security clearances. he s going to continue to say terrible things about the president and so will anyone else that wants to, that doesn t have security clearances, so they re mixing apples and orange s here. maria: well it s interesting because what was the effort in july of 2016 to stop donald trump from becoming president? i mean, so they just completely forget what has just taken place in terms of the fbi, the doj, the dnc, the clinton camp, colluding together, to try to stop who america voted for. well i think this goes back to a point that you made earlier , maria. it s just because it s about donald trump and the end justifies the means and in the obama justice department and at the fbi, at the end of the day i think that was the policy that dictated a lot of these decisions and why they were willing to violate or suspend fbi and department policies to get to a place that they wanted to to investigate donald trump, someone who they didn t think should be president, would be