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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20170616 00:00:00

have heard from president trump, his words of bringing people together but think about what matters, we thank you so much for being with us tonight at nationals park on this beautiful summer evening as we celebrate what's good the paradigm ♪ >> good evening everybody and welcome to tucker carlson tonight, i'm ed henry in from out of the bullpen, where broadcasting live from nationals park site of tonight's baseball game, the game is going on despite yesterday's attack on g.o.p. lawmakers, steve scalise, the wounded republican leaders said they wanted it to go forward. we will be showing you the exclusive interview with fred warmbier, the father of otto warmbier who was detained in north korea, just release in cincinnati, listen to this. >> were taking at a moment at a time to my dad time. we're going to support each other like we agreed to do and we are adjusting right now. were adjusting to a different reality. >> will bring you the rest of the interview a little later, the game is on it's very interesting, despite yesterday's assassination attempt and that's what it was on several members of the republican teen, house majority whip steve scalise remained hospitalized, alive, in critical condition after undergoing his third surgery today. his absence from tonight's game, and a sad irony. he was known as one of the speediest players on the g.o.p. squad and a secret weapon is a pinch runner. he scored four runs in seven games over the years. now for more on tonight's game, fox's peter doocy is down here behind me and you and i have been talking and texting one another, we were very moved by that first pitch. just to members of the republican team and the democratic team a few minutes before they were set to start all gathered and took a knee for a prayer at second base which would have been where the majority whip steve scalise would have been playing tonight. he is 5 miles away in critical condition at the hospital receiving treatment for a very serious wound to the right hip and everything internally that has been affecting him since. the last thing the republican team did before they took the field, they were all introduced. steve scalise was introduced, they put a big picture of him up on the jumbotron. everyone from the republican team that was lined up across the diamond, third base to first base turned around and they waved at him. that's another bipartisan moment here. members of the left-leaning party, emma kratz come up members of the right leading party, or hooligans are all on the right-field line, everybody stood and cheered. it was the second longest standing ovation tonight. i believe that our producer counteracted 42 seconds, that was a moment that unified everyone here. people wondered if it will get people to set aside some of the really nasty political rhetoric, something interesting maybe it's meaningful, maybe it's not. people are into this game. i've been to these games before where people aren't paying attention. every single thing that has happened tonight, people are on the edge of their seats, a lot of cheering. a lot of applause, everyone seems like they are right on top of what's happening. it's a close one, three happened to come of the democrats are up a run in the second. >> ed: republicans are up 2-0, now democrats are three have a two. i asked him who is going to win because markey said america, maybe that's the spirit of unity will live on. yesterday's shooting was committed by a fervent progressive but the media are trying to label republicans as the violent ones. today "the new york times" said there was a clear link between sarah palin political insight months, and the 2011 shooting of congresswoman gabby giffords, and democrats. one problem, that alleged link between palin and the attack on giffords was debunked years ago. the claim is basically fake news, literally fake news. charles krauthammer is a writer and columnist, he joins us live now. what do you make of "the new york times" putting out this editorial that quite frankly is embarrassing, for them years later to still be pushing this false narrative for just 24 hours after a former bernie sanders supporter tried to assassinate republican members of congress. >> it's completely egregious, it's not just that it's been debunked six years later, it was debunked within three days. i remember writing a column for days after the attack in which it was absolutely, totally obvious that the shooter was a paranoid skits are frantic. he had no idea what was going on. if what his teachers had said, he was living in his own world. at the time, this is with most egregious people don't even remember the day after the shooting, the times ran in its news section on the front page, he had labeled news analysis and introduce this false idea that jared lautner the shooter was motivated by this thing on the website that showed the bull's-eyes for 20 districts. he was not driven to the crime by a climate of hate because as everyone who knew him and testified at the time was saying, this man created his own climates. he was a classic paranoid schizophrenic. that the times should a drag this out six years later was amazing. even the correction was mealymouthed and halfhearted, no connection was proved. no connection was possible, the man was a paranoid psychotic. >> ed: it goes deeper than that because the house democratic leader nancy pelosi comes out today when we heard a peter doocy reporting how to lawmakers in both parties say maybe they're going to come together, maybe there unified. she attacks fox news, and she says republicans have been more responsible than democrats for this violent rhetoric. why within 24 hours is she trying to keep score? >> this is a reflex, i see it among democrats. it is true to some extent among republicans, this sort of vitriol in our politics is not unilateral. when you get the leadership within one day of an event like this, let's remember, she's a democrat and the shooter came out and said of those republicans or democrats on the field, this isn't a guy who went out to shoot people. this is a guy who went out to shoot republican people. if you're a democrat, he watched to have at least the decency to wait a while before leveling accusations. i do believe that the leadership were more careful, if they were less ad hominem in their arguments as i was saying earlier in a special report, if they were less apocalyptic in speaking about the other side, it's the end of the world. climate change is not -- you don't listen to me on climate change or a denier like a holocaust denier. if that language weren't like that, we would have a beginning of a de-escalation and that's what we need. >> ed: i have one minute, the shooter in this case is now dead also has facebook posts where he was discussing in his attacks. you've raised questions before about president trump whether he wants to bring people together or not, is it an opportunity for him -- he gave strong remarks yesterday about unity and a video here at the game, is this an opportunity for the president here? >> there is and i think you rose to the occasion and the remarks he made before. he's not blameless, this is not a one party thing. he was quite aggressive in the campaign, he says he's a fighter, a counter puncher. he was even aggressive against his republican colleagues, his republican opponents. i think this is a time when we can all look back and say neither side here is blameless, time to do the obvious to declare a kind of armistice on the vitriol in the apocalyptic rhetoric and it simply say we are a republic, we have the loyal opposition, let's be loyal, let's be civil on both sides. i think it can be done, i don't despair this. i think may be in an event like this, perhaps it will have to be some other event which would be tragic. perhaps that can happen, i'm sure the country would appreciate it. >> ed: you're absolutely right right. neither side is blameless. >> let me say i have been watching the game. there is a hell of a lot of stealing going on down there. i'd keep my eye on that. >> ed: who's stealing come of the democrats or republicans? who's stealing more? >> equal opportunity stealing and we have catchers who are somewhat superannuated if i can be kind. >> ed: it's been a difficult 24 hours or so, maybe we can have a little bit of liberty, we appreciate that. up ahead, will have tucker's exclusive interview with fred warmbier. charles is a big baseball fan come on a baseball fan, we'll talk about that and we'll talk about the assassination attempt in the near tragedy there that preceded it, will talk to congressman jack burkman, he was an eyewitness to yesterday's shooting. my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of 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medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. ♪ >> were coming to your life from nationals park where republicans and democrats are uniting to play in the annual congressional baseball game, obviously a much different atmosphere right now because of what happened yesterday will get into that in a moment. right now, american citizen otto warmbier returned to the u.s. two nights ago but in extremely poor health. in a moment, you're going to see tucker's exclusive interview with his father, but first today, a doctor at the university of cincinnati medical center described his dire condition. >> he shows no signs of understanding language, responded to verbal commands or awareness of his surroundings. this study showed extensive loss of brain tissue in all regions of the brain. >> ed: tucker sat down yesterday with fred warmbier, otto's father for an exclusive interview, take a look. >> thanks for having us in your house. tell us about being reunited with otto last night. >> okay, last night, being able to see him for the first time in i bet it's 18 months, it was fantastic. i was not in great shape and he's been through a real tough time, and it's great to have him with us and i'm very proud of him. >> tucker: do you know what happened to them in north korea? >> i don't. watching his confession and seeing the things that we've seen in north korea none of which was true and then hearing what i think they said with him apparently the day after he was sentenced, he went into a coma for whatever -- for some reason. i don't have any particulars. i wouldn't trust that. listen, tucker, he has been terrorized and brutalized for 18 months by a pariah regime in north korea. we're thrilled to have him home. he's with his family, his mom is with him right now and i'll be with him later on today. >> tucker: has the government helped you along the way? >> i hesitate -- they have. i have to thank joe yuan. he got involved i don't know when, a month or two ago, contacted us. and said he was going to work for us. and his mission was to bring otto home. >> tucker: who is he? >> he's an ambassador in the state department, i believe he took over for ambassador king, very helpful for cindy and i and we are really thankful for him. we are also thankful for rex to listen and president trump. they wanted him home and i believe they made this happen. we are thankful for that. >> tucker: you said once this process is over, you hope to get back to being a family and living a conventional life. what do you think the lessons of this are? why does this happen? >> being in the wrong place -- the lesson of autos captivity in north korea -- that's going to be for others to decide. the warmbier's have been living with this situation for 18 months. if there is no meaning, this is a rogue pariah regime. they are terrorist, they're brutal, there is no to anything here. they have crossed the line with my son and so, it would be very different to look for a lesson here. amongst this insanity. i'm not looking for a lesson. i want to support otto. i want to support my other children, my community, i'm proud of the way everyone has handled this and i'm so grateful that he's with us, he's with people who love him now. that means a lot to us. >> tucker: has your family holding up? >> we are doing okay. i worry about cindy a little bit, i think she worries about me. we are taking it a moment at the time, a day at a time and we're going to support each other like we agreed to do, and were adjusting right now, we are adjusting to a different reality. and it was one that i didn't know about. we found out about this tuesday night a week ago. via a phone call from joe yuan. then cindy and i felt shocked we have not felt in a long time and we're still going through that. but otto is with us. that is the important thing here, he is an amazing kid. we're fortunate that we live in an amazing community and people that support us in love and care for us. >> tucker: you found out on tuesday out of the blue? >> there were some meetings between the state department in north korea, some diplomatic meetings in other countries. and quite honestly they wanted to know about otto. there was nothing forthcoming and i'm sure it was not going to move forward unless they talked about otto. i think our government forced north korea's hand and made them admit his situation. >> tucker: there are other americans being held in north korea, at least three, may be more. do you have advice for their families? >> no. no, i would not -- i can't recommend any -- i don't know what to say. i wouldn't know what to say to them. they can use us as an example and they can make their own decisions. we tried to do the right thing and here we are today. i don't know what the answers are. i've been told not precedented. his situation, his treatment by the north koreans is unprecedented spread i don't have advice for anybody. >> tucker: thank you, fred. >> ed: really good stuff from tucker there, i was moved as well when fred showed up at the news conference with a suit jacket that otto war back in north korea when he had to deal with that kangaroo courts. he got a very emotional, when he talked about wearing his sons and suit jackets. in the interview, tucker and fred continued the conversation in his childhood bedroom where it got emotional as well. >> tucker: this is what you found in otto's bag? >> these are his belongings, he had a duffel bag and then his bookbag, there was a pouch here that some things were in. his passport, this was his calculator he was going to be doing a finance class there. this is his crazy shirt and the ties, it looked like he was packing for a three month trip. >> tucker: he was in china and he just took a couple day -- >> he took a young pioneers and tour with a group of young people, he was over there with them. these are the clothes that he took, they were packed up. they were mostly when we took them out, they've been in the back for a long time. this is typical of otto, he has a lot of cool stuff to wear and some meat she was and of course he had running shoes, he loved to run. he's an excellent shape. there is his wallet and i guess he had some money. that's what they sent him home with. >> tucker: looks like a straight arrow kid from the spread of >> it's pretty straightforward. but from the thrift store. he looked good in them. >> tucker: you going over to see them quick mark >> as soon as were finished, i'm good to see him, and were going to read to them and talk to them, make them feel at home. let him know he's around people who love him quite tell mike most important thing we can do. >> tucker: god bless you for letting us in. >> you've been a huge supporter for us and otto and we can't thank you enough. thanks. >> ed: the story about a family coming together in america today, there's another family behind made this coming together come of the congressional family, democrats, republicans normally at each other's throat, we're here live at nationals park in washington, d.c., the democrats are winning right now 3-2. you've got cedric richman at the plate, you can see him running down, he's pretty fast it looks like he beat it out and then maybe digging for second as wel well. he's also the star pitcher for the democrats. the republicans have a lot of trouble hitting him, were going to get into that later, going to continue live coverage of the congressional baseball game after this and were going to bring you an update about something much more important than this game. an update on the health of congressman's police at the hospital, he's just put up, president trump sent this message to the wooded congressman mere moments ago. >> president trump: i want to take the moment to send our thoughts and prayers to congressman steve scalise and his entire family. he is our friend, he's a patriot, and he's a true fighte fighter. i'm ryan and i quit smoking with chantix. i tried to quit cold 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you getting any insight, what can the republicans do, is there any secret weapon in the bullpen, they have to do something. >> i think of the democrats are able to win by sliding into home plate, we might start to see some of that on capitol hill. they don't control either house of congress but somebody can slide in towards kevin mccarthy's desk on the floor headfirst just to get his attention at least, i'm not sure. the capital is only a couple of blocks away, it's not so far-fetched. >> ed: joe donnelly, the senator from indiana, a democrat is up to the plate now. it's been a lot of excitement early on, not just on the field, before the game started, very moving with the first pitch. that's prayer around a second base as we get into the top of the fourth inning of the game, what happened is downright remarkable. >> these lawmakers to put in a lot of effort in this game and practicing and getting ready, they did all gather democrats and republicans in a prayer circle at second base which is where the majority whip steve scalise played in at least seven games. he's one of the stars for the republican team. everyone here is thinking of him, they put his picture up on the jumbotron, he got a 42 seconds standing ovation. the republicans were all standing on the field waiting wt that photo, he is 5 miles away. we did get an update from the hospital a few minutes ago. they say that he is doing better than last night. they do still anticipate he is going to be in the hospital for a while longer. not a whole lot of detail but that is the update tonight. >> ed: some good news there, i came out of the bullpen, for tucker carlson. you are our utility player. as we get back to some updates but also some serious news as were happy to hear that statement from the hospital that his neck surgery, the latest surgery has been completed. a long way still to go. president trump in the business of the nation is going forward, he lashed out at the media and hillary clinton as new leaks report he is under investigation for potential obstruction of justice. we'll talk the whole thing over with byron york. more live coverage of tonight's professional baseball game, thea big crowd here, but 25,000 here, we're going to get you all the highlights. tom tom rooney a republican from florida up to bat dear predictable, there's no other way to say this. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced. our senses awake. our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say...if you love something set it free. see you around, giulia and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won't rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. they talk about obstruction, that from the present day, does the president have a point or should he move on? >> both are true, team clinton did do all of those thing, they did it smack those telephones with a hammer, bill clinton did meet with loretta lynch and the attorney general, all of that stuff really did happen and he had to should move on as well. those are not cases that are going to be relevant either to the russia case or to the obstruction of justice case or anything that's going on right now. it kind of amounts to what about his him from the president on this? question. >> ed: the president had another leak dropped on him but "the washington post," this one dropped on him, robert mueller looking at obstruction of justice charges, and others in a report breaking tonight for the website saying robert mueller this special counsel is also investigating the business dealings of jared kushner, a top white house aide and that's son-in-law of the president. what do you make about this drumbeat of leaks that has simply not stopped? >> we were told when he got up and running these leaks would stop because he'd run such a tight ship. maybe not really up and running yet but the leaks haven't stopped. i think the biggest thing it shows is the indisputable truth about washington investigations. they do not contract, they do not shrink, they expand. they almost always expand. the question here is what is not under his purview right now? he can look into a lot of things, he seems to be casting a pretty wide net. >> real quickly we got about a minute, i want to be fair to jared kushner, his attorney is put out a statement tonight saying in part we do not what did mike know what this report is referring to, it will be standard practice for the council to examine financial records looking for anything related to russia. isn't that also true for robert mueller looking at potential obstruction of justice? once he was fired to that was good to be looked at. it doesn't mean obstruction was committed to. >> the democratic theory if you will is that trump and trump company had some sort of financial interest in all of this, they wanted to kill me, they wanted him to stay away from their dealings with russia russia, we don't know what mueller is thinking right now. we do have indications that he is going to be looking at a lot of stuff like financial transactions from people around trump. >> ed: byron york we appreciate you joining us tonight. we know teddy roosevelt has won the race and presidents, the character representing teddy roosevelt won, he typically does not win, up next a big night for tucker as well. he's going to join us and he sat down with oliver stone to talk about his four hour documentary with russian president vladimir putin. it's controversial and that interview is next's how well you mow fast. they're not just words to mow by, they're words to live by. the john deere ztrak z345r with the accel deep deck to mow faster, better. save 500 dollars on the z525e ztrak residential mower at your john deere dealer today. >> ed: that's the one and only oliver stone, his latest flick of the put in interviews four hour documentary airing on showtime. if tucker sat down to ask him about washington's war on president trump and a lot more. do you spend 20 hours interviewing vladimir putin, pulls in the last year have shown a growing sense among americans that russia is our chief enemy, -- >> it comes becomes of media pressure and the amount of interviews given by the government calling them the number one existential threat. >> tucker: what's the motive? why would the press -- you're saying the american press is creating antagonism or doesn't naturally exist. >> it's the american government and the american press is two cents represents a corporate government point of view. it's in our interest to have enemies. russia has always been an enemy. >> tucker: 's liberals who are mad at you, i've seen an hour of it and it is friendly. they are attacking you as a lapdog of putin that you've sold out you've got not hostile reception, i've always thought it of you as a part of the american left. >> nothing is as it seems, there's all because of fracturing. much of the progressive left divorced from hillary clinton in the election, people like myself went to third party. the reason was she had become in the last 20 years has become a neoconservative, she has backed all the neocon invasion of libya, the destruction of libya which is crucial. she backed the iraqi war resolutions operative she has been a major figure in attacking the syrian sovereignt sovereignty. we've destroyed the sovereignty of these countries in the middle east, libya, iraq, and are now in syria. or we're trying to destroy syri syria. if this crumbles, the middle east crumbles. and the world order which is very important to mr. putin, a sense of law, a sense of fundamental principles has gone out the window. >> tucker: that's the opposite of the way he's presented here, he's presented as an autocrat who doesn't care about law and who hacked our democracy and undermined our election. >> we don't know that were told that. >> tucker: do believe that courts mark >> you're jumping around but we have to have evidence. there's a thin amount of evidence. it's been told to us by three agencies, the cia, the nsa and the fbi. it was told to us in january a few days before mr. trump came into office. it was called an assessment, the report itself if you read it i think steven cohen has pointed out to you, it's not an intelligence estimates. it doesn't have dissent it doesn't have the kind of information that is required. as sy hirsch said it was a joke. he calls john brennan the head of the cia as creating a fear and a paranoia without evidence at a time when a transition but it's very imported american democracy that we trust our leader. trump was slapped in the face two weeks to go, this thing is serious, it's calling him a manchurian candidate. that's as hostile as it's ever been in a transition. >> tucker: you've seen that again and again. there was just a story out to that the in two trump headed by robert mueller, apparently fbi agents are leaking details to the press and you're seeing leaks from all the intel agencies come it seems like they're trying to change their policies, does that surprise yo you? >> the overtness of it does. if the investigation were to continue, i think they have to go back to the origins of that leak in january. who put out that information. who gave it to "the new york times," "the washington post" back channel, you have to ask these questions. it seems as if some people have said the deep estate, the military-industrial complex, the intelligence agencies have their own position of head headed for many years and they continue to promote the wars that they do in all these countries. even obama said i want to close guantanamo, i want to cut out on a gap afghanistan, he didn't do it. you have to ask yourself who is one of the country. if you need a thorough examination of what's going on. i'm shocked at what the cia did and what brennan did, it seemed like he was very hostile. i think comey carried out. it was comey who influence the election, it was his declaration that the investigation on clinton had been dropped and then he reopened it three weeks or two weeks before. >> tucker: have you talked to president trump of the last year? >> i directed him in a film, wall street, money never sleeps. it was a deleted scene, not his fault. it was interesting to work with him for that day as an actor. he's still an actor. >> tucker: oliver stone, good to see a period of >> ed: we are in the fifth inning stretch here at nationals park, what is more baseball, what is more americana than the stretch. they're getting ready for the final stretch of the small game, we are going to have an update on the score, it is not looking good for the republicans right now. we will have an update on the score right after this ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. 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Transcripts for MSNBC Decision 2024 Debate Coverage 20240604 05:10:00

not. and we heard a lot of policy questions but to the chairman's point, not a lot of policy answers, heavy, except social security. >> yeah, first of all, when michael steele said that this is a trudge through iowa, i felt that through my soul, you guys. because this is truly felt that way. and we've covered these presidential cycles before, you think that once you get to a stage where it's not a people talking over each other, you get 2 to 3 people on the stage, you sort of hope for a more substantive discussion, maybe you'll hit a few policy points. instead, this is just really an all-out slugfest. and i think the thing i noticed immediately was right off the bat, yes, you had desantis going off with mealymouthed. you had haley a mediately pointing to the way he is just squandered tens of millions of dollars on his presidential build, only two and up in second, maybe third, in the state that he really laid all his hopes on, which is here in iowa. it was attacks from the get-go.


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 03:14:00

allowed to fly again. you're live with bbc news. two republicans vying to represent their party in this year's us presidential election are in their final debate before the iowa caucus. florida governor ron desantis is facing former un ambassador nikki haley. both are lagging behind frontrunner donald trump. joining me live is the bbc�*s bernd debusman. really good to see you. what has turned out to you in this debate? —— stood out. has turned out to you in this debate? -- stood out.- debate? -- stood out. what stood out — debate? -- stood out. what stood out as _ debate? -- stood out. what stood out as how _ debate? -- stood out. what stood out as how fiery - debate? -- stood out. what stood out as how fiery it - debate? -- stood out. what| stood out as how fiery it was right from the outset within minutes of the opening statement, ron desantis statement, ron desa ntis referred statement, ron desantis referred to nikki haley as mealymouthed. she repeatedly called him a liar. it was really quite tense in the room. i think that is a sign that despite the commanding lead


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 05:06:00

all went. what was the tone of the debate like?— the debate like? it was very fiery and — the debate like? it was very fiery and very _ the debate like? it was very fiery and very combative - the debate like? it was very l fiery and very combative from the very outset of the debate both candidates came out trading barbs and insults within seconds of his opening statement ron desantis provide to nikki haley as mealymouthed. she referred to ron desantis repeatedly as a liar. she revealed a website today ron desantis .com. very aggressive and i think it is a sign that even though they were behind donald trump in the poll, the outcome today really didn't matter to them. they really want the momentum of a good debate going into the caucasus next week and for the caucuses to have dash create a good momentum going into the new hampshire primary further on. but in terms of the reaction so far. what are people saying about this? in the last ten minutes or so i have been speaking to a lot of campaign staff from both the desantis and haley campaigns and they are both kind of claiming


Transcripts for CNN CNN Republican Debate Des Moines Iowa 20240604 06:04:00

pursue her donors issues. i'm running to pursue your issues and your family's issues and turn this country around. i'm the only one running who's delivered on 100 percent of the promises i've made. we've delivered huge victories in the state of florida, things that republicans have been asking for for a generation. i am also the only one running who has beaten the left time and time again. we beat the teachers union on universal school choice. we beat soros on crime. we beat fauci on covid. we beat the dems on election integrity. and i beat the left by banning china from buying land in the state of florida. now, nikki haley is running. we don't need another mealymouthed politician who just tells you what she thinks you want to hear just to try to get your vote, then to get into office and then do her donors bidding. she was in another state, and she said the people of iowa's votes need to be corrected. this is somebody who wrote in her book that hillary clinton inspired her to first run for office. i remember hillary denigrating people on the republican side


Transcripts for MSNBC Decision 2024 Debate Coverage 20240604 06:03:00

with nearly no mention of the real rival, donald trump. >> we don't need another mealymouthed politician who just tells you what she thinks you want to hear. >> but every time he lies, drake university, don't turn this into a drinking game, because you will be over served by the end of the night. >> she's got a problem with ballistic dietary, shooting yourself in the foot every other day. >> he can call me whatever name he wants, it doesn't change the fact that ron's line because ron is losing. >> the disgraced ex presidents kept that debate. instead he appeared in a televised fox town hall where he fielded questions more friendly crowd. how here's how the new york times summed up the events. as desantis and haley tore into each other, trump emerged unscathed. the gop grow smaller by the day and trump's lead in the polls only widens. when will the ex presidents rivals wake up, confront reality, and join us here on earth one. symone, i'm gonna guess their


Transcripts for CNN CNN Republican Debate Post Analysis Des Moines Iowa 20240604 04:02:00

competitor who was not there, donald trump, the former president, who's holding arrival town hall a few miles away. >> that's, right kaitlin. but -- their respective records and state office, the two also political punches right from the very beginning of the debate when it came to questioning the others sincerity and honesty. >> nikki haley is running. we don't need another mealymouthed politician who just tells you what she thinks you want to hear, just to try to get your vote, then to get in office and do corners finish. she was in another state and she said the people of iowa's votes need to be corrected. this is somebody that wrote in her book that hillary clinton inspired her to first run for office. i remember hillary denigrating people on the republican side as deplorables. we don't need a candidate who's going to look down on middle america. we've had enough of. it >> worked on to found out on that throw is going to be a lot


Transcripts for CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240604 21:21:00

attacking one another on competency, character, and conservative convictions. >> leadership is about getting things done, how did you blow through $150 million in your campaign? we saved our money, we made sure we spent it right, it is not your money, it is other people's money, and you have to know how to handle it. if you can't handle the financial part of the campaign, how is he going to handle the economy when it comes to the white house? >> this is the problem, you can take the ambassador out of the united nations, but you can't take the united nations out of the ambassador. we don't need another mealymouthed politician who just tells you what she thinks you want to hear, just to try to get your vote, then to get into office and to her donors bidding. >> trump continued his practice of not debating the other candidates, instead taking the stage alone on fox news. >> i am not going to have time for retribution, we are going to make this country so successful again. >> reporter: desantis and haley largely avoided sustained attacks on the former president.


Transcripts for CNN CNN Town Hall Post Analysis 20240604 04:24:00

so, are they going to break away from him now at this moment just because desantis says he can't be trusted? . >> well you know, the lawyer in me, my ears, everything just sort of recoiled when i heard her say, when erin burnett asked nikki haley, rightly or wrongly what do you mean, chaos follows, was right or was it wrong. and she didn't really have a clear answer to justify her beliefs about that. i wonder who was listening on that very point. everyone stick around, we will talk live with the desantis surrogate, congressman chip roy. plus we will get reaction to nikki haley's explanation about that civil war controversy. the one you know we are going to talk about. ♪ ♪ ♪ the cnn republican presidential debate live from ottawa, wednesday at nine pm eastern ♪ ♪ ♪


Transcripts for CNN CNN Town Hall Post Analysis 20240604 05:21:00

i will conduct myself in it where you can tell your kids. that is somebody you should emulate. we will have success as -- >> that was believe it or not, an answer to a question about whether presidents have absolute immunity. he did not answer, it but he got a lot of praise for that last part of the answer which was a dig at trump. >> well, rhonda santos is pretty masterful tonight to answering the questions he wanted to, and not directly answering the questions. he dodged this. that was thrown of his strongest moments, and he just stood position and character in conduct. your kids can rip out of me in office. it will not be chaos. it will not have to deal with these issues. and that is -- it is the cleanest juxtaposition and next generational leadership option. you want to offer to donald trump. it feels a little too late. >> who is this desantis now? it is not walk desantis, it is the desantis which is just kind


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