, michael helping emma with her chair right there. >> yes. >> oh, it was an emotional -- thanks for coming to this morning. flying all night long and being in the social square. you were over there at the twitter mirror and just really engaging with our audience and we appreciate that so much. >> but it was so emotional last night. >> it was weird. i started a dancing show and i thought dancing was just you shake your butt a little bit and wander around the floor and it turned into this emotional journey where we would show up in practice every day and i wanted to make emma proud of what she was teaching me and i wanted to feel the song and hear the song and have this connection with her and it's -- you get really invested. we said we were done last night, it kind of broke my heart. >> emma you said too that being with michael really had an impact on you. >> you don't really plan for that and you spend so much time in each other's pocket you affect each other and i was so happy i got to spend it with someone who wears his heart on his sleeve and really affected me and it was just -- it meant more to me than any other dancing or any number that we did. it was fab. >> such a beautiful dance last night. even moved len. >> yeah. >> that 's difficult. >> i wanted to move him back to england. showed up with a little bit of an attitude the prior week we did the most beautiful tango in the history of the internet only one thing that -- of me being graceful on it and it was a dance to weeks ago. it was like, lenny, did you not see that? tavis it was a beautiful dance. >> funny you mention the internet. everybody knows you from nascar. are more and more people going, dancing? >> my favorite thing and walk through the airport and this sweet little lady went -- and i'm like -- she said, you're the dancer. yes, i am, honey and i really appreciate that. >> and, emma, michael was still racing, driving while he was dancing. what was it like to juggle the two. >> that schedule was hectic every single week we had at least two or three places to go to. but i'm a new nascar fan now because of it. i just got thrown in the deep end and learned all the terminology, well, i tried to. it was great. i love being a part of the nascar world. >> she said does the sprint cup guys fight every week like that? it's been a lot of fun watching the sprint cup chase come down and looking forward to the next few races. >> i bet you are. >> that lingo, getting squirrely in the corner, trading paint. >> i know. rough and rocket and i really liked it. >> michael, well done. thank you. i'm really proud of my girl. >> we're proud of you. >> we are. >> thank you. >> congratulations. >> it was a wonderful experience and i'm so thankful that i got to be a part of it. >> we're going to miss you. your humor, dance, everything like that. emma, thank you so much. >> thank you. find out who was eliminated next on "dancing with the stars," you'll find out monday. they're hugging each other right now at 8:00, 7:00 right here on abc. >> thank you, guys. we'll move on to the morning stir and all us parents know when they get sick we can catch it too. some germs can make dulls a whole lot sicker. this story first was in "parents" magazine in december. brandi hitt has the details. >> reporter: children are cute, but for much of the year, sick. sniffling sneezing and spreading germs all around the house. >> we often call children petri dishes because they have a slew of illnesses and if they're not already sick, then they may be harboring something. >> reporter: while many so-called kid illnesses are oftentimes no biggie for kids they can sometimes be brutal for adults. >> many of these diseases parents may be already immune to. but if you haven't had these before and you've been exposed to some of these illnesses, it could really throw the body for a loop. >> there are four they recommend moms and dads watch out for, the first coxsackievirus, a common virus that causes fevers and blisters in the mouth and parents magazine editor got it from her 6-month-old son. >> he was sick for three days. for me it lasted two to three weeks. i was dizzy and nauseous. >> reporter: next hep-a, spreads when food or water contaminated by another infected person. >> fifth disease, facial race, congestion and fever and muscle soreness and can show up like all-star-like pain in the hands with so flu-like symptoms and the good old chicken pox, both kids and dulls get blisters but adults can become much more ill. with the vaccine there are fewer cases than ever before. >> one of the best ways to help protect infection is to get vaccinated. >> reporter: for "good morning america," brandi hitt, abc news, los angeles. >> and dr. rich besser joins us now. scary stuff there. thank goodness actually getting these diseases is kind of rare for adults. >> it is rare and, you know, you don't need to wear a hazmat suit to protect yourself when taking care of your kids. there are simple things you can do to cut down on that risk. >> like what are they? >> for hepatitis-a and chicken pox try and reduce the chances your kids get the infection so get them vaccinated fully and on time. if you've never had chicken pox you can get the vaccine. if you travel make sure you get the hepatitis-a vaccine. for testifies disease and coxsacki -- teach them about good hand washing and cover their coughs with the elbow and keeping them home if sick. that way if your friends do that too it'll cut down on everyone getting sick. >> all the commonsense stuff to protect yourself and kid, washing of the hands and covering of the mouth. everything we know helps them and us. >> the good news chances are you had it as a kid. you're not going to get sick. >> rich besser, thanks very much. matthew mcconaughey coming up. >> ♪ >> "action news" is brought to you by kennedy health alliance. >> ♪ >> good morning. a student at radnor high school is under arrest because of what she wrote in her school note books. she wrote about mass shootings. she wrote about mass psychiatric evaluation. it is now 8:27 on this tuesday, november 4th and i'm tamala edwards. let's go to karen rogers starting in mercer county. good morning. >> that's right. we can see the school bus is on its side. chopper 6 was overhead on i-95 northbound in mercer county. there were no kids on the school bus with this accident but creating big backups. here's the update. we're hearing right now they cleared that accident but you still have a 15 to 20 minute backup on i-95 northbound leading up to federal city road and within that backlog now there was another new accident on i-95 northbound off to the side and that's right at 31. you can see how that traffic really backed up so in this area if we go to the maps you want to stick to route 1 northbound instead. now looking at 422, this is route 1 northbound a good option instead of that accident. this is 422. we have an accident here, it's off to the shoulder up ahead. so lanes back opened eastbound at 29, tam. >> okay, thank you karen. today a lot of people will making their way to the polls. what to expect. let's go to dave murphy. good morning. >> in a way you couldn't ask for a better election day forecast, tam. right now as you take a look at numbers, 53 degrees, cool enough for a jacket but with light winds and plenty of sunshine building early it is a nice start. and the finish doesn't look bad. accuweather says later today we'll get a high of 67, a mix of high clouds and plenty of sunshine. winds stay on the light side today. tomorrow still nice, getting up to 68 with partly sunny skies. perhaps a few more clouds as day goes on and then thursday cloudy and rainy with rain steady at times especially later in the day. at night a high of 64, tam. coming up on "gma" matthew mcconaughey talks about his big new movie i ♪ me and you, a holiday rendezvous ♪ ghirardelli squares peppermint bark. rich chocolate layers and festive peppermint. a ghirardelli original. ♪ a little reward for all the things you do ♪ get them before they disappear. start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. you deserve it. maxx life at t.j.maxx. ♪ oh here we go [ cheers and applause ] >> i was hanging with ma than right there. matthew mcconaughey, my momma didn't raise no fool. he is great. he was at the game. a big year for our friend and about to get bigger, we saw the movie. it is incredible. >> it's an experience. >> it is, i'm telling you, and lara has a good fortune of talking with matthew mcconaughey about that, but it is a brilliant movie. >> always a pleasure having him here. >> a lot of people want them to bring matthew out here. >> it's up to matthew. i'll do my best. i'll do my best. >> oh, now it's a "q" and "a" session. hey, also coming -- >> asking if we can bring matthew out here. i'll work on it, honey. >> matthew, they promise they won't touch. the ladies of "hot in cleveland" are here, valerie, jane all in the house. brand-new season about to kick off and love having them here. >> so funny. >> i'm sure it's something from my web series, "burgers and books." some of those celebrated authors and sat down recently with george r.r. martin. you might know him as the author of "game of thrones." he told me about the hardest scene he ever had to write and this is a spoiler alert. if you haven't seen or read about the red wedding, cover your ears. >> so many people, did it shock you? >> well, it didn't shock me, i knew it was coming. it was very hard to write. i mean it occurs in the third book in the series, "the storm of swords" and it was the hardest thing i ever wrote. >> no kidding. >> when that book is quite long, red wedding occurs about two-thirds. the way through the book but i couldn't write it when i got to it. i skipped over it. i finished the entire rest of the book and with a hole in it then i went back and made myself write that scene because it was so hard to -- ? you knew what you had to confront or hadn't figured it out? >> it was just painful to kill these characters that i had created and that i lived with for so long and i had great -- such affection for. >> very painful for amy too. >> my gosh, i can tell you that. >> you can see the whole interview on yahoo! in the social square with this morning's speed feed. what's trending, what's hot. what everyone will be talking about today. tony. >> i'm in the mood for burgers right now. maybe talk about dragons, speed feed. here we go. trending on facebook right now, not sure we've ever seen anything trend like this before. the new trailer for "fast and furious 7" has 100 million views in the last 48 hours. 100 million. >> somebody just walk me -- >> still going strong too. you can tell it lived up to the name. it's also the franchise's farewell to the late paul walker. next up on instagram thanks to lauryn hill we told you this yesterday. amazing story of the young woman's courageous battle with an inpartial brain tumor and inspired so many including lebron james. his instagram message to her you're simply and truly amazing, thank you for inspiring me. i'll try to do my best to match you. be looking out for a package from i to you. you're awesome. more than 229,000 likes for lebron's post. i want to find out what king james sends lauren. to the big screen and climbing on youtube. you're going to be watching it all day. jimle kimmel at it again daring the parents to tell their kids they ate all their halloween candy. >> last night i ate all your candy. >> why? >> because it was good. >> you ruined my life! >> we ate it all while you were sleeping. >> no! >> all of it? >> all of it. >> every single bite? >> yeah. >> you must have a bellyache. >> all the feels. later today on on yahoo! you can check out michael waltrip and emma slater giving tips on how to stay in shape. that's the speed feed. back to you, george. >> now our exclusive sneak peek at the fitbit that tracks everything from the calories you burn and the steps you take to the quality of your sleep. abc's becky worley tried it out. >> reporter: if you're a die-hard of fitbits you know the tech gadgets track your step, distance and calories so when brookstone leaked a picture of new fitbits that hadn't been announced by accident the internet went crazy. everyone wanting the scoop. the company that makes fitbits decided to give "gma" an all-access first look at what's really coming. first a new band that does the basics but adds heartrate data in realtime. >> but with actual heartrate monitoring you can get calorie burn for cycling and weight lifting you couldn't get calorie burn before. >> reporter: it cops out in early 2015 along with the surge. where things get interesting it does all of the tracking and adds in the heart rate monitoring and then it connects with your phone so that means music controls and text and phone alerts. >> ah, i love you. so cute. >> reporter: why is this a big deal? looming in the near future a battle for your wrist. there's apple's extension of your phone with a little fitness tracking sprinkled in, the intel powered basis peak which adds a fashionable strap and some really powerful tracking functions for sleep. everyone is trying to distinguish themselves and then there's this. it's called the pavlock. a real product in development. >> the premise? >> experience the electric shock that keeps you on track. >> reporter: you set a goal in its app. if you don't reach that goal let's say 10,000 steps for the day by 4:30 p.m., this is what happens. >> ah. yeah, it shocks you. 255 volts of motivation. so as you contemplate the next gadget you'll strap to your wrist, i got to get running to avoid another jolt. for "good morning america," becky worley, abc news, san francisco. >> wow. that is motivation. it shocks you. incredible. let's go to ginger with the final check of the weather. >> how about we start with a big happy birthday. your name. >> vonda. >> here visiting in new york. a marathoner. marathoner over here and right here, congratulations. and it is mild and delicious weather here in new york city ahead of all of that, well, what was cooler and windier. the forecast in the next couple of day, staying mild, not only here in new york but look at some of the numbers for washington, d.c. stays in the 70s, philadelphia, mid to upper 60s but things change. big rain coming through wednesday into thursday. i want to leave you the look across the nation because it is a flash flood watch for, again, austin, texas and san antonio this morning. parts of oklahoma and arkansas getting more than an inch >> good morning, ginger, dave murphy on the terrace with sunshine mixing with some high clouds, temperatures around 50. your exclusive accuweather 7-day shows a nice election day with clouds mixing with plenty of sunshine. 67 is your high. 68 tomorrow. >> all that weather brought to you by car max. these are the pictures, what's so funny. i grabbed your phone that we get. a little beauty of amy, george. >> thank you, ginger. coming up, matthew mcconaughey is here. the oscar winner talks about "interstellar." >> hey, good morning. ♪ ♪ ♪ discover all the naturally moisturizing flavors of burt's bees lip balm. ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message. so great to be sitting next to the one and only matthew mcconaughey. hot on the heels of his oscar and golden globe wins for the "dallas buyers club." the man is everywhere. cover of magazines starring in "interstellar" which i want to say has gotten terrific reviews, exhilarating being one of the descriptive words. matthew plays former astronaut turned farmer charged with saving the world. but first he needs to get to the bottom of what teachers are telling his daughter about space exploration. >> use of machine. >> if we don't want a repeat of the excess and wastefulness of the 20th century we need to teach our kids about this planet, not tales of leaving it. >> you're one of those useless machines they make is called an mri and if we didn't have any of those left they would have found the cyst in my wife's brain before she died instead of after and then she would have been listen to this because she was always the calmer one. >> this takes place in the near future and it's a space adventure that you call one hell of a ride. >> yeah. i mean, we go further into space in this film than i've ever read and surely further than i've ever seen on film. >> yeah. >> you know, i mean from worm holes to black holes to surfing 1600-foot waves in a spaceship. >> and all jessica chastain without a green screen. >> yeah, no green steen, the director builds all the sets so you don't have to play pretend as much but react to what's happening and that's much more fun and easier as an actor. >> the movie is epic. >> yeah. >> and yet very intimate and emotional. that's a lot to try to get in there and christopher nolan, that's what he does. >> yeah, i think he did it to the best he's done it yet in this film. this was more personal to him. i mean, at its heart it's a father/daughter relationship. it's a parent/child relationship and how do you say good-bye without a guaranteed return ticket for where you're going which is what happens to my man cooper. and that part everybody will understand. if you're a parent or we've all been children before we've all had those good-byes and this is to the extremextreme. >> watching it i couldn't help but -- you seemed so connected not only to coop but your feisty daughter murph. you had to be influenced about thinking about your kids. >> i suppose so. i've been asked that. i didn't every day think how do i feel about my daughter vita but for a father for four years i'm sure it had a lot of import on my performance and understanding of it. >> so many questions about this film. let me just say it's phenomenal, people much it is great and opens this week. we have a lot to talk about because our viewers have written in. do you mind? >> please. >> they love you, madly. social media has given us these questions, we are calling this our all right, all right, all rightning round. trish tweeted what's your favorite movie you ever worked on? >> oh, well, right now i would say "interstellar" and you'll see why this friday. >> no, you will. buckle up. instagram, stacy, austin, texas, says what's your most treasured family tradition and favorite camping spot? >> good question. family tradition, i got to say, we usually get together for christmas for two weeks and go to one of our family's house -- we pick it out around october and that usually lasts two good weeks. favorite camping spot? probably down on the frio river in south texas. >> stacy will meet you there. has having a family changed the role you accept? >> probably. i'm still not making -- before "interstellar" i wasn't really making many that my kids could go see for awhile. "interstellar," they can. but it probably has in ways i don't even know. >> yep. and to be continued. hey, it's matthew's birthday. so we got you some treats. >> great. >> can you come on out? happy birthday, matthew mcconaughey. thank you for the gift of "interstellar." it is a ride and a half. >> enjoy it. >> and i have to tell everybody that it opens nationwide on this friday. didn't we also get him a journal? isn't there a journal for this man? >> tacos and cake. >> baby tacos and cake and we do have a journal that goes with that very cool thing you wrote in "gq" magazine. >> every man should have a journal. >> thanks to peter callahan for the food. tell us when it opens. >> this friday, the 7th of november, 2014. >> happy birthday, matthew, boom. all right, all right, all righty. happy birthday, baby. cheers. ♪ tom wolf, he'd be a different kind of governor. he served in the peace corps in india. and then got a phd from mit. and as a business man he gives between 20 and 30% of his profits back to his employees. when he served as pennsylvania's secretary of revenue... he turned down the perks. and donated his government salary to charity. he refused to take a state car, he drove his old jeep instead. can't argue with that. tom wolf, he'd bring a fresh start to pennsylvania. ♪ oh here we go feeling in my soul ♪ >> "hot in cleveland." it's hotter than ever. last season ended with a serious cliffhanger and so happy to well cam valerie bertinelli, jane leeves and wendie malick to tell us what we can look forward to in season 6 and already season 6? >> season 6. >> when last we left you, your character had multiple -- >> yes, not a bad situation to find oneself in. a lot of proposals. three proposals and so we get to find out who she actually picked this season but i mean if it was up to me i'd have all of them. >> yes. >> tim daly -- >> it's really special. >> davey foley. >> dave foley makes me laugh. >> i want everybody to see a clip. in the season premiere you go back to l.a. >> yes. >> i can only imagine. >> here it is, "hot in cleveland." >> i hate to admit it but i may be falling in love with l.a. again. remember those louboutins i was trying to find in cleveland but said they didn't exist, well, they do exist and now they're on my feet. and they are killing me. >> wait till you hear about this new l.a.x. ercise fad. you hang upside down like bat. >> that makes sense. have you ever seen a fat bat? >> as a matter of fact, wendie, you have not. last season you got to celebrate 100th episode. that just had to be quite a moment for everybody. >> it was -- it was so surreal to think that we at this stage in our lives are on another show that has legs like that. we always talk about having legs on our show. you have legs on your show. but it is the exception to the rule and we realize we just got very, very lucky, very lucky. >> i mean between us we must have about a thousand years of television. >> 175 years of experience among the four of us. >> the fourth being betty? that other girl. >> and when you were here last, valerie, you were talking about -- this is -- i'm a huge fan. i watch the show all the time. and the blooper shows, the bloopers. >> i know, right. we probably have the longest blooper reel of any -- >> it keeps getting longer. >> do you have a blooper? >> in honor of betty not being here, here we go. >> action. valerie. >> i'm coughing. i know what action means. >> so do i but it's been so long! >> she does that all the time. like just off the top of her head she'll just come up with something and all of us are like, did she just say that. >> with her it's always double entendres. nothing too gross. >> what is the best piece of advice she's given each of you. >> i think it's to show up every day and live your life and find joy and be kind. >> gratitude. >> and keep your sense of humor. don't sweat the small stuff. life is just too short. >> have a positive attitude to life. she has the most positive attitude of everyone i've ever met. >> it's sickening. >> really annoying. >> since you are the hottest cast in television, we have a little show we're going to play it's hottest in cleveland. so i was told you all have little buzzers. do they have little buzzers. >> walking in. >> walking in. >> walking in, the buzzer. >> and put the one -- reach in. >> this looks like -- >> that one is easy. >> oh, very good. who was the hottest dresser? >> betty. >> yes, she wears animals all over her. >> who has the hottest dance moves? >> this one over here. she had her leg all the way up lash >> ooh. >> a little bit of twerking. >> you don't have an ass to twerk with. >> who has the hottest shoe game? >> oh, valerie. >> well, in person i do but i -- >> valerie has a closet full of insane shoes. >> but i couldn't wear for eight months because i broke my foot. very upsetting. the first time i put on louboutins in that episode. >> oh, you're just so -- i know you were just -- >> they hurt too. >> don't try this at home. >> final one, who is the hottest mess? >> all of us. except betty, yeah, we really -- we have our moments. >> we take it in turns. >> yes. >> but we're very low maintenance in real life. this is all an illusion. >> really? >> yeah. >> we're all a hot mess. >> except you. >> and lovable, lovable hot mess and as i said it's on tvland and it is a hoot. it's just good, good television. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> i hope everyone keeps watching it because we love our jobs. >> when i grow up i want to have hair like yours. >> thank you. i can give it to you right now. thank you. and the guest stars that you have all, hint, hint. the guest stars -- >> hey, any time. yes. >> "hot in cleveland" airs tomorrow night on tvland. my momma is from akron. >> it makes sense. >> we'll be right back. >> shameless that i want t sometimes, caring for your neighbors means going the extra mile. when our patient, susan, mentioned her dad couldn't make it in to pearle vision to get his eyes checked... we went to him. and we realized, if he had trouble getting new glasses... he probably wasn't the only one. to us, eye care is about living dr. pearles legacy. building a trusting relationship with the person behind the eyes. this is genuine eye care, right in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. "good morning america" is brought to you by microsoft surface. the tablet that can replace your laptop. >> george, of course, preparing for election coverage, you can see it all day and night here on the abc network. >> back with us tomorrow. and we are live in nashville for the cmas, miranda lambert. keith usual been. >> getting on a plane. >> watch out, nashville. >> nashville, here we come. >> ♪ >> good morning. voters in our area and across the country are going to the polls today. the top local race pits pennsylvania republican governor tom corbett against democrat tom wolf. stick with "action news" and for your complete election coverage and for the latest results after those polls close tonight. 8:56 now on this tuesday, november 4th. i'm tamala edwards. let's get your last look at traffic with karen rogers. good morning. >> good morning. we had yet another accident involving a school bus in cobbs creek. this is cobbs creek parkway, 63rd street and walnut street where we're hearing that the bus hit a pole but there were no children on the bus with that accident. you might want to stick to 62nd and 61st or 60th as your alternates but looks like that accident in the process of clearing out there. it wasn't our only accident involving a school bus. we had one where a bus was on its side today, also no children on board, lawrence township mercer county i-95 northbound one accident with a school bus, another in the backlog. they have since cleared near federal street. we have a new accident, 70 eastbound, this is a big one closed at skeet road. stick to new freedom as your alternate. this accident causing a problem in burn too long... burlington county. >> let's go to dave murphy end he jig the assignment to be outside. >> it is nice to be outside. it's election day and there's no weather related tron keep you home from the polls. we're at 53 degrees. numbers continue to inch um. very light wind today. that always is an added comfort factor. this afternoon accuweather says we'll see a high of 7 degrees with some high clouds mix with plenty of sunshine, light winds all the way. still nice tomorrow, 68. thursday is the issue day, 64 is the high. cloudy in the morning with rain arriving and the rain could be steady later in the day and at night. tam. >> okay, thank you david. coming up today at noon the search for the woman who was abducted in germantown. we're following new developments in this crime including an increased reward for information leading to an are rest. "live with kelly and michael" next up here on 6abc. i'm tamala edwards. merry christmas! thanks but this gift, it's kind of half-fast. what's wrong? we still have cable internet, so our uploads are half the speed of our downloads. so i'll be half-fast when i share my photos. and i'll do a half-fast job updating my blog. wait, is everything under this tree half-fast? who wants eggnog? don't settle for half-fast cable internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch. uploads as fast as downloads. get a fios triple play online for this great price and a $400 visa prepaid card with a 2-year agreement. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v announcer: it's "live! with elly & michael." today, academy award-winning actor matthew mcconaughey. and from the new film, "the theory of everything," felicity jones. plus, shelter dog makeovers as we continue "live"'s "pawfect pet week." also, get ready to play our new game, "keep on smiling web trivia." ll next on "live." now, here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] ♪


Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 1100PM 20140925

all right, get your you may have just won $225 million. the winning ticket was sold here in the bay area. good evening. i'm dan ashley. ama is off tonight. the winning ticket was sold in san mateo and it is worth $225 million, as i said. here is the lucky spot. the key market on south norfolk street. the store owners are also big winners. they get a million bucks just for selling the ticket. >> just excitement and really shocking. >> it is exciting. we were getting ready to go to bed. we decided to jump up and do this. >> oh they may not sleep well tonight. the numbers, 7, 14, 21, 2, 4, 41 and the powerball 26. and there is another newly minted millionaire nearby. a winning superlotto take cet was sold in stockton and that was worth $11 million. more breaking news, more serious, a battered surfer feared dead was plucked from a rock. tiffany wilson was the only reporter on the scene as that man was pulled from the water. she is live from ocean beach tonight. tiffany? >> well, dan, it was a very dangerous and dramatic rescue. huge waves, spiting rains, wind, flares and at one point they called in the fire department as they thought they would scramble out to the rocks to save the surfer. then the incredible news. the u.s. coast guard had the surfer on board. tonight the surfer made it back to shore and his friend did not. after a frantic 9-1-1 call they september a helicopter and boats to search the black waves. they found the 24-year-old man huddled near the cliff house. using flares for lights, a dramatic rescue. the man is hypothey are mick and badly battered and barely alive. >> it is nothing i experienced before. happy he is okay now. >> this is video of him being taken into california pacific medical center. >> what was going through your mind when he was out there? >> panic. >> earlier this afternoon, a surfer pulled a swimmer out of similar churning water. his father washed up close to shore. >> he was caught in the tides. we did have a um could of people go in and -- we did have a um could of people pull him in. >> his eyes were open and they were kind of rolled back in his head. he wasn't making any movement. >> the father and son from daly city are experienced swimmers. the boats are in critical condition. now both are in critical condition. she swam in the same waves. >> there was a rip that took three guys out far. >> to thrill seekers these towering, twisting waves are part of the attraction. >> you are kind of addicted to the experience. >> one wrong move and the water can be unforgiving. >> i shutdown and didn't know what to do. >> luckily his friend got a second chance. at ocean beach, tiffany wilson, abc news. >> the same storm that is bringing rough surf is bringing significant rain to the bay area tonight. here is a live look from our exploratorium camera. you can see the clouds hanging over san francisco. meteorologist sand yaw patel is -- sandhya patel is tracking the storm with live doppler 7hd. nice to see something to track. >> absolutely, and to say we have record rainfall for the day in crescent city and eureka. in the bay area, live doppler 7hd, we do have rain falling and a lot is falling below the radar beam. i will show you where it reaching right at this point around ukiah and the sea ranch area. very light returns as i close in here. you start to notice that there is some moisture up stream just south of mendocino. this is more moderate rainfall coming in. we will watch for pockets of moderate rain. so far the heaviest has been along the north coast. as a matter of fact the records so far for crescent city, just over two inches of rain there. you can see there eureka 2.62 and happy camp where the wildfire has been going on for quite some time obviously they are getting over an inch of rain there. here in the bay area, this is a slow-moving system. it is going to dump on us. we will see some moderate pockets of rain during the height of the morning commute. back with the timing and the details in a few minutes. dan? >> sandhya, thanks very much. we have a wet few hours ahead, and the entire bay area will soak up every drop like the bone dry sponge it is. here is cell phone video of the rain coming down in san francisco a short time ago. and it is not a moment too soon. the drought left some areas desperate for even this bit of relief. cornell bernard is live in santa rosa tonight. cornell, it is literally a drop in the bucket. >> yeah, dan, still a long way to go. some light rain is starting to fall here. the wind is picking up and hopes are high that we will get some relief from the drought. not everybody wants it. the first rain drops are falling and cindy torres couldn't be happier. she has been hoping and praying for an end to the long, hot, dry summer. >> i have been actually doing some rain dances. and i have been praying really hard. i am hoping whatever we get, even if it is just a little sprits, i am happy with that. >> we need the rain. the soil is quite parched right now. >> grant davis is watching the skies. he is the general manager of the sonoma county water agency where supplies are vanishing. the russian river is running very low through heelsburg, but look at this. lake mendocino, once a major reservoir, now reduced to a virtual desert. it would take 32 inches of rain to bring it back to normal. >> we need a series of storms to come through the rest of the season and to get back to anywhere near where we will be. >> i mean, there is not a lot of activity left. >> rain is making him nervous. he is a wine maker with one mission, get all of his grapes harvested before moisture causes rot, and time is running out. >> we really need the rain, but those of us in this business would like to see the rain wait another week. >> others say bring on the rain now. in santa rosa, cornell bernard, abc7 news. you can track the stormy weather in your neighborhood with the abc7 news weather app. download it free at in the app store or on google play. do that when you have the time. happening now, a mountain view neighborhood evacuated after a gas leak scare. people still cannot return to three buildings near california and north rangstorf avenue. other people were told to stay in their homes, but they have since been cleared. pg&e crews responded, but they could not find a leak. mountain view police are still investigating the cause of that odor. new details tonight, back to square one for police in concord investigating the case of a deadly stabbing. two men arrested for the crime. they are free tonight. charges against 25-year-old carlos brasher and 18-year-old dominique mosonni were dropped and they were released from jail this evening. we are waiting for word on why the charges were dropped. today marks one month since the napa earthquake. businesses and homeowners are still cleaning up. the signs of the earthquake are everywhere, but so are the signs of recovery. napa estimates the damage from the 6.0 earthquake is about $300 million. federal money has arrived for the city and thish -- and the infrastructure. when the earthquake hit 9-1-1 operators received hundreds of calls. many were just asking if there was an earthquake. >> 9-1-1, what are you reporting? >> my whole house is shaking. >> that is called an either quake. >> i am in sonoma. did we just have an earthquake? >> yes, we felt it here as well. >> did we have an earthquake? >> yes, we did. >> do you have a fire? >> no. >> yeah, no, it was an earthquake, a big one. i need to let you go. be safe. >> should we leave and go home? >> what? >> should we leave and go home? >> it is up to you. >> a lot of calls like that. according to the chp, many of the actual emergency calls took at least five minutes to transfer to the proper emergency center because they were day luged with nuisance calls. only call 9-1-1 in an actual emergency when we need help immediately. lifted luggage. next on abc7 news, thieves and even airport workers caught on camera stealing your bags. the simple thing you can do to protect yourself and your belongings. and blind cited by a bear. look at this. the incredible story about how this california woman survived a vicious attack. and be are tracking this storm. here is a look at live doppler 7hd. how the wet weather will affect your morning commute. stay with us. all of that is coming up. first, here is jimmy kimmle. >> here is a sampling of the nonsense we have in store for you tonight. >> there is a woman who posts on twitter and tumbler. she looks at pictures like this one and she makes knit versions of you. ♪ [ male announcer ] united is rolling out global, satellite-fed wi-fi to connect you even 35,000 feet over the ocean. ♪ that's...wifi friendly. ♪ you arrive at the airport baggage claim only to real estate your luggage is missing. not lost, stolen. tonight new pictures from one of the country's busiest airports. david curly reveals clues in the video that make you a potential target. >> watch the man with the backpack. cameras catch him entering the airport. he never took a flight, but he goes to baggage claim. all of a sudden he has a bag, and he walks out using the airport train system as his get away. tonight phoenix police put his face on a wanted poster. >> baggage theft from checked or carry on bags is a big business. it amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. >> he is right in. denver, another caught on tape thief grabbing a bag. in 2009 up to a thousand bags stolen in phoenix stacked at this couple's home and they pled guilty. it is not just thieves on the outside. under cover cameras caught airline workers rifling through bags for cash and valuables. over the past 12 years the tsa has fired more than 500 workers for theft. adding it has systems now that help it catch bad officers. in baggage claim you will see the cameras and the signs. what you won't see anymore is an airline employee checking bag tags before you leave. airlines cut those positions to save money. >> i think it stands to reason when you have less security at the bag claim area you are going to have more theft. >> there are steps you can take personally to reduce the risk of your bag being stolen from one of these carousels. remember the video of a black bag stolen? there is a sea of black bags. buy a different color. you may notice it easier if someone grabs it. lock your bag and get to bag gej claim before the bags arrive. one last tip, don't buy a fancy bag. thieves see an expensive bag and they think expensive things are inside. abc news, washington, regan airport. >> that makes you mad watching that video. a warning about a one-day strike that will likely put a crimp in your commute. the golden gate bridge labor coalition says one of its 13 unions will walk off the job on friday and will likely impact the commute. unions that make up the group are ferry workers, bus mechanics and some bridgeworkers. they have been working without a contract since july. the republican challenger took on governor jerry brown and his support for high speed rail today in southern california. neil cash car reposted this photo on twitter asking supporters to come and smash a toy train at a burbank gas station. in return the first 100 people would get a $25 gas card. governor brown currently has a big lead. polls show brown is ahead 21 points as the election inches closer. a central coast woman is recovering after being attacked by a 6-foot tall black bear. it happened while emily miles was taking a walk near her home. the bear started taking swings at her and slashing her like this. you can see the scratches. at one point it pulled her down and sunk its teeth into her thigh. she then started yelling. the barebacked off. miles thinks it may have spared her life. no doubt it did. wow. a new life begins for emaciated horses rescued from a morgan hill ranch. this is a story you will see only on abc7 news. the video shows people picking up the horses at the department store -- pardon me. the non-profity qien rescue center raised money to buy the animals. they say the horses are not abused or neglected, but they are under weight. their ribs clearly visible here. the poor things have not eaten enough. the operator of the ranch says the horses were brought there by someone else who could not feed them. they are now heading to a ranch in san benito county where there is a pasture set aside just for them. well, dads give the shirts off their backs, or in this case the shoes off their feet for the kids. alan and his wife spotted a man wearing just one shoe at the oceana airshow in virginia beach. then they looked down and spotted this child sleeping on the ground using a shoe for a pillow. they snapped the pictures which are going viral. he didn't get a chance to talk to the dad, but thinks she a top contender for father of the year. well, did you just win $225 million? tonight's winning powerball ticket was sold in san mateo and here are the numbers, 7, 14, 21 21 -- 24 rather, 7, 14 -- is it 21 or 24? >> 21 and 24. >> 21 and 24, 41, the powerball is 26. let's go and talk more about this rain. it is finally arriving in the bay area. sand yaw patel. >> dan, after dry, dry period of time, last week's system brought us some showers, and today we are dealing with the first storm of fall. live doppler 7hd is live ut for a change from ukiah to cloverdale. we are seeing some rain and some is coming in in the form of drizzle around sfo, oakland, concord, half moon bay just earlier tonight. you are seeing rain around cloverdale and ukiah and fort bragg. it will get here, but it is taking its sweet time getting here as far as the widespread rainfall. flash flood watches are up for parts of northern california until tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. happy camp area has been receiving quite a bit of rain. as you look at the current wave heights, the storm is still churning up the waves 10 to 14 feet. there is still a risk of rip currents even though there is not an official statement from the national weather service. just be careful out there. sfo cam showing you a pretty good visibility there. during the morning commute you may be encountering some delays if you are flying out of there for business. 63 in san francisco and 67 in oakland. still mild in san jose. close to 70 degrees. 63 half moon bay and three-quarter mile visibility and fog there. emeryville camera showing the gray skies across the bay. 63 in santa rosa. check out fairfield. it is 70 right now and really warm. livermore 67 degrees. this is our view from our exploratorium camera. a neat view of the clouds in the financial district. it is going to be a wet morning commute with a few showers lingering on friday. here is the satellite and the radar. we have been watching this cold front just bringing heavy rain to northern california. it is slowly, i mean slowly sagging south which is why it has not brought all of that rain to the bay area yet. here is our time line. 11:00 p.m. north bay and rainy morning commute. the yellows are indicating moderate pockets of rain. give yourself the extra time for the morning commute. it is not only going to be slow going, and we will have reduced visibility due to the moisture moving through the area. by 3:00 p.m. you will see the sunny breaks and then as we head to friday a few more showers showing up near the coast at 5:00 a.m. isolated showers are possible on friday afternoon and evening as the trough associated with the cold front goes through here. rain totals through friday night will look like this in the north bay mountains, half an inch to an inch. santa cruz mountains half an inch to three-quarters. quarter to about half. now, we are obviously wanting this rain around the major wildfire that has been going on. the king fire in el dorado county, they are expecting half an inch to three-quarters of an inch. that should help those firefighters. tomorrow morning it will be muggy and mild. temperatures in the low 60s and maybe even mid60s around san rafael. pockets of moderate rain. a slow going morning commute. like i said, give yourself plenty of time tomorrow afternoon. the rain is long gone and could still see an isolated shower around the santa cruz mountains. temperatures will come down, upper 60s to the upper 70s for your thursday. accu-weather seven-day forecast showing some isolated showers for your friday and then we will go with back to our dry, milder weather. dan, we often talk about the drought. it has been three dry years. a couple of storms is not going to do it. we need a lot more rain. >> we need a lot more rain and we really need snow in the sierra. >> exactly. >> that makes a difference. larry beil is here with sports. >> i don't have rain. i have tears. >> that is moisture. >> it won't hurt. >> right now it is clayton kershaw's world and we are just breathing his oxygen. the dodgers' ace made sure the bubblely would flow at the giants' expense. the giants were hoping to keep the champagne in the bottles. the dodgers on the other hand trying to clinch with their ace. he got it done in so many ways. two on for the giants and kershaw was caught saving a beauty on a tim hudson grounder. kershaw struck out 11 in eight innings. the giants did breakthrough. the next batter is hunter pence. and arias is safe 1-0. kershaw can pitch and field and hit. his first career triple brings in crew ford. the roof falls in on the 6th. puig and high, deep and aloha. l.a. scores five in the frame to go up 5-1. puig an amazing athlete. testing his arm and puig spins and fires and blanco is toast. it was a 9-1 game in the 9th. brian wilson, former giant, gets blanco to ground out and the dodgers are the nl west champs for the second year. giants still need one more win or a milwaukee loss to clinch a wild card spot. a's and angels, you know, ladies they love gold lycra from my experience. 3-0 in the fifth. a flare to right and i got it, i got it, i ain't got it. it should have been the second out, but instead one out and pujols hits a sack fly to right and scores jimenez. angels up 4-0 on lester. they are not helping themselves out on the field. they did stage a late rally. coco crisp. a's down 5-4. a big swing and miss ends the inning. huston street, the former athletic strikes him out in the 9th. kc is tied with the royals on top of the wild card standings with four games to play. have the 49ers lost their identity on offense? what has happened to the running game? that is what frank gore wants to know. right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a newly redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. ♪ the all-new c-class. at the very touch point of performance and innovation. ♪ man. he will say the right thing. but he wants to run the ball and he wants it on sunday. the all time leading rusher is an afterthought as they came out throwing against arizona and they ended up losing the game. gore six carries and 10 yards. it is time to get back to smash mouth football and gore is ready for that. >> whatever, i am with it. if it is passing, it is passing. if it is running, we run. i will do whatever it takes to win. we have to go out there, i am with it. that's the type of player i am. i just want to win. >> if they run it against the eagle. >> it's a place you've been before, but it's not on any map. so go out there, lose yourself, and find the truth. ♪ we're all born wild. ♪ let's keep it that way. the 2014 4runner. toyota. let's go places. it makes me happy to i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. chase has just come across the bay bridge into san francisco. a driver would not pull over for a stop in castro valley. the chp is involved in this pursuit. it has dumped into the city streets of san francisco. we have updates on abc7 morning news and on twitter at abc7 news bay area. but that is all for the moment. right now on jimmy >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- patrick dempsey. from "good morning america", lara spencer. and music from jeezy. with cleto and the cletones. and now, from now on, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. that's very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching, thank you for coming. that's very nice. ev


Transcripts For WJLA ABC 7 News At 1100 20140925

marathon bombing goes to trial in d.c. the judge's decision, next. captioned by the national captioning institute >> there is breaking news of the search for hannah graham. matthew is in custody tonight. seen in this video, shot moments ago in texas. was he the last person to see graham before she disappeared. at this hour, hes in custody in galveston, texas. >> of the many questions, how did he get to texas and how did he get there, and most importantly, where is hannah? tom roussey is live in charlottesville with the latest. >> bears saying the process to extradite matthew back to virginia has begun. -- before the last today, the less the police had heard of matthew was saturday. they say that he sped out of town with agents following, but he went so fast that they had to give up pursuit. they had no idea where he had gone. he went more than 1300 miles away. >> we are here tonight to announce that jesse matthew was in custody in galveston, texas. on a beach inht the gulf of mexico in an area northeast of the city of galveston. the authorities would not give many details of how he was caught. is an hero of today employee deputy with the galveston county sheriff's office. >> the police chief did not answer if matthew said anything about what happened to hannah graham. the police believe that matthew was the last person to see her the night she disappeared. surly valence video -- surveillance video and witnesses say they entered a are together. is accused matthew of touching her with intent to have sexual relations. this is video hours before her disappearance. the police chief said the process to extradite matthew is underway. he announced the award in this case is now six figures. >> the award is $100,000. and is to find hanna. this case is nowhere near over. we have a person in custody, but we have a long road ahead of us. >> tonight it is not clear how long it could take to extradite matthew back to charlottesville. or why he went to texas. the authorities knew that he had associates in the d.c. area and states to the north, but they did not mention any possible associates in texas. tonight they say it's a mystery why he went all the way down there to the gulf of mexico. life insurance phil, tom roussey, abc 7 news. >> word of matthew's arrest spread through a crowd gathered to pray for hannah graham. dozens met at west potomac i school, hoping for her safe return. jay korff is live in alexandria. how are they dealing with the new information. >> understandably devastated that hannah remains missing. she is a beloved graduate of this high school, and also a real strong and powerful sense of relief with news of the arrest. becausee here tonight -- and parents staff, filled the cafeteria west potomac high school to pray for hannah grandpa safe return. graham's -- hannah safe return. her former softball coach. >> we hope she comes home soon. >> they held candles and many tears fell as friends shared memories of this standout student athlete and mises and -- and musician who called the school her alma mater. >> everyone loved her so much. >> the crowd expressed relief when they heard news the man charged with his disappearance -- her disappearance had been captured in texas. >> he is in custody, mr. jesse matthew. [applause] .> is very hopeful we hope that he will lead us to wherever hannah is. and he cannot do this to anybody else ever again. >> it easy to feel sad and scared, but we cannot trade those emotions for the hard ones, hope. hope that she is ok, hope you will be found, hope for her family. hannah, we love you so much. please come home. this humidity is desperate for answers. now that the extradition process is moving forward some of those questions will be answered. jay korff, abc 7 news. andtay with abc 7 for updates on the search for hannah graham. coverage will begin at 4:30 a.m. >> we are on storm watch as much of the area is under a flash flood watch. brian van de graaff lets us know what to plan for tonight. >> we have some rains right now. my for the belfort furniture weather center, live super doppler seven, some of the showers pushing through. , butveryone is seeing them they continue off to the west, in the mountains. the flood watch in the immediate metro area. could see appreciable rain, maybe oh words of an ancient spots. -- maybe up to an inch in spots. plan for that at the bus stop. >> developing news from boston, where there is a trial delay for the suspect in the boston marathon bombings. ay move the trial date to january 5. judge refused a change of venue request, saying a jury can be found in massachusetts. had requestedaev that his trial be moved to the district. >> prince george's county police say they put a dent in drug traffic at a home in marlboro pike two weeks ago. two suspected drug dealers were arrested. received crack cocaine, percocet, and other items. they began investigating after an anonymous tip in june. the people who live in the area say it has been a drug market for a long time. >> it's been many years that has been a drug area. you see people who are high staggering out of there. >> the people who own the property say they don't know anything about drug activity there. >> 7 on your side with a health alert. the maryland department of virus hasys the entero been found in the state. the patient is a child in the hospital. the contagious virus starts as a cold and progresses to wheezing and trouble breathing. the virus has been identified in several states, including virginia and the city >> several student athletes are recovering after recovering from serious chemical burns after football gear with scrub down with the wrong kind of cleaner. a warning, some of these images are graphic. roz plater is live in silver spring. how did the school respond to the charges they were negligent? >> they are investigating to see how this could happen. here is how strong we are told the chemical was -- it is on the players shoulder pads and went through their t-shirts to their skin, leaving some of them with second-degree burns. >> when i put the pads on, i could feel it. 16-year-old is back playing football in jeans, healing from second-degree burns on his back from a week ago. just trying to fight through. >> fighting through because the senior at springbrook high school is trying to get a scholarship. >> this is my last year to try to shine, to be seen by college coaches. >> the trouble began at tuesday football practice last week. a grading crew -- a cleaning crew scrub down the locker room, but the use the same potent disinfectant to clean football gear. the student felt something burning through his t-shirt onto his skin. >> it just burned. when i got home, i got in the shower, but it earning more. >> by the morning, he had to go to the hospital. more than a dozen other players were burned, too. in a statement, a spokesman said, "student safety and security is our top rar day. the actions of a member of our staff, while well-intentioned, cause students to be injured. it is not acceptable." it was a knack sitting, but likely that will leave him scarred and worried about his future. -- they understand was an accident, but likely will leave him scarred and worried about his future. >> it was an accident, but should have been avoided. >> the school principal apologized and said they are taking steps to ensure it does not happen again. live in silver spring, roz plater, abc 7 news. >> a teenager is in custody, accused of making false calls about danger in two st. mary's county schools. girl allegedly made the calls from leonardtown high school and great mills high school september 18. in both cases, the caller claimed there were people inside the schools with guns. both schools were locked down for a time and nothing was found. >> overseas, new information on the campaign against isil. u.s. and coalition forces are carrying out more airstrikes. this comes as president obama has presided over a un security council session. at the session, world leaders unanimously approved a resolution to stop the fighters in syria and iraq, sharing air information about airline passengers. >> we have all been there, you go to buy a concert ticket only to find it is sold out and prices on other sites are skyhigh. >> how that is happening and what is being done to stop it. >> >> it's aggravating to finance scalpersticket scooping up all available seats to in demand shows and then selling them online for astronomical prices. >> lawmakers are coming together in an effort to make a change. greta kreuz reports. >> it has become the norm for everyone who goes online to why a hot ticket. >> as soon as the tickets open up for sale, they are snatched up he for you can buy one. >> you try again, then i give up. >> many are forced to go to resale sites, where ticket scalpers raise the prices. hastry performer kit moore taken to the internet and radio, saying he is burned up that ticket scalpers keep his fans decentlying priced tickets to his shows. somebody took for jump it off my success and triple the price when they have not put anything towards what i'm doing. including states, maryland and virginia, have adopted legislation to prevent scalpers from using software robots that flood sites when tickets go on sale. >> we're are seeing robust investigations and prosecutions. , fane growing problem clubs, credit card promotions, and even artists themselves are holding back seats, making resell more profitable. in some cases, the number of tickets actually available on the first day of public sale can be as low as just 10%. >> they are not going to ordinary people are fans. promoter sayst these practices are hurting the entertainment industry as a whole when patrons cannot afford to attend as many events. >> supply and demand should be decided by the people selling and buying, not a middleman who gets in the way and holds it hostage. critics suggest lawmakers make it a crime to resell tickets at more than a certain percentage over their face value , but opponents fear that could create a black market for sought-after seats. greta kreuz, abc 7 news. " terrifying moments for modern family" star sarah hyland. her boyfriend attacked her, according to court papers. she obtained a restraining order. she said she was choked and pinned to her car. the couple broke up in august. the actress says she was advised by facility director to get a restraining order because his attitude towards her. with a your side consumer alert, new trouble for apple, tied with their latest software update. the company pulled the update late this afternoon after reports of major problems, complaints including phones not able to make calls and the inability to unlock phones. apple is investigating and will provide information as quickly as possible. the only people complaining about being up to make a call have to be over the age of 30. >> exactly. >> also, a lot of those phones have been bent, so no skinny jeans. tonight, but it will be drying out tomorrow. the higher amounts of rain have been to the south, central virginia, southern maryland. in madison county, .3 inches in rappahannock. more showers continue to come down. the radar path completely full of rain. breaks as well. heavier amounts in cold pepper rappahannock, page county, clark county, worn county. heavier pockets off to the west at this hour. we will continue to see this filling in off and on. d.c.od watch affecting metro, surrounding counties, baltimore metro. it does not include areas to the west. some of the models indicate some of the heaviest rain may be off to the west. we are in the 60's area-wide, not much shift in temperatures. the moisture is funneling in, rain off and on tonight and through tomorrow morning. through the day, i anticipate the moisture will dry out and we will see improving conditions. by tomorrow morning, damp heading into work and school. midday, showers taper. things dry out, maybe a little bit of drizzle. about a quarter inch to three quarters of an inch in the metro, more often the north and west. 50's and 60's tonight, rain. tomorrow, showers taper, peaks of sunshine. looking good tomorrow night for the game. low 80's, sunny, dry, and pleasant next week. drying out tomorrow night. the nats got rained out tonight. >> it was not that hard, but it was soggy. juggled their rotation, the orioles balance the yankees. and he can the redskins become giant killers on thursday night football? >> and now the toyota sports desk, brought to you by your local toyota dealers. >> the nationals game was rained out tonight. consequently, matt williams is faced with a mess. in nats will play four games 48 hours. he will have to rework his pitching staff. they were in a rhythm. a were getting the rotation down. now you have the rainout. the rookie will be on the hill tomorrow at 1:05. gio gonzalez will throw in game two. the orioles continue to roll, no slowing down even with the american league east division title. nick markakis, scoring a pair. the orioles beat the yanks, eliminating new york from the playoff chase. cincinnati, a showstopper. ryan braun is the batter. deep center field. look out -- billy hamilton. yes, sir. the rookie continues to build his highlight reel. he suffered a concussion on the fence, but i play to chase it down. billy hamilton may be the national league rookie of the year. playoff-typebe a atmosphere tomorrow night at fedex field for the redskins-giants. nfc east rivals, that spices it up, but add the short work week, forget a game plan, just line up and play smash mouth foot ball. but hold on, the players are split about playing thursday night. >> a great opportunity to be a menasha will spotlight and show with the redskins are all about. >> we just have to keep pushing forward. even know why they have thursday night games. it's part of the game. >> thursday night. the caps lost to boston, 2-0, at the garden tonight. the caps fall to 1-2 in the preseason. soccer fans, a little chippy with the defender. shoulder bumps, that's all. he grabs him by the throat and pushes him backwards. he gets the yellow card, which he should have. he acted like he was shot, and the game ended. was not indicted, the grand jury decided not to bring charges against the three-time nascar champion in the death of a sprint car driver in august. >> he acted like mike tyson grabbed his throat. golf is a sport that can get these guys teed off. take a look at this one. >> after a bad round of golf or two, this person took it to the next level. a friend caught this meltdown on his cell phone. he is normally an above-average golfer, but he had a really bad few days at a tournament outside of philly. we estimate he destroyed about a thousand dollars worth of clubs. >> come on. >> think it might be worth a thousand dollars to get them to sign up with tim at his next member tournament. >> worse, he put all of those clubs back in >> a few showers tonight. may be arraigned the morning for the morning rush. -- maybe rain for the morning >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- patrick dempsey. from "good morning america", lara spencer. and music from jeezy. with cleto and the cletones. and now, from now on, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. that's very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching, thank you for coming. that's very nice. everyone looks great. everyone is great. i ho


Transcripts For WJLA ABC World News Now 20140925

sprint car race in upstate new york. the district attorney revealed that ward had marijuana in his system, enough to impair his judgment. ward's family said the focus should not be on stewart -- should be on stewart and not on kevin ward. apple is apologizing for some glitches with its newest iphone. then yanking its latest software update. customers with the new iphone 6 and 6 plus complained the new system, the ios 8 update intended to fix bugs with the new system blocked their calls yesterday. apple is promising to release a new update in the next few days. a new ad circulating online about the ios 8 prompted the lapd to issue a warning in the name of public safety. the police department wants to spread the word that you cannot charge your new iphone in the microwave. the ad claims 60 seconds would do the job. police tweeted the so-called wave feature is totally bogus. no word if anyone actually fell for it. >> you know somebody did. you know somebody did. >> it's not what's causing the bending of the iphone. >> no, has nothing to do with it. >> some people. what can i say? anyone who has had a bad day an the golf course can relate to this one. after an especially lousy round, chris took out his frustration an his clubs methodically breaking every single one. >> he then collected the remnants, tossed them into the pond on the 12th green, including the golf bag. about $1,000 in damage here. something else was going an. this want just about his golf. you know, sometimes we go golfing. it's three hours of drinking. >> you remember to bring a sandwich then. >> yeah, but this is probably -- i don't want to say the guy is a drunk but he was drunk. >> you think high we was drunk? >> a long day of golfing you don't do this. you get upset on the hole when you hit a bad shot. this is stupid. >> we'll take your word for it. forget about your computers and credit cards. it's your car that hackers are increasingly setting their sights on. how are they doing it? and how this guy is doing it. the rising star who is on his way to becoming a household name thanks to a little help from some pretty famous friends. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by colonial penn life insurance. ♪ taking your car for a free ride these days. report just ordinary car thieves. >> they used to just want to break in, get your computer, steal your credit cards. now hackers are setting their sights an what's sitting in your driveway. our abc station in chicago with this story. >> reporter: thousands of pounds of steel and plastic. the modern cars that fill our highways are really just computers on wheels. now there's new concern that those computers are easy marks. >> there's inherent failures, inherent security risks if you will, that are available on all modern vehicles. >> reporter: the abc 7 iteam got behund the wheel with a security researcher who works with the auto industry to help automakers secure their computer systems. he showed us how all cars have a port that hooks right into their computer systems. it's designed for diagnostics at an atto repair shop. by accessing this system, hackers can actually take control of almost any car. >> so can i start it? >> i don't know. can you? >> oh, sorry. go ahead. you can start it now. >> you did that? >> yeah. >> in an empty unused parking lot, the attack begins. >> going 20 miles an hour. >> now the engine shut off. >> you were able to do that with one mouse click. >> yes. >> during our demo, he takes control of the wundshield wipers, flashes and turns off the speedometer and instrument panel and repeatedly invades the engine. >> try to start it now. it won't start. >> and now it will. >> would it be possible to actually take over the car and steer somebody into an ongoing vehicle? >> this particular car, no. but there are cars with park assist. an those vehicles you can make it think that it's parking and as far as the system knows, it's just trying to park the vehicle. and, thus, it will turn the wheels for you. >> reporter: if software design vulnerabilities are not addressed by manufacturers up front, once attackers infiltrate a car's computer system, fixing a computer hardware flaw isn't as simple as a recall. it would tack a total overall of a car's overall design. >> it will cost billions of dollars to fix, and that could potentially end a company. >> reporter: chuck goudy, abc news, chicago. >> i had no idea. >> i did not know you could do that. it's scary. technology is great. all these advances that make life easier but it makes us vulnerable. >> i would just get a station wagon. >> i don't think anybody wants that. >> i think the threat would be over if you got a station wagon. coming up -- setting our sights an a new rising star. >> doesn't exactly look like a rock star but he's packing stadiums worldwide. one on one with ed cherren next an "world news now." ♪ okay. i do like that. >> you do? >> i wasn't familiar with this young man. he's an his way to becoming a runaway sensation. his name is ed sheeran. >> and the quintessential boy next door who once opened shows for his high octane friends is now becoming a star in his own right. we're "up all nightline" with juju chang. >> welcome ed sheeran. >> reporter: it's been a break-through year for ed sheeran. that's him as taylor swift's opening act. prounsing around as she's forming" we are never ever getting back together" during the red tour. the 23-year-old brit and swiss are kindred spirit. ♪ it's something they showcased in "everything has changed." but now sheeran is stepping out from taylor's shadow, headlining his own sold-out solo shows. with three grammy nominations, 6 million albums sold and the best male video of the vmas. sheeran is a bona fide rock star. a sex symbol, even if he says he doesn't look like one. ♪ do you see yourself as a sex symbol? >> no, i've never seen myself as a sex symbol. i think if i didn't play music, no one else would either. >> reporter: there's something about the artistic side of it that draws people. maybe it's justior smokin' hot looks. >> my mother thinks i'm handsome so i'll take that. >> reporter: even if you don't know his name you heard his lyrics. he wrote "this little thing" for one direction. like swift, sheeran takes inn spiration from his real-life heartbreaks. his latest single "don't" is a raw breakup song. the story is ironically it was one of his buddies from one direction who allegedly turned around and stole his girl. >> do you ever regret writing about such personal things? >> i think it's nice to get something positive out of a bad situation. the song will live an forever and people will be able to find solice in it in some way, i guess. >> reporter: sheeran has moved an in style forming his breakout hit at the grammys with elton john. i understand that taylor has given you advice on how to have longevity in the career. >> the same thing taylor said to me was the assume thing pharrell said to me. >> reporter: i'm juju chang in mansfield, massachusetts. >> what i love about him, they say he's not good looking supposedly. i want to go download his entire album right now. >> he's talented. that can get you somewhere these days. one bottle of wine at a time. >> it's called valor winery. coming up. [ male announcer ] meet mary. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified in time to help stop the damage. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you helping protect you before damage can be done to your identity. lifelock has the most comprehensive identify theft protection available, helping guard your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime, in today's world that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you thanifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free! use promo code: notme. order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands... a $29 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. use promo code: notme. call the number on your screen now. ♪ nothing like a good bottle of wine to not only take the edge off a bad day but bring a familiarly closer together. >> the making of that wine is bringing together very different kinds of family in the livermore valley part of california. >> reporter: when combat veteran josh lang returned from the iraq war, he had one mission. to launch a winery that could empower veterans by giving them a job. and that vision brought him to the vineyards of california's wine country in 2007. he used his entire life savings to launch the valor winery. >> i got out as a sergeant. so it was my duty to make something happen. >> reporter: he knows the issues veterans face as they transition into civilian life. during his two tours in iraq, he was shot, stabbed and suffered hearing loss after a roadside bomb exploded. now he's turning that fascination with wine making into this great opportunity for veterans. >> our goal was to put veterans, get them working in the vineyards, small agricultural farms as well because that was my only knowledge of where our therapy would come from. >> reporter: the vets and his foundation have hired 60 veterans since they launched in 2011. >> these veterans are learning right now in this type of environment are very valuable to the wine industry. they learn how to make wine. they learn the bottling aspect of it. they learn the growing aspect, the maintaining aspect. >> reporter: the winery is producing 5,000 cases of woon a year, and they are very proud of the work they've done for veterans serving our country. >> they are looking for a place to be. a sense of being. that's what a veteran is looking for. they aren't looking for a handout. they are looking for an opportunity. >> we should be out there interacting and setting the example for others. so there's still a lot of hope for our community and country. >> that's news for this half hour. >> remember to follow us on facebook at this morning on "world news now" -- growing threat. a new plot against the u.s. homeland uncovered as a fresh round of air strikes hits isis targets in syria. the president making his case to the world. >> the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. >> the latest in the fight against terror. epic flooding across the country. tor arenrential rains from texa florida leave something cars submerged. the morning commute expected to be a nightmare for millions. and the northeast getting slammed by an early nor'easter. staying safe. new technology helping keep young people safe. but it's more than just what's on your phone. >> i always walk with a friend. i don't really go anywhere alone. >> what everyone should know about keeping themselves and their loved ones safe. it's thursday, september 25th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> hello there. good morning. thank you for being with us. i'm t.j. holmes. >> i'm reena ninan. welcome, t.j. >> i was in the neighborhood wondering home and you decided to put me to work. >> open auditions. >> yeah, you'll take anyone apparently. >> the north portico doors are open and the world news doors. >> did you pack a lunch? the cafeteria is closed. >> i'll get it right next week. >> i packed one for you. i'll share my lunch. i have -- >> there's actually a lunch box that says "world news now." >> i bring my own lunch box. i brought you like a peanut butter sandwich. an apple because i like to eat healthy. biscotti because you'll need it for your coffee. >> do you drink coffee? >> i do not drink coffee. >> and then there's aspirin. >> what do i need that for? for working with you? >> that's part of this. >> no, it's good to be here with you guys. >> looking forward to it. >> thank you. by the way, the tie, you don't really need that until the 4:00 show. >> the tie works. >> i'm wearing someone's leftover window drapes today. anyway, we're going to get sbrit serious news actually. it's the latest developments in the fight against islamic extremists. u.s. officials are confident they've disrupted a plot to attack america made by the shadowy group called >> this is an al qaeda offshoot. targeted in the first night of bombings in syria. now we're finding out why. abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross with the details. >> reporter: this is what the terrorists had in mind. an undetectable bomb smuggled an an american airplane like the one used in this government test of the al qaeda shoe bomb. >> the intelligence was they were an the verge of creating something. >> reporter: u.s. officials said the khorasan group was using this building near aleppo and others as a bomb factory and training facility. >> if they wer killed, that's definitely a near-term blow but i think as we've seen with al qaeda in various other locations, they'll have a capability to rebound. >> reporter: precise details of the latest plot are not known but for years al qaeda has been fixatesed on aviation. experimenting with everything from bombs hidden in teddy bears to toothpaste to clothing soaked in liquid explosives. >> they are determined to produce devices that are undetectable. >> the foiled khorasan plot explains the enhanced security proirs in europe and the u.s. as attorney general eric hold ir revealed to katie couric at our partners of yahoo! news. >> the enhanced security measures we took in the aviation sector wias based on concerns o what the khorasan group was planning to do. >> reporter: the u.s. has been tracking the group for almost two years and that while they may have been knocked back, they have not been knocked out. brian ross, abc news, new york. on wednesday, a second round of aerial attacks in the region, this time targeting isis exclusively. a dozen isis controlled oil facilities were hit in syria, an important source . generating $2 million a day. it also dismantilled command and control areas. they damaged a convoy that was being used to move isis equipment intou rack. at the united nations yesterday, president obama sounded the call to arms. >> the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. so the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. this late latest act of barbarism. an isis affiliated group in algeria captured a french tourist there. they gave france 24 hours to halt air strikes in ooh rack. when that deadline passed, they beheaded him. torrential rains are battering much of texas and florida triggering dangerous flooding. nearly two inches of rain pounded the lubbock area turning roads into ponds and stranding people in their cars. and record rainfall submerged start parts of central florida. and it is not over yet for texas, florida, heading north. all that wet weather getting ready to swamp much of the atlantic coast. >> accuweather meteorologist jim dickey is tracking those storms. >> good morning. tracking some heavy rainfall here through these morning hours. along the coast, the mid-atlantic. storm system crawling northward. you see that heavy rain nosing down to baltimore, philadelphia. going to be a mess of a morning commute. this rain tracking into new york city. going to stay in place through the morning commute through the afternoon and move into sorn new england into the evening and overnight hours keeping the heavy rain in place. watch out for flooding in theseuaries. we'll dry things out by friday. reena and t.j., back to you. prosecutors won't seek the death penalty against the father whose son died after being left in a hot car. ross harris faces one count of malice, murder and felony murder. georgia prosecutors say harris left his 22-month-old son in a hot suv for seven hours while he was at work. harris claims he forgot to take his son to day care that morning. the justice department will review the fatal shooting death of a walmart shopper in ohio. just hours before that announcement a grand jury voted not to indict two white police officers who shot the black man while he held a pellet gone in the store. surveillance video shows john crawford walking around the store with a bb gun until police shot him. another raushlly charged police shooting is getting national attention this morning. a white south carolina state trooper opening fire on an unarmed black man. >> the trooper is shawn grubert. he was fired last week, arrested yesterday as police released dash cam video of the shooting showing the moments right after he pulled over a driver for a seat belt violation. that driver survived the shooting. we want to show you this video. we warn you it is graphic and disturbing but important for you to see in telling the story. >> license please. gun! get an the grond. get on the ground. >> i just got my license. i got my license right there. that's my license right there. >> the driver lamar jones survived a bullet to the hup. they found the shooting was not justified. if convicted, the trooper could face up to 20 years in prison. that was incredibly hard to watch. >> it is hard to watch but that's the case and that's what unfortunately a lot of parents have to teach their young black sons. that man did nothing wrong but just his reaction for some reason set off that -- he just turned and did exactly what the officer asked him to do and that officer was so alarmed and fearful that he fired. at least one shot was fired when that man clearly had his hands in the air. you could hear him groaning in pain. >> this is something everybody needs to watch and learn lessons from. a grand jury has decided that nascar star tony stewart will not face cruminal charges in the death of kevin ward jr. >> but stewart is not quite out of the woods yet because ward's family is vowing to seek justice in civil court. abc's ron claiborne with the story. >> reporter: a grand jury refusing to file criminal charges against tonny stewart in the an-track death of fellow driver kevin ward jr. >> the grand jury determined there's no basis to charge tony stewart with any crimes. >> reporter: the decision means stewart will not face charges of manslaughter or criminally negligent homicide. in an incident captured on this video, the 20-year-old ward was killed when he got out of his car during a sprint car race in upstate new york last month. ward a family telling abc news that stewart intentionally tried to intimidate kev on by accelerating and sliding his car toward him causing this tragedy. stewart said, while the process was long and emotionally difficult it allowed for all the facts of the accident to be identified and known. reaction an twitter ranging from outrage. one person tweeting, personally, i think tony stewart should go don in flames. to relief. tony stewart has been cleared. thank goodness. the district attorney said an autopsy found that ward had marijuana in his blood stream. in his words, enough to impair his judgment. ward's family says the focus should be on tony stewart's actions, not on kevin. ron claiborne, abc news, new york. a wild car chase on the streets of l.a. as police pursue two suspects in a shooting. the suspect's vehicle, a silver ford flex drove on to the highway. drove the wrong way don the street and collided with a toyota sedan. the vehicle slowed as police officers pulled up, the driver and the passenger came out of the car and dropped to the ground. both men were taken into custody. turning to a driver in new jersey. guys, we like our cars. especially our luxury cars. don't make it a luxury sports car. we're very protective of those thungs. this guy was so protective that he deliberately took up two parking spots. that's a rude thing to do. you see the corvette an the right. another driver saw this happen and the guy intentionally took up two spaces with his vet. so he parks right up next to him and then sits in the restaurant right at the window and waits and then records the reaction of the driver. the driver is making sure that nobody dinged up his corvette. he said he just wanted to prove a point. have a little fun with the corvette -- at the corvette lover'sxpence. >> you are a corvette owner, i hear. >> i didn't do this with the parking spot but i'd park way out away from everyone. now the guy was wrong. it was rude to take up two spots but the jeep guy, you don't mess with a man's car. >> why do guys that drive fancy cars feel entitled to park -- i was in london. near kensington palace. someone parked their lamborghini in the middle of the bus lane. if you have a car like that you're probably wealthy and you probably feel entitled and you feel arrogant and you can do what you want to do. i would park it right there. >> you would park it next to us here? david muir usually hangs his stuff over there if you were considering parking a car. coming up in "the mix," what might be the world's best job. but first, evidence of the home depot credit card breach reaching around the world. we'll show you what to look for on your account history. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by acorn stairlifts. reaching across cyberspace into some 56 million wallets. hackers stole credit and debit card data from customers of home depot. you know you went to the corner store but millions of americans are seeing charges from all corners of the globe. here now, abc's rebecca jarvis. >> reporter: the effects of the home depot data breach. customers hit with hundreds of glrs fraudulent charges. like katlyn leonard. she shops at home depot. she checked her bank account and saw this. >> madrid. a few in spain. a couple in france. >> reporter: over $1,000 on purchases from places she's never been. >> i received an e-mail from home depot because it looked like i was potentially someone that used their card there and could be compromised. >> reporter: katlyn can't be certain the charges came from the home depot breach but even if you didn't shop at home depot, you may be more at rusk than you realize. a new report says a whopping 43% of companies have experienced some kind of data breach. >> it's all too easy for hackers to get into point of sale systems. but we are at risk that these breaches have become the third certainty now in life. >> reporter: katlyn is taking home depot up an its offer to freud free credit protection. they also promise customers won't be responsible for the fraud charges. rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. >> they say try not to use your debit card. and your credit card, don't let it leave your sight at a restaurant. >> we all do that. you know how many of us would just hand somebody your card. yeah, just go around the corner for a few minutes. >> it happens at restaurants. don't they always take your card to the back to swipe it. and i think it's in europe they have the thing at your table. >> that's a better option. it's a little scary what's happening with hackers out there and what they arable to do. coming up, staying safe an campus. the case of the missing university of virginia student. how a number of them are taking their personal safety into their own hands. also ahead in our next half hour -- how to keep this from happening to you. yeah, folks. you know where your luggage is? you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news ♪ it's enough to make anyone want to run and hide. were you just trying to run and hide? >> i'm here. >> a lot of men don't make it past the first week. we'll see. the missing university of virginia student is sending ripples of fear across many college campuses. there are several other measures of protection at your fingertips. here's abc's linsey davis. >> reporter: the search for hannah graham has become wake-up call for women across america. 1 in 4 college women reports surviving sexual assault or attempted assault, which is why students at rutgers university say they take precautions. >> i always walk with a friend. >> reporter: students are now armed with more options to help them stay safe. using something they're probably holding anyway. their cell phone. >> my favorite one is called circle of six. it's a free app. >> it lets you choose six friends and with one touch of the screen it sends all three a predetermined text msage along with your current location. another option is called bsafe. >> it turns it into an audio/visual recording so it gets the face n sound of what's happening. >> and also sends an atloert allior emergency contacts saying you're in danger and sounds an alarm. watch over me also sounds an alarm just by briskly shaking the phone and will pinpoint your exact gps location. >> it will send an alert if you don't check in at a certain time you've already determined. >> reporter: kyra arnold worries young women need more than just an app to keep them safe. >> do you think too few females know how to defend themselves? >> absolutely. >> reporter: last year she started learning a self-defense system. that elbow to the face maneuver is something she actually had to put to use when she was recently assaulted in a bar. >> i was lucky enough he was tall enough i hit him in the nose so i could break it. >> reporter: for somebody not taking the classes, that's vulnerable places? >> eyes, nose, throat, groin. >> reporter: her safety recommendations for anyone by themselves, takior headphones out. don't stare at your cell phone. bottom loaine, don't think it could never happen to you. >> you never think it will happen to you. i've done that and it does work. help wanted out there. people looking for a panda nanny. >> we'll be back. for all the distinctions they've earned in life there's a higher standard of home care. brightstar care. from care teams led by registered nurses to unmatched care expertise brightstar care offers home care you can trust, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. your loved one deserves care that's nothing less than extraordinary because they've earned it. for a complimentary in-home assessment, call brightstar care today at 866-621-0228 now it's time for "the mix." this show is at night. have you ever thought about getting a daytime job, too, luke a panda nanny? >> no. >> you told me this is a coveted job. >> it is a coveted job. but panda nanny. $32,000 a year. meals, board, use of an suv. and you'll raise awareness. they've opened up this spot according to china daily. they are looking for a panda nanny. i don't know if you'll be required to dress up as a panda or panda porn. there's only 2500 pandas around the world. >> so the point of this is you're supposed to what? >> help them procreate. i don't know if there's good motown music to get them in the mood. >> is that what works for -- never mind. let's go to -- >> well, good morning. >> we'll stick with the animal theme. this story is pretty cool. this beagle named sherlock. this beagle actually hunts down the owners of lost items. we all fear leavingior phone. let's say you left your phone at an aurpt. the dog goes and sniffs out your phone. picks up your scent. then goes through the airport and tracks you down. >> are you serious? >> and it works. they said he has an 80% rate of actually hooking people up. so you don't even know you've lost something. this little dog says, hey, this is yours. >> get that? 80% rate. >> that's not bad. >> pretty good. i like that story. well, it's hard lessons when you are 4 years old but really tough when you're 4 years old and found out the woman you love loves another man. >> how do you feel? >> sad. >> why? >> because -- she doesn't like me anymore. >> yes, she does. >> just wait five more years. she found out about emily's other crush. his mom tried to help him move on. it didn't work. >> get this out of the way early. he'll be crying throughout his life because some woman broke his heart. let's roll the video. ♪ what you are seeing, the young lady, her name is taylor. 11 years old. you see her instructor there. in the video. this young lady can go. she's dancing to nicky this morning on "world news now" -- completely soaked. major flooding still affecting the south. storm system in the northwest and a nor'easter drenching the eastern seaboard. the morning commute promising to be a mess for millions of drivers. >> suspect found. the man wanted by police in the disappearance of uva student hannah graham just put behind bars. found on a beach halfway across the country. the late-breaking details ahead. also, stolen luggage. the increasingly weak link at the nation's airports that really is leaving checked in luggage wide open to thieves. how to protect your valuables the next time you board a flight. and i will beat this. those brave words from our friend and former "good morning america" colleague joan lunden and how she's using her battle with cancer to inspire others. that's in "the skinny" on this thursday, september 25th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning to you. thank you for spending some time with us. i'm t.j. holmes. >> a new face. i'm reena ninan. >> how are your holding up? >> hasn't been long. ask me in about an hour. >> an hour? >> give me an hour. >> you haven't left yet so i find that encouraging. >> i haven't been here that long. >> you run them off quickly? >> that's what they say. >> no, it's good to be here. >> we need to begin this first half hour here with the first major storm of the fall barreling its way across the entire east coast coming on the heels of record rainfall in parts of the south. >> heavy donpours in the northwest texas area swamped much of lubog. it was so intense motorists found themselves trapped inside their cars and in need of rescuing. the flooding was worse in central florida. ginger zee has that part of the story. >> it's flooding everywhere. >> reporter: downpours smothering the sunshine out of the sunshine state. up to ten inches of rain drowning central florida. >> crazy out here. >> reporter: some people foolishly bulldozing through. others stalling, and many finding better, safer ways to get around. daytona beach picking up more than eight inches of rain. now kayaking through their wettest september on record. >> when you pull up and the water level is up to the top of the numbers on your mailbox, it's a little concerning. >> reporter: from orlando to melbourne, what's known as a toad strangler becoming a fish and people displacer. let me time the storm out. heavy rains will move along the coast. really rough conditions for the morning commute from philadelphia to new york city. and lingering showers into the evening hours. we won't get rid of this thing completely until it leaves on friday. ginger zee, abc news, new york. >> ginger, thank you. let's get to our forecast with jim dickey to see what we're in for. >> good morning. tracking some torrential rainfall along the eastern seaboard here this morning. rain crawling northward pushing into baltimore, philadelphia, new york city through the morning commute. now, of course, tonight here the last home game for derek jeter at yankee stadium. will we get the game in? the heaviest rain will likely have departed. some drizzle around. a damp and dreary night out there. speaking of damp and dreary an area of low pressure continues to spin off the coast of british columbia. powerful storm system swirling here dragging a stream of moisture into washington and oregon. the heaviest of the rain has come to an end. we keep it damp and dreary. seattle, portland, down to san francisco through the day. temperatures soar to record levels across the high plains. reena and t.j., back to you. we turn now to the next stepped up aerial campaign against isis terrorism in syria and iraq. the first wave targeted isis and khorasan. but the second wave of u.s.-led assaults focused squarely an isis and its ability to stay in business. abc's martha raddatz reports in from the region. >> reporter: there was no let-up on day two of the american-led bombing campaign. a dozen isis-controlled oil facilities hit in syria. an important source of revenue for the terror group. the mobile refineries generating $2 million a day. the strikes have also dismantled command and control centers, terror training camps and an air strike in eastern syria damaging a convoy the pentagon says was being used to move isis equipment into iraq. >> we're bombing syria to help iraq. we're now crossing the border and taking away the areas that they thought were safe to rearm, to refuel and retrain. >> reporter: at a gathering of world leaders in new york, president obama using his toughest talk yet. >> the only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. so the united states of america will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death. >> reporter: what we will see in the coming days is a combination of these larger planned air strikes and targets of opportunity, meaning if the pilots spot an isis target, a convoy or training camp, they will take it out. martha raddatz, abc news, the persian gulf. breaking news in the search for missing university of virginia student hannah graham. a man charged with abducting her is now behind bars. taken into custody more than 1,000 miles away on a texas beach. this morning the whereabouts of the 18-year-old sophomore still a mystery. abc's carolyn costello with the latest. >> jesse matthew is in custody in galveston, texas. >> we don't at present have any information as to what might have prompted mr. matthew to head to that part of the country. certainly that's something that we'll consider as we go through our investigative process. that might take several days. >> it's a positive close to this chapter of this very important case. >> reporter: 32-year-old jesse matthew, a uva hospital operating room assistant, has been officially charged with graham's abduction. >> the extradition process is under way. >> reporter: police first considered matthew a person of interest after seeing him with hannah on several surveillance videos in the early morning hours before she disappeared. after searches of matthew's home and car, investigators honed in on specific clothing in matthew's home. but officials declined to say if that discovery led to the abduction charge. >> we need to be very sensitive about the information that we share. >> reporter: the search continues for hannah. >> this reward is up to $100,000. and we're asking every person within the sound of my voice to help us find hannah graham. >> despite everything, the search continues to be filled with hope, filled with promise, and she is indeed coming home. >> reporter: students and parents have been expressing concerns over safety. in response, the university of virginia's president has announced increased security measures on campus and has made improvements to the university's safe ride program. carolyn costello, abc news, new york. an unattended bag at o'hare international airport prompted an evacuation and delayed frustrated passengers. authorities evacuated a portion of the terminal as they searched the bag for explosives. a police dog indicated something suspicious may be in the bag but an x-ray found nothing inside. the terminal reopened after about two hours. health care workers in north africa continue to face violent attacks as they try to control the deadliest ebola outbreak in history. a red cross team was attacked in southeastern guinea will collecting bodies believed to be infected with the virus. workers' cars were vandalized and a man wounded in the neck. in the u.s., about 1,000 nurses in vegas marched through the streets wearing red t-shirts and calling for safety. flu season is here. now some doctors are voicing concerns about where children are getting vaccinated. some say kids should not get flu shots at the local pharmacy or grocery store. they believe that it should be done by a pediatrician because that's the only way they'll have a record of it. but a growing number of stores offering flu shots say the convenience is leading more kids to get vaccinated. a potent new drug is gaining popularity with kids across the country promising a high that can last more than a day. it's made from marijuana oil and it looks and feels like lip balm so it can be easily hidden in empty jars. they call the drug wax or honeycomb or peanut brittle. it has a high level of thc, the chemical that gets users high. they're alerting parents to be on the lookout for this stuff. this is scary stuff. people will always find a way to get high, it seems to be the case. yes, doing something as simple as that. that's scary. parents, your kids doing something as simple as putting on lip balm and they could be getting high. >> are your lips chapped? >> i am good right now. i am good right now. that's just regular stuff, right? >> welcome to the overnights, t.j. >> there it is. did you hear that? that was the sound of all dignity leaving the room. >> that's all right. it will come back. it's just right outside the door. all right. well, soccer fans are blowing up social media over an incident involving one named defender wellington and barcelona's lionel messi. did i say that fine? >> just call him lionel. >> even though we're on a first name basis? messi was seen confronting wellington, then wellington grabbed messi's face and fell to the ground. messi's teammates called it choking. they called it choking. the ref issued a yellow card rather than ejection. wellington claims messi provoked him. >> you know, name calling still works for a grown man. multimillionaire, call him a name and he gets upset. >> just play the game. why do you have to trash talk? >> that's part of the game. >> trash talk when your skills aren't so good. >> no, it's part of it. michael jordan was the greatest trash talker in sports and also the greatest basketball player. i'm sorry, we're going on another tangent. we're going to talk some trash during the break. this is not necessarily a sports story but kind of cool. pope francis is a soccer fan. and might like american baseball. he spotted a fan with a baseball. urged him to throw it. the pope made, well, nearly made a miracle one-handed no mitt catch. he dropped the ball, though. but he did sign it and returned it to the fan. >> a miracle one-handed catch. >> wasn't quite a miracle. he dropped it. >> he caught it for a second. >> for a second. this is the pope. he should make a miracle catch. >> i bet that gets $500,000 if you put it on ebay. >> would you sell it? >> i would not sell it. somebody sold his little -- you know, the head hat. >> it's getting sold. i would sell that thing so fast. i can get that lamborghini we were talking about earlier. >> he's got plans. having a thursday morning slump? we've got just the medicine. it's a panda video. it cures just about everything. from chinese tv, it's more incredibly cute panda cubs navigating a sliding board. >> they all end up in a heap at the bottom scrambling over each other trying to figure out how to get back to the top. with help from their panda nanny, they finally work it out and climb up for another round. you all love some pandas on this show i just discovered this morning. >> what was the quote before the show? you were looking at a rundown and said, three animal stories? that's a lot. i said that's under the radar. we usually have double that amount. >> just easing me in. i do appreciate it. we have "the skinny" coming up. a trip to court for a star of "jersey shore." >> first, the increasingly weak link at our airports. it's not about your personal safety but the safety of your luggage. how to avoid having this happen to you the next time you fly. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by lifelock. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection 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[ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to help protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free! use promo code: notme. order now, and get this document shredder to help keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands... a $29 value, free! don't wait until you become the next victim! call the number on your screen for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection risk free and get a document shredder free. use promo code: notme. call the number on your screen now. ♪ somebody's watching me they're watching over here. >> they are watching. that's what we do for a living. we're used to being watched, being on camera. some folks out there it's not just paranoia. somebody really is watching you out there. now ever more so than ever, especially at the nation's airports. >> what surveillance video is increasingly highlight is one of our airport's weakest link. baggage claim. here's abc's david kerley. >> watch the man with the backpack. they catch him entering the airport. he never took a flight but goes to baggage claim and all of a sudden has a bag and he walks out using the airport train system as his getaway. phoenix police put his face on a wanted poster. >> baggage theft from checked or carry-on bags is a big business. it probably amounts to hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. >> reporter: in denver, another thief caught on tape grabbing a bag. back in '09, up to 1,000 bags stolen in phoenix, stacked up at this couple's home. they pleaded guilty. it's not just thieves on the outside. undercover cameras caught airline workers rifling through bags for cash and valuables. over the past 12 years, the tsa has fired more than 500 workers for theft. adding it has systems now to help it catch bad officers. in baggage claim you'll see the cameras and signs but not an airline employee checking bag tags before you leave. airlines cut those positions to save money. >> i think it stands to reason when you have less security at the bag claim area, you'll have more theft. >> reporter: there are some steps to take personally to reduce the risk of your bag being stolen. remember that video, a black bag stolen? there's a sea of black bags. buy a different color. you may notice it easier if someone grabs it. lock your bag and get to baggage claim before the bags arrive. one last tip -- don't buy a fancy bag. thieves see an expensive bag and think that expensive things are inside. david kerley, abc news, washington reagan airport. >> that makes perfect sense. >> makes good sense. when we come back, the newest role for mike "the situation" sorrentino. it may be a prison jump suit. >> and the bold new look at our colleague joan lunden is sharing with the whole world. that's ahead in "the skinny." >> announcer: "world news now" continues after this from our abc stations. ♪ skinny so skinny ♪ time for "the skinny." topping our headlines, a new situation for "the situation." >> former "jersey shore" star mike "the situation" sorrentino is facing a maximum three years in prison. he and his brother mark were charged yesterday on several counts of tax evasion an nearly $11 million in earnings. >> mike posted on instagram, to be old and wise you must first be young and dumb. mike sorrentino, however, is 32 years old. he's old enough to know better. >> that's the funniest thing in the show today. someone close to our hearts is also wise beyond her years. >> our dear friend and former "good morning america" colleague bearing her soul and her head for "people." she took the preemptive move of shaving her head and sharing it with the world before losing her trademark blond locks to chemotherapy. >> back in june she broke the news about her breast cancer to fellow cancer survivor robin roberts saying she's using it as an opportunity to help others. next, to touching others by the millions with her sheer talent. >> barbra streisand making history with the help of some other megastars. ♪ comes down to reality >> her new album "partners," a collection of classic duets, officially debuted at number one on the billboard 200 chart. >> that makes barbra with the only artist with a number one album in each of the last six decades. barbara walters is celebrating a milestone birthday. she hits the big 85. just a few months ago we were celebrating her retirement from abc. >> according to page six, her closest friends are throwing her a 45th birthday bash at new york's legendary rainbow room. barbara says she's not throwing herself a party. maybe that will happen next year. you know, she'll be 46. >> go, barbara, it's your birthday. anyway. time to check out who else is blowing out birthday candles today. >> michael douglas is 70 years old today. >> the original luke skywalker mark hamill turns 63. >> catherine zeta-jones 45. >> and "talk soup" star hal sparks is also 45. happy birthday to all of you. ♪ honey, we need to talk. we do? 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[ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long. ♪ baby, baby baby animals ♪ ♪ baby, baby baby animals ♪ >> you love animals. >> i love animals. baby animals. even the most ferocious of mother nature's animals. they're adorable when small. >> what happens when the most adorable of baby animals is turned away by its own mother. abc's lara spencer has the story of one baby gorilla's search for a new family. >> reporter: two zoos are joining forces working to find this adorable gorilla a new mom. the 5-week-old baby girl named camina was rejected by her mother immediately after being born. leaving her life at risk. the staff of the oklahoma city zoo instantly jumping into action caring for her around the clock, holding her tiny hand, even wearing gorilla-like shirts made of felt for the newborn to clutch but realizing it wouldn't be enough, they turned to another zoo for help. >> we just don't have a situation here where we have a surrogate gorilla available. that's when we contacted cincinnati zoo. >> reporter: the cincinnati zoo recently found a surrogate for another gorilla and happily agreed to help camina find one, too. flying her on her own private plane monday snuggling into a blanket of faux fur for a four-hour flight across the midwest to her new home in cincinnati. >> welcome to cincinnati. >> it's a great example of how zoos want to cooperate and do what's better. >> reporter: camina will spend three months with human surrogates dressed up like gorillas and mimicking the actions of a mother before she's introduced to others. something our own matt gutman experienced first hand last year with a fragile baby girl named gladys who was also rejected by her mother. gladys was immediately adopted by a 31-year-old surrogate named lindsey. the zoo now hoping she'll adopt camina as well making these two gorgeous gals sisters. >> aw. >> really? aw? >> yes, they are so cute. it's so sad the mom rejected them. one theory is that the mother had a tough delivery and didn't want the baby after that. >> okay. all right. >> we don't know. >> facebook at >> we'll be right back. . making news in america this morning. extreme flooding. neighborhoods under water with more rain falling overnight. where the storms are headed now. and breaking overnight, under arrest, the man charged with abducting hannah graham found by police thousands of miles from home. call to arms, the president at the u.n. as the u.s. and allies target isis again. we're live in the region. and grand finale, one of the greatest baseball players in history takes his home field for the final time as another team is playoff bound. the dodgers popping champagne in l.a. and good thursday morning to you all. i'm t.j. holmes.


Transcripts For WJLA Good Morning America 20141106

banging down the doors of the cma awards. from ariana to meghan trainor, look who's getting together. but it was brad and carrie who really stole the show. >> what's up? good morning, america. and good morning, america. boy, what a night for country music. got to love those two acts. >> absolutely. and there were so many of them. the one that struck with me, when loretta lynn stepped out on that stage with kacey musgraves. that was a special moment. >> voice. >> i know. >> still so strong. and they were having some fun with taylor swift who was not there. saying that they'll always save her a seat in nashville. she's more in a new york state of mind these days. always a seat for miss taylor swi swift. carlesha freeland-gaither is free three days after being abducted. mara schiavocampo has the latest. >> reporter: good morning. carlesha was released from maryland hospital overnight and police brought her here to a relative's home. her alleged kidnapper is in custo custody, and law enforcement officers are being hailed as horse. after three days of agony following the chilling abduction, the moment of relief. >> carlesha freeland has been rescued. her abductor has been arrested. >> reporter: 22-year-old nurse's assistant carlesha freeland-gaither rescued in maryland wednesday night, three days after being violently kidnapped off a philadelphia street. one of the first things she did was call her mother who spoke to us. what did you say to her? >> i love you. i love you. are you okay? i love you. she was like, come get me. >> reporter: now 37-year-old delvin barnes is in custody, arrested after police tracked his car and found it idling on the side of the road. she was inside. he is being held on an outstanding warrant for several charges, including attempted capital murder and abduction of another female allegedly snatched off the street in virginia last month. barnes, seen in this video from a separate arrest in 2005 showed the female pictures of other women he claimed to have an ductsed as well. police identified him largely with the help of surveillance video. just hours after the abduction, caught allegedly using her atm card as a maryland bank. minutes later, buying a drink as a convenience store. and a receipt, leading them to this video hours before the kidnapping. and police in virginia looking for barnes recognized the car and contacted the dealership where he bought it and were able to track it down using the gps. >> we got a very dangerous predator off the streets. >> reporter: carlesha, now reunited with her family, no physical injuries, but she's shaken up. >> a lot of support. she's going to be fine. >> reporter: now celebrating her freedom and her family. police say there is no evidence carlesha knew her alleged kidnapper. experts say stranger abductions are rare. but that appears to be exactly what happened in this race. robin. >> all right, thank you very much. and joining us now from philadelphia, the city's police kmishs, charles ramsey. it's good to speak with you today under these circumstances. can you tell us the latest condition of carlesha. how she's doing this morning. >> she's back home. we brought her family down to howard county hospital last night to reunite with her. she was released from the hospital. we brought her back to philadelphia and she's resting at home right now. we'll complete interviews with her a little later on. but give her time to settle down. >> commissioner, what details can you share with us about how she was rescued? >> well, first of all, this was a case that really had us very, very concerned. it's very rare -- in fact in my 46 years i have never seen a kidnapping on video. so it really added to the sense of urgency we had to find her as quickly as we could. we had a lot of different leads we followed up on. but what really broke the case is when we were able to put video out through the media. they maintained a surveillance, he exited the car and they took him down at that point in time. didn't want a hostage situation. so they used good judgment in deciding when to take him. and they waited until he exited the car. at the time we didn't know her condition or anything else. but we didn't to want put her in jeopardy. >> as you alluded to, commissioner, so many law enforcement agencies working together. the public, the video, all that have coming together. and your department in philadelphia, you've had good results in using social media and getting video out as quickly as possible. >> oh, yeah. we do it all the time. we put stuff out on youtube as fast as we get it. we've had a very, very good success rate. and it really helped us out this case and probably saved this woman's life. had she remained with him, i don't know the outcome. >> we shuddered to think what could have happened in the video we were referring to. and she was fighting. and she kicked out the window of the car that she was abducted in. what does that tell you about her fighting spirit? >> my understanding is, even after she was in the car and bound, she continued to fight and struggle with this guy. so she's got a lot of fight in her, and probably helped keep her alive. >> it was a joint effort all the way around. it's good to see you under these happy circumstances, commissioner ramsey, thank you. >> thank you very much. and good to know she's home with her family right now. >> the point, everyone coming together. and politics, and fallout from the historic republican sweet. president obama took his medicine wednesday, but stood his ground too. he will work with the gop when he can, and alone when he must. and also got a date with the senate's new leader. >> reporter: the president once famously had a beer summit at the white house. now that republicans have taken over the senate, he's talking about a summit with a more potent drink. the president said he got the message. >> good afternoon, everybody. >> reporter: and he's ready to spend more time with the republican who will soon be leading the senate. long-timed a ver say, mitch mcconnell. you joked about at white house correspondent's dinner. >> you know, i was enjoy having some kentucky bourbon with mitch mcconnell. >> reporter: but just last year, president obama ridiculed the idea of having a drink with mcconnell. >> why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell, they ask. really? why don't you get a drink with mitch mcconnell? >> reporter: on social media, it's been branded the bourbon summit. with distillers and bourbon makers offering to host the party. drinks, maybe, but the president signalled he's not changing course. suggesting democrats lost control of the senate primarily because so many people didn't bother to vote. >> to the two-thirds of vote chores chose not to participate in the process yesterday, i hear you too. >> reporter: he plans to move ahead with a controversial executive order on immigration in defiance of the newly-minted republican majority. >> i think the president choosing to do a lot of things unilaterally on immigration is a big mistake. it's like waving a red flag in front of a bull. >> reporter: while there's no time set, leaders in both parties are here tomorrow for a working lunch. >> see if they can work it out. and now to the arctic blast, the a massive storm in the pacific bringing cold temperatures here. ginger tracking it all and you brought the rain back with you from nashville. >> i did. now looking at japan, the typho typhoon, that's shot, fast, towards alaska. what it means to my friends on the bering sea, it's waves of 50 feet and a really strong storm. what it means for us here, watch this. the ridge of the jet stream will build very high. it enhances it a little bit. and digs even farther south. parts of the gulf in the arctic temperatures. what? yeah. by next week, we thought we would give you a sneak peek next wednesday, what it will feel like, 5 in minneapolis, 6 below in rapid city. that cold. that's coming. don't say i didn't tell you. >> duly warned, right? good to have you back from nashville. amy has the other top stories. good morning. a major expansion of u.s. air strikes in syria overnight. coalition air strikes targeted a conservative group not linked to isis. it's expected to fuel more anger among the syrian people. and the first air strikes since september against the corazon group of al qaeda. they were said to be in the final stages of planning an attack against u.s. and western targets. israel is accusing palestinian leaders of fueling the recent signs outside the holiest site. they launched stun grenades to disperse protesters wednesday. and recalling the ambassador. hamas is praising the attack. a van plowing through crowds of people in jerusalem, killing a police officer. ray rice will tell his side of the story today, appealing the suspension from football since the video of him attacking his then-fiance was made public. ryan smith is following the story. >> reporter: he's arguing double jeopardy. they can't suspend him twice for the same incident. he walked in hand in hand with his wife. he's saying to increase the suspension from two games to an indefinite ban after the video of him beating her. goodell was testifying for over two hours wednesday. his answers haven't been revealed. rice said he told them up front in july well before the video was released. but the commissioner denied that. now a decision could come in the next several days. he was cut by the baltimore ravens. if he is reinstated, he would be a man without a team. >> thank you so much. a frantic scene in houston as an suv crashed through this restaurant, sending people running fir their lives. the driver said she was trying to park but hit the gas pedal instead of the brake. nine people were injured, none serious. and new video of a man lost at sea for two days clinging to a foam cooler in the middle of the pacific oes. he had gone fishing with a friend, but the boat capsized. they found that man floating off colombia. he is dehydrated but expected to recover. incredible. and finally, a sheep farmer in england came up with a genius idea. instead of relying on dogs to herd the sheet, why not make this. a car that looks le a ginormous dog. the farmer spent thousands of dollars, covered the car in fur to look like the sheep dog and it works. the sheep don't notice, and they let a giant dog herd them around the farm. and strahan, this next bit is for you. we heard your favorite movie of all time, "dumb and dumber," reminds us of this vehicle driven by jeff daniels and the gang. >> i thought it came straight from the movie. >> right into it. >> yeah. >> also, ginger's favorite too. >> so you're saying i got a chance? love it. >> can't wait for the new one. thanks, amy. turn now to a holiday travel alert. three weeks before thanksgiving. flying could be worse than ever, more people, less space on planes, major headaches. david kerley has the story. >> reporter: get ready to join millions of others winging it home for the holidays. the airlines association expects 24.5 million of us to fly. a 1.5% increase over last year. expect trouble too. the folks at fair compare crunched the numbers and found that in the past five years, there's a 15 to 25% chance that if you travel wednesday and return sunday, there will be a weather delay. that's as high as one in four del delayed. >> flying this thanksgiving is a slow slog. there's a weather event somewhere. it's an all-day experience. >> reporter: and on the plane, they're adding more seats. but get ready for a lack of elbow room. >> there will be no empty middle seat. we haven't seen one for a couple years since airlines started to recover. >> reporter: for the airlines, as we saw last year -- so the pressure is kind of on. >> the pressure is on. >> reporter: they'll be busy for the 12 days around thanksgiving. but it is that sunday after thanksgiving that's the busiest day of the year. is this kind of like the super bowl for you guys? >> it is the super bowl. >> reporter: now i'm just the bearer of bad news this morning. if you're flying this year, you're going to pay 2% more. if you don't have a ticket, fly on thanksgiving, don't come back on sunday, you might get a deal. >> good advice. >> or just stay home. and watch shows like this. let's talk about it. country's biggest night, everybody. and what a might it was. pop and country mashing it up at the cmas. so many big names joining forces on stage. ♪ born in the usa the night may have been all about country, but first it was -- ♪ i'm all about that bass ♪ no trouble ♪ i'm all about that bass country superstar miranda lambert teaming up with pop princess meghan trainor. helping to start off the 2014 cma awards with a -- ♪ bang, bang into the room ariana grande and little big town joining forces in another epic country pop mashup. the biggest names in nashville lighting up want stage all night long. ♪ i'm driving home those honky tonk hunks, keith, luke, blake. ♪ and the boys of florida georgia line. not to mention country's leading ladies. ♪ give it all that i have ♪ if your eyes are on me ♪ you're looking at country host brad paisley and carrie underwood, nearly a dozen costume changes, teaming up for the seventh year and not afraid to go there. singing about everything from that nurse with ebola. ♪ quarantine ♪ quarantine ♪ what part of stay inside don't you understand ♪ to taylor swift who wasn't at the awards. ♪ new york's gain is nashville's loss ♪ ♪ but country music's just gonna have to shake it off ♪ >> luke brian. >> reporter: luke brian picked up the night's big prize, entertainer of the year. his first-ever cma award. >> we're going to have a good time tonight. woohoo! >> reporter: and blake shelton nabbed male vocalist of the year. but it was his lovely wife who really cleaned up. miranda lambert taking home three awards. solidifying her place as the new queen of country. love the hair too. looking good. >> looking great. >> brad and carrie were so funny. it's the sixth year they have been the co-hosts, and the timing is something. and luke, entertainer of the year? >> and i got to see the sound check of ariana teaching little big town her moves. that was cool. >> were you teaching ariana with halloween? >> no, i will not, miss grande. >> and you had a good time, despite the weather here now with us. >> it is here now. it's connected. when it's going to leave. try to figure that out. you have a wet day along the east coast. certainly this morning in new york city. it's a little more scattered through the afternoon. but right mibehind it, quite a t cooler. winter storm warnings for maine. and in texas, more rain this morning. heavy, some could be 3 to 4 inches on top of what you have. the warm cities brought to you by walgreens. >> good morning. study rain coming to an end from west to east. dry in d.c.. study downpours at times across the eastern shore and southern parts of maryland. it is still a little misty in in d.c. 55 degrees is our temperature. low to mid 50's right now. a few showers will redevelop on and off today. a rumble of thunder possible. >> and so stoil come on "gma," shocking murder for hire plot. the rock and roll hall of famer charged with trying to hire a hitman. and a real life master in disguise caught. how a man wanted for a string of heists fooled the fbi. and testing the limits, man versus anaconda. how was jimmy kimmel in two places at once last night? the secret behind virtual jimmy. >> that was something else. our man tim tebow was on the red carpet and behind the scenes for country's biggest night. told you we're in the wrong house. go! go! mom. mom! get $10 off our best valspar and olympic interior paint, via rebate. before fii kept on top i was onof things. i was a doer. then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor and i agreed that moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. 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it lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. that's cash back twice. it's cash back with a side of cash back. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. >> live from the abc 7 broadcast center, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning. i am jummy olabanji. because of the rain, we have seen a few issues. jack taylor is live with a look at the commute. we have a crash cleanup near tillman street. hopefully lanes will be moving soon. 395, slow in springfield. not too bad.ts, our forecast is sounding better. rain is starting to flow out to the west. across southern maryland, notice the redevelopment here with some spotty showers. that is very light. it is spotty, isolated showers. get rumbles of thunder later tonight. a high temperature between 63 and 68. >> thank you for watching. ♪ i've seen no place florida georgia line on jimmy kimmel last night. they won duo of the year at the cmas and performed in hollywood thanks to cutting edge technology. and check this out, jimmy kimmel in two places at the same time. never done his show that way. we're going to tell you how. we have a lot more behind the scenes at the cmas coming up. >> remember when they had the michael jackson hologram like that? it was similar. very good, especially with kim el. and the hollywood heist, a man wanted for a string of bank robberies. how the fbi cracked the case and you know masked the criminal. and the wild new reality testing the limits. this scares me to death. eaten alive. why a man is suiting up to be swallowed by a giant anaconda. >> that's just silly. >> such a great idea. >> we'll see what you say in a little bit there, lara. but begin this half hour with the bombshell accusation against a rock and roll hall of famer, a member of the iconic band, ac/dc, accused of hiring a hitman to kill two people. gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: good morning. breaking overnights, raiding phil rudd's home, and arrested him. he's had security guards watching over his house for a month. now the accusation he's behind a murder plot. ♪ dirty deeds done dirt cheap this morning ac/dc drummer phil rudd is accused of putting hits on two men, his own dirty deeds. ♪ the 60-year-old rock legend, seen here leaving a new zealand courthouse wednesday after being charged with attempting to procure the two murders. a charge punishable by up to ten years in prison. and threatening to kill and possession of illegal narcotics. raiding his water-front estate searching for evidence and any correspondence with potential hit men. ♪ back in black the shocking charges coming just weeks before the iconic band's release of "rock or bust." rudd not in the promotional cover or the filming of two recent videos. ♪ party time this isn't rudd's first run in with the law. in 2010 he was arrested on possession of drugs. those charges were later dropped. he left the band in 1983, moving to new zealand, rejoined 11 years later and inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame in 2003. he was released on bail without entering a plea. he'll be back in court on november 27th. ♪ i'm on the highway to hell and abc news reached out to the lawyers and ac/dc's representatives. we have not heard back. we do not know the hitmen or the victims. and the details in the pittsburgh murder trial. the doctor on trial for killing his wife, also a doctor. accused of lacing her drink with cyanide after telling her it was a fertility treatment. tom llamas has the story. >> reporter: this morning, the pennsylvania scientist hoping that his decision to take the stand will convince the jury he's no killer. dr. robert ferrante said he loved his wife. she even gave him a peck on the cheek before collapsing in the kitchen. >> he appeared very calm and certainly prepared. the jury was leaning forward. they were listening. >> reporter: prosecutors claim ferrante, a former researcher at harvard medical school, mixed up a deadly cocktail for his neurologist wife, dr. autumn klein, convincing her it would help her get pregnant. the alleged poison, cyanide. >> sweetie, raise your arms above your head. please, please, please. >> reporter: he ordered the toxic chemical two days before his wife died. but said it was for a stem cell project he was working on. the expert for the defense told jurors her death is a medical mystery. >> two extremely widely divergent toxicology reports. and one is within normal range. you don't have the foundation to say that doctor klein died from cyanide poisoning. >> reporter: ferrante, who's pleaded not guilty, testified that just before his wife's death in april of 2013, they had rejuvenated their relationship. but before that, they had marital problems over what he describes as flirtatious e-mails she sent to a colleague. ferrante, charged with criminal homicide, could face life in prison if convict. for "good morning america," tom llam llamas, abc news, new york. >> thanks to tom. now to michael. now to the bank robber who almost got away with it. he wore a mask, it was so realistic it fooled the police until the man who made the mask recognized his work. this bank robber caught in the act. a 60-something white man. that's 35-year-old dion jordan, the fbi's prime suspect who fooled the feds with the elaborate mask. >> it was our mask. >> reporter: ian is the master mask maker behind the different disguises. when the fbi sent out this alert following a string of bank robberies this summer, he recogni recognized the false face immediately. a custom version of this $1500 mask, the neighbor. he knew who he sold it to and called police. >> we sent all e-mail communication between me and mr. jordan to the fbi. that guy actually received that exact mask at his home address under his own name. >> reporter: with his help, the cops tracked him down with questions. he is yet to be charged in the bank robberies, he's in jail for other charges and confessed to murder since his arrest. >> if convicted, he will be going away for a long time. >> reporter: a tough reality he may have to face. >> it's the first time for us that something like that happened. i sincerely hope it will be the last. >> well, you know, the maker of the mask said he knew people could use them for bad purposes. but this is the first time. they have made thousands of mask. most for high end halloween costumes and things like that. what an incredible way to try to pull off a bank robbery. >> good for him for contacting authorities. >> i know that work. >> yes. that's it. and check in with the weather. >> i may need a mask next week. this is coming. >> it's not your fault. >> tell everybody. tell everyone, please. this is minnesota, north shf central, just weps of duluth. and this is the time of year that this type of snow happens. but the cold air pushing in and slaps you in the face by early next week. we thought we would look through friday morning, parts of the northeast, new england, upper tier along the canadian border. that's something to be looking for. and then the other side, much hotter, the fire danger is high than normal. 84 for san diego with the off-shore flow. vegas, 77. high and 55 degrees in d.c.. the rain comes down in spots, many east of i-95. >> all that weather brought to you by massage envy spa. and the first push of cold in behind the rain. i thought i would take off to florida for the gopro thing. >> good thinking there. coming up, the florida pastors punished for their good deeds. why they were arrested for feeding the homeless. and the man versus anaconda. the shocking new reality show that's pushing the limits. it's probably too far away! but with the note 4, you can always get the shot. check it out! eight times digital zoom catches every detail. woah! with optical image stabilization, you get it even in the unciest castles. woah! isn't that 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money, which means when they save, you save. because that's how it should work in the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. campbell's® fiesta chicken sausage and pepper rigatoni. southwest style bean & barley. tuscany style chicken and pasta. if you think campbell's® 33 new soups sound good... imagine how they taste! m'm m'm good!® but the stainmaster petprotect carpet and cushion system helps prevent pet stains, reduce pet odor and easily release pet hair. so get petprotect and let your pets be pets. and we're back now at 7:42 with the shocking new reality show that has people asking if television may have finally gone too far. this is a show called "eaten alive." and we believe that says it all. abc's reena ninan has our story. >> reporter: ah, remember the good old days when reality tv was all about learning survival skills? >> the tribe has spoken. >> reporter: meeting the love of your life. >> will you please kiss your bride? >> reporter: or learning how to cope when people stopped being polite and started being real? >> are you going to hit me? >> reporter: times are achanging. >> i'm paul. i'm going to be eaten alive by an that con da. i don't expect anyone to believe us until we show it. >> reporter: yes, you heard that correctly. the discovery channel is promising to go where american television has never gone before with the premier of "eaten alive." it's promising that paul will be eaten alive by a giant snake. after covering himself in pig's blood while wearing a custom-built suit. >> it's going to be a challenge. >> now viewers are gravitating towards scripted shows, they have come up with something that's going to generate a lot of buzz. >> reporter: discovery is leading the way with "maked and afraid" and "tethered." mtv joining in with "sledneck," a wintery hit like "buck wild." canceled after one season when one of the stars was killed mudding. it has been filmed, and he's believed to have survived along with his snake. reena ninan, abc news, new york. ngts believed to have survived? >> that's good news. >> but how do you get out? >> oh, no. i don't want to no. >> turn to scripted. couldn't you have scripted that and done a fictional shoot? >> i'm with you, amy. >> is every episode a didn't anaconda? >> i don't know. i'm going to jump out there, see the anaconda, i'm going to swallow him. >> good luck, anaconda. >> a little smaller target. i'm just saying. coming up, we have good news if you're looking to get rid of wrinkles. a new study revealing how some popular cosmetic procedures really work. these actually are great, you guys. >> okay. and jennifer aniston opening up about her make under. and why she says it's empowering. and jimmy kimmel in two places at once last night for a ground-breaking show. we're going to see how he pulled it all off. told you we're in the wrong house. go! go! mom. mom! get $10 off our best valspar and olympic interior paint, via rebate. it's in this spirit that ingu u.s. is becoming a new kind of company. one that helps you think differently about what's ahead, and what's possible when you get things organized. ing u.s. is now voya. changing the way you think of retirement. big names to fall for! kohl's has great savings on big names in outerwear! plus, get $10 off your purchase of $25 or more with a yes pass! and save even more late friday and early saturday! at kohl's veterans day weekend sale find your yes. kohl's. of connecting with family and friends. ities... realpad from aarp is now your easy way to share... enjoy... play... and celebrate. it's the tablet with free unlimited live help whenever you need it. hi, mom! hi, dad! happy anniversary! cherish moments like these with realpad. available at and at walmart. ♪ now to jimmy kimmel celebrating country music's biggest night with the help of some cutting edge technology. using a hologram to be in both nashville and l.a. at the same time. and t.j. holmes has more in the social square. good morning. >> this one is for you. people say they like to be two places at once. in your case, two, three, four, five, can't keep up with the shows. he pulled this off last night, and could set the stage for beam me up. >> tonight, making television history, this hasn't been done before. >> reporter: jimmy kimmel with the ultimate double feature overnight. >> here i am. >> reporter: you're not seeing things. hosting his show from skplachlt beamed to the show in nashville as a hologram 2,000 miles away in real time. >> i'm either a hologram or i died and i'm haunting the theater. >> reporter: he wasn't the only one. country music star kacey musgraves was digitally transported cross-country to be interviewed on his show. >> yay! >> reporter: along with cma-award winning vocal duo, florida georgia line. appearing live as holograms from nashville. >> you're speaking to a hologram right here. i'm not here. i'm in hawaii. >> reporter: talking to us about the cross-continental experience last night. >> it was very cool. >> reporter: and joins the ranks of the hologramed celebs. >> michael jackson, elvis, tupac and me. am i dead? tell me if i'm dead. if ryan seacrest finds about this, he's going to host every show. this could be dangerous. >> reporter: this technology has been around a bit. we have talked about it a bit before. it was such a high-profile success, it could be beamed to kelly to the nfl studio. >> never leave your bed. >> thank you, t.j. >> yeah, that would be awesome, t.j. we're going to work on that. coming up, deals and steals, some of oprah's favorite things. stay right there. ♪ you could be at the corner of "i'm throwing away money" and "i had no idea." well, walgreens has your back. our expert pharmacists make it easy for you to save on your prescriptions. so you can keep your money where it belongs. swing by walgreens... ...where you could save even more with medicare prescription copays as low as zero dollars. at the corner of happy and healthy. ghirardelli squares peppermint bark.zvous ♪ rich chocolate layers and festive peppermint. a ghirardelli original. ♪ a little reward for all the things you do ♪ get them before they disappear. >> live from the abc 7 broadcast center, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning. i am jummy olabanji. we are going to get over to jack taylor at the wtop traffic center. he has a look at this rainy commute. beach drive reopened. we had a crash that closed it down towards tilden. all lanes are open again. 66 east, a crash inside the beltway, just where the dulles toll road merges into washington boulevard. 495, towards cautious, be careful. towards seminary road, a broken down vehicle. they cleared it, but they left cones in the roadway. vdot just pick them up. that is a silver lining. is done in most areas. we have a little bit of missed in d.c. -- a little bit of mist in d.c. notice we got a couple of spotty showers along i-95 to the south and trying to make its way into the district. late this afternoon and this evening, eastern parts of the area could have thunder. temperatures will be in the mid to 60's. >> thank you for watching. ♪ ♪ only one place helps you maximize everything in your life, everyday. the place where you always get more than you pay for... t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. this fall, shop smarter. maxx first! doesn't everyone deserve a maxx life? t.j.maxx. ♪ what a feeling good morning, america. "gma" goes country. tim tebow behind the scenes of country music's biggest night. >> reporter: i'm here with an absolute legend, garth brooks. tim tebow. >> to hunter hayes and kacey musgraves, wait until you hear what they all told tim. jennifer aniston's big makeunder. why the star is trending tops on facebook for ditching the makeup. calling it dreamy and liberating. glnk and you're parents of teenage girls, raid raising them to get what they want and negotiate their way to success. and robin sharing a story you don't want to miss. two brothers, one coach. and what they discovered they were truly thankful for. as we say -- >> good morning, america. what's up? this is meghan trainor. i'm here at the cmas, it's pretty crazy. good morning, america. ♪ i'm all about that bass and in times square today, you know her from housewives -- real housewives. but guess what? she's coming to broadway, starring in cinderella soon. can't wait. >> she's taking the role sherri shepherd played so well on broadway. and more of the biggest night, live to nashville. tim tebow was there for it all. he was a presenter. and look at him on the streets of music city usa. he's going to show us things we didn't see last night. thanks, tim. and tory johnson is here with one of the best deals and steals of the year. oprah's favorite thing for the holidays. >> oh. thank you -- oh -- >> serious stuff. >> i'm always -- it looks that way, doesn't it? dibs on that. >> done. got you. and then also we have a really interesting study for anybody looking to get rid of wrinkles. what you need to know before you visit the doctor. >> that's -- >> i'm going to have to go to the doctor if this song doesn't turn off. >> oh, boy. >> it was going in my head around and around. now it's going to be doing it again. >> that's the editorial, now the news. >> we have serious stuff to discuss. i couldn't help myself. we begin with the dramatic rescue of a young woman caught on camera as she was brutally abducted off a street in philadelphia. 22-year-old carlesha freeland-gaither is back with her family after three days. they used gps to track her down. finding her inside a car in a maryland parking lot with the man accused of kidnapping her. and he's facing an unrelated attempted murder charge and charged with abducting other women as well. she's straik shaken up, but no physical injuries. we are so happy for her and her family. the other big story is overseas, the u.s. military expanding air strikes in syria. coalition air strikes targeted a group not linked to isis. and targeting veteran al qaeda fighters who were said to be plotting attacks on western targets. and despite the coalition air assault in neighboring iraq, the fighting rages on in the north. president obama is asking congress for $6 billion to help fight ebola in west africa where the death toll is now approaching 5,000. some of the money would support new u.s. military hospitals. and breaking overnight, the body of a hollywood movie executive missing for two and a half years has been found. hikers found gavin smith's remains in a remote spot north of los angeles. he was gone in 2012, and they found his car in a storage facility belonged to a drug dealer. he's now a person of interest. it's a homicide. and two pastors in florida and a 90-year-old volunteer are facing jail time after they were arrested for feeding the homeless. arnold abbott served meals to the homeless for decades. but he was detained for defying a new city ordinance to keep homeless people from overrunning parks and beaches. that does not seem right. no. i agree. a dispute over a parking space at a shopping mall turned into dangerous road rage. it's posted on youtube. an angry driver gets into the car and backs up at full speed, crashing into an suv. and oh my gosh, narrowly missing those two men. no word if police have caught up with him yet. but that video is chilling. and extremely disturbing. >> yeah. >> let's switch gears. something happy. finally, timing is everything. but when a couple got married at a water park in florida. they had no idea they could get this lucky. just as they kissed, a dolphin jumping out of the water as if it had been choreographed. cue the dolphin. the photographer said it couldn't have been more perfect. later both of the dolphins peered over the tank to get a closer look. seriously, the luckest couple on the planet. their marriage is blessed. >> in many countries that's a very good sign. >> i've heard that. i've heard that. >> thank you. thanks, and turn now to a new study for those looking to get rid of wrinkles. non-surgical treatments are safe. reena ninan has the details. >> botox and laser treatments, they're the non-surgical procedures people swear by. >> it's the best out there. >> reporter: and now a new study shows they're safer than you might think. >> the safety profile has gotten better over the years. >> reporter: the study examining more than 20,000 treatments across the country, including various lasers, facial fillers and botox. finding only less than 1% of patients experienced negative side effects. most were minor. >> all these procedures, fillers, lasers, botox, they come with some risk. knowing how to use the devices properly will minimize that outcome. >> reporter: it's good news for women. >> it makes me feel amazing. >> reporter: she started botox ten years ago and now gets lasers and fillers. shying away from surgical procedures because of the cost and complications. >> i'm afraid of the surgical, afraid of the knife. >> reporter: she's not alone. these types of non-surgical beauty procedures are on the rise. more than 13 million last year, up 3% from the year before. >> it's less expensive. your down time is a week. it just seems like the right way to go for me. >> reporter: and now safe too, she says that's one more reason to smile without those pesky laugh lines, of course. for "gma," reena ninan, abc news, new york. >> thanks for that. "pop news" and weather coming up. now to robin in the social square. over here. what's ahead on the "gma morning menu" and "pop news." robert downey jr. and his beautiful wife, susan, welcoming the newest member of their family. and jennifer aniston, the make under. why she called it a dream. tory johnson, this is one of our favorite things. deals and steals from oprah's favorite things for the holidays. >> yes. and nene leakes is here as well. >> how are you? >> kisses. so sweet. >> making hour debut on broadway. we're going to talk about that and a whole lot more here on "good morning america." want to do the can-can? moderate to severe crohn's disease is tough, but i've managed. except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. we'll start looking for an suv... 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inspired to use their bankamericard cash rewards credit card to throw the ultimate ugly sweater party of the season. that's the spirit of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. this is how you see "gma." pretty good, right? well, what if you could see what we see. tomorrow, you can. we're strapping on go pros. for the first time, see "gma" through our eyes. and what you'll see is gopro amazing. hey, ginger's even jumping out of a plane, live. >> i'm about to go mad with gopro. >> you'll be with her all the way down. tomorrow, "gma" goes pro. >> and go big or go home. >> yeah. >> we are so excited about "gma" goes -- what are we saying? >> gopro. >> gopro. >> maybe go away. following all of us. >> you're going to see it tomorrow. to get you ready, check out these skiers in the french al s. the first skier off the cliff on purpose. >> ginger's like, whatever. >> what's so great about this, we don't have to do it now. somebody else did. perfect. a pair a chute right there. does the same thing on the way down. see there? the pair a chute? >> and then the avalanche. >> they caught that on the gopro. >> would you do that? >> yes. >> why do you even ask anymore? >> what are you afraid of? >> driving a car. >> it's probably one of the most dangerous things you can do. >> right after the show, you and me. meet me mt. parking lot. >> it's all statistics. >> that's right. hey, "pop news" time, everybody. >> let's do it. >> gopro tomorrow, "pop news" now. begin with robert downey jr. and his wife susan welcoming their new baby girl. avery roe well. they announced that after nine months of intensive development, principal photographer has commenced on 11/14, and continue until she says you're embarrassing me, i'm 30. i believe that's number three for them. very happy for them. now to the states really living the high life. and i want to ask you guys, what states do you think the gals wear the highest heels? >> new york. >> l.a. >> l.a., new york, you'd think. >> down south? >> how about arkansas. guilt, the fashion site, crunched the numbers for the highest heels. and topping the list are arkansas, nevada, florida and puerto rico. close to 3 inches in those places. kansas, nebraska, delaware, maine, lower end. not quite as surprising. but the stiletto spem trctrum i broad. i just thought you needed to know this. >> george and i are riveted by this study. how did we miss that answer. >> some morning are slower than others. some days have to you have to d you have to do. which brings me to this. come on, robin. ♪ exciting and new don't we have it in the studio? oh, there we go. ♪ we're expecting you come on, now. this is all you, george. ♪ the love boat ♪ we'll be making another -- >> you know all the words? >> yes, i do. love this. this and fantasy island. oh, yeah. the plane, the plane. >> wanted to let you know the reason for that diddy was the stars of the love boat have reunited to celebrate the 50th anniversary of princess cruise lines. six of the original cast members from the beloved tv show got on board. captain stubing, and guest stars from favorite episodes, florence henderson there. and even aaron spelling represented through his daughter, tory spelling. >> and helped the cruises, the show. people weren't going on cruises before that. >> "fantasy island." >> a riveting edition. heat index coming up, go to ginger. ♪ love boat we're all singing. >> all of us know every word to the love boat. you all are good sports. where are you in from? >> new mexico. >> from new mexico. we're cherishing until this morning. nice sign. almost looks like some sunshine we're going to be talking about eventually. but not in the pacific northwest. this is there, high wind advisories and warnings. that comes along with moisture. rain in some places could be over 2 inches. the gusts could be over 55 miles per hour. you heard me talking about the cold coming. but this is how chilly into the weekend. that's the cool part. staying through the weekend, that's cool. next week, down right frigid. okay. we'll be, of course, tracking >> cool temperatures this morning but you need a jacket. inre still a little misty d.c. but overcast. rain showers are over to the eastern shore. we are tracking this line of showers that is heading up to the north and east. annapolis may get wet in the near future. afternoon showers will be possible and even a rumble of thunder. tomorrow, a mix of clouds and sun. >> and we don't ever mind seeing a couple men in uniform. thank you for everything. what are you doing here? >> we're here with the air force health professionals recruiting. >> recruiting for the air force. okay. get back inside. and the prospects. now time for the heat index. and recent research suggesting that women don't negotiate for things they deserve. offers tips on how to raise girls to do it successfully. experts say it's girls feel less confident as teams. reinforce their worth, good idea. and get them comfortable in negotiating, coach them in finding common ground. school fundraisers, bedtime, allowance, sleepovers. my girls have learned it. >> they can outnegotiate me. >> they're tough. >> that the stay with them. >> i hope so. >> good advice indeed. and also this morning, jennifer aniston opening up about the make underfor the role in "cake." hardly any makeup at all. and she was on a panel, and being without makeup was, quote, so fabulous, so dreamy, empowering and liberating. adding that the only time in the makeup chair was to have the scars drawn on. it hits the theaters in 2015. oscar buzz. she got a standing ovation. that says it all. >> good for her. also in the heat index, the cmas, you know the big night in nashville. country music's biggest superstars coming together. tim tebow was there, kicking off on the red carpet. timmy joins us from nashville. good to see you, tim. >> reporter: we missed you here, robin. it was an awesome night. we had a lot of fun. a lot of friends and stars. and we enjoyed it. it was awesome to be backstage. take a look. ♪ >> hey. >> it's tim tebow. >> couldn't have picked a better guy. >> you're interviewing me? >> reporter: yeah, not him. florida georgia line. florida/georgia game last week, who were you rooting for? >> florida. >> i'm a seminole. zblsh nobody's perfect. get a look at the shiny shoes? a lot of confidence right there. rocking the tux look. no bow tie. >> every time i do a tie, it chokes me. i don't think if it's a singing thing. >> reporter: you have the most amazing voice. >> thank you. >> this is a party. >> reporter: who are you looking forward to see perform? >> mcgraw. i saw him backstage. i wanted a pushup contest with him. >> reporter: out of your songs, my favorite is "we rode in trucks." >> that's archival, old school. >> we're ready to play. >> reporter: seems like you're always ready to play. >> i love what i do. >> reporter: i'm here with darius rucker. we have been friends for a long time. you are presenting tonight, don't to want make you nervous. >> tim, i always have been and will be team tebow. except that time you whooped me in golf. that wasn't cool. >> reporter: more nervous bout the show or the red carpet? >> ask me five seconds before i go on. >> reporter: but the one person i didn't get to meet found me, heir row smith legend steven tyler with a photo bomb. >> looks like a good time. wonderful to see you presenting there. i understand you have a story about miss musgraves? >> it was a lot of fun, she chose darius over me. but he's been going since 1986 with hootie. i would have chose her as well. >> the gentleman. you were there in case she needed you. you were there. glr thank you. >> glad you had a great time. see you this weekend, football, s.e.c. to see what the stars wore, go to on yahoo!. and now, oh, my goodness, talk about all-star collection right here. a big treat for this morning's deals and steals. everything comes from oprah's all new favorite things for the holiday. tory johnson and adam glassman are here to reveal this year's o specials. you know these deals are going to fly. go to our website right away to get everything. >> it's an extra special day because it's adam's birthday. happy birthday, adam. >> really? should we get started. >> yes. i was telling everyone how she loves her chai. this is the oprah chai tea set from teavana. you get a maker and big mugs. >> nice size. >> she helped design them herself. and the splash of almond milk is not there, her favorite finishing touch. >> normally ranges from $8 to $90, slashed in half, 4 bucks to $45 for the big kit. really nice. >> it's really delicious. >> i've had it. >> you've had it. >> how about something to go with the tea? >> who doesn't love bark on the holidays? this is remarkable bark. it's a great gift set. fabulous about it, it's part graham cracker, part toffee and part chocolate bar. >> what i love, you get the tins, some of the plain chocolate, the peppermint chocolate. i have been sharing the wealth around here. it's good, right? >> it's good. >> when you freeze or refrigerate it, it's extra-special. and hand-made in california. normally $42, slashed in half. 21 bucks for the two tins. >> i like the chill. >> it's great right out of the freezer, even better. >> how about this? >> monogrammed cufflinks from moon and low la. it's a great gift. look at the monograms. yes, you can get them in 32 different colors in silver or gold. >> beautiful. beautiful. >> oprah loves a white shirt and anything that jazzes it up. these are perfect. >> what's the deal? >> really good deal, normally $68 online. but today only, slashed in half, $34. really pretty. and so many different colors to choose from. >> the tea -- we have so much -- >> this is going to be your favorite. >> this is going to be your favorite. from peace, love world, this is the i love sundays sweatshirt. feel it. the most delicious sweatshirt in the world. >> what's it made of? >> this is cotton. oprah watches this every sunday. >> super soul sunday. >> yes. everyone will wear this. unbelievable. >> it's a beautiful company. everything they make is phenomenal. inspiration inspirational, fun messages. not inexpensive, normally $98, slashed in half, $49, plus from peace, love, world, free shipping. >> it's slashed in half. so you get a good deal. >> you will live in this. >> i plan on it. >> yes. >> and last but not least. >> oh, wow. >> this one, the perfect tote bag from nine west. >> lara spencer was eyeing that orange one. >> every woman needs a tote bag to take you from the weekday to weekend. this is super-luxurious looking, and the faux leather. a lot of bang for your buck. >> the faux leather. >> eight different colors, three here. but eight different colors, i love it. normally $79, slashed by 51%, $39 plus from nine west, free shipping. two bonus deals from this amazing issue at "good morning america" on i canyahoo. >> thank you for being here. you can see the links and codes at our website. nene leakes when we come back. >> live from the abc 7 broadcast center, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning. it's 8:27. i'm jummy olabanji. because of the rain we've had a pretty messy to me because of the wet roads. jack taylor has an update. >> george washington parkway northbound, the crash has moved out of the roadway. the exit for south capital, a truck hit the overhead sign. please be careful. 95 northbound virginia, crash on the ramp blocks the right lane of two. beginning to recover from dale city. shoulder, ae, left car is facing the wrong way. our forecast seems like it is getting better. >> everything is so damp. the roads are still wet. it is a little foggy and misty in spots. 55 degrees in d.c. the rain showers have wished along the eastern shore. morning rain giving way to a few afternoon showers. temperatures in the mid-a number 60. breezy and cooler tomorrow with high temperatures in the middle 50's. partlyy looks ok, cloudy, 55. >> thank you. thank you for watching. we'll see you at 8:56 with another update. have a great day. ♪ over my head and out of my mind ♪ good morning, america. a hearty crowd in times square this morning. hardy and happy. and we have nene leakes here this morning. >> hi! >> she has so much going on. real housewives, here for her broadway debut, clothing line. we could go on and on. and a wonderful story leading up to thanksgiving. it's going to be here before you know it. how one man in the philadelphia -- i should say pittsburgh area -- a boxing coach, two young boys he has fostered. and now adopted. he has really changed their lives. >> they have some good form. >> really good. great story. >> thankful thursday. >> excited to share that with everybody. and a remarkable story about a 12-year-old girl who lost 100 pounds and found her way to happier, healthy life. and now tony reali in the social square with the speed feed. >> it's trending anywhere, it's the speed feed. get right to. on youtube, and melting our hearts, the story of the record-setting panda triplets. cuties set a record, only known set of surviving giant panda triplets in the world. surviving their 101st birthday. it's a tradition to wait 100 days before naming the panda cubs. i think the social media games can begin, i see a george, michael, and gio. benedict cumberbatch sharing the news he's marrying h ining girlfriend the old fashioned way with a newspaper add. they have been known to call themselves cumber i know babes. they are brokenhearted he's off the market. and the big screen, google, alex from target. we brought you his story yesterday. the picture of him was posted on twitter and the 16-year-old instantly trended and got his fair share of marriage proposals. he jumped from 144 twitter follows to more than 650,000. there's questions how the story came about, but it's real for young alex. he hit the ellen show yesterday to make sense of it all. here's his theirries about the contributing to his fame. >> i can dance. not well. it's embarrassing. >> then don't. and gopro day coming up on "gma." watch your back on the set, robin. i'm coming for you. >> see it from your point of view. super man. >> super man. >> thank you so much. ellen is so fun, when sits down, gets to it. now an inspiring weight loss story, a young girl who tipped the scales at 265 pounds and had the ah-ha moment, changing her diet and her life. abc's sarah haines has the story. >> reporter: for hannah, weight was a lifetime struggle. >> i tried different programs and nothing worked for me. >> reporter: a self-proclaimed overeater, she hit her heaviest at 265 pounds. but then an unexpected turning point her junior year of high school. >> all of my friends were trying on their prom dresses. they felt so confident. and just loved their dresses. and i just longed for that. >> reporter: more determined than ever, she went on an inspiring two year weight loss journey. >> i have lost 110 pounds. >> reporter: no short cuts. the first major change, her diet. >> in the morning i usually have any overnight oats. for lunch i like to have salad with different veggies. for dinner i like to have chicken with different sliced tomatoes, feta, different marinades. >> reporter: she doesn't belong to a gym, walks three miles a day, workout videos, and the secret strengthening tool? >> the thy master on my arms. it works well. >> reporter: she admits the journey is not without its challenges. >> i have my off days. everyone does. but it's important to get back on track and the off day doesn't define your weight loss journey. >> reporter: hannah, now armed with the self-confidence she never knew. >> so many people are inspired by my story. that builds my confidence so much more knowing that i was able to help somebody just think about or take the first step in their own weight loss journey. >> reporter: for "good morning america," sara haines, abc news, new york. >> very happy for her. thank you for bringing that to us. we were trying to watch the piece, and you, tony, with the g gopro in our face. >> i got it. >> easy on the camera work. >> you look like a detective. >> dramamine for everybody. >> it all leads up to the big reveal tomorrow. oh, nice. >> everybody has cameras now. >> we are now transmitting from mars. >> hey, thanks again, tony. let's get outside where it's safer. final check of the weather with ginger. >> making you stick with that. we will be celebrating a 30th anniversary, this beautiful couple from st. louis. >> we met someone from st. louis, we're from toronto. >> ontario. >> exactly right. somebody is saying, ontario. st. louis today. you're not a ginger, i'm a ginger. give me the jazz hands you promised. that's how to start weather. i have a sun halo. samantha was going down to homestead, florida, where we are going to be jumping tomorrow with the big gopro show. miami today, 82, dry. nice in florida. not the same as the rain moves in and will change to snow in >> good morning, washington. the rain is pretty much out of here. 55 degrees in d.c. a few showers this afternoon and we can get some leaks of >> all that weather brought to you by carmarx. can you from st. louis? anybody? all right, amy, let's get inside. christopher nolan, moe men to, and the blockbuster batman trilogy set his sights on space with interstellar. it stars matthew mcconaughey, a farmer and former restaurant called on to save the world. >> you're the best pilot we ever had. >> i barely left the stratosphe stratosphere. >> they have never left the simulator this was the mission you trained for. >> without knowing it. an hour ago you didn't know i was alive. you were going anyway. >> we had no choice. >> how long will i be gone? >> hard to know. years. >> i've got kids, professor. >> get out there and save them. >> and we are thrilled to have director, writer and producer chris nolan here this morning. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> it's a remarkable film. it's rare to go to a theater and feel like you're in a different place and a different time. it was truly an experience. is that what you were hoping to achie achieve? >> yeah, we wanted the intense audience experience. we mixed the sound in an intense way. the rocket taking off. it was designed to be immersive. making people feel they're on the journey with these characters. >> as a mother it moved me. it was unexpected. and you felt this father's anguish and turmoil. my husband's going to kill me for saying this, he kroied. it brought it home emotionally. it was difficult to do in the space fantasy. >> i'm sure it s manlman tears. >> of course. >> quite allowable. it's based on an emotional journey. a lot of extraordinary things in the film. a big adventure. but i felt the emotional story was key. >> and instead of relying on cgi or green screen to fortray the incredible images from space, you worked with it to make it more fully realized. tell me what you did? >> we didn't to want use any green screens. i wanted the actors to sit down in the cockpit of the spaceship and be in a simulator, not the set. we put the views outside the windows, ships that could react, feel like they were flying. >> we have a lot of "gma" fans who have posted questions on our instagram. krista wonders, after the films are released and well-received, do you find things you wish you could change or watch it a year later and think it's perfect. >> it's not about it being perfect. i try not to worry too much about what i could have done differently. because the truth is, it's an imperfect process. i try not to look back too much. >> christopher nolan, thank you so much for joining us. and "interstellar" opens nationwide tomorrow. and coming up, the incredible story of a police and coming up, the incredible story of a police detective who helped change the start shopping a new way. start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. you deserve it. maxx life at t.j.maxx. ♪ you know what? we're not waiting. we're going to celebrate thanksgivithank thanksgiving all month with thankful thursdays honoring people with big hearts making a difference. this morning, a police detective who rescued two procedures, changing their lives forever. in this old, retired fire house in pittsburgh, pennsylvania, an unlikely story of hope between the ropes. >> jab. >> reporter: inside, a boxing gym. >> they wanted to learn how to box. >> reporter: where josh and his brother, jesse, found much more than a workout. they found something to be truly thankful for. two years ago their coach, jack, noticed that something was terribly wrong. >> they looked peal. josh had bags under his eyes. >> reporter: and one day the boirs living in a foster home stopped coming. >> we were concerned. >> reporter: jack tracked them down and discovered something painful. their existence spiralled into a living nightmare with no beds and no parenting. >> josh's words were, i'm trying to sleep my life away. what do you mean? i get home from school, fall asleep until i have to get to school again. can you help snus. >> he said you're coming home with me now. that was one of the greatest moments of my life so far that i could think of. >> reporter: jack took them in as foster dad and adopted them. the judge so moved she had a photo taken. >> he's teaching me how to be a better man in life. >> reporter: the boys hit the lottery of fatherhood. he's a gulf war veteran, proud of his years with the army's 82nd air borne. and a narcotics detective. that's his day job. and he can cook. kind of. >> everything he does is for a purpose like he likes to say. >> reporter: this isn't the first time he rescued someone. he took in his niece and launched her into adulthood. >> i remember at 18 years old working at a restaurant, he would iron my shirts, teach me stuff. >> reporter: now a mother herself, she's grateful and in awe of what he's doing for these two beautiful boys. >> they are so happy. i mean, we would give anything just for them to never feel this pain again. he's a hero. not just in the boy's eyes, but, you know, mine, my family's, his friends. everybody can see it. not many people would change their lives like that. and just turn everything upside down at the drop of a dime and just, you know, take on a new life. >> reporter: and ladies, listen up, this human super hero is single. but he is focused on the children. building his family one step at a time. >> i'm all right with dinner and maybe drinks. and that's as far as it's going to go. >> reporter: my mother often said with family you may not have it all together, but together you have it all. we thought we'd end with a message from the kids to jack. >> coach, i just wanted to say thank you for everything you've done. >> and i just wanted to let you know that you're the best father in the world. >> we want to thank you detective jack for opening his heart to the two brothers who's lives he has changed forever. >> what a stunning example. >> thank you for bringing us thankful thursdays. >> people are bringing them to us. we want to say if someone you know is worthy of a "gma"-size thank you, go to on yahoo. tell us their story. we'd love to share it. it's lead up a special thanksgiving night. "thank you america." celebrating unsung heros like jack. it'll air thursday move 27th. that is thanksgiving night at 8:00/7:00 central. when you have your turkey sandwich after a long day. sit down with the family and watch this. >> get even more of a glow. >> that's right. we hope you do. and coming up on "gma," nene leakes is going to well, think. nene leakes, everybody. i'm getting blond advice from the blond and beautiful nene leakes. brand new season of the real housewives of atlanta. set to kick off. she's set to make her broadway debut in rodgers and hammerstein's cinderella. you have a clothing line. >> i do. >> you are a busy, busy woman. start with the housewives. >> yes. >> here we go again. >> okay. >> where are we picking up? most surprised by in season seven? >> i think the episode one, you're going to see me in vegas hosting cirque du soleil, and this is the seventh season. i'm the o.g. on the cast. >> o.g.? >> the only original housewife. >> yep. love it. >> so the relationships have definitely changed on this show. and we have a lot of new girls around. >> yeah, how is that for you? do you want to give them advice? >> no, i don't. you know nobody gave me any advice. >> nope. >> they don't give you a handbook that comes with this. you have to learn as you go. and so it's kind of different when the new girls come around. it kind of changes the dynamic. >> of the new girls, what is the one you're most like watching it in slow motion? >> i say that about every new girl. >> are they making mistakes that you're able to see and go this is not going to end well? >> i don't like when they come on and they're just doing so much. it's like -- it's a lot. it's a lot when they come on. >> it's like they're trying to manufacture -- >> trying so hard. yeah. really disturbs me. when we started with me and kim way back, we were just being ourselves. and these girls now come on and they do so much. you know, just to be on camera for a few minutes. >> do you call them out? >> i do. i say how much did they pay you now? >> yeah. this sounds like good tv. i don't know about you guys. and we love your -- you've become a bit of a cultural force with your sayings. i think we have a picture to show everybody. you customized your bag. >> i did. >> tell me about this picture. what am i looking at in. >> that is the bag with the nene--isms since i have been on the housewives. bloop, i'm rich and wig. >> i love bloop. i remember that. that was the early days. >> and plunk, and so nasty and so rude. all those things. >> and you were none of those things as you make your broadway debut, my friend. what an awesome experience that must be. >> isn't it great? i was just so blown away when they called and asked me to be a part of it. >> sicinderella, taking over th role of sherri shepherd. >> madame. >> are you -- you're a little naughty? >> well, yeah. i am. she has a very big personality. she sort of tells it like it is. she said a lot of things. >> i don't know how you got cast in that role. it's weird. >> i don't know how i got cast either. she asks for an apology at the end. i love the character, she sings, she dances, bosses people around. >> i feel like i'm listening to an episode of house wives. all good. and you talk about the clothing line too. which seems so natural. you have become such a stylist. >> this is actually a nene leakes collection piece. it's at hsn. it's size 2 to 24. it's an affordable luxury line that i wanted to do for every woman every size and every age. >> you know what i have to say to that? >> yeah. >> bloop. >> it's really great. i love being a designer, by the way. >> and an actress. >> i love being a housewife. >> we love having you on the show. i had a game i wanted to play. but there's never enough time. >> why? bring your girls to cinderella. >> i will bring my daughter and a friend. my son i cannot promise. >> bring the girls. >> nene leakes, everybody. season seven, the real housewives of atlanta, on bravo. and cinderella, starting november this is how you see "gma," what if you could see what we see? tomorrow you can. we're strapping on gopros to see "gma" through our eyes. ginger is jumping out of a plane live. >> i'm about to go mad with gopro. >> tomorrow, "gma" goes pro. that woman right there, jumping out of a plane tomorrow. >> we love you, ginger. >> love you. see ya'll later. hopefully. >> live from the abc 7 broadcast center, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning. i'm jummy olabanji. it's 8:57. the wet roadways made for a pretty messy commute. jack taylor is following it all. >> it has been a very tough warning. everything is wet and slick. we have a problem on 381, it is close with accident investigation. a truck hit the overhead sign on 270 north at south capitol street. out95 leaving the district, wound 14th street bridge, only the far left lane is getting by. as you cross the 11th to get out of downtown. this is very slow. do you have better news? >> the steady rain is over and done with. spotty showers off to the east. a new disturbance comes through. i think we will get a decent break. we have 50 degrees in gaithersburg. 54 in manassas. we should make it into the middle 60's with a few showers and possibly a rumble of thunder. greasy and cooler tomorrow with temperatures in the 50's. >> thank you for joining us. "live with kelly and michael" is next. have a great d announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, from the comedy "dumb and dumber to," jeff daniels. and the star of "the theory of everything," eddie redmayne. and paw-pect pet week continues all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause]


Transcripts For WPVI Action News 20140925

drenching downpours will be a nuisance. wednesday night, jim's off, i'm monica malpass. big story on "action news" tonight is soaking rain moves in the our region. meteorologist cecily tynan tracking it all with storm tracker six double scan. is what the late word from accu weather. >> welshing storm tracker six double scan is showing rain has reached philadelphia but this is not torrential rain just yet. this is light rain from philadelphia, down through delaware, southern new jersey, and, however, if you go wider on storm tracker six live double scan you can see we're watching this area of moisture that is blossoming off over the atlantic and you can see it heading toward south jersey and even a wider view showing that the actual center of the storm system low is still well down to the south. it is off the carolina coast, it is slow liz working up to the north and east and it is not a very strong storm system. the it will not bring us a tremendous amount of rain. the problem though is when it occurs. right through here during the heart of the morning commute. future tracker showing 8:00 tomorrow morning we will see orange and red. net is heavier downpours over the heart of the delaware valley in the morning. in addition to that with the storm like this you will get wind out of the east, off the ocean and the wind gusts, same time at 8:00 in the morning 45 miles an hour at the jersey shore, close to 30 miles an hour inland. it will be very wet morning commute. it will be a very windy morning commute. so planning your morning commute tomorrow morning, the morning rush hour is going to be cool at 6:00. 59 degrees. at 8:60. some heavy rain, high wind. i cannot stress enough a how plenty of extra time. the good news is the the weather will be gradually improving throughout the day and weekend is looking spectacular. i will have details in the full seven day forecast, monica. >> thanks, cecily. "action news" morning team will be on the air to get you through the rainy morning commute. matt o'donnell, tamala edward, meteorologist david murphy and karen rodgers will have very latest traffic conditions. you can join them starting at 4:30 a.m. three bucks county suspects are about to be a rain for a severe attack on the gay couple recently. twenty-four year-old catherine in the not, 24 year-old philip williams and 25 year-old kevin harrigan air accused of making slurs and beating a couple on chancellor street. the suspect claim it was a mutual fight not motivated by sexual orientation. knott is also in trouble for her twitter post about her job, her father, a police chief and more. "action news" reporter kenneth moton live at central detectives with that part of the story, kenneth. >> reporter: monica, hours after catherine knott was named as a suspect her twitter account went viral. tonight she has been suspended from her montgomery county hospital job and now even her police chief father is under the microscope. all three are accused of a violent attack on two gay men in center city but as 24 year-old catherine in the not who is getting most of the attention thanks to her very public twitter feed. some tweet where is even homophobic. >> i represent a young woman has never been in trouble, coming from the wonderful family, she has a law enforcement background within her family. >> reporter: knott's attorney is talking about her father, karl knott, a lieutenant in abington township when his doubt are tweeted about special treatment for her dad. within tweet claims she went on a police raid and kick down a door in december of 2012. abington's police chief bill kelly says the young woman was on a legitimate ride along but the rest was false. as for the other tweets, they also appear in the to be true. >> there is no allegation against any member of this police department that goes unresearched. regardless of whether it is anonymous or how it comes in we research it because we value the reputation of our police department. >> reporter: kelly spoke with other officers and even chief knott, an exemplary officer he has known for 30 years. >> he was an outstanding individual and i respected him tremendously and so did the members of the department. >> reporter: is there more trouble in the water for catherine knott the who works as a er tech at lansdale hospital. it appears she also tweeted patients x-rays from her job, a possible federal crime. abington health suspended not in the and said it is investigating. as for that attack attorneys for the suspect say it wasn't gay bashing but a mutual confrontation. >> with respect to how it escalated, that is unfortunate. but it only escalated after one of the victims struck one of the young girls in the face out in the street. >> reporter: once again knott and other two suspects are expect to be arraigned here, sometime tonight. we spoke with chalfont boro where knott's father is the police chief. boro administrators said on the advice of legal council, in comment. reporting live outside central detectives here in spring garden, kenneth moton for channel six "action news". >> thanks, kenneth. a police cruiser was hit by a bullet in pemberton, new jersey tonight but nobody was hurt 367:89:45 somebody fired a single shot at the park patrol car here in the intersection of norcross lane. an officer was sitting inside at the time. the bullet hit the roof but did not penetrate inside. the investigation continues, so far, no suspects. a shoot-out near a north philadelphia school left a man dead and two others were injured. this is the the chaotic scene this afternoon outside the pan american academy charter school. it is at intersection of america and cambria street. police say the driver of the car got into a shoot-out with someone on the sidewalk, the driver, tied, and a third person was hit by a car after it veered out of control. no word what spark the fight. a young man shot twice in his head died at the hospital of the university of pennsylvania. shooting happened at 5:00 p.m. on the 500 block of watkins street in south philadelphia. the victim was rush to the hospital where he died a short time later. so far in motive but police say three men ran away from that scene. pennsylvania state police say officers believed they spotted the suspect, accused in the fatal ambush of a trooper. they say yesterday's encounter was from a distance and eric trina lewded them. their search has turned up soiled diapers and empty packs of serb branded cigarettes believed to have been left by frein. frein is wanted in the september 12th ambush at the the blooming grove barracks. well, u.s. and arab allies are carrying out more air strikes against isis in syria. u.s. central command says that american and coalition forces hit a dozen targets today. officials say they took out small oil refineries that provide millions of dollars a day for the militant group. the strike also targeted a staging area used by militants to movie quip. across the border in to iraq. mission came as president barack obama rounded leaders at the unite had nations. a philadelphia mother will in the to have serve jail time for carrying a gun in her purse when she drove into new jersey. sheen an allen was told she would be incarcerated but now the atlantic county prosecutor has change his mind. kanye heirs live with the ben franklin bridge with the very latest, dann. >> reporter: monday cars, the the prosecutor conn consulted with the attorney general to clarify the law on allowing first time owe even ifers in to a in jail program. now the prosecutor says that he will in longer seek jail for a south philadelphia mother of two for merely bringing her legally own gun across the bridge into new jersey. >> mommy is not going to jail. >> yeah. >> reporter: reaction after 27 year-old sheen an allen broke the news to her kids that she won't be going to jail after all for bringing her legally own gun into new jersey. up steady she will be allowed to enter a pretrial intervention program. >> i don't have to wonder what will happen to them, now i know they will be with me. >> reporter: have after being robbed twice, leaving work in center city allen went out a got a gun with the license to carry but she was later arrested in hamilton township, new jersey after telling a state trooper she had a gun and conceal to carry permit issued in pennsylvania. she said the atlantic county prosecutors wanted to make an example out of her and have her thrown in jail for a minute mum on have three years. >> scared me very much, telling me my maximum was 11 and a half years. i cried. i wanted to run out of there. >> reporter: single moth over two went on social media to tell her story and it went viral. she pointed out same prosecutor was letting football player ray rice go without jail after being caught on tape punching and knocking out his wife but threatening to send her to jail. >> they are trying to tell me i had to boost and hurt someone to get off and get a second chance, you know? i already did 46 days in jail. >> reporter: many were outraged, various gun rights groups, also got involved, raising up to $60,000 for perfect defense. now, the prosecutors have have had a change of heart after the attorney's general office clarified state law. >> i'm looking for this to be over so i can stop being so stressed and the fact, the point that hurts the the most is not knowing what was going to happen to my kids. >> reporter: now, allen will be back in court tomorrow morning where her lawyer says either the charges will be formally dropped or she will aloud to enter this no jail program. we are live at penns landing i'm dann cuellar for channel six "action news". today's auction of the revel casino hotel did not go off as plan. auction was postponed because of some last minute bids, and until today, a 90 million-dollar cash offer from a florida developer was the lone bid for 2.4 billion dollar property. revel spokesperson did not provide details of the new offers but bidding is scheduled to resume on tuesday. a new jersey law maker thinks that alcohol may be the the key to luring visitors to atlantic city. state senate republican leader tom kean suggest changing the open container law for boardwalk and beach goers. he sent a letter to john hanson man tapped by governor chris christie to help atlantic city's recovery. tom kean requested better air service, tax incentives for large entertainment acts and adding a cruise ship port. smokers will now pay more for their next pack have of cigarettes in philadelphia. superintendent william hite was there with tom corbett as the governor sign the cigarette tax bill in harrisburg today. two will dollars per pack tax means 83 million-dollar a year for the the cities public schools. the hike is in addition to the $1.60 excise tax leveed by the said. till to come on "action news" an older man robs a bucks county bank but hear why authorities don't believe the robber is as old as he appears. a grand jury rules on the fate of nascar driver tony stewart after that deadly crash. cecily. future tracker is showing rainfall totals tomorrow, general one to 2 inches, up to 3 inches in some areas. i'll break down when to expect the heavier rain and have much nicer weather behind this system in time for the weekend in the accu weather forecast. that part we like. plus problems for apple's new operating system when "action news" continues tonight. new britain township is looking for this robber, disguised as an old man held up a wells fargo bank in chalfont this afternoon. police say man in the full face mask and gray wig enter the branch on county line road and 207, now he fired a shot before getting away with an undetermine amount of cash. nobody was hurt, police believe the same man, is behind the robbery of the same branch on june 13th, and attempted robbery of a wells fargo on germantown avenue in philadelphia. bucks county judge dropped murder charge begins bensalem man who survived a suicide packet that left his mother dead. judge says he found no malice on the part of the koustantinos, he is still charged with two felonies, aid nothing suicide and risking a catastrophe in the death of his mother karen last april. investigators say they were found in their apartment with the gas generator running. police have new track down the man wanted in connection in disappearance of the university of virginia student. authorities arrested jesse matthew, who is charged with abduction with attempt to defile. matthew was last person seen with 18 year-old hand graham. she vanish september 13th after leaving an off campus party. nascar champion tony stewart, will not, face charges in that deadly tragedy on the race track, last month. and a grand jury found no base toys charge stewart with a crime. the d.a. says that kevin ward junior, the driver that stewart struck on the track was under the influence of marijuana which impaired his judgment. ward's family says late today they will quote continue to pursue, all remedies. just hours, after its release, apple has put on hold its ios8 update to ipad and i phone. users started to complain that the new software update was shutting down their cell service. the others reported that the fingerprint id touch feature was not working. apple made it an veilable as they try to work out these problems no word when the system will be available for down load. black berry hoping to make a come back, in smart phone market, with its passport, the new model is square, it has a larger screen. the passport will be available to at&t customers by the end on have this year and it will be available for a limited time on amazon for $599. well, urban league of philadelphia held its 2014 board of directors meeting with a new lead are tonight. it is first time new president and ceo roselee mcphearson addressed the full board. she was appointed in july. they will focus the advancement of causes and strategies that permanently improve the condition of african-american communities. and time to see exactly when the the heart of that rain will come. >> right during the morning commute. >> my goodness. >> in the good timing. >> for commuters tomorrow morning. >> no. >> storm tracker six live double scan showing what is happening at this moment. we get a new scan every 382nd. you can see that the the light rain is generally over the southern half of our viewing area but it is beginning to intensify down to the south. sea isle city, cape may. you can see some of those areas have of yellow. that is more moderate rain beginning to pile in, from the atlantic and a little bit further to the north the light rain has moved, down into philadelphia, malvern right now, norristown where you are just on the brink. this will continue to spread, up from the south as we head into the overnight hours. the morning commute is when the heavier rain will fall. right now temperatures pretty uniform. the in the 60's, ocean temperature is 69 degrees. we will get those wind off the atlantic. 67 degrees in sea isle city. sixty-four in philadelphia. sixty-three in reading. temperatures tomorrow will not be chime out of the 60's. it will be a wet day. and it will be a cool and raw day. satellite six with action radar, showing us the center of the storm system is still off the coast of the carolinas. you really to have look at the atlantic to sees is what moving our way. we have a batch of heavy rain that will be kind of pin wheeling in through the overnight hours. future tracker is showing at 5:00 in the morning when some of the early risers start the morning commute. the heavier rain will be south of philadelphia, it does move further up to the north, around 8:00 o'clock where we do have a lot of heavy rain over us, but this storm system will, really begin to dissipate, as we head into the afternoon. by 11:00 o'clock south of philadelphia, heavier rain is over, still some rain heavy north of trenton. then in the afternoon hour lots of clouds, some lingering showers, and then again the heavy stuff is during the morning. the the main impact of the storm system, the rain. we are looking at generally one to 2 inches of rain, a few areas could get 3 inches of rain. this is much needed rain. after a very dry summer. this should in the cause any widespread, flooding. but it will cause some ponding of water on the roads during the morning commute and wind will be a factor. inland gusts 25 to 35 miles an hour. down the the shore, where we will get friction on over land, even higher, 35 to 45 miles per hour. with that push of the winds, off the east, minor tidal flooding tomorrow morning. generally atlantic county and areas up to the north. morning rush hour forecast, you will not be going this fast tomorrow morning. it will be slow. rainy and windy. ponding of water on roads. at 6:00 o'clock 59 degrees. by seven and 8:00 o'clock 60 degrees. a great morning to get up early, and pack your patients as you head out on the road. the exclusive accu weather seven day forecast, rainy, windy and cool tomorrow. high tomorrow of only 66 degrees. that rain lynn tapering off throughout the day. friday that high pressure builds n sunshine is back. beautiful day. 75 degrees. then over the weekend we will get in a southerly flow. feeling like summer again. 81 degrees on saturday. sunday bump it up to 82 degrees. loads of sunshine this weekend. on monday we will cloud up in the afternoon but still warm with a high of 80 degrees. tuesday we will fine umbrellas again, it will be cooler with some showers, 72 degrees. wednesday mostly cloudy still a possibility of some showers and a high of 70 degrees. so tomorrow morning good morning to get up early, put the tv on. david murphy, karen rodgers on "action news" at 4:30. storm tracker six live double scan will be working overtime tomorrow morning. >> absolutely. thank you. well tonight is eve of the jewish new year known as rosh hash shan, action came in north philadelphia, where members celebrated a holiday with the service including readings and music. traditional reading was sounded marking the start of the new year. rittenhouse square, it was celebrated outdoors. hundreds gathered on the the lawn for live concert and a traditional rosh hashanah service hose he had by temple betties rail a synagogue on 18th and spruce. the event was free and opened to the public. a famous faith from the popular 90's sitcom fresh prince of bellaire was in philadelphia tonight. in the will smith but joseph marcell known as jeffery the butler. marcell in the tour of shakespeare globe company are in town to perform king lear at the annenberg center. he plays the title road. king lear runs through september 27th. jimmy kimmel live coming up at # 1:35 right after "action news". here's jim which a preview of tonight's show. >> thanks, monica hi philadelphia. here's sampling of the nonsense we have in store for you tonight, there is a woman who posts on twit their she looks at pictures of you. >> right good and makes knit versions of you. thank you cable. for the slower internet upload speeds. for making me wait longer to share my photo albums. thank you cable, because if we never had you we wouldn't know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. the numbers don't lie. in customer satisfaction studies, fios is rated #1 in internet speed and reliability, and hd picture quality. no wonder 4 out of 5 fios customers would recommend fios get a fios triple play online at an amazing price guaranteed for two years. sign up now and get $300 back with a two year agreement. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v new jersey governor chris christie was in camden tonight joining mayor dana redd on the felt with the camden high school football team. christie greeted players, even posed with a team picture right there team presented the governor with his own jersey. all right. jeff's in for ducis tonight. eagles still talking about that fight was it allowed, was it not allowed. >> it was a legal fight but the eagles, fighting back over that, which led to that fight on sunday, do you think you are confused about some of these nfl rules? even the the eagles are confused as to why the so-called cheap shot on nick foles is considered legal? coach chip kelly is in the happy about it. kelly says it is his understanding that redskins tackle chris baker blind sided foles sunday but nfl says it was a legal hit because whistle had not blown. foles was in the vicinity of the ball and bake der not hit him in the head or neck area. kelly plans to call the league, his players, still call it a dirty play. >> whatever the nfl says, it is legal, it is legal. you know, it is what it is. this is, their game, what he just play in it. i'm an employee. >> the way things have been going on right now in the nfl you cannot be surprised with anything. it is just unfortunate they didn't see that it way but it is what it is. >> so what is up with employee number 25, eagles running back lesean mccoy is averaging 2.9 yards a carry, only three running backs in the nfl have been worse. shady obviously in the happy with his slow start, hopefully real mccoy getting sunday in san francisco. >> i'm a competitor this game is made of people compete. so, it can get frustrating because you want to go out there and make plays and do what you are used to and, that is why defense is playing like that. it is a respect thing, but, still, you really wanting to out there and dominate. >> more with mccoy and eagles sunday on our pregame she game day kick off sunday morning at 11:00. we will recap it all, sunday nate after "action news" at 11:00 on eagles game day final. mccoy ranked 17th in rushing this season. last year rank nu3ber one. still to come in sports why is it an emotional night for don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us. jimmy rollins remains out of the line up with that sore hamstring and at this point were four games to go j roll makes a point to say it were not be wise for him to play again. as far as next year j roll says he will be here. kyle kendrick may not be, kendrick could say good bye not to his family but baseball family. what could his final start in my aim, kendrick has a career high three hits and he is using ryan howard to bat, someone is doing something with it. rbi double, their first run in my aim, 16 innings. comes from the pitcher. he gives it backup. enrique hernandez with the rbi double. kendrick allows one run in seven innings. phillies retake lead in the eighth. marlon byrd with the single. phillies backup one. jonathan papelbon returns for first time since his lewd gesture and makes eerie quip. adjustment right there and makes the safe. nothing to mess with after this out ago begins miami. phillies win two-one. it could be final w for kendrick as a philly. he will be a free agent. >> i have a a lot of memories here. i am going to miss my teammates first, you know, the fans, everything about the city. so, it was a really motional night. >> kendrick spent eight years here, won a world series, if this is it,. >> we wish him well. >> some of our most brief country war fighters and their care takers arrived tonight. twenty wounded warriors are in town to take part in the first annual kaufman golf outing. they will take part in the golf clinic, before a tournament and banquet at the mays landing country club on friday. jimmy kimmel live next on channel six followed by night line. jim up's guess patrick dempsey and laura spencer. "action news" continues at four credit 30 with tamala edward, matt o'donnell, meteorologist david murphy and karen rodgers with traffic. for the the entire "action news" team, i'm monica malpass, have a great night. >> ♪ >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- patrick dempsey. from "good morning america", lara spencer. and music from jeezy. with cleto and the cletones. and now, from now on, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ it's "jimmy kimmel live" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. that's very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching, thank you for coming. that's very nice.


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