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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20200905 00:30:00

tonight, breaking news -- the war of words escalating as joe biden goes after president trump and what he allegedly said about fallen u.s. troops. the president emphatically denying the damaging report, claiming he made insulting comments about fallen american troops, allegedly calling them, quote, suckers and losers. his rival joe biden seizing on the report, citing his own son's service and saying, if true, trump is not fit to be commander in chief. also developing tonight, the antifa activist takedown. portland on edge after u.s. marshals shot and killed an antifa demonstrator wanted for murder. authorities say he was armed and trying to flee. just an hour after saying in an interview the shooting was justified, that he was protecting a friend. the dangerous turn. emotions boil over in times square, a car driving through a crowd of black lives matter investigators. as the daniel prude investigation continues. protesters and police clashing there. seven officers suspended. tonight, the police union says they followed protocol. the virus warning this labor day weekend. health officials saying what happens this labor day will set the course for the fall. the images already coming in -- large crowds gathering at the shore. the abc news exclusive. the nra insider speaks out. the former chief of staff of the ceo alleging members' dues went to fund lapierre's lavish lifestyle, including trips on private jets. pierre thomas standing by. and mother's miracle, the houston mom to be diagnosed with covid 26 weeks into her pregnancy. tonight she shares her story of survival. a powerful message to other moms facing the same fight. good evening. it's great to have you with us as we head into the labor day weekend. i'm tom llamas, in for david. we begin tonight with the firestorm erupting over a damning report accusing president trump of making insulting comments about fallen american troops. "the atlantic" quoting anonymous sources saying the president referred to them as suckers and losers. president trump fiercely denying the allegations over the last 24 hours. a furious joe biden, whose late son beau served in iraq, tearing into the president today, saying if the comments are true, he isn't fit to be commander in chief. white house pushing back hard, lining up former and current members of the administration to deny the report and defend the president. abc's chief white house correspondent jonathan karl leads us off tonight. >> reporter: joe biden came out today with his angriest denunciation of donald trump yet, pointing to an article in "the atlantic" alleging that the president referred to american war dead as suckers and losers. >> if the article is true, and it appears to be, based on other things he said, it is absolutely damnable. it is a disgrace. it is so unamerican. it is so unpatriotic. >> reporter: the article, based entirely on anonymous sources, portrays the president as someone with contempt for military service. it describes a november, 2018, trip to france. the president was supposed to visit a world war i cemetery where american troops are buried, but the white house canceled the visit, saying bad weather made it impossible for the president's helicopter to fly. "the atlantic" article alleges trump said, why should i go to that cemetery? it's filled with losers. the president heard about the story while on air force one last night. as soon as he landed, he summoned reporters to the dark tarmac and angrily denied it all. >> i would be willing to swear on anything that i never said that about our fallen heroes. >> reporter: multiple people who were with the president on the france trip, including trump critic john bolton, said today on the record that they never heard the president call dead american troops suckers or losers. joe biden said he finds the story believable because of the president's past comments, including what he said in 2015 about john mccain. >> he's not a war hero. >> he's a war hero. 5 1/2 years in a p.o.w. camp. >> he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured, okay? i hate to tell you. >> reporter: biden said the allegations in the article show trump is not fit to be commander in chief. >> how would you feel if you had a kid in afghanistan right now? how would you feel if you lost a son, daughter, husband, wife? >> reporter: the president firmly denied the story again today, saying those who serve in the military are heroes. >> it's a fake story written by a magazine that was probably not going to be around much longer. but it was a totally fake story. >> jon karl joins us now from the white house. president trump speaking with reporters just moments ago, and you asked him if he regrets insulting john mccain's military service. >> reporter: tom, he told me he respected mccain, but made it perfectly clear he has absolutely no regret for what he said about him, saying that he is not a war hero, that he preferred people who aren't captured. as the president told me just minutes ago, quote, i say what i say. tom? >> jonathan karl leading us off tonight. thank you for that. next, the deadly confrontation with a suspected killer in portland, oregon. u.s. marshals shooting and killing an allegedly armed man. just hours earlier, he appeared in a televised interview admitting to killing a pro-trump supporter, calling it self-defense. the city today marking 100 days of protest, bracing for more turbulent days ahead. abc's matt gutman in portland tonight. >> reporter: tonight, officials this portland calling the latest violence a tipping point. >> this is an all hands on-deck moment. i think we would all agree that we need to work collectively to stop the violence in portland. >> reporter: overnight, u.s. marshals shot and killed a man wand wanted in last week's shooting death of a pro-trump protester. the marshals swooping in to arrest him in washington state. >> it sounded like fourth of july going on. there was just anywhere from 20 to 30 gunshots. >> reporter: officials say he brandished a gun and tried to flee in his car. >> there were shots that were fired into the vehicle, and the subject fled from the vehicle, at which time there was additional shots that were fired. >> reporter: he was pronounced dead at the scene. >> black lives matter! >> reporter: we learned of the prests. they pushed the crowd back, made what appears to be a couple of arrests. his killing came hours after vice news released this interview with him in which he called the killing of pro-trump activist jay danielson self-defense. >> totally justified. had i not acted, i am confident my friend and i would have been killed. >> reporter: danielson was part of a pro-trump caravan of trucks winding through portland crashing with antifa and blm protesters. >> matt, you have been reporting about the tension there. you have seen it firsthand. there's concern among law enforcement about what may happen tonight? >> reporter: tonight and tomorrow. we just spoke with the head of the police union here who said tensions are at a boiling point. when i asked him what the chances were of this weekend passing peacefully given that left and right-wing activists were flocking to the city, he said slim to none. tom? >> matt, you and your team stay safe there. now to the growing anger and arrest over the death of a black man in custody in rochester, new york. protesters there clashing with police. and here in new york city, a car mademotoght,er, ight, emotions boiling over on the streets of new york city. police sources say a counterprotester's car drove through a crowd of black lives matter demonstrators who had gathered in times square to protest the death of daniel prude. there were no injuries and no arrests. >> black lives matter! >> reporter: ongoing protests in rochester. police firing pepper balls and pepper spray to disperse the crowds. at least eight people arrested overnight and two officers injured. >> these people was out here peacefully protesting on my brother's behalf, and i appreciate their time. i appreciate their compassion. they don't give a damn about that. >> reporter: the outrage sparked by disturbing body camera footage released this week. >> put your hands behind your back. >> reporter: prude seen naked and in the midst of em the officers placing a hood over his head, pinning his neck to the ground. the medical examiner later ruling his death a homicide. the mayor suspending seven officers, saying she'd been misled by the police chief. >> chief singletary never informed me of the actions of his officers to forcibly restrain mr. prude. >> reporter: chief singletary has ordered internal investigations, and tonight the police union president saying each of the officers followed protocol the night of the incident and are all cooperating with the investigation. the state attorney general's investigation is ongoing. and tom, it appears in anticipation of more protests tonight, rochester police have grabbed riot helmets and barricaded several blocks of city streets. tom? >> trevor, thank you. we move on now to the labor day warning about the coronavirus. the nation's top health experts say what happens over the next few days could determine the entire fall season. the u.s. now reporting more than 187,000 american lives lost. the cdc projecting an additional 30,000 covid deaths before the end of this month. crowds lining the jersey sho today, many doing theibest to maintain social distancing. others not. northeast university in boston expelling 11 students for violating covid-19 policies. abc's marcus moore is in miami beach. >> reporter: tonight, the kickoff to labor day weekend. three days, experts warn, are critical in determining how this country battles the virus this fall. new jersey today taking a big step, reopening indoor dining and movie theaters at limited capacity. but the governor with a blunt warning. >> we will not tolerate any violations, and we will not be afraid to come down hard and make an example of those who think the rules don't apply to them. >> reporter: so much at stake. ayg close to h le itap every holiday. >> reporter: doctors urging americans to avoid the behaviors that triggered a spike in coronavirus cases after memorial day and fourth of july. the surgeon general on "gma." >> during these holidays people come together for barbecues, for picnics, they travel, and that sets us up for spread of a highly contagious disease like covid-19. >> reporter: there was worry about the spread at indoor get-togethers or the spread at bars like this one at the university of south carolina. just one of at least ten schools with more than 1,000 students already infected. dr. anthony fauci warning that several midwestern states are now at risk of a surge. >> we don't want to see a surge under any circumstances, but particularly as we go on the other side of labor day. >> reporter: the president suggesting there could be a vaccine by election day. >> we remain on track to deliver a vaccine before the end of the year and maybe even before november 1st. we think we can probably have it sometime during the month of october. >> reporter: but his own vaccine chief, dr. monsef slaoui, cautioning a vaccine by election day is possible but very unlikely. >> we may have enough vaccine by the end of the year to immunize probably, i would say, between 20 and 25 million people. and then we will ramp up the manufacturing to immunize the u.s. population by the middle of 2021. >> reporter: tonight, early research on russia's vaccine published in "the lancet" found it triggered an antibody response and had no serious adverse effects. that vaccine launched before the final phase three trial was completed. but while americans wait for a safe vaccine, jose guerrero has reason to celebrate this holiday weekend. after six months in the hospital battling the coronavirus, he finally went home. an encouraging moment in the midst of all of this. the beaches this weekend are open, and miami beach police already cracking down. in the last few weeks they have written 800 tickets for people not wearing a mask. they hope the large crowds here this weekend don't lead to a spike in cases. >> 800 tickets. marcus, thank you. now to the abc news exclusive. the former nra insider ripping the lid off one of the most powerful lobbying groups in the u.s. joshua powell with scathing allegations in a book out tuesday, accusing chief executive wayne lapierre of misleading nra members on how their money was spent, including trips on private jets. here's pierre thomas. >> reporter: a former top lieutenant is officially declaring war on perhaps the most powerful and best known lobbyists in washington, nra ceo wayne lapierre. >> gun owners across america should be horrified by what i saw inside the nra. >> reporter: in his new book, "inside the nra," joshua powell describes an organization rife with corruption. >> it is this, you know, incredible mess of malfeasance and self-dealing. >> reporter: he accuses lapierre and other executives of misleading dues-paying members of the nra and using their money to finance lapierre's lavish lifestyle. including $542,000 for trips on private jets. >> it is an abomination. it's to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in wastage. >> reporter: it's possible crimes were committed, is what you are saying. >> fraud is a crime, that's correct. >> reporter: but powell is under investigation himself for the same alleged malfeasance he says he's trying to expose. he's named in the new york attorney general's lawsuit seeking to disband the nra that alleges evidence of illegal conduct and inappropriate spending for which the nra says he was ultimately fired. he denies the allegations. the allegations make you seem like part of the problem. >> i understand that. and i don't believe that's the case. >> reporter: powell says he now supports some of the gun control measures he says his old boss worked tirelessly to block. he claims the nra said no to any proposed solutions to the nation's gun violence problem it felt would restrict second amendment rights. >> the nra does have blood on its hands. >> reporter: the nra calls it pure fiction and said that before he was fired he endorsed everything the nra was doing. tonight, the new york a.g.'s office tells abc news that powell's attorney has reach out, offering to cooperate with their investigation. tom? >> pierre thomas with that exclusive interview tonight. you can hear much more next week on "good morning america." we do turn now. we are seeing the first images of jacob blake since being shot in the back by police in kenosha, wisconsin. blake in his hospital bed appearing on video for a court hearing, pleading not guilty to domestic abuse charges unrelated to the shooting. his father says he's out of intensive care and doing better, but still can't move from the waist down. and news about the economy and american jobs. the labor department saying the u.s. added 1.4 million jobs in august. unemployment dropping to 8.4%. there's still much more ahead tonight on "world news tonight" this friday. the blistering heat wave. triple-digit temperatures heading into the holiday weekend, and the big concern in can the power grid handle it? plus, the incredible survival story. get this. a man pinned by a tree for four days, lucky to be alive. stay with us. tree for four days, lucky to be alive. stay with us. up. get in its way. hpv can affect males and females... and there's no way to predict who will or won't clear the virus. but you can help protect your child by taking a first step. the cdc recommends hpv vaccination at age 11 or 12 to help protect against certain cancers. hey cancer! not... my... child. don't wait... talk to your child's doctor about hpv vaccination today. so are we. prudential helps 1 in 7 americans with their financial needs. that's over 25 million people. with over 90 years of investment experience, our thousands of financial professionals can help with secure video chat or on the phone. we make it easy for you with online tools, e-signatures, and no-medical-exam life insurance. plan for better days. go to or 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"jeopardy!" is back with a twist. the show returning with new episodes for its 37th season with alex trebek back as the 80-year-old host continues to battle cancer. joining him will be ken jennings, who claimed the greatest of all time until january. his duties will include presenting special categories. trebek joking, don't worry, he'll still be the host. when we come back, a heartwarming update about a mom who beat covid-19 and what happened next. stay with us. covid-19 and what happened next. be sure to stay with us. ... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill... ...can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some... rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred... have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines, and changes in lab results. your doctor should monitor your bloodwork. tell your doctor about any infections... and if you are or may become pregnant while taking rinvoq. take on ra talk to your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. if you can't afford your medicine, abbvie may be able to help. i'm a sustainability science researcher at amazon. climate change is the fight of our generation. the biggest obstacle right now is that we're running out of time. amazon now has a goal to be net zero carbon by 2040. we don't really know exactly how we are going to get there. it's going to be pretty hard. but one way or another we're going to reduce our carbon footprint to net zero. i want my son to know that i tried my hardest to make things better for his generation. i want my son to know tsaturpain happens.dest aleve it. aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. when pain happens, aleve it. all day strong. f aone. fi oh no. no-no-no. did you really need the caps lock? 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>> it was very hard. because last year i had a miscarriage in november. i was four months pregnant and i had a miscarriage, so the first thing that came to my mind was my baby. >> reporter: esbedy hospitalized for nearly two weeks in intensive care at memorial herman. what was the toughest moment for you? >> the first three days in the icu. like, i could move my arms, but i couldn't move my legs and my body was just giving up on me. i was so weak. >> reporter: luckily she received a plasma treatment that may have helped her beat the virus, but her recovery would be long. >> when i got home, i was still weak. it's like you're teaching yourself how to walk again. everything frightened me. >> reporter: esbedy, already a mom of two, kept fighting, beating covid and thanking her doctor. he's probably watching this. what would you tell him? >> that you saved my life. and my baby's life. >> reporter: and just last week, she's ready, going into labor and delivering a baby girl. >> say hi, ari. >> reporter: weighing in at 6 pounds, 9 ounces. telling us her little daughter is a warrior. >> she has a purpose. there's a reason why she survived all of this, and she's going to be someone in life. >> reporter: and sending a message to other pregnant moms who might be battling covid-19. >> keep fighting. don't give up. do not let the disease take over you. this is my little angel, my little warrior, my soldier, my reason for fighting when i was so sick. >> a great message. we are so happy for her and baby ari. and a big thanks to the doctors and nurses who helped her every step of the way. thanks so much for watching tonight. i'm tom llamas. have a safe labor day weekend. good night. we're starting labor day weekend and a trip to the beach sounds so good right now, doesn't it? but if you want to get your toes in a sand a few miles in either direction could make all the difference. >> i'm wayne freedman where this labor day weekend the county has made an unusual request for visitors. stay away. that's coming up. i'm meteorologist sandhya patel. i'll have the warnings and those temperatures coming up. >> building a better bay area for a safe and secure future. this is abc7 news. >> it's labor day weekend. you might think it's time for fun in the sun, right? this year it might be just the opposite. good evening and thank you for joining us. i'm ama daetz. >> i'm larry beil. a year ago we would have tab yit barbecue. it's 2020, that's not happening. we'll soon add dangerously high temperatures along with poor air quality. the coronavirus pandemic means social distance, not social


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