services section after criticism from the cnn center, this is cnn sunday morning. it is 6:00 a.m. where i sit in atlanta, georgia, 1:00 p.m. in baghdad, glad you could be with us. i m t.j. holmes. we welcome troops watching on the armed forces network in iraq and afghanistan. thank you for starting your day with us. we start in iraq, security in the country has been fresh on the minds of people here in the u.s. and around the world after the u.s. formally handed command to the iraqis. suicide bombers going after a familiar target. we want to go to our arwa damon in baghdad for us. arwa, yes, of course the security has been fresh on the mind after the formal handover but truth be known iraqi forces have been in the lead of security for that country for some time in the first place but tell us why this familiar target, why this recruitment center? why has this been such a popular target for suicide attackers? reporter: well, t.j., this recruitment center is also the headqua