Amid heavy rainfall in Delhi and nearby areas over the past few weeks,there is a spike in conjunctivitis cases in the Delhi-NCR region, particularly during the monsoon season. According to Dr. JS Titiyal, the chief of RP Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences at AIIMS, the national capital is reporting around 100 cases of conjunctivitis per day. This increase is usual during the monsoon season and often c
Dr JS Titiyal, Chief RP Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, AIIMS, the national capital is reporting 100 cases per day. Due to incessant rain, humid conditions, and waterlogging, infections like these become an ideal condition for the spread of the bacterial virus. Read on to know how to prevent and combat pink eyes. , Health News, Times Now
According to Dr. JS Titiyal, Chief of RP Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences at AIIMS, Delhi is currently witnessing 100 cases of Conjunctivitis per day, indicating a notable increase in the infection.
The National Capital Region is experiencing an increase in conjunctivitis cases in the monsoon season in Delhi. The national capital is reporting 100 such cases per day., Delhi News, Times Now