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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20201201

hearing echoed by anthony fauci. dr. atlas telling tucker carlson tonight that it depends on the civil and free exchange of different ideas. >> objective journalism is nearly dead. and i think we now saw the science that has been politicized. it's very, very dangerous. i think we should all be very concerned about it. >> shannon: george's top election officials tonight says 23 investigators are working on 250 open investigations into what he calls credible claims of illegal voting and election law violation. georgia authorities examining whether or not democratic activist groups are trying to register out of stators to illegally vote in george's january 5th senate to runoffs. it's now at stake in those upcoming elections. experts are asking why the fda isn't moving faster on an emergency use authorization of the coronavirus vaccine. one says agency as being too bureaucratic. new restrictions on the lockdowns take hold all across the nation. hello and welcome to your "fox news at night." i'm shannon bream in washington. white house correspondent kevin corke kisses off tonight with the very latest questions surrounding the upcoming runoff. >> good evening, jenna. investigations in georgia around those groups you pointed out trying to influence the vote there. meanwhile, an arizona certification and more challenges yet to come. >> this is the big one. >> a defiant president trump once again saying that not only is the presumed result of the 2020 election fraudulent, he insists he earned a overwhelming victory. >> we won arizona and we won michigan. and we won georgia. >> the call and comment came in a hearing with arizona lawmakers in which they alleged widespread voter fraud in the state. >> this concludes the official canvas. >> not coincidentally, this happen on the very same day the republican vomi governor certifa biden win. he responded to a tweet with one word "true." he's opening an investigation into the third-party groups are trying to register people from other states to illegally vote in george's january 5th senate runoff elections. a group called america votes for example has been accused of sending absentee ballots to places where they haven't lived since 1994. the deceased alabama woman to void in georgia. the new georgia project is sending applications to new york city and operation new voter registration georgia. they alleged to have told college students that they can change their residency to georgia and change it back after the election. >> let me emphasize this again. casting and legal vote in georgia is a felony. casting more than one vote in georgia is a felony. in one election, obviously. this office will continue to take steps to protect the voting rights of the legally registered georgians of the state. >> very important to note here. his office also has 23 investigators working on those open 250 investigations claims of credible -- critical claims there is. none of that is to say this will change the outcome of the 2020 vote in georgia, but it most certainly could influence the state's electoral college tally when that eventually happens. shannon, something worth keeping an eye on. >> shannon: yes. we are tracking all these spreads, nevada, or is number of places. hindering election results and four house races. weeks after election day. as the state's board of election workers were to persuade the voters that the process has been fair. >> every task is completed by bipartisan teams and support staff. the ballots are secured under lock and key. we have security present as additional protection for the ballots. each table represents an assembly district for absentee ballots that will be opened and prepped for scanning. >> shannon: this headline "new york city blows past deadline to certified general election results as lawmakers push reform." correspondent alex hogan it's tracking it all live from new york. good evening, alex. >> good evening, alex. nearly one month since the election day and the results are still unclear. one congressional races tightening with an extremely close margin. >> a handful of oats could make the difference for new york's 22nd congressional district seat. it stretches into eight counties. in one county, three voters died before election day. according to state law, those votes no longer count. today, the campaign announcing a 12 vote lead over incumbent democrat anthony pdc. just before thanksgiving, it was him bleeding. despite being down about 27,000, the incumbent made a comeback for mail-in ballots. the democrats tweeting apart last week, and january, i will be sworn in and continue to work. the candidates have seen back-and-forths before. in 2018, she lost. the 2020s remount heading to the court. about 2,00 2,000 disputed ballos could change the outcome. >> there are literally hundreds of ballots that the judge is going to consider. they are disputed ballots, they are absentees that objections have been made by the court and by each of the candidates. >> right into the judge expressing concern after learning of the error on social media. delaying the deadline until wednesday at four lawyers to file their argument. it's not the only race without a clear winner. for races in new york remain on called. the ste setbacks come from the record breaking number of absentee ballots. they wait until november 16th to accept those sent from the military or overseas. so in the state of new york, they couldn't start counting the votes until the absentee votes until november 6th. of course, they did have to check the absentee and affidavit ballots to make sure that no one voted twice. shannon. all right, alex hogan stain on it as those races remain. thanks, alex. a balance of power in the house of representatives. tonight, iowa officials as a winner and i was district. a recount by only six votes. an new york's 24th district, republican could sufficiently win against david balter. now sits at 222 seats for democrats, 2074 republicans. we will track those remaining outstanding rages. across the nation, deborah bergstein all americans if you travel and attended a large gathering, just assume you have covid and get a test within the next few days. in the nation's capital, the train system proposing slashing weekend service among other cuts. admit a dire financial forecast. also proposing cutting 2400 positions. new york city will begin a phase reopening of schools on decembel de blasio closed schools on november 19th. el paso's mayor says contact tracing from november 10th-16th found that 55% of positive cases came from shopping at large retailers, but refused to shut them down. >> those are considered essential under homeland security. we don't really have -- i don't have any control over limitations. >> shannon: in new jersey, protesters gathered outside of his home over the state's strict coronavirus guidelines. reports also show that more than 30% of new jersey small businesses have now closed for good. restaurant owners across the nation are defined lockdown orders in an effort to keep their businesses going. some of them are getting creative with their tactics. correspondent jeff shows up tonight. >> california governor gavin newsom in his morning more restrictions could be in store for the state. the concern remains over not only the coronavirus cases spiking, but a shortage of intensive care space at hospitals. for the next three weeks, all of l.a. county's 10 million residents are advised to stay home as much as possible. it also bans people from getting together with folks who aren't within their own households. essential stores have to keep capacity to 35% and retails restricted to 20%. it's restaurants who are being hit the hardest. eateries can still do to go food. businesses fear their doors could shut permanently. that led to physical protests, out of the home in defiance of the order. >> not really evidence that prove that outdoor dining it's dangerous, at least not any more so than all of the nonessential retail that they have left open including gyms and nail salons and stories. so, that's kind of where we are at. >> and new york, governor andrew cuomo was also sounding the alarm. he called it a new phase in the war against covid. the governor is concerned hospitals will become overwhelmed at the current range of infection. restaurants and bars have to close any indoor or outdoor dining by 10:00 p.m. but some bars like max public house on stanton island are finding a way around the restrictions by giving away for free. >> i'm so behind that i've really felt i had no other choice. with doing this, to tell the governor and the mayor that you need to work with us. but you didn't want to work with us. and we are forced into the situation that i don't know what else i can do. >> they are not charging anyone, therefore they have no customers. instead, the pub is asking for donations. shannon. >> shannon: thank you, jeff. what's the covid vaccine is approved, it will be a historically fast production. and that is actually prompting kudos from some of the president's fiercest critics. >> dio, governor, give credit to the trump administration for where we are on that front? >> i do. period. i was on privately with vice president pence just before thanksgiving and said something. >> shannon: the very latest on the approval process, good evening, mark. >> good evening, shannon. starting to evaluate these coronavirus vaccine candidates. but president trump, among others, once the fda to move sooner to move faster and give the country a the help it desperately needs. speak of the latest pharmaceutical company to claim victory with the coronavirus vaccine candidate. it says its covid-19 drug appears to be 94% effective. today, president trump tweeting "madera now applying for emergency vaccine approval, operation worksheet has been a great modern day miracle quite." >> the fda has been to bureaucratic taking too much time and i don't know if they are scheduling around vacation time and tee times of the reviewers, but they should turn the application around in 24 hours. >> the advisory committee will meet december 10th to discuss. an fda official tells fox news the agency uses that time to thoroughly evaluate the data. alex azar says once the vaccine is approved, the government will get to work on distribution immediately. >> within days of fda approval, we will start seeing vaccines in people's arms. which is frankly incredible. think about this, ten months into this pandemic hitting our shores. >> tomorrow, an advisory group will vote on which americans should get access to the vaccine. among those thought to be first in line, health care workers and the country's most vulnerable population. officials also insist all americans nationwide will have access to the vaccine by next summer. >> so many states around the country are reporting surging cases out west. the governor says his state could run out of beds. icu beds by mid-december. if things don't change from their current trajectory. shannon. >> shannon: a red, tracking those numbers. mark, thank you. a number of supreme court justices seem to suggest they may delay changes to the u.s. census. hoping to stop the trump administration from excluding the legal immigrants. chief justice john roberts asks why the courts shouldn't wait for the administration. "we don't know what the president is going to do, we don't know how many aliens will be excluded." "if the additional information would be beneficial in a few weeks, wouldn't it be beneficial to actually resolve this case"? states like california and new york -- if the court allows the trump administration's plan to only count those in the u.s. legally. joe biden with presidential intelligent briefings. republicans singly and another pick that could be a tough confirmation fight. jacqui heinrich is tracking it all from wilmington, delaware. good evening, jackie. >> good evening, shannon. joe biden's nominees are facing scrutiny over a common link to a powerful consulting firm and another pick is so polarizing, she is being called a sacrifice to the confirmation god. >> she has a lot of opinions adoption shares them on twitter. it may cost her. the endless stream of disparaging comments about the republican senators who votes she will need stands zero chance of being confirmed. their materials will be opposition of the other end of the aisle. the former hillary clinton aid -- i didn't slug him, i pushed in. when talking about an exchange of a editor on a conservative website. sanders allies had a progressi progressive's -- really hope this is untrue over our report that she may choose rahm emanuel. biden hasn't filled a number of posts including his choice for secretary of defense even as he filled out his national security team. we considered the front runner founding the consulting firm. biden secretary of state. biden's chosen director of national intelligence also did work for that company. at republicans and government watchdogs alike are calling for answers. senator tweeting "i want to see what foreign countries, if any, they have worked for." matty smith burger saying "we want to make sure they are not beholden to anyone else and any decisions they would make would be beyond reproach." >> shannon: progressive groups have asked to formally account for a perceived past foreign policy and mistakes including u.s. policy in libya, syria, yemen, and also pertaining to saudi arms sales. shannon. >> shannon: a right, jacqui heinrich on the road. thank you so much. so, joe biden's choice to run. apparently old suites after taking shots a number of folks including these on the very republicans who will vote on her nomination. our panel, next. l little villag- in connemara. right! connemara it is! there's one gift the whole family can share this holiday season, their story. give the gift of discovery, with an ancestrydna kit. >> tech: every customer has their own safelite story. this couple was on gia camping trip...scovery, ...when their windshield got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service you can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. shipstation. the #1 choice of online[what's this?] oh, are we kicking karly out? we live with at&t. it was a lapse in judgment. at&t, we called this house meeting because you advertise gig-speed internet, but we can't sign up for that here. yeah, but i'm just like warming up to those speeds. you've lived here two years. the personal attacks aren't helping, karly. don't you have like a hot pilates class to get to or something? [ muffled scream ] stop living with at&t. xfinity can deliver gig to the most homes. >> her family was on food stamps, her smile used section 8 to help pay for rent. >> shannon: one of joe biden's most recent cabinet picks is taking heat from republicans and the far left tonight. so far come up with our political panel, ethan bearman is the cochair of the hometown values back. olivia perez -- welcome to you both. >> thank you. >> shannon. >> shannon: let's talk about who's been floated as the director of management and budget. she's been on a tweet deleting spray as a lot of people are once they are taxed for something in public life. it is something that byron york tweeted back in 2018. how is intel mode it? they can turn to that many without the steele dossier information story. she replied to it and set the stage even if this is true, has of the dossier but mostly proven to be true? it's amazing how comfortable the likes of byron york are happy to run interference for russia's intervening in our elections. alall right, livia, there's a lt there. let's start with the fact that i think right, left, center, there's a lot of people who think the dossier has not been mostly proven. not even close. what are these two it's going to do for her when she sits there for her confirmation in the senate? >> i think she's extremely controversial. she is a incredibly partisan surrounded by a bunch of controversy to your point in 2016 she helped push this russian conspiracy theory. most recently, she has gone after republican senators on twitter, one of whom is, as you mentioned, being susan collins of all people who is one of the most bipartisan senators, one of the most independent voters in the senate. and i think ultimately this is a really good reminder of how important those georgia senate runoff elections are. because at the end of the day, the quickest and easiest way that people like this are going to get confirmed is if they retake the majority. and you've got senators down in georgia who are in the fights of their lives who are very much this last line of defense between americans and the radical policies that we are seen coming from the left. and i think at the end of the day, that ultimately americans across this country agree that democrats control the house, the senate, and the white house. and it starts and ends with points like this one. >> well, we know she's taken a lot of heat. a lot of folks out there saying "good luck" with this battle. it's not going to be a lot of fun for you. a lot of people protecting she won't make it through. a headline out there saying she may be a sacrificial lamb. she's probably would have a difficult time getting through. >> here's the deal. joe biden is put forth the most diverse cabinet nominee so far. in the history of this country. the majority of which are of course going to be somewhat partisan. why is that? because the democrats won the oval office. just like the previous president picked exclusively partisan to be his covenant pick, at least in this case it's diverse and its people who understand the working class in this country, and not just the elite class. unlike the majority of the previous presidents picks. furthermore, if the publicans want to blog, why wouldn't this president also go with the interim appointees like the dash this whole thing about the partisanship -- that is the nature of when a president picks their cabinet. they are there to -- the senate gives access. as long as she does her job and understands numbers, she is fit to be a director of the owen b. >> shannon: it's interesting because a number of the nominees have had to squeak by party line votes. a number of them with vice president pence coming in to cast the tie-breaking vote to get some of these people cross the finish line. olivia, we would expect that there is going to be some partisanship when it comes to these votes. especially for a potential biden cabinet. >> of course, that's the nature of politics. this takes me back to my earlier point about why the senate majority is so important and why georgia -- the race there is so important because at the end of the day it will be up to the senate. if appointees and nominees ultimately get confirmed and a republican majority depends on it. >> shannon: are today, my body over on the five said something to the fact that you how come you can get a lot of attention in the press, but she said it's conservative women -- you are not going to end up on magazine covers. you are not going to get the glowing profiles. you are not going to get your blank done. quick final thoughts from here. >> it's interesting. there is a point there that dana made. but here ultimately is the point. and that is that cabinet picks are there to serve the president. if they haven't done anything tremendously wrong, if they haven't paid their taxes, they don't have an illegally employed household member for example. you know, they are there to serve the president. they should be approved by the senate and that's the way it should go. >> shannon: all right, the media's role seemed more focused on closed this week appeared we will explain that, next. but first, check it out. the national christmas tree representing u.s. states and territories went up today. president trump and the first lady participating in the annual lighting outside the white house tonight. all the ornaments on those trees designed by students across the country. they are not going to be any live performances this year because of covid, but you can check it all out streaming at the national trade ou the natio. he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa to save you up to 60%. these are all great. and when you get a big deal... ♪ feel like a big deal. ♪ priceline. every trip is a big deal. if you ntry gain flings. to fresh laundry ♪ they have more freshness ingredients compared to bargain liquid detergent. they have 3 super powered ingredients that fight stink oxi boost febreze odor remover and concentrated detergent. try gain flings and smell the difference. >> shannon: el paso hospitals are now at 79% capacity, far below than where they were just a couple weeks ago. a travel nurse and a viral video claim that university medical center was not treating covid patients proactively enough. >> i feel like they're not getting the attention. they are all minorities. it's like their lives don't matter. like i said, i cried for days. >> shannon: obviously that sparked a lot of concern. the texas health and human services says it showed up unannounced there to investigate if the reports were accurate. umc in a press release says in all areas concerned, all items of substantiated. much of the mainstream media fawning over news that the bidens are planning to bring some new pets into the house. >> now some breaking news. president elected joe biden and his wife jill won't just be bringing their german shepherds, major and champ come up to the white house. the bidens tell us exclusively that soon they will be joined by a cat. >> shannon: fox news contributor and beatty opinion columnist is there to discuss. joe, do yo to to have you. >> shannon: always talk about pets, i knew there was a debate about president trump not having a dog in the white house pretty went back and found this from "the washington post." it said the headline -- the body of this as it's reignited and all debate whether or not he is the rare human being who actively load dogs. you can see the two different takes on these pets on the white house. how the two different contenders are being treated. what you make of it? >> i don't think the coverage of president biden will be nearly as rough as it will be with obviously it was with president trump. things have gone from hostile to hospitable in a hurry. apparently, puff pieces are back. if you are nostalgic for 2008 and the transition during president-elect obama's months, you've got your sequel now. that is certainly for sure. >> shannon: i do love dogs. cats -- i'm going to take on no comment on. but it was good to see them in the white house. this, there's been a lot made of the fact that the biden administration would include a number of women for the white house. caleb mcelhinney tweeted this -- president trump artie has a all-female prize team. so does the first lady. so does the second lady. they completely discredited "the washington post." once again their propaganda, proclivities, downward arrow. that's quite a mouthful there. you think about it -- i mean, so many others over there. is it in your estimation that the media just didn't take note of it? or that they actively suppressed that it's basically the same thing going on under a trump administration. speak of this would be the top of my syllabus in terms of what bias in broad daylight looks like. you have mainly females driving the white house communications team. you just mentioned all those positions. they are occupied by women. and joe biden does the same thing and suddenly we have a story. the bias of omission is active here. and that's how it works. that's how it's going to work for the next four years. understand, you have joe biden actually having a staff or a call on reporters a predetermined list. this is going to be the leader of the free world and he needs a stafford to keep him in the space base from actually finding a reporter that will ask a hard question. that's interesting. kamala harris was chosen as joe biden's running mate 110 days ago. accessibility will be very, very difficult under this administration as we saw under president obama the way. where at one point, early in his presidency with a friendly press, he went 308 days without giving a solo press conference. that's what you're going to see under joe biden. very risk risk adverse presidency. >> shannon: it's completely in contrast to this president to stops when he's at a rolled line, he enjoys the rose garden and everywhere else. what do you think the media will make of it if they can't have access to joe biden because there has been some criticism from some of the mainstream media. why did we know more about the foot injury? they have been closed off to the primaries through much of the campaign. are they now going to regret that they didn't press for more access now? >> i would think so. it suddenly all those book deals we saw from everybody in the white house press garden, not everybody, but a good chunk, those all go away. the viral moments of having a confrontation with somebody in power speaking truth to power. those all go away. so when those things aren't happening anymore, that maybe we will finally see the press do their job. but it's a very good point with joe biden. here, he has a fracture in his foot, right? a78-year-old man. the biden team, for whatever reason, decides to hold off a day before letting the press no. again, a preview of things to come. >> shannon: they will get a little irritated of those things continue. thanks so much. >> great to see you, shannon. >> shannon: all right, many, many businesses are sending thousands only to then be told not enough, they will have to be closed anyway. we will introduce you to a small business owner facing that very situation. what she going to do? ask her, next. es strong?' life is full of make or break moments. that's why it's so important to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen. or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping, skipping or delaying prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections, which could need hospitalization, skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. don't wait for a break, call your doctor today, and ask about prolia®. since you're heading off to dad... i just got a zerowater. but we've always used brita. it's two stage-filter... doesn't compare to zerowater's 5-stage. this meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. brita? 110... seriously? but zerowater- let me guess. zero? yup, that's how i know it is the purest-tasting water. i need to find the receipt for that. oh yeah, you do. >> shannon: just one of many business chain spending thousands of dollars on additional sanitation products and more. all while adhering to strict local coronavirus guidelines. now, the gems owner says d.c. location has done everything right. and they are still being forced to close even though some other gyms are open. good to have you with us. >> think, shannon. good to be here. >> shannon: i want to play something that the d.c. mayor said today about businesses and what's happening. >> okay. >> shannon: we have to make some decisions that we think are in the best interest of everyo everyone. and unfortunately, many businesses -- no fault of their own. nothing they have done wrong. their industries have been decimated by covid. we continue to look closely at what we think will keep the district safe. >> shannon: she acknowledges there that many businesses are being decimated but says she's trying to do what is in the best interest of everyone. tell us what your situation here is here in d.c.? >> yeah, one, thanks for having me shannon. i think the mayor has done an incredible job, it's been tumultuous for all of us. pretty much in part i think she's done a really great job of balancing the economic vitality and the safety of the residents. however, recently we do disagree with those changes that have been made to the mandates and the restrictions. every other retail operation is able to remain open, restaurants, bars, gyms. there is a specific call out for fitness classes to close. even though we have been and are capable of adhering to the same regulations, mandates, that are in place for gyms and fitness centers. we've been doing at the last five months. all of the sudden it's something that we have to close. we don't think that that's too much to ask. especially when we haven't had one instance of covid spreading in our studios that we know of. we really haven't received any data from the mayor's ac office. why the world's difference for us? we are happy to comply, we haven't gotten anything from her. >> shannon: there are other fitness outfits that can be open. i know that's one of the main issues for you saying we are complying, we could do this safely but i was looking at the numbers on what you guys are spending on things going on. what do you say to your staff about knowing some of these other gyms and locations -- >> yeah -- >> shannon: what are you going to do? >> yeah, the mayor used the word testament. it's exactly right. it's a very challenging position for us. we should be open for economic reasons if we were spreading covid. but unfortunately he doesn't have to be a binary decision. we have been able to keep people safe and we've been operating for the last five months in d.c. as we mentioned, seven studios across the country and since reopening after the first base of covid, we have caught over 340,000 people and not one instance of the spreading of covid. when we stay and have this data and no one is telling us and need different, you are picking and choosing which businesses can be open without offering the reasons why it. i mean, i think we have every right to be pushing and asking why we are receiving different treatment. it's like saying which restaurants can be open based on the food that you serve. it just doesn't make sense. we are looking into the data and signs. if it's john that it does spreading at rates different than i totally get it. that's just not the case. >> shannon: i know you've been pushing for that data. please keep us updated. we want to know how this plays out. i know it's hard when these regulations seem to be patch worked. i know that's the question you have. so please report back to us, we'd love to know what's going on. thank you for your time. >> thank you for picking an interest. >> shannon: okay, group of ohio republicans have filed articles of impeachment against republican governor mike dewine. the group claims the governor implemented orders into response of the pandemic that are violating civil liberties. a majority of the house of representatives there in ohio would need to improve the resolution ended two-thirds of the ohio senate would have to vote to convict the governor. dozens of teams have been rescheduled while one team was forced to play with a practice squad wide receiver at quarterback this weekend. the nfl covid challenges, next. ♪ h ♪ ♪ we're still having fun, ♪ and you're still the one applebee's 2 for $20. now that's eating good in the neighborhood. to use your vision benefits before the year's up. this is us making sure you don't. use 'em before you lose 'em, backed by our 100-day guarantee!! visionworks. see the difference. >> shannon: as multiple nfl teams grapple with coronavirus outbreaks, there is new questions about the state of the final weeks of the season. jim gray author of the brand-new book "talking to goats" is back. you and i talked during commercial about the situation with the broncos. it was just insane. not a good one for broncos fans. this is what they had to say over on barstool because now they're talking about the rest of where this ripples out. the steelers and ravens move to. for now, but who really knows what is going on. a practice squad wide receiver who have the team doesn't even know on days notice. it's getting ridiculous. i still have absolutely zero fate this game gets played on wednesday night. so broncos -- what is the situation of their? is going on? >> the quarterback room just didn't follow what they were supposed to do with starting quarterback not wearing his mask. they had a tape of it and a photo of it. so they punished the broncos in essence. but he's not a professional quarterback. he was a undrafted wide receiver. this poor guy went out and he got a really -- she was one for nine. they just got clobbered by the saints. the game should not have been played under the circumstances. you can't play a professional football game without a quarterback. now we've had the ravens and the steelers -- this was originally supposed to take place all the way back on thanksgiving evening and prime time. and the game has now been moved several times. there is 22 positive players or high-risk players with the ravens. so hopefully they will be able to field the team including their starting quarterback with lamar jackson mvp of the league. and he's got covid. the game is now wednesday night. let's hope. let's hope they can get it played. the nfl is desperately trying to get these games played. >> shannon: i read, a quick comment for me on the situation with the 49's. trying to return home, but they can't play at home. looks like they will play the next couple game in arizona. >> well, santa clara county and all of -- many places in california including where i am in los angeles -- it's close down. you cannot have physical contact and spark cannot be played. so they pulled the rug right out from under the 49 is right here in the middle of the season. they've now had t relocate. but they are going to have to leave their families now for three weeks and when they come back to the state, they are going to have to quarantine for. all of this over the holiday period. it's really difficult circumstance for the 49ers. but santa clara county just doesn't want this going on. and they should have given them some morning. they snapped back a little bit today. the saw came as a surprise. >> shannon: we got to leave it there. thanks so much. that's it for us from washington tonight. i'm shannon bream. see you back here tomorrow. ♪ until i realized something was missing me. you okay, sis? my symptoms were keeping me from really being there for my sisters. so i talked to my doctor and learned that's us. 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Politics News - 1540 WADK Newport

Brandon Bell/Getty Images(LAS VEGAS) -- Following a bruising defeat in the Nevada's Republican primary on Tuesday, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley sought to brush off the fact that she came in second to "none of these candidates" -- her third straight loss in the presidential race so far -- and said her campaign focus is on other, bigger states. She also reiterated that she never saw much point in seriously competing against former President Donald Trump in Nevada, which is holding two different nominating contests: the primary she ran in, which didn't award delegates to earn the GOP nomination, and the party-run caucuses on Thursday, which will. "We always knew Nevada was a scam," Haley said on Fox Business on Wednesday. "Trump had it rigged from the very beginning. There are multiple press stories on that. ... They wanted us to pay $55,000 to just participate in their caucus. So we didn't spend a day or $1 there. We weren't even worried about it." Haley's campaign previously called the caucuses "rigged," an allegation the Nevada Republican Party has repeatedly denied. Haley said on Fox Business that her current focus is on South Carolina, Michigan and Super Tuesday, on March 5, when many states will vote simultaneously. Olivia Perez-Cuba, a spokeswoman for the Haley campaign, released a statement on Tuesday following the former governor's loss, echoing Haley's sentiments. "Even Donald Trump knows that when you play penny slots the house wins," she said, adding, "We're full steam ahead in South Carolina and beyond." Haley had largely skipped campaigning in Nevada altogether. Instead of being in the state on Tuesday, she attended fundraisers in California, where she is also hosting campaign events throughout the day on Wednesday. Though she still trails Trump in both polling and delegates, Haley has said it's early in the primary season -- and she's not going anywhere. Her campaign schedule reflects that. Following her swing in California this week, she'll head back to South Carolina, where she'll hold two campaign events this weekend in the lead-up to the Feb. 24 primary there. ABC News' Nicholas Kerr and Soo Rin Kim contributed to this report Copyright © 2024, ABC Audio. All rights reserved.


Following another big loss to Trump, Haley calls Nevada 'a scam' and says she's focused elsewhere – KORN News Radio

Following another big loss to Trump, Haley calls Nevada 'a scam' and says she's focused elsewhere – KORN News Radio - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Following another big loss to Trump, Haley calls Nevada 'a scam' and says she's focused elsewhere

Following another big loss to Trump, Haley calls Nevada 'a scam' and says she's focused elsewhere - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


ABC Politics - WOND

Brandon Bell/Getty Images(LAS VEGAS) -- Following a bruising defeat in the Nevada's Republican primary on Tuesday, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley sought to brush off the fact that she came in second to "none of these candidates" -- her third straight loss in the presidential race so far -- and said her campaign focus is on other, bigger states. She also reiterated that she never saw much point in seriously competing against former President Donald Trump in Nevada, which is holding two different nominating contests: the primary she ran in, which didn't award delegates to earn the GOP nomination, and the party-run caucuses on Thursday, which will. "We always knew Nevada was a scam," Haley said on Fox Business on Wednesday. "Trump had it rigged from the very beginning. There are multiple press stories on that. ... They wanted us to pay $55,000 to just participate in their caucus. So we didn't spend a day or $1 there. We weren't even worried about it." Haley's campaign previously called the caucuses "rigged," an allegation the Nevada Republican Party has repeatedly denied. Haley said on Fox Business that her current focus is on South Carolina, Michigan and Super Tuesday, on March 5, when many states will vote simultaneously. Olivia Perez-Cuba, a spokeswoman for the Haley campaign, released a statement on Tuesday following the former governor's loss, echoing Haley's sentiments. "Even Donald Trump knows that when you play penny slots the house wins," she said, adding, "We're full steam ahead in South Carolina and beyond." Haley had largely skipped campaigning in Nevada altogether. Instead of being in the state on Tuesday, she attended fundraisers in California, where she is also hosting campaign events throughout the day on Wednesday. Though she still trails Trump in both polling and delegates, Haley has said it's early in the primary season -- and she's not going anywhere. Her campaign schedule reflects that. Following her swing in California this week, she'll head back to South Carolina, where she'll hold two campaign events this weekend in the lead-up to the Feb. 24 primary there. ABC News' Nicholas Kerr and Soo Rin Kim contributed to this report Copyright © 2024, ABC Audio. All rights reserved.


After 3rd loss to Trump, Haley calls Nevada 'a scam' and says she's focused elsewhere

After 3rd loss to Trump, Haley calls Nevada 'a scam' and says she's focused elsewhere - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


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