Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Seven bodies were brought to Matli helipad on Saturday from Draupadi ka Danda mountain peak in Uttarakhand, where an avalanche hit a team of mountaineers on the October 4 morning. India News | Uttarkashi Avalanche: 7 More Bodies Recovered, Brought to Matli Helipad.
Seven bodies were brought to Matli Helipad on Saturday from Draupadi ka Danda mountain peak in Uttarakhand, where an avalanche hit a team of mountaineers on the October 4 morning.
Search efforts for three missing mountaineers were hampered by heavy snowfall at an avalanche-hit site near the Draupadi ka Danda peak, while seven more bodies were handed over to the victims' families on Saturday.
Search efforts for the three missing mountaineers were hampered by heavy snow on Friday over the avalanche-hit site near the ‘Draupadi ka Danda’ peak.