Subcommittee on technology will come to order. The chair recognizes himself for an opening statement. Welcome to the subcommittee on communications and technology legislative hearing on legislating to secure americas wireless future. The security will consider a number of legislative proposals that address challenges from Spectrum Management to secure our nations Telecommunications Infrastructure. The proposals before the subcommittee today are hr 4462, study how to harness airway resource efficiency act or the share act which i introduced with my good friend Ranking Member latta which would require in cia to establish spectrum sharing strategy using advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, automated frequency coordination and environmental sensing to facilitate more efficient spectrum sharing and used by the federal government. The bill would also require the fcc to report to congress on the feasibility of using existing sharing technologies on several important spectrum
Votes on some of those amendments in the 4 00 hour. Now to live coverage of the u. S. House here on cspan. All mighty and eternal god we pause this morning to express our gratitude. Especially give thanks and pray for our nation. Praying for unity where there is division. Praying for peace where there is discord. Praying for love where there is hatred. Praying for the eradication of l forms of racism, sexism, gism, inequality, and poverty. Praying for an end to xenophobia, homophobea, and all othererphobias that might plague and oiceon our nation. Poison our nation. Praying we continue to strive for justice and peace for all people. And always respect the dignity of every human being. O lord, bless these united and for united we stand divided we fall. May we be more loving and compassionate, more understanding and giving, more inviting and welcoming. And bless all elected officials , the communities they serve, and every state, every commonwealth, every city, every district, on every s
Host caitlin emma from politico. Read more at politico. Com. Thanks so much for the update. Reporter thank you. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] the house will be back shortly to vote on the rule for that fivebill package. Also in the upcoming debate, they will have final package passage vote on that first measure they started last week. The one that includes laborhealthHuman Serviceseducationdefensestat eforeign operations. Take you live back to the house floor now for that series of votes. Postponed. Votes will be taken in the following order. Ordering the previous question on House Resolution 445 and adoption of House Resolution 445 if ordered. The first electronic vote will be conducted as a 15minute vote. Pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, remaining electronic votes will be conducted as fiveminute votes. Pursuant to clause
Elected officials, and industry executives discuss during a series of panels hosted by the panels moderator was steve clemons. Im one of those people who admit to going to davos. And this is not to be nice to one of our later speakers, cisco has the chalet on the promenade that you can go win, and i get obsessed with it because you can watch in realtime what they are tracking nefarious activities on the global web. In the internet. Im fascinated by the sources and i am also fascinated at how the sun moves, and how cybernefarious activities move and i always thought connectivity created this problem between trust and fear. Do you trust the connectivity or should you fear it . And im interested to hear how you look at that equilibrium point of how you deal with risk and resilience and what you should be worried about and whether or not we are getting it wrong. Such a great question. I think its a mistake to trust. r it, but i think we should manage it. I think we need to have our eyes op
Weve had this year and were leaving this here to honor our over 40year commitment of live gaveltogavel coverage of congress. House lawmakers are coming back in for more member speeches. They will consider a measure to impose sanctions of chinese producers of synthetic opioid. House leaders are hoping to finish Appropriations Bills for military and construction projects. As always, live coverage of the house on cspan. Pursuan t to clause 8 rule 20 the chair will postponequestions on which a recorded vote of the yeas and nays are ordered or votes objected to under clause 6 of rule 20. The house will resume proceedings on postponement questions at a later time. For what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky seek recognition . I move the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 1684 as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. H. R. 1684 a bill to require the secretary of state to submit an annual report to Congress Regarding the ties between c