Latest Breaking News On - Lost out majorly - Page 1 :

of what you were saying — both saying about weapons actually and this question of 0k, we have a big arms business in the uk, borisjohnson is — part of any prime minister's foreign travels is promotion of business interests on the part for their country, we have this tie—up with australia and united states, aukus. we have india as part of the quad with united states and again, with other countries in that region. is it possible that india would be interested in this new alignment with the australians, with the british, with the americans? i think aukus it is| awkward for quad. because india is not part of august _ —— because india - is not part of aukus. but it is part of the quad. it is a competitor. but there is scope of british exports, defence exports to india. there has been a steady stream, but not very significant, - in recent years, britain lost out majorly on the combatl


on the part of their country, we have this tie up with australia and the united states, we have india as part of the quad with united states and again, with other countries in that region, is it possible that india would be interested in this new alignment with the australians, with the british? i think it is awkward for quad. it is a competitor. but there is scopej of british exports, defence exports to india. there has been a steady stream, but not very significant, - in recent years, britain lost out majorly on the combatl aircraft deal, which went - to the french, but that is now mired in a little bit— of controversy, for the simple reason that it is alleged - that the modi government paid possibly three times more


interested in terms of what you were saying, both saying about weapons actually and this question of 0k, we have a big arms business in the uk, borisjohnson is part of any prime minister's foreign travels is promotion of business interests on the part of their country, we have this tie up with australia and the united states, we have india as part of the quad with united states and again, with other countries in that region, is it possible that india would be interested in this new alignment with the australians, with the british? i alignment with the australians, with the british? ~ . alignment with the australians, with the british? ,, , ., .. , the british? i think it is accuse uuart for the british? i think it is accuse quart for quad. _ the british? i think it is accuse quart for quad, because -- - the british? i think it is accuse - quart for quad, because -- awkward quart for quad, because —— awkward for quad. it quart for quad, because -- awkward for auad. . . quart for quad, because -- awkward for auad. _, , ., �* for quad. it is a competitor. but there is scope — for quad. it is a competitor. but there is scope of— for quad. it is a competitor. but there is scope of british - for quad. it is a competitor. but there is scope of british exports defence — there is scope of british exports defence exports _ there is scope of british exports defence exports to _ there is scope of british exports defence exports to india. - there is scope of british exports defence exports to india. there| there is scope of british exports - defence exports to india. there has been _ defence exports to india. there has been a _ defence exports to india. there has been a steady— defence exports to india. there has been a steady stream _ defence exports to india. there has been a steady stream but _ defence exports to india. there has been a steady stream but not - defence exports to india. there has been a steady stream but not very. been a steady stream but not very significant — been a steady stream but not very significant in — been a steady stream but not very significant in recent— been a steady stream but not very significant in recent years, - been a steady stream but not very significant in recent years, britain| significant in recent years, britain lost out _ significant in recent years, britain lost out majorly— significant in recent years, britain lost out majorly on _ significant in recent years, britain lost out majorly on the _ significant in recent years, britain lost out majorly on the combat i


putin must lose, what does that mean? ~ . ., . putin must lose, what does that mean? ., ., , ., mean? what does losing look like? and that is related _ mean? what does losing look like? and that is related to _ mean? what does losing look like? and that is related to the _ mean? what does losing look like? and that is related to the question | and that is related to the question of whether you know, the uk and others should continue supplying all kinds of equipment to ukraine, because what is the end, and i think that question is starting to be posed and has to be answered, or else itjust posed and has to be answered, or else it just stealth posed and has to be answered, or else itjust stealth li becomes a potential terrible conflagration, it is already awful, but what is the end game? it is not clear. i think johnson's — end game? it is not clear. i think johnson's road _ end game? it is not clear. i think johnson's road back— end game? it is not clear. i think johnson's road back -- _ end game? it is not clear. i think johnson's road back -- rode - end game? it is not clear. i think johnson's road back -- rode back end game? it is not clear. i think i johnson's road back -- rode back a johnson's road back —— rode back a little _ johnson's road back —— rode back a little today— johnson's road back —— rode back a little today and said this is under consideration. not little today and said this is under consideration.— consideration. not it is definitely coin: consideration. not it is definitely auoin to consideration. not it is definitely going to happen- _ consideration. not it is definitely going to happen- l _ consideration. not it is definitely going to happen. i mean - consideration. not it is definitely going to happen. i mean he - consideration. not it is definitely going to happen. i mean he is i going to happen. i mean he is thinkin: going to happen. i mean he is thinking of — going to happen. i mean he is thinking of doing _ going to happen. i mean he is thinking of doing what - going to happen. i mean he is thinking of doing what biden . going to happen. i mean he is - thinking of doing what biden decided not to— thinking of doing what biden decided not to do— thinking of doing what biden decided not to do with aircraft, but with tank. _ not to do with aircraft, but with tank. and — not to do with aircraft, but with tank. and i_ not to do with aircraft, but with tank, and i do know there are ukrainian _ tank, and i do know there are ukrainian troops being trained to use tanks— ukrainian troops being trained to use tanks here, now. to me, it is not a _ use tanks here, now. to me, it is not a clear— use tanks here, now. to me, it is not a clear line, you know, where, where _ not a clear line, you know, where, where does. — not a clear line, you know, where, where does, where does this become a


lost out majorly on the combat aircraft — lost out majorly on the combat aircraft deal, _ lost out majorly on the combat aircraft deal, which _ lost out majorly on the combat aircraft deal, which went - lost out majorly on the combat aircraft deal, which went to - lost out majorly on the combat| aircraft deal, which went to the french. — aircraft deal, which went to the french. but— aircraft deal, which went to the french, but that _ aircraft deal, which went to the french, but that is _ aircraft deal, which went to the french, but that is now- aircraft deal, which went to the french, but that is now mired i aircraft deal, which went to the i french, but that is now mired in aircraft deal, which went to the . french, but that is now mired in a little _ french, but that is now mired in a little bit _ french, but that is now mired in a little bit of— french, but that is now mired in a little bit of controversy, _ french, but that is now mired in a little bit of controversy, for- french, but that is now mired in a little bit of controversy, for the i little bit of controversy, for the simple — little bit of controversy, for the simple reason _ little bit of controversy, for the simple reason that _ little bit of controversy, for the simple reason that it _ little bit of controversy, for the simple reason that it is - little bit of controversy, for the simple reason that it is alleged that the — simple reason that it is alleged that the modi _ simple reason that it is alleged that the modi government - simple reason that it is alleged that the modi government paid possibly— that the modi government paid possibly three _ that the modi government paid possibly three times _ that the modi government paid possibly three times more - that the modi government paidj possibly three times more than that the modi government paid - possibly three times more than what was estimated — possibly three times more than what was estimated by— possibly three times more than what was estimated by the _ possibly three times more than what was estimated by the indian- possibly three times more than what was estimated by the indian defence ministry, _ was estimated by the indian defence ministry, and — was estimated by the indian defence ministry. and so _ was estimated by the indian defence ministry, and so it— was estimated by the indian defence ministry, and so it is— was estimated by the indian defence ministry, and so it is a _ was estimated by the indian defence ministry, and so it is a matter- was estimated by the indian defence ministry, and so it is a matter of- ministry, and so it is a matter of investigation _ ministry, and so it is a matter of investigation by— ministry, and so it is a matter of investigation by a _ ministry, and so it is a matter of investigation by a prosecutor- ministry, and so it is a matter of investigation by a prosecutor in. investigation by a prosecutor in paris. — investigation by a prosecutor in paris. at — investigation by a prosecutor in paris. at the _ investigation by a prosecutor in paris, at the moment, - investigation by a prosecutor in paris, at the moment, so- investigation by a prosecutor in paris, at the moment, so the l investigation by a prosecutor in - paris, at the moment, so the charge is obviously — paris, at the moment, so the charge is obviously corruption, _ paris, at the moment, so the charge is obviously corruption, that - paris, at the moment, so the charge is obviously corruption, that said, i is obviously corruption, that said, ithink— is obviously corruption, that said, i think britain _ is obviously corruption, that said, i think britain is— is obviously corruption, that said, i think britain is a _ is obviously corruption, that said, i think britain is a competitor, - i think britain is a competitor, when — i think britain is a competitor, when it— i think britain is a competitor, when it comes _ i think britain is a competitor, when it comes to _ i think britain is a competitor, when it comes to aircraft, - i think britain is a competitor, when it comes to aircraft, andj i think britain is a competitor, - when it comes to aircraft, and other products. _ when it comes to aircraft, and other products, certainly, _ when it comes to aircraft, and other products, certainly, and _ when it comes to aircraft, and other products, certainly, and i— when it comes to aircraft, and other products, certainly, and i would - products, certainly, and i would venture — products, certainly, and i would venture to — products, certainly, and i would venture to say. _ products, certainly, and i would venture to say, that _ products, certainly, and i would venture to say, that this - products, certainly, and i would venture to say, that this visit i products, certainly, and i would. venture to say, that this visit and subsequently— venture to say, that this visit and subsequently will— venture to say, that this visit and subsequently will lead _ venture to say, that this visit and subsequently will lead to - venture to say, that this visit and subsequently will lead to some . subsequently will lead to some enhanced — subsequently will lead to some enhanced british— subsequently will lead to some enhanced british exports - subsequently will lead to some enhanced british exports to - subsequently will lead to some i enhanced british exports to india. we were — enhanced british exports to india. we were talking _ enhanced british exports to india. we were talking about _ enhanced british exports to india. we were talking about weapon, . enhanced british exports to india. | we were talking about weapon, let enhanced british exports to india. - we were talking about weapon, let us talk about weapons to ukraine and the prime minister announced british tanks are going to poland so poland can, to replace the tanks poland sent to ukraine because ukraine has


foreign travel is a promotion of business interests on the path of their country and we have this tie up with astray in the united states, you also have india as part of the quad with the united states and other countries in that region. is it possible that india would be interested in this new alignment with australia britain and america? it will be a bit awkward for this because — it will be a bit awkward for this because india _ it will be a bit awkward for this because india is _ it will be a bit awkward for this because india is not _ it will be a bit awkward for this because india is not a - it will be a bit awkward for this because india is not a part- it will be a bit awkward for this because india is not a part of. it will be a bit awkward for thisl because india is not a part of it. it because india is not a part of it. it is _ because india is not a part of it. it is a _ because india is not a part of it. it is a competitor. _ because india is not a part of it. it is a competitor. but - because india is not a part of it. it is a competitor. but the - because india is not a part of it. it is a competitor. but the risk. because india is not a part of it. i it is a competitor. but the risk of british— it is a competitor. but the risk of british exports— it is a competitor. but the risk of british exports defence - it is a competitor. but the risk of british exports defence exports i it is a competitor. but the risk ofl british exports defence exports to india _ british exports defence exports to india there— british exports defence exports to india. there has— british exports defence exports to india. there has been a _ british exports defence exports to india. there has been a steady- india. there has been a steady stream. — india. there has been a steady stream. but _ india. there has been a steady stream, but not _ india. there has been a steady stream, but not very— india. there has been a steadyl stream, but not very significant india. there has been a steady. stream, but not very significant in recent— stream, but not very significant in recent years _ stream, but not very significant in recent years. britain _ stream, but not very significant in recent years. britain lost - stream, but not very significant in recent years. britain lost out - recent years. britain lost out majorly— recent years. britain lost out majorly on _ recent years. britain lost out majorly on the _ recent years. britain lost out majorly on the combat - recent years. britain lost out. majorly on the combat aircraft recent years. britain lost out - majorly on the combat aircraft deal for the _ majorly on the combat aircraft deal for the french. _ majorly on the combat aircraft deal for the french. and _ majorly on the combat aircraft deal for the french. and that _ majorly on the combat aircraft deal for the french. and that is - majorly on the combat aircraft deal for the french. and that is now- majorly on the combat aircraft deal for the french. and that is now a l for the french. and that is now a little _ for the french. and that is now a little bit — for the french. and that is now a little bit of— for the french. and that is now a little bit of controversy— for the french. and that is now a little bit of controversy for- for the french. and that is now a little bit of controversy for the i little bit of controversy for the simple — little bit of controversy for the simple reason _ little bit of controversy for the simple reason that _ little bit of controversy for the simple reason that it is - little bit of controversy for the l simple reason that it is alleged


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