messed up from the jet ski. gutfeld: amazing. how long have you been doing that? six or seven days. gutfeld: you look like youf been doing it for years. i m a good athlete. gutfeld: i ve been watching that on loop in the hot tub. cat two, any final thoughts on this very interesting story. yeah, i did have a thought. i haven t heard it anywhere else or said it anywhere else, so why not try it out on the show that millions of people watch. i was looking at this. obviously, we only talk about this when there is a crisis and congress should have been doing something about this, this is their job. this doesn t happen in a system that s not totally messed up. i did have a thought also. gutfeld: i thought that was the thought. you lied. two thoughts. this thought is do any of these people do they want jobs? we have so many open jobs. there s so many job openings,