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for money for the taxpayer, but i'm very, very committed to making sure we've got excellent front line public services. this was the immediate verdict from a former cabinet minister who never thought miss truss should be in the top job. is she at risk of using borrowed money to fund tax cuts? - that is not conservative. and then the second thing - is the decision to cut the 45p rate and indeed at the same time - to change the law which governs how bankers are paidj in the city of london. when you have additionalj billions of pounds in play, to have as your principal decision, the headline tax moved, - cutting tax for the wealthiest, that is a display of _ the wrong values. michael gove wouldn't say whether he'd vote for his own government's plans. he and some colleagues are concerned that ministers are considering breaking a promise to raise benefits in line with inflation. what we have to do is to make


lost out majorly on the combat aircraft — lost out majorly on the combat aircraft deal, _ lost out majorly on the combat aircraft deal, which _ lost out majorly on the combat aircraft deal, which went - lost out majorly on the combat aircraft deal, which went to - lost out majorly on the combat| aircraft deal, which went to the french. — aircraft deal, which went to the french. but— aircraft deal, which went to the french, but that _ aircraft deal, which went to the french, but that is _ aircraft deal, which went to the french, but that is now- aircraft deal, which went to the french, but that is now mired i aircraft deal, which went to the i french, but that is now mired in aircraft deal, which went to the . french, but that is now mired in a little _ french, but that is now mired in a little bit _ french, but that is now mired in a little bit of— french, but that is now mired in a little bit of controversy, _ french, but that is now mired in a little bit of controversy, for- french, but that is now mired in a little bit of controversy, for the i little bit of controversy, for the simple — little bit of controversy, for the simple reason _ little bit of controversy, for the simple reason that _ little bit of controversy, for the simple reason that it _ little bit of controversy, for the simple reason that it is - little bit of controversy, for the simple reason that it is alleged that the — simple reason that it is alleged that the modi _ simple reason that it is alleged that the modi government - simple reason that it is alleged that the modi government paid possibly— that the modi government paid possibly three _ that the modi government paid possibly three times _ that the modi government paid possibly three times more - that the modi government paidj possibly three times more than that the modi government paid - possibly three times more than what was estimated — possibly three times more than what was estimated by— possibly three times more than what was estimated by the _ possibly three times more than what was estimated by the indian- possibly three times more than what was estimated by the indian defence ministry, _ was estimated by the indian defence ministry, and — was estimated by the indian defence ministry. and so _ was estimated by the indian defence ministry, and so it— was estimated by the indian defence ministry, and so it is— was estimated by the indian defence ministry, and so it is a _ was estimated by the indian defence ministry, and so it is a matter- was estimated by the indian defence ministry, and so it is a matter of- ministry, and so it is a matter of investigation _ ministry, and so it is a matter of investigation by— ministry, and so it is a matter of investigation by a _ ministry, and so it is a matter of investigation by a prosecutor- ministry, and so it is a matter of investigation by a prosecutor in. investigation by a prosecutor in paris. — investigation by a prosecutor in paris. at — investigation by a prosecutor in paris. at the _ investigation by a prosecutor in paris, at the moment, - investigation by a prosecutor in paris, at the moment, so- investigation by a prosecutor in paris, at the moment, so the l investigation by a prosecutor in - paris, at the moment, so the charge is obviously — paris, at the moment, so the charge is obviously corruption, _ paris, at the moment, so the charge is obviously corruption, that - paris, at the moment, so the charge is obviously corruption, that said, i is obviously corruption, that said, ithink— is obviously corruption, that said, i think britain _ is obviously corruption, that said, i think britain is— is obviously corruption, that said, i think britain is a _ is obviously corruption, that said, i think britain is a competitor, - i think britain is a competitor, when — i think britain is a competitor, when it— i think britain is a competitor, when it comes _ i think britain is a competitor, when it comes to _ i think britain is a competitor, when it comes to aircraft, - i think britain is a competitor, when it comes to aircraft, andj i think britain is a competitor, - when it comes to aircraft, and other products. _ when it comes to aircraft, and other products, certainly, _ when it comes to aircraft, and other products, certainly, and _ when it comes to aircraft, and other products, certainly, and i— when it comes to aircraft, and other products, certainly, and i would - products, certainly, and i would venture — products, certainly, and i would venture to — products, certainly, and i would venture to say. _ products, certainly, and i would venture to say, that _ products, certainly, and i would venture to say, that this - products, certainly, and i would venture to say, that this visit i products, certainly, and i would. venture to say, that this visit and subsequently— venture to say, that this visit and subsequently will— venture to say, that this visit and subsequently will lead _ venture to say, that this visit and subsequently will lead to - venture to say, that this visit and subsequently will lead to some . subsequently will lead to some enhanced — subsequently will lead to some enhanced british— subsequently will lead to some enhanced british exports - subsequently will lead to some enhanced british exports to - subsequently will lead to some i enhanced british exports to india. we were — enhanced british exports to india. we were talking _ enhanced british exports to india. we were talking about _ enhanced british exports to india. we were talking about weapon, . enhanced british exports to india. | we were talking about weapon, let enhanced british exports to india. - we were talking about weapon, let us talk about weapons to ukraine and the prime minister announced british tanks are going to poland so poland can, to replace the tanks poland sent to ukraine because ukraine has


of different things? i think there is because, - you know, lobbying is about, do you contact government ministers or mps or selectl committees or whatever it is, and the answer is no, - i don't think it is - consistent with that. it's difficult for mps to have alternative jobs but i think. there are some they can do. but the business of actually. lobbying a minister on behalf of someone you are paidj by is rightly not allowed. right, onto your specialist subject, climate change and what we are doing about it. you were there in paris for the paris climate change agreement. i don't know how widely understood that document actually is. it was the first ever globalj agreement, 195 countries, setting out their plans - to limit the dangerous impact of climate change and to reduce emissions. i that's why paris was - so distinct from glasgow and was so extraordinary at the time. _ we actually got one agreement signed by 195 countries. - and the headline figure was about limiting the increase in global temperatures by the end of the century to two degrees, but then


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - MSNBC - 20210611:22:57:00

that -- and i think he specifically said young people, minorities, these are people who are often not worth the $15 an hour that the minimum wage law says they have to be paid. >> j. period, this brings us to another "j" in the game. you know who i'm thinking? >> i do not. >> jay cole. >> how so? >> the new album which went number one "the off-season" he says i don't want to hear about people being rich anymore. tell me about being a broke rapper. because most people don't have a lot of money. there is no shame in that. j. on j.? >> first of all shout to j. cole and my man farrell who gave the my life melody for the number one single but i would say i appreciate that perspective and i think one of the things great about j. cole as a rapper this of generation is this is the generation where sort of the layers get peeled back that have been concealing things and the truth gets revealed. the truth is that exactly what he said. so i'm glad to hear him say it on a platform like he has. >> yeah.


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