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Transcripts For DW The Day 20220907

a situation which is more stated to this, or because of russian provocations is up. patricia plan to was one step away from a nuclear disaster to plan. and the physical integrity of the bumps has to be in by several times. it continues its provocations up as upper region nuclear plant to create a threat of a man made disaster to die the power plant. yes, that's the scariest. this is a reality that we, that we have to recognize and this is something that's got not continue to happen. i also coming up on the day, entrusts we trust or not least trust officially takes over the reins from bars johnson. she bows to hit the ground running, but brits don't believe she'll be able to deliver on her promises. she's got a lot of work to do on that, to be honest, as she will do it being a member of the team. she was saying to live a, to live with deliver over and over again. well, of course has been made interesting to see whether or not she's able to do the role as this is. but if you've been sort of a lot tricky, the united nation says urgent action is required to prevent a potentially catastrophic incident at the upper region. nuclear plant in ukraine, inspectors from the international atomic energy agency issue, the warning and a report on their recent inspection of the russian occupied plants. the experts were 1st able to access the site last week to assess the damage and working conditions there. since russian troops took control of the facility early in the war, keith and moscow have accused each other of risking a nuclear disaster by continually shelling the site. well, in its report the i a, a calls the current situation to add this upper region nuclear power plant untenable saying it is the 1st time in a military conflict that it's occurring amid the facilities of a large establish nuclear power program. a nuclear accident can have serious impacts within the country and beyond its borders. and it warn't. there is an urgent need for interim measures to prevent a nuclear accident arising from physical damage caused by military means. this can be achieved by the immediate establishment of nuclear safety and security protection zone for you and security council has meant to discuss the situation at those upper region nuclear power plant and the head of the international atomic energy agency. rafael grossey, who led the team of inspectors there briefed council members on his report. he said the world was playing with fire and warned that a catastrophic incident was possible. the physical attack wiggly or unwittingly, or the hits that this facility has received and that i could personally see assess together with my experts is simply an acceptable. we are playing with fiber and something very, very catastrophic couldn't take place. this is why in our report we are proposing the establishing the establishment story of a nuclear safety and security protection zone limited to that, but a meter that blanked itself. let's bring an alina silk of a. she is the executive director of the center for disarmament and non proliferation mozilla. welcome to the day. this report pains a truly troubling picture of the situation on the ground. what do you make of it? well, 1st of all, i want to applaud the i a and it's director john grossi board taking dean is actually going into the active or zone to assess this. and this is the 1st time we have an independent assessment of what is taking place there. and they do report that there are compromises and sometimes very stressful situation and the nuclear o plan, which you're already heard, the director general. and we have a fire in the most troubling situation in my view and granted in the report, careful is 2 things. first of all, that continues to be selling, including the hiv, when they're inspectors are and the side. and the 2nd 3rd of the power lines continue outside power lines continue to be compromised and cut off. there was another one ago and we still don't know whether the outside or was connected. and the 3rd is a very stressful situation on which the i and cranium, operators and personnel are working there. so this 3 to me are the most concerning that. but he does love prayer presses in calls for the stablish man of the safety and security protection zone around the power plan. i think it's a very important the initiative and a we need to ensure that it does have a chance to be discussed and figured out how to find a stella said, well yeah, they've got rather a one thing sorry to interrupt you there, but how likely do you think we are to actually see hostility stopping in the area it really depends on what the parameters of this protection though, would be, and who would be the parties actually implementing that protection. because say earlier suggestions that loaded by several countries, including the us and others, to stablish and demo at the site and then rounded and brought them back from that. so that is clearly to me, it's not something that they are prepared to to agree on. but there could be, where are you building where in unprecedented situation, we've never had military conflict and wrong. they knew so where, where turn to the territory at the moment. and i don't know, i was actually skeptical it originally about the possibility of this mission to take place. but it did happen in both russia and ukraine and the end agreed to proceed. so i would, i would give it a chance, but it's certainly going to be in the effort. what more could the international community do to ease tensions around the plant? i think this is very song was coming from all countries and now you're in security council. person for even now, it continues discussion of the report and that proposed by the director john grossi. it would be extremely important to continue negotiations and consultations and keep possible and is all one hope is the 1st and foremost the i presented is do remain at the nuclear power plant. they're only 2 inspectors counseling, but there is in town to keep them. and i also think that the initiative and the energy with director general are currently in continuum color do press. all right. part is he already started consultation. so do give us some glimpse of hope. it's hard to predict it, but it is very worth the effort because indeed we're playing with the bar. is there a way to increase pressure on vladimir putin to maybe push forward with this, this idea of a security zone because he is, as, as you said, or his troops are playing with fire. but he has so far rejected. and every option that has been put on the table regarding these, these do demilitarization efforts around the area of upper region. how can we increase pressure and bring people to the table? no pressure. but what i think that's it is actually in the russian interest to at least explore this over to unity and continue to negotiate. because if you think about it, the new club, a nuclear power plant is actually the ease on the part of the territory of russia occupying. and if something happens to the nuclear power plant, the power is kind of so you can provide the backup supply. if you are human error, so now working on the stressful conditions, there isn't, doesn't recognize this is the russian territory. this is the ukraine and here it will read all over. so i think it is in russian interest to seriously consider this proposal and work for the national community. how likely is that going to be? again, it's something to uncharted territory. elena soak of an executive director of the center for disarmament and non proliferation. thanks for your time tonight. thank you. well, all eyes are on the nuclear plant, the battle rages on in many other parts of the country. ukrainian officials say 3 civilians are among the latest victims of russian missile attacks near the city of car keith, ukraine. second largest city has seen constant shelling since the start of the conflict with what much of the fighting long, focused on the east. now ukraine is reporting advances in the south where it launched along a way to counter offensive last week. the pentagon confirm that keys troops have started re taking villages in the region around purse on heat by rockets again and again, hockey is ukraine's 2nd largest city. it's position in the east near the russian border. has made it a target throughout the wall. there was an explosion on dar apartment shook pieces of tile hit my child's back on the ceiling collapsed on my head. very thick smoke immediately filled the room. we wanted to get out, but our door was blocked. it was blown into the corridor. ha, ha, ha keeps governor said rescue as us still searching through the rubble for survivors of the attack on this apartment building in the city center. several people were killed in all the strikes in the region and air raid sirens rang throughout ukraine on tuesday morning. but in the countries south cave says it's successfully pushing back. ukrainian troops launched a counter offensive last week and say they have already regain tarrot tree. this video appears to show soldiers raising a ukrainian flag in a small town in the house on region that had been held by russia since early on in the wall. ah, orest johnson and his wife carry leave number 10 downing street for the final time . it was the 1st act in 8 carefully choreographed handover of power that saw live thrust become britton's new prime minister. outside on the steps of the official residence, johnson said his final good bye. ah who very well. well this is, this, is it bugs? it only a couple of laws i will be in the moral to see her majesty the queen and the torch will finally be paused to a new conservative leda. let me say the law in law like one of those booster rockets that is fulfilled its function. and i will not be gently re entering the atmosphere and splashing done invisibly in some remote and obscure corner of the pacific. and i will be supporting this trust and the new government every step of the way. thank you very much. thank you. goodbye. thank you for his johnson and liz trust, then headed to scotland for the next part of their performance. they visited the queen at her residence at bell moral castle. johnson was in 1st to officially tender his resignation. he then left no longer prime minister and once he was gone, trust arrived at baltimore for her audience with the queen. and the british monarch formally invited her to form a new government. she then headed to her new official residency number 10 downing street or she addressed the nation for the 1st time as prime minister in her speech. she praised her predecessor and vowed to tackle the challenges facing britain had on i have just accepted her majesty the queens kind invitation to full menu government. now is the time to tackle the issues that are holding brittenback. as prime minister, i will pursue 3 lead priorities. thusly, i will get written working again. secondly, i will deal hands on with the energy crisis caused by putins will. thirdly, i will make sure that people can get doctors appointments, and the chest services they need. we will put all health service on a thumb pitching. i am determined to deliver sankey, ah, and quinton peel is with me now to talk about the new british prime minister. he's an associate fellow with the europe program at the chatham house, thinktank. mister peel, good to see you. the list of promises is long. how will list trust go about delivering? well, she's basically got the stand on the heads. most of the things that she promised during her campaign. she said, she's going to go for tax cuts, no subsidies. in fact, she's going to have to have enormous subsidies to try and put a cap on the energy prices. and she's gonna have to spend a huge amount of money on the national health service on defense. so actually she's going to be quite a spend a save. she lost no time to re shuffle the cabinet. did she hers is very diverse, quite young, very much out of her own wing of the party. did you pick the right team for the right ahead? well it's certainly been criticized already as being quite light weight not particularly experienced. although in many ways it looks quite like the, the johnson government that it replaces. so there are quite a lot of people that over in the form of government. well there several heavy weights have gone. like the deputy prime minister, for example dominic rub. and she's brought in people who were clearly her supporters and it's quite clear that she's rewarding their loyalty. and the other, most interesting thing is really that the 3 biggest jobs in government have all gone to members of ethnic minorities. you've got a black chance through the exchequer and quasi grad chang. i'm a black foreign secretary in james, cleverly and british asian. ah, so l a brother, man as the home secretary that's quite striking in terms of the normal male white cabinets that the british have seen. the conservative party is in a bad state bell deeply divided. will she be able to get every one to rally around her? you thank she's gonna have a real struggle. i think, i mean this, this succession battle and the replacement of johnson has been a very miserable and bitter affair. they've been squabbling very openly and she didn't get a resounding endorsement in her election. i mean, actually, she didn't even get half the members of the conservative party to baccha, and she got quite a poor sharing also from members of parliament. so she's gonna have quite a struggle. it's possible that she may not last very long if she can't hold her party together. but she has a big majority in parliament, thanks to the majority that maurice johnson, one at the last election h t. c majority. which should see her through the danger being that when you've got a big majority, people feel much more able to rebel against you. so she's gonna have to woo people quite assiduously. she's gonna have to work very hard at this. and as you perhaps heard from her speech, she's not a very persuasive sort of person. she's rather dull very different day to maurice johnson in that way. she doesn't have any of his humor and his flare, like, let's zoom out of bed. when does her appointment as prime minister mean for the you case position in the world? well i, i fear that it doesn't mean a huge amount of change. i mean, she has made her name a bit of the foreign ministry as somebody who was tough towards the european union . she's the one who's the of table, the legislation to scratch the so called northern ireland protocol, which is a vital piece of legislation to enable the whole trade to trade situation with the european union to work properly. if she's got a scrap that against the signing the forest, johnson did of it. then that scare to poison relations with the european union. the question is, will she change her mind on the truth is we don't really know. this is a woman who looks on the one hand as a very i ideological sort of person. but on the other hand, she was once a remain nurse. she wanted to stay of the you. and then she became a fierce breaks of the somebody wanted to leave the you and i think we're going to have to wait and see how she works out in power. quentin peel of chatham house. pleasure speaking to you tonight. thank you. ah, israeli president, you tuck hartzog, has called for a closer ties between germany and israel. he made the remarks to lawmakers in the german parliament in a speech marking the 50th anniversary of the munich olympics massacre. in 1972, 11 israeli team members died after palestinian militants storm their compound in the olympic village. on monday, german presidents on fantastic maya admitted that jeremy had failed to protect the israeli athletes. after his speech and the german parliament, hertzog visited the former nazi concentration camp bergen belsen alongside his german counterpart. israel and germany's presidents paid their respects to the victims of the holocaust at bergen belsen israeli president, issac hertz ox father helped liberate the camp. in 1945 addressing germany's parliament and berlin had sock spoke about the effect. his father's stories had on him as a child. he might conduct a vague it all of a ha, my father is a 6th president of israel hein hertzog. i am and he was among the 1st officers who liberated the death camps in germany. from the jaws of the nazi beast, the fire nazi large coffee law shall never forget how he described to me the horrors he witnessed them out. the stench, that's a ha, the human skeletons and striped pajamas. this was so the piles of corpses, the destruction the whole, the hell on earth again. no. my lad. before visiting bergen, belsen, both presidents laid remembrance reeds at berlin's holocaust memorial. it was another symbolic act to show that neither country could forget the horrors of the nazi regime. a mere 7 hotmail, whether we wanted or not, on a shot, the memory of the shore is a deep part of our identity as a nation. this eco, a people who carries in its historic memory such a dark, abysmal impossible experience. it is not a people like all peoples outside and mine as a hats off state visit to germany, also marked the 50th anniversary of another horror that is real. can't forget the munich olympics massacre a day earlier, germany apologized for miss handling a terror attack in the olympic village in 1972, which left 11 israeli team members dead at the hands of palestinian terrorists. at bergen belsen germany's president warned that his country must remain vigilant against anti semitism. again, faced with the graves of bergen belsen dead over them and the millions murdered in the holocaust in every form of anti semitism. that sadly still exists in germany is an alarm signal for our country. the visit ended at a memorial for one of the most famous victims of the holocaust and frank murdered like her sister, just months before the liberation of the camp. a reminder of the terrible suffering that these 2 nations are determined will never be repeated. ah, a huge crowd. welcome britons, prince harry and his wife megan markelle as they arrived and decided off here and germany for an event one year before the 2023. in victor's games, which the city is hosting this year. the in victor's games are an international multi sports event for injured soldiers, founded by harry in 2014, he himself served in the british army and was stationed in afghanistan. he remains the patron of the games after stepping down from his official royal duties in 2020 and let's listen to what harry had to say about the games at the saddam city hall. i'm humbled. these games provide an opportunity to recognize, celebrates on, give thanks on respect to those who've given all of us so much. so without further ado, it is my absolute honor, along with my wife to invite the people of germany to officially stall the count down to next september. the day's almost done, but as always, the conversation continues online. we are looking forward to hearing from you on twitter, make sure to follow our team under at dw news and myself, nicole underscore friendly, but for the time being for me and the entire team on the day. thanks for spending part of your day with ah, with, with a vapor real what sounds like a joke at 1st. a canadian started up wants to make reality soon. find out how they came up with this idea of how it works and how it will help the environment in made in germany next on d, w to portray into the unknown. today, this means flying to a foreign planet. in the 16th century, it meant being a captain and setting sail to discover a route and adventure full of hardships, dangers and death. magellan journey around the world in 45 minutes on d, w. ah. the landscape, a reflection of a turbulent history. the cities, the mosaic of different people and languages o e, ron's mountains reveal unparalleled beauty. that is, well yeah, the scenery is magnificent, but people are warm. and our kezia is exceptionally a special look at a special country. iran from above. start september 16th on d. w. with ah ah ah ah, this summer here in germany and in many parts of europe, climate change.


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220907

. out of them. nora kyle, this is al jazeera live from dough. also coming up live trust replaces boris johnson, who's u. k. prime minister faces immediate domestic and international challenges. i am confident that together we can ride out the storm and efforts on to prevent pakistan's late mansion from bursting its banks flood waters released him. thousands are moved to a safer ground. ah, your nuclear watchdog says the situation that the russian control zapper each a nuclear plant in ukraine is unsustainable. both sides accuse each other of selling the plant, the i. e. a is calling for an immediate securities and to be set up around the station, which is europe largest, or a board also recommends that conditions be improve for ukrainian staff operating the plant, expert se work is needed to repair damage to buildings that housed nuclear fuel and radioactive waste, a plant in the southern city of n, a hold are usually generates around half of ukraine's nuclear power, but attacks height and the risk of damage to its electricity grid. and the worst case scenario explosions could destroy the plant, so called reactor containment structure. that will allow high react radiation levels to escape into the atmosphere making nearby areas dangerous to live in for decades. the head of the you and nuclear watchdog reported his findings of the security council. i diplomatic as to james space has this report. having just led a mission by a team of inspectors to the zap route, see a nuclear power plant, a place that's been showed repeatedly the head of the i. e. a spoke to the security council about his findings. the current situation, he said, was dangerous and untenable. the physical attack, wittingly or unwittingly, the hits that this facility has received and that i could personally see assess together with my experts, is simply a unacceptable playing with fire and something very, very catastrophic could take place. he's now proposing a demilitarized protection zone around aperture, the largest nuclear power plant in europe. it's a proposal that is also strongly backed by the un secretary general, and their agreement on a demilitarized perimeter should be secured. specifically, that will include the commitment by russian forces to is that all military personnel and the equipment from the perimeter, and the commitment by ukrainian forces not to move into it's didn't have both ukrainian and the russian ambassador as spoken the meeting, each blaming the other for the shelling of the plans after the security council meeting, i asked rushes ambassador about the proposal for the militarize zone. i want to know the details. famous here, i don't know. do not know what to direct the j gross means play. that's to what extent that will improve the safety of both physical nuclear safety of the plant. the proposal for the militarize, i was supported by most members of the security council, but russia and ukraine both said they wanted more details. it's clear much more diplomacy and persuasion will be needed if this idea is ever to be turned into reality. james bay's outages era at the united nations gave her xander is in cave. he spoke to one of your friends talk nuclear experts about the situation at the plant is some of that interview. for lake cody cove is one of ukraine's top nuclear scientists. he actually got his start working inside the now besieged zap anesha nuclear power plant. he is now the head of ukraine's office for radiation and nuclear safety. in one of his 1st international television interviews, he told me what the situation is right now inside that power plant. at the moment as a port is a nuclear power plant is fully disconnected from the external power agreed. as a provision nuclear power plant have 6 nuclear. here we show we have nuclear few in fact. so a and invest case as a but he's a nuclear power plant, have to have own electric power production to pump up the water through the reactor active core of the 6 reactors in case of any malfunction of that system, we can face with the coma down which can lead to radiation release into utmost here the separation nuclear power plant is located inside the city of an air holder. it's a city that has come under constant shilling on tuesday, it was so bad that water and power were both cut off to the entire town european countries and scrambled to respond to the surgeon gas prices after russia shut down a crucial pipeline to europe. the french president of new macro is urging every household to limited use of gas and electricity. mac also said he might consider a force energy savings in the coming months if the voluntary measures are not sufficient. on monday, germany announced it will keep 2 of its remaining nuclear power stations on stand by to battle the energy crisis. so mccain have more from balin. this quote, a few strands from a european perspective to the energy crisis as it presents itself to day. we know that from the e institutions perspective that the check presidency, 6 mother asserting presidency, which the checks have right now is putting forward a draft document which will look at the idea of placing caps on the price of gas that would be brought into the e u from whatever source. and we know also that the spanish government is saying that they understand that there is the talk about the possibility of capping the amount of gas being brought in either piped in from russia or indeed brought in on boats that would be liquefied natural gas. we know that the spanish government says it has been bringing in more l n g from russia over the course of this summer. so that's being discussed, this idea of price caps at the e u level. we know separately that in finland, for example, the authorities there have said that they are going to boost the amount of power, the amount of output coming from their nuclear reactors. remembering that nuclear provides around a 3rd of all finish energy. so lots of different strands of the european level to day. i'll mean while china, as it outs, it will stop paying for gas from russia in us dollars and switch to roubles. and jo ann instead agreement is another sign of stronger ties between the allies aft, the west, imposed sanctions on marcia over its war a new crane person see if i miss ellis. trust has 1000 appointing senior members of her cabinet often taken over from boston. and on tuesday, she dressed the nation, promising to tackle the cost of living crisis and rebuild the economy. and then baba reports from london as lose trust took her 1st steps in downing street, his prime minister, her focus was on reassuring the nation. things can get better. we now place a big label. headwinds caused by rushes, pulling war in ukraine, and the aftermath of k that now is the time to tackle the issues that are holding britain back. we need to build roads, homes, and broadband pasta. we need more investment and great jobs in every town and city across our country. we need to reduce the burden on families and help people get on the life. of course, the pressing issue is helping people cope with huge energy price rises on that she says she understands the urgency. i will take action this week to deal with energy bills and to secure off future energy supply. but she repeated her commitment to cutting taxes as a way of driving economic growth. trust started to tell you, flying to scotland, where she met queen elizabeth at her bow moral estate. she was formerly appointed after the monarch received the outgoing prime minister's resignation. before he threw north maurice johnson and his wife, carrie said good bye to stop at 10 downing street. it was partly the party in here that led to so many of his own. m. p. 's. turning against him, is departing speech. didn't reference any coven rule breaking, but rules did come up when he talked about the end of his premier ship. the baton will be handed over in waters, unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race. they changed the rules half way through, but never mind that now. johnson did promise to support this trust every step of the way, urging his party to unite after a damaging leadership contest apart from telling supporters what his government had achieved. johnson did briefly mention the financial stress facing millions of households, the sunlit uplands of the british economy, a currently shrouded in folk, and the calls on the new prime minister to offer some glimpse of light are getting louder. you need to look at the world is the, is rather than the world that you'd like it to be and then you need to respond. and the big message for me is trickle down. economics does not work. the last 15 years has shown us that because economy has granite points, the cake has got bigger. but what's happened is that those are the top of taken more, and the majority of people have not benefit less trust will want to offer her own vision of britain as it faces. economic and ex, essential crises that she must also show the public. she's able to be pragmatic and take steps to stop millions of people slipping into poverty. the challenge is immense. nadine barbara al jazeera london, allen's chances assembled a diverse cabinet that includes prisons, fast, black finance, and foreign ministers under simmons has more from downing street less trust to hit the ground running with relief for millions of families all over the u. k. facing crippling energy bills as from january triple the cost, she's going to put together some sort of plan to freeze those bills. it will cost billions of dollars for now. she's hiring and firing. one of the 1st to go was dominic rob, who was deputy prime minister in the last government. he was a supporter for richie sooner. and not only that, he described the tax plans and his trust as electoral suicide. quasi quite tang is going to be appointed chancellor at the finance minister of the u. k. he's a key ally and he's also sharing the ideologies of his trust. in growing the economy and cutting taxes, james cleverly, it is the current education secretary in the last government, and he will be promoted to foreign secretary dealing with russia's invasion of ukraine and the european union. there major issues he'll face sweller, brother man, is going to be home secretary, the interior minister, she will be dealing with a host of internal issues, domestic issues. the key point to these appointments is that list trust needs loyalists around her, lots of loyalists. and she needs to, for that good will from within the cabinet to permeate through the party and through the membership of the conservative party because she is a bit of a lonely figure right now. still has hair on out, is there why the u. s. is accusing north korea of helping russia continue its invasion of ukraine and the most powerful typhoon to hit south korea in years leaves at least 6 people that anticipates espouses where live and ha ah, the journey has begun. the fee for world copies on its way to a catholic book. your travel package today. right. the typhoon has got and watch it go. it really accelerated zip through south korea. it cause damage because it's a fairly major event as it went through, but it's gone now. so the pictures and jazz you all and 5 times a month, the average of rainfall. there was of course, coastal damage from the storm surge and the strength of the wind and flooding in land. but as you can see, there's nothing there to talk about on wednesday. it's going up towards jacqueline taking rain with it very quickly and left behind very quiet conditions for clean up there. still shouting honshu the still rain creek back into southern china and rain coming into western charging dues. temps is coming down as a result of that creeping rain, it will run up, i think, through the yanks to some degree as well. so that in the season or rain still going strong, pretty wide band is broken up as a virtually any way you look at. there's a chance of having a shout tomorrow is a little bit dry. maybe bit jakarta looks fairly wet in the forecast, at least the monsoon rains are retreating, but they are still pretty heavy. concentrating down the western side of the peninsula, still up in bangladesh as well. but for pakistan, although there's plenty of flooding in the country and you've seen the damage from it, the forecast shells per day or so are really quite light. i saw a visual airline of the journey iraq, a nation where women's chastity is seen the central to its patriarchal identity. but out of sight, human trafficking for persecution is on the rise. people have power talks, the survivors and goes behind the scenes with a dedicated police quote, working to bring the perpetrators to justice iraq human trafficking on a just 0. ah ah again you're watching out, is there a has reminder of our top stories this hour on her 1st day as persons prime minister lis trust has promised to tackle the cost of living crisis and rebuild the economy. i'm. she's replaced many of the top figures in boston since cabinets. and the nuclear watched up wants the situation that the russian controls operation nuclear power plant in ukraine is unsustainable. the i. e. a has also the creation of a safety setting around the plant to prevent further damage. the pentagon says russia wants north korea to supply it with ammunition for the war and ukraine. u. s. officials that demonstrates how western sanctions and limiting moscow's ability to replace vehicles and weapons destroyed during months of conflict. russia has approached north korea to request ammunition. i am not able to provide any more detail than that at this point in time. but it does demonstrate it is indicative of the situation that russia finds itself in, in terms of its logistics and sustainment capabilities as it relates to ukraine. certainly, as has been said, we, we assess that things are not going well on that front for russia. so the fact that they're reaching out to north korea is assigned that, that they're having some challenges on the sustainment from last spring and mason, which he, he's an associate professor of international politics at hancock, university of foreign studies need, joins us from. so thanks very much for being with us. how much military assistance is pyongyang able to give russia? yeah, that's an excellent question. and to be honest, we're not entirely sure how large north korea is military stocks are. you know, we've heard a very large number come out from the pentagon spokesman, you're talking about you millions of of shells near millions of replacement piece of ammunition. i think you're one of the really interesting questions that we might get some ideas how big north korea's stocks are and how much is willing to deliver, given that its own military strategy requires you mass fires. which means, you know, in theory, it would want to have relatively large number of these. but north korea does have a very large military industry. it does have a lot of shells. so presumably, a could provide a sufficient, or at least a significant number of ammunition and shells to russia. is this a sign that russia is a running low on stalks of soviet era weapons and be running out of suppliers? so certainly it looks like this is indicative of the fact that russia is having some difficulty with sustainment. again, as the pentagon put it, if this report is accurate, it, the british intelligence service is estimated that russia has used as much of as a 3rd of its artillery shells and is now turning to older soviet era models. we also know that russia's howitzers, for instance, are going to need re boring and replacement science from refurbishment. and then as for suppliers, you know, again, that's also potentially an issue. you know, with sanctions, you know, we know that russia's seemingly turned to iran for drones and with the squeeze, put on a financing and the ability for rush in make payments that might be playing a role in the story as well. and if russia does tend to north korea and complete these transactions, how would it violate sanctions on both sides of the countries? well, in north korea and there are, you know, blanket international sanctions when exactly these kinds of transactions, including not only the purchasing of military equipment from north korea, but also financing and payment systems would violate international sanctions. as well as both cast transfers, which are also prohibited by international sanctions, which russia itself has signed onto the russia would clearly be breaking mentioned previously. you know, i'm here at this whole defense dialogue actually, and we haven't heard any of the speakers talk for specifically about that yet. but i expected to come up in the afternoon and on the russian side, obviously, most of the sanctions are led by the united states and europe in particular as well . some of the u. s. allies and those sanctions. you also put this green notably on banking and so it would be interesting to see how the financial aspect of this would work out. and does this trade with potential trade that signify, russia and north korea growing closer in that ties and how might that be a concern for the west? yeah, so one of the things that we've heard quite a bit of speculation about ever since this most recent case of the war started in february, was that we might see growing cooperation between some of the liberal and authoritarian state to push back against a more united west and a more united liberal order in here in the east asia region. you know, the 3 countries that are named most are obviously china, russia and north korea, china, me, russia and north korea do have obviously historical relations that historically have been, have been quite good. there's been some neglect over the last few years and part because of course, but their relationship seems to be improving even though it base it's still relatively opt, opportunistic, and even a little bit trustful. i think this would be an interesting witness case if it, if the deliveries actually take place as to whether not we see a beginning of this trilateral cooperation perhaps between moscow, john young and china. and i would clearly be a worry for many liberal states because it would represent a block of states that would be working quite vociferously against other rules based, international order, masonry, etc. it really interesting to speak to that thanks very much for joining us. now the most powerful typhoon to hit south korea in years has killed at least 6 people, 5 of the victims when the city of po hung where the storm submerged roads and buildings. typhoon hannah, nor dumb to meter of rain, destroying rose and knocking down power lines of correspondent, bride joins us now. live fall pole. hung several. what's the aftermath look like that? yeah, they're city of ho. hang on their south korea's east coast. this is where the major clean up is happening because this is where the most damage occurred with the most rainfall. the typhoon had act with that to the a passing po hanger was actually back out at sea again or that when he, when passed here. but because it was out at sea, in these warm water separating the korean peninsula from japan, it was once more a seems being replenished, gathering the amount of moisture that it was dumping back on the coastline. so even though it was moving north, this part of the coast line and po, hanged, or something like 400 millimeters of water during the typhoon. this one district of this city, it's called the nam district with recorded 100 millimeters in just one hour. so that's what led to the inundation of rad roads of buildings. here, there is a marine corps unit here based in po, hang. you can see them out. had been taking part in the clean up operation. they were actually deployed where that had the height of the storm with amphibious vehicles to rescue people from the street. it's also because of the amount of water here rising so quickly where we've seen sadly the most of the fatalities, including among a group of people, it seems that we're caught in an underground car park trying to retrieve their vehicles and simply got caught out by the speed of these rising waters, there is a lot of speculation that this will be declared a special disaster zone that will speed up the amount of aid that can come to this area. there were a speculation that predictions that this was going to be the strongest typhoon ever recorded to come to the korean peninsula. possibly because of that various mitigation measures were put in place that has kept down the amount of destruction the number of deaths, but it was still what compared to previous data. the 3rd most powerful typhoon on record for south korea, which is plenty powerful enough for the people. air revolved in this clean up who are now glad to see the back of it. of that right are put in there. frontal hang and software. thanks very much more fuzzy is expected in southern pakistan with the release of water from the country's largest lake. engineers have cut through the embankments of lake manchild to reduce the volume of water, but it's threatening to flood property downstream as dozens of villages lie in its path. or home in homes and packets on the print job province are also submerged because of the recent floods call high. the reports from that it was more than dreaded where to go and drink again. when we came to lay our district, we were able to reach another and home buy board because it was cut off by a large wardrobe body. now drake, verizon, we are back on the same track. and once again, we have to dig the board to the chair railings. after crowding through lodge and margaret, your motor need deep. the situation head, it's quite desperate. and although the flag order and the now receding, it is granger date several months there, nor did for these people to get back to their normal life ilana. but the hood legged hom plugged hip, which we had no boats, and the water was rising rapidly. we could not get to it, our children and woman, but you know, they could be swept of them on the water has come and gone and it is left a trail of destruction called the van number that still littering the place. and it is, i've got a very horrible scene to see what has happened to this place last night. just hello by. i thought i was home last plug in 2010 steps of a any mold on my crops house if and everything. and i have at this time we were slightly better but still left all other crops and livestock. you said you went up the 2010 florida affected 20000000 people across the budget on. but the flood that had budgeted on recently has affected over 30000000 people. and although to be able to recover from the large flood whatever deandre bake it now lost again budget on recent, flooded being blamed on red and climate change. and these people, once again, find themselves walnut avoided the government as to learn its lessons in order to mitigate the vacancy of their devastating floods caused by climate change. it must ag now, in order to ensure a budget on food security and above all, to save human life. heavy rain has damaged unesco weld heritage live in pakistan. several was in the ancient city of my henry darrow, have collapse about 95000 years ago. 100 dara is one of the best present up in settlements in south asia. ok, just in construction. workers are repairing the damage. left us to land present. gabriel bar. it has bounced of cabinet re shuffle and call praising members of the traditional center left just days after a constitutional referendum. he had champions faced a crushing defeat. the move could alienate members of his political base, who say it as a concession to politics, as usual, or latin america had salisia, newman reports from santiago. this is saying that you don't really know you're in charge until you have to fire people you care for. in the wake of sundays, constitutional referendum defeat president w, l. but each had to do just that. okay, the same person that i might be going to cabinet changes have always been dramatic and chilly and this one has its fair share. it's been painful but necessary. and i won't hide it. i think that this is one of the hardest political moments i've ever faced. interior minister escape cities was replaced by catalina law, the daughter of an emblematic interior minister under former president, salvador allende, who was overthrown in 1973 military. cool, more difficult still was the removal of cabinet minister george jackson, what it is confidant and right hand man. together they began fighting to transform chile, a student leaders in 2011, forming a new generation of politicians. later they were inseparable as congressional allies. now, jackson, who was unable to work well with congress, has been moved to an a significant ministry. he's been replaced by former president to be shared bachelor's, ex, cabinet chief analia with the active. the cabinet shake up incorporates a political generation that the left wing, millennial president had once dismissed as history. this is the equivalent of when you move out of your house because you're a grown up now and you're going to have your own life. and 6 months later, you have to bring in your dad, your mom and your siblings, because you cannot, of sort of live on your ah, you the presidential palace university students protested throughout the day against the defeat of the draft constitution supported by bought each. it would have introduced progressive structural reforms, but for the majority of voters, it went to far event the game, which is obvious that the president had to get the message from this electoral defeat. and is taken note by incorporating people from arbitrations below, you weren't formed in student protests for sunday or taken into the ceremony. here at the presidential palace was the late 90 minutes because of an uproar over the choice of under secretary of the interior. why do we change that? the very last minute. the embarrassing reshuffling of the cabinet re shuffle underscores why president bondage was forced to turn to older, more experienced politicians. but each acknowledged very hard times ahead, but insisted that with the help of these more traditional social democratic cabinet members hill, forge ahead with his ambitious program of social reforms who see a newman al jazeera santiago ah.


Transcripts For DW The Day 20220907

a situation which is more stated sugars are the cause of russian provocations is up . patricia plant was one step away from a nuclear disaster to plan. and the physical integrity of the bumper has to be in by several times. it continues its provocations at the upper region nuclear plant to create a threat of a man made disaster. the pole plant? yes, that's the scariest. these is the reality that we, that we have to wreak of life. and this is something that's got not continue to happen. oh, also coming up on that day and trusts we trust or not, less trust officially takes over the reins from bars johnson. she bows to hit the ground running, but brits don't believe she'll be able to deliver on her promises. she's got a lot of work to do on that, to be honest, as she will do it being a member of the team. she was saying to live it to live. it's live over and over again. of course, it will be very interesting to see whether or not she's able to do the role. this is many people that are very large, tricky if both of the united nation says urgent action is required to prevent a potentially catastrophic incident. up as upper region nuclear plant and ukraine, inspectors from the international atomic energy agency issue, the warning and a report on their recent inspection of the russian occupied plants. the experts were 1st able to access the site last week to assess the damage and working conditions. there since russian troops took control of the facility early in the war, keith and moscow have accused each other of risking a nuclear disaster by continually shelling the site. well, in its report, the i a calls the current situation to add this upper region nuclear power plant untenable saying it is the 1st time in a military conflict that it's occurring amid the facilities of a large establish nuclear power program. a nuclear accident can have serious impacts within the country and beyond its borders and at warrant. there is an urgent need for interim measures to prevent a nuclear accident arising from physical damage caused by military means. this can be achieved by the immediate establishment of nuclear safety and security protection zone for you and security council has meant to discuss the situation at those upper region nuclear power plant and the head of the international atomic energy agency, ruffle grossey, who led the team of inspectors there briefed council members on his report. he said the world was playing with fire and warned that a catastrophic incident was possible. the physical attack wiggly or unwittingly, or the hits that this facility has received and that i could personally see assess together with my experts, is simply an acceptable we are playing with fire and something very, very catastrophic couldn't take place. this is why in our report we are proposing the establishing the establishment story of a nuclear safety and security protection zone, limited to the emitter, that blanked itself. let's bring an alina silk of a. she is the executive director of the vienna center for disarmament and non proliferation mozilla. welcome to the day. this report pains a truly troubling picture of the situation on the ground. what do you make of it? on 1st of all, i want to applaud the i a and it's director john grossi board taking dean is actually going into the active or zone to assess this case. and this is the 1st time we have an independent assessment of what is taking place there. and they do report that there are compromises and sometimes very stressful situation and the nuclear o plan, which you're already heard, the director general and we have main choir and the most troubling cities in my view and granted in the report, careful is 2 things. first of all, there continues to be selling, including the hiv, when they're inspectors are and the side. and the 2nd 3rd of the power lines continue outside power lines continue to be compromised and cut off. there was another one and a go. and we still don't know whether the outside or was connected. and the 3rd is a very stressful situation on which the i'm cranium, operators in personnel on working there. so this 3 to me are the most concerning that. but he does love prayer presses, in course for the stablish man of the safety and security protection zone around the power plan. i think it's a very important initiative. and a we need to ensure that it does have a chance to be discussed and feared on how to establish it. yeah, these guys are one thing, sorry to interrupt you there, but how likely do you think we are to actually see hostility stopping in the area? it really depends on what the parameters of this protection though would be, and who would be the parties actually implementing that protection. because se, earlier suggestions that loaded by several countries, including the us and others, went to demo at the site and then rounded and brought them back from that. so that is clearly to me, it's not something that they are prepared to to agree on. but there could be, where are you feeling where in unprecedented situation we've never had military conflict and wrong. they knew so where, where turn to the territory at the moment and, and i don't know, i was actually skeptical it originally about the possibility of this mission to take place. but it did happen in both russia and ukraine and the, and agreed to proceed with that. so i would, i would give us a chance, but it's certainly going to be an easy effort. what more could the international community do to ease tensions around the plant? i think the, this is very strong was coming from all countries, and now you're in security council person for even now. it continues discussion of the report and that proposed by the director john grossi. it would be extremely important to continue negotiations and consultations and keep possible in one hope is that 1st of all and foremost the i presented is do remain at the nuclear power plant. there only 2 factors, counseling, but there is in time to keep them. and i also think that the initiative and the energy with director general are currently in continuum color depress, older artists. he already started concentration. so do give us some glimpse of it's hard to predict a 60 but is very worthy effort, because indeed we're playing with the bar. is there a way to increase pressure on vladimir putin to maybe push forward with this, this idea of a security zone because he is, as, as you said, or his troops are playing with fire. but he has so far rejected. and every option that has been put on the table regarding these, these bill demilitarization efforts around the area of upper region. how can we increase pressure and bring people to the table? no pressure. but what i think that it is actually in the russian interest to at least explore this support unit, can continue to negotiate. because if you think about it, the nuclear, a nuclear power plant is actually a part of the territory that russia occupying. and if something happens to the nuclear power plant, the power is kind of so you can provide the backup supply if you are human error. so now working on the stressful conditions, there isn't, doesn't recognize this is the russian territory. this is the ukraine and here it will read all over. so i think it is in russian interest to seriously consider this proposal and work with the national community. how likely is that going to be a uncharted territory? elena soak of an executive director of the center for disarmament and non proliferation. thanks for your time tonight. thank you. well, all eyes are on the nuclear plant, the battle rages on in many other parts of the country. ukrainian officials say 3 civilians are among the latest victims of russian missile attacks near the city of har. keefe. ukraine 2nd largest city has seen constant shelling since the start of the conflict with what much of the fighting long, focused on the east. now ukraine is reporting advances in the south where it launched along a way to counter offensive last week. the pentagon confirms that keeps troops have started re taking villages in the region around her son, heat by rockets again and again. how keith is ukraine's 2nd largest city, its position in the east near the russian border, has made it a target throughout the wall. there was an explosion on dar apartment shook pieces of tile hit my child's back on the ceiling collapsed on my head. very thick smoke immediately filled the room. we wanted to get out, but our door was blocked. it was blown into the corridor. ha ha ha, keeps governor said rescue as us still searching through the rubble for survivors of the attack on this apartment building in the city center. several people were killed in all the strikes in the region and air raid sirens rang throughout ukraine on tuesday morning. but in the countries south cave says it's successfully pushing back. ukrainian troops launched a counter offensive last week and say they have already regain tarrot tree. this video appears to show soldiers raising a ukrainian flag in a small town in the house on region that had been held by russia since early on in the wall. ah, forest johnson and his wife carry leave number 10 downing street for the final time . it was the 1st act in a carefully choreographed handover of power that saw a list trust, become britain's new prime minister. outside on the steps of the official residence, johnson said his final good bye. ah good, hey. well, well, this is, this is it quotes. it only a couple of hours i will be in our moral to see her majesty the queen and the torch will finally be paused to a new conservative leda. let me say that i am like one of those booster rockets that is fulfilled its function. and i will not be gently re entering the atmosphere and splashing down invisibly in some remote and obscure corner of the pacific. and i will be supporting this trust and the new government every step of the way. thank you very much. thank you. goodbye. thank you for is johnson and liz trust, then headed to scotland for the next part of their performance. they visit at the queen at her residence at bell moral castle. johnson was in 1st to officially tender his resignation. he then left no longer prime minister and once he was gone, trust arrived at baltimore for her audience with the queen. and the british monarch formally invited her to form a new government. she then headed to her new official residency number 10 downing street or she addressed the nation for the 1st time as prime minister in her speech. she praised her predecessor and bound to tackle the challenges facing britain had on i have just accepted her majesty the queen's kind invitation to form a new government. now is the time to tackle the issues that are holding brittenback . as prime minister, i will pursue 3 lead priorities. thusly, i will get written working again. secondly, i will deal hands on with the energy crisis cools by putins will sudley. i will make sure that people can get doctors appointments and the services they need. we will put all health service on a a i am determined to deliver. thank you. oh, and quinton peel is with me now to talk about the new british prime minister. he's an associate fellow with a europe program at the chatham house thing. tech mr. peel. good to see the list of promises is long. how will list trust go about delivering well, she's basically got to stand on their heads. most of the things that she promised during her campaign, she said she's going to go for tax cuts and no subsidies. in fact, she's going to have to have enormous subsidies to try and put a cat on the energy prices. and she's gonna have to spend a huge amount of money on the national health service on defense. so actually she's going to be quite a spender and not a saver. she lost no time to re shuffle the cabinet. did she hers is very diverse, quite young, very much out of her own wing of the party. did you think the right team for the right ahead? well, it's certainly been criticized already as being quite light weight not particularly experienced. although in many ways it looks quite like the, the johnson government that it replaces. so there are quite a lot of people that were in the form of government. all their several heavy weights have gone, like the deputy prime minister, for example, dominic rub. and she's brought in people who were clearly her supporters. and it's quite clear that she's rewarding their loyalty. and the other, most interesting thing is really that the 3 biggest jobs in government have all gone to members of ethnic minorities. you've got a black chance for the exchequer in quasi gracen. i'm a black foreign secretary in james, cleverly and british asian sewell, a brother, man, as the home secretary that's quite striking in terms of the normal male white cabinets that the british have seen. the conservative party is in a bad state bell, deeply divided. will she be able to get everyone to rally around her? you thank she's gonna have a real struggle. i think, i mean this, this succession battle and the replacement of johnson has been a very miserable and bitter affair. they've been squabbling very openly and she didn't get a resounding endorsement in her election. i mean, actually she didn't even get half the members of the conservative party to back her . and she got quite a poor sharing also from members of parliament. so she's gonna have quite a struggle. it's possible that she may not last very long if she can't hold her party together. but she has a big majority in parliament, thanks to the majority that maurice johnson, one at the last election h t. c majority. which should see her through the danger being that when you got a big majority, people feel much more able to rebel against you. so she's gonna have to woo people quite assiduously. she's gonna have to work very hard at this. and as you perhaps heard from her speech, she's not a very persuasive sort of person. she's rather dull, very different to maurice johnson in that way. she doesn't have any of his humor and his flare, like, let's zoom out of bed. when is her appointment as prime minister mean for the you case position in the world? well i, i fear that it doesn't mean a huge amount of change. i mean, she has made her name a bit of the foreign ministry as somebody who was tough towards the european union . she's the one who's fee of table, the legislation to scratch the so called northern ireland protocol, which is a vital piece of legislation to enable the whole trade to trade situation with the european union to work properly. if she's got a scrap that against the signing the forest, johnson did of it then that scared to poison relations with the european union, the question is, will she change her mind of the truth is we don't really know. this is a woman who looks on the one hand as a very i ideological sort of person. but on the other hand, she was once a robina, she wanted to stay of the you. and then she became a fierce breaks of the. somebody wanted to leave the you and i think we're going to have to wait and see how she works out in power. quentin peel of chatham has pleasure speaking to you tonight. thank you. ah, israeli president, you tuck hertzog, has called for a closer ties between germany and israel. he made the remarks to lawmakers in the german parliament in a speech marking the 50th anniversary of the munich olympics massacre and 97211 israeli team members died after palestinian militants storm their compound in the olympic village. on monday, german president. fine fantastic. maya admitted that germany had failed to protect the israeli athletes. after his speech and the german parliament, hertzog visited the former nazi concentration camp bergen belsen alongside his german counterpart. israel and germany's presidents paid their respects to the victims of the holocaust at bergen belsen israeli president, issac hertz hogs. father helped liberate the camp. in 1945 addressing germany's parliament and berlin had talked, spoke about the effect. his father stories had on him as a child. he must conduct a vague it all of a ha my father is 60 president of israel heim hertzog. i am and he was among the 1st officers who liberated the death camps and germany from the jaws of the nazi beast. the fire, nazi large, ga hello lie shall never forget how he described to me the horrors he witnessed them. um the stench that's uh huh. the humans skeletons and striped pajamas, so the piles of corpses, the destruction the whole, the hell on earth again on my ladder. before visiting bergen belsen, both presidents laid remembrance reads at berlin's holocaust memorial. it was another symbolic act to show that neither country could forget the horrors of the nazi regime. a mere 7 hotmail, whether we wanted or not, on a shop. the memory of the shore is a deep part of our identity as a nation. this eco, a people who carries in its historic memory such a dork, abysmal impossible experience is not a people like all peoples outside human mendoza, hats. og state visit to germany, also marked the 50th anniversary of another horror that israel can't forget. the munich olympics massacre. a day earlier, germany apologized from his handling a terror attack in the olympic village in 1972, which left 11 israeli team members dead at the hands of palestinian terrorists at bergen belsen germany's president warned that his country must remain vigilant against anti semitism. again, faced with the graves of bergen belsen dead, yoga them and the millions murdered in the holocaust in every form of anti semitism that sadly still exists in germany is an alarm signal for our country build on the visit ended at a memorial for one of the most famous victims of the holocaust and frank murdered like her sister just months before the liberation of the camp. a reminder of the terrible suffering that these 2 nations are determined will never be repeated. ah, a huge crowd. welcome britons, prince harry and his wife megan markelle as they arrived, and disco doff here and germany for an event one year before the 2023. in victor's games, which the city is hosting this year. the invictus games are an international multi sports event for injured soldiers founded by harry in 2014, he himself served in the british army and was stationed in afghanistan. he remains the patron of the games after stepping down from his official royal duties in 2020 and let's listen to what harry had to say about the games at de saddam city hall. i'm humbled, but these games provide an opportunity to recognise, celebrates, i'm give, thanks on respect to those who've given all of us so much. so without further ado, it is my absolute honor, along with my wife to invite the people of germany to officially store the count down to next september. the day's almost done, but as always, the conversation continues online. we are looking forward to hearing from you on twitter, make sure to follow our team under at dw news and myself, nicole underscore friendly, but for the time being for me the entire team on the day. thanks for spending part of your day with with ah, parched soil. as far as the i can see in east africa, millions of people are suffering from famine and drought. in their desperation, farmers are slaughtering their weekend animals. if it does not rain soon, their livelihood will be lost forever. global 3000 on dw bought, ah, ego africa. now you can only protect what you know is the motto for, and then maybe as you're ref, conservation just today, many people know are too little about these animals and doesn't get in group of kids. and when they see any more, for example, issue f continues an infant. giraffe conservation foundation wants to change this eco africa. in 60 minutes on d, w o t, please listen carefully. don't know how with today go ah, feel the magic discover the world around you. subscribe to d w documentary on youtube. ah ah, welcome to global 3000 deadly racket. widespread noise pollution is calming marine life.


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220907

ah, and other more a kyle, this is al jazeera, alive from doha. also coming up, let's trust, replaces boys johnson as u. k prime minister. but faces am needed domestic and international challenges. i am confident that together we can ride out the storm and efforts on to prevent pakistan's lake man char from bursting its banks flood, waters release and thousands of move to safer ground. ah, your nuclear watchdog says the situation of the russian controlled zapper each a nuclear plant in ukraine is unsustainable. both sides accuse each other of shelling the plant. the i am calling for an immediate security zone to be set up around the station, which is europe's largest, that our board also recommends that conditions be, improve ukrainian staff operating the plant, expert se work is needed to repair damage to buildings that housed nuclear fuel. and radioactive waste. the plant in the southern city of anna hold are usually generates around half of ukraine's nuclear power. but it's acts height on the risk of damage to its electricity grid. under the worst case scenario, explosions could destroy the plant, so called react containment structure. that would allow highly radiation levels to escape into the atmosphere, making nearby areas dangerous to live in for decades. of the head of the you and nuclear watchdog reported his findings to the security council. are the magic as to james base has this report having just led a mission by a team of inspectors to the czar for each see a nuclear power plant. a place that's been shelled repeatedly the head of the i. e . a spoke to the security council about his findings in the current situation, he said was dangerous and untenable. their physical attack, wittingly or unwittingly, the hits that this facility has received and that i could personally see and assess together with my experts is simply an acceptable. we are playing with fire and something very, very catastrophic could take place. he's now proposing a demilitarized protection zone rounds, aperture, the largest nuclear power plant in europe. it's a proposal that is also strongly backed by the un secretary general, an agreement on a limited that i study matter should be secured. specifically, that will include the commitment by russian forces to withdraw all military personnel and equipment from that perimeter. and the commitment by ukrainian forces not to move into its didn't have both ukrainian and the russian ambassadors spoke in the meeting, each blaming the other for the shelling of the plant. after the security council meeting, i asked rushes ambassador about the proposal for the demilitarized zone. i want to know all the details. same is here. i don't know. do not know what sir, director, general grocery and square that up to what extent that will improve the safety of was physical and nuclear safety of the plant. the proposal for the military zone was supported by most members of the security council, but russia and ukraine both said they wanted more details. it's clear much more diplomacy and persuasion will be needed if this idea is ever to be turned into reality. james bay's al jazeera at the united nations as met in at mass cathy as a professor of several and environmental engineering at the university of southern california and specializes in nuclear safety. he told me the situation is very wiring. this proposal for demilitarize security zone was floated by secretary general. if you are missing just almost a month ago when he was visiting the hero, she might japan, and then russia flatly rejected that it was raised before. after a few more times, you remember that this was the 3rd meeting of un security cancer in the last month and a half. and i do not think that russia will accept that because what is happening at supper? sure, since they're a patient of russia has been unbelievable. first of all, there is shelling there. shelling can attack or can cause damage to the spent fuel pool, which are not protected are not on there to contain mental, what it can affect all aspect of the physical infrastructure of the plan which causes a lot of hazard. the other thing that this patient has done, and this has been mentioned, this is that are a report that was released today based on their heroic mission. last is the state of the staff and the mental status of this stuff. there are some boards over here by reading between the lines of this report, not only the lines which is very scary for me. i've been in the area of nuclear safety research for last 35 years on believable pressure that the operating staff are subject to constant high stress friction when it comes to decision making the russian all players coach under extremely stressful condition. while under control of russian troops, these are all unfortunately the recipe for disaster. rather he's now and by says that new prime insolence process started pointing senior members of a cabinet after taking it from bar thompson on tuesday to address the nation. promising to tackle the cost of living crisis and rebuild the economy and a bother reports from london. as loose trust took a 1st steps in downing street as prime minister. her focus was on reassuring the nation. things can get better we now face a big label. headwinds caused by rushes of pulling more in ukraine and the aftermath of k that now is the time to tackle the issues that are holding britain back. we need to build roads, homes, and broadband pasta. we need more investments and great jobs in every town and city across our country. we need to reduce the bad and on families and help people get on in life. of course, the pressing issue is helping people cope with huge energy price rises on that she says she understands the urgency. i will take action this week to deal with energy bells and to secure all future energy supply. but she repeated her commitment to cutting taxes as a way of driving economic growth. trust started vitalia flying to scotland, where she met queen elizabeth had her bow moral estate. she was formerly appointed after the monarch received the outgoing prime ministers resignation. before he threw north maurice johnson and his wife carry said good bye to stop at 10 downing street. it was partly the party in here that led to so many of his own in peace. turning against him, his departing speech didn't reference any coven rule breaking. but rules did come up when he talked about the end of his premier ship. the baton will be handed over in what is unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race. they changed the rules half way through, but never mind that now. johnson did promise to support least trust every step of the way, urging his party to unite after a damaging leadership contest. apart from telling supporters what his government had achieved, johnson did briefly mention the financial stress facing millions of households. the sunlit uplands of the british economy, a currently shrouded in folk, and the calls on the new prime minister to offer some glimpse of light are getting louder. you need to look at the world as it is rather than the world that you'd like it to be and then you need to respond. and the big message for me is trickle down. economics does not work. the last 15 years has shown us that because he caught me, has granite points. the cake has got bigger, but what's happened is that those are the top of taken more and the majority of people have not benefited less trust will want to offer her own vision of britain as it phrases, economic and ex, essential crises. but she must also show the public. she's able to be pragmatic and take steps to stop millions of people slipping into poverty. the challenge is immense. nadine barbara al jazeera london and his trust has assembled a diverse cabinet that includes britons fast, black finance, and foreign ministers. and to simmons has more from downing street. less trust has to hit the ground running with relief, a millions of families all over the u. k. facing crippling energy bills as from january triple the cost, she's going to put together some sort of plan to freeze those bills. it will cost billions of dollars for now. she's hiring and firing. one of the 1st to go was dominic rob, who was deputy prime minister in the last government. he was a supporter for which he, sooner and not only that, he described the tax plans and his trust as intellectual suicide, quasi quite sang. he's going to be appointed chancellor of the finance ministry of the u. k. he's a key ally and he's also sharing the ideologies of less trust in growing the economy and cutting taxes. james cleverly is the current education secretary in the last government and he will be promoted to foreign secretary dealing with russia's invasion of ukraine and the european union. there major issues, he'll face sweller. barava mon is going to be home secretary, the interior minister. she will be dealing with a host of internal issues, domestic issues. the key point to these appointments is that list trust needs, loyalist around her, lots of warrantless and she needs to for that good will from within the cabinet to permeate through the party. and through the membership of the conservative party because she is a bit of a lonely figure right now. well, let's bring in feathery gear bendy. she's a professor of political science at the university of rome, tova gas, as she joins us from boulder, colorado in the us. thanks so much for being with us, said maurice johnson. the former prime minister was not much of a favorite in washington. how might a special u. s. u k relationship develop now one to live truss. so when she 1st met blink, and because remember she was foreign minister last i my understanding is that they didn't really go well. den, now that they're not part of the european union anymore, british are keen to revive the special relationship, but with the u. s. and on the one side they, us definitely needs the help of the u. k. on the war on a train. on the other side, biden has made clear since the beginning that he will protect ireland. and this is one, obey key issues in the negotiation, action negotiation that miss trust, missus trust actually led a of what did the you k wants to renegotiate with the european union, so they are in a catch 22 position if you may. oh, it was a couple of points or the 1st one i want to bring up is that meeting with i think it was actually been can. when she said this child said when she was foreign secretary, she asked what was so special about the special relationship that she seemed few tangible examples of it. was that a fair point? no, i don't think it's a fair point. it, sir. there is indeed a special relationship between the 2 countries. air and the day you k is usually consulted before any other ally. this was one of the points of friction when the u . k. was part of european union. so there is indeed this, but there's a special relationship at the, at the level of intelligence, media, tory, and so on and so forth. and i think she was being provocative. and she wanted more, but this support of the u. k. where she wants it on the negotiation with european union, she's not likely oh, get it a distillate more about the issue over the northern on protocol because we've seen this trust but heads with nancy pelosi over this. what is at stake here? what is the issue? so basically, as you know, one of the reasons why the civil war could and in ireland and, and the peace treaty could be signed. it was that at the point at the time in the, in an early 99th is both countries were part of european communities and later became your and union. so that made it possible not to have border to have a self border, no border between north and, and, and north knight on andrea island because they were both part of the of the european group is and is especially the case with the of their pin union with a, with a single single market and that these border aids it's, it's crucial because if you re closed the border one way or the other, then the peace treaty reach to collapse. right? so there, but there, there is a lot of and yes, the is a, it's a very complicated issue that the u. the u. k. is negotiating or dealing with with the e. u. why is it of interest to the us? because biden is very proud of his irish roots. so he had the 1st phone call the ever made when he became president of united states was to that 1000. it's it, the really his heritage. so ireland is something he'd really cares about. and, and he also cares about that the european union, you know, the opinion is bracing for a difficult winter, a because they full of the us on the sanctions and on the war. and he hint shan't let the europeans down. so i stifled for him and is difficult for you. okay, is difficult for park is in bold and old. so of course, this is the massey, mack matter between the u. k and, and d u. so it's, it's a complicated issue, but so one on we, she has negotiated in the last months and this ross and, and joe biden, they bally know, till they haven't had many opportunities to meet. when will they get a chance to meet and what might that personal relationship like? by that is a very warm person, a staunch democrat, proud to be progressive, catholic, irish. and so he, we alike and expect him to treat her with law in a very nice way at the beginning whether she reacts at the same level. i don't know, we really don't know much about her of the personal level to be very frank. that's going to be interesting to watch and see how the relationship develops. federico bindy, thank you very much. taking time to join us that from colorado. thank you for having me. still had hair on al jazeera. oh, we hear from a syrian women in lebanon accuses state security officials of torturing and killing her husband. and the tops are running once again in jackson, mississippi, after more than a week, but will tell you why the war crisis is far from ah, the journey has begun. the faithful world camp is on its way to cat hook your cattle package today. right, the typhoon has got and watch it go. it really accelerated zip through south korea . it cause damage because it's a fairly major event as it went through, but it's gone now. so the pictures and jazz you all and 5 times a month, the average of rainfall. there was a course coastal damage from the storm surge and the strength of the wind and flooding in land. but as you can see, there's nothing there to talk about on wednesday. it's gone up towards jacqueline taking rain with it very quickly and left behind very quiet conditions for clean up . there are still shouting honshu, the still rain creep back into southern china and rain coming into western china chung to his temperature coming down. as a result of that creeping radio run up, i think through the yanks you to some degree as well. so that in the seasonal rain still going strong, pretty wide band is broken up. desert virtually any way you look at, there's a chance of having a shower too much is a little bit dry. maybe bit jakarta looks fairly wet in the forecast. at least the monsoon rains are retreating, but they are still pretty heavy. concentrating down the western side of the peninsula, still up in bangladesh as well. but for pakistan, although there's plenty of flooding in the country and you've seen the damage from the forecast shower for a day or so are really quite light official. and the judge in the year 1271, a young battalion, mitchell, set out on an extraordinary journey. carrying letters from the pope for the great public. com. marco polo traveled through water meters following dangerous roads from the holy land and beyond to day chasing the shadow. professor showers troubled from china to venice with searching questions of how the relationship between east and west as j. o marco polo on al jazeera was oh, logan your without. is there a his reminder of our top stories this our, your nuclear watchdog was a situation at the russian controls oper each a nuclear power plant in ukraine is unsustainable. the i a is asked for the creation of a safety zone around the plant to prevent further damage. and on her 1st day as persons prime and zealous trust as promise of tackle the cost of living crisis, rebuild the economy. amity has replaced many of the top figures in post boris johnson's cabinets. the white house has repeated calls for accountability for the killing of our desert journalist. sure enough to o'clock, but it's not pushing for an independent investigation. on monday, be as rarely, moultrie admitted, for the 1st time that she was likely killed by israeli gunfire in may. and its long awaited report into her death. it said there is a high possibility she was accidentally hit by israeli troops, is where the army says it didn't find any violation of regulations and won't be pursuing any criminal investigation. our profound condolences go to the family. we hear their concerns, we understand that concerns. the exam and examination was conducted by 2 members, again of the u. s. c. c with over 42 combined years of forensic expertise in addition to the forensic and ballistic analysis. do you fcc was granted full access to both israel defense courses and palestinian authority investigation by summarizing both investigation, the u. s. c. c concluded that got fired from id f positions was likely responsible for the death of sharina ugly. the you fcc found no reason to believe that this was intentional, but rather the result of tragic circumstances. more flattering is expected in southern pakistan with the release of water from the country. large lake engineers have cut through the embankments of lake man. shots are reduced the volume of water, but it's threatening to flood properties downstream as dozens of villages lie in its path. and holmes and packets are put in job province. all types of merged under was because of the recent floods call high, the reports from that. it was more than dreaded where to go and drink again. when we came to lay our district, we were able to reach her home by board. regarded, was cut off by a large water body. now we are john. we are back on the same track. and once again, we have to dig the boat to reach a relish after crossing through. lodge and margaret, your darling more need deep. the situation head is quite desperate. and although the large wardrobe now receding, it is granger days, several months there, nor did for the people to get back to their normal life. a lot of the hood leg home would be hit with. we had no boats, and the water was rising rapidly. we could not get to it on the children and woman, but well, that could be swept of a guess. it on the water has come and gone and it left a trail of destruction. dead cargo van number that still littering the place. and it is, i've got a very horrible scene to see what has happened to this place last night. just hello by. i thought i was home last night in 2010 steps of a any mold on my crops house if and everything. and i have at this time we were slightly better but still lost all other crops and livestock said the 2010 florida effected 20000000 people across august on. but the flood that had budgets on recently has affected over 30000000 people. and although to be able to recover from the large flood whatever deandre bake and now launched again, budget on recent, flooded being blamed on red and climate change. and the paper once again find themselves walner. but the government as to learn its lessons in order to mitigate the vacant they're devastating floods caused by climate change. it must ag now, in order to ensure a budget on folks that go to the gate and above all. busy to save human life, one man has been killed during a protest against un peacekeepers in the democratic republic of congo. it happened to the eastern city of benny. people blocks the road and through stones that un stuff demonstration, se peacekeepers have not protected them from violence in the region, and want them to leave. lebanon has arrested 5 of its state security agents on suspicion of torturing assyrian detainees to death. it's not the 1st time the agency has been accused of abuse, his family is refusing to collect his body until those responsible brought to justice. then hunter reports from barret. this is a family in grief, and in shock. busha abbas owed a refugee from syria died while in the custody of lebanon state security agency. his elder children, 9 year old, must have been 7 year old. we, sam, have seen photos of their father's tortured body. it's hard to make them speak o yamaha, though. they took him while he was having dinner. they called us 4 days later to collect his body. i can't believe what they did to him. this is an injustice. but shar, who came to lebanon 8 years ago, was working as a laborer. his family believes he died within 3 hours of his arrest due to severe torture and beatings. the state security agency which accused bashar of belonging to iso, has faced multiple allegations of torture. human rights groups say terrorism charges are usually used against syrian refugees to explain torture or unlawful, lengthy the tensions or so we have many conflicting naya, naya that from the a state security agency. and so far they do not stand. this needs to be a he investigated because the 1st investigation or was conducted under the senate state church agency who is accused of them. of the kidding, after widespread condemnation, state security officers were arrested for questioning. many syrians tell us they live in fear lebanese authorities haven't been welcoming a few weeks ago, they said that they are planning to support up to 15000 syrians a month because they now believe syria is safe, human rights groups. the and the united nations disagree brochures family says he may have been punished for defecting from the syrian army during the war. during his detention no lawyer was present his work at the 1st they told us he was arrested because he had a fake $50.00 note than to protect themselves after they killed him. they said he belong to i. so i want to know who killed him in cold blood. his family says they won't bury his body until they get justice. but that has rarely happened in a country, often accused of denying syrian refugees the right to due process. then a footer azure cedar battled to people have died and thousands have been ordered to evacuate because of a wildfire in southern california. several buildings have been destroyed in the fairview area, southeast of los angeles. the fire has been fueled by high temperatures and extremely dry conditions. extreme heat that's het california, as well as parts of neighboring arizona, and nevada. is full cost to continue until around 1st name to jackson, mississippi. now i will show as finally flaring up to more than a week, that it still undrinkable. a governess as he's open to all i did to resolve the will to crisis, including privatizing cities, water system. they jackson's man opposes that john hampton reports, on a part in jackson. the crisis is contained, for now the water was in the capital of the poorest state in the us have gone on long enough. that water is once again, getting to the people. a few bottles at a time. what do you think about the water situation here? that's great. who are so far? because they're taking care of it for now, but what about the long term? long term? i don't know what long term i know to what we were. we visited just bumble. wow. here in mississippi, what jackson has not resolved is how to in the crisis, never, ever have. i had never ever been able to take a shower and not wash my hail, open my mouth, the best grade, the mayor chuck will remember says the state has not provided enough money and is asking for 47 $1000000.00 from both the state and federal government we can no longer afford to wait on funds to repair and improve our aging infrastructure. we need funding assistance from state and federal agencies. now. water pressure at the obee, curtis water treatment plant has been restored, taps and toilets are running it full flow. but the water still isn't clean enough to drink, so jack sony ins continue to boil it or drink it by the bottle. this is one of 7 national guard stations, handing out water each day from 9 in the morning until 630 at night. they hand out 2 cases of water to each car up to $4200.00 cars a day so far they say it never run out. so people are getting their bother, get their water. they are getting their water. yes. or anybody told the how long you might be out here? no, sir, but we're in here for the us. our job, we're here for the little so my tells us to go home jackson's problems go deep white flight began in the 19 sixty's, shrinking the city's taxpayers and leaving it unable to make repairs, were failing water system that could reach into the billions of dollars this empty mall once full of stores is now a water distribution center. jackson might be the capital, but it's residents vote reliably for democrats in a state run by republicans. so there's been little progress in ending it's decades long water crisis. until now, when it's drawn international attention take, but still some residents retain a stubborn southern optimism. what about the future? well, they don't get it right. how long it takes to get it right as they say here will. that's another thing. john henderson, al jazeera jackson, mississippi electronic cigarette maker joe labs as to pay $444000000.00 to settle an investigation into his marketing tactics aimed at under age smokers. the pro, by 33 you estates, found teenagers were targeted with invitations to launch parties, product giveaways, and social media posts it into a surge and vapor rates. jo labs will make payments over a 10 year period. the company says the settlement is part of an ongoing commitment to resolve issues of the past. ah, this is out 0. these are the top stories you a nuclear watchdog.


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220907

ah, and i'm not clog, this is our desert life. and her also coming up, liz trusts, replaces bars johnson as u. k prime minister, but faces immediate domestic and international challenges. chili's presidents gabrielle porridge reveals his 1st cabinet re shuffle forum why the move could upset members of his political base plus al jazeera as back in you vall, day texas, the small town where one of the biggest school shootings in american history happens as kids go back to school today, parents are not convinced security as up to scratch. ah, to say that the you and nuclear watchdog says the situation that the russian controlled separate you nuclear plant in ukraine is unsustainable. both sides accused each other of shelling the plant, the i. e. a is calling for an immediate security zone to be set up around the station, which is europe's largest report also recommends that conditions be improve fort ukrainian staff operating the plot. a sweat sake work is needed to repair damage to buildings at house, nuclear, fuel, and radioactive waste. the plant in the southern city of n, a hunter, usually generates around half of ukraine's nuclear power. but attacks heightened the risk of damage to its electricity grid. under the worst case scenario, explosions could destroy the plant, so called reactor containment structure. that would allow high radiation levels to escape into the atmosphere making nearby areas dangerous to live in for decades. well, the head of the you are nuclear watchdog reported his findings to the security council and diplomatic editor james base. as this report, having just led a mission by a team of inspectors to the zap reached the a nuclear power plant. a place that's been shelled repeatedly the head of the i. e . a spoke to the security council about his findings in the current situation, he said was dangerous and untenable. their physical attack, wittingly or unwittingly, the hits that this facility has received and that i could personally see and assess together with my experts is simply an acceptable we are playing with fire and something very, very catastrophic could take place. he's now proposing a demilitarized protection zone rounds, aperture, the largest nuclear power plant in europe. it's a proposal that's all so strongly backed by the un secretary general. an agreement on a limited that i study matter should be secured. specifically, that will include the commitment by russian forces to withdraw all military personnel and equipment from that perimeter. and the commitment by ukrainian forces not to move into its didn't have both the ukrainian and the russian ambassadors spoken the meeting, each blaming the other for the shelling of the plant. after the security council meeting, i asked rushes ambassador about the proposal for the demilitarized zone. i want to know the details. same as here. i don't know. do not know what sir, director, general grosser means. play that. to what extent that will improve the safety was physical and nuclear safety of the plant. the proposal for the militarize zone was supported by most members of the security council, but russia and ukraine both said they wanted more details. it's clear much more diplomacy and persuasion will be needed if this idea is ever to be turned into reality. james bay's al jazeera, at the united nations enlargement of mascot. he is a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the university of southern california and specializes in nuclear safety. and he told us the situation is very wiring. this proposal for demilitarized security zone was floated by secretary general f u m a c, which years, almost a month ago when he was visiting the hero, she might, japan, and then russia flatly rejected that it was raised before. after a few more times, you remember that this was the 3rd meeting of un security cancer in the last month and a half. and i do not think that russia will accept that because what is happening at supper? sure, since they're a patient of russia has been unbelievable. first of all, there is shelling the shelling can attack or can cause damage to the spent fuel pool, which are not protected or not under the containment. do what it can affect all aspect of the physical infrastructure of the plan which causes a lot of hazard. the other thing that this patient has done, and this has been mentioned, this is that are a report that was released today based on their heroic commission. last is the state of the staff and the mental status of the staff. there are some boards over here by reading between the lines of this report, not only the lines which is very scary for me. i've been in the area of nuclear safety research for last 35 years on believable pressure that the operating staff are subject to constant high stress friction when it comes to decision making the russian all players court under extremely stressful condition, while under control of russian troops these are all unfortunately recipe for disaster. european countries have scrambled to respond to the surgeon gas prices after rushes shut down a crucial pipeline to europe. the french president, mental macro is urging every household to limit its use of gas and electricity. macklin also said he might consider forced energy savings in the coming months if the voluntary measures are not sufficient. on monday, germany announced it will keep 2 of its remaining nuclear power stations on standby to battle the energy crisis. dominic came with more from earlier this got a few strands from a european perspective to the energy crisis as it presents itself to day. we know that from the e. u. institutions perspective that the check presidency, 6 mother updating presidency, which the checks have right now is putting forward a draft document which will look at the idea of placing caps on the price of gas that would be brought into the e u, from whatever source. and we know also that the spanish government is saying that they understand that there is the talk about the possibility of capping the amount of gas being brought in either piped in from russia or indeed brought in on boats that would be liquefied natural gas. we know that the spanish government says it has been bringing in more l n g from russia over the course of this summer. so that's being discuss this idea of price caps at the e u level. we know separately that in finland, for example, the authorities there have said that they are going to boost the amount of power, the amount of output coming from their nuclear reactors. remembering that nuclear provides around a 3rd of all finish energy. so lots of different strands at the european level to day me, while china has announced they will stop paying for gas from russia in u. s. dollars will switch to roubles new on instead of the agreements is another sign of stronger ties between the eyes off to the west. impose sanctions on russia over its war in ukraine. britton's new prime minister, his trust and started appointing senior members of our cabinets off to take. yet from barth jumped on tuesday. she dressed the nation, promising to tackle the cost of living crisis and to rebuild the economy that he baba reports from london. as lose trust took her 1st steps in downing street, his prime minister, her focus was on reassuring the nation. things can get better. we now place a big label headwinds caused by russia's appalling, more in ukraine and the aftermath of k. that now is the time to tackle the issues that are holding brittenback. we need to build roads, homes, and broadband pasta. we need more investments and great jobs in every town and city across our country. we need to reduce the bud on families and help people get on the life. of course, the pressing issue is helping people cope with huge energy price rises on that she says she understands the urgency. i will take action this week to deal with energy bills and to secure off future energy supply. but she repeated her commitment to cutting taxes as a way of driving economic growth. trust started to tell you, flying to scotland, where she met queen elizabeth had her bow moral estate. she was formerly appointed after the monarch received the outgoing prime ministers resignation before he threw north maurice johnson and his wife. carrie said good bye to stop at 10 downing street. it was partly the party in here that led to so many of his own. m. p. 's. turning against him. his departing speech didn't reference any coven rule breaking . but rules did come up when he talked about the end of his premier ship. the battle will be handed over in what is unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race. they changed the rules half way through, but never mind that now. johnson did promise to support least trust every step of the way, urging his party to unite after a damaging leadership contest. apart from telling supporters what his government had achieved, johnson did briefly mention the financial stress facing millions of households. the sunlit uplands of the british economy, currently shrouded in folk, and the calls on the new prime minister to offer some glimpse of light are getting louder. you need to look at the world as it is, rather in the world that you'd like it to be. and then you need to respond, and the big message for me is trickle down. economics does not work. the last 15 years has shown us that because the economy has granite points, the cake has got bigger. but what's happened is that those are the top of taken more and the majority of people have not benefited less trust will want to offer her own vision of britain as it faces, economic and existential crises. but she must also show the public. she's able to be pragmatic and take steps to stop millions of people slipping into poverty. the challenge is immense. nadine barbara al jazeera london still had her now. desert, why the u. s. accusing is accusing northridge, helping russia continue its invasion crane attached to running again and jackson, mississippi. after more than a week, it will tell you why the board of crisis is far from over. ah, now the flood warnings are reducing in number in the northeast, the u. s for this still going to be the potential for some flooding in the 2 major cities, new york and washington d. c. in that cloud line. take you down to texas for this all. this is looking round the wall. and once again we've had continuous temperatures. well above where they should be rather equal or beaten records for september in these cities. i mean fairfields, 43 in california really is pushing the limits to be honest. mellow seventies are going to hang around on the high side for california, for arizona and nevada. the rain told you about the shower door fees will become lighter for the south. it hasn't gone altogether. and for many states it's still a case of it's still quite warm this time of year, and generally fine weather jumping south towards the caribbean. so plenty of rain potential in the jobs and they took the k cost, maybe under a shower and all the major items, to be honest. back in mexico, get off the edge of your screen. there was a hurricane up towards behind. it certainly give them some pretty big rains in western mexican coast in south america. seasonal weather, once again with this breeze in the northeast, got big sha potential in the southeast of brazil santiago as cool down a lot. ah, what is the ocean with? what is different? change with clarity. with family and friends. the beginning. whitney, the end. witness life. with lou. ah, and again, you watch out 0, remind about top stories this hour and the you and euclid watchdog, walter situation that the russian controlled suffrage a nuclear power plant. ukraine is unsustainable. the i. e. a has asked for the creation of a safety zone around the part to prevent further damage. on her 1st day is britain's prime minister is trusted promised to tackle the cost of living crisis and to rebuild the economy. and she's replaced many of the top figures in worse. johnson's electronic cigarettes making jewel labs is to pay $440000000.00 to settle an investigation into its marketing tactics. aimed at under h smokers. pro by 33 u. s. dates founded teenagers were targeted with invitations to launch parties, product giveaways, and social media posts leading to a surge in vapor rates. chill labs will make payments over a 10 year period. the company sets the settlement as part of an ongoing commitment to resolve issues from the past. the white house has repeated calls for accountability for the killing of al jazeera journalist sharing a black lab. but it's not pushing for an independent investigation or monday. the israeli military admitted for the 1st time that she was likely to have been killed by israeli gunfire in may in his long awaited report into her death. it said there's a high possibility. she was accidentally hit by israeli troops. these rarely army says it didn't find any violation of regulations and won't be pursuing any criminal investigation. our profound condolences go to the family. we hear their concerns, we understand or concerns. the examiner examination was conducted by 2 members. again of the u. s. c. c with over 42 combined years of forensic expertise in addition to the forensic and ballistic analysis. do you fcc was granted full access to both israel defense courses and palestinian authority. investigation by summarizing both investigation. you fcc concluded that gun fired from id f positions was likely responsible for the death of sharina bu, ugly, that you fcc found no reason to believe that this was intentional, but rather the result of tragic circumstances depends, can says russia one's north, creates a supplier with munition for the war and ukraine. us officials say it demonstrates how western sanctions and limiting moscow's ability to replace vehicles and weapons destroyed during months of conflict. russia has approached north korea to request ammunition and not able to provide any more detail than that at this point in time . but it does demonstrate and is indicative of the situation that russia finds itself in, in terms of its logistics and sustainment capabilities as it relates to ukraine. certainly, as has been said, we, we assess that things are not going well on that front for russia. so the fact that they're reaching out to north korea is assigned that, that they're having some challenges on the sustainment front. or mason richie is associate professor of international politics. hancock, university of foreign studies, and he says it's unclear exactly how much ammunition russia is looking for from young young we've heard a very large number come up from the pentagon spokesman, you're talking about millions of shells, millions replacement van munition. i think one of the really interesting questions that we might get some ideas how big north curious stocks are and how much is willing to deliver, given that its own military strategy requires new math fires. which means in theory would want to have relatively large number of north korean does have a very large north. your industry does have a lot of shelter, presumably a could provide a sufficient or at least a significant number of ammunition and show to russia. it looks like this is indicative of the fact that russia is having some difficulty with sustainment, again, as, depending on put it. if this report is accurate. the british intelligence services estimated that russia has used as much of as a 3rd of its artillery shells. and now, turning to older soviet era models, we also know that russia's howitzers, for instance, you know, are going to need re boring and replacement, some refurbishment. and then as for suppliers, you know, again, that's also potentially an issue with sanctions. you know, we know that russia seemingly turn to iran for drones and with the squeeze, put on financing and the ability for russian to make payments. so that might be playing a role in the story as well. to chile, where the left as president gabrielle bartch has announced a cabinet reshuffling, cooperating members of the traditional center left this just days after constitutional referendum. he had champions faced a crushing defeat. the move could elevate members of his political base who see it as a concession to politics, as usual. our latin america editor, genuine votes from santiago. ah, this is saying that you don't really know you're in charge until you have to fire people you care for. in the wake of sundays, constitutional referendum defeat president gabrielle. but each had to do just that . okay, they the same person that i might be going to cabinet changes have always been dramatic in chile, in this one has its fair share. it's been painful but necessary. and i won't hide it. i think that this is one of the hardest a political moments i've ever faced. interior minister is scarcity, was replaced by catalina law, the daughter of an emblematic interior minister under former president, salvador allende, who was overthrown in 1973 military. cool. more difficult still was the removal of cabinet minister george jackson. what it is confidant and right hand man. together they began fighting to transform chile, a student leaders in 2011, forming a new generation of politicians. later they were inseparable as congressional allies. now, jackson, who was unable to work well with congress, has been moved to a less significant ministry. he's been replaced by former president michelle bachelor's, ex cabinet chief analia with the actually, the cabinet shake up incorporates a political generation that the left wing, millennial president had. once dismissed as history, this is the equivalent of when you move out of your house. because you are a grown up now and you're going to have your own life. and 6 months later, you have to bring in your dad, your mom and your siblings. because you cannot, of sort of live on your ah, knew the presidential palace university students protested throughout the day against the defeat of the draft constitution supported by bought each. it would have introduced progressive structural reforms. but for the majority of voters, it went too far. in the gale, which is obvious that the president had to get the message from the selected defeat and is taken note by incorporating people from other generations below. you weren't performed in student protests for sunday to canada. the ceremony here at the presidential palace was the late 90 minutes because of an uproar over the choice of under secretary of the interior. why did we changed at the very last minute? the embarrassing reshuffling of the cabinet re shuffle underscores why present embodied was forced to turn to older, more experienced politicians, but each acknowledged very hard times ahead. but insisted that with the help of these more traditional social democratic cabinet members hill forge ahead with his ambitious program of social reforms. you see an human al jazeera santiago, the most powerful typhoon to hit south korea in years is killed at least 6 people. 5 of the victims were in the city where the storm submerged rates and buildings. soldiers were deployed to search for the people still missing. typhoon in am no to meter of rain, destroy roads, and locking up power lines from bright as in behind where the typhoon cause the most casualties. he tells us more about the aftermath of the still the city of ho hang on the south. chris east coast. this is where the major cleanup is happening because this is where the most damage occurred with the most rainfall. the typhoon had act with that to the a passing po hanger was actually back out again when he went past it. but because it was as it see, and he was separating the korean peninsula from japan, it was once more teams being replenished, gathering the amount of moisture that it was dumping back on the coastline. so even though it was moving on this part of the coastline and po, hi and got something like full 100 millimeters of water during the typhoon, this one district of this city is called the non district. this recorded 100 millimeters in just one hour. so that's what led to the inundation of dr. rhodes. a building. there is a marine call unit here based in po, hangs. you can see them out. taking part in this clean of operation. they were actually deployed where at the height of the storm with i'm 50 years vehicles to rescue people from the straight that also because of the amount of water here rising so quickly where we've seen sadly the most of the fatalities, including among the group of people it seems that we're caught in an underground capa trying to retrieve that vehicles and simply got caught out by the speed of these rising waters. more flooding is expected in southern pakistan where the with the release of water from the country's largest lake engineers have cut through the embankments of lake mencia to try and reduce the volume water. but it's threatening to flood properties downstream. as dozens of villages lie in its path. 5 police officers had to be investigated for their response to a school shooting new valve in texas in may. but left 19 students and 2 teachers did announcement comes of students return to school. the thought of the term was delayed to give the community time to come to terms with one of the worst school shootings in u. s. history renewed. it was as report as students and you vol day went back to school tuesday. they were greeted with smiles and hugs and a lot of security. it's a far cry from where they were 3 months ago after one of the worst school shootings in u. s. history, now 2 and a half meter, unclean. mobile fences have been put up around many of the schools here. and police presence has been more noticeable, but not all the children in the small community are comfortable going back to campus learning. so feel safe that school they are doesn't want to see the inside of a school just yet. he says he doesn't feel safe. he was in class at rob elementary school. when the shooting happened. my teacher opened the door and there's late 8 kids in t. teachers ran into my classroom. and then when they close the door, yeah, my teacher could door and then she locked it. then she could go and do a leg papers. they on tells us he still has nightmares. his parents say he sometimes sleeps in their bed and now he'll be home schooled for as long as it takes him to feel comfortable in a classroom. again. they're disappointed. they're scared. oh, they don't have no intentions of going back right now. ah, they don't feel like the police officers are going to protect them. while rob elementary school awaits demolition, it's former students are being hosted by other schools in you've all day. 33 texas officers will be tasked with monitoring the schools around the district. some parents are worried that some of the officers responsible for their children's safety now are the same officers who they said didn't do their jobs right during the shooting. angela vasquez is with fierce mothers, a group of hispanic women, advocating for gun control and accountability. they just knew that the 1st day was coming and they still didn't do anything to rush to get it, get everything in place. so it's, it's, it's, it's almost a joke. you've all day residents we spoke to seemed divided over who's at fault, but the ask us is firm and her opinion of fierce mind that is a fully puts it on, on the establishment. the culture, like, like it was a hiring failure to me, like the culture here is the good old boys. as students had back the campuses, there resilience with cleared a 3. they seem happy to see their classmates and came to start fresh. and while children show us how strong they can be, the adults are determined to keep up the fight and keep a close eye on what's being done about their safety. renee oh, day al jazeera, you've all day texas to jackson mississippi now where water is finally flowing off to more than a week, but it's still undrinkable. the governor says he's open to all ideas to resolve the water crisis, including privatizing the city's water system. though jackson's mariposa john 100 has his report. in jackson, the crisis is contained for now the water was in the capitol of the poorest state in the us have gone on long enough. that water is once again, getting to the people a few bottles at a time. what do you think about the water situation here? it's great. who are so far? because they're taking care of it for now, but what about the long term? long term? i don't know what long term i know to what we've we've, we've been there just bumble. wow. here in mississippi, what jackson has not resolved is how to end the crisis. never, ever have. i never ever been able to take a shower and not wash. my hail opened my mouth, the best grade, the mayor chuck will remember, says the state has not provided enough money and is asking for $47000000.00 from both the state and federal government. we can no longer afford to wait on funds to repair and improve our aging infrastructure. we need funding assistance from state and federal agencies. now. water pressure at the obee, curtis water treatment plant has been restored, taps and toilets are running it full flow. but the water still isn't clean enough to drink, so jack sony and continued to boil it or drink it by the bottle. this is one of 7 national guard stations, handing out water each day from 9 in the morning until 630 at night. they hand out 2 cases of water to each car up to $4200.00 cars a day. and so far they say they've never run out. so people are getting their bother you on their water. they are getting their water. yes, or anybody told the how long you might be out here? no, sir, but we're in here for the last our job. we're in for the look till somebody tells us to go home. jackson's problems go deep. white flight began in the 1960s, shrinking the city's taxpayers and leaving it unable to make repairs, were failing water system that could reach into the billions of dollars. this empty mall once full of stores is now a water distribution center. jackson might be to capital, but it's residents vote reliably for democrats in a state run by republicans. so there's been little progress in ending it's decades long water crisis. until now, when it's drawn international attention take, but still some residents retain a stubborn southern optimism. what about the future? well, they don't get to right. how long it takes to get it right as they say here. well, that's another thing. john henderson, al jazeera jackson, mississippi. one man has been killed during a protest against un peacekeepers in the democratic republic of congo. it happened in the eastern city of benny. people blocked the road and threw stones at you and st. off them straight to say peacekeepers have not protected them from violence in the region and want to leave. i got up when we woke up on tuesday morning, we thought this was going to be a good day. but then we saw that you and vehicles. people don't want them here. the peacekeepers stop the shooting. got people. one person was killed. we're good this behavior and been by law ah, harness acquitted.


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220907

ah, 11 o'clock, this is abs, earn life and also come we'll, let's trust replaces bars jumpsuits u. k prime minister, but faces immediate and international challenges to live president gabriel birch now is his 1st competent, re shuffle more on why it could upset his political face, plus preventing pakistan's lake and shaw from both its banks. excess water is released and thousands of moved to safe ground. ah. so you are new to watchdog, so it's the situation that the russian controls up reach of plants. new credit is unsustainable. both sides accuse each other of shelly, so the i a is calling for a security zone to be set up around the nuclear power station, which is europe's largest. it also recommends conditions be improved for ukrainian staff operating the plot experts, a damage to buildings that housed nuclear, fuel, and radioactive waste needs to be repaired. the facility in the southern city of and daughter usually generates around half of ukraine's nuclear power, but fighting the region as increased the risk of damage to the national grid. and the worst case scenario explosions could destroy the reactor containment structure . and that would allow high radiation levels to escape into the atmosphere, making nearby areas dangerous to live in for decades. where the head of the you and nuclear watchdog has presented his findings to the security council. our diplomatic editor james base. as this report, having just led a mission by a team of inspectors to the separate c, a nuclear power plant, a place that's been shelled repeatedly the head of the i a e. a spoke to the security council about his findings. the current situation, he said, was dangerous and untenable their physical attack, wittingly or unwittingly, or that he's, that these facility has received and that i could personally see and assess together with my experts is simply an acceptable. we are playing with fire and something very, very catastrophic. could take place, he's now proposing a demilitarized protection zone rounds, aperture, the largest nuclear power plant in europe. it's a proposal that is all so strongly backed by the un secretary general. an agreement on a demilitarized buddy emitter should be secured. specifically, that will include the commitment by russian forces to withdraw all military personnel and equipment from that perimeter. and the commitment by ukrainian forces not to move into its didn't have both the ukrainian and the russian ambassadors spoken the meeting, each blaming the other for the shelling of the plant. after the security council meeting, i asked rushes ambassador about the proposal for the demilitarized zone. i want to know the details. same as here. i don't know. do not know what sir, director general grocery display that to what extent that will improve the safety, the boss, physical and nuclear safety of the plant. the proposal for the military zone was supported by most members of the security council, but russia and ukraine both said they wanted more details. it's clear much more diplomacy and persuasion will be needed. if this idea is ever to be turned into reality. james bays al jazeera at the united nations when documented net mascot is a professor of seville and environmental engineering at the university of southern california and specializes in nuclear safety him. he told us the situation is very worry. this proposal for demilitarised security zone was floated by secretary general if you are missing, which is almost a month ago when he was visiting the hiroshima in japan. and then russia flatly rejected that it was raised before. after a few more times, you remember that this was the 3rd meeting of un security cancer in the last month and a half. and i do not think that russia will accept that because what is happening at supper? sure, since they're a patient of russia has been unbelievable. first of all, there is shelling there. shelling can attack or can cause damage to the spent fuel pool, which are not protected or not under the containment. do what it can affect all aspect of the physical infrastructure of the plan which causes a lot of hazard. the other thing that this patient has done, and this has been mentioned, this is that a report that was released today based on their heroic commission. last is the state of the staff and the mental status of the staff. there are some boards over here by reading between the lines of this report, not only the lines which is very scary for me. i've been in the area of nuclear safety research for last 35 years on believable pressure that the operating staff are subject to constant high stress friction when it comes to decision making the russian all players court under extremely stressful condition, while under control of russian troops these are all unfortunately the recipe for disaster. european countries are scrambling to find alternative energy sources after russia shut down a crucial gas pipeline to the continent. the french president, a man or macro, is urging households to limit the use of gas and electricity. macklin also said he may consider forced energy savings if the voluntary measures are not sufficient. on monday, germany announced it will keep to its remaining nuclear power stations on stand by to battle the energy crisis. dominic cane has more from berlin. there's quite a few strands from a european perspective to the energy crisis as it presents itself to day. we know that from the e institutions perspective that the check presidency, 6 mother noting presidency, which the checks have right now is putting forward a draft document which would look at the idea of placing caps on the price of gas that would be brought into the e u from whatever source. and we know also that the spanish government is saying that they understand that there is the talk about the possibility of capping the amount of gas being brought in either piped in from russia or indeed brought in on boats that would be liquefied natural gas. we know that the spanish government says it has been bringing in more l n g from russia over the course of this summer. so that's being discuss this idea of price caps at the e, you level we know separately that in finland, for example, the authorities there have said that they are going to boost the amount of power, the amount of output coming from their nuclear reactors. remembering that nuclear provides around a 3rd of all finish energy. so lots of different strands at the european level to day me, while china is announced, it won't stop paying for gas from russia in us dollars awards, which to roubles new on. instead, the agreement is another sign of stronger ties between the allies after the west imposed sanctions on russia for its war in ukraine. britain's new prime minister lives trust to started appointing senior members of her cabinet off to take you from birth johnson. on tuesday, she addressed the nation, promising to tackle the cost of living crisis and to rebuild the economy. letty baba reports now from london. as lose trust took her 1st steps in downing street, his prime minister. her focus was on reassuring the nation. things come get better . we now play severe global head winds caused by russia's appalling war in ukraine and the aftermath of cave. it. now is the time to tackle the issues that are holding britain back. we need to build roads, homes, and broadband pasta. we need more investments and great jobs in every town and city across our country. we need to reduce the burden on families and help people get on the life. of course, the pressing issue is helping people cope with huge energy price rises on that she says she understands the urgency. i will take action this week to deal with energy bills and to secure all future energy supply. that she repeated her commitment to cutting taxes as a way of driving economic growth. trust started to tell you, flying to scotland, where she met queen elizabeth had her bow moral estate. she was formerly appointed after the monarch received the outgoing prime ministers resignation. before he threw north maurice johnson and his wife, carrie said good bye to stop at 10 downing street. it was partly the party in here that led to so many of his own in peace. turning against him, his departing speech didn't reference any coven rule breaking. but rules did come up when he talked about the end of his premier ship. the baton will be handed over in what is unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race. they changed the rules half way through, but never mind that now. johnson did promise to support least trust every step of the way, urging his party to unite after a damaging leadership contest. apart from telling supporters what his government had achieved, johnson did briefly mention the financial stress facing millions of households. the sunlit uplands of the british economy, a currently shrouded in folk, and the calls on the new prime minister to offer some glimmers of light are getting louder. you need to look at the world as it is rather the well that you'd like it to be and then you need to respond. and the big message for me is trickle down. economics does not work. the last 15 years has shown us that because economy has granite points, the cake has got bigger. but what's happened is that those are the top of taken law and the majority of people have not benefited mr. ross will want to offer her own vision of britain as it faces, economic and ex, essential crises. but she must also show the public. she's able to be pragmatic and take steps to stop millions of people slipping into poverty. the challenge is immense. nadine barbara al jazeera london willis trusses assembled a diverse cabinet. that includes britons 1st black finance and foreign ministers of shipments is more from danny st. this trust has to hit the ground running with release millions of families all over the u. k. facing crippling energy bills as from january triple the cost, she's going to put together some sort of plan to freeze those bills. it will cost billions of dollars for now. she's hiring and firing. one of the 1st to go was dominic rob, who was deputy prime minister in the last government. he was a supporter for richie sooner. and not only that, he described the tax plans from his trust. as electoral suicide, quasi quite tang, he's going to be appointed chancellor at the finance minister of the u. k. he's a key ally and he's also sharing the ideologies of live trust in growing the economy and cutting taxes. james cleverly. it is the current education secretary in the last government and he will be promoted to foreign secretary dealing with russia's invasion of ukraine and the european union. there major issues, he'll face sweller, barava men is going to be home secretary, the interior minister, she will be dealing with a host of internal issues, domestic issues. the key point to these appointments is that list trust needs, loyalist around her, lots of loyalists. and she needs to, for that good will from within the cabinet to permeate through the party and through the membership of the conservative party because she is a bit of a lonely figure. right now. a still head hearing now. desert. oh, we hear from a syrian women in lebanon, who accuses state security officials of torturing and killing a husband. protests in indonesia as anc amount of a fuel price hikes after the government subsidies. ah. the journey has begun. the faithful world camp is on its way to catherine book, your travel package to day, right, humid and quiet and still quite hot were described. the weather and the gulf states is typical for this time. the year, the edge, the monsoon, still catching salah. so that is drizzly and cloudy in the showers enhanced and the higher ground of saudi arabian down towards the western side of yemen. in land is hot and dry. that on shore breeze, for egypt will bring temperatures down as they have done. i think the western event as well, but in iraq it's still hot and inherited. we're talking about temperatures approaching their record high values. this has been a whole hot area right up towards northern. but of course cassock, sam, as you can see, the winds coming down. so normally, so the change is taking place with shaft coming back to into northern turkey as well. nothing much changes dramatically during thursdays a bit more of the same. it's the detail that changes a little bit. for tropical africa, the rains are picking out once more. we've had some flooding in northern uganda. we've had flooding elsewhere in the hell, for example, and jemina. this rain is described as the worst in decades. it's certainly pretty bad. it's not just in chad. i mean, it's been happening in south sudan has been happening uganda and in kenya, this is supposed to be the short range season. but as you can see, pretty wide spread with the forecast rains as far south as narrow b or beyond. cat official airline of the gene. debating the of the day produces always been criminalized around the boundaries of re please just number their people with their families and our friends and our community members on an online job voice military don't believe in dialogue. the political crisis must be off with the political climate change progress. is there some people who are in places that they're just going to have to? there's no recognition about what we're ready the things the street. oh no, just 0. ah ah ah. again, you want to remind about top stories and the un nuclear watchdog situation that the rush controls the region. nuclear power company crane is unsustainable. d. e, a has asked for the creation of a safety rent for the damage on her 1st day is britain's prime minister. this trust has promised to tackle the cost of living crisis can rebuild the economy and she's replaced many of the top figures in bars johnston's cabinet. the white house is repeated tools for accountability for the county of al desert. janice street i worked with is not pushing for an independent investigation. a monday. the israeli military admitted for the 1st time that she was likely to have been killed by israeli gunfire in may. and its long awaited report into her death. it said there's a high possibility she was accidentally hit by is ready, troops, israeli army says it didn't find any violation of regulations and wanting to be pursuing any criminal investigation. gillian president, gabrielle, a or it shows announced a cabinet reshuffling, cooperating members of the traditional center left comes just days after constitutional referendum. he had championed was defeated the move could alienate members of his political base as our latin america editor is here, newman report enough in santiago, this is saying that you don't really know you're in charge until you have to fire people you care for in the wake of sundays, constitutional referendum defeat president w l. but each had to do just that. it was under might be going to cabinet changes have always been dramatic and she lay in this one has its fair share. it's been painful but necessary and i won't hide it. i think that this is one of the hardest political moments i've ever faced. interior minister is gaseous, was replaced by catalina law, the daughter of an emblematic interior minister under former president, salvador allende, who was overthrown in 1973 military. cool. more difficult still was the removal of cabinet minister george jackson, what it is confidant and right hand man. together they began fighting to transform chile, a student leaders in 2011, forming a new generation of politicians. later they were inseparable as congressional allies. now, jackson, who was unable to work well with congress, has been moved to an a significant ministry. he's been replaced by former president . we shared bachelor's, ex, cabinet chief analia with the active. the cabinet shake up incorporates a political generation that the left wing, millennial president had once dismissed as history. this is equivalent of when you move out of your house because you are a grown up now and you're going to have your own life. and 6 months later, you have to bring in your dad, your mom and your siblings, because you cannot of sort of live on your own. you the president palace university students protested throughout the day against the defeat of the draft constitution supported by bought each. it would have introduced progressive structural reforms, but for the majority of voters, it went too far in the gale, which is obvious that the president had to get the message from this electoral defeat and is taken note by incorporating people from other generations below. you weren't formed in student protests for sunday are taken in the ceremony here at the presidential palace was the late 90 minutes because of an uproar over the choice of under secretary of the interior. why do we changed at the very last minute? the embarrassing re shuffling of the cabinet re shuffle underscores why present embodied was forced to turn to older, more experienced politicians. what each acknowledged, very hard times ahead, but insisted that with the help of these more traditional social democratic cabinet members, he'll forge ahead with his ambitious program of social reforms who see a newman, al jazeera santiago, lebanon has arrested 5 state security agents and suspicion of torturing assyrian detainees to death is not the 1st time gadgets has been accused of abuse. the victims family is refusing to collect his body until those responsible are brought to justice. the hardy reports now from beirut. this is a family in grief, and in shock. bushera up the south, a refugee from syria died while in the custody of lebanon state security agency. his elder children, 9 year old, must have been 7 year old. we, sam, have seen photos of their father's tortured body. it's hard to make them speak o yamaha, though. they took him while he was having dinner. they called us 4 days later to collect his body. i can't believe what they did to him. this is an injustice. bashar who came to lebanon 8 years ago, was working as a laborer. his family believes he died within 3 hours of his arrest, due to severe torture and beatings. the state security agency which accuse bashar of belonging to iso, has faced multiple allegations of torture. human rights group, say terrorism charges are usually used against syrian refugees to explain torture or unlawful, lengthy detentions or so we have many conflicting no narrative from the state security agency. and so far they do not stand. this needs to be re investigated because the 1st investigation was conducted under the state security agency who is accused of the of the cutting after widespread condemnation state security officers were arrested for questioning many syrians tell us they live in fear lebanese authorities haven't been welcoming a few weeks ago, they said that they are planning to support up to 15000 syrians a month because they now believe syria is safe human rights groups and the united nations disagree. bush, our family says he may have been punished for defecting from the syrian army during the war. during his detention no lawyer was present. just woke up the 1st they told us he was arrested because he had a fake $50.00 note. then to protect themselves after they killed him, they said he belong to i. so i want to know who killed him in cold blood. his family says they won't bury his body until they get justice. but that has rarely happened in a country, often accused of denying syrian refugees the right to due process than the others ita, bathed more flooding is expected in southern pakistan with the forced drainage of water from the country's largest lake range is cut through the embankments of like my child to reduce the volume of water, but it is threatening to flood properties downstream. dozens of villages, lime it's, path homes in pakistan's, print, job province are also under water because of the recent floods. can hider reports from edward more than dreaded, where to go and drink it again. when we came to lay our district, we were able to reach another home by board, regarded, was cut off by a large water body. now dread john. we're back on the same track. and once again, we have to dig the boat to reach a railing. after croaking to lodge and margaret, your dolly more need deep. the situation head is quite desperate. and although the large wardrobe now receding, it is granger days, several months there, nor did for the people to get back to their normal life. a lot of the hood, their leg home would be hit with. we had no boats, and the water was rising rapidly. we could not get to it, our children and woman, well, they could be swept of them on the water has come and gone and it is left it trail of destruction. date cargo, van number that still littering the place. and it is, i've got a very horrible thing to see what has happened to this place last and i just hello by. i was home last flooding to talk. and then any milk crops house, if and everything. and i have a, this time is that we were slightly better but still lost all of the crops and livestock needs. the 2010 florida effected 20000000 people across august on. but the flood that had budgeted on recently has affected over 30000000 people. and although to be able to recover from the large flood whatever deandre big it now lost again, budget on recent, flooded being blamed on red and climate change and age. people once again find themselves walnut avoided the government as to learn its lessons in order to mitigate the vague of their devastating floods called by climate jane. it must, ag now, in order to ensure a bug is done for security and above all. busy to save human life, heavy rain has damaged the unesco world heritage site in pakistan. several walls in the ancient city of hindu data have collapsed. they were built many 5000 years ago . 100 that ppo is one of the best preserved urban settlements in south asia, archeologists and construction workers are repairing the damage to people have died and thousands have been ordered to evacuate because of a wildfire in southern california. several buildings have been destroyed in the view area. southeast of los angeles far has been fueled by high temperatures and extremely dry conditions. extreme teach that hit california, as well as parts of neighboring arizona, and nevada is forecast to continue until around thursday. the most powerful typhoon to hit south korea and yet it says killed. at least 6 people. robert pride isn't hanged where the typhoon caused most casualties. he tells us more about the aftermath of the store. the city of ho hang on the south. korea's east coast. this is where the major clean up is happening because this is where the most damage occurred with the most rainfall. the typhoon had act was actually a passing po hanger was actually back out at sea again that when he went past it, but because it was out at sea, in these warm water separating the korean peninsula from japan, it was once more it seems being replenished, gathering the amount of moisture that it was dumping back on the coastline. so even though it was moving north, this part of the coastline and po, hang, got something like $400.00 millimeters of water during the typhoon. this one district of this city, it's called the nam district. this recorded 100 millimeters in just one hour. so that's what led to the inundation of rad roads of buildings. here, there is a marine corps unit here based in po, hang. you can see them out by taking part in this clean up operation. they were actually deployed where that at the height of the storm, with amphibious vehicles to rescue people from the streets. it's also because of the amount of water here rising so quickly where we'd seen sadly the most of the fatalities, including among a group of people, it seems that we're caught in an underground car part, trying to retrieve their vehicles and simply got caught out by the speed of these rising waters to indonesia, where trade unionists and students are leading protests against the steep rise and fuel prices. the price of petrol and diesel went up about 30 percent this week after the government cut subsidies. jessica washington reports from jakarta, ah, from 7 am to 7 pm central co vance, through the street to teams, nation capital. he became a motorbike taxi trader after losing his job at an exhibition center during the pent in it. he's one of millions of people battling to make ends meet after the government, cod fuel subsidies. the plans of, of your money i make is already not enough. often. i don't eat lunch just so i can send the money on my children's needs. this week, fuel prices went up by about 30 percent, with subsidized petrol, increasing from around $0.51 to $0.67 per liter, and diesel, going up from $35.00 to $0.46 per liter. soaring global oil and gas prices, as well as the depreciation of the local currency triple to the states. subsidy budget to $34000000000.00. anger and the government says it's reallocating some funds to social grants. $20000000.00 low income households said to receive around $10.00 a month until the end of the year. for many, it's an inadequate solution. the lp, the cache is like candy, totally useless. we want them to lower the price of your unions and students have led protest in several cities around the country. the message is clear, many people are worried about stagnant wages and the rising cost of living. and those concerns had been exacerbated by this latest policy change. some economists are also critical of the decision where all of the society, all of the consumers level shift by the increase of the fuel price. and at the same time, the minimum which in indonesia is only increased by one percent. so inflations versus the income of the ordinary citizen in indonesia is not catch up. higher fuel costs have a knock on effect. essential goods become more expensive because logistics expenses increase a worrying prospect for oddity who is already skipping meals fernado before the price hike. the life was already hard. now it's even more difficult. he spends an extra dollar and a half on fuel every day. it's an expense that he, like millions of indonesians can not afford jessica washington out his era jakarta, a man has been killed during a protest against un peacekeepers in the democratic republic of congo. demonstration happened in the eastern city of bennie a people, blocked roads and threw stones at you and staff. they say peacekeepers have not protected them from armed gangs. and wanted to leave. ah. so this is our desert. these are the top stories and the you and nuclear watchdog holds the situation at the russian controls upper region nuclear power.


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220907

hello clark. this is al jazeera life from don't are also coming up. liz trust replaces for as johnson as u. k prime minister, but faces immediate domestic and international challenges. chillies president gabriel burridge finance, his 1st cabinet, re shuffle more white could upset his political base plus preventing pakistan's like men, char from bursting its banks, excess waters released thousands of moved to safe ground. ah, so the you and nuclear watchdog says the situation that the russian controlled supp reach a nuclear plant and ukraine is unsustainable. both sides accused accused each other of shelling the plants, the i. e. a is calling for an immediate security zone to be set up around the station, which is europe's largest or port altar recommends that conditions be improved for ukrainian staff. operating about experts say work is needed to repair damage to building at house nuclear, fuel and radioactive waste. plant which is in, in the southern city of n, a hodder usually generates around half of ukraine's nuclear power. but the tax heightened the risk of damage to its electricity grid. under the worst case scenario. explosions could destroy the plant, so called reactor containment structure. that would allow high radiation levels to escape into the atmosphere making nearby areas dangerous to live in for decades. i'll the head of the you and nuclear watchdog has presented his find these to the security council. our diplomatic editor james base has this report. having just led a mission by a team of inspectors to the zap, ritchie, a nuclear power plant, a place that's been shelled repeatedly the head of the i h. e. a spoke to the security council about his findings. the current situation, he said, was dangerous and untenable their physical attack, wittingly or unwittingly, the hits that this facility has received and that i could personally see and assess together with my experts is simply an acceptable we are playing with fire and something very, very catastrophic could take place, he's now proposing a demilitarized protection zone rounds, aperture, the largest nuclear power plant in europe. it's a proposal that's all so strongly backed by the un secretary general, an agreement on eliminate that iceberg emitter should be secured. specifically, that will include the commitment by russian forces to withdraw all military personnel and equipment from that perimeter. and the commitment by ukrainian forces not to move into its didn't have both the ukrainian and the russian ambassadors spoken the meeting, each blaming the other for the shelling of the plant. after the security council meeting, i asked rushes ambassador about the proposal for the demilitarized zone. i want to know the details. same as here. i don't know. do not know what sir, director general grosser means. play that. to what extent that will improve the safety voss physical and nuclear safety of the plant. the proposal for the military zone was supported by most members of the security council, but russia and ukraine both said they wanted more details. it's clear, much more diplomacy and persuasion will be needed if this idea is ever to be turned into reality. james bay's al jazeera at the united nations. when i committed nat mascot, he is a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the university of southern california. and specializes in nuclear safety. he told us the situation is very worry. this proposal for demilitarised security zone was floated by secretary general, a few emerson, which years almost a month ago when he was visiting a hero, she might japan and then russia flatly rejected that. it was raised before after a few more times. you remember that this was the 3rd meeting of un security cancer in the last month and a half. and i do not think that russia will accept that because what is happening at that, for sure, since they're a patient of russia has been unbelievable. first of all, there is shelling there. shelling can attack or can cause damage to the spent fuel pool, which are not protected or not under the containment. do what it can affect all aspect of the physical infrastructure of the plan which causes a lot of hazard. the other thing that this patient has done, and this has been mentioned, this is that a report that was released today based on their heroic mission. last is the state of the staff and the mental status of the staff. there are some boards over here by reading the theme, the lines of this report, not only the lines which is very scary for me. i've been in the area of nuclear safety research for last 35 years on believable pressure that the operating staff are subject to constant high stress friction when it comes to decision making the russian occupiers coach under extremely stressful conditions, while under control of russian troops. these are all unfortunately recipe for disaster. european countries are scrambling to find alternative energy sources off to russia, shot down a crucial gas pipeline to the continent. the french president, mental macro, judging households to limit the use of gas and electricity. and also said he may consider force to energy savings if the voluntary measures and not sufficient. a monday germany announced it will keep 2 of its remaining nuclear power stations on standby to try and battle the energy crisis. dominant cane has more from berlin. it's called a few strengths from a european perspective to the energy crisis as it presents itself today. we know that from the institutions perspective, that the check presidency, 6 month, rotating presidency, which the checks have right now is putting forward a draft document which you to look at the idea of placing caps on the price of gas that would be brought into the e u from whatever source. and we know also that the spanish government is saying that they understand that there is the talk about the possibility of capping the amount of gas being brought in either piped in from russia or indeed brought in on boats that would be liquefied natural gas. we know that the spanish government says it has been bringing more l n g from russia over the course of this summer. so that's being discussed, this idea of price caps at the u level. we know separately that in finland, for example, the authorities there have said that they are going to boost the amount of power, the amount of output coming from their nuclear reactors. remembering that nuclear provides around a 3rd of all finish energy. so lots of different strands of the european level today. meanwhile, china has announced it will stop paying for gas from russia and us dollars and will switch to roubles new on. instead, the agreement with another sign of stronger ties between the allies off the western post sanctions on russia for its war in ukraine. britain, the prime minister, las trusses started appointing senior members of her cabin itself to take care of the forest johnson. on tuesday, she destination promising to tackle the cost of living crisis and rebuild the economy and above reports from london. ah, as loose trust took her 1st steps in downing street as prime minister. her focus was on reassuring the nation. things can get better. we now face a big label. headwinds caused by rushes, pulling war in ukraine, and the aftermath of k that now is the time to tackle the issues that are holding britain back. we need to build roads, homes, and broadband pasta. we need more investment and great jobs in every town and city across our country. we need to reduce the bad and on families and help people get on the life. of course, the pressing issue is helping people cope with huge energy price rises on that she says she understands the urgency. i will take action this week to deal with energy bells and to secure off teacher energy supply. but she repeated her commitment to cutting taxes as a way of driving economic growth. trust started with a flying to scotland, where she met queen elizabeth had her bow moral estate. she was formerly appointed off to the monarch received the outgoing prime ministers resignation. before he threw north maurice johnson and his wife, carrie said good bye to stop at 10 downing street. it was partly the party in here that led to so many of his own impedes turning against him. was departing speech didn't reference any covert rule breaking, but rules did come up when he talked about the end of his premier ship. the baton will be handed over in what is unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race. they changed the rules half way through, but never mind that now. johnson did promise to support least trust every step of the way, urging his party to unite after a damaging leadership contest apart from telling supporters what his government had achieved. johnson did briefly mention the financial stress facing millions of households, the sunlit uplands of the british economy, a currently shrouded in folk, and the calls on the new prime minister to offer some glimmers of light are getting louder. you need to look at the world as it is rather in the world that you'd like it to be and then you need to respond. and the big message for me is trickle down. economics does not work. the last 15 years has shown us that because economy has granite points, the cake has got bigger. but what's happened is that those are the top of taken law and the majority of people have not benefited this choice will want to offer her own vision of britain as it phrases, economic and existential crises. but she must also show the public. she's able to be pragmatic and take steps to stop millions of people slipping into poverty. the challenge is immense. nadine barbara al jazeera london, well is trust as assembly diverse cabinet that includes britons 1st, black finance and foreign ministers, and your sentences more from dining street. less trust has to hit the ground running with relief, millions of families all over the u. k. facing crippling energy bills as from january triple the cost. she's going to put together some sort of plan to freeze those bells. it will cost billions of dollars for now. she's hiring and firing one of the 1st to go was dominic rob, who was deputy prime minister in the last government. he was a supporter for richie sooner. and not only that, he described the tax plans and his trust as electoral suicide, quasi quite sang. he's going to be appointed chancellor as the finance minister of the u. k. he's a key ally and he's also sharing the ideologies of live trust in growing the economy and cutting taxes. james cleverly. it is the current education secretary in the last government and he will be promoted to foreign secretary dealing with russia's invasion of ukraine and the european union. there major issues, he'll face sweller. brothman is going to be home secretary, the interior minister. she will be dealing with a host of internal issues, domestic issues. the key point to these appointments is that list trust needs, loyalist around her, lots of loyalists. and she needs to for that good will from within the cabinet to permeate through the party. and through the membership of the conservative party because she is a bit of a lonely figure right now. so hey, there are now to 0. the taps are running again in jackson, mississippi after more than a week, but will tell you why the water crisis is far from over. ah. with right humid and quiet and still quite hot were described. the weather on the gull stage is typical for this time. the year, the edge the monsoon still catching salah, so that is drizzly and cloudy in the showers enhance down the higher ground of saudi arabian time. towards the western side of yemen, in land is hot and dry. that on shore breeze, the egypt will bring temperatures down as they have done. i think the western event as well, but in iraq it's still hot and inherited. we're talking about temperatures approaching their record high values. this has been a whole hot area right up towards the nodes, but of course cars, except as you can see, the winds coming down. so normally, so the change is taking place with shaft coming back to into northern turkey as well. nothing much changes dramatically during thursdays a bit more of the same. it's the detail that changes a little bit. the trough glass to cut the reins of picking up once more. we've had some flooding in northern uganda. we've had flooding elsewhere in the sale, for example, and jemina. this rain is described as the worst in decades. it's certainly pretty bad. it's not just in child. i mean, we'd happening in south to dallas with happening uganda and in kenya, this is supposed to be the short right season. but as you can see, pretty wide spread with the forecast rains as far south as narrow b or beyond. ah, with the new voice a heating up the airway. lot of chinese listen actually. kimberly here, but i really think in their own country shifting palate a case, the rise of citizen journalism has changed everything. how did happen? it happened on social media and the undeniable impact of the mainstream narrative australians went to the pole with those images front of mine is a war that is very much going forth out in the media as well on the battlefield. they're listening page. dissect the media on al jazeera lou. ah, daniel watching out 0 or one of our top stories this out and you, you to watch don't warns the situation that the russian control was upper region nuclear power fountain. ukraine is unsustainable. i. e a has asked for the creation of a safety zone around the pot to prevent further damage on her 1st days. prisons prime minister lids truss has promised to tackle the cost of living crisis and to rebuild the economy. and she's replaced many of the top figures in burst. johnson's come a relief and rescue operation is ongoing in the southern indian city bank, our roof after days of torrential rain. the city regarded as a hub for tech companies was hit hard by monsoon rains and flooding. on sir, that began on sunday, the deluge is lead traffic calles drinking water shortages in the flooding of many properties. which rogers say that in the 1st week of august, burglary received over 400 percent of the average rainfall for the same period, escrow straightaway to bengal room 5 with poverty metal poverty. so tell us more about what's around the water's still up and says in rainfall has inundated costs of bengal to ruin. we are in one of the was affected areas. now the city is an id hub in, in general, also across the globe. i mean, this neighborhood houses some of the biggest id companies, including a regional headquarters of companies like amazon offices of adobe, in many of the stops. it's also where many of these high ranking a professionals live. in fact, this world that you're seeing flooded behind me leads up to one of the most expensive real estate, multi 1000000 dollar homes and villas. and people here have been leaving in droves . they have been on tractors and bought some of those people who have checked to nearby hotels. so prices of those hotel rooms have skyrocketed. many of the schools in this area are shut. not stitch white, there is been heavy rainfall, water levels here have receded. but the state is racing for ways to continue and for the situation to remain as bad as it is. there is a lot of traffic on the road as people are trying to commute to work. people are trying to leave a prostate. the debt door has now reached 9 public floods, not uncommon in the region, are the not plans in place to try and do you know, questions are now being raised once again about the infrastructure and up and planning of one of in just most develop cities. you know, this area is disproportionately affected, we were driving through the city and over there, there are some areas that have water logging up. there is a lot of traffic, but nothing like what you're seeing over here. and the answer is simple. it is bad drainage. this area is home to many, many lakes set up critical to training excess water in situations like these. but over the years there has been a lot of construction, illegal construction and encroachment. in fact, many of the buildings that you can see around me are blocking that drainage system, which is why when you have a situation like this. and experts do say that because of climate change, weather patterns are changing in south asia, particularly in india and brands like these can be expected over the coming years. the water has no way to go except well on the roads and into people's homes. or it probably will leave it there for the moment. thanks very much. data already been reporting there from bigler, but more flooding is expected in southern pakistan with the force drainage of water from the country's largest lake. engineers have cut through the embankments of like my child to reduce the volume of water, but it's threatening to flip properties downstream. dozens of villages, lime is path, and heavy rain has damaged the unesco wild hershey site in pakistan. several walls in the ancient city of manager data have collapsed, who built nearly 5000 years ago into darrow is one of the best preserved oven settlements in south asia. archaeologists and construct workers are repairing the damage to people that have died and thousands of been ordered to evacuate because of a wild, foreign southern california. several buildings have been destroyed in the fair view area. south east of los angeles far has been fueled by high temperatures and extremely dry conditions, extreme heat that hit california, as well as part of neighboring arizona, and nevada is forecast to continue to til around thursday the most powerful typhoon to hit south korea and yes is killed at least 6 people from bright and simple hung where the typhoon calls the most casualties. tells us more about the aftermath of the store. the city of how hang on the south korea's east coast. this is where the major clean up is happening because this is where the most damage occurred with the most rainfall. the typhoon had act with that to the a passing po hanger was actually back out at sea again that when he went past here . but because it was out at sea, in these warm water separating the korean peninsula from japan, it was once more it seems being replenished, gathering the amount of moisture that it was dumping back on the coastline. so even though it was moving north, this part of the coastline and po hand got something like $400.00 millimeters of water during the typhoon. this one district of this city, it's called the nam district. this recorded 100 millimeters in just one hour. so that's what led to the inundation of rad roads of buildings. here, there is a marine corps unit here based in po, hang. you can see them out of taking part in this clean up operation. they were actually deployed where that at the height of the storm, with amphibious vehicles to rescue people from the street. it's also because of the amount of boise here rising so quickly where we've seen sadly as of the most of the fatalities, including among a group of people it seems that were caught in an underground car park trying to retrieve their vehicles and simply got caught out by the speed of these rising waters, the pentagon says that russia wants north korea to supplied with ammunition for the war and ukraine. u. s. officials, it demonstrates how western sanctions are limiting moscow's ability to replace vehicles and weapons destroyed during months of conflict. russia has approached north korea to request ammunition. i am not able to provide any more detail than that at this point in time. but it does demonstrate it is indicative of the situation that russia finds itself in, in terms of its logistics and sustainment capabilities as it relates to ukraine. certainly, as has been said, we, we assess that things are not going well on that front for russia. so the fact that they're reaching out to north korea is assigned that, that they're having some challenges on the sustainment front. within out from mason, richie who is associate professor of international politics at hon. cook, university of foreign studies. he says it's unclear exactly how much ammunition rusher is looking for from pyongyang. we've heard a very large number come up from the pentagon spokesman, you're talking about millions of shells, millions replacement van munition. i think one of the really interesting questions that we might get some ideas how big north curious stocks are and how much is willing to deliver, given that its own military strategy requires new math fires. which means in theory, would want to have relatively large number of years. but north korea does have a very large military industry does have a lot of shelter, presumably a could provide a sufficient or at least a significant number of ammunition and show to russia. it looks like this is indicative of the fact that russia is having some difficulty with sustainment, again, as, depending on put it. if this report is accurate. the british intelligence services estimated that russia has used as much of as a 3rd of its artillery shells and is now turning to older soviet era models. we also know that russia's howitzers, for instance, you know, are going to need re boring and replacement, some refurbishment. and then as for suppliers, you know, again, that's also potentially an issue. you know, with sanctions, you know, we know that russia seemingly turn to iran for drones and with the squeeze, put on financing and the ability for russia to make payments. so that might be playing a role in the story as well. left as a chilean present, gabrielle borage has announced a cabinet reshuffling. corporate members of the traditional centre left just days after constitutional referendum, he championed faced the crushing defeat. the move could alienate members of his political base. our latin america editor, lucy newman, reports that from santiago this is saying that you don't really know you're in charge until you have to fire people you care for in the wake of sundays constitutional referendum defeat president w l. buddage had to do just that. it was under, might be going to cabinet changes have always been dramatic, and she lay in this one has its fair share. it's been painful but necessary and i won't hide it. i think that this is one of the hardest political moments i've ever faced. interior minister escape cities was replaced by catalina law, the daughter of an emblematic interior minister under former president, salvador allende, who was overthrown in 1973 military. cool. more difficult still was the removal of cabinet minister george jackson. what it is confidant and right hand man. together they began fighting to transform chile, a student leaders in 2011, forming a new generation of politicians. later they were inseparable as congressional allies. now, jackson, who was unable to work well with congress, has been moved to an a significant ministry. he's been replaced by former president michelle bachelor's, ex cabinet chief analia with the actor. the cabinet shake up incorporates a political generation that the left wing, millennial president had, once dismissed as history equivalent of when you move out of your house. because you are a grown up now and you're going to have your own life. and 6 months later, you have to ring and your dad, your mom and your siblings, because you cannot of sort of live on your you the presidential palace. listen to students protested throughout the day against the defeat of the draft constitution supported by blood each. it would have introduced progressive structural reforms, but for the majority of voters, it went too far in the gale, which is obvious that the president had to get the message from this electoral defeat and is taken note by incorporating people from other generations below. you weren't formed in student protests for sunday are taken into the ceremony here at the presidential palace was the late 90 minutes because of an uproar over the choice of under secretary of the interior. why did we changed at the very last minute? the embarrassing we shuffling of the cabinet, we shuffle underscores why present embodied was forced to turn to older, more experienced politicians, what each acknowledged very hard times ahead, but insisted that with the help of these more traditional social democratic cabinet members, he'll forge ahead with his ambitious program of social reforms, lucy and human al jazeera santiago to johnson and mississippi. now where water is finally flowing after more than a week, but it's still on drinkable. the governor says he's open to all ideas to resolve the water crisis, including privatizing the city's water system. jackson's mer opposes that john 100 has this in jackson, the crisis is contained, for now the water was in the capitol of the poorest state in the us have gone on long enough. that water is once again getting to the people. a few bottles at a time. what do you think about the water situation here? that's great. who are so far? because they're taking care of it for now, but what about the long term? long term? i don't know what long term i know reward we've we've, we've been there just bumble wow. here and mr. ben, what, jackson, his not resolved is how to in the crisis, never, ever have. i had never, ever been able to take a shower. and it was my hail opened my mouth. that's crazy. the mayor chuck will remember, says the state has not provided enough money and is asking for $47000000.00 from both the state and federal government. we can no longer afford to wait on funds to repair and improve our aging infrastructure. we need funding assistance from state and federal agencies. now. water pressure at the obee, curtis water treatment plant has been restored and taps and toilets are running it full flow. but the water still isn't clean enough to drink, so jack sony and continue to boil it or drink it by the bottle. this is one of 7 national guard stations handing out water each day from 9 in the morning until 630 at night. they hand out 2 cases of water to each car up to $4200.00 cars a day so far they say they've never run out. so people are getting their bother you on their water. they are getting their water. yes. or anybody told you how long you might be out here? no, sir, but we're in here for the us. our job. we're in for the look till somebody tells us to go home jackson's problems go deep white flight began in the 19 sixty's, shrinking the city's taxpayers and leaving it unable to make repairs to a failing water system that could reach into the billions of dollars this empty mall once full of stores is now a water distribution center. jackson might be to capital, but it's residents vote reliably for democrats in a state run by republicans. so there's been little progress in ending it's decades long water crisis. until now, when it's drawn international attention. take but still some residents retain a stubborn southern optimism. what about the future? well, they don't get it right. how long it takes to get it right as they say here. well, that's another thing. john henderson, al jazeera jackson, mississippi. just a little nudge in the direction of our website, doctor don't comans address losing coverage with .


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220907

ah, hello, i'm emily anglin. this is al jazeera alive from dough house to coming up. vladimir putin says western sanctions are a danger to the whole world as he hosts his senior chinese ladies at an economic forum. you case, you prime mina stanley's trust promises to cut taxes and we're juice the cost of living. and she proposed to hold her 1st cabinet, making and floods bring the indian cd of bengal over to a standstill, environmentalist, blame and legal construction and pool. i've been planning ah, iraq supreme court is said to rule on an application for the design disillusion of parliament as a 10 month long political impair, drags on politicians allied with influential she, i later we'll kind of a refund the petition last month after an earlier request was rejected, status importers have been protesting for months, calling for a complete overhaul of the political system, and fresh elections for more on this led to bring in him run con, who's in baghdad. hello him, ron. what are we expecting to happen in court today? well the cool it is i, she just down the street behind me. it's inside the green zone. and now it's telling me that the green zone is actually open. you can see the traffic going in and out of the green zone that that's actually telling because it means that they're not expecting a huge amount of people to come and gather where i'm actually stood is where protestors would normally come and gather. we're not seeing any of those people here at the moment. what's expected in cold? well, in about an hour's time, the court will start their session. the judges will deliberate. now they did to start doing this on august the 30th they made the decision on august 30th to postpone it until today. or we don't know whether they will make that decision to dissolve parliament. certainly, that's what this other is. once there's been this political impact here in iraq a 10 months now. now just to give you an idea of how this is actually supposed to work, once you have elections and the parliament is elected the pound, then alex, the president, the president as sorry, the speaker vows the speaker, the house, then with consensus chooses or the president and the president, a leg again with consensus from the parliament terean's actually puts in place the prime minister that hasn't happened that supposed to happen within 15 days has now been 10 months. and there's been an acting prime minister that's been incredibly frustrating for the influence will ferric will tell us other, who has the biggest parliamentary block with in the government. now, he has pulled his and p's us was cause a lot of what we're seeing at the moment today is about this court decision, whether they actually dissolve apartments. and if they don't parliament, then we're like, he'd see mass celebrations out on the streets. or if they postpone it, or we're going to see a lot more political machinations going on. but it also is worth noting that we are in a religious month at the moment, are called out by in that comes to an end. on september the 17th wiped the southern screen movement, and others have that though, respect that religious period, and they won't put anybody out in the streets until the 17th of the 18th. so the courts have some breathing space, but like i say, emily, all eyes on that called bra courtroom, just down the road from where indeed head an m round. can you remind as how we got to this point wise? a rush in such an unstable political position. what is cuz we don't have a majority in parliament here in iraq. there's no one party that can actually sway those decisions when it comes them or recruiting the speaker, the house, the president of the parliament in the past. and that's always been the case probably for about the last decade that the person they choose as the prime minister is often not the strongest candidate, but this one candidate that everybody can simply agree on. now what happens is that parliament then becomes a stalemate. nobody can really get anything done because don't have a strong leader with a mandate at the top as part of this democratic process. but what, but other also that are saying, and i'm like, i say he has the largest majority in parliament, is that that system is wrong in that system. it's be overhaul by overhauling. the system is not an oven. i think that's gonna take years to do so. right now, the only option that they have this other is have, and others who support him is to try and go for this dissolution of palm and have new elections. and the hope that they do get a majority. so they can put in a prime minister that can actually make some decisions. but that hasn't happened in the past. so that's why we're up this, we're in this position right now where there has been this 10 month long, her little impulse. all right, we appreciate you bringing us up to spade. thank you very much. iran cam live for us in baghdad. russian president vladimir putin has called sanctions against moscow . a danger to the world. speaking at the east in economic form and let us talk food and accuse the west of undermining the global economy, he's expected to make the head of china's legislature, lee john shoes shortly. increasingly isolated by its for in ukraine. russia has forced closer ties of china in the past year in the spring. so newly hurt because of the sanctions from the west have been an aggressive attempt to get other countries to follow certain models. there are questions are and sovereignty and subordinating to their will. these are policies which have been carried out for decades, but there's been slipping away of us domination. they haven't been able to see the objective fact. if we look at recent times, the entire system of international relations is going through tectonic change. or let's bringing say gay markov, who is the director of the institute of political studies in moscow and a former spokesman for president urgent. he joins us live from moscow gate. thanks so much for being on the program. we had person has said that the west sanctions was short sighted and the danger for the entire world is there is some merit in that this a was a sanctions for western constance. russia doesn't work out which and called is aggression as find this aggression commissioner, economic aggression by national aggression and sticking on those are collaboration and see tools are to rush on me well enough. and is the main part of the speech was a drawer that goes a economic development across in this new situation. and he wants a russian to call them, is specifically a, some part of russian economy would be more involved in a quick economic growth. so pacific ocean america also let me to put, you mentioned that most of the countries a pacific also don't want to take part in aggression or getting access against russia or some countries. and he got. busy well, comes out because he is and see, and i told this really good, really good basis for economic good ation. all rational is those countries, right? so how critical then is trying to run the that broader asia region to rush and given it's been kind of by the way, who well, even put a main lucille, i was in countries is neo colonial and and, and now is rush. i use the main contact who is fight against you know, there is another council interest own interest to support the roster in z z like in case your call is all of a sudden old embedded conscious i bought them. kids have been, have been a long cause a great deal now. so goals, you can give us a special box. i will his speech to get a deal. ok. all that it was because you could bring in again go to developing countries on there to learn. you can see, as you mentioned that on the 2 sheets from 8 to 7 goals are developing countries about all of us to the countries. and i'm sorry when you're saying that most of the grain went to europe rather than developing countries. where is that information coming from? r e g, a medical just told you about a rational still good deal, but i sure will do it not a right now or a bad guy. because of what i'm told that to get there was i am and i had a job with i got a good deal about a dozen goals. that's also a yesterday's us. some buses up to united nation, a tool that is, he's a good deal doesn't work because i wasn't conscious of getting the folder for him assist to make it like stools or russian st with some great rough and for no one rush. and she was able to go to the national market was actually i see a. busy william few days of the discussion about was, is getting deal with stock and those is getting deal stopped november and the middle of november, and possibly even because it's a great deal. right. all right, well, we appreciate your inside. thanks very much. i take, i, mark of the director of the institute of political studies live press in mosque. i appreciate your time. china and russia have been forging closed the time since the invention of ukraine. the 3rd most powerful politician in china lay john shoe, is in black stock for the eastern economic form. patrick found has more from beijing. the agencies as it makes them the highest level, china's leader to step foot outside of china. since the early days of the coven 19 pandemic is also the most seeing a chinese official to visit russia since its invasion of ukraine. he is there to attend the 7th eastern economic forum. andrew also suggested he could lay the groundwork for the next face to face meeting between present, she jumping and vladimir putin. now this comes just as russia has cut off gas supplies to europe and said that exports won't resume until sanctions are lifted. that creates a headache for european countries, but it also puts pressure on moscow to find another buyer that he use. energy imports from russia were worth more than a $100000000.00 in 2021. and with china facing its own energy challenges that could help fill that void, but endless, like anatole booth, the chinese university of hong kong say there is no quick fix to russia's problems because wall the infrastructure walls in place for russia to deliver gas to europe via the nordstrom pipeline, the same isn't the case for the chinese market. the infrastructure he's at the moment is constrained. they're really limited in the connections. and so the short term help to address is roha front or rear russian energy is really and is bleeding . and now of course, further down the line, once these infrastructure is a required course, milton, 1000000000 investments and also, and technology transfers to some extent, once that is in place of force in under the own and long term. and james, mark robinette, it's g question that general course is facing is, is it ready to rely on a partner that has a weaponized? it's energy supplies, most important barrels of energy. so this is something that could really put to the test that no limited partnership between moscow and beijing. in that meeting between president, she and president putin could come soon, kessick starnes farm. and she said the chinese leader was expected to visit the central asian nation on september 14th, where he'll sign a series of bilateral deals that hasn't been confirmed by beijing. but if it goes ahead, it's also likely that president, she will attend a gathering of the shanghai corporation organization and was beckett's don kicking off the following day, which will also be attended by russia. still ahead on al jazeera, the solomon islands, post pines, elections as its lady gets closer to china and further away from the west. and the un calls for a safety zone around this apparition, nuclear power plant, but stopped short of attributing blame for shelling. ah right now you be chasing suburb weather. i think the next few days throughout europe. this unwinding massive cloud is a big, low pressure area, throwing its rain across germany and eventually into western ponies. could hang around a bit. i think in this general area, the hint there's, it's already waving back over the alps is caught the out shouts, attentive, send up showers. i think of the next day or so that's probably the area to look for the biggest down poles. there is sunshine and ahead of it is still relatively warm until you get to the baltic states. not so good looking there just aren't in the atlantic. that spinning storm. there is a hurricane, which i think will join the tribe of low pressures on their way to western europe over the next few days, more likely weeks. so the weather has changed seasonally and that's pretty big rain potential. so i think was he some flash flooding out of this followed by a few days of brighter sunny weather. it wants to still further south in paramus. 34, still a few degrees above the average for that waltz is being pushed away now fairly regularly. now in the cell in africa, we have a huge amount of rain flooding around the northeast in our gerry ranch and meaner as well. as you see these big masses of rain tend to move this direction so west africa still looks very wet, free turn. not as wet as its fellows. a bit further south by orange is heavy. ah ah, with lou ah, ah, hello, you're watching al jazeera, i'm emily ang, when he's a reminder of our top stories, the salam iraq supreme court, he said to roll on an application to the dissolution of parliament. politicians allied with influential she adelaide and we'll talk to elsa. we father petition last month after an earlier request was rejected. and president vladimir purging his cold sanctions against russia. a danger to the world. speaking at the east in economic form, in blood of stock prudent accused the west of undermining the global economy. a palestinian man has been killed in an israeli re to on the far refugee camp in the occupied west bank. israeli forces show 21 year old eunice, a gas tie in a don't wade palace in palestine health industry since several people were arrested in the $150.00 palestinians have been killed in occupied territories. so far as the white house has reiterated cold for accountability, the killing of al jazeera journalist, sharina aqua, but it's not pushing for an independent investigation. on monday, the israeli military admitted for the 1st time that sharamer is likely killed by one of the soldiers. the army will not be pursuing a criminal investigation, however them out 0 media network has denounced the findings as an attempt by israel to evade criminal responsibility are profound. condolences go to the family. we hear their concerns, we understand or concerns. the examiner examination was conducted by 2 members, again of the u. s. c. c, with over 42 combined years of forensic expertise in addition to the forensic and ballistic analysis. do you fcc was granted full access to both israel defense courses and palestinian authority investigation by summarizing both investigation. the you fcc concluded by gunfire from id f positions was likely responsible for the death of sharina bu, ugly. the usb found no reason to believe that this was intentional, but rather the result of tragic circumstances. britain's new prime minister leads truss is holding her 1st cabinet meeting on wednesday a day off to take you over from bars johnson. she's promised to cut taxes, tackled the cost of living crisis and rebuild the economy. his aim, barbara reports from london as lose trust to go through the steps and downing street, his prime minister. her focus was on reassuring the nation. things come get better . we now place a big global head winds caused by rushes of pulling war in ukraine and the aftermath of cave. it now is the time to tackle the issues that are holding britain back. we need to build roads, homes, and broadband pasta. we need more investment and great jobs in every town and stacy across all country. we need to reduce the budget on families and help people get on the life. of course, the pressing issue is helping people cope with huge energy price rises. oh, but she says she understands the urgency. i will take action this week to deal with energy bills and to secure all future energy supply. that she repeated her commitment to cutting taxes as a way of driving economic growth. trust started vitalia flying to scotland, where she met queen elizabeth had her bow moral estate. she was formerly appointed after the monarch received the outgoing prime minister's resignation. before he threw north maurice johnson and his wife, carrie said good bye to stop at 10 downing street. it was partly the party in here that led to so many of his own. m. p. 's. turning against him. his departing speech didn't reference any coven rule breaking. but rules did come up when he talked about the end of his premier ship. the baton will be handed over in what is unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race. they changed the rules half way through, but never mind that now. johnson did promise to support least trust every step of the way, urging his party to unite after a damaging leadership contest apart from telling supporters what his government had achieved. johnson did briefly mention the financial stress facing millions of households, the sunlit uplands of the british economy, a currently shrouded in folk, and the calls on the new prime minister to offer some glimmers of light are getting louder. you need to look at the world as it is rather in the world that you'd like it to be and then you need to respond. and the big message for me is trickle down. economics does not work. the last 15 years has shown us that because economy has granite points, the cake has got bigger. but what's happened is that those are the top of taken law and the majority of people have not benefit to let's just want to offer her own vision of britain as it faces, economic and existential crises. but she must also show the public. she's able to be pragmatic and take steps to stop millions of people slipping into poverty. the challenge is immense. nadine barbara al jazeera london, the number of dead following an earthquake in western china has risen to 74 and nearly 30 people is still missing. rescue is evacuated, villages across rivers stranded in remote areas in fish, one province, mondays, 6.8. magnitude quake has caused extensive damage to homes and infrastructure women . 21000 people have been evacuated from areas prone to land slides or building collapses. calling one, you can pull out my entire house collapsing. we cannot live there anymore. are 2 televisions, but also destroyed. i didn't have a chance to go inside and check on other things. members of the people's militia and rescuers came in your life. i called my family and they said that safe and found our houses per lot, which i didn't make my way back home because it all kept falling down from the mountain. rescue and relief operations are taking place in the southern city of banga lu in india after torrential rain on soon rains that began on sunday swept the city. that's inside india's tex. help take her brother causing flooding or to lug straits created traffic chaos. power outages and shortages of drinking water. many people were urged to work from harm. major ologist say bank lou received more than 400 percent of its average winful in the 1st week of august. by join now from banga. lured by have ne mitchell. have me, what's the situation where you are there's a lot of chaos and uncertainty and what is one of indiana's biggest urban centers and we are one of the most affected areas in the city of banga. lulu this is primed realistic. this era is home to many of those tech companies offices of start up companies like adobe visual headquarters of amazon and people who work there. many of them live in area, even in fact, what you're seeing around me is actually a road that is covered with water and that road leads to multi $1000000.00 villas. and it is now inundated with water. you know, water levels are receding, but many of these neighborhoods that are low line are still struggling. many of the residents, in fact, almost all the residents have left. they have use tractors, they have used boats, we spoke to some of them, and they are really frustrated at a slow pace of recovery. they say it, they have lost almost everything they owned. and it will take many weeks before they can return home and start living here again, schools in the area are shot and across the state at least 9 people have died because of the torrential rainfall. have me. how has urban planning impacted the situation? there was this city ready for a flood like this good, there is a. 5 lot of anger and frustration most to fit pointed at the government. look, there are 2 things. one is the reality of climate change. the state has received one of its highest rainfalls in many, many decades. you know, an export say that extreme, where the phenomena like b, e is going to become more common in countries like india. what this has done is that it has expose the ground reality that many city that many residents and civic activists had been pointing out. and that is bad of been planning, you know, this area, the south east of bengal lou route has been disproportionately affected. the rest of the city. you know, there is some water logging, boston very bad traffic, but you don't have scenes like these. and that is because of all this construction that you're seeing around me. in fact, this water has come from a lake behind these villas that has overflowed these lakes are critical to the drainage system. and because of all this construction, some of it is illegal. some of it counts as encroachment has locked that drain assistive. so when it pours, water has no way to go. but on roads and in homes, extraordinary pitches. thank you for the update. have me me to live for us in the banga lu unesco world heritage side in pakistan has been damaged by heavy rain several walls in the ancient city of ma hendrick darrow have collapsed. they date back nearly 5000 years. manger darrow is one of the best preserved irvin settlements in south asia. archaeologists and construction workers are repairing the damage and the most powerful typhoon to hit south career in years is killed at least 6 people. 5 died in the city of po, hang where the storm submerged roads and buildings. soldiers have been deployed to search for people who are missing. typhoon he, them, nor dumped a mater of rain on south career and he's moving towards japan. so strongly now, which has accused or being accused rather of interference after offering to fund the next election in the solomon islands. the solomon's prime minister is facing mounting pressure following proposals to change the constitution. he says he's country can afford to pay for an election and a major sporting event in the same year. sarah clark explains checkpoints are in place with police coding of access to parts of the parliamentary precinct. the solomon islands, prime minister plans to change the constitution to delay next year's election and stay in power until 2024. the oppositional warns that will trigger political unrest and protests in the capitol. i object to anything that undermines the mandate and the role in the place of the people in decision making, affecting especially a matter as important as the life of parliament itself. the solomon islands is due to host the pacific games next november, manor se, so gavera says, the honor nation can't afford to hold an election in the same year. some analysts say postponing the vote is considered an attempt to crush democracy. this is not generally considered to be what the people of solomon islands once they take their elections quite seriously. and i think that's quite a politically engaged society. and community said, since on our side, a security agreement with beijing critics of expressed concern about his growing influence, the deal as chinese police and law enforcement teams to be based in the capital to ensure public order. the pacific analysts say the implications of china's presence on the, on a nation a far reaching last week. the solomon islands band, us naval ships from its ports, keeping the west ships away from us on the islands would certainly be implies insurance right now. and i think it's, it's pretty, it's been safely established that promise to sort of already has been, must culminating pacific leader on china, strategic content in the region really still position. she has similar concerns. what is happening now that concerns me? is that prime minister? so guevara is so pro china, and clearly anti u. s. and its allies that concerns me a great deal. it's not good for the future of this country. and he says it challenges the pacific. traditional partners in the region. australia has revised its trouble boss warning a potential further on rest in the capitol. it's a matter that will be raised by australia's prime minister, entity, albanese. when he meets his counterpart in coming weeks, the sullivan islands lead. it says delaying the election will be a one off. there's little doubt sock of iris plan for constitutional reform will be passed as his government holds a majority in parliament. sir clarke al jazeera brisbin, australia. ah, you're watching out a 0. these the headlines this hour iraq supreme court.


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220907

hello, i'm emily angry. this is al jazeera alive from the coming up. russian president vladimir putin say sanctions imposed by the with our danger to the whole world than normal for the u. k. new prime minister. these trust is set to hold her 1st cabinet making this hour. she says the economy, if one of her i r t and floods bring the indian cd of bank road to extend to environmentalists, blame, and legal construction. and for evan planning, ah, welcome to the program. we begin in iraq where the supreme court is set to rule on an application for parliament to be dissolved as a 10 month long political impasse drags on politicians allied with influential she i later moved to santa refiled a petition last month after an earlier request was rejected, status, supporters have been protesting for months going for a complete overhaul of the political system and fresh elections. the latest unrest in iraq is fueled by a power struggle between she and groups. let's take a further look. she santa opposes foreign interference in local politics. his supporters mainly come from poor communities that have been long shot out of the political system. they competing against the collection of she odd groups known as the coordination framework that are aligned with iran. both sides have military wings with thousands of members. some of them have been involved in the recent straight fighting in baghdad. all right, we have a team of correspondence standing by for us in the iraqi capital bank that will speak to my mom after a while had shortly. but 1st, let's get the latest from near the court with him ron can. hello they him, ron, what are we expecting to happen today? well, at o a g, which is that right now? in fact, we're expecting of the quarter to meet all 7 judges will then deliberate what to do next. the subject under discussion is the dissolution of parliament. this was supposed to be under discussion on august 31st. they actually postponed it until to day. we don't know whether there'll be another postponement of uh that announcement if it goes ahead, expect a lot of people in the streets celebrating that fact. if it doesn't, we are expecting things to remain quite quiet. now the courts, he's just down there in the green zone, that's the entrance to the green zone just there. and as you can see, the traffic is moving freely normally when they're expecting huge amounts of protesters or expecting any kind of trouble at all. they shot those streets off as an indication that things are going peacefully. once that paddle of judges makes their decision whether to actually suspend, dissolve the parliament or actually postpone it will small c and the next level of political wrangling is going on. now, why are we in this position right now? well, iraq has a very simple system. when it comes to its politics, the iraqi public voted members of parliament, members of parliament, then vote in a speaker of the house. the speak of the house with consensus from those parliamentarians actually chooses the president a president then has 15 days with consensus to choose the progress of that as map basil happened for 10 months frustrated. one of the biggest per political blocks led by looked out of southern a man who doesn't actually have any political office, but has a number of the loyalist m. p. 's to his party then decided that he was going to withdraw from politics that caused a crisis. he said, add to the supreme court. he put in a petition saying that the court should be dissolved in that story. the parliament should be dissolved and that's what they're discussing at the moment. like i say those discussions apparently underway right now. we are waiting to see what happens next. whatever happens next, there will be some sort of reaction politically. but that may not be the con numbers of people out on the streets unless parliament is actually dissolved, right, we appreciate that updating mankind for us. let's bring in my mind abdel, why head now? at my pony, you've covered the race in protest where sat a support his have tank into this straight. is that likely to happen again today? will as i'll viet it, it looks to quiet and normal. as you can see right behind me in the streets, people's movements are normal in the streets. but this could you change at any moment despite the fact that the government has been affirming. calling on everyone, including the rival factions, to maintain self control and refrain from any confrontations. the latest was yesterday from the government speaker has another thought stated that the government is calling on all the rival factions to maintain self control and keep it under control. meanwhile, a number of political forces have gathered to and i was had a statement to calling on the state in institutions to consider the current period as a transitional stage, calling at the same time for the, for the parliament to be dissolved. and also for the government to hold every elections in order to end the current it deadlock as you know, also probably part of the reason why it is not expected to be escalated at least for the time being. that would now only about 10 days ahead of their out of by, in, of the 40 days and adversity of the death of remember and her sin, which is so diverse for she at muslim jet muslims here and there at iraq. so it seems that there is some kind of a probably under the table agreement, none of was dutch cheap that come until the buy in order the 40 days anniversary of the death of a man and proceed. but at the same time, as you know, that the, that the fact that it last week's incidence has also taken our toll on people, especially here in baghdad. as you know, that da zones were children. hundreds were wandered in the military confrontations between ourselves. the supporters and those affiliated to the iranian, backed up political apart is the last week. and that is also was also behind the postponement of today's session by the court to we're all on the petition sub. but it, by over a 1000 at defend it over the 100-8008 people including politicians affiliated to al sutherland, demanding the dissolution of the parliament and wholly at lee elections to end the current to political deadlock. so we'll have to find out today what happens at the court and then the reactions in the streets. all right, we appreciate that update as well. thank you very much. mark mont abdallah had in back bagdad for us president vladimir putin has cold sanctions against russia. a danger to the world. speaking of the east in economic form and let of us talk, put and accused the west of undermining the global economy, is expected to make the head of china's legislature legion shoe shortly. russia has forged close ties with china in the past year is it becomes increasingly isolated bytes, war and crime. there are reports that putin and chinese president change and paying will made at a summit in it was beckons, done next week. if you do so newly hurt because of the sanctions from the west, have been an aggressive attempt to get other countries to follow certain models. there are questions around sovereignty and subordinating to their will. these are policies which have been carried out for decades. but there's been slipping away of us domination. they haven't been able to see the objective fact. if we look at recent times, the entire system of international relations is going through tectonic change in semi puri is the author of russia's road to war with ukraine. he says russia and china have been brought closer because of western sanctions. it will remember that see it that the beijing, which are lympics, both of february this year just before russia began this invasion. and they spoke of a deep and enduring friendship. they should have documents around this, but the, in the 7 will 8 months since then. russia probably become something of a bit of embarrassment. china, in the sense of the war and ukraine is not on as well as russia we're certainly would have wanted to. but nevertheless, china and russia do find each other to be extraordinarily important because both countries are experiencing different degrees of sanctions from the usa, from the west. so in some respects they have to bind together, but it is a bit of a marriage of convenience between the 2 of them. of course there's, you'll be a sport to have a huge land border. and one final point on that, which i think is forum really speaks to is that the infrastructure development between china and russia, for example, the power siberia pipeline, and also associate to project modernization of global stock as a port. it's the ability to take in cargo all the things we're hearing about and travel in this region. obviously, russia is going to focus now on the development of the eastern side of the russian territory. so that's trading potential with china can actually match the, the sort of the bolted ambition. so i think double chinese rushing bilateral tribes for president. she includes an explosion, basil ambitions, back from where it ends. new prime minister lead trust is about to hold her 1st cabinet meeting a day after taking over from bar. as johnson, she's promoted and pays her back to leadership campaign. kweisi quatrain has been made at chancellor of the exchequer. and so well, abrahamson is the new home secretary truss has promised to cut taxes and tackle the cost of living crisis and re build the economy as prime minister, madame baba reports from london as lose trust. took her 1st steps in downing street, his prime minister, her focus was on reassuring the nation. things can get better. we now face a big label. headwinds caused by rushes of pulling war in ukraine. and the aftermath of k that now is the time to tackle the issues that are holding britain back. we need to build roads, homes, and broadband pasta. we need more investment and great jobs in every town and city across our country. we need to reduce the burden on families and help people get on the life. of course, the pressing issue is helping people cope with huge energy price rises on that she says she understands the urgency. i will take action this week to deal with energy bills and to secure all future energy supply. but she repeated her commitment to cutting taxes as a way of driving economic growth. trust started with a flying to scotland, where she met queen elizabeth at her bow moral estate. she was formerly appointed off to the monarch received the outgoing prime minister's resignation. before he threw north maurice johnson and his wife, carrie said good bye to stop at 10 downing street. it was partly the party in here that led to so many of his own in peace turning against it is departing speech didn't reference any covert rule breaking, but rules did come up when he talked about the end of his premier ship. the baton will be handed over in waters, unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race. they changed the rules half way through, but never mind that now. johnson did promise to support least trust every step of the way, urging his party to unite after a damaging leadership contest apart from telling supporters what his government had achieved. johnson did briefly mention the financial stress facing millions of households, the sunlit uplands of the british economy, a currently shrouded in folk, and the calls on the new prime minister to offer some glimmers of light are getting louder. you need to look at the world as it is rather in the world that you'd like it to be and then you need to respond. and the big message for me is trickle down. economics does not work. the last 15 years has shown us that because the economy has granite points, the cake has got bigger. but what's happened is that those are the top of taken more and the majority of people have not benefited less trust will want to offer her own vision of britain as it phrases, economic and existential crises. but she must also show the public. she's able to be pragmatic and take steps to stop millions of people slipping into poverty. the challenge is immense. nadine barbara al jazeera london rescue and relief operations are taking place in the southern indian city of banga low room after torrential rain monsoon rains that began on sunday swept the city. that's india's tech hub, causing flooding. waterlogged straits. created traffic. chaos. power outages and shortages of drinking water. many people were urged to work from home to religious . se wrangler received more than 400 percent of its average rainfall in just the 1st week of august. happening middle is there and says life has been disrupted from many in the city. inundated with water homes like these are now empty as residents leave in droves. we are in one of the worst affected areas in the city of banga lew . it is in the us, i to have and in fact is a ride home to many of those offices start ups and global tech giants like adobe and amazon. and many of the people who live in homes like these work in these areas . and they have been disproportionately affected schools around here have been shut water levels, her a more than a metre, deep. many of them have left in boats like these and have been away from home for a few days. now, it has been raining incessantly in the state. the government says, rainfall has broken records and has been the highest in many decades. but the situation here has waste concerns about infrastructure and urban planning. many of the buildings around here have been constructed illegally. there is encroachment that has blocked drainage system because of which excessive water has no way to go, but in people's homes. now water levels are receding, but people over here are bracing for chaos and uncertainty. to continue in one of india's most, develop cities still ahead on al jazeera, the un calls for safety zine around is actually a power plant. it stopped showed it blaming anyone. shelling and the solomon islands close lines elections as it lady gets closer to china. and further away from the, with the journey has begun the faithful world copies on its way to catherine book, your travel package today. i had to say, i'm not sure i see a return to any summary whether in western europe this is looking very or tumbled, are huge swirl of cloud. the front running in through france towards the alps is the mediterranean and still some parts of this year, which is sitting in rather warm, but the temperature is a little bit above the average. but the change is pretty obvious here with wind and rain. now, rather more typical for ireland, for england, for france, where you see the blue turn into a rather concentrated, massive blue. that's significant, right? somebody will be sundry, all of it will be fairly heavy. so i think flash flooding is on the carts here. now ahead of it is still relatively warm, vienna's got $27.00, so i grabbed at 30, but once it's gone through, i think there'll be a steady drop in term, which is look at vienna for example, than 25. then 23 down 21 is the wind picks up. 21 is the average for vienna for september, which is coming back down to where we might expect to be anyway. for africa has been a very wet spell, as you well know, with some pretty heavy dam post right throughout the sa hell they're still there. and it's these that tend to grow into potential storms as they leave west africa. this mass here, which will bring likely flooding in sierra leone could well turn into a hurricane. in the days to come, i saw airway official airlines of the journey. this november, the well companies coming to cut off of the clock is ticking as the main event gets closer with every step of the way. i'm going to go through that with a new show each month. things can expect some strong support hearing tests or were you the latest news for teens and fans in different regions across the globe as they looked and made them up? pat on 2022. the well cop count back with everyone else. oh no, julia. ah . the challenge is 0. i'm emily and when he's a reminder about top stories this iraq supreme court, he said to a rule on an application to the dissolution of parliament. politicians allied with influential she made him a kind of a refund to petition last month after an earlier request was rejected. president vladimir putin is called sanctions against russia, a danger to the world. speaking at the eastern economic form of dog food and accused, the width is undermining the global economy. and britons, the prime minister lives trust is about to hold her 1st cabinet meeting a day after taking over from bar johnson. she's promised to cut taxes and tackle the cost of living and rebuild the economy. a palestinian man has been killed in an israeli ride on the pharaoh refugee camp in the occupied west bank. is there any forces? short, 21 year old eunice. gus, on tie in a dorm rain, palestine health industry says several people were arrested, nearly 150 palestine means have been killed in occupied territories so far this year. and the white house has reiterated calls for accountability and the killing of al jazeera journalist, sharina lamb. but it's not pushing for an independent investigation. on monday, the israeli military admitted for the 1st time that charade was likely killed by one of the soldiers. the army will not be feeling a criminal investigation. however, algae 0 media network has denounced the findings as an attempt by israel to evade criminal responsibility. our profound condolences go to the family. we hear their concerns, we understand or concerns. the examiner examination was conducted by 2 members, again of the u. s. c. c, with over 42 combined years of forensic expertise in addition to the forensic and ballistic analysis. do you fcc was granted full access to both israel defense courses and palestinian authority investigation by summarizing both investigation, the you fcc concluded that got fired from id f positions was likely responsible for the death of sharina bu, ugly. the usb found no reason to believe that this was intentional, but rather the result of tragic circumstances. the un nuclear watchdog says russian controlled as apparitions. your plans in ukraine has been extensively damaged russia and ukraine accuse each other of shelling the nuclear plant that europe largest. the i a is calling for security zone around the palace to action and pre conditions to be improved for ukrainian staff operating the plant experts say damage, buildings, housing, nuclear, fuel, and radioactivity. radioactive waste need to be prepared, repaired. the facility in the southern city of, in a harder usually generates about half of ukraine's nuclear power. but fighting has increased the risk of damage to the national grid. it feed a reactive containment structure could be destroyed and allow high levels of radiation to contaminate. nearby arrogance. the head of the un nuclear watched and presented his findings to the security council. as al diplomatic editor james bass were for having just led a mission by a team of inspectors to the separate c, a nuclear power plant. a place that's been shelled repeatedly the head of the i. e . a spoke to the security council about his findings in the current situation, he said was dangerous and untenable. their physical attack, wittingly or unwittingly, the hits that this facility has received and that i could personally see assess together with my experts is simply an acceptable. we are playing with fire and something very, very catastrophic could take place. he's now proposing a demilitarized protection zone rounds, aperture, the largest nuclear power plant in europe. it's a proposal that is also strongly backed by the un secretary general, an agreement on a limit that ice barometer should be secured. specifically, that will include the commitment by russian forces to withdraw all military personnel and equipment from that perimeter. and the commitment by ukrainian forces not to move into its both ukrainian and the russian ambassadors spoken the meeting, each blaming the other for the shelling of the plant or to the security council meeting. i asked rushes ambassador about the proposal for the de militarized. i want to know the details famous here, i don't know. do not know what to direct the general gross means. play that to what extent that will improve the safety of both physical nuclear safety of the plant. the proposal for the militarize, i was supported by most members of the security council, but russia and ukraine both said they wanted more details. it's clear much more diplomacy and persuasion will be needed. if this idea is ever to be turned into reality. james bay's ouch is era at the united nations. norway says it's open to the idea of long term gas agreements and price caps with european partners in an effort to address the energy crisis. prime minister yona sca stora says no way wants to be recognized as a reliable partner. e u energy ministers are expected to discuss the limits on russian gas prices. when they meet on friday. no one has already increased supplies to europe by 10 percent this year. to china now, and the number of people who been killed after a strong earthquake in the west has risen to 70 for nearly 30 others. still missing . rescue is evacuated. people stranded in remote villages in the c one province. the 6 point a magnitude earthquake has extensively damaged homes and infrastructure . well then 21000 people have been evacuated from areas point to land lives and building collapses. quote, one to land my entire house collapsing. we cannot live there anymore. are 2 televisions, but also destroyed. i didn't have a chance to go inside and check on other things. members of the people's militia and rescuers came into your life. i called my family and they said that safe and found out how to make my way back home because it all kept falling down from the mountain. estrella has been accused of the interference after offering to fund the next election in the solomon islands. the solomon's prime minister is facing mounting pressure following proposals to change the constitution. he says his country can't afford to pay for an election and a major sporting event in the same year. sarah clunk, explain. checkpoints are in place with police coding of access to parts of the parliamentary precinct, the solomon islands, prime minister plans to change the constitution to delay next year's election and stay in power until 2024. the opposition was that will trigger political unrest and protests in the capital. i object to anything that undermines the mandate and the role in the place of the people in decision making, affecting especially a matter is important as the life of parliament itself. the solomon islands is due to host the pacific games next november, man, a se, so gavera says, the honor nation can't afford to hold an election in the same year. some analysts say postponing the vote is considered an attempt to crush democracy. this is not generally considered to be what the people of solomon islands once they take their elections quite seriously. you know that that's quite a politically engaged society. and community said, since on our side of security agreement with beijing, critics of expressed concern about his growing influence, the deal last, chinese police and law enforcement teams to be based in the capital to ensure public order. but pacific analysts say the implications of china's presence on the, on a nation a far reaching last week the solomon islands, band, us naval ships from its ports, camping us ships away from solomon islands, would certainly be in part right now. and i think it's, it's pretty, it's been safely established that promise to sort of already has been must culminating pacific leader of china strategic content in the region. the position she has similar concerns. what is happening now that concerns me, is that prime minister sobari is so pro china and clearly anti u. s. and its allies that concerns me a great deal. it's not good for the future of this country. and he says it challenges the pacific. traditional partners in the region. australia has revised it's troubling boss. warning potential further on rest in the capitol. it's a matter that will be raised by australia prime minister, anthony albanese. when he meets his counterpart in coming weeks, the sullivan islands lead, it says delaying the election will be a one off. there's little doubt so gavera is planned for constitutional reform will be passed as his government holds a majority in parliament. sir clark al jazeera brisbin, australia students have data returning to school in the u. s. city of evil dame band. many say they feel scared of being inside a classroom after gunman killed 19 students and 2 teachers in ma'am, when i oh day reports from val day as students and you vol day, went back to school tuesday. they were greeted with smiles and hugs. and a lot of security. it's a far cry from where they were 3 months ago after one of the worst school shootings in u. s. history. now 2 and a half meter, unclean. mobile fences have been put up around many of the schools here. and police presence has been more noticeable, but not all the children in the small community are comfortable going back to campus learning. so feel safe that school they on doesn't want to see the inside of a school just yet. he says he doesn't feel safe. he was in class at rob elementary school. when the shooting happened. my teacher opened the door and it is late. 8 kids in t teaches ran into my classroom. and then they close the door. yeah, my teacher could door and then she locked it. then she cur, dylan delelake papers. they on tells us he still has nightmares. his parents say he sometimes sleeps in their bed and now he'll be home schooled for as long as it takes him to feel comfortable in a classroom. again, they're disappointed. they're scared. oh, they don't have no intentions of going back right now. ah, they don't feel like the police officers are going to protect them. while rob elementary school awaits demolition, it's former students are being hosted by other schools in you've all day. 33 texas officers will be tasked with monitoring the schools around the district. some parents are worried that some of the officers responsible for their children's safety now are the same officers who they said didn't do their jobs right during the shooting. angela vasquez is with fierce mothers, a group of hispanic women, advocating for gun control and accountability. they just knew that the 1st day was coming and they still didn't do anything to rush to get it, get everything in place. so it's, it's, it's, it's almost a joke. you've all day residents we spoke to seem divided over who's at fault. but fiascos is firm and her opinion, a fierce mind that is a fully puts it on, on the establishment. the culture, like like it was a hiring failure to me. like the culture here is the good old boys as students had back the campus.


Transcripts For DW The Day 20220907

a situation which is more stated to this, or the cause of russian provocations is up, patricia plan to was one step away from a nuclear disaster to plan. and the physical integrity of the bumps has to be in by using several times. it continues its provocations up as upper region nuclear plan to create a threat of a man made disaster. the power plant. yes, that's the scariest. this is a reality that we, that we have to recover from this is something that's got not continue to happen. oh. also coming up on that day and trusts we trust or not, less trust officially takes over the reins from bars johnson. she bows to hit the ground running, but brits don't believe she'll be able to deliver on her promises. she's got a lot of work to do on that. to be honest, not much faith does. she will do it being a member of the team she was saying, deliver to live with deliver over and over again. a promise has been made to be interesting to see whether school know she's able to do the roses. but if you've said a very large treaty, it pulls the united nation says urgent action is required to prevent a potentially catastrophic incident at this upper region. nuclear plant in ukraine, inspectors from the international atomic energy agency issue, the warning and a report on their recent inspection of the russian occupied plants. the experts were 1st able to access the site last week to assess the damage and working conditions their sins. russian troops took control of the facility early in the war . keith and moscow have accused each other of risking a nuclear disaster by continually shelling the site. well, in its report, the i a, a calls the current situation to add this upper region nuclear power plant untenable saying it is the 1st time in a military conflict that it's occurring amid the facilities of a large established nuclear power program. a nuclear accident can have serious impacts within the country and beyond its borders. and it warn't. there is an urgent need for interim measures to prevent a nuclear accident arising from physical damage caused by military means. this can be achieved by the immediate establishment of a nuclear of safety and security protection zone. for you and security council has meant to discuss the situation at those upper region nuclear power plant. and the head of the international atomic energy agency ruffled grossey who led the team of inspectors there briefed council members on his report. he said the world was playing with fire and warrant that a catastrophic incident was possible. the physical attack, wittingly or unwittingly, the hits that this facility has received and that i could personally see assess together with my experts is simply a unacceptable. we are playing with fire and something very, very catastrophic could take place. this is why in our report we are proposing the establishing the establishment story of a nuclear safety and security protection zone limited to the, to the plant itself. that's bringing elena soak of a. she is the executive director of the vienna center for disarmament and non proliferation mozilla. welcome to the day. this report pains a truly troubling picture of the situation on the ground. what do you make of it? well, 1st of all, i want to applaud the i a and it's director john grossi or taking dean is actually going into the active or zone to assess this teacher. and this is the 1st time we have an independent assessment of what it is taking place there. and they do report that there are compromises and sometimes very stressful situation and the nuclear o plan, which you're already heard, the director general. and we have main prior and the most troubling situation in my view and in the report, careful is 2 things. first of all, there continues to be selling, including the hiv, when they're inspectors are and the site. and 2nd, that the power lines continue outside power lines continue to be compromised and cut off there was another one ago and was still don't know whether the outside or was connected. and the 3rd is a very stressful situation on which the i'm cranium, operators, and personnel on working there. so this 3 to me are the most concerning that. but he does love prayer presses, in course for the stablish ment of this safety and security protection zone around the power plan. i think it's a very important initiative, and we need to ensure that it does have a chance to be discussed and figured out how to establish said what yeah, these are one thing, sorry to interrupt you there would. how likely do you think we are to actually see hostility stopping in the area? it really depends on what the parameters of this protection though, would be, and who would be the parties actually implementing that protection. because se, earlier suggestions that loaded by several countries, including the us and others, were to start the demo at the site and then rounded and rush them back from that. so that is clearly to me, it's not something that they are prepared to to agree on. but there could be, where are you building where in unprecedented situation, we've never had military conflict and wrong. they knew so where, where turn to the territory at the moment. and i don't know, i was actually skeptical it originally about the possibility of this mission to take place. but it did happen. and both russia and ukraine and the end agreed to proceed. so i would, i would give it a chance, but it's certainly going to be in the effort. what more could the international community do to ease tensions around the plant? i think there should be a very strong voice coming from all countries. and now you're in security council person for even now, it continues discussion on the report and that proposed by the director john grossi. it would be extremely important to continue negotiations and consultations and keep possible in is open. one hope is the 1st and foremost the i present it is do remain at the nuclear power plant. they're only 2 inspectors counseling, but there is in town to keep them. and i also think that the initiative and the energy with director general are currently in continuum color. do press. all right. part is he already started concentration. so do give us some glimpse of it's hard to predict it, but it is very worthy effort because indeed we're playing with the bar. is there a way to increase pressure on vladimir putin to maybe push forward with this, this idea of a security zone because he is, as, as you said, or his troops are playing with fire. but he has so far rejected. and every option that has been put on the table regarding these, these do demilitarization efforts around the area of upper region. how can we increase pressure and bring people to the table? no pressure. but what i think that's it is actually in the russian interest to at least explore this over to unity and continue to negotiate. because if you think about it, the nuclear, a nuclear power plant is actually a part of the territory of russia occupying. and if something happens to the nuclear power plant, the power is kind of so you can provide the backup supply if you are human error. so now working on the stressful conditions, there isn't, doesn't recognize this is the russian territory. this is the ukraine and here it will read over. so i think it is in russian interest to seriously consider this proposal and work with the national community. how likely is that going to be a uncharted territory? elena soak of an executive director of the center for disarmament and non proliferation. thanks for your time tonight. thank you. well, all eyes are on the nuclear plant, the battle rages on in many other parts of the country. ukrainian officials say 3 civilians are among the latest victims of russian missile attacks near the city of her keefe. ukraine. second largest city has seen constant shelling since the start of the conflict with what much of the fighting long focused on the east. now ukraine is reporting advances in the south where it launched along a way to counter offensive last week. the pentagon confirms that keeps troops have started re taking villages in the region around her son sheet by rockets again and again. how keith is ukraine's 2nd largest city, its position in the east near the russian border. has made it a target throughout the wall. there was an explosion on dar apartment shook pieces of tile hit my child's back on the ceiling collapsed um my head. very thick smoke immediately filled the room. we wanted to get ice, but our door was blocked. it was blown into the corridor. ha, ha ha, keeps governor said rescue as us still searching through the rubble for survivors of the attack on this apartment building in the city center. several people were killed in other strikes in the region and air raid sirens rang throughout ukraine on tuesday morning. but in the country south, keith says it's successfully pushing back. ukrainian troops launched a counter offensive last week and said they have already regained territory. this video appears to show soldiers raising a ukrainian flag in a small town in the house on region that had been held by russia since early on in the war. ah, orest johnson and his wife carry leave number 10 downing street for the final time . it was the 1st act in a carefully choreographed handover of power that saw a live trust become britton's new prime minister. outside on the steps of the official residence, johnson sent his final good bye. ah good. hi. well, well this is, this is it quotes. it only a couple of hours i will be in our moral to see her majesty the queen and the torch will finally be passed to a new conserved elidah. let me say the law like one of those booster rockets that is fulfilled its function and i will not be gently re entering the atmosphere and splashing down invisibly in some remote and obscure corner of the pacific. and i will be supporting this trust and the new government every step of the way. thank you very much. thank you. goodbye. thank you. or has johnson and liz trust then headed to scotland for the next part of their performance? they visited the queen at her residence at bell moral castle. johnson was in 1st to officially tender his resignation. he then laughs, no longer prime minister. and when he was gone truck arrived at baltimore for her audience with the queen. and the british monarch formally invited her to form a new government. she then headed to her new official residency number 10 downing street, or she addressed the nation for the 1st time as prime minister in her speech. she praised her predecessor and bound to tackle the challenges facing britain had on i have just accepted her majesty the queen's kind invitation to full menu government . now is the time to tackle the issues that are holding brittenback. as prime minister, i will pursue 3 lead priorities. thusly, i will get written working again. secondly, i will deal hands on with the energy crisis cools by putin's will. thirdly, i will make sure that people can get doctors appointments, and the chest services they need. we will put all health service on uh, putting i am determined to deliver. thank you. oh, and quinton peel is with me now to talk about the new british prime minister. he's an associate fellow with the europe program at the chatham house. think tank mister peel. good to see the list of promises is long. how will list trust go about delivering well, she's basically got to stand on their heads. most of the things that she promised during her campaign, she said she's going to go for tax cuts and no subsidies. in fact, she's going to have to have enormous subsidies to try and put a cat on the energy prices. and she's gonna have to spend a huge amount of money on the national health service on defense. so actually she's going to be quite a spender and not a saver. she lost no time to re shuffle the cabinet. did she hers is very diverse, quite young, very much out of her own wing of the party. did you think the right team for the right ahead? well, it's certainly been criticized already as being quite light weight not particularly experienced. although in many ways it looks quite like the, the johnson government that it replaces. so there are quite a lot of people that were in the form of government. all their several heavy weights have gone, like the deputy prime minister, for example, dominic rub. and she's brought in people who were clearly her supporters. and it's quite clear that she's rewarding their loyalty. and the other most interesting thing is really that the 3 biggest jobs in government of all gone to members of ethnic minorities. you've got a black chancellor, the exchequer and quasi grad chang. i'm a black foreign secretary in james, cleverly and british asian sewell, a brother, man, as the home secretary that's quite striking in terms of the normal male white cabinets that the british have seen. the conservative party is in a bad state bell, deeply divided. will she be able to get everyone to rally around her? you thank she's going to have a real struggle. i think, i mean this, this succession battle of the replacement of johnson has been a very miserable and bitter affair. they've been squabbling very openly and she didn't get a residing endorsement in her election. i mean, actually she didn't even get half the members of the conservative party to back her . and she got quite a poor sharing old. so for members of parliament. so she's gonna have quite a struggle. it's possible that she may not last very long if she can't hold her party together. but she has a big majority in parliament, thanks to the majority that maurice johnson, one at the last election h t. c majority. which should see her through the danger being that when you got a big majority, people feel much more able to rebel against you. so she's gonna have to woo people quite happily assiduously. she's gonna have to work very hard at this. and as you perhaps heard from her speech, she's not a very persuasive sort of person. she's rather dull, very different to baris johnson in that way. she doesn't have any of his humor and he's flat like, let's zoom out of bed when does her appointment as prime minister mean for the you case position in the world? well, and i fear that it doesn't mean a huge amount of change. i mean, she has made her name a bit of the foreign ministry as somebody who was tough towards the european union . she is the one who's the table, the legislation to scratch the so called northern ireland protocol, which is a vital piece of legislation to enable the whole trade to get to trade situation with the european union to work properly. if she's got a scrap that against the signing the forest johnson did of it, then that's going to poison relations with the european union. the question is, will she change her mind of the truth is we don't really know. this is a woman who looks on the one hand as a very i ideological sort of person. but on the other hand, she was once a robina, she wanted to stay of the you. and then she became a fierce brakes. if somebody wanted to leave the you and i think we're going to have to wait and see how she works out in power. quentin peel of chatham has pleasure speaking to you tonight. thank you. ah, israeli president, you tuck hertzog, has called for a closer ties between germany and israel. he made the remarks to lawmakers in the german parliament in a speech marking the 50th anniversary of the munich olympics massacre and 97211 israeli team members died after palestinian militants storm their compound in the olympic village. on monday, german presidents on fantastic. my admitted that germany had failed to protect the israeli athletes. after his speech and the german parliament, hertzog visited the former nazi concentration camp bergen belsen alongside his german counterpart. israel and germany's presidents paid their respects to the victims of the holocaust at bergen belsen israeli president, issac hertz ox father helped liberate the camp. in 1945 addressing germany's parliament in berlin had talked, spoke about the effect. his father's stories had on him as a child. he might conduct a vase, it all of a ha, my father. this is 60 president of israel heine. hertzog. i am and he was among the 1st officers who liberated the death camps and germany from the jaws of the nazi beast. the ha, nazi large cottleville. i shall never forget how he described to me the horrors he witnessed them out. the stench that's uh huh. the human skeletons and striped pajamas was so the piles of corpses, the destruction the whole the hell on earth again. no man adam. before visiting bergen, belsen, both presidents laid remembrance reeds at berlin's holocaust memorial. it was another symbolic act to show that neither country could forget the horrors of the nazi regime. a mere 7 hotmail, whether we wanted or not, on a shot, the memory of the shore is a deep part of our identity as a nation. this eco, a people who carries in its historic memory such a dork, abysmal impossible experience is not a people like all peoples outside and my mother hats. og state visit to germany, also marked the 50th anniversary of another horror that israel can't forget. the munich olympics massacre a day earlier, germany apologized from his handling a terror attack in the olympic village in 1972, which left 11 israeli team members dead at the hands of palestinian terrorists. at bergen belsen germany's president warned that his country must remain vigilant against anti semitism. again, faced with the graves of bergen belsen dead over them and the millions murdered in the holocaust in every form of anti semitism. that sadly still exists in germany is an alarm signal for our country. the visit ended at a memorial for one of the most famous victims of the holocaust and frank murdered like her sister, just months before the liberation of the camp. a reminder of the terrible suffering that these 2 nations are determined will never be repeated. ah, a huge crowd. welcome britons, prince harry and his wife megan markelle as they arrived and decided off here and germany for an event one year before the 2023. in victor's games, which the city is hosting this year. the in victor's games are an international multi sports event for injured soldiers, founded by harry in 2014, he himself served in the british army and was stationed in afghanistan. he remains the patron of the games after stepping down from his official royal duties in 2020 and let's listen to what harry had to say about the games at de saddam city hall. i'm humbled, but these games provide an opportunity to recognise, celebrates i'm defunct, on respect to those who have given all of us so much. so without further ado, it is my absolute honor, along with my wife to invite the people of germany to officially stalled the count down to next september. it is almost done, but as always, the conversation continues online. we are looking forward to hearing from you on twitter, make sure to follow our team under at dw news and myself, nicole underscore friendly, but for the time being for me the entire team on the day. thanks for spending part of your day with with with building houses from air vapor real what sounds like a joke of birth. a canadian started up wants to make reality soon. find out how they came up with this idea of how it works and how it will help the environment in made in germany next on d. w in good shape. don't be afraid for some. ready that's easier said than done. ready fear can drive our thoughts and behaviors. so the question is, what are the effects of fear? how do we overcome with in 60 minutes on dw, ah, will you become a ready no, with pickers, paralyzing your societies? computers that outs where you and governments that go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work, how they can go in for us, how they can also go terribly what you know on youtube. ah ah this summer here in germany and in many parts of europe, climate change seem to.


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